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August 2009


ufw program for managing a netfilter firewall

This program is for managing a Linux firewall and aims to provide an easy to use interface for the user.

ufw [dryrun] enable|disable|reload
ufw [dryrun] default allow|deny|reject [incoming|outgoing]
ufw [dryrun] logging on|off|LEVEL
ufw [dryrun] reset
ufw [dryrun] status [verbose|numbered]
ufw [dryrun] show REPORT
ufw [dryrun] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out] [log|logall] PORT[/protocol]
ufw [dryrun] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out on INTERFACE] [log|logall]
[proto protocol] [from ADDRESS [port PORT]] [to ADDRESS [port PORT]]
ufw [dryrun] delete NUM
ufw [dryrun] app list|info|default|update

show programs version number and exit
h, help
show help message and exit
dont modify anything, just show the changes
enable reloads firewall and enables firewall on boot.
disable unloads firewall and disables firewall on boot
reload reloads firewall
default allow|deny|reject DIRECTION
change the default policy for traffic going DIRECTION, where DIRECTION is one of incoming
or outgoing. Note that existing rules will have to be migrated manually when changing the default
policy. See RULE SYNTAX for more on deny and reject.
logging on|off|LEVEL
toggle logging. Logged packets use the LOG_KERN syslog facility. Systems configured for rsyslog support may also log to /var/log/ufw.log. Specifying a LEVEL turns logging on for the specified LEVEL. The default log level is low. See LOGGING for details.

Disables and resets firewall to installation defaults. Can also give the force option to perform
the reset without confirmation.


show status of firewall and ufw managed rules. Use status verbose for extra information. In the
status output, Anywhere is synonymous with any and

display information about the running firewall. See REPORTS
allow ARGS
add allow rule. See RULE SYNTAX

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deny ARGS
add deny rule. See RULE SYNTAX
reject ARGS
add reject rule. See RULE SYNTAX
limit ARGS
add limit rule. Currently only IPv4 is supported. See RULE SYNTAX
delete RULE|NUM
deletes the corresponding RULE
insert NUM RULE
insert the corresponding RULE as rule number NUM

Users can specify rules using either a simple syntax or a full syntax. The simple syntax only specifies the
port and optionally the protocol to be allowed or denied on the host. For example:
ufw allow 53
This rule will allow tcp and udp port 53 to any address on this host. To specify a protocol, append /protocol to the port. For example:
ufw allow 25/tcp
This will allow tcp port 25 to any address on this host. ufw will also check /etc/services for the port and
protocol if specifying a service by name. Eg:
ufw allow smtp
ufw supports both ingress and egress filtering and users may optionally specify a direction of either in or
out for either incoming or outgoing traffic. If no direction is supplied, the rule applies to incoming traffic.
ufw allow in http
ufw reject out smtp
Users can also use a fuller syntax, specifying the source and destination addresses and ports. This syntax is
based on OpenBSDs PF syntax. For example:
ufw deny proto tcp to any port 80
This will deny all traffic to tcp port 80 on this host. Another example:
ufw deny proto tcp from to port 25
This will deny all traffic from the RFC1918 Class A network to tcp port 25 with the address
ufw deny proto tcp from 2001:db8::/32 to any port 25
This will deny all traffic from the IPv6 2001:db8::/32 to tcp port 25 on this host. Note that IPv6 must be
enabled in /etc/default/ufw for IPv6 firewalling to work.
ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 80,443,8080:8090
The above will allow all traffic to tcp ports 80, 443 and 80808090 inclusive. Note that when specifying

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multiple ports, the ports list must be numeric, cannot contain spaces and must be modified as a whole. Eg,
in the above example you cannot later try to delete just the 443 port. You cannot specify more than 15
ports (ranges count as 2 ports, so the port count in the above example is 4).
ufw supports connection rate limiting, which is useful for protecting against bruteforce login attacks. ufw
will deny connections if an IP address has attempted to initiate 6 or more connections in the last 30 seconds. See http://www.debianadministration.org/articles/187 for details. Typical usage is:
ufw limit ssh/tcp
Sometimes it is desirable to let the sender know when traffic is being denied, rather than simply ignoring it.
In these cases, use reject instead of deny. For example:
ufw reject auth
By default, ufw will apply rules to all available interfaces. To limit this, specify DIRECTION on INTERFACE, where DIRECTION is one of in or out (interface aliases are not supported). For example, to allow
all new incoming http connections on eth0, use:
ufw allow in on eth0 to any port 80 proto tcp
To delete a rule, simply prefix the original rule with delete. For example, if the original rule was:
ufw deny 80/tcp
Use this to delete it:
ufw delete deny 80/tcp
You may also specify the rule by NUM, as seen in the status numbered output. For example, if you want
to delete rule number 3, use:
ufw delete 3
If you have IPv6 enabled and are deleting a generic rule that applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 (eg ufw allow
22/tcp), deleting by rule number will delete only the specified rule. To delete both with one command, prefix the original rule with delete.
To insert a rule, specify the new rule as normal, but prefix the rule with the rule number to insert. For example, if you have four rules, and you want to insert a new rule as rule number three, use:
ufw insert 3 deny to any port 22 from proto tcp
To see a list of numbered rules, use:
ufw status numbered
ufw supports per rule logging. By default, no logging is performed when a packet matches a rule. Specifying log will log all new connections matching the rule, and logall will log all packets matching the rule.
For example, to allow and log all new ssh connections, use:
ufw allow log 22/tcp
See LOGGING for more information on logging.

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Deny all access to port 53:
ufw deny 53
Allow all access to tcp port 80:
ufw allow 80/tcp
Allow all access from RFC1918 networks to this host:
ufw allow from
ufw allow from
ufw allow from
Deny access to udp port 514 from host
ufw deny proto udp from to any port 514
Allow access to udp port 5469 from port 5469:
ufw allow proto udp from port 5469 to port 5469

When running ufw enable or starting ufw via its initscript, ufw will flush its chains. This is required so ufw
can maintain a consistent state, but it may drop existing connections (eg ssh). ufw does support adding rules
before enabling the firewall, so administrators can do:
ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 22
before running ufw enable. The rules will still be flushed, but the ssh port will be open after enabling the
firewall. Please note that once ufw is enabled, ufw will not flush the chains when adding or removing
rules (but will when modifying a rule or changing the default policy). By default, ufw will prompt when
enabling the firewall while running under ssh. This can be disabled by using ufw force enable.

ufw supports application integration by reading profiles located in /etc/ufw/applications.d. To list the names
of application profiles known to ufw, use:
ufw app list
Users can specify an application name when adding a rule (quoting any profile names with spaces). For
example, when using the simple syntax, users can use:
ufw allow <name>
Or for the extended syntax:
ufw allow from to any app <name>
You should not specify the protocol with either syntax, and with the extended syntax, use app in place of
the port clause.

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Details on the firewall profile for a given application can be seen with:
ufw app info <name>
where <name> is one of the applications seen with the app list command. Users may also specify all to
see the profiles for all known applications.
After creating or editing an application profile, users can run:
ufw app update <name>
This command will automatically update the firewall with updated profile information. If specify all for
name, then all the profiles will be updated. To update a profile and add a new rule to the firewall automatically, users can run:
ufw app update addnew <name>
The behavior of the update addnew command can be configured using:
ufw app default <policy>
The default application policy is skip, which means that the update addnew command will do nothing. Users may also specify a policy of allow or deny so the update addnew command may automatically update the firewall. WARNING: it may be a security to risk to use a default allow policy for application profiles. Carefully consider the security ramifications before using a default allow policy.

ufw supports multiple logging levels. ufw defaults to a loglevel of low when a loglevel is not specified.
Users may specify a loglevel with:
ufw logging LEVEL
LEVEL may be off, low, medium, high and full. Log levels are defined as:

disables ufw managed logging


logs all blocked packets not matching the default policy (with rate limiting), as well as packets
matching logged rules

log level low, plus all allowed packets not matching the default policy, all INVALID packets, and
all new connections. All logging is done with rate limiting.

log level medium (without rate limiting), plus all packets with rate limiting


log level high without rate limiting

Loglevels above medium generate a lot of logging output, and may quickly fill up your disk. Loglevel
medium may generate a lot of logging output on a busy system.
Specifying on simply enables logging at log level low if logging is currently not enabled.

The following reports are supported. Each is based on the live system and with the exception of the listening report, is in raw iptables format:

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The raw report shows the complete firewall, while the others show a subset of what is in the raw report.
The listening report will display the ports on the live system in the listening state for tcp and the open state
for udp, along with the address of the interface and the executable listening on the port. An * is used in
place of the address of the interface when the executable is bound to all interfaces on that port. Following
this information is a list of rules which may affect connections on this port. The rules are listed in the order
they are evaluated by the kernel, and the first match wins. Please note that the default policy is not listed
and tcp6 and udp6 are shown only if IPV6 is enabled.

On installation, ufw is disabled with a default incoming policy of deny and a default outgoing policy of
allow, with stateful tracking for NEW connections. Having a default policy of allow without stateful tracking can be achieved by using ACCEPT_NO_TRACK instead of ACCEPT in /etc/default/ufw.
Rule ordering is important and the first match wins. Therefore when adding rules, add the more specific
rules first with more general rules later.
ufw is not intended to provide complete firewall functionality via its command interface, but instead provides an easy way to add or remove simple rules. It is currently mainly used for hostbased firewalls.
The status command shows basic information about the state of the firewall, as well as rules managed via
the ufw command. It does not show rules from the rules files in /etc/ufw. To see the complete state of the
firewall, users can ufw show raw. This displays the filter, nat, mangle and raw tables using:
iptables n L v x t <table>
ip6tables n L v x t <table>
See the iptables and ip6tables documentation for more details.
If the default policy is set to REJECT, ufw may interfere with rules added outside of the ufw framework.
See README for details.
IPV6 is allowed by default. To change this behavior to only accept IPv6 traffic on the loopback interface,
set IPV6 to no in /etc/default/ufw and reload ufw. When IPv6 is enabled, you may specify rules in the
same way as for IPv4 rules, and they will be displayed with ufw status. Rules that match both IPv4 and
IPv6 addresses apply to both IP versions. For example, when IPv6 is enabled, the following rule will allow
access to port 22 for both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic:
ufw allow 22
IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels and 6to4 are supported by using the ipv6 protocol (41). This protocol can only
be used with the full syntax. For example:
ufw allow to proto ipv6
ufw allow to from proto ipv6
IPSec is supported by using the esp (50) and ah (51) protocols. These protocols can only be used
with the full syntax. For example:
ufw allow to proto esp
ufw allow to from proto esp

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ufw allow to proto ah

ufw allow to from proto ah
In addition to the commandline interface, ufw also provides a framework which allows administrators to
take full advantage of netfilter. See the ufwframework manual page for more information.

ufwframework(8), iptables(8), ip6tables(8), iptablesrestore(8), ip6tablesrestore(8), sysctl(8),

ufw is Copyright 2008-2009, Canonical Ltd.
ufw and this manual page was originally written by Jamie Strandboge <jamie@canonical.com>

August 2009

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