MATLAB Based Brain Tumour Extraction Using Artificial Neural Network
MATLAB Based Brain Tumour Extraction Using Artificial Neural Network
MATLAB Based Brain Tumour Extraction Using Artificial Neural Network
Volume: 4 Issue: 3
ISSN: 2321-8169
360 - 364
Prof. Y. D. Kapse
Dept. of E&TC
Government college of Engg.
Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Dept. of E&TC
Government college of Engg.
Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Abstract- Brain tumour is the major cause of mortality among children and adults. The chance of survival can be greater when the tumour is detected
correctly at its early stage. This paper presents a neural network techniques for the classification of magnetic resonance brain image. The proposed
technique consists of three stages, features extraction from gray scale MR Image using gray level co-occurrence matrix, MR image segmentation
using k-mean clustering method and classification of MR Image into normal and abnormal (tumourous) image using feed-forward neural network.
This technique have been developed on MATLAB version 7.5.0 platform.
Keywords- Brain Tumor; MRI; Segmentation; Feature Extraction; GLCM; Artificial Neural Network; MATLAB.
Brain cancer can be counted among the most deadly and
intractable diseases. Tumours may be embedded in regions of
the brain that are critical to orchestrating the bodys vital
functions, while they shed cells to invade other parts of the
brain, forming more tumours too small to detect using
conventional imaging techniques. Brain cancers location and
ability to spread quickly makes treatment with surgery or
radiation like fighting an enemy hiding out among minefields
and caves.
Malignant Tumour
Malignancy is the type of tumour, which grows worst with
the passage of time and ultimately results in the death of a
The proposed system is an efficient system for detection of
tumour and classification for given MRI images in normal and
tumorous image. The method of detection and classification
work is carried out during the process is explained. This method
is developed in MATLAB environment in order to check for
applicability of proposed method.
Types of Tumour
There are three general types of Tumour: 1. Benign 2. Premalignant 3. Malignant
Benign Tumour
A benign tumor is a tumour which does not expand in an
abrupt way; it doesnt affect its neighbouring healthy tissues and
also does not expand to non-adjacent tissues.
2. Pre-Malignant Tumour
Premalignant Tumour is a precancerous stage. It is considered as
a disease, if not properly treated it may lead to cancer.
Image Acquisition
Images are obtained using MRI scan and these scanned
images are displayed in a two dimensional matrices having
pixels as its elements. These matrices are dependent on matrix
size and its field of view. Images are stored in MATLAB and
displayed as a gray scale image of size 256*256. The entries of a
gray scale image are ranging from 0 to 255, where 0 shows total
black color and 255 shows pure white color. Entries between this
range vary in intensity from black to white [6].
For the implementation of this application we need to have
the images of different patients in our database in order to
ISSN: 2321-8169
360 - 364
identify their condition. The MRI image is stored along with our
main file from various sources.
Image Acquisition
Image Pre-processing
Feature Extraction
g) Re-estimate centre.
h) Repeat the process until the centre doesn't move.
4. Feature Extraction
Texture features or more precisely, Gray Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) features are used to distinguish
between normal and abnormal brain tumors. Five co-occurrence
matrices are constructed in four spatial orientations horizontal,
right diagonal, vertical and left diagonal (0, 45, 90 and 135.)
A fifth matrix is constructed as the mean of the preceding four
matrices, From the mean co-occurrence matrix obtained, we
have to extract the 8 different statistical features and these
extracted features is applied at input of neural network. This
features are as follow.
Suspicious Regions
Figure 1
Image Pre-processing
In this phase image is enhanced in the way that finer details
are improved and noise is removed from the image. The first
step is to get the MRI image and application of pre-processing
steps. There are various methods which come under this step,
we will be dealing with only grey scale and filters. Basically
preprocessing is done to remove noise and blurring as well as
ringing effect in order to get the enhanced and much clear image
for our purpose. The filter which we have used is median filter
but as we are working on image samples that are required for the
medical purpose. The median filter has to be passed with mask
for better image.
Correlation is computed into what is known as the correlation
coefficient, which ranges between -1 and +1.
Homogeneity is defined as the quality or state of being
Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty in a random variable.
It provides the sum of squared elements in the GLCM .Also
known as the uniformity or the angular second moment.
The variance defines the variation of intensity around the
N 1
P i , j . ( i - )2
Varience =
i , j 0
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360 - 364
A Linear Function
N 1
Dissimilarity =
Pi, j * | i j |
i, j 0
Figure 2
IJRITCC | March 2016, Available @
ISSN: 2321-8169
360 - 364
Figure 4
. An image is loaded.
Image processing plays vital role in todays world. It has
important application in biomedical field. The proposed system
is developed for the diagnosing of tumour from magnetic
resonance imaging pictures of the brain. This method makes the
diagnosing in many phases. In the pre-processing stage filtering
is performed on brain MR images. In image segmentation stage
K-mean clustering method used to segment an MR image. After
that texture features are extracted from gray scale MR image
using GLCM method, these extracted features are given as input
to artificial neural network for classifying MR image into normal
and abnormal (tumorous) image.
Kalpana U. Rathod would like to thanks Prof. Y. D. Kapse
for their immense support and help.
Figure 6
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IJRITCC | March 2016, Available @