Surgical Management of A Large Periapical Lesion With PRF and Xenograft - A Case Report
Surgical Management of A Large Periapical Lesion With PRF and Xenograft - A Case Report
Surgical Management of A Large Periapical Lesion With PRF and Xenograft - A Case Report
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 5 Ver. VI (May. 2016), PP 01-03
Aim: The aim of this case report is to show the combined use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) and xenograft(DFDB)
in the treatment of large periapical lesion.
Background: Periapical inflammatory lesion is the response of bone around the apex of tooth that occurs after
the necrosis of the pulp tissue or due to some periradicluar diseases. Regeneration is the reproduction of a lost
or an injured part of the body in such a way that the architecture and function of the lost or injured tissues are
completely restored.
Case Description: A periapical endodontic surgery was performed on a 37 year old male patient with a swelling
in the upper right and left front teeth region and a large bony defect radiologically.Root resection and
retrograde filling of the tooth was done with MTA. The surgical defect was filled with a combination of PRF and
bone graft crystals and sutured.
Conclusion: Clinical examination revealed uneventful healing. Radiologically the xenograft crystals have been
completely replaced by new bone at the end of 6 months .
Clinical Significance: The use of PRF in conjunction with bone crystals might have accelerated the resorption
of the graft crystals and would have induced the rapid rate of bone formation.
Keywords: periapical inflammatory lesion, platelet rich fibrin, xenograft, regeneration
Periapical pathology occurs as a sequelae of microbial insults amenting from the rootcanal .If the
infection within the canal be contained ,it will progress to the periapical region leading into excessive
osteoclastic bone resorption circumscribing the root. (1)This is evident radiographically ,that shows a
radioulucent lesion and determined histologically ,as a cyst or granuloma.(2)The initial treatment for such a
pathology is root canal treatment .If the afore mentioned treatment fails to resolve the pathology, surgical
intervention needs to be delivered .The apical surgical procedure removes the pathology and the granulation
tissues surrounding the tooth.This procedure creates a surgical defect in the area .To accerlate the healing of the
bony defect , PRF (3) and bonegrafts(5) have been decoumented .Here a case with failed rootcanal pathology was
treated by apicectomy followed by filling osseous defect with Platelet Rich Fibrin and bone graft.
Case Description
A 37-years-old male patient came to the Department of Endodontics,KMCT Dental college with a chief
complaint of swelling in the upper front teeth region teeth(12,11,21). The patient had no medical
contraindication to dental treatment. Dental history revealed an incident of trauma to the upper front teeth region
20 years ago. Clinical examination revealed discolored tooth. The teeth were non tender to percussion test. Upon
radiographic examination a large periapical defect was seen with complete loss of labial cortical plate. The
lesion measured 7 mm 10 mm 6 mm corresponding to the length, width, and depth of the lesion
The root canal treatment was performed using step back technique till an apical size of 40 K-file in
relation to teeth 12,11,21respectively. 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (Novo Dental Product Pvt Ltd,
Mumbai, India) was used to irrigate the canals during the canal preparation. The root canal treatment was
performed in three visits and calcium hydroxide was used as the intracanal medicament. The root canals were
obturated using gutta percha (Dentsply maillefer Ballaigues) and AH 26 (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Philadelphia,
USA) by the lateral condensation technique. A periapical endodontic surgery was planned as the lesion was non
healing since a month.Pre medical evaluation was done before surgergy.Under local anesthesia (1:200000
adrenaline, DJ Lab, India), a full thickness mucoperiosteal flap was reflected by giving a two vertical incision
starting from the distal of the tooth 12, to distal of the tooth 21.. Using #702 tapered fissure bur (SS White burs),
root end resection was performed in teeth 12,11,21. With a curette,tissue curettage was done at the defect site
followed by thorough irrigation using sterile saline solution and retrograde root end perparation was done upto
3mm length using ultrasonics ,Grey mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) (ProRoot MTA; Dentsply, Tulsa, OK,
DOI: 10.9790/0853-1505060103
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Surgical Management Of A Large Periapical Lesion With Prf And Xenograft A Case Report
USA)was used as the root end filling material . 20 ml of blood was drawn from the patient's antecubital vein and
centrifuged (REMI centrifuge machine Model R-8c with 12 15 ml swing out head) for 10 min under 3000
revolutions (approximately 400 g) per minute to obtain the PRF(figure-1). Commercially available DFDB
(demineralized freeze dried bone graft),Osseograft crystals were sprinkled over the PRF gel and together the
mixture was placed into defect site (figure-2). Flap stabilization was done followed by suturing using 3-0 black
silk suture material (Sutures India Pvt. Ltd, Karnataka, India). Patient was kept under antibiotic (amoxicillin
500mg 1-1-1) coverage along with analgesic(paracetamol 650mg SOS) and 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate
solution as mouth rinse for a period of 5 days. Suture removal was done 1 week later and the healing was
Patient was reviewed at 3 months , 6 months during which there were no symptoms of pain,
inflammation, or discomfort. These follow-up visits included routine intraoral examinations and professional
plaque control. Radiographically, HA particles have been almost resorbed and replaced with new bone at the
end of 6 months years(figure-3) .
According to PASS principle primary wound closure, angiogenesis ,the stability of the wound and the
source of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are all critical factors that effect periapical surgery bone
regeneration.(1,2) Bashutski et al, had showed that bone crystals with PRF,resulted in pocket depth reduction with
significant improvement in attachment and defect fill(3) .A combination of PRF and DFDB maintained both the
space for tissue regenerations and exerted an osteoconductive effect in the bony defect.Added to this the use of
blood clot that is the hosts own biological product is a better space filler and helps tissue wound healing.(4,5)
The combination of PRF in platelet gel form along with bone graft promoted wound healing, bone growth ,
maturation ,graft stabilization and hemostasis,leading to an overall improvement in the handling properties of
graft materials PRF is a concentrated suspension of growth factors found in platelets which are involved in
wound healing and are known to be promoters of tissues regenerations.(5)
Ahmad et al,Ashish et al,Sonal et al had concluded that combination of growth factors in PRF along
with bone graft had increased the bone density in many clinical trials(6,7,8) .PRF is a rich source of PDGF,TGF
and IGF.TGF known to stimulate biosynthesis of type-1 collagen ,which induces deposition of bone matrix in
vitro. PGDF is known to increase bone regeneration in calvarial defect when used along with bioabsorable
membrane as carrier.(9 )IGF-1 is synthesized and secreted by osteoblast ,it stimulates bone formation by
proliferation and differentiation ,all these factors along with epidermal growth factor ,increase the growth factor
of human osteoblast.(10,11,12)
DFDB is believed to act as an osteoconductive and osteoinductive material and also as a bone growth
promotor.(6)DFDB remains a viable treatment modality for attempts to regenerate the periodontal attachment
apparatus.(7)The DFDB was used in this study because the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) present in it
are osteoinductive that is, they induce differentiation of mesenchymal cells into cartilage and bone.(8) Deug et al
in his study evaluated histologically that there was enhanced new bone formation,cementum regeneration,new
connective tissue growth and improved connective tissue growth and improved adhesion capacity with the
decalcified freeze dried bone grafted on the intrabony graft.(14)
In this case report the role of both PRF and DFDB was placed in the bony defect ,the benefit being
superior proliferation of human periosteal cells thereby enhancing bone regeneration.(15 )Progressive
proliferation mode of PRF coagulation results in increased incorporation of circulating cytokines into the fibrin
mesh which further augments wound healing.(15) .
To conclude the use of bone crystals along with PRF might have accerlated the resorption of graft and would
have induced the rapid rate of bone formation.However histologically studies are required to examine the nature
of the newly formed tissues in the defect and controlled long term clinical trials will be required to know the
effect of this combination.
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