What's The Emotional Syllabus About?: Kid's Box ESS
What's The Emotional Syllabus About?: Kid's Box ESS
What's The Emotional Syllabus About?: Kid's Box ESS
Kids Box 1
(Pupils Book)
PB section
Emotional competences
My school
p17 Story
Favourite toys
p23 Story
My family
p31 Story
Our pets
p39 Story
My face
p47 Story
Wild animals
My clothes
p61 Story
Fun time!
At the funfair
p77 Story
Our house
p83 Story
Party time!
p91 Story
Teaching Notes
Kids Box 1*
Pupils Book
PB section
Emotional competences
Social awareness > Control basic social
abilities: having an open attitude to dialogue.
> Be capable of communicating effectively.
After listening to the story ask children simple questions such as Do you like friends? Do you like playing with friends? To
elicit Yes! Repeat, Yes! And then say It is good to make friends. Tell me about your friends. Then ask them about their summer
holidays. Ask them if they met new friends and played with them at the beach, in the park, at a museum, etc. or if they
talked to someone who was on his/her own. Then ask them to do a picture of them with their new friends and label it
Make friends. They can also write their name and their new friends name. If you think they are ready they can also write
their ages. When they have all finished ask students to perform their situations. I.e. a boy may have drawn himself playing
with sand at the beach with another girl next to him. Hello, Im (Juan). Whats your name? / Hello, Im (Natalia). How old are
you? / Im 6. / Great, Im 7. Lets play!
My school
p17 Story
After listening to the story ask children simple questions Is Maskman feeling good? to elicit No. Then say, He feels bad. He
has done something wrong. Then ask them Can he try again? Yes! Is Monty helpful? Yes! Is Marie angry? No! Make sure they
understand that it is polite to help your friends as Monty and Marie did and that it is OK to make mistakes and try again as
happened to Maskman. Ask children to think of a moment when they have done something wrong and they felt bad. Did
they get help? Explain to children that you are all going to do a class collage with pictures of people being polite helping
others. Ask them to look for pictures with their parents at home: in magazines or in the internet of people being polite to
each other. Stick them all in the wall in a big piece of paper in class with the title We are polite and then ask children to
explain why they are polite. Write the basic polite expressions Please and Thank you on the board and give small pieces of
paper to each child and help them to stick them next to the corresponding pictures in the collage.
Favourite toys
p23 Story
After listening to the story ask students how they feel when they cant find their favourite toy (stressed, sad, nervous) and
what they do when this happens (cry, shout, look for it, ask someone to help them find it, play with another toy). Explain
that when that happens you get stressed and you need to relax. Say they are going to help Maskman relax. Say Maskman
is stressed! Lets help Maskman relax. Hands up, Maskman. They are all Maskman and he needs to breath and calm down
and then he will be able to look for his toy. Do the following Belly breathing activity. Ask children to sit down on the floor
in a circle Lets sit down in a circle and demonstrate and point to the relevant part of your body while you slowly give the
instructions Put your hands on your belly, close your mouth and breath through your nose. In, Out, In, Out Now say Close your
eyes and continue In, Out Do this activity when children get stressed in the classroom to help them calm down.
*Note: The use of L1 is recommended to help students understand the emotions and develop their emotional competences properly.
Teaching Notes
Kids Box 1
Pupils Book
My family
PB section
p31 Story
Emotional competences
Self-management > Be conscious of how
emotions influence behaviour.
Self-motivation > Have a positive image of
After listening to the story ask children questions about the story. How does Monty feel? They probably answer Sad. Tell them.
Yes, hes sad and confused. Where is his family? Explain to children that all families are different and it is OK to have different
families. Tell children they are going to do a group picture of a large invented family. Distribute children into smaller groups
and give a different character to each group. You draw the (father), etc. Ask them to draw different characters, beautiful, ugly,
old and young, saying. Draw a beautiful sister, an old mother, etc. Allow them to express themselves and choose someone they
think is beautiful or old. Get a big sheet of paper and draw big frames for the family tree for children to stick their pictures
and write a big title We are a family. Then stick the family tree. Ask different children to come to the board and present their
family to the class. This is my family. This is me. Hes my (father). Shes my (sister), etc. And ask them to describe them too.
Shes (beautiful). Hes (old), etc.
Our pets
p39 Story
After listening to the story ask children questions about the story. Ask them about Maskmans behaviour pointing at the
different frames. Is Maskman polite to Monty? No! Make sure they understand that we should respect other peoples opinions
and preferences. Then ask them Whats your favourite pet? Hand a piece of paper to each child and ask them to draw their
favourite pet. Ask them to write a title My favourite pet. Then write the description. This is my pet. My favourite pet is a fish. It is
small and clean. Its beautiful! Then ask them to read it aloud in turns to each other. Make a wall display with all their drawings
in a big sheet of paper and write down a title. Our favourite pets.
My face
p47 Story
After listening to the story ask children questions about the story. Ask them about Maskman. Is he happy? No. Is Trevor a
monster? No. Does Maskman like monsters? No, he doesnt! Hes scared! Ask them to think about themselves and what things
make them feel scared. Show a picture of a storm you have done beforehand and talk about it I am scared of storms. They
are noisy and dark. Make sure that you represent it with prompts, switch off the class lights, cover your ears, etc. Then say. I
switch on the lights. I am not scared! Ask them to draw a picture of something that makes them scared. Then they swap it with
another child. Help them to talk about it and accept their fears.
Teaching Notes
Kids Box 1
Pupils Book
PB section
Wild animals
Emotional competences
Self-awareness > Understand how others feel.
Life and well-being awareness > Contribute
to others well-being.
After listening to the story make sure that children understand that it is normal to feel sad sometimes. Ask them to say
things that makes them sad. Tell them as many words as you can in English as you represent what they say i.e. being
alone, losing a competition, losing your pet, etc. Explain that people are sad or happy for different reasons. Tell them that
they are going to do a class mural to know each other a little better. Draw a big happy face on the left of the picture and a
big sad face on the right and write happy and sad as titles. Then ask children to draw something happy and something sad
in two different pieces of paper. Children get in pairs and each child in turn shows his picture to the other child for him to
say happy or sad. When they finish playing they stick their picture in the correct part of the poster. You can go back to the
poster whenever someone is feeling sad and encourage children to understand and comfort that child.
My clothes
p83 Story
After listening to the story ask questions to make sure children understand what embarrassment means. Point at frame 3
and say Maskman likes Simons clothes: red jacket and green trousers. Then point at frame 5 and ask Is Maskman happy? To
elicit No! And then say Look at his face. A red face! Is he right? No, he isnt. Does he like it? No, he doesnt. Explain that he is
embarrassed and when you are embarrassed your face gets red and you get nervous. Ask them if this has ever happened
to them. Allow them to say different situations and discuss it in L1. Then ask Whats your favourite colour? And elicit
different colours. Then ask. Do you like trousers? And elicit Yes! Do you like skirts! And then get Yes! from other children.
Ask them to draw a picture of themselves with their favourite clothes and in pairs describe what they are wearing to each
other. Make sure that you discuss that it is OK to wear what you like but respect what other people like to wear.
Fun time!
After listening to the story ask questions to make sure children understand that we have to help each other when working
in teams. Then say Lets play a game, its fun time! Organise them in 3 or 4 groups and tell them that you are going to hide
the units flashcards around the room and the team that finds more cards will win. When someone finds a flashcard he
has to hold it up and say what it is i.e. I can play the piano! Tell them that they have to help each other and each look in
a different place to quickly find the flashcards and win. Then say Close your eyes and hide the flashcards. Then say Open
your eyes. And Now go! Make sure that when someone finds a card the other team says Well done! If you want to make the
game more challenging you can hide flashcards from previous units too.
Teaching Notes
Kids Box 1
Pupils Book
At the funfair
PB section
p77 Story
Emotional competences
Social awareness > Control basic social
abilities: showing thanks.
Life and well-being awareness > Be an active,
civic and responsible friend.
After listening to the story ask children why Maskman says Thank you to Monty in last frame and make sure they
understand that Monty helps Maskman cross the street. Ask children to think of situations where they say thank you and
where they feel grateful. Set them in pairs and ask them to do something for each other so that they have to say Thank you
i.e. someone is carrying lots of books and they fall on the floor and the other one picks them up, one opens the door for
the other child, etc. Make sure that they say Thank you at the right time. Encourage children to get used to say thank you
during their English lessons.
Our house
p91 Story
After listening to the story ask children How is Marie feeling on frame 5? Angry. Why? Trevor eats pencils! Ask children if they
feel angry sometimes. Yes! then ask why? Say that you are going to do an Anger traffic light for the classroom. Set them
in 3 groups and ask each group to do a big face. The top one is red and angry and says stop; the middle one is orange and
serious and says think and the bottom one is a happy green face and says go. Stick them in a bit sheet of paper as a traffic
light and put it in the classroom wall. Use photos of children (or their class number, or their name) in post-it notes. When
someone is angry put the post it in the red light and encourage the class to say to that child (or children) stop! And do the
breathing exercise suggested in Unit 3 all together with the child. Then move the post it to the yellow light and say think!
Everyone helps the child to think about what happened and address the situation. When the situation is resolved they all
say go! Use this traffic light whenever you need it in class and encourage children to do one at home with their family and
use it in the same way.
Party time!
p91 Story
After listening to the story ask children Whats your favourite food? Tell them in English any food they say they havent learned.
Then say that it is the end of the school year and you are going to have an English party. Ask them to prepare their favourite
snack at home with their parents and bring it for next English class (decide when is the best moment in the unit and in the
term to do this). Ask them to label it with their name and the sentence My favourite food is apples. Display all the food on the
table and enjoy it together. Say Lets do the food train! Get all in a train line and sing the food train like in the story. Each child
has to say their favourite food when it is their turn. At the end of the class say Im delighted! and say that you are very happy
with their work during the school year. Then say Happy holidays! Encourage them to say it to each other too.