Novel Notes: Chapter 5 - 6, The Great Gatsby
Novel Notes: Chapter 5 - 6, The Great Gatsby
Novel Notes: Chapter 5 - 6, The Great Gatsby
Response (Analysis)
This is when Daisy arrives at Nicks house after Gatsby hinted at Nick
that he wanted him to invite Daisy. Gatsby, behind Daisy is extremely
pale as death nervous, because his dream is in front of him. She is
what he was not able to attain, and his lost love. He is purely obsessed
and in love with her, and this use of imagery in the passage
exaggerates the significance of this situation. Gatsby is unsure and
nervous of what could happen while Daisy is here, because it had been
so long since they were reunited.
Gatsby has a clear obsession with the past, and simply cannot let go of
the past, or the idea of changing it. This introduces a new important
theme, which is the past. He thinks that Daisy will easily leave Tom, and
be in love with him again, once she realizes the amount of wealth and
status that Gatsby has gained over the years. However, it is not as easy
as it seems. This also shows the dissatisfaction that Gatsby shows
despite having wealth and social status. His American Dream is
essentially Daisy because of what she originally represented for him,
and he is overly confident in his determination that he can change the
pass to his liking. This shows that the American Dream ideals are
severely flawed, in that it is not always possible to achieve anything
through hard work. The pass can never be changed, and Gatsby
doesn't know how to deal with those consequences.