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Ive decided to start using embedded SQL in my RPG programs, but I have a
question. When I embed a SELECT statement which would normally return more than
one record from a file, the RPG program only gets a single record. Is there a way to
wrap the SELECT statement inside a loop, so that I can process all the records in the
SELECT statement?
A. To process all the records in the SELECT statement, youll need to use a program
entity called an SQL cursor. Think of a cursor as a means of giving a name to an SQL
statement. Your program needs to go through these steps to process a cursor:

Declare the cursor. This step associates a name with an SQL statement, but does
not execute it.

Open the cursor. The step executes the SQL statement, making the results
available for processing.

Fetch record(s) from the cursor. This step reads the records, one at a time. Youd
code this step in a loop.

Close the cursor. This step is similar to closing a file.

Heres a short program that illustrates the process:

Dcl-c Ok 0;
Dcl-ds MyData Extname(Myfile) End-ds;
// Set SQL options
Exec Sql Set Option Datfmt=*Iso, Commit=*None, Closqlcsr=*Emdmod;
// Declare/open SQL cursor
Exec Sql Declare Mycursor Cursor For
Select *
From Mylib/Myfile
// Select statement may include other
// clauses, e.g., Where, Order by...
For Fetch Only;
Exec Sql Open Mycursor;
// Table read loop
Dow Sqlcode = Ok;
Exec Sql Fetch Mycursor Into :Mydata;
If Sqlcode = Ok;
Exsr Process;

// Close SQL cursor, end program
Exec Sql Close Mycursor;
*Inlr = *On;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------//
// Subroutine - Process - Process Mydata subfields
Begsr Process;
// ... Record processing goes here

This program will read records from MYFILE using cursor MYCURSOR (theres no
magic in the nameyou could call the cursor almost anything). The FETCH statement
reads the records, one at a time, putting the data into the MYDATA data structure.
The data structure (MYDATA in this example) must match the structure of the SELECT
statements result table. In this example, if I had selected a limited set of columnns
(instead of SELECT * ), I would have adjusted the MYDATA subfield definitions to
include only the selected columns.
Its important that you place the cursor declaration early in the program source; the
DECLARE CURSOR statement must physically appear in the source before the program
tries to process that cursor.
The source type for this program is SQLRPGLE. To compile it, use the CRTRPGSQLI
(Create SQL ILE RPG Object) command.

(This program uses fully free RPG, which requires Release 7.1 TR11 or Release 7.2

This program reads records, but will not allow updates or deletes. To make the program
update-capable, a few simple changes are necessary.
First, the cursor declaration must remove the For Fetch Only restriction. To be able to
update all fields in the record, use the following example:

Exec Sql Declare Mycursor Cursor For

Select * From Mylib/Myfile;

Or, you may restrict the updates to specific field(s):

Exec Sql Declare Mycursor Cursor For

Select * From Mylib/Myfile
For Update of Myfield;

When your program is ready to update or delete a record, you will use a special syntax of
the SQL Update or Delete statement to associate it with the currently fetched record:

Exec Sql Update Myfile

Set Myfield = Newvalue
Where Current of Mycursor;


Exec Sql Delete From Myfile

Where Current of Mycursor;

Search for:SEARCH


Now is the time to move away from RPGs columnar-based programming history to a
more modern, free-format methodology. In this excellent article from IBM Systems
Magazine, Jim Utsler makes the case: Changing the RPG Paradigm
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