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MSC Guide

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The University of Melbourne

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)
and Advanced Graduate Diploma Guide

Version 1.05

This guide has been prepared to assist you in deciding whether to apply for the Master of Science or Advanced
Graduate Diploma programs in the area of Mathematics and Statistics and in designing your course. You are advised
that the rules governing the programs are definitively stated in the official University Handbook. In the event of a
disagreement between this Guide and the Handbook, it is the Handbook that is to prevail. The information in this
Guide is given in good faith and correct (to the best of our knowledge) at the time of writing (October 2015). It
has been carefully checked, but the School of Mathematics and Statistics accepts no responsibility for the accuracy
of the information.
Prepared by K. Borovkov. The Guide contains material prepared for its past editions by, or with participation
of, S. Zhou, P. Norbury and O. Foda.

1 Overview

2 Course Structure
2.1 MSc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 AGDip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Some Common Comments on the Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3 Entry Requirements
3.1 MSc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 AGDip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 How to Apply

5 CSPs and Scholarships

5.1 CSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Scholarships, Studentships, Awards and Prizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6 How to Enrol in Individual Subjects

7 How to Find a Supervisor

8 The Research Project Component


9 Extensions and Special Consideration


10 Computer Literacy


11 Contact Details


12 Key Dates


13 Some Useful Web Sites


14 Discipline Subjects in 201617:

Semester Allocation


15 Discipline Subjects: Brief Descriptions


16 Research Project: Thesis & Oral Presentation

16.1 Your Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.2 Your Thesis: General Advice . . . . . . . . . .
16.3 Your Thesis: How to Write It . . . . . . . . . .
16.4 Your Final Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . .























In 2016 the following advanced level programs will be offered in the School of Mathematics &
MC-SCIMAT Master of Science: Mathematics and Statistics
Coordinator: Prof Aihua Xia
GDA-SCI Graduate Diploma in Science (Advanced): Mathematics and Statistics
Coordinator: Prof Aihua Xia
The Master of Science (MSc) program (two years full time) and Graduate Diploma in Science
(Advanced, AGDip) program (one year full time study) in Mathematics and Statistics are flexible
programs allowing students to study subjects in four broad specialisations:
(A) Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,
(B) Discrete Mathematics and Operations Research,
(C) Pure Mathematics, and
(D) Statistics and Stochastic Processes.
The Master of Science program serves as a necessary preparation for research in Mathematics
and Statistics, including PhD studies.
The AGDip program is designed for students who are willing to expand their mathematics
and statistics knowledge and skills but have insufficient mathematical background for immediate
entry into Masters. For such students, the program can also serve as a stepping stone for the MSc
program, and after successful completion of the AGDip program, they will be able to do MSc in
one and a half years instead of two.
Both programs have substantial coursework components:
MSc: 200 credit points = 150 points coursework + a 50 points research project component;
AGDip: 100 credit points = 100 points coursework
(recall that the standard full-time student load is 100 credit points per year, which is equivalent
to eight standard one-semester subjects).
Be aware that the maximum course duration for full-time MSc (AGDip) program is four
(three) years, for part-time MSc (AGDip) program it is six (four) years.1
It is expected that you would nominate your preferred specialisation on enrollment. To successfully do the coursework subjects in the chosen specialisation, you will have to have the undegraduate
level prerequisites (or their equivalents) for the masters level subjects from that specialisation completed by the time you attempt them. There is a space in the MSc program for a couple of such
prerequisite subjects, in case you miss some of them, but you must have sufficient background in
the chosen specialisation area prior to commencing the program.
Each MSc student will be assigned an academic supervisor from a specialisation, who will give
individual advice on the students research project and assist in developing an individual course
plan for that student. The School has several MSc advisers whose names will be communicated to
newly enrolled students at induction. These advisers will be able to assist AGDip students (and
also beginning MSc students, should they have no supervisor at the time) with course planning.
Students will have to do a prescribed number of masters level discipline subjects offered by
the School of Mathematics & Statistics. For the masters level Mathematics & Statistics discipline
subjects available to MSc and AGDip students in 2016 and 2017, please see the table in Section 14
showing the subjects semester allocation. A few of these subjects may be replaced by masters level
subjects offered by other schools or even undergraduate subjects (subject to the approval of the
supervisor and the program coordinator). For precise formulations, see the program descriptions
in the next section and refer to the University Handbook entries for the programs.
MSc students are required to undertake a research project and a professional tools subject.
Note that MSc students in mathematics and statistics are NOT allowed to go on exchange
unless they are prepared to extend the duration of their course.
1 According

to MPF1004.

Course Structure



The Master of Science in Mathematics and Statistics is one of the research training streams of
the Master of Science. The research training streams give students the opportunity to undertake
a substantive research project in a field of choice as well as a broad range of coursework subjects
including a professional tools component, as a pathway to PhD study or to the workforce.
Students must complete a total of 200 credit points over the two year full-time (or an equivalent
part-time) program, comprising:
Discipline Subjects: 137.5 points
Professional Tools Subject: 12.5 points
Research Project: 50 points
It is very important to carefully plan ones coursework from the very beginning, ensuring
that one will satisfy prerequisites for all the subjects, and that one will eventually satisfy the
coursework program requirements listed in the Handbook (see the table below). Seek advice from
you supervisor. If you do not have one yet see the respective MSc course adviser (the Academic
Support Officer provides all enrolled students with the list of advisers at the start of the program).
On enrolment, students must select one of the four specialisations (A)(D) listed on p.3. They
must complete eleven 12.5 point subjects as indicated in the table below. The list of compulsory
and elective masters level subjects from different specialisations is presented after the table.
Number of




Chosen From
Compulsory masters level subjects from the students selected specialisation
Elective masters level subjects from the students selected specialisation
Any masters level subjects from a single specialisation different to the students selected specialisation
Any masters level subjects from any of the specialisations (including up to
two approved masters level subjects from other schools, which includes up
to one approved AMSI Summer School2 subject; fees and enrollment rules
apply to that subject, see Section 6 for more detail). Up to two of these
subjects can be replaced with approved undergraduate subjects. Where it
is necessary for the student to acquire the required knowledge for masters
level Mathematics & Statistics discipline subjects, up to two further masters
level subjects can be replaced with approved undergraduate subjects.

Masters Level Discipline Subjects. Some of the discipline subjects listed below are offered
each year, but others are offered in alternate years. Subjects offered in odd years are labelled
with (o), the ones offered in even years are labelled with (e). For semester allocation of the subjects,
see the table on p. 14.
(A) Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
Compulsory Subjects
MAST90064 Advanced Methods: Differential Equations (o)
MAST90067 Advanced Methods: Transforms (e)
Elective subjects
MAST90080 Advanced Modelling: Case Studies (o)
MAST90060 Mathematical Statistical Mechanics (o)
MAST90065 Exactly Solvable Models (o)
MAST90026 Computational Differential Equations (e)
MAST90011 Modelling: Mathematical Biology (e)
MAST90069 Introduction to String Theory (e)
MAST90103 Random Matrix Theory (e)
2 Here

is the link for the 2016 AMSI Summer School: http://ss16.amsi.org.au/

(B) Discrete Mathematics and Operations Research

Compulsory Subjects
MAST90030 Advanced Discrete Mathematics
MAST90014 Optimisation for Industry
Elective subjects
MAST90013 Network Optimisation (o)
MAST90031 Enumerative Combinatorics (o)
MAST90053 Experimental Mathematics (e)
MAST90098 Approximation Algorithms and Heuristics (e)
(C) Pure Mathematics
Compulsory Subjects
MAST90012 Measure theory (o)
MAST90023 Algebraic Topology (e)
Elective subjects
MAST90017 Representation Theory (o)
MAST90056 Riemann Surfaces and Complex Analysis (o)
MAST90029 Differential Topology and Geometry (o)
MAST90068 Groups, Categories and Homological Algebra (e)
MAST90020 Functional Analysis (e)
MAST90025 Commutative and Multilinear Algebra (e)
MAST90097 Algebraic Geometry (e)
(D) Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Compulsory Subjects
MAST90082 Mathematical Statistics
MAST90019 Random Processes
Elective subjects
MAST90059 Stochastic Calculus with Applications (o)
MAST90083 Computational Statistics and Data Mining (o)
MAST90085 Multivariate Statistical Techniques (o)
MAST90027 The Practice of Statistics (e)
MAST90081 Advanced Probability (e)
MAST90084 Statistical Modelling (e)
MAST90051 Mathematics of Risk (e)
Professional Tools. MSc students must complete subject MAST90045 Systems Modelling and
Simulation. Important: students who have completed one of the introductory programming
subjects MAST30028, COMP10001, COMP10002, COMP20005 or INFO10001 (or equivalent) are
not required to take this subject. Students who have completed one of the introductory probability
subjects MAST20004, MAST20006 (or equivalent) or who have completed 620-131, must obtain
the permission of the MSc coordinator to enrol in MAST90045 Systems Modelling and Simulation.
Students not taking this subject as part of their masters program must complete an additional
12.5 point masters level discipline Mathematics and Statistics subject in its place.
Research Project Component. The Research Project (50 points) is an integral part of the MSc
program in Mathematics and Statistics, and a thesis is the main requirement for this component.
Candidates must pass the Research Project to be awarded the Degree.
For technical reasons, students will have to enrol in one or more Research Project subjects,
to ensure they have completed a total of 50 points by the end of their course. Full time students
are advised to structure their enrolments as follows:


50 points of coursework and no research project.

37.5 points of coursework and 12.5 points of research project.
37.5 points of coursework and 12.5 points of research project.
25 points of coursework and 25 points of research project.

Other structures that are suitable for part time study, or for students who enroll with credit
from earlier degrees, can be negotiated with the students supervisor and the school MSc program
Under special circumstances, with the permission of the program coordinator, students may be
allowed to complete two 25 point research projects instead of a single 50 point project.
For more information about the rules for the Research Project Component, please refer to
Section 8 of the present Guide (p. 10).



The AGDip program in Mathematics and Statistics consists of eight coursework discipline subjects (100 credit points). At least four of them must be masters level Mathematics and Statistics
discipline subjects, at least three of which normally being within a common specialisation. The
remaining subjects can be higher undergraduate (normally third year) level or masters level Mathematics and Statistics subjects (including MAST90045).
This allows students who have not completed an undergraduate major in Mathematics and
Statistics, but have completed first and second year studies in Mathematics and Statistics, to
complete a major in the area while doing the AGDip and then start on (masters level) coursework
that can later be credited towards an MSc degree in Mathematics and Statistics. In this way, they
will be able to earn the MSc degree in 1.5 years of full-time study after the AGDip.
There is no direct transfer from the AGDip to the MSc program. However, once a student
enrolled in the AGDip has completed an equivalent of a major in mathematics and statistics with
marks making her/him eligible for entry to our stream of MSc, the student can apply for the MSc
The AGDip program may also be a suitable stepping stone to the MSc program in Mathematics
and Statistics for students coming from overseas.


Some Common Comments on the Programs

The MSc and AGDip in Mathematics and Statistics are graduate coursework programs. The aims
of these programs are to train students to enable them to proceed to further postgraduate study
at the University of Melbourne or other institutions, and equip students with a range of skills
demanded by todays employers. The programs are well regarded and recognised both in academia
and the industry.
For many students, the advanced courses and project that they do after their undergraduate
courses is the most exciting and valuable time in their studies. Following up their special interests
enables students to develop their research and analytic skills and substantially extends the knowledge gained in earlier years. In some areas there is a possibility of applying theory to real-world
problems. The MSc program in Mathematics and Statistics provides an opportunity for students
to carry out a research project under the supervision of a staff member who is an expert in the
area. They will also learn how to effectively present their findings in print by using document
preparation programs such as LATEX, and how to prepare and deliver a professional oral presentation. Students will have the opportunity to share the findings of their research project with
other students and staff in two presentations during the program. They will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the Internet-based tools essential in mathematical and statistical
research such as MathSciNet (AMS Mathematical Reviews online), to attend seminars that are
designed to further extend their specialised knowledge and to inform them about research and job
opportunities in Mathematics and Statistics.
MSc and AGDip students are part of the Australian mathematical and statistical community
and should consider membership in professional organizations. New full-time graduate students
in Australian Universities receive their first year of membership in the Australian Mathematical
Society free and half-price membership to the Statistical Society of Australia.

Entry Requirements



For the MSc program, the necessary entry requirement comprises an undergraduate degree with a
major in Mathematics and Statistics or Mathematical Physics, with at least an H3 (65%) in the
major, or equivalent. By major the University means completion of 50 points of study at third
year level, so that the average will be calculated for the prescribed (by the University Handbook)
third year subjects constituting the respective specialisation in the major.
Quotas may be applied and preference may be given to applicants with evidence of appropriate
preparation or potential to undertake research. Entry is subject to the capacity of the School to
provide adequate supervision in, and resources for, a research project appropriate to the interests
and preparation of the individual student and may be subject to the agreement of a member of
academic staff to supervise the project module. Selection is not automatic and, in particular, is
subject to competition.



To enter the AGDip program, students should have done at least two first year and three second
or higher level Mathematics & Statistics subjects, with at least an H3 (65%) mark for each of the
two best second or higher level subjects. If students have completed accelerated subjects then
one fewer subject can be deemed appropriate. It is highly desirable that they have also completed
some third year level subjects in Mathematics & Statistics or another quantitative discipline.

How to Apply

Applications to the Master of Science and AGDip programs are made online: please go to
Please refer to the above Web-site for application deadline(s). If you experience any difficulties
with the online application process, please contact the Melbourne Graduate School of Science.
Letters of acceptance are usually sent by the Faculty of Science in mid-December for commencement in Semester 1.

CSPs and Scholarships



The MSc programs will have Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available for local students,
although students with relatively low Grade Point Average may be offered an Australian Fee Place:
Australian and New Zealand citizens and Permanent Resident visa holders with an entry Grade
Point Average (GPA) over 70% will be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
offer. Students with a GPA lower than 70% will be offered an Australian Fee place.3
The AGDip program is supported by the Commonwealth. For more details, contact the
Melbourne Graduate School of Science.
For more detail concerning CSPs, please visit the Commonwealth Governments Department
of Education Web site:
For information for future International students (incl. tuition fees) please refer to:
3 https://graduate.science.unimelb.edu.au/master-of-science

For more information on tuition fees for MSc, please visit the following website:
MSc students may wish to consider undertaking some part-time tutoring in the School in the
first half of their programs. For further information please see the Director of the Mathematics
and Statistics Learning Centre4 as early as possible to register your interest.


Scholarships, Studentships, Awards and Prizes

Melbourne Graduate School of Science

The Melbourne Graduate School of Science offers a range of scholarships, awards and prizes.
For more information, visit:
For the Faculty of Science awards, prizes and scholarships, visit
Graduate Access Melbourne provides access to applicants whose personal circumstances have
had a sustained adverse effect on their academic achievement at undergraduate level or who
are members of a specified group known to be under-represented in higher education. For
more information, visit:
School of Mathematics and Statistics Scholarships
Our School provides scholarships for MSc (Mathematics and Statistics) students who satisfy
certain criteria. After each semester of the students study, the average mark for all the coursework subjects attempted by the student by that time in the MSc program will be calculated.
Provided that the current average mark is 75 or greater, the student was studying full-time in
the last completed semester and is enrolled full-time in the next one, and is not in receipt of a
National Scholarship or any other Scholarship over $4,000 dollars in value in that year, the
student will be paid a scholarship installment of $2,000 (so that the total maximum scholarship
amount is $6,000 over the course of the degree).
Maurice Belz Scholarships
The School may offer up to three scholarships (valued at $7,000 each) to students enrolled in
our MSc program, specialising in Statistics and undertaking a research project in one of these
areas: Applied Statistics, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Operations Research.
For more detail, please contact our Academic Support Officer (contact details are on p.13).
The School also awards the following scholarship and prizes for which MSc students are eligible:
Wyselaskie Scholarship: awarded to the best MSc student in Mathematics and Statistics.
Dwights Prize: awarded to the best MSc student in Statistics.
Urquhart Prize: awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Mathematics
in their MSc program.
Nanson/Wilson Prizes: awarded to the best original memoir by a student within seven
years of first enrolment.
4 http://www.mslc.ms.unimelb.edu.au

How to Enrol in Individual Subjects

Enrolment is managed by Student Services and is to be done online whenever possible. Always
seek course advice from your supervisor or, in the absence thereof, from the masters student
adviser for your specialisation area. If in doubt, talk to the program coordinator. In case you
have any difficulties with the enrolment procedure, talk to our Academic Support Officer.
(i) If the subject in question is a discipline masters level subject offered either by our School
(see p.14) or by another school and approved for our program (i.e. it appears in the
Handbook list of approved Masters level subjects from other Schools) then:
(i.a) if you meet all the prerequisites for that subject, login to Student Portal to use it
to enrol online. For more detail, visit
(i.b) if you do not meet the formal prerequisites for that subject, but you believe that
you will have the prerequisite knowledge, you can still ask the subject coordinator
to give you a requisite waiver. You will need to justify your request to persuade the
coordinator to give you permission to enrol (send her/him a scan of your academic
transcript, see her/him to talk about your background etc). If the coordinator gives
you the desired permission (an email to that effect from the subject coordinator
would suffice), submit it with an Enrolment Variation Form online to enrol.
(ii) If this is a third year Mathematics & Statistics undergraduate subject or a masters
level subject which is offered by another school but not automatically approved for our
program (i.e. it does not appear in the Handbook list of Masters level subjects from other
Schools) then:
(ii.a) if you meet all the prerequisites for that subject, contact your supervisor to get
her/his approval to enrol in that subject. Once the approval is granted, contact our
MSc & AGDip Coordinator to get her/his approval to enrol. If you are allowed to
enrol, submit the approval (an email from the program coordinator would suffice)
with an Enrolment Variation Form online to enrol.
(ii.b) if you do not meet the formal prerequisites for that subject, but you believe that
you will have the prerequisite knowledge, you can still ask the subject coordinator
to give you a requisite waiver. First you will need to obtain the School approval as
described in (ii.a), and then to get requisite waiver from the subject coordinator, as
described in (i.b) above. Once you have got both the School approval and requisite
waiver, submit them (emails are fine) with an Enrolment Variation Form online to
(iii) If this is an AMSI Summer School Subject, first of all you need to talk to the MSc
program coordinator to find out if you will be allowed to take that subject for credit.
Note that it may happen that only a few of the AMSI Summer School Subjects will be
approved for credit in a given year. You are allowed to take at most one such subject for
credit during your program.
To participate in an AMSI Summer School you will need to register and pay the registration fee. That can be done from the Summer School webpage5 . Beware of the early
bird registration and registration deadlines!
The School of Mathematics & Statistics can reimburse part of the registration fee provided that you are taking a subject from the Summer School for credit and formally enrol
in the specially created subject MAST90079 AMSI Summer School.
If the Summer School is run outside of Melbourne, you can apply for a Travel Grant
from AMSI (go to the Summer School webpage to do that). The School of Mathematics
& Statistics does not cover any associated travel expenses or accommodation costs.

How to Find a Supervisor

You are not required to have found or confirmed a supervisor at the time when you submit
your application, but you will have to have a confirmed supervisor prior to commencing the
first component of the Research Project.
5 Here

is the link for the 2016 AMSI Summer School: http://ss16.amsi.org.au/

It is wise to think both about choosing specialisation and supervisor for your project in that
specialisation well in advance though. Information about the School, in particular the research
activities of various research groups, can be found on the Schoolal web site:
Research interests of individual staff members in the School can be searched online at:
A supervisor and a second examiner will be appointed for each MSc student. To assist in
this, a student must contact a potential supervisor ahead or during the first semester of the
program. The program coordinator should be advised after the supervision arrangement is
The role of the supervisor is to suggest the content and aim of the project, discuss relevant
sources including textbooks, papers, reports, industry materials etc., as well as the timeline
for the project and the best strategy for combining the coursework and project. During the
year, the supervisor should oversee the students progress and provide advice and feedback.
See also Section 16 below.
The second examiner acts as an adviser to the student when the principal supervisor is absent
from the School.
The student is expected to provide a draft of the thesis in good time for the supervisor to
read and comment on (doing that at least two weeks prior to the thesis submission date
would be appropriate) and is responsible for submitting two final (bound hard) copies of the
thesis by the deadline specified in this Guide. The supervisor and the second examiner will be
responsible for marking the thesis.
AGDip students do not have supervisors. To assist them with coursework planning, the
School has several advisers whose names will be communicated to newly enrolled students at
induction. The advisers will also be able to assist MSc students with coursework planning
and, in case the student will not be able to find a supervisor prior to the beginning of their
program, with choosing a suitable supervisor as well.

The Research Project Component

During the first semester of their MSc program, students must finalise their choice of research
project supervisor and research topic. The research project starts at the beginning of the
second semester of study and should be conducted in three consecutive semesters. Typically,
work on the project, including associated thesis and presentation, is conducted in 60 of the
next 66 weeks. An indicative total time commitment of 800 hours for the duration of the
project is expected.
Leave of absence during enrolment in a research project and outside of university holidays
requires the approval of the students supervisor.
A preliminary literature survey and research plan (of 2 pages) is due at the end of week eight
of the first research project enrolment semester (hurdle; pass/fail).
An intermediate report on the progress in the research project (of 2 pages) is due at the end
of week eight of the second research project enrolment semester (hurdle; pass/fail).
A thesis (90% of assessment) is the main requirement due after the full 50 points of enrolment
in the research project component. Two bound hard copies and a soft copy (a PDF file) of
the research thesis are to be submitted to the General Office of the School two weeks prior to
the end of the teaching period in the final semester of research project enrolment.
Students will have to give a 30 minute presentation (10% of assessment) on their research
projects in the last week of that teaching period, on a date to be announced by the School of
Mathematics and Statistics in the middle of the semester.
The students unable to meet the submission deadline need to apply for an extension. Applications for extension of up to two weeks should be made to the program coordinator, in
accordance with the Universitys Extensions Procedure (MPF1029). If an extension of more


than two weeks is required, the student should apply for Special Consideration through the
Student Portal, in accordance with the Special Consideration Procedure (MPF1030). The student may request that his/her supervisor supply a supporting letter in addition to submitting
the HCAP form.
It is expected that the theses will be prepared to a professional standard using a typesetting
program such as LATEX. They are expected to be 40-60 pages in length, excluding references,
appendices, figures and tables (usually, the volume is slightly bigger for applied and statistics
topics and slightly less for pure ones). Samples of recent projects can be found on the Web
site of the School of Mathematics and Statistics. For more information concerning research
projects, see Section 16.
The project will be assessed on criteria which will take into account the research areas (pure
mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical physics, operations research, probability,
applied statistics etc.) and different forms (such as predominantly survey, new research, biological or industrial application, modelling etc.) a thesis may take. These criteria will include:

clarity of exposition;
mathematical accuracy;
mathematical insight displayed;
coverage of the field and references;

and may be complemented by one or more of the following:

description of the application and/or business context;
mathematical modelling;
presentation and analysis of numerical results.
The weights given to these components will take into account the nature of the project.
Student Seminars
During their candidature, MSc students must give at least two talks. The first one could
be a progress talk on their project or on another related topic and may be given before their
research group. The second one will be a 30 minute presentation (including three minutes of
question time) to be given by students at a special mini-conference at the end of the semester
when they complete the research project component of their degrees (see Section 12 for the
dates). This presentation is assessed as part of the research project component, its weight
being 10% (the weight of the written thesis is 90%).
MSc and AGDip students should consider themselves as part of the research strength of the
School and view the School seminars as a means for broadening their knowledge. It is expected
that students will attend all research seminars in the broader area of their chosen field.

Extensions and Special Consideration

The University policies for Extensions (Extensions Procedure, MPF1029)) and Special Consideration (Special Consideration Procedure, MPF1030) apply to coursework programs and to
coursework subjects in our MSc and AGDip programs. For further details visit


Computer Literacy

There are many useful mathematics & statistics resources that can be found on the Web. One
of the most valuable of them is the research publications database MathSciNet published
by the American Mathematical Society. The database provides BibTEX entries with all reviews, and its abbreviations of journal titles have become a de facto standard in mathematical
An alternative (and bigger) major international reviewing service that covers the entire field of
mathematics is Zentralblatt MATH, which is edited by the European Mathematical Society.
Both databases can be accessed via the University Library Web site.


Modern computational hard- and software have tremendously enhanced research in the areas
of applied mathematics and statistics and had a serious effect on theoretical research as well.
Perhaps the most powerful and popular symbolic and/or numerical mathematics software
packages available nowadays are Maple, Mathematica and Matlab. For all three, the
School has licenses for School computers, so the students will be able to use the software on
the desktop machines in the Richard Berry building. Moreover, student stand-alone licenses
are available for all three, at a price below $150 each (these licenses are restricted to use
by students enrolled in a course offered by a degree-granting institution or in a continuing
education course). Brief descriptions of the packages, with links, can be found e.g. at
A very useful source of expertise and research-specific IT advice is Research Bazaar:
This is a training/workshops program with a strong focus on community building, run by the
Research Platform Services. The latter is the department within the University of Melbourne
that helps researchers with the research-specific IT things they do. We offer data storage, cloud
and high performance computing services and run workshops on the latest digital research
Even if you will not need any symbolic/numerical computation for your own research project
and/or coursework subjects, it is highly recommended for your future professional life that
you learn how to work with at least one of the above packages. The same applies to LATEX,
an excellent high level typesetting system suitable for scientific literature that we recommend
students to use for their theses preparation. Useful LATEX-related links can be found here:
http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/Students/index.php?page ref id=358
Statistics students will in all likelihood be familiar with R, a freely available programming language and environment which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques
and which has become a de facto standard among statisticians for developing statistical software (see http://cran.r-project.org/ for more info). Due to its rich capabilities and efficient
syntax, R is becoming an increasingly popular programming tool in areas other than statistics.
It is important to realise that quite a few (if not all) industry (and actually academic as
well) jobs of quantitative character require certain programming skills. Quite often successful
candidates are expected to have experience with a number of programming languages, and very
often the wish list includes such items as SAS, SPSS and SQL. There are a few opportunities
to get such an experience (if you havent got it yet) while you are doing your postgraduate
coursework degree:
SAS (Statistical Analysis System, http://www.sas.com) is a comprehensive and powerful software system for data management and data analysis. It consists of the Base SAS module and
a number of separate add on modules. As a student of this University, you will have free access
to both SAS itself and eight eLearning SAS courses. For more information, please visit
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a relatively basic computer program
used for statistical analysis. One possibility to learn how to work with it is to take part in an
SPSS-based version of the course Statistics for Research Workers run by our Statistical Consulting Centre (visit http://www.scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/courses.html for more information).
The course is not free, unfortunately (unless its taken for credit, which is not an option for
our MSc students).
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database computer language designed for managing
data in relational database management systems. There are many free Web-based resources
where one learn the basics of SQL. Elements of SQL are covered in the masters level subject
SINF90001 Database Systems & Information Modelling which is offered in both semesters.
However, because of the overall content of this subject, we do not recommended it for our
MSc students.



Contact Details

Prof Aihua Xia, MSc & AGDip (Mathematics & Statistics) Coordinator;
phone: (03) 8344 3453, email: sanming@unimelb.edu.au.
Ms Kirsten Hoak, Academic Support Officer;
phone: (03) 9035 8013, email: khoak@unimelb.edu.au.


Key Dates

Application Dates for students to commence their studies in 2016:

Please check the Faculty Web site referred to in Section 4 above.
Applications may be accepted after these dates. Please contact the Melbourne Graduate
School of Science (http://graduate.science.unimelb.edu.au/contact-us).
MSc/AGDip Commencement/orientation:
Usually, it is in Week O (i.e. the last week before the start of lectures in the respective
semester). The successful applicants will be contacted in advance by the Melbourne
Graduate School of Science via e-mail.
MSc Thesis Submission Deadline:
2:00pm on Friday, two weeks prior to the end of the teaching period in the final semester
of research project enrolment (in 2016, it will be on Friday 13 May in Semester 1, and
on Friday 7 October in Semester 2). For those students who do not meet the submission
deadline, the Examiners will take this into account at the Examiners Meeting.
Research Project Seminars:
In the last week of teaching in the final semester of your research project enrolment. The
exact date will be announced around week eight in that semester.


Some Useful Web Sites

School of Mathematics and Statistics:

School Website for prospective MSc and AGDip students:
http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/Students/Postgrad/Prospect Postgrad.php
Melbourne Graduate School of Science:
Faculty of Science MSc (Mathematics and Statistics) Website:
Melbourne Scholarships Office:
University Career and Employment Website:


14 Discipline Subjects in 201617:

Semester Allocation
The table below shows year/semester allocation of masters level discipline subjects in Mathematics and Statistics in 201617. Some subjects are taught each year, some subjects alternate.
The units appearing in the 2016 half of the table will be offered in even years (i.e., in 2016,
2018 etc.), whereas the ones in the 2017 halfin odd years. The names of the compulsory
subjects within the four specialisations are typeset in bold-face.
The information presented in the table was last time updated on 20 October 2015.
Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 1

Functional Analysis

Measure Theory

Groups, Categories &
Homological Algebra
Algebraic Geometry

Differ. Topology &

Semester 2

Pure Mathematics
Commutative and
Multilinear Algebra

Riemann Surfaces &
Complex Analysis

Applied Mathematics & Mathematical Physics

Adv. Methods:
Differ. Equations
Random Matrix Theory

Introduction to
String Theory

Adv. Methods:
Statist. Mechanics

Adv. Modelling:
Case Studies
Exactly Solvable

Discrete Mathematics & Operations Research

Optimisation for

Advanced Discrete

Optimisation for


Algorithms & Heuristics Combinatorics

Advanced Discrete

Statistics & Stochastic Processes


Random Processes

Statistical Modelling

Mathematics of Risk

The Practice of

Systems Modelling
& Simulation [Tool]


Stochastic Calculus
with Applications
Statist. Techniques
Systems Modelling
& Simulation [Tool]

Random Processes
Statistics and
Data Mining


Discipline Subjects: Brief Descriptions

Some of the subjects are offered in either odd or even years onlyfor such subjects, the year
of offering is indicated by an (o) or (e) after the subject code. Note that the names of all the
subject coordinators below are tentative. For semester allocation of the subjects, see the table
on p. 14. The italicised text in the prerequisite sections describes the recommended background
knowledge for the subject. You are advised that the discipline subjects descriptions are
definitively stated in the official University Handbook. In the event of a disagreement between
this Guide and the Handbook, it is the Handbook that is to prevail.
Advanced Discrete Mathematics MAST90030
Coordinator: Richard Brak
The subject consists of three main topics. The bijective principle with applications to maps,
permutations, lattice paths, trees and partitions. Algebraic combinatorics with applications
rings, symmetric functions and tableaux. Ordered sets with applications to generating functions and the structure of combinatorial objects.
Prerequisites: MAST30021 Complex Analysis. It is recommended that students have completed third year subjects in graph theory and/or discrete mathematics equivalent to one of the
following: MAST30011 Graph Theory, MAST30012 Discrete Mathematics.
Advanced Methods: Differential Equations MAST90064 (o)
Coordinator: James Osborne
This subject develops the mathematical methods of applied mathematics and mathematical
physics with an emphasis on ordinary differential equations. Both analytical and approximate
techniques are used to determine solutions of ordinary differential equations. Exact solutions
by localised series expansion techniques of second-order linear ordinary differential equations
and Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems are explored. Special functions are introduced
here. Regular and singular perturbation expansion techniques, asymptotic series solutions,
dominant balance, and WKB theory are used to determine approximate solutions of linear
and nonlinear differential equations. Throughout, the theory is set in the context of examples
from applied mathematics and mathematical physics such as nonlinear oscillators, boundary
layers and dispersive phenomena.
Prerequisites: MAST30029 Partial Differential Equations, or equivalent. It is recommended
that students have completed a subject in real analysis. Completion of, or concurrent enrolment
in, a subject in complex analysis may also be helpful.
Advanced Methods: Transforms MAST90067 (e)
Coordinator: Peter Forrester
This subject develops the mathematical methods of applied mathematics and mathematical
physics with an emphasis on integral transform and related techniques. An introduction is
given to the calculus of variations and the Euler-Lagrange equation. Advanced complex contour integration techniques are used to evaluate and invert Fourier and Laplace transforms.
The general theory includes convolutions, Greens functions and generalized functions. The
methods of Laplace, stationary phase, steepest descents and Watsons lemma are used to
asymptotically approximate integrals. Throughout, the theory is set in the context of examples from applied mathematics and mathematical physics such as the brachistochrone problem,
Fraunhofer diffraction, Dirac delta function, heat equation and diffusion.
Prerequisites: Both of the following, or equivalent: MAST30029 Partial Differential Equations, MAST30021 Complex Analysis. It is recommended that students have completed a
subject in real analysis.


Advanced Modelling: Case Studies MAST90080 (o)

Coordinator: James McCaw
Mathematical modelling can give deep insight into many complex systems that arise in nature and technology. It is also used to describe and predict new phenomena, test hypotheses
and investigate novel avenues for experiments. This subject presents a series of advanced
case studies that demonstrate the utility of mathematical modelling and develop the students
ability to tackle real-world problems arising in scientific, medical or industrial contexts. Mathematical approaches will include discrete, computational and asymptotic methods. The use of
appropriate approximations and the interpretation of solutions in the context of the original
problem will be emphasised.
Prerequisites: MAST20030 Differential Equations or MAST30029 Partial Differential Equations (pre-2014) and MAST30030 Applied Mathematical Modelling.
Advanced Probability MAST90081 (e)
Coordinator: Aihua Xia
This subject mostly explores the key concept from Probability Theory: convergence of probability distributions, which is fundamental for Mathematical Statistics and is widely used in
other applications. We study in depth the classical method of characteristic functions and
discuss alternative approaches to proving limit theorems of Probability Theory.
Prerequisites: MAST30020 Probability and Statistical Inference or equivalent.
Not allowed subject: MAST90062 Probability & Mathematical Statistics I.
Algebraic Geometry MAST90097 (e)
Coordinator: Ting Xue
This course is an introduction to algebraic geometry. Algebraic geometry is the study of zero
sets of polynomials. It exploits the interplay between rings of functions and the underlying
geometric objects on hwich they are defined. It is a fundamental tool in may areas of mathematics, including number theory, physics and differential geometry. The syllabus includes
affine and projective varieties, coordinate ring of functions, the Nullstellensatz, Zariski topology, regular morphisms, dimension, smoothness and singularities, sheaves, schemes.
Prerequisites: MAST30005 Algebra, MAST90025 Commutative and Multlinear Algebra.
Algebraic Topology MAST90023 (e)
Coordinator: Marcy Robertson
This subject studies topological spaces and continuous maps between them. It demonstrates
the power of topological methods in dealing with problems involving shape and position of
objects and continuous mappings, and shows how topology can be applied to many areas,
including geometry, analysis, group theory and physics. The aim is to reduce questions in
topology to problems in algebra by introducing algebraic invariants associated to spaces and
continuous maps. Important classes of spaces studied are manifolds (locally Euclidean spaces)
and CW complexes, built by gluing together cells of various dimensions. Topics include: homotopy of maps and homotopy equivalence of spaces, homotopy groups of spaces, the fundamental
group, covering spaces; homology theory, including singular homology theory, the axiomatic
approach of Eilenberg and Steenrod, and cellular homology.
Prerequisites: Both of the following, or equivalent: MAST30005 Algebra, MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert Spaces.


Approximation Algorithms and Heuristics MAST90098 (e)

Coordinator: Charl Ras
Many discrete optimisation problems encountered in practice are too difficult to solve exactly
in a reasonable time frame. Approximation algorithms and heuristics are the most widely used
approaches for obtaining reasonably accurate solutions to such hard problems. This subject
introduces the basic concepts and techniques underlying these inexact approaches. We will
address the following fundamental questions in the subject: How difficult is the problem
under consideration? How closely can an optimal solution be approximated? And how can
we go about finding near-optimal solutions in an efficient way? We will discuss methodologies
for analysing the complexity and approximability of some important optimisation problems,
including the travelling salesman problem, knapsack problem, bin packing, scheduling, network
design, covering problems and facility location. We will also learn about various metaheuristics
(simulated annealing, Tabu search, GRASP, genetic algorithms) and matheuristics (relax-andfix, fix-and-optimise, local branching) that are widely used in solving real-world optimisation
Prerequisites: MAST30013 Techniques in Operations Research.
Commutative and Multilinear Algebra MAST90025 (e)
Coordinator: Nora Ganter
The subject covers aspects of multilinear and commutative algebra as well as two substantial
applications. Within multilinear algebra this includes bilinear forms and multilinear products
of vector spaces, such as tensor products. Commutative algebra concerns itself with properties
of commutative rings, such as polynomial rings and their quotients and to modules over such
rings. Both topics have wide application, both to other parts of mathematics and to physics.
Much of this theory was developed for applications in geometry and in number theory, and
the theorems can be used to cast substantial light on problems from geometry and number
Prerequisites: MAST30005 Algebra or equivalent.
Computational Differential Equations MAST90026 (e)
Coordinator: James Osborne
Many processes in the natural sciences, engineering and finance are described mathematically using ordinary or partial differential equations. Only the simplest or those with special
structure can be solved exactly. This subject discusses common techniques to computing
numerical solutions to differential equations and introduces the major themes of accuracy, stability and efficiency. Understanding these basic properties of scientific computing algorithms
should prevent the unwary from using software packages inappropriately or uncritically, and
provide a foundation for devising methods for nonstandard problems. We cover both timeindependent problems, in one and higher space dimensions, and evolution equations of hyperbolic or parabolic type.
Prerequisites: Students should be able to program in one of: C, Matlab, Mathematica, Perl,
Fortran, Python etc. Students are required to write programs in MATLAB so previous experience in writing and debugging procedural computer programs is expected. It is recommended
that students have completed a subject in partial differential equations.
Computational Statistics and Data Mining MAST90083 (o)
Coordinator: Guoqi Qian
Computing techniques and data mining methods are indispensable in modern statistical research and applications, where Big Data problems are often involved. This subject will
introduce a number of recently developed statistical data mining methods that are scalable to
large datasets and high-performance computing. These include regularized regression such as
the Lasso; tree based methods such as bagging, boosting and random forests; and support vector machines. Important statistical computing algorithms and techniques used in data mining
will be explained in detail. These include the bootstrap, cross-validation, the EM algorithm,
and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods including the Gibbs sampler and MetropolisHastings
Prerequisites: MAST30027 Modern Applied Statistics or MAST30025 Linear Statistical


Differential Topology and Geometry MAST90029 (o)

Coordinator: Paul Norbury
This subject extends the methods of calculus and linear algebra to study the geometry and
topology of higher dimensional spaces. The ideas introduced are of great importance throughout mathematics, physics and engineering. This subject will cover basic material on the
differential topology of manifolds including integration on manifolds, and give an introduction
to Riemannian geometry. Topics include: Differential Topology: smooth manifolds, tangent
spaces, inverse and implicit function theorems, differential forms, bundles, transversality, integration on manifolds, de Rham cohomology; Riemanian Geometry: connections, geodesics,
and curvature of Riemannian metrics; examples coming from Lie groups, hyperbolic geometry,
and other homogeneous spaces.
Pre-requisites: Both of the following, or equivalent: MAST20009 Vector Calculus, MAST30026
Metric and Hilbert Spaces.
Enumerative Combinatorics MAST90031 (o)
Coordinators: Nathan Clisby
The subject is about the use of generating functions for enumeration of combinatorial structures, including partitions of numbers, partitions of sets, permutations with restricted cycle
structure, connected graphs, and other types of graph. The subject covers the solution of
recurrence relations, methods of asymptotic enumeration, and some applications in statistical
mechanics. The methods covered have widespread applicability, including in areas of pure and
applied mathematics and computer science.
Prerequisites: MAST30021 Complex Analysis, or equivalent. Use of mathematical symbolic
computation packages such as Mathematica and Maple is encouraged.
Exactly Solvable Models MAST90065 (o)
Coordinators: Jan de Gier and Peter Forrester
In mathematical physics, a wealth of information comes from the exact, non-perturbative,
solution of quantum models in one-dimension and classical models in two-dimensions. This
subject is an introduction into Yang-Baxter and Bethe Ansatz integrability, and the orthogonal polynomial method of random matrix theory. Transfer matrices, Yang-Baxter equation
and Bethe ansatz are developed in the context of the 6-vertex model, quantum spin chains
and other examples. As a solvable model, random matrix theory aims to first identify the
explicit eigenvalue distributions for a given matrix distribution. The method of orthogonal
polynomials is then used to compute eigenvalue correlation functions that can be compared
against (numerical) experiments.
Prerequisites: MAST30021 Complex Analysis, or equivalent. It is recommended that students have completed MAST10007 Linear Algebra, or equivalent. No prior knowledge of physics
is assumed.
Experimental Mathematics MAST90053 (e)
Coordinator: Jan De Gier
Modern computers have developed far beyond being great devices for numerical simulations
or tedious but straightforward algebra; and in 1990 the first mathematical research paper was
published whose sole author was a thinking machine known as Shalosh B Ekhad. This course
will discuss some of the great advances made in using computers to purely algorithmically
discover (and prove) nontrivial mathematical theorems in, for example, Number Theory and
Algebraic Combinatorics. Topics include: Automated hypergeometric summation, Groebner
basis, Chaos theory, Number guessing, Recurrence relations and BBP formulas.
Prerequisites: One of the following, or equivalent: MAST30028 Numerical and Symbolic
Mathematics; MAST30005 Algebra; MAST30012 Discrete Mathematics. It is recommended
that students have completed MAST30028 Numerical and Symbolic Mathematics or a similar


Functional Analysis MAST90020 (e)

Coordinator: Christian Haesemeyer
Functional analysis is a fundamental area of pure mathematics, with countless applications to
the theory of differential equations, engineering, and physics. The students will be exposed to
the theory of Banach spaces, the concept of dual spaces, the weak-star topology, the HahnBanach theorem, the axiom of choice and Zorns lemma, Krein-Milman, operators on Hilbert
space, the Peter-Weyl theorem for compact topological groups, the spectral theorem for infinite
dimensional normal operators, and connections with harmonic analysis.
Prerequisites: Both of the following, or equivalent: MAST20022 Group Theory and Linear
Algebra; MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert Spaces.
Groups, Categories and Homological Algebra MAST90068 (e)
Coordinator: Daniel Murfet
As well as being beautiful in its own right, algebra is used in many areas of mathematics,
computer science and physics. This subject provides a grounding in several fundamental areas
of modern advanced algebra including Lie groups, combinatorial group theory, category theory
and homological algebra. The material complements that covered in the subject Commutative
and Mutlilinear Algebra without assuming it as prerequisite.
Prerequisites: MAST30005 Algebra, or equivalent.
Introduction to String Theory MAST90069 (e)
Coordinator: Omar Foda
The first half of this subject is an introduction to two-dimensional conformal field theory with
emphasis on the operator formalism and explicit calculations. The second half is an introduction to string theory based on the first half. For concreteness, the representation theory of
Virasoro algebra and bosonic strings will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: Both of the following, or equivalent: MAST30021 Complex Analysis; MAST20009
Vector Calculus. No prior knowledge of physics is assumed.
Mathematical Statistical Mechanics MAST90060 (o)
Coordinator: Paul Pearce
The goal of statistical mechanics is to describe the behaviour of bulk matter starting from
a physical description of the interactions between its microscopic constituents. This subject
introduces the Gibbs probability distributions of classical statistical mechanics, the relations
to thermodynamics and the modern theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena. The
central concepts of critical exponents, universality and scaling are emphasized throughout.
Applications include the ideal gases, magnets, fluids, one-dimensional Ising and Potts lattice
spin models, random walks and percolation as well as approximate methods of solution.
Prerequisites: MAST20009 Vector Calculus, or equivalent. It is recommended that students
have completed MAST20026 Real Analysis, or equivalent.
Mathematical Statistics MAST90082
Coordinator: Richard Huggins
The theory of statistical inference is important for applied statistics and as a discipline in
its own right. After reviewing random samples and related probability techniques including
inequalities and convergence concepts the theory of statistical inference is developed. The
principles of data reduction are discussed and related to model development. Methods of
finding estimators are given, with an emphasis on multiparameter models, along with the
theory of hypothesis testing and interval estimation. Both finite and large sample properties
of estimators are considered. Applications may include robust and distribution free methods,
quasi-likelihood and generalized estimating equations. It is expected that students completing
this course will have the tools to be able to develop inference procedures in novel settings.
Prerequisites: MAST20005 Statistics and any third-year subject in statistics or stochastic processes. It is recommended that students have completed MAST30020 Probability and
Statistical Inference, MAST30025 Linear Statistical Models and MAST30027 Modern Applied


Mathematics of Risk MAST90051 (e)

Coordinator: Kostya Borovkov
Mathematical modelling of various types of risk has become an important component of the
modern financial industry. The subject discusses the key aspects of the mathematics of market
risk. Main concepts include loss distributions, risk and dependence measures, copulas, risk
aggregation and allocation principles elements of extreme value theory. The main theme is
the need to satisfactorily address extreme outcomes and the dependence of key risk drivers.
Prerequisites: MAST20026 Real Analysis and one of the following subjects: MAST20004
Probability, MAST20006 Probability for Statistics, or equivalent.
Measure theory MAST90012 (o)
Coordinator: Lawrence Reeves
Measure Theory formalises and generalises the notion of integration. It is fundamental to many
areas of mathematics and probability and has applications in other fields such as physics and
economics. Students will be introduced to Lebesgue measure and integration, signed measures, the Hahn-Jordan decomposition, the Radon-Nikodym derivative, conditional expectation, Borel sets and standard Borel spaces, product measures, and the Riesz representation
Prerequisites: Both of the following subjects, or equivalent: MAST20022 Group Theory and
Linear Algebra, MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert Spaces.
Modelling: Mathematical Biology MAST90011 (e)
Coordinator: James McCaw
Modern techniques have revolutionised biology and medicine, but interpretative and predictive
tools are needed. Mathematical modelling is such a tool, providing explanations for counterintuitive results and predictions leading to new experimental directions. The broad flavour of
the area and the modelling process will be discussed. Applications will be drawn from many
areas including population growth, epidemic modelling, biological invasion, pattern formation,
tumour modelling, developmental biology and tissue engineering. A large range of mathematical techniques will be discussed, for example discrete time models, ordinary differential
equations, partial differential equations, stochastic models and cellular automata.
Prerequisites: MAST30029 Partial Differential Equations, or equivalent.
Multivariate Statistical Techniques MAST90085 (o)
Coordinator: Richard Huggins
Multivariate statistics concerns the analysis of collections of random variables that has general applications across the sciences and more recently in bioinformatics. It overlaps machine
learning and data mining, and leads into functional data analysis. Here random vectors and
matrices are introduced along with common multivariate distributions. Multivariate techniques for clustering, classification and data reduction are given. These include discriminant
analysis and principal components. Classical multivariate regression and analysis of variance
methods are considered. These approaches are then extended to high dimensional data, such
as that commonly encountered in bioinformatics, motivating the development of multiple hypothesis testing techniques. Finally, functional data is introduced.
Prerequisites: MAST30025 Linear Statistical Models and MAST90082 Mathematical Statistics.
Network Optimisation MAST90013 (o)
Coordinator: Sanming Zhou and Charl Ras
Many practical problems in management, operations research, telecommunication and computer networking can be modelled as optimisation problems on networks. Here the underlying
structure is a graph. This subject is an introduction to optimisation problems on networks
with a focus on theoretical results and efficient algorithms. It covers classical problems that
can be solved in polynomial time, such as shortest paths, maximum matchings, maximum
flows, and minimum cost flows. Other topics include complexity and NP-completeness, matroids and greedy algorithms, approximation algorithms, multicommodity flows, and network
design. This course is beneficial for all students of discrete mathematics, operations research,
and computer science.
Prerequisites: MAST30011 Graph Theory, or equivalent. An introductory-level subject in
operations research equivalent to MAST20018 Discrete Maths and Operations Research is recommended.


Optimisation for Industry MAST90014

Coordinator: Alysson Costa
The use of mathematical optimisation is widespread in business, where it is a key analytical tool
for managing and planning business operations. It is also required in many industrial processes
and is useful to government and community organizations. This subject will expose students
to operations research techniques as used in industry. A heavy emphasis will be placed on the
modelling process that turns an industrial problem into a mathematical formulation. The focus
will then be on how to solve the resulting mathematical problem. Mathematical programming
and (meta)-heuristic techniques will be reviewed and applied to selected problems.
Prerequisites: MAST10007 Linear Algebra or MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics 1, or
equivalent. It is recommended that students have completed a third year subject in linear
and non-linear programming equivalent to MAST30013 Techniques in Operations Research or
MAST30022 Decision Making.
Random Matrix Theory MAST90103 (e)
Coordinator: Peter Forrester
Random matrix theory is a diverse topic in mathematics. It draws together ideas from linear
algebra, multivariate calculus, analysis, probability theory and mathematical physics, amongst
other topics. It also enjoys a wide number of applications, ranging from wireless communication in engineering, to quantum chaos in physics, to the Reimann zeta function zeros in pure
mathematics. A self contained development of random matrix theory will be undertaken in
this course from a mathematical physics viewpoint. Topics to be covered include Jacobians for
matrix transformation, matrix ensembles and their eigenvalue probability density functions,
equilibrium measures, global and local statistical quantities, determinantal point processes,
products of random matrices and Dyson Brownian motion.
Prerequisites: MAST30021 Complex Analysis. It is recommended that students have completed MAST30031 Methods of Mathematical Physics and MAST20004 Probability.
Random Processes MAST90019 (e)
Coordinator: Aihua Xia
The subject covers the key aspects of the theory of stochastic processes that plays the central
role in modern probability and has numerous applications in natural sciences and in industry.
It begins with a discussion of ways to construct and specify random processes, then proceeds
to distributional convergence of processes, covers the functional central limit theorem and its
counterpart for empirical processes, and finally discusses Levy processes and more general
continuous time Markov processes. Applications to modelling random phenomena evolving in
time are discussed throughout the course.
Prerequisites: Both of the following subjects, or equivalent. MAST30001 Stochastic Modelling, MAST30020 Probability and Statistical Inference.
Representation Theory MAST90017 (o)
Coordinator: Arun Ram
Symmetries arise in mathematics as groups and Representation Theory is the study of groups
via their actions on vector spaces. It has important applications in many fields: physics,
chemistry, economics, biology and others. This subject will provide the basic tools for studying actions on vector spaces. The course will focus on teaching the basics of representation
theory through some favourite examples: symmetric groups, diagram algebras, matrix groups,
reflection groups. In each case the irreducible characters and irreducible modules for the group
(or algebra) will be analysed, developing more and more powerful tools as the course proceeds.
Examples that will form the core of the material for the course include SL2, cyclic and dihedral
groups, diagram algebras: Temperley-Lieb, symmetric group and Hecke algebras, Brauer and
BMW algebras, compact Lie groups. Among the tools and motivation that will play a role in
the study are characters and character formulas, Induction, restriction and tensor products,
and connections to statistical mechanics, mathematical physics and geometry. If time permits,
there may be some treatment of loop groups, affine Lie algebras and Dynkin diagrams.
Prerequisites: MAST30005 Algebra, or equivalent.


Riemann Surfaces and Complex Analysis MAST90056 (o)

Coordinator: Christian Haesemeyer
Riemann surfaces arise from complex analysis. They are central in mathematics, appearing in
seemingly diverse areas such as differential and algebraic geometry, number theory, integrable
systems, statistical mechanics and string theory.
The first part of the course studies complex analysis. It assumes students have completed a first
course in complex analysis so begins with a quick review of analytic functions and Cauchys
theorem, emphasising topological aspects such as the argument principle and Rouches theorem. Topics also include: Schwarzs lemma; limits of analytic functions, normal families,
Riemann mapping theorem; multiple-valued functions, differential equations and Riemann
surfaces. The second part of the course studies Riemann surfaces and natural objects on them
such as holomorphic differentials and quadratic differentials. Topics may also include: divisors,
Riemann-Roch theorem; the moduli space of Riemann surfaces, Teichm
uller space; integrable
Prerequisites: MAST30021 Complex Analysis, or equivalent.
Statistical Modelling MAST90084 (e)
Coordinator: Richard Huggins
Statistical models are central to applications of statistics and their development motivates new
statistical theories and methodologies. Commencing with a review of linear and generalized
linear models, analysis of variance and experimental design, the theory of linear mixed models
is developed and model selection techniques are introduced. Approaches to non and semiparametric inference, including generalized additive models, are considered. Specific applications
may include longitudinal data, survival analysis and time series modelling.
Prerequisites: MAST30025 Linear Statistical Models and MAST90082 Mathematical Statistics.
Stochastic Calculus with Applications MAST90059 (o)
Coordinator: Aihua Xia
This subject provides an introduction to stochastic calculus and mathematics of financial
derivatives. Stochastic calculus is essentially a theory of integration of a stochastic process with
respect to another stochastic process, created for situations where conventional integration will
not be possible. Apart from being an interesting and deep mathematical theory, stochastic
calculus has been used with great success in numerous application areas, from engineering and
control theory to mathematical biology, theory of cognition and financial mathematics.
Prerequisites: Both of the following subjects, or equivalent: MAST30001 Stochastic Modelling; MAST30020 Probability and Statistical Inference.
The Practice of Statistics MAST90027 (e)
Coordinator: Ian Gordon
This subject builds on methods and techniques learned in theoretical subjects by studying
the application of statistics in real contexts. Emphasis is on the skills needed for a practising
statistician, including the development of mature statistical thinking, organizing the structure
of a statistical problem, the contribution to the design of research from a statistical point of
view, measurement issues and data processing. The subject deals with thinking about data in
a broad context, and skills required in statistical consulting.
Prerequisites: Either of the following, or equivalent: MAST30025 Linear Statistical Models;
MAST30027 Modern Applied Statistics.



Research Project: Thesis & Oral Presentation

Your Supervisor

It is expected that MSc students choose a supervisor and a topic of their research project by
the end of the first semester of their program at the latest. The School formally appoints
a supervisor and a second examiner to each MSc student, and any changes in supervision
arrangements must be reported to the Academic Support Officer in the General Office within
a week.
Most students see their supervisor about once a week, although this may vary and is negotiable
between the student and the supervisor. Even if the student has not made substantial progress
between visits, it is still a good idea to have regular meetings as that makes it possible for the
supervisor to keep track of how the student is going.
Supervisors role includes:
giving a general course advice, including assistance with coursework subjects selection
and approval thereof;
helping the student with topic selection and/or modification;
directing the student to useful references on the project topic and
explaining difficult points;
providing students with feedback on the direction and progress of their research;
reading and commenting on thesis drafts (provided they are submitted in good time
for doing so; giving your supervisor a couple of weeks for reading your first draft is
reasonable; the sooner your supervisor will see your work, the better);
giving students general advice on talk preparation.
The second examiner acts as an advisor to the student when the principal supervisor is absent
from the School.


Your Thesis: General Advice

Although an MSc thesis in mathematics & statistics is not necessarily an original contribution
to mathematical/statistical research, students are encouraged to make efforts towards making
independent advances whenever possible. In any case, the originality of presentation is certainly expected. MSc students should be enrolled in the research project component for three
consecutive semesters, and it is expected that during such a long time period they will be
able to produce well-written theses on well-researched topics of their projects. The students
should study several sources (which are usually research papers and/or monographs) of the
subject until it is thoroughly assimilated. Theses that are drawn from a single source are not
The acquired knowledge and understanding of the area will make the basis for writing the
thesis. In a good MSc research project, students own well-written presentation of the subject
is complemented by some independent advances in the direction of the study. Such original
contributions are certainly more than welcome, but a student is ill-advised to start work on
an MSc thesis determined to solve some outstanding classical problem. Progress in research is
usually made by acquiring a good grasp of existing knowledge and answering successive small
questions. If you do discover something new, be sure to consult with your supervisor or some
other staff member about it. They may be able to help you go further or save you from the
embarrassment of a serious mistake.
Mathematical sciences form a very diverse research area, and so MSc research projects can
differ in their nature quite a lot. Some are essentially surveys of a particular area of mathematics, others may include numerical investigations of particular problems, some may fill
in gaps in published papers. Accordingly, projects are assessed on criteria which take into
account the research areas and different forms a thesis may take. The general assessment
criteria are listed in Section 8, the weights given to them will take into account the nature of
the project. Note that in the final mark for the research project component, the written thesis
has a weight of 90%, while the mark for the final oral presentation of the project contributes
the remaining 10%.
MSc theses are expected to be 4060 pages in length, excluding references, appendices, figures
and tables (the format of the theses is discussed below, in Section 16.3). Please note that


theses exceeding 60 typewritten pages put a considerable strain on the staff and rarely get as
much attention as they may deserve. Theses are not judged by their volume, but rather by
their content.
The thesis must be printed on A4 size (297 210 mm) paper. The typing should be 11.5
spaced and presented in a clear and legible 12pt font and would normally be expected to be
double-sided. All the margins should be 300 mm, and page numbers should appear inside
the margins. Pages should be numbered consecutively and clearly. Two bound copies should
be submitted to the General Office (see Section 12 for deadlines). The School has several
plastic comb binding machines that you can use. Please ask the Academic Support Officer for
assistance. You will also have to submit a soft copy of the thesis (in the form of a PDF file).
A thesis must be preceded by a title page. The title page of the thesis should show:

the name of the school and university in which the research was carried out;
the title of the thesis;
the full name of the author (as it appears on the enrolment record);
the degree for which the thesis is being submitted;
month and year.

The use of the University logo in the thesis is not permitted.

Before producing final copies of a thesis for submission, the student should ensure that all the
spelling, grammar, punctuation and choice of language are of an appropriate standard and the
bibliography is complete and exact.
It is necessary to plan your work on the research project component so that you will be able
to submit it by the due date (see Section 12). If your progress has been significantly affected
by circumstances outside your control, you can follow the standard procedures to apply for
extension for the research project submission. Extension for up to two weeks can be granted
by our MSc program coordinator, whereas to be granted extensions for longer time periods
students should apply for Special Consideration via the Student Portal, see Section 9 for


Your Thesis: How to Write It

Your thesis is an overview of what you have been doing while working on your Research
Project. Write it as if you were trying to explain the research topic to a fellow student.
The thesis should be a coherent, self-contained piece of work. Your writing should conform to
a high standard of the English language. Aim at clarity, precision and correct grammar. Start
sentences with capital letters and end them with full-stops. Never ever start a sentence with
a symbol/formula! Think hard about notation prior to writing up the thesis: it will save you
a lot of time, and help the reader to understand what you were trying to say. Including a list
of notation (either at the beginning or at the end of the thesis) is a good idea.
Your thesis should start with an introduction that explains what the project is about, and what
its contents are. Wise people always leave writing this part to the end, when you will already
know what to explain in the introduction. Sometimes, including a conclusion or summary can
be appropriate. The introduction is usually followed by a literature review, presenting the key
results concerning the topic of your thesis that have already been published. What follows
after that, will depend on the nature of your project.
Be careful not to plagiarise: it is expected that the thesis will be written in your own words,
and for any fact, idea, result that appear in your thesis, the reader should be able to figure out
if it is your own, and if it is not then where you got it from. This means that good bibliographic
referencing is a must: wherever some material has an external source, this should be clear to
the reader. On the other hand, the list of references in your thesis should contain no items
that are not referred to in the text.
A nice Guide to Writing MSc Dissertations by Bernhard von Stengel (Dept. of Mathematics,
London School of Economics) can be found at
It contains a lot of useful recommendations, including how to write mathematics and helpful
LATEX hints. In particular, you can use the format for bibliographic entries that is used in that


Anther very useful (and interesting) resource is Mathematical Writing by Donald E. Knuth,
Tracy Larrabee and Paul M. Roberts that can be found at
(in particular, their 1 is an excellent Minicourse on technical writing).
Yet one more instructive essay on the topic is How to Write Mathematics by Paul R. Halmos.
It was published in LEnseignement Math. 16 (1970), pp.123152, and can be accessed at
http://www.math.uga.edu/ azoff/courses/halmos.pdf
Finally, for the Ten Simple Rules For Mathematical Writing by Dimitri Bertsekas (M.I.T.),
http://mit.edu/dimitrib/www/Ten Rules.pdf


Your Final Presentation

In the last week of the last semester of your enrollment in the Research Project Component,
you will have to give an oral talk at a student mini-conference organised by the School. The
exact date of the event will be announced at the beginning of the semester.
About two weeks prior to the mini-conference, you will be asked to submit the title and
abstract of your talk (and possibly some further necessary information). The title should be
the same as the thesis title, the abstract should not exceed 150 words. The standard policy
of international conferences and research journals in the area of mathematics & statistics is
that the formulae usage in ones abstract should be reduced to the absolute minimum, and the
School asks you to comply with that policy as well. If you cannot avoid using formulae in your
abstract, please use LATEX commands for them in the body of your email (no attachments, no
PDF files etc please).
Each talk will be assigned a 30 minute time slot, of which the last three minutes are for the
question time. Please note that the final presentation is worth 10% of the Research Project
mark. Criteria to be used to assess the presentation will include:

clarity of the presentation (both verbal and slides/figures, if any);

knowledge displayed;
description of the main goal of the research project;
description of results and achievements;
keeping on time;
responses to questions.

As with the thesis, your talk must be aimed at our masters level students and should be
self-contained. Note that it is easy to overestimate what the audience understands, and if you
(and/or your supervisor) understand from the first glance what is written on your presentation
slides, it does not necessarily mean that the audience will if you have already been at research
seminars, you would know that this is not necessarily the case.
The general advice is to start the talk with a low-tech introduction, to make sure that everybody understands what your project is about. One usually pitches the talk at a higher
level later on, but try to avoid situations where there is only one person in the room who
understands what the speaker is talking about. It would be great if everybody in the audience
could take something home from your talk.
Try to speak facing the audience and avoid spending too much time looking at the screen
behind or in front of you and reading from it. If appropriate, you may wish to liven up
your presentation drawing by hand a couple of pictures illustrating the talk on the white- or
In all likelihood, you will prepare computer slides for your presentation (there exists several
LATEX document classes that you can use for that purpose). It is very important to avoid overcrowding slides. The general recommendation is to have at most 1012 lines of text/formulae
on a slide, using a reasonably large font. Of course, one can pack much more material into one
slide, but that would make it heavy and indigestible. To see if you are doing alright, project
your slide(s) on the screen in the venue where you will be giving the presentation and check if


a human with average eye sight will be able to read the text from the last row of seats in the
It certainly makes sense to discuss with your supervisor what parts of the project to cover in
the talk. Moreover, some students give practice talks to their supervisors and fellow students
a few days prior to the mini-conference. Also, go to the talks by other completing students
over 2+ years of your studies in the MSc program, there will be several occasions for you to
do that and make sure you will not repeat their mistakes (if any).
As a rule, a few questions are asked at the end of each talk. They are usually asked because the
questioner wants to know the answer, not because somebody wants to catch you out. Dont
panic if you dont know the answer, just say frankly that you dont know it (it may happen
that nobody knows). Thanking for an instructive question/comment is always a good idea.
And dont be too nervous, everybody understands thats your first important talk.

Good luck!!


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