The Imperial March
The Imperial March
The Imperial March
The Imperial March has inuence in short but dark moments revolving around Anakin. For example, in episode
62 Citadel Rescue, Anakin and Captain Wilhu Tarkin
both mentioned during their escape their good relationship with the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Anakin
shakes hands with Tarkin at the end of the episode,
while Tarkin said he would inform the Chancellor of
Anakins good performance. During that handshake, a
hint is to be heard in the music referring to The Imperial March. Other episodes that feature the theme
include Brain Invaders (when Anakin strangles Poggle), Voyage of Temptation (when Anakin kills Merrik), Overlords (multiple times), Ghosts of Mortis
(multiple times), Kidnapped (when Obi-Wan talks with
Anakin then Ashoka), Deception (multiple times) and
Friends and Enemies (multiple times), Crisis on Naboo (when Anakin argues with Obi-Wan), The Lawless (during Darth Sidious scenes), The Jedi Who Knew
Too Much (multiple times). The theme is used promi-
Original trilogy
In Empire Day, the episodes title referring to the Empires anniversary, The Imperial March is heard dur- 2.2 Use in music
ing the parade. It is also heard in Call to Action when
Ska punk group No Doubt did a live cover of the
Grand Mo Tarkin arrives on Lothal, in the nal scene
song for their Live in the Tragic Kingdom DVD.
of Fire Across the Galaxy when Darth Vader arrives on
Lothal, and multiple scenes in The Siege of Lothal.
The progressive metal band Bigelf use it in introduction of their concerts. In addition, their singer,
Damon Fox, has a Yoda decal on his keyboard.
Canadian band Barenaked Ladies performed a version of the Imperial March on their Maroon tour,
with multi-instrumentalist Kevin Hearn singing a set
of parody lyrics based on Britney Spears' hit song
Oops! ...I Did It Again.
The Dutch symphonic metal band Epica did a live
cover of the song which is found on The Classical
Conspiracy live album.
Celldweller did an Electronic Rock cover of The ImIn the trailer for the yet unreleased lm Rogue One: A
perial March.
Star Wars Story the rst notes of The Imperial March
can be heard at the end of the trailer as the letters turn
to reveal the name of the upcoming movie. Prior to this, 2.3 Other uses
Darth Vader can be heard breathing and his appearance
In 2012, Volkswagen released a commercial for
is seen in the reection of the oor. It has also now been
Super Bowl XLVI, featuring several dogs barking to
conrmed numerous times that Darth Vader will appear
the tune of The Imperial March.[8]
in the movie with James Earl Jones returning to provide
his voice.
Shortly before the Scottish independence referendum, a pro-independence campaigner rode a
rickshaw alongside a group of anti-independence
2 Uses outside Star Wars
Labour party politicians, who had travelled by train
from London to Glasgow for a highly publicised
visit, as they paraded through the centre of the
2.1 Uses in sport
city, playing the Imperial March and announcing to
Glaswegians: Your Imperial Masters have arrived.
The music has been used as emblematic of sporting riBow down before your Imperial Masters!"[9][10][11]
valries. Numerous high school and college marching
bands have taken to playing the march during football
games, particularly when a home teams defense is on the
eld or has made a big play or to question a penalty call
made by the ocial. The rst regular use of The Imperial March was in the 1980s, when John Thompson
led the Georgetown Hoyas mens basketball team onto
the oor with The Imperial March being played by the
Georgetown band. Rather than shy away from the badguy persona, the Hoyas embraced the image, perpetuating the sullen, intimidating identity of the Hoyas.[5] In
January 2003, during Super Bowl XXXVII, ABC Sports
took to using The Imperial March as a leitmotif for
the Oakland Raiders.[6] Three-time World Professional
Darts Champion John Part uses the theme as entrance
for his matches.[7] The Montreal Canadiens of the NHL
also use the theme when they go on the powerplay. The
song is also used for the visiting teams intro during South
3 See also
"Duel of the Fates"
Star Wars music
4 References
[1] Larsen & Irons (2007), p.171.
[2] Michael Matessino, booklet for original soundtrack
recording for Empire Strikes Back, Special Edition, page
17. RCA ASIN B000003G8G. "The Imperial March
(Darth Vaders Theme) is the now famous signature theme
for Darth Vader.
The Imperial March Source: Contributors: Tregoweth, Ahoerstemeier, Cadastral, Bueller 007, IMSoP, Tedius Zanarukando, Topbanana, Dmetric, EldKatt, David.Monniaux, Robbot, David Gerard,
Robert Happelberg, ShutterBugTrekker, DocWatson42, Spanky The Dolphin, MathKnight, Anton Mravcek, Lucky 6.9, SURIV, ConradPino, Jenks, Kuralyov, Cynical, Deewiant, Gscshoyru, Blue387, Korodzik, Bornintheguz, Patricknoddy, Vague Rant, Speedway, Mr. Billion, FirstPrinciples, JustPhil, Cromulent Kwyjibo, Pikawil, Krishnanp, A2Kar, Orzetto, Alansohn, Ryanasaurus007, Gargaj, Craigy144,
Gpvos, Sleigh, Japanese Searobin, Mjpotter, Angr, Bacteria, Woohookitty, Daniel Case, MattGiuca, Tabletop, Adam Field, Zzyzx11,
Chupon, Deltabeignet, BD2412, Corambis, Rjwilmsi, Seidenstud, Sido-Dyas, Koavf, Phantom784, KharBevNor, Titoxd, Ground Zero,
RabidGreenMonkey, Gurch, Rell Canis, Joonasl, Lord Patrick, Roboto de Ajvol, RyokoMocha, LordBleen, CambridgeBayWeather, GunnarRene, Dumoren, Joel7687, PatCheng, ONEder Boy, Saberwyn, EEMIV, Lockesdonkey, Siyavash, Canley, Chris1219, Tim1965, Nationalparks, The Wookieepedian, SmackBot, McGeddon, Endlesswaltz, Kintetsubualo, HalfShadow, Peter Isotalo, Datameister, Dudewhiterussian, Chris the speller, Gonzalo84, RandallFlagg~enwiki, Wutschwlllm, SquarePeg, Chancemichaels, Houdin654je, Penrithguy,
Chulk90, Avoidance, Jmlk17, T-borg, EVula, Krytenia, Skiasaurus, Swatjester, MegA, Akendall, JayMan, Stefan2, Cielomobile, Rawmustard, Kycoo, Racooon, Special-T, Wvoutlaw2002, DabMachine, JYi, Levineps, Bonaparte69, General Galavan, Wikidwitch, Seedybob2,
Cabrosa, Alexander Iwaschkin, Addict 2006, Tim Long, Outriggr (2006-2009), Drakehellman, Devilitself, AcceleratorX, Myscrnnm,
Wikipediarules2221, Soetermans, DarthSidious, DumbBOT, The March of Flames, Sprouty76, JamesAM, Thijs!bot, Nerwen, SGGH,
Threephi, Jayron32, DaMeanHippo, Gdo01, Areaseven, Braden90, East718, TAnthony, Engelbaet, JNW, Phunting, GroovySandwich,
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