Resume 2 0
Resume 2 0
Resume 2 0
142 North Loudon Street Apartment #205 Winchester, VA 22601
Phone: (540) 229-7417 Email:
PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE: Obtain a staff position as a Registered Nurse, while utilizing my
knowledge and skills to provide the highest quality of care to the patient.
v Shenandoah University, Eleanor Wade Custer School of Nursing, Winchester, VA
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, December 2016
Anticipated date of NCLEX: January 2017
v Shenandoah University, College of Arts and Sciences, Winchester, VA
Bachelor of Exercise Science, May 2015
v Significant Clinical Rotations:
Health Across the Lifespancardiac, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, orthopedics,
neurology, and mental health unit
PediatricsNICU, child care setting, and pediatric unit
Child Bearing Familiesmother baby and labor and delivery unit
CommunitiesHospice of the Panhandle, home health, Winchester Public Health
Department, chronic disease center, Daniel Morgan Middle School, Wilkins Wellness Center
(Shenandoah University campus), and alcohol abuse rehabilitation center
v Capstone in the Mother Baby Unit at Winchester Medical Center
Experience included performing assessments on the mother and infant, assisting with
circumcisions, giving vaccinations, attending Caesarean sections and vaginal births, APGAR
scoring, pain maintanence for mothers, emotional and social support for mothers and
significant others
v Leadership Training Counselor, Camp Orchard Hill, Dallas, PAJune 2011 through August 2011,
June 2012 through August 2012, and June 2013 through August 2013
Counseled future camp counselors (ages 15-18) about subjects including leadership and
serving others
In charge of running camp-wide activities as well as set-up and take down of said activities
v Deans List, Shenandoah University, Winchester, VAFall 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Fall
2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016
v Student Mentor for Accelerated Nursing Class of 2017, Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA
August 2016 through December 2016
v Health Career Fair Student Presenter, Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VAJuly 2016
v Volunteer Volleyball Coach, Jim Barnett Park Recreation Facility, Winchester, VAApril 2012
through May 2012, April 2016 through May 2016
v CPR/AED and First Aid, expiration July 2017
v American Red CrossHealth Services Fundamentals I & II, obtained October 2016
v FEMANational Incident Command System (NIMS), NIMS for Healthcare, and Active Shooter,
obtained September 2016