196 Equitable Banking V IAC
196 Equitable Banking V IAC
196 Equitable Banking V IAC
It also instructed EJNC that the check covering the said amounts should be made payable
in the following manner: "to the Order of EQUITABLE BANKING CORPORATION for
the account of Casville Enterprises Inc." CEI also stated that the three enclosed postdated
checks were intended as replacement of the checks that were previously issued by CEI to
EJNC. Also, Casals delivered to EJNC TCTs covering two pieces of real estate
properties as security. EJNC acceded to this and issued a check (SECOND CHECK) for
P427, 300.00, payable to the order of EQUITABLE BANKING CORPORATION A/C
Unlike the FIRST CHECK, this SECOND CHECK did NOT contain the notation or
memorandum of the FIRST CHECK, but the substance of the same was reproduced in a
covering letter that went with the check. Both the check and the covering letter were sent
to EBC through Casals, because EJNC believed that no one, including Casals, could
encash the same as it was made payable to the EBC alone. However, upon receiving the
check for P427, 300.00 entrusted to him by EJNC, Casals immediately deposited it with
EBC and the bank teller accepted the same for deposit in CEIs checking account.
After depositing said check, CEI, acting through defendant Casals, then withdrew all the
amount deposited. Meanwhile, the three checks that CEI gave to EJNC as collateral were
all dishonored for having been drawn against a closed account. Also, the real estate
covered by the TCTs given to EJNC were foreclosed and sold at public auction because
of CEIs failure to pay its obligation to EBC.
Subsequently, EJNC learned that no DLCs were opened by EBC in its favor, and that
CEI had withdrawn the entire amount of P427, 300.00, without paying its obligation to
EBC. Thus, EJNC instituted the present action, in which both the TC and IAC ruled in its
favor against Casals, CEI and EBC. Basically, the lower courts faulted EBC for
erroneously crediting the amount of the check issued by EJNC to the account of CEI,
when it shouldve been for the account of EBC, in order to facilitate the opening of the
DLC. They also found that the check was originally issued as non-negotiable, since the
EBC teller stamped therein the words NONNEGOTIABLE For Payee's Account Only
CORPORATION. Note that Casals and CEI did not dispute their liability. Thus, only
EBC liability to EJNC, if any, is at issue.
1. The SECOND CHECK was equivocal and patently ambiguous. By making it read in the
manner stated above, the payee ceased to be indicated with reasonable certainty, in
contravention of Sec. 8 of the NIL.
As worded, it could be accepted as deposit to the account of the party named after the
symbols A/C, or payable to the Bank as trustee, or as an agent, for CEI, with the latter
being the ultimate beneficiary. Pursuant to Art. 13771 of the CC, such ambiguity is to be
construed against EJNC, which caused the ambiguity and could have also avoided it by
the exercise of a little more care.
Further, EBC had nothing to do with how CEI and Casals defrauded EJNC to issue the
SECOND CHECK in the manner that it did, thereby allowing CEI and Casals to do their
sinister acts. In fact, EJNC itself was negligent:
Unlike the FIRST CHECK that it issued, in which the payee was named solely as EBC,
the SECOND CHECK became ambiguous with the inclusion of A/C of Casville
Enterprises Inc., next to EBCs name. EJNC should not have listened to Casals when the
latter told the former to word the check in such manner.
It eliminated both the cash disbursement voucher and memorandum accompanying the
FIRST CHECK, which made clear what the check was for (ie. not for CEIs account, but
for satisfaction of the marginal deposit to facilitate the opening of the DLC by EBC).
The only evidence of the real purpose of the SECOND CHECK was the separate
covering letter, which was easily suppressed from EBC officials and teller by Casals.
Again, EJNC was careless in allowing this to happen, and EBC had no fault in this.
EJNC even allowed Casals to handle the check and its covering letter, making it easy for
him to consummate his cruel intentions.
EJNC was extremely accommodating to Casals in the way it agreed to advance the
marginal deposit for the opening of the DLC to cover the purchase price of the skidders.
It is abnormal for the seller of goods, the price of which is to be covered by a DLC, to
advance the marginal deposit for the same.
Shungaers tong si EJNC nakampante kasi merong binigay na three postdated checks and
TCTs, eh sorry sha tumalbog naman yung checks tapos naforeclose yung mga property
covered ng TCTs.
Given the foregoing, EBC should not be made liable for EJNCs losses, the proximate
causes of which were EJNCs very own acts. As between two innocent persons, one of
whom must suffer the consequence of a breach of trust, the one who made it possible by
his act of confidence must bear the loss.
2. The subject check was initially negotiable. It was not a crossed check.
The rubber-stamping on the face of the subject check of the words
Non-negotiable for Payee's Account Onl between two (2) parallel
lines, and Non-negotiable, Teller- No. 4, August 17, 1976, separately
boxed, was made only by the bank teller in accordance with customary
bank practice, and not by ENJC as the drawer of the check. It simply
meant that, thereafter, the same check could no longer be negotiated.
Wherefore, the petition is