Intersectin-2L Regulates Caveola Endocytosis Secondary To Cdc42-Mediated Actin Polymerization
Intersectin-2L Regulates Caveola Endocytosis Secondary To Cdc42-Mediated Actin Polymerization
Intersectin-2L Regulates Caveola Endocytosis Secondary To Cdc42-Mediated Actin Polymerization
Irene K. Klein, Dan N. Predescu, Tiffany Sharma, Ivana Knezevic, Asrar B. Malik, and Sanda Predescu1
From the Department of Pharmacology, Rush University Medical Center, and the Department of Pharmacology, University of
Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60612
Here we addressed the role of intersectin-2L (ITSN-2L), a
guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the Rho GTPase Cdc42,
in the mechanism of caveola endocytosis in endothelial cells
(ECs). Immunoprecipitation and co-localization studies showed
that ITSN-2L associates with members of the Cdc42-WASpArp2/3 actin polymerization pathway. Expression of Dbl
homology-pleckstrin homology (DH-PH) region of ITSN-2L
(DH-PHITSN-2L) induced specific activation of Cdc42, resulting
in formation of extensive filopodia, enhanced cortical actin,
as well as a shift from G-actin to F-actin. The catalytically
dead DH-PH domain reversed these effects and induced significant stress fiber formation, without a detectable shift in
actin pools. A biotin assay for caveola internalization indicated a significant decrease in the uptake of biotinylated proteins in DH-PHITSN-2L-transfected cells compared with control and 1 M jasplakinolide-treated cells. ECs depleted of
ITSN-2L by small interfering RNA, however, showed
decreased Cdc42 activation and actin remodeling similar to
the defective DH-PH, resulting in 62% increase in caveolamediated uptake compared with controls. Thus, ITSN-2L, a
guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Cdc42, regulates different steps of caveola endocytosis in ECs by controlling the
temporal and spatial actin polymerization and remodeling
sub-adjacent to the plasma membrane.
domain, interacts via the Src homology 3 region with the ubiquitously expressed neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
(N-WASP) that stimulates actin nucleation through Arp 2/3
complex activation (2). ITSN-2L interaction with N-WASP in
turn induces activation of N-WASP in a Cdc42-dependent
manner (2, 3). In this way, ITSN-2L on the basis of its DH
domain acts as a GEF for the small Rho GTPase Cdc42, similar
to its neuronal counterpart ITSN-1L (2, 4). The DH domain of
ITSN-2L shows high sequence homology with the corresponding region of ITSN-1L (5), and it possesses all the amino acid
residues required for its GEF enzymatic activity (6). Both long
ITSN isoforms display immediately distal to the DH domain a
PH domain, which may thereby modulate the intrinsic catalytic
activity of the DH region (6 8). It has been shown that the PH
domain enhances up to 100-fold the DH catalytic activity for
some Dbl proteins compared with that measured for DH alone
in vitro, whereas for other Dbl proteins the presence of the PH
domain negatively regulates GEF activity of the DH region (9).
This latter function is apparently mediated by interactions with
phosphoinositides (7, 9). However, the PH sequence was shown
to be dispensable for GEF activity of ITSN-2L in vitro, but it
enhanced the ability to activate Cdc42 in vivo (9). Despite high
sequence conservation among Rho GTPases, long ITSN isoforms apparently induce selective activation of Cdc42 due to
the overall increasing size of the specificity residues of the
GTPases (Cdc42 Rac1 RhoA) and the inability of ITSN to
accommodate in an analogous position the larger size amino
acid chains found in Rac1 and RhoA (10).
ITSN-2L, like its alternatively spliced short isoform, is widely
expressed in human tissue, and it shows subcellular distribution similar to components of the endocytic machinery (5).
In COS-7 cells overexpressing ITSN-2 isoforms, clathrinmediated transferrin uptake was blocked, consistent with
their involvement in the regulation of clathrin-mediated
endocytosis (5). By contrast, ITSN-2L overexpression in Jurkat cells stimulated T cell antigen receptor (TCR) internalization, whereas truncated ITSN-2L, deleted for the DH
domain, caused significant inhibition of TCR internalization
(2). The stimulatory effect of ITSN-2L on TCR endocytosis
may be secondary to the ability of ITSN-2L to bind through
its Src homology 3 domains the proline-rich domain of
N-WASP followed by Cdc42-mediated actin polymerization
(2). Although more work is needed to clarify these inconsistencies, both of these studies suggest that ITSN-2L may regulate endocytosis and function cooperatively with N-WASP
and Cdc42 to link WASP-mediated actin polymerization to
the endocytic machinery (2).
Cell Culture and Transfection
Human lung microvascular ECs (Clonetics) were cultured
with EGMTM-2 MV (Cambrex, Walkersville, MD). FuGENE
HD transfection reagent (Roche Applied Science) was used for
Myc-His-tagged DH-PHITSN-2L and catalytically dead ITSN2L-DH-PH1339 1347(DH-PH-(1339 1347)) transfection of ECs per the manufacturers instructions. Preliminary
experiments were carried out to establish optimized transfection and cell culture conditions. For specific silencing of
ITSN-2L isoform, custom-generated Dharmacon SMARTpool
siRNA reagents were used. The individual siGENOME duplex
most efficient in knocking down ITSN-2L protein expression,
GCACGGAUUCCUCUUCAAUUU (sense sequence) and
5-PAUUGAAGAGGAAUCCGGCUU (antisense), was delivered using Dharmafect2 transfection reagent. RNase-free conditions were used throughout the silencing experiments. All
controls for efficient transfection and to evaluate any off-target
effects caused by ITSN-2L siRNA in ECs were performed as in
Ref. 14. The Dharmacon siCONTROLTM functional, nontargeting siRNA sequence 1 (5-UAGCGACUAAACACAUCAAUU-3) and sequence 2 (5-UAAGGCUAUGAAGAGAUACUU-3) were used as controls for secondary effects caused
by ITSN-2L siRNA transfection. These two controls interact
with the RNA-induced silencing complex but lack sufficient
homology with any known human gene to effectively induce
mRNA knockdown. siGlo cyclophilin B siRNA, a silencer with a
fluorescent modification, was used to monitor transfection
Generation of DNA Constructs
Myc-His-ITSN-2L-DH-PH ConstructFull-length human
ITSN-2L cDNA was used as a template for PCR with DNA
polymerase Pfu (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) to generate C-terminal Myc-His-tagged DH-PH domain (residues 12121534).
ITSN-2L cDNA was kindly provided by Dr. Suzana de la Luna
(Medical and Molecular Genetics Center, IRO, Barcelona,
ITSN2L-DH-R, 5-ACTTATCTAGACTCAGACGCCGCCTTGATCTTC-3, were used to generate the DH-PH domain of
ITSN-2L that lacks the stop codon. The PCR cycling conditions
FIGURE 1. ITSN-2L expressed in ECs interacts with protein members of N-WASP-Arp2/3 actin polymerization pathway. A, Western blotting using anti-ITSN pAb81177 shows expression of short and long ITSN isoforms in cultured lung ECs. Mr, molecular weight protein standards. B, RT-PCR shows relative amounts of mRNA
for ITSN isoforms in ECs. C, representative micrographs of ECs immunostained with anti-ITSN-2L-specific pAb
show the subcellular distribution of ITSN-2L (panel c1) and in detail the punctate staining pattern at the PM
level (panel c2, arrows) and in the cytosol (panel c3). D, immunoprecipitation with anti-ITSN pAb81177 revealed
ITSN (lane c) interactions with Cdc42 (lane d), Arp2/3 complex (lane e), and N-WASP (lane f). Two nonspecific
Abs, anti-rabbit IgG (lane a) and anti-rat IgG (lane b), did not immunoprecipitate these proteins. Immunoprecipitation using N-WASP pAb demonstrated similar interactions, ITSN isoforms (lane g), Cdc42 (lane h), Arp 2/3
(lane i) and N-WASP (lane j). Bars, 20 m (panel c1); 10 m (panels c2 and c3).
ECs grown on glass coverslips or PM patches were immunostained as in Ref. 15. For phalloidin Alexa Fluor 488 staining,
control or transfected cells were fixed in 3.7% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in phosphate-buffered saline for 15 min at room
temperature, permeabilized in 0.1% Triton X-100 for 5 min on
ice, and stained with 25 g/ml phalloidin Alexa Fluor 488 for 30
min at room temperature. Cells were mounted with Prolong
Antifade reagent (Molecular Probes). Images were acquired on
a Zeiss Axioplan2 with Neofluor 100 objective (1.3 N.A.),
using the AxioCam with AxioVision 4.6 software.
Actin Polymerization Assay
Analysis of actin polymerization was performed as in Ref. 16.
Briefly, ECs were washed in phosphate-buffered saline, scraped,
ITSN-2L Is Expressed in ECs and Interacts with Protein Components of the Cdc42/N-WASP/Arp2/3 Actin Polymerization
PathwayWe first investigated the expression and subcellular
localization of ITSN-2L in cultured ECs. Western blot of EC
lysates using a rabbit polyclonal Ab (anti-ITSN pAb81177) raised
against a GST fusion protein comprising the N-terminal 440
amino acids of human ITSN-1 (as in Ref. 14) showed two bands
corresponding to the short (140 kDa) and long (190 kDa) ITSN
isoforms (Fig. 1A). As immunoblot analysis did not distinguish
between splice variants of ITSN-1 and ITSN-2, we used RTPCR with specific primers for ITSN-1s, ITSN-1L, ITSN-2s, and
ITSN-2L to investigate the presence of mRNA for the two
ITSN-2 isoforms. Both ITSN-2s and ITSN-2L mRNA were
gated (Fig. 4C, panel c1), and filamentous actin shifted from the
cortical pool to only stress fibers (Fig. 4C, panels c1 and c2).
Morphometric analysis indicated that about 70% of the ECs
immunoreactive to Myc Ab, and thus transfected with the catalytically dead DH-PH-(1339 1347) domain, show enhanced
stress fiber formation (Fig. 4D). Biochemical analysis of cellular
actin (Fig. 4E) and densitometric analysis (Fig. 4F) did not reveal
any significant change between F- and G-actin pools in
DH-PH-(1339 1347)-transfected cells by reference to controls. These results suggest that Cdc42 activity as regulated by
the DH-PH domain of ITSN-2L, a GEF for Cdc42, controls the
distribution of F-actin between cortical dense band and stress
fibers in ECs.
Increased Actin Polymerization Induced by the DH-PHITSN-2L
Domain Interferes with Caveola InternalizationThe functional effects of DH-PHITSN-2L expression on caveola internalization were studied in ECs transfected with the DH-PHITSN-2L,
at 48 h post-transfection. Caveola internalization, followed by
biochemical and morphological analyses were carried out as
described previously (15). Briefly, control and transfected cells
were subjected to biotinylation of cell surface proteins using a
cleavable biotin reagent. In ECs the internalization of biotinylated cell surface proteins is mediated primarily by caveolae
(15). After 30 min of internalization, biotinylated proteins still
on the cell surface were reduced with glutathione, a membraneimpermeant reducing reagent (25). For morphological analysis
by fluorescence microscopy, the internalized proteins were
detected by NeutrAvidin-Texas Red staining. Control cells
show a strong fine punctate staining throughout the cytoplasm
with significant accumulation of biotin in the perinuclear area
(Fig. 5A, a1 and a1.1). In contrast, DH-PHITSN-2L-transfected
ECs exhibited markedly limited staining with no perinuclear
accumulation (Fig. 5A, a2 and a2.1). Quantitative assessment of
internalized biotinylated proteins in control and transfected
ECs lysates by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
using streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase indicated that control cells internalized 19.2 1014 1.9 biotin molecules/mg of
total protein, whereas DH-PHITSN-2L-transfected ECs internalized 7.3 1014 0.9 biotin molecules/mg of total protein (Fig.
5B). The limited NeutrAvidin Texas Red staining and the 63%
decrease in the amount of internalized biotin in cells transfected with DH-PHITSN-2L by reference to controls indicate a
central role of actin nucleation and actin polymerization (subadjacent to the PM) induced by Cdc42 activation in regulating
caveola internalization. To substantiate this observation, we
used the cell-permeant cyclic peptide Jasp for inducing polymerization and stabilizing actin filaments (26). Although structural changes caused by 1 M Jasp treatment were distinct from
those induced by DH-PHITSN-2L (not shown) and the shift from
G-actin to F-actin was significantly greater (Fig. 3E), NeutrAvidin Texas Red staining was limited (Fig. 5A, a3 and a3.1) and
caveola internalization reduced by 20% (Fig. 5B). The smaller
reduction in caveola internalization following 1 M Jasp treatment by comparison with DH-PHITSN-2L-transfected cells suggests that overall augmented actin polymerization per se is not
responsible for inhibiting caveola internalization. Instead, temporal and spatial actin polymerization and remodeling sub-adVOLUME 284 NUMBER 38 SEPTEMBER 18, 2009
FIGURE 5. Experimental manipulation of ITSN-2L protein expression causes actin cytoskeletal redistribution that interferes with caveola internalization. A, control (A, panels a1 and a1.1), DH-PHITSN-2L (A, panels a2 and a2.1), and 1 M Jasp-treated (A, panels a3 and a3.1) ECs subjected to internalization assay
followed by NeutrAvidin Texas Red staining show strong puncta throughout the cytoplasm, with prominent perinuclear accumulation (panels a1 and a1.1),
whereas DH-PHITSN-2L-transfected (panels a2 and a2.1) or 1 M Jasp-treated cells (panels a3 and a3.1) displayed limited staining and no perinuclear accumulation of biotin. B, number of biotin molecules in EC lysates from control, DH-PHITSN-2L-transfected cells, Jasp-treated ECs, and ITSN-2L siRNA was determined by
ELISA in 3 4 experiments for each experimental condition. Data are calculated as number of biotin molecules/mg of total protein/min and plotted as
percentage from control. Bar, S.D. C, Western blot analysis of ITSN isoforms protein expression using anti-ITSN pAb81177 in controls and ITSN-2L siRNA-treated
cells; MW, molecular weight protein standards. D, densitometric analysis of ITSN immunoreactivity in controls and siRNA-transfected ECs. E, RT-PCR analysis of
mRNA levels for ITSN isoforms in controls (lane a), control siRNA (lane b), and ITSN-2L siRNA-transfected ECs (lane c). F, control (panel f1) and siRNA ITSN-2Ltransfected ECs (panel f2) were subjected to internalization assay. ECs depleted of ITSN-2L (panel f2) show strong punctate staining similar to controls (panel f1).
Because of excessive perinuclear accumulation of biotin-labeled proteins in ECs deficient in ITSN-2L, both control and ITSN-2L siRNA-transfected ECs were
subjected to only 15 min of internalization. Bars, 10 m (panels a1, a2, and a3); 5 m (panels a1.1, a2.1, and a3.1); 10 m (panels f1 and f2).