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R.A. 5921

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Objectives and Implementation
Section 1. Objectives. This Act provides for and shall govern (a) the standardization and regulation of
pharmaceutical education; (b) the examination for registration of graduates of schools of pharmacy and (c) the
supervision, control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines.
Section 2. Enforcement. For the purposes of implementing the provisions of this Act, the Council of Pharmaceutical
Education and the Board of Pharmacy are hereby created.
The Council of Pharmaceutical Education
Section 3. The Council of Pharmaceutical Education and its composition. The Council of Pharmaceutical Education
shall be composed of the Secretary of Education, Chairman, the Undersecretary of Health Services, the Food and
Drug Administrator, the Chairman of the Board of Pharmacy, the dean of the College of Pharmacy, University of the
Philippines, the dean of a college of pharmacy, representing duly accredited private schools of pharmacy, and a
representative of the bona de national pharmaceutical organizations in the Philippines.
It shall be incumbent upon all deans of duly accredited colleges of pharmacy of private colleges and universities by
agreement among themselves to promulgate rules and regulations regarding the selection of one from among their
group to represent them in the said Council and it shall be incumbent upon all presidents of bona de national
pharmaceutical organizations in the Philippines by agreement to promulgate rules and regulations regarding the
selection of one from among them to represent them in the said Council.
The members of the Council shall hold ofce until their successors have been appointed, elected or designated and
duly qualied.
Section 4. Functions. The functions of the Council of Pharmaceutical Education shall be:
(a) To promulgate rules and regulations relative to Pharmaceutical Education in the Philippines;
(b) To submit such rules and regulations, which shall have a binding effect, for implementation to the proper
agencies such as Department of Education, the Board of Pharmacy, the bona de national pharmaceutical
organizations in the Philippines and others;
(c) To recognize and accredit colleges of pharmacy in the different private colleges and universities; and
(d) To approve the accreditation of community or prescription pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturing
laboratories and hospital pharmacies for purposes of pharmacy internship.

Section 5. Meetings and traveling expenses. The Council of Pharmaceutical Education shall meet at least once a
month for regular business and as often as the Council may decide. The Chairman and members of the Council of
Pharmaceutical Education shall not be entitled to any compensation except for traveling expenses in connection
with their ofcial duties as herein provided.
The Board of Pharmacy and Examination and Registration of Pharmacists
Section 6. The Board of Pharmacy and its Composition. The Board of Pharmacy shall be composed of a Chairman
and two members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission of
Appointments, from a list of nominees recommended by the Commissioner of Civil Service who shall secure such
lists from bona de professional national organizations of pharmacists which should be certied in accordance with
Republic Act Numbered Five hundred forty-six.
Section 7. Qualication of Board members. To be appointed a member of the Board of Pharmacy, a person shall be:
(a) A natural born citizen of the Philippines;
(b) A duly registered pharmacist and has been in the practice of pharmacy for at least ten years;
(c) Of good moral character and of recognized standing in the pharmaceutical profession;
(d) At the time of appointment, not a member of the faculty of any school, college or university offering
courses in pharmacy; nor have any direct or indirect pecuniary interests in such school or college of
pharmacy; and
(e) A member of good standing of any bona de national pharmaceutical association of the Philippines.
Section 8. Tenure of ofce and fees of board members. The Chairman and members of the Board of Pharmacy shall
hold ofce for three years after appointment or until their successors shall have been appointed and duly qualied:
Provided, That members of the rst Board to be appointed after the approval of this Act shall hold ofce for the
following terms: Chairman for three years, one member for two years and one member for one year: Provided,
further, That any chairman or member may be reappointed for another term of three years but in no case shall be
serve continuously for more than six years. The most senior member of the Board shall automatically be the
The Chairman and members of the Board shall each receive the sum of ten pesos for each applicant examined
regardless of whether or not he is already in the government service when appointed.
Section 9. Removal of the Board members. The chairman or member of the Board may be removed by the President
of the Philippines if found guilty of neglect of duty, incompetence, malpractice, or unprofessional, unethical, immoral,
or dishonorable conduct, after having been given the opportunity to defend himself in a proper administrative
investigation. The President may in his discretion suspend such member under investigation: Provided, however,
That the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty days after which the latter shall be automatically reinstated
pending the outcome of the investigation.
Section 10. Executive Ofcer of the Board. The Commissioner of Civil Service shall be the Executive Ofcer of the
Board and shall conduct the examination given by it according to the rules and regulations promulgated by him and
approved by the President of the Philippines. The Secretary of the Board of Examiners in accordance with Republic
Act Numbered Five hundred and forty six shall also be the Secretary of the Board. To assist both ofcials, there shall
be appointed from the ranking employees of the Board of Examiners, an Assistant Secretary, a Legal Ofcer and a
Records Ofcer with compensation of eight thousand eight hundred thirty-two pesos, seven thousand two hundred
thirty-six pesos and ve thousand nine hundred twenty-eight pesos, respectively who may also perform identical

functions for the other existing examination boards. All the records of the Board including examination papers,
minutes of deliberation and records of administrative proceedings shall be kept by the Secretary of the Board.
Section 11. Powers and duties of the Board. The Board of Pharmacy, conformably with the provisions of this Act is
vested with authority:
(a) To examine applicants for the practice of pharmacy;
(b) To issue certicates of registration or pharmacists.
(c) To reprimand any pharmacist or to suspend or revoke his certicate of registration on the grounds as
provided for in Section thirteen hereof, after a formal administrative investigation has been conducted by it.
(d) To promulgate from time to time the necessary rules and regulations for the effective enforcement of this
Act, subject to the approval of the President upon advice of the Commissioner of Civil Service;
(e) To study the conditions affecting the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines;
(f) To check the employment of qualied personnel in drug stores, hospital pharmacies, drug or
pharmaceutical laboratories, cosmetic laboratories and similar establishments for which the Board may
designate inspectors from the Board of Pharmacy; and
(g) To encourage the development of botanical gardens and their inspection particularly the propagation of
Philippine medicinal plants with the cooperation of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Section 12. Detailmen, requirements, qualications and fees. Any person who shall be employed as detailman by any
pharmaceutical or drug laboratory or other manufacturers of medical, dental pharmaceutical, biological and
veterinary products and by distributors, dealers or wholesalers of said products, doing business directly or indirectly
in the Philippines, shall be required, at the beginning of each year, to register with the Board of Pharmacy that he is
employed as such.
(a) An applicant for registration shall be, preferably, a graduate of a college of pharmacy.
There shall be an initial fee of twenty pesos upon registration and thereafter fteen pesos shall be charged
annually for renewal. Upon payment of said fees, the proper credential shall be issued to the applicant.
(b) It shall be incumbent upon the drug establishments referred to in this section to require that detailmen
employed or to be employed by them possess the necessary credentials issued by the Board of Pharmacy as
provided for herein.
For purposes of this section, a detailman is one who represents any duly authorized manufacturer, dealer, distributor,
representative or wholesaler of drugs, pharmaceuticals, biologic products and devices, whose primary duty is to
introduce or reacquaint a product or products prepared, distributed or made by said manufacturers, dealer,
distributor, representative or wholesaler to the physician, dentist, pharmacist, veterinarian or any other qualied
person and which forms part of their program for promotion by describing its use, composition, action, dosage,
administration, contra-indication, advantages and other salient information relative to said drug, pharmaceutical,
biological product or device.
Section 13. Grounds for reprimand, suspension or revocation of registrant certicate. Any of the following shall be
sufcient ground for reprimanding a pharmacist, or for suspending or revoking his certicate of registration:

(a) Conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction of any violation as penalized in sections forty and fortyone hereof;
(b) Immoral or dishonorable conduct which includes conviction by a competent court of any criminal offense
involving moral turpitude;
(c) Fraud or deceit in the acquisition of the certicate of registration;
(d) Gross negligence, ignorance or incompetence in the practice of his profession resulting in the injury
damage or death of another;
(e) Malpractice, including aiding or abetting the commission of criminal abortion or sex crimes through illegal
compounding, dispensing or sale of abortive or sex drugs as the case may be;
(f) Acting as a dummy of an alien or of a person who is not qualied to establish and operate a retail
(g) Addiction to alcoholic beverage or to any habit-forming drug rendering him incompetent to practice his
(h) Insanity;
(i) False or extravagant or unethical advertisements wherein other things than his name, profession, limitation
of practice, ofce and home address and the like are mentioned; and
(j) Violations of any provision of the Code of Ethics which may be adopted as part of the Rules and
Regulations of the Board.
Section 14. Administrative Investigation. Administrative investigations shall be conducted by all the members of the
Board sitting en banc. The existing rules of evidence shall be observed as far as practicable during administrative
If the Board, by majority vote of the members, shall nd that the charges are sustained by evidence adduced, it may
at its discretion reprimand the respondent or revoke or suspend his certicate of registration. In case of suspension,
it shall be for a period of not more than six months. Where the certicate of registration has been revoked as herein
provided, the Board may, after the expiration of six months and upon application, issue a new certicate of
registration in place of a revoked certicate without the necessity of undergoing any examination if the respondent
in the meanwhile has conducted himself in an exemplary manner.
Section 15. Procedure and rules. The Board of Pharmacy upon receipt of a formal complaint under oath against any
pharmacist, shall furnish the latter a copy of the complaint which he shall answer within ten days from receipt
hereof. If the Board of Pharmacy, after careful study of the records, nds that there is a valid grounds to the charge it
shall conduct a formal investigation setting the dates of hearing thereof. For this purpose, a subpoena or subpoena
duces tecum may be issued by the Chairman of the Board. The proceedings shall at all times be recorded. The
investigation shall be terminated and resolved within ninety days from the time of the rst date of hearing has been
set and heard.
Section 16. Right of respondent. The respondent pharmacist shall be entitled to be heard by himself or be
represented by counsel; to have a speedy and public hearing to confront and to cross-examine witnesses against
him; to summon and present witnesses in his behalf; and to any other process for the protection of his individual or
civil rights.

Section 17. Appeal from judgment. The decision of the Board of Pharmacy shall automatically become nal thirty
days from notice to respondent, unless the latter after receipt of the decision and within the same period has
appealed to the President of the Philippines.
Section 18. Candidate for board examination. A candidate for the board examination in Pharmacy shall have the
following qualications:
(a) He shall be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
(b) He shall be of good moral character;
(c) He shall have completed an Internship Program which shall consist of at least nine hundred sixty hours,
one-half of which shall be spent equally distributed in a prescription pharmacy, a pharmaceutical
manufacturing laboratory and a hospital pharmacy duly accredited by the Council of Pharmacy and the rest of
the hours of internship shall be spent in any or all of the said establishments at the choice of the candidate.
For this purpose, the above-mentioned prescription pharmacy, pharmaceutical manufacturing laboratory and
hospital pharmacy shall keep a separate record of Pharmacy students who have undergone said internship
program directly under their control and as a result thereof shall issue the proper certicate of said hours of
internship. It shall also be the duty of said establishments to submit annually a complete report of the names
of those who have undergone training under their supervision and the corresponding number of hours of
internship credit of each of the pharmacy students to their respective colleges or school and to the Board of
Pharmacy for proper accreditation; and
(d) He shall have graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy or with an equivalent degree
from a school, college or university duly accredited by the Council of Pharmaceutical Education after
satisfactorily completing a standard pharmacy course of not less than ve academic years.
Section 19. Scope of Examination. The pharmacist examination shall consist of both theoretical and practical
examinations. The theoretical examination shall include subjects in Chemistry, Biological Sciences and Pharmacy.
The Chemistry subjects shall include (1) General, Inorganic, Pharmaceutical and Physical Chemistry, (2) Organic and
Medicinal or Pharmaceutical Chemistry, (3) Qualitative, Quantitative and Drug Assaying. The Biological Science
subjects shall include (4) Physiology and Biochemistry, (5) Microbiology and Public Health, (6) Pharmacology and
Toxicology. The Pharmacy subjects shall include (7) Botany and Pharmacognosy, (8) General Pharmacy, (9)
Compounding and Dispensing, (10) Physical and Manufacturing Pharmacy, (11) Pharmacy Administration, and (12)
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence and Ethics. The subjects shall be weighted as follows: Chemistry, thirty per cent;
Biological Science, twenty per cent; Pharmacy, fty per cent.
The practical examination shall consist of (1) Identication and Analysis of Drugs, (2) Preparation of Ofcial
Pharmaceuticals, (3) Compounding and Dispensing of Prescriptions and Fixing of Prices of Prescriptions, and (4)
Manufacturing Pharmacy and Quality Control. The practical examination shall be weighted as follows: Identication
and Analysis of Drugs, thirty per cent; Compounding of Ofcial Pharmaceutical Preparations, Dispensing and Fixing
of Price of Prescription and Manufacturing Pharmacy and Quality Control, seventy per cent.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Pharmacy to prepare the schedules of the theoretical and practical examinations
and the syllabus of each subject to be given two months before the dates of the examination wherein they are to be
Section 20. Ratings required. In order to pass the examination, a candidate must obtain on the basis of one hundred
per cent a general average of seventy-ve per cent or over in both the theoretical and practical examinations, with no
ratings below fty per cent in more than two subjects in the theoretical examinations: Provided, That any candidate
who passed in the theoretical examination but failed in the practical examination, may, upon taking a re-examination,
repeat only the practical examination and vice-versa: Provided, further, That any candidate who fails to pass the

theoretical or practical examination in three successive attempts shall not be admitted in the fourth examination
unless be could present to the Board a certication that he had enrolled and undergone within the year preceding, a
pre-board review course from a duly accredited college of Pharmacy.
Section 21. Holding of examination. Examination for registration to practice pharmacy in the Philippines shall be
given twice a year in the City of Manila and environment as the Board of Pharmacy may x.
Section 22. Fees for examination and registration. The Board of Pharmacy shall charge for each applicant for
examination the sum of fty pesos, and after passing the Board examinations, for each certicate of registration
twenty pesos; and for each duplicate registration certicate, ten pesos. All fees shall be paid to the cashier of the
Board of Examiners and all expenses, including the fees of the Board members shall be disbursed by him from such
Practice of Pharmacy
Section 23. Denition of practice of pharmacy. A person shall be deemed to be practicing pharmacy within the
meaning of this Article, who shall, for fee, salary, percentage or other reward paid or given directly to himself or
indirectly through another, prepare or manufacture, analyze, assay, preserve, store, distribute or sell any medicine,
drug, chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, devices or contrivances used in pursuance thereof; or render
pharmaceutical service in any ofce or drug and cosmetic establishment where scientic, technological or
professional knowledge of Pharmacy is applied; or engage in teaching scientic, technological or professional
pharmacy subject in a college of pharmacy; or conduct or undertake scientic pharmaceutical research for
biological and bacteriological testings and examinations.
However, persons performing executive managerial or administrative functions and their subordinate personnel
employed in the pharmaceutical laboratories referred to in the second paragraph of Section twenty-seven hereof
shall not be considered for purposes of this denition, considered persons in the practice of pharmacy.
Section 24. Prerequisite for the practice of pharmacy. No person shall engage in the practice of pharmacy in the
Philippines unless he is at least twenty-one years of age, has satisfactorily passed the corresponding examination
given by the Board of Pharmacy, and is a holder of a valid certicate of registration duly issued to him by said Board.
Section 25. Sale of medicine, pharmaceuticals, drugs and devices. No medicine, pharmaceutical, or drug of whatever
nature and kind or device shall be compounded, dispensed, sold or resold, or otherwise be made available to the
consuming public except through a prescription drugstore or hospital pharmacy, duly established in accordance
with the provisions of this Act.
Pharmaceutical, drug or biological manufacturing establishments, importers and wholesalers of drugs, medicines,
or biologic products are authorized to sell their products only at wholesale to duly established retail drugstore or
hospital pharmacies.
Section 26. Markings and inhibition to the sale of drug samples. No sample of any drug, biological product, device or
proprietary medicine, given or intended to be given for free to the physician and other qualied person by any
manufacturer or distributor of its representative or detailman as part of its program or promotion, may be sold.
The statement "Sample, not for sale" shall appear conspicuously on the container, package or carton of the drug or
device to be given.
Section 27. Pharmacist required and compensation. Every pharmacy, drugstore or hospital pharmacy whether owned
by the government or a private person or rm shall at all times when open for business be under the personal and
immediate supervision of a registered pharmacist: Provided, That no pharmacist shall have personal supervision of
more than one such establishment. In cases where a drug establishment operates in more than one shift, each shift
must be under the supervision and control of a registered pharmacists.

Drug or pharmaceutical laboratories or similar establishments engaged in the repackaging, manufacture or sale of
drugs, biologic products and pharmaceutical products in quantities greatly in excess of the therapeutic doses of
each substance; such processes involving the preparation, quality control or repackaging of said products shall for
each respective operation be under the direct and immediate supervision of a registered pharmacist, or, in the sale
of pharmaceuticals, medicines and drugs at wholesale, such business shall be conducted under the immediate
supervision of a registered pharmacist practicing only in such establishment.
Every pharmacist employed as such in any of the establishments mentioned in this section whose capitalization is
not less than ten thousand pesos shall receive, notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, a minimum
compensation similar to that of government pharmacists.
Section 28. Display of certicate required. It shall be the duty of every pharmacist engaged in the practice of
pharmacy either on his own account or under the employ of another, to display his certicate of registration in a
prominent and conspicuous place in pharmacy, drugstore, hospital pharmacy or drug establishment which he
operates or in which he is employed. No pharmacist shall with his knowledge allow his certicate of registration to
be displayed in such establishments when he is not actually employed or operating therein in his professional
Section 29. Responsibility for quality of drugs. In cases of drugs, pharmaceuticals or poisons sold in their original
packings, the seal of which has not been broken or tampered with, the liability that may arise because of their quality
and purity , rests upon the manufacturer or in his absence, upon the importer, the distributor, representative or dealer
who was responsible for their distribution or sale.
It shall be unlawful for any reason, whoever, to manufacture, prepare, sell or administer any prescription, drug,
pharmaceutical or poison under any fraudulent name, direction or pretense or to adulterate any drug,
pharmaceutical, medicine or poison so used, sold or offered for sale. Any drug, pharmaceutical, medicine or poison
shall be held to be adulterated or deteriorated within the meaning of this section if it differs from the standard of
quality or purity given in the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary, both in their latest edition or, in lieu
thereof, in any standard reference for drugs and medicines given ofcial recognition; and those which fall within the
meaning as provided for in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, (Republic Act Numbered Thirty-seven hundred twenty).
Section 30. Filling and relling of prescription. No prescription shall be lled or compounded except by a registered
pharmacist in the employ of the drugstore or pharmacy. It shall be incumbent upon the pharmacist so compounding
or lling the prescription to see to it that every component of the prescription called for metes the standard or purity
and quality given in the standard references. Students undergoing pharmaceutical internship may assist said
pharmacist in the compounding and dispensing of the prescription called for.
No prescription shall be relled except upon express order of the person so prescribing.
Section 31. Label of dispensed medicine. Upon every box, bottle, or other package containing medicine sold or
dispensed by a pharmacist based on prescription, there shall be pasted, afxed or imprinted a seal of label bearing,
among others, the name and address of pharmacy; the names and quantities of the ingredients; required doses
thereof, its expiration date if any; the name of the prescriber, date and the number of prescription; and the direction
for its use.
Every prescription, which in its preparation, contains any quantity of a drug which is habit-forming, or a derivative of
such drug, shall have in the label attached to the container the added statement "Warning may be habit forming.
Every prescription for external use lled in the drugstore shall bear a red label showing in black ink the components
of such prescription and the words "For external use only" at the bottom of the label.
Section 32. Record books for prescription. All prescriptions dispersed in the drugstore shall be recorded in the book
kept for the purpose indicating therein, among others, the name of the manufacturer, the original stock, lot and
control numbers of the main ingredients of the prescriptions, which book shall be open to inspection by the proper
authorities at any time of the day when the pharmacy is open to the public and must be preserved for a period of not

less than two years the last entry in it has been made. All prescription shall be attached to said book for
prescriptions and numbered consecutively and shall be preserved for the same length of time as the prescription
Section 33. Inhibition against use of cipher or unusual terms in prescriptions and prescription switching. No
pharmacist shall compound or dispense prescriptions, recipes or formulas which are written in ciphers, codes or
secret keys or in which they are employed unusual names of drugs which differ from the names ordinarily used for
such drugs in standard pharmacopoeias or formularies.
No pharmacist dispensing or compounding prescriptions shall substitute the drug or drugs called for in the
prescription with any other drug or substance or ingredient without prior consultation with, and a written consent of,
the person prescribing.
Section 34. Provisions relative to dispensing of violent poisons. Every pharmacist who dispenses, sells or otherwise
delivers any of the violent poisons intended for medicinal use, to wit: arsenical preparations, phosphorus; corrosive
sublimate; atropine, strychnine, or any of their salts, hycocyanic acid or any of its salts; oil of bitter almonds
containing hydrocyanic acid or prassic acid; oil of mirbane (Nitro-benzene); and such other poisonous substances
which may from time to time be classied under this category by the Food and Drug Administration; shall do so only
upon prescription of a duly licensed physician, dentist or veterinarian. He shall make or cause to be made in a
separate book, kept for the purpose, an entry stating the date of each sale and the name and address of the
purchaser, the name and quantity of the poison sold and the purpose for which it was claimed to be purchased,
before delivering it to the purchaser.
No prescription, the prescribed dose of which contains a dangerous quantity of poison, shall be lled without rst
consulting the prescribing authority and verifying the prescription. The pharmacist before delivery of such poison to
the purchaser shall acquaint the latter of its poisonous character.
The pharmacist shall also afx to every box, bottle or other package containing any dangerous or poisonous drug,
another label of red paper upon which shall be printed in large letters the word "Poison" and a vignette representing
a skull and bones before delivering it to the purchaser.
No poison specied in this section shall be sold or otherwise delivered to any person less than eighteen years of age
or who is mentally deranged or under the influence of liquor or one who is apparently addicted to opiate and other
habit-forming drugs.
The books kept for the purpose of recording the sale of violent poisons shall be open at all times to the inspection of
the proper authorities, and every such book shall be preserved for at least ve years after the last entry in it has been
Should any of the poisons above-stated be intended for purposes other than medicinal, the same may be sold
without a prescription by the pharmacist but the other requirements of this section must be complied with.
Section 35. Provisions relative to dispensing of less violent poisons. Every pharmacist who dispenses, sells or
delivers any poison which is less violent in category as classied by the Food and Drug Administration may do so
even without the prescription of a physician and its sale may be recorded in the poison book. The other
requirements as provided for in Section thirty-four hereof, however, shall be complied with.
Section 36. Receptacle for poisonous drugs. The poisonous drugs specied in Section thirty-four and thirty-ve
hereof shall be kept in a cabinet to be provided in every pharmacy carrying such drugs in stock and the same shall
be kept securely-locked when not in use.
Section 37. Provisions relative to dispensing of abolifecients or anti-conceptional substances and devices. No drug or
chemical product or device capable of provoking abortion or preventing conception as classied by the Food and

Drug Administration shall be delivered or sold to any person without a proper prescription by a duly licensed
The pharmacist in charge of a drug store or pharmacy after lling a prescription containing abortive or anticonceptional substance or devices shall record in a separate register book for abortives and anti-conceptionals, the
following data;
(a) Number and date of the prescription;
(b) Name and address of the physician;
(c) Name, quantity and manufacturer of the drug;
(d) Name and address of the purchaser;
(e) Date of lling the prescription; and
(f) Signature of the pharmacist lling the prescription.
Section 38. Provisions relative to dispensing of potent drugs. Every pharmacist who dispenses, sells or delivers any
drug, which falls under the classication of the Food and Drug Administration as potent drugs shall do so only upon
prescription of a duly licensed physician, dentist or veterinarian.
Section 39. Requirements for the opening and operation of drugstores and pharmacies. The minimum requirements
necessary for the opening and operation of drugstores and pharmacies shall be in accordance with the rules and
regulations to be prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Only
natural-born Filipino citizens who are registered pharmacists can apply for the opening of a retail drugstore.
Section 40. Penal provisions. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of Sections twelve, twenty-four,
twenty-ve, twenty-six, twenty-seven and twenty-nine of this Act or any person who shall make false representation
to procure a registration certicate as pharmacist for himself or for another; or any person who shall allow anyone in
his employ who is not a registered pharmacist to engage in the practice of pharmacy; or any person who shall
falsely display within the establishment the certicate of registration of a pharmacist who is not actually and
regularly employed therein as such or to act as a dummy for any alien or an unqualied person for the purpose of
opening and operating a retail drugstore; shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to a ne of not less than one
thousand pesos but not exceeding four thousand pesos or to an imprisonment of not less than six months and one
day but not more than four years, in the discretion of the court.
Section 41. Other penalties. Any pharmacist who shall violate any of the provisions of Sections twenty-eight, thirty,
thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-ve, thirty-seven and thirty-eight of this Act or any pharmacist after
his certicate of registration has been lawfully suspended or revoked, who continues to engage in the practice of
pharmacy, shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to a ne of not less than one hundred pesos but shall not
exceed ve hundred pesos or to an imprisonment of not less than thirty days but not more than four months, in the
discretion of the court.
Any person other than citizens of the Philippines having been found guilty of any violation as provided for in this and
the preceding section shall, after having paid the ne or having served his sentence or both when so required be
also subject to deportation.
Section 42. Denition of terms. For purposes of this Act, the term (a) "Pharmacy" or "Drug Store" means a place or
establishment where drugs, chemical products, active principles of drugs, pharmaceuticals, proprietary medicines or

pharmaceutical specialties, devices, and poisons are sold at retail and where medical, dental and veterinary
prescriptions are compounded and dispensed.
(b) "Drug or Pharmaceutical Laboratory" or Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Laboratory" means an
establishment where pharmaceuticals, proprietary medicines or pharmaceutical specialties are prepared,
compounded, standardized and distributed or sold.
(c) "Wholesaler" means and includes every person who acts as a jobber, merchant, broker or agent, who sells
or distributes for resale pharmaceuticals, proprietary medicines or pharmaceutical specialties.
(d) "Person" means and includes an individual, partnership, corporation or association.
(e) "Drug" means (1) articles recognized in the ofcial United States Pharmacopoeia, ofcial Hemeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States or ofcial National Formulary, or any of their supplements; (2) articles
intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or animals; (3)
articles (other than food) intended to effect the structure or any function of the body of man or animals; and
(4) articles intended for use as a component of any articles specied in clauses (1), (2), or (3), but not include
devices or their components, parts or accessories.
(f) "Pharmaceuticals", "Proprietary Medicines" or "Pharmaceutical Specialties" means any drug, preparation or
mixture of drugs marked under a trade name and intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease in
man or animals.
(g) "Device" means instruments, apparatus or contrivances including their components, parts and
accessories, intended (1) for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man
or animals; or
(2) to effect the structure or any function of the body of man or animals.
(h) "Biologic Products" are viruses, sera, toxins and analogous products used for the prevention or cure of
human diseases.
(i) "Poison" is any drug, active principle, or preparation of the same, capable of destroying life or seriously
endangering health when applied externally to the body or introduced internally in moderate doses.
(j) "Cipher" means a method of secret writing that substitutes other letters or characters for the letter
intended or transposes the letter after arranging them in blocks or squares.
(k) "Code" means a system of words or other symbols arbitrarily used to represent words.
(l) "Secret Keys" means a characteristics style or symbols kept from the knowledge of others or disclosed
condentially to but one of few.
Section 43. Final Provisions. To carry out the provisions of this Act, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated,
out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of thirty thousand pesos within the
scal year of the approval hereof. Thereafter, such funds as are necessary for the maintenance and operation of the
Board of Pharmacy and of the Council of Pharmaceutical Education shall be included in the annual General
Appropriations Act.
Section 44. Repealing clause. The following are hereby repealed: Sections seven hundred seventeen to seven
hundred fty-seven inclusive, Sections two thousand six hundred seventy-ve to two thousand six hundred seventy-

seven inclusive of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended; and such other laws or part of laws, executive
orders, administrative orders; circulars, regulations and memoranda inconsistent or incompatible with this Act.
Section 45. Separability of provisions. If any part, section or provision of this Act shall be held invalid or
unconstitutional, no other part, section or provision thereof shall be affected thereby.
Section 46. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: June 21, 1969

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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