C 5
C 5
C 5
1. The graduate nurse understands the purpose of the NCLEX-RN exam when stating which of
the following?
a. The exam provides feedback to the candidate regarding areas of weakness in
nursing practice.
b. The exam determines the candidates ability or inability to meet minimum
The content of the NCLEX Exam is based on a test plan that is determined by the National
Council. The test plan reflects entry-level nursing practice as identified by research and the
job analysis study of newly licensed registered nurses. Each candidate will receive different
levels of questions in a computer adaptive format. The focus of the exam is not on clinical
specialties. The test has a minimum of 75 questions and a maximum of 265 questions, so a
test taker can answer any number of questions between these two numbers until they either
reaches a passing standard or fails.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: pp. 98-99
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: NCLEX test plan
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
3. In trends class, a student tells the instructor, I dont think I can possibly pass the NCLEX-
RN. I hated psych nursing, but now Ive heard that a huge amount of the NCLEX is psych
related. What is the best response from the instructor?
a. Perhaps you should consider retaking the psychiatric nursing course.
b. There are equal numbers of questions related to each aspect of client needs.
The last detailed test plan (2013) from the National Council designated from 6% to 12% of
the total questions to be from the area of psychosocial integrity. The student may not be able
to retake nursing courses or a review course. Stating that content area has the same amount of
questions would be inaccurate. Each of the categories of client needs has a different
percentage, so questions are based on that percentage from the detailed test plan, not on equal
numbers from each area. Students often hear incorrect information and rumors about NCLEX.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: pp. 98-99
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
4. Which statement indicates the graduate nurses understanding of the process at the NCLEX
testing site?
I will be thumbprinted and photographed.
I will be placed in a locked testing cubicle.
I will answer 300 test questions.
I will be given some questions as a paper-and-pencil test.
Read the Candidate Bulletin and the instruction packet carefully. An Authorization to Test
(ATT) will be required for admission into the testing center; however, after January 1, 2014,
the NCLEX will be going paperless, so the ATT will not have to be brought to the testing
center. All candidates will be thumbprinted and photographed and will have a palm vein
reader as part of the identification process at the testing location. Candidates are not locked in
a testing cubicle or given a paper-and-pencil test. The number of questions on each candidates
test may vary with a minimum of 75 questions and a maximum of 265 questions.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 103
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
5. Which statement made by the graduate nurse indicates understanding of the NCLEX-RN
ADN graduates.
d. ADN graduates must answer 80% of the 265 questions correctly to pass.
Every state has the same passing criteria. There is no percentage identified as to the number to
get correct. The test has a minimum of 75 questions and a maximum of 265 questions. When
the student reaches a passing level of competency or has not reached the passing competency,
the test turns off. There is no differentiation in education level or state requirements.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 102
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
6. What type of nursing position would most likely provide experience in the type of nursing
The largest percentage of content on the test plan is based on physiologic integrity, which
includes basic care and comfort (6%12%), pharmacologic and parenteral therapies (12%
18%), reduction of risk potential (9%15%), and physiologic adaptation (11%17%).
Research also shows that the majority of new graduates begin their first job in a hospital
medical-surgical environment caring for adult clients.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 102
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
7. What is the best review strategy to use to prepare for the NCLEX-RN Exam?
a. Spend about 8 hours a day on your days off until you take the examination.
b. Study for 4 hours a night while taking a 2-week review course.
c. Review basic nursing content 2 to 3 hours a day 3 days a week for 5 to 6 weeks.
d. Study 10 hours on the day and evening before the examination.
Studying 2 to 3 hours a day for 2 or 3 days a week is realistic with frequent breaks during the
studying. The new graduate should consider taking the exam within 2 to 3 weeks of obtaining
your Authorization to Test. Cramming before the examination will not improve your pass rate.
Studying for 8 hours a day is fatiguing and does not necessarily promote retention of the
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 105
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
8. What are helpful strategies for dealing with test anxiety?
a. Put as much time as possible into studying.
b. Practice relaxation techniques and positive thinking.
c. Use review books and tapes.
d. Focus on test-taking skills and emphasize facts less.
Put yourself in charge of your feelings. Replace those negative thoughts and ideas with
positive ones. Practice relaxation and positive thinking and picture yourself succeeding.
Picture yourself succeeding. Give yourself permission to take some breaks; studying all of the
time will increase anxiety. Review books and tapes assist with the review of important content
and do not necessarily deal with test anxiety directly. They may discuss the concept and
provide strategies to use, such as the two mentioned in the correct response. Test-taking skills
are important for success on NCLEX but do not directly reduce test anxiety.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 112
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
9. Which of the following statements indicate the nurses understanding of the content of the
a. The exam is based on a practice analysis conducted by the National Council of
d. The exam includes contributions from all of the member boards of the National
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing conducts a practice analysis to determine
what is being required of new graduates in their place of employment. The test plan for the
NCLEX is based on this research. The test plan is not based on a survey of nursing faculty,
survey reports from the National League of Nursing, or contributions from member boards of
the National Council State Boards of Nursing.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 102
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
10. The graduate nurse is preparing to take the NCLEX-RN Exam. Which blueprint category is
The area of physiological integrity makes up about 50% of the test plan. This is the area that
covers basic nursing care and comfort, pharmacological and parenteral therapies, reduction of
risk potential, and physiological adaptation. Safe, effective care; psychological integrity; and
health promotion and maintenance will cover less than this.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: p. 98
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
11. The nurse interprets computer adaptive testing (CAT) to mean
a. questions are selected, and the exam is adapted to the candidates previous
b. the test has been adapted to be administered via the computer.
c. the test is adapted to decrease the total number of questions.
d. questions are adapted to meet the practice analysis survey of the graduates.
Questions are selected for each candidate based on the test plan. When a candidate misses a
question, the computer will present an easier question from that same category. Computer
adaptive testing (CAT) does not mean that the computer has been adapted for administration
via the computer. The test is not adapted to decrease the total number of questions. The
number of questions each candidate receives and the testing time for each candidate will vary.
As candidates answer questions correctly, the next question will be either a degree of
difficulty equal to the previous question or a higher level of difficulty The practice analysis
survey is the research basis for constructing the test plan. The test has a minimum of 75
questions and maximum number of 265 questions; it does not decrease the total number of
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: p. 99
OBJ: Discuss the implications of computer adaptive testing (CAT).
TOP: Computer testing
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
12. The graduate nurse has an adequate understanding of the Authorization to Test when stating:
a. The Authorization to Test arrives at the beginning of the last semester of nursing
b. The Authorization to Test arrives when the last day of clinical experience is
c. The Authorization to Test arrives upon completion of all of the state and national
d. The Authorization to Test arrives when all course work and applications have been
completed and approved.
In the beginning of the semester in which the student will graduate, the school of nursing will
have each student (candidate) complete an application form and send it to the state board of
nursing. Upon completion of the nursing program, the school will verify the candidates
graduate status with the state board of nursing. After the forms have been processed, the
candidate will receive an Acknowledgement of Receipt of Registration. The candidate will
then receive the Authorization to Test (ATT) with instructions regarding how to schedule the
examination with Pearson VUE. The candidate cannot schedule the examination until the ATT
is received. Beginning January 1, 2014, the ATT process will become paperless.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 100
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
13. The nurse interprets the Nurse Licensure Compact as
a. an agreement between all states to recognize the license of all graduate nurses.
b. an intrastate agreement for the nurse to practice in any area within the state.
c. an agreement between the state boards of nursing and the National Council
Individual states must pass legislation to become members of the Nurse Licensure Compact
agreement. After approval within the state legislature, a nurse may practice in one state that
belongs to the compact but maintain his or her license in the state of residence.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: p. 97
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: License
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
14. The nurse interprets the role of the individual state boards of nursing in the NCLEX Exam
respective states
c. To grade the examination, advise students of the results, and transmit all results to
the National Council State Boards of Nursing for their files
d. To supervise and administer the examination to the candidates within their state
Representatives from the state boards of nursing are members of the National Council State
Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). The state boards of nursing determine the requirements to take
the NCLEX Exam in their state and serves on national committees to prepare the
examination. These representatives do not grade the examination, advise students of results, or
administer the examination. Pearson VUE administers the exam for the NCSBN.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: p. 97
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
15. The graduate nurse understands the process of NCLEX-RN Exam scoring and reporting
when stating:
a. The NCLEX-RN Exam is scored on a pass/fail basis and is reported directly to
the candidate.
b. The candidate must score 80% or higher to be considered competent; scores are
REF: p. 102
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: NCLEX scoring
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
16. A candidate has scheduled to take the NCLEX Exam and has a family emergency before the
scheduled date. What is the best action for the candidate to take?
a. Call the respective state board of nursing and request a change in the testing date.
b. Call the Candidate Services office at least 24 hours or 1 business day before the
scheduled testing day.
c. Call the school and request that someone notify the board of nursing regarding your
change in schedule.
d. It is not necessary to notify anyone regarding rescheduling the testing date; it will
be rescheduled automatically.
A candidate must notify by either calling or go to the website of the Pearson VUE NCLEX
Candidate Services office a full business day (24 hours) before the scheduled testing time to
request a change in testing time. The school and respective board of nursing do not participate
in the scheduling of the examination. If a candidate does not reschedule within this time frame
or does not come at the scheduled testing time, the ATT is invalidated, and the candidate will
be required to reregister and repay the $200 registration fee.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 103
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: Changing testing dates
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
17. A graduate nurse has arrived at the testing center when realizing that the required ATT form is
To test, the graduate nurse must present the ATT and photo ID to test. This process will
change on January 1, 2014, when the NCLEX testing services will go paperless. The testing
center staff will be able to look up the ATT online when the process is paperless. The testing
center staff would not call the NCSBN for an approval to test.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: p. 103
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
What does CAT mean?
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
18. What would happen if the graduate nurse failed the NCLEX-RN on the first testing attempt?
a. The graduate nurse would be required to take an additional nursing course before
b. The graduate nurse would be required to wait 9 months to retest.
c. The graduate nurse would be required to wait 45 to 90 days before retesting.
d. The graduate nurse would not be allowed to test again.
After failing the NCLEX-RN on the first testing attempt, the graduate nurse would be required
to wait 45 to 90 days before retesting. This retake time frame is determined by each state
board of nursing and the NCSBN.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Synthesis
REF: p. 102
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination).
TOP: What Are Some of the Other Things I Really Need to Know About the NCLEX Examination?
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
19. A graduate nurse is planning to travel to a testing site and will need to have overnight
accommodations. Which of the following is the best action for this graduate nurse to take to
make the stay a success?
a. Share a room with the 4 other graduate nurses planning to test at the same testing
b. Stay up late studying.
c. Room alone or with someone who is supportive of a positive environment.
d. Room with another graduate nurse who frequently complains.
The graduate nurse should consider rooming alone or with someone who is supportive of a
positive environment. The graduate nurse will want a good nights rest before the NCLEXRN examination. Staying up late studying defeats the purpose of having a restful night
before taking the NCLEX-RN examination.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 105
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination).
TOP: Preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
20. To adequately prepare for the NCLEX-RN examination, which action by the graduate nurse
is advised?
Begin planning early at least 6 months ahead.
Begin planning no more than 3 months ahead.
Wait for the state board of nursing to contact the applicant about filing deadlines.
Call the state board of nursing every week to set up a testing time.
To adequately prepare for the NCLEX-RN examination, the graduate nurse should begin
planning early, at least 6 months in advance. The graduate nurse will have received from their
nursing program a listing of the filing deadlines for taking the examination. The state board of
nursing does not set up the testing time because that is handled by Pearson VUE.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 103
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination).
TOP: Preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
1. A nursing professor is preparing students for the NCLEX-RN Exam. Which of the following
items should the professor inform the students to expect on the exam? (Select all that apply.)
Multiple choice questions with one correct answer
Drag and drop questions into an ordered response
True/false questions
Graphic questions with a hot spot to identify an area
Questions with an audio component where you need to wear a headset to listen
Questions where you select the correct answer from the graphics presented at the
end of the question
ANS: A, B, D, E, F
There are, in addition to multiple-choice questions, alternate format items which consist of the
Fill in the blankshort answer usually requires a drug calculation, an intake and output
calculation, or an assessment scoring. In these cases, only the numbers should be entered in
the space provided.
Multiple-response itemmore than four options are presented, and the question will very
clearly ask you to select all of the options that correctly answer the question.
Hot spotpresents a diagram or a graphic and requires you to select an area on the diagram
to answer the question.
Drag and dropasked to click on each item and drag it to another area of the screen,
placing the items, for instance, in the order in which they would be performed or in order of
priority of care.
Exhibit itempresent a problem and then provide exhibit information stored in tabs. You
will click on each tab to find information that will assist you in solving the problem that is
presented. The tabs frequently contain information from a chart or data collection from the
Audio itempresented with a question that has an audio component in which the test taker
puts on the headset provided and click the Play button to listen to the audio for the
information required to answer the question.
Graphic optionspresent you with graphics instead of text for the answer options where you
will be required to select the correct answer from the graphics presented at the end of the
Questions are selected for each candidate based on the test plan. When a candidate misses a
question, the computer will present an easier question from that same category.
There are no true/false type questions. Questions are selected for each candidate based on
the test plan. When a candidate misses a question, the computer will present an easier question
from that same category.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 113
OBJ: Discuss the implications of computer adaptive testing (CAT).
TOP: Computer testing
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
2. Which actions by the graduate nurse can help reduce anxiety on testing day? (Select all that
Drive to the testing site the day before.
Evaluate traffic.
Wait until testing day to drive to the testing site.
Drive to the hotel the day before.
Locate the parking area at the testing site.
ANS: A, B, D, E
The day before the exam, the student should drive to the testing site, evaluate the traffic, find
the parking area, and drive to the hotel (if required to have overnight accommodations) to ease
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 112
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination).
TOP: Preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
3. What actions will help prepare the graduate nurse for testing success? (Select all that apply.)
a. Dress comfortably.
b. Stay up late for last-minute studying.
c. Eat a balanced breakfast.
d. Have identification needed for entrance into the exam.
e. Celebrate your success with friends the night before.
ANS: A, C, D
To prepare for a successful testing day, the graduate nurse should dress comfortably, eat a
balanced breakfast, and have appropriate identification needed for entrance into the exam.
Staying up late and celebrating with friends the night before could leave the graduate nurse
feeling tired and not prepared for testing.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 106
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination).
TOP: Preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
4. What questions should the graduate nurse ask themself when determining which NCLEX-
RN examination review course is right for the graduate? (Select all that apply.)
What review courses are easily accessible?
What review courses will teach me what I need to know?
How well do I study at the computer?
Can I plan a study review schedule and stick to it?
Can I plan study time?
ANS: A, C, D, E
When choosing an NCLEX-RN examination review courses, the graduate nurse should ask
themself the following questions: What review courses are easily accessible? How well do I
study at the computer? Can I plan a study review schedule and stick to it? and Can I plan
study time? The purpose of the review course is not to teach the material to students but to
serve as a review.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 109
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination).
TOP: Preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
5. What actions by the graduate nurse will assist with finding the best NCLEX-RN review
ANS: A, B, D, E
When determining which NCLEX-RN review book is best suited for the student, he or she
should check the number of pages in various subjects in the material, look up several common
topics in the index to see if information can be found in a timely manner, and look for a book
that focuses on nursing concepts and the delivery of safe patient care. Information that has
come out in the past month would not yet be available in review books.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
REF: p. 109
Identify criteria for selecting a NCLEX examination review book and review course.
NCLEX-RN Examination books: Which one is right for you?
NCLEX: Not applicable
6. What are acceptable forms of identification at the testing center? (Select all that apply.)
a. U.S. driver's license
b. U.S. state-issued identification
c. Credit or debit card with photo identification.
d. Passport
e. U.S. military identification
f. School or university picture identification
ANS: A, B, D, E
A U.S. driver's license, U.S. state-issued identification, passport, and U.S. military
identification are acceptable forms of identification. (They must be in English, valid, and not
expired with a photograph and a signature.) A credit or debit card and school or university
identification (even though they have photos) are not acceptable forms of identification at the
testing centers.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge
REF: p. 103
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN Examination). TOP:
Computer testing
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
c. National League of Accreditation survey reports
d. Contributions from all of the member boards of the National
The National Council conducts a practice analysis to determine what is
being required of new graduates. The test plan for the NCLEX is based on
this research.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
p. 90
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
10. Which NCLEX-RN Exam blueprint category has the highest percentage of
test items?
a. Safe, effective care environment
b. Physiological integrity
c. Psychosocial integrity
d. Health promotion and maintenance
The area of physiology makes up about 50% of the test plan. This is the
area that covers basic nursing care, pharmacology, and prevention of
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 90
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
11. What does computer adaptive testing (CAT) mean?
a. Questions are selected and the exam is adapted to the
candidates previous responses.
b. The test has been adapted to be administered via the
c. The test is adapted to decrease the total number of questions.
d. Questions are adapted to meet the job analysis survey of the
Questions are selected for each candidate based on the test plan. When a
candidate misses a question, the computer will present an easier question
from that same category.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
p. 91
OBJ: Discuss the implications of computer adaptive testing (CAT).
TOP: Computer testing
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
12. When is the Authorization to Test received?
After graduation, the nursing school will submit a final application
indicating that the candidate has completed all of the course work.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: p. 100
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
13. What is the Nurse Licensure Compact?
a. An agreement between all states to recognize the license of all
graduate nurses
b. An intrastate agreement for the nurse to practice in any area
within the state
c. An agreement between the State Boards of Nursing and the
National Council regarding foreign nurses
d. An agreement between compact states to recognize licensure
from member states
Individual states must pass legislation to become members of the compact
agreement. After approval within the state legislature, a nurse may
practice in one state but maintain his or her license in the state of
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
p. 89
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: License
MSC: NCLEX: Not applicable
14. What is the role of the individual state boards of nursing in the NCLEX
a. To coordinate with the National Council in administering the
examination and licensing candidates to practice in respective
b. To prepare an examination that is reflective of entry-level practice
in their respective states
c. To grade the examination, advise students of the results, and
transmit all results to the National Council for their files
d. To supervise and administer the examination to the candidates
within their state jurisdictions
Representatives from the state boards of nursing are members of the
Test Bank
The purpose of the exam is to determine whether the candidate is competent to
perform safe, effective, entry-level nursing care.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
The content of the NCLEX exam is based on a test plan that is determined by the
National Council. The test plan reflects entry-level nursing practice as identified
by research and the job analysis study of newly licensed registered nurses.
Different candidates will receive different levels of questions.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: NCLEX test plan
3. In trends class, a student tells the instructor, I dont think I can possibly pass the
NCLEX-RN. I hated psych nursing, but now Ive heard that a huge amount of the
NCLEX is psych-related. What is the best response from the instructor?
a. Perhaps you should consider retaking the psychiatric nursing course.
b. There are equal numbers of questions related to each aspect of client
c. Psychosocial integrity is the basis for 6% to 12% of the examination.
d. You will need to take a review course in which they teach psychiatric
nursing principles.
The last test plan from the National Council designated from 6% to 12% of the
total questions to be from the area of psychosocial integrity.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Read your Candidate Bulletin and the instruction packet carefully. An
Authorization to Test (ATT) will be required for admission into the testing center.
All candidates will be thumb-printed and photographed at the testing location.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Every state has the same passing criteria. There is no differentiation in education
level or state requirements.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
6. What type of nursing position would most likely provide experience in the type of
nursing situations upon which the NCLEX test questions are based?
The largest percentage of content on the test plan is based on physiological
integrity. Research also shows that the majority of new graduates begin their first
job in a hospital medical-surgical environment caring for adult clients.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
7. What is the best review strategy to use to prepare for the NCLEX-RN exam??
a. Spend about 8 hours a day on your days off until you take the
b. Study for 4 hours a night while taking a 2-week review course.
c. Review basic nursing content 2 to 3 hours a day 3 days a week for 5 to 6
d. Study 10 hours on the day and evening before the examination.
Studying 2 to 3 hours a day for 2 or 3 days a week is realistic. You should consider
taking the exam within 2 to 3 weeks of obtaining your authorization to test.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Put yourself in charge of your feelings. Replace those negative thoughts and
ideas with positive ones. Picture yourself succeeding. Give yourself permission to
take some breaksstudying all of the time will increase anxiety.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
The National Council conducts a job task analysis to determine what is being
required of new graduates. The test plan for the NCLEX is based on this research.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
10. Which NCLEX-RN blueprint category has the highest percentage of test items?
a. Safe, effective care environment
b. Physiological integrity
c. Psychosocial integrity
d. Health promotion and maintenance
The area of physiology makes up about 50% of the test plan. This is the area that
covers basic nursing care, pharmacology, and prevention of complications.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
Questions are selected for each candidate based on the test plan. When a
candidate misses a question, the computer will present an easier question from
that same category.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Discuss the implications of computer adaptive testing (CAT).
TOP: Computer testing
After graduation, the nursing school will submit a final application indicating that
the candidate has completed all of the course work.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
Individual states must pass legislation to become members of the compact
agreement. After approval within the state legislature, a nurse may practice in
one state but maintain his or her license in the state of residence.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
TOP: License
14. What is the role of the individual state boards of nursing in the NCLEX exam?
a. To coordinate with the National Council in administering the examination
Representatives from the state boards of nursing are members of the National
Council. They determine the requirements to take the NCLEX in their state, and
they serve on national committees to prepare the examination.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge
OBJ: Identify the process and steps for preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam.
The examination is scored on a pass/fail basis (competent/noncompetent), and
the scores are reported directly to the candidate. There is no percentage assigned
to the passing score, and a candidate cannot take more than 265 questions. The
level of difficulty is a component of the scoring process.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: NCLEX scoring
16. A candidate has scheduled to take the NCLEX exam and has a family emergency
before the scheduled date. What should the candidate do?
a. Call the respective state board of nursing and request a change in the
testing date.
b. Call the Candidate Services office at least 24 hours or 1 business day
before the scheduled testing day.
c. Call the school and request that someone notify the board of nursing
regarding your change in schedule.
d. It is not necessary to notify anyone regarding rescheduling the testing
date; it will be rescheduled automatically.
A candidate must notify the Candidate Services office a full business day (24
hours) before the scheduled testing time to request a change in testing time. The
school and respective board of nursing do not participate in the scheduling of the
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension
OBJ: Discuss the role of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
TOP: Changing testing dates