Cir Vs Basf Coating CD
Cir Vs Basf Coating CD
Cir Vs Basf Coating CD
Taxpayer had its BIR-registered address at Barrio Talon, Las Pias City.
Following the resolution of the stockholders and directors to shorten its
corporate life, taxpayer moved its office to Calamba, Laguna.
Following the change in address, taxpayer sent two letters to the
Revenue District Office in Alabang, Muntinlupa City, which has
jurisdiction over the taxpayers address in Las Pinas.
The first letter was a notice of taxpayers dissolution and the second
letter was a manifestation indicating the submission of various
documents supporting the taxpayers dissolution, among which was
BIR Form No. 1905, which refers to an update of information contained
in taxpayers tax registration.
Thereafter, a Formal Assessment Notice was sent by the BIR through
registered mail on January 24, 2003 at the taxpayers former address
in Las Pias City, assessing the taxpayer of various deficiency taxes for
the year 1999. On March 4, 2004, a First Notice Before Issuance of
Warrant of Distraint and Levy was sent to the residence of one of the
taxpayers directors.
On March 19, 2004, taxpayer filed a protest letter citing lack of due
process and prescription as grounds. For lack of action by the BIR on
the taxpayers protest, the latter filed a Petition for Review with the
CTA. The CTA Division and En Banc granted the petition.
On appeal to the Supreme Court, the Court ruled that under Section
223 of the Tax Reform Act of 1997, the running of the Statute of
Limitations provided under the provisions of Sections 203 and 222 of
the same Act shall be suspended when the taxpayer cannot be located
in the address given by him in the return filed upon which a tax is
being assessed or collected.
Also, under Section 11 of Revenue Regulations No. 12-85, in case of
change of address, the taxpayer is required to give a written notice to
the Revenue District Officer or the district having jurisdiction over his
former legal residence and/or place of business.
ISSUE: Whether or not the suspension of the three year period to assess
apply in this case?
NO, the provisions on the suspension of the three- year period to
assess apply only if the BIR Commissioner is not aware of the
whereabouts of the taxpayer. In this case, the BIR, by all indications, is
well aware that the taxpayer had moved to its new address in
Calamba, Laguna.
The Court also noted that BIR officers, at various times prior to the
issuance of the subject FAN, conducted examination and investigation
of taxpayers tax liabilities for 1999 at the latter's new address in
Laguna. Moreover, the RDO previously sent taxpayer a letter informing
the latter of the results of their investigation and inviting it to an
informal conference.
Subsequently, the RDO also sent taxpayer another letter
acknowledging receipt of the latter's reply. These two letters were sent
to taxpayers new address in Laguna. Had the RDO not been informed
or was not aware of respondent's new address, he could not have sent
the said letters to the said address.
Furthermore, the BIR should have been alerted by the fact that prior to
mailing the FAN, the BIR sent to taxpayers s old address a Preliminary
Assessment Notice but it was "returned to sender." Yet, despite this
occurrence, the BIR still insisted in mailing the FAN to respondent's old
address. Hence, despite the absence of a formal written notice of
taxpayers change of address, the fact remains that the BIR became
aware of taxpayers new address. As a consequence, the running of the
three-year period to assess respondent was not suspended and has
already prescribed.