Algebraic and Scalar
Algebraic and Scalar
Algebraic and Scalar
Registered: 12/14/99
Posts: 923
Loc: Houston, TX, USA
Take a look at scalar-vector illustration
Dave Diehl
COADE, now part of Intergraph
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#6556 - 09/18/06 11:38 AM Re: explanation of the load case combination
Loren Brown Offline
Registered: 10/18/01
Posts: 257
Loc: Houston, TX
Dave Diehl Wrote: "The Displacements and Forces of an Algebraic case and a Scala
r case are equivalent. There may be variation at the stress level, since in an A
lgebraic combination the stresses are calclulated (from the signed loads) and in
a Scalar combination they (the unsigned stresses) are combined."
This should answer your questions in their entirety. In your example A+B = -1 fo
r both Scalar and Algebraic. But when we talk of Stress these are calculated fro
m the Algebraic case from the resulting forces and moments and in Scalar the str
esses are not re-computed, but rather added (or subtracted) from the stress resu
lts of the other two cases.
As to why you get a big difference between stresses from load cases T1(EXP) and
L1-L2(EXP) it is simple. In T1(EXP) you have not taken into account the possibil
ity of piping moving under the influence of the other loads in the system. For e
xample if your pipe moves to one side of a gap due to weight and then when the s
ystem is in operation it moves to the other side of the gap, you now have a move
ment of twice the gap size. This will cause a much different stress result than
T1(EXP) which can at most move only half this distance.
Loren A. Brown
Senior Engineer/Developer
CADWorx & Analysis Solutions
Intergraph Process, Power, & Marine
12777 Jones Road, Ste. 480, Houston, TX 77070 USA
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#6557 - 09/18/06 12:07 PM Re: explanation of the load case combination
Wei Rong Offline
Registered: 01/24/06
Posts: 18
Loc: tulsa
Per you explanantion , I am aware now. Thanks.