Multicast Routing Protocols: A Survey: Student, Sikkim Manipal University
Multicast Routing Protocols: A Survey: Student, Sikkim Manipal University
Multicast Routing Protocols: A Survey: Student, Sikkim Manipal University
Abstract-A mobile ad hoc network is a set of mobile nodes which constructs the network
dynamically without any centralized coordinators and without any existing infrastructure. In wired
networks changes in network topology are not feasible which led to the invention of wireless ad hoc
network. Here in ad hoc network mobile nodes establish wireless connections among themselves
without any central coordinator. The connections made among them can be direct connections if the
communicating nodes are within the range of each other, otherwise multihop connections are used
where each node will have to forward the packet until the destination node has been reached which
led to the invention of different routing protocols for both unicast and multicast communication. In
this paper we are going to present the comparative analysis of different routing protocols available.
In ad hoc network portable devices establish communications without any central infrastructure.
While moving mobile nodes which are without central infrastructure, raises various problems like
security, routing and link break etc. There are different multicast routing protocols available which
are summed up in Fig 1, these protocols further fall into two types table driven and on demand
(reactive) protocols. Table driven protocols will maintain tables based on the routing information
available and on demand protocols cannot prepare any table in advance but react according to the
Multicast routing protocol for mobile networks generally categorized as source- based tree, Core
based tree, Location based tree, and Stability based tree, Multicast mesh and Group based
A. Source Based Multicast Tree (SBT)
Here we establish a multicast tree and the purpose is to maintain the tree for each multicast source
node in every group . For example, in an environment consisting of m multicast groups which
further consists of n multicast source nodes, it results in (m*n) multicast trees.
The advantage of this scheme is each multicast packet is forwarded along the most efficient path
from the source node.[2]
Distance Vector Multicast routing protocol (DVMRP)
DVMRP is an interior gateway protocol that is completely based upon Routing Information Protocol
(RIP) which is used to support connectionless multicast data transmission to a group of hosts over a
network. DVMRP uses tunnels which can multicast transmission within unicast packets and which
are again reassembled into multicast data when they will arrive at their destination.[2]
B.Core Based Tree
This approach is more feasible than SBT described above. Here we are going to maintain only a
single shared tree which can be used to connect all the multicast group members together. The only
need of this approach is to select the Core node which will act and thats why it is named as core
based tree and for this we need a core selection algorithm which will help to select that which node
will act as core node of the tree.
Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
AODV is suitable for both unicast and multicast routing. This protocol on on-demand reactive
protocol which is based on the concept of destination sequence number in DSDV. Sequence numbers
are basically used to check the staleness and freshness of the routes.
The Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing algorithm is a routing protocol designed
for ad hoc mobile networks . It is an on demand algorithm, meaning that it builds routes between
nodes only as desired by source nodes. It maintains these routes as long as they are needed by the
C. Multicast Mesh
In the previous two approaches we are building trees for multicast delivery structure. But in mobile
ad hoc network the rate of link changes so frequently that frequent tree reconfiguration is not feasible
which results in the development of a new structure which is totally mesh based.
As in a mesh each node in it can have more than one parent. Multiple paths exists and they can be
used if a primary path is broken. The protocol which is using this structure is CAMP which is
discussed below.
This protocol works on the structure of multicast mesh where it can create a multicast mesh for each
multicast group. A multicast mesh can be established by having both the sender and receiver nodes
join the multicast group.
D. Group Based Forwarding
In this method a group of nodes is maintained instead of the links that constitutes the tree or mesh.
This simplifies the processing required at each node. This group of nodes will act as forwarding
nodes for each multicast group. The example of the pro
tocol that uses this approach is ODMRP
(On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol)
ODMRP (On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol)
ODMRP is an on-demand mesh based multicast Routing protocol, besides it is a multicast routing
protocol, ODMRP protocol can make use of unicast technique to send multicast data packet form the
sender nodes toward the receivers in the multicast group. The source, in ODMRP, establishes and
maintains group membership.
Comparison of Characteristics of Protocols [2]
As it has been stated above there are number of protocols available for multicasting in mobile and ad
hoc networks and all of them are different from each other in one way or the other. [9] Besides
gaining the performance reliability still there are many factors which needs to be included to get the
best performance of these protocols. Based upon the comparative analysis of the protocols discussed
above it has been concluded that on-demand (reactive) protocols are far better that table-driven
(proactive) protocols in the taxonomy of different routing protocols available in manet. Based upon
the analysis we have discovered that there are many security risks which can be applicable to these
[1] Analysis of Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks by Sandeep kaur ,
Dept of computer science , lovely professional university and Navjotpal kaur Dept of computer science
Lovely professional university
[2] Paper Title: A Quantitative Survey of Mobile Ad hoc Multicast Routing Protocols, IJETAE, V3I1.