Note: All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 a) What are the umbrella activities of a software process? Explain with the help
of diagram.
b) There are frequently severe political repercussions when software
requirements analysis (and/or system analysis) begins. For example, workers
may feel that job security is threatened by a new automated system. What
causes such problems? Can the analysis task be conducted so that politics is
Q. 2 a)
Q. 3 (a)
Q. 4
Do you design software when you write a program? What makes software
design different from coding?
Using the architecture of a house or building as a metaphor, draw comparisons
with software architecture. How are the disciplines of classical architecture
and the software architecture similar? How do they differ?
What are the important roles of conventional component within the software
What steps should we follow to map DFDs into a call and return architecture
system that has distinct transaction flow characteristics? Define flow
boundaries and map the DFD into a software structure using refining
technique in architecture design?
Q. 5 Develop an approach that would automatically integrate error messages and a user
help facility. That is, the system would automatically recognize the error type and
provide a help window with suggestions for correcting it. Perform a reasonably
complete software design that considers appropriate data structures and algorithms.
Total Marks: 100
Q. 4 Draw use case & data flow diagrams for a restaurant system. The activities of the
Restaurant system are listed below. Receive the customer food orders, produce the
customer ordered foods, serve the customer with their ordered foods, collect
payment from customers, store customer payment details, order raw materials for
food products, pay for raw materials and pay for labor.
Q. 5 Explain the process of Component Based Software Engineering and Client Server
Software Engineering with the help of suitable examples.
Recommended Book:
Software Engineering by Roger Pressman
Course Outlines:
Unit1: Introduction
Overview of Process, Project Management, System Engineering, Overview of
Analysis, Overview of Design
Unit2: Architectural Design
Software Architecture, Data Design, Architectural Styles, Analyzing Alternative
Architectural designs, Mapping Requirements into a Software Architecture,
Refining the Architectural Design
Unit3: User Interface Design
User Interface Design, Rules for designing user interface, Interface Design
Activities, Task Analysis and Modeling, Implementation tools, Design
Unit4: Component-Level Design
Structured Programming (Graphical Design Notation, Tabular Design Notation,
Program Design Language), Comparison of Design Notation, Case Study
Unit5: Testing Strategies
Introduction to strategic approach, strategic issues, Unit Testing, Integration
Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, Debugging Approaches
Unit6: Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Concepts, Software Quality Assurance, Software reviews,
Formal technical Reviews, The ISO 9000 Quality Standards, SQA plan
Unit7: Component-Based Software Engineering
Engineering of Component-Based Systems, The CBSE process, Domain
Engineering, Component-Based development, Classifying and retrieving
components, Economics of CBSE
Unit8: Client-Server Software Engineering
Structure of Client-Server System, Software Engineering for Client-Server
System, Analysis Modeling Issue, Design for C/S systems, Testing Issues
Unit9: Case Study
Software Engineering Case Study (Small Project)