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Microbial Biofilms: From Ecology To Molecular Genetics

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Copyright 2000, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Vol. 64, No. 4

Microbial Biofilms: from Ecology to Molecular Genetics




Department of Microbiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

part of a population or community is also possible and is, in

fact, more typical.

Our perception of bacteria as unicellular life forms is deeply
rooted in the pure-culture paradigm. Since bacteria can, in a
strict sense, be diluted to a single cell and studied in liquid
culture, this mode of operation has been exploited and used to
study many bacterial activities. Although this traditional way of
culturing bacteria in liquid medium has been instrumental in
the study of microbial pathogenesis and enlightening as to
some of the amazing facets of microbial physiology, pureculture planktonic growth is rarely how bacteria exist in nature.
For example, environmental microbiologists have long recognized that complex bacterial communities are responsible for
driving the biogeochemical cycling that maintains the biosphere (153). Until recently, the lack of methods for exploring
these communities in situ has hampered detailed analyses.
Fortunately, recent advances in microscopy and molecular
technologies have made it possible to examine such communities in situ in great detail and without the bias of liquid culture.
Direct observation of a wide variety of natural habitats has
established that the majority of microbes persist attached to
surfaces within a structured biofilm ecosystem and not as freefloating organisms (47). Moreover, it is becoming clear that
these natural assemblages of bacteria within the biofilm matrix
function as a cooperative consortium, in a relatively complex
and coordinated manner (22, 47). Hence, although microorganisms can have an independent planktonic existence, an
interdependent lifestyle in which they function as an integral

Complex Attached and Aggregated Communities

What constitutes a bacterial community? From an ecological
perspective, populations of bacteria arise from individual cells,
and metabolically similar populations (e.g., sulfate- and sulfurreducing bacteria) constitute groupings referred to as guilds.
Sets of guilds (e.g., fermentative, sulfate- and sulfur-reducing,
and methanogenic bacteria) conducting interdependent physiological processes form microbial communities. In essence,
biofilms represent an interdependent community-based existence. Biofilms can be composed of a population that developed from a single species or a community derived from multiple microbial species, and they can form on a vast array of
abiotic and biotic surfaces. Microorganisms also form natural
assemblages at air-water interfaces and in suspensions, such as
anaerobic digestors, in which they preferentially aggregate to
form flocs or granules (151, 280). Although the substrata for
attachment are difficult to discern in these granules, we view
these assemblages as biofilm communities. For the purpose of
this review, biofilms are broadly defined as assemblages of
microorganisms and their associated extracellular products at
an interface and typically attached to an abiotic or biotic surface.
Collective Behavior
Shapiro proposed the view of bacteria as interactive organisms capable of significant collective activity as a general bacterial trait over a decade ago (229231). Complex differentiation and collective behavior have been demonstrated for a

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Microbiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Room 202, Vail Building, N. College St., Hanover, NH 03755. Phone: (603) 650-1248. Fax: (603) 6501318. E-mail: georgeo@Dartmouth.edu.

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INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................847
Complex Attached and Aggregated Communities ..............................................................................................847
Collective Behavior .................................................................................................................................................847
SURFACE-ATTACHED COMMUNITIES IN THE REAL WORLD ..................................................................848
Biofilm Structure ....................................................................................................................................................849
Structure and Function Studies............................................................................................................................850
Plant-Associated Biofilms ......................................................................................................................................852
ECOLOGICAL ADVANTAGES: WHY MAKE A BIOFILM? ..............................................................................853
Protection from the Environment.........................................................................................................................853
Nutrient Availability and Metabolic Cooperativity ............................................................................................854
Acquisition of New Genetic Traits........................................................................................................................855
ROLE OF SURFACE-ATTACHED BACTERIA IN DISEASE ............................................................................856
Bacterial Biofilm Infections...................................................................................................................................856
Implant-Based Infections.......................................................................................................................................856
Biofilms and Pathogenesis.....................................................................................................................................856
GENETIC DISSECTION OF BIOFILM FORMATION.......................................................................................857
Role of Environmental Signals .............................................................................................................................857
Initiation of Biofilm Formation ............................................................................................................................858
Maturation of the Biofilm .....................................................................................................................................859
Molecular Genetics of Oral Biofilms ...................................................................................................................860
CONCLUSIONS .........................................................................................................................................................862
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................862
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................862



The natural habitats of prokaryotes are remarkably diverse
(188, 268). Prokaryotes can inhabit any environment that is
suitable for higher life forms, as well as a variety of inhospitable settings that the majority of higher life forms would find
extremely objectionable (152). Their ability to persist throughout the biosphere is due, in part, to their unequaled metabolic
versatility and phenotypic plasticity. One key element of their
adaptability is their ability to position themselves in a niche
where they can propagate. Numerous positioning mechanisms
have been discovered in bacteria. The most common mechanism is flagellar motility and different methods of surface
translocation, including twitching, gliding, darting, and sliding
(102). However, there are other mechanisms utilized by bacteria to position themselves in response to their environment.
Some species are able to affect their position by synthesizing
cellulose, thereby forming a fibrous pellicle that places cells
near the air-water interface. In addition, cellulose synthesis
aids in attachment to surfaces such as plant cells (216). Other
bacteria, such as the purple sulfur bacterium Amoebobacter
purpureus, modulate their density in order to position themselves. These photosynthetic bacteria position themselves at

different levels in the water column in response to light intensity by producing gas vesicles for bouyancy or synthesizing
carbohydrates or forming aggregates in order to sink (187). In
addition, some species have magnetosomes (intracellular
structures consisting of a crystal of a magnetic mineral surrounded by a membrane) that cause the cells to passively align
with the Earths geomagnetic field, thereby restricting lateral
excursions (11, 227). One of the most important positioning
mechanisms is aggregation or attachment. Aggregation enhances cell-cell interaction as well as the sedimentation rate of
cells. Through attachment, the bacteria not only position themselves on a surface; they can form communities and obtain the
additional benefit of the phenotypic versatility of their neighbors. Since a surface-attached lifestyle is ubiquitous, it is likely
that this type of sessile community-based existence is a critical
characteristic for persistence of the bacteria. Organisms can
exist in an environment independently, but in many cases they
proliferate more effectively by interacting and forming communities (23). Some of the concepts discussed in the following
sections are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Bacterial communities in nature play a key role in the production and degradation of organic matter, the degradation of
many environmental pollutants, and the cycling of nitrogen,
sulfur, and many metals. Most of these natural processes require the concerted effort of bacteria with different metabolic
capabilities, and it is likely that bacteria residing within biofilm
communities carry out many of these complex processes. Studies in bioreactors and enrichment cultures have shown that
biofilms are involved in the processing of sewage (see below),
in the treatment of groundwater contaminated with petroleum
products (155), and in nitrification (58). Biofilms also form in
many extreme environments, such as in acid mine drainage (at
a pH of 0), where they contribute to the cycling of sulfur (67).
Cyanobacterial mat biofilms have been intensively studied in
thermal springs (204, 261), and recently, researchers have
started to investigate biofilms in the desert-like lake ice cover
in Antarctica (190). Complex structured communities in these
extreme environments have been found to conduct a variety of
biological processes, such as photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation,
and fermentation.
Another type of biofilm community that is being investigated
is the bacterial assemblages associated with suspended particles of organic and inorganic material in the marine environment. Researchers have shown that these macroscopic particles, often referred to as marine snow, are enriched in
microbial biomass, nutrients, and trace metals and are involved
in biogeochemical transformation of particulate organic carbon in the pelagic environment (28, 189). Although the
importance of microbial communities associated with these
macroscopic particles has not been thoroughly investigated,
methanogenesis (121), nitrogen fixation (191), and sulfide production (228) have been detected in these particles, indicating
microbial activity. Moreover, microbial production of methane
or sulfide as well as nitrogen fixation only occurs under anoxic
conditions; therefore, the data indicate that anaerobic metabolism is being performed in an otherwise oxygenated environment. Also, these aggregates have been examined with oxygen
microelectrodes, and steep redox gradients were found in these
biofilms, providing additional evidence of anaerobic metabolism (191). In a study by Rath et al., the phylogenetic diversity
of the bacterial community associated with marine snow was
assessed by amplifying and classifying small-subunit ribosomal
DNA (rDNA) fragments from nucleic acids extracted from
samples of marine snow collected in the northern Adriatic Sea
(208). These experiments showed that bacterial colonization of
marine snow can result in diverse and complex assemblages,

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number of different organisms under a variety of different

situations (231). Most notable are species of Myxococcus that
differentiate when starved to form elaborate fruiting bodies
(66), Anabaena during heterocyst development (278), Bacillus
subtilis during its metamorphosis into spores (147), Streptomyces coelicolor during its morphological differentiation in response to nutritional conditions (30), and Serratia liquefaciens
during the migration of populations by means of swarming
motility (66). These examples surely testify to the ability of
microorganisms to exploit intercellular interactions and communication to facilitate their adaptation to changing environmental parameters (119). At first glance, however, it is not
obvious that the majority of prokaryotes are capable of such
coordinated collective behavior unless one considers them in
the context of biofilms. Whether single- or multispecies, the
development of biofilms requires multicellular behavior. As we
will explore below, the development of a biofilm is a complex
process that requires collective bacterial behavior. Whats
more, in contrast to the other examples of development described above, the collective behavior can involve more than
one bacterial species. Biofilm formation may require coordination with, interactions of, and communication between multiple bacterial species.
Remarkable discoveries have occurred in biofilm research
during this past decade. The application of new microscopic
and molecular technologies to biofilm investigations has
opened our eyes to this underappreciated area of microbial
biology. Using these technologies, researchers have shown that
biofilms are not simply organism-containing slime layers on
surfaces; instead, biofilms represent biological systems with a
high level of organization where bacteria form structured, coordinated, functional communities (184). In a number of recent articles, Caldwell et al. have discussed the complex interactions that form the basis of coexistence in these sessile
communities (23, 26). Viewing bacteria from the biofilm community perspective is providing us with novel insights into
microbial biology and ecology. Consequently, it seems that the
restricted view of bacteria as unicellular life forms is expanding
to include their remarkable ability to function as part of a
collective (reviewed in references 39, 45 to 49, 184, 192 and


VOL. 64, 2000



with specific phyla being associated with the particles. Also, the
nature of the associated phylogenetic groups was found to be
similar to that of other assemblages found in marine sediments
and terrestrial soils.
Biofilm Structure
The application of confocal scanning laser microscopes
(CSLM) to biofilm research radically altered our perception of
biofilm structure and function (140). Before the use of CSLM,
electron microscopy was the method of choice to examine
microbial biofilms under high resolution. Unfortunately, sample preparation for electron microscopy results in dehydrated
samples. Consequently, this approach provided a deceivingly
simplistic view of biofilms, since the biofilm collapsed when
water was removed. On the other hand, CSLM, which allows
the visualization of fully hydrated samples, has revealed the
elaborate three-dimensional structure of biofilms (47, 56, 57).
CSLM has been used very effectively to monitor biofilm development in flow cells. Flow cells are small continuous-flow systems with a viewing port that allows direct observation of the
biofilm without disrupting the community. These systems are
often once-flow, meaning that fresh medium enters the system,
passes through the cell, and is collected as wastethe medium
is not recycled through the flow cell. A number of descriptions
of flow cell and related techniques have been reported (64a).
Interestingly, biofilms formed from single species in vitro
and those produced in nature by mixed species consortia exhibit similar overall structural features (47, 52, 264). Most
biofilms have been found to exhibit some level of heterogeneity

in that patches of cell aggregates, not monolayers, are interspersed throughout an exopolysaccharide matrix that varies in
density, creating open areas where water channels are formed.
An example of a mature single-species biofilm of Vibrio cholerae is shown in Fig. 2.
The microcolonies that constitute the biofilm can be composed of single-species populations or multimember communities of bacteria, depending on the environmental parameters
under which they are formed. Numerous conditions, such as
surface and interface properties, nutrient availability, the composition of the microbial community, and hydrodynamics, can
affect biofilm structure (240). For example, under high shear
stresses, such as on the surface of teeth during chewing, the
biofilm (dental plaque) is typically stratified and compacted
(15, 274). Biofilms have also been examined under various
hydrodynamic conditions such as laminar and turbulent flows,
and it was shown that biofilm structures are altered in response
to flow conditions (241). Biofilms grown under laminar flow
were found to be patchy and consisted of rough round cell
aggregates separated by interstitial voids. Biofilms grown in the
turbulent flow cells were also patchy, but elongated streamers that oscillated in the bulk fluid were observed. Moreover,
by observing biofilm development under continuous flow, this
group was able to evaluate the effect of perturbations on established biofilms. They showed that the biofilm was polymorphic and structurally adapted to changes in nutrient availability.
In biofilms formed in upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactors
(continuous-flow systems comprising multiple microbial species, where the flow occurs from bottom to top of the vessel),

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FIG. 1. Ecology of microbial communities. Top-down view of an idealized surface-attached microbial community, illustrating some of the major concepts pertaining
to the ecology of biofilms discussed in the text. The four microcolonies at the center of the figure represent organisms that both generate and consume hydrogen and
comprise two organisms that participate in syntrophism (see text). Fermenting organisms produce organic acids used by the hydrogen producers, and these fermenting
organisms gain their carbon and energy by utilizing various sugars. In addition to potential metabolic interactions between organisms, signaling molecules may aid in
inter- and intraspecies communication. The factors described above (as well as environmental influences) may all contribute to the spatial organization of the biofilm.
As shown here, microcolonies in natural communities can comprise either a single or multiple bacterial species. The proximity of different microbes allows the possibility
of physical interactions in addition to communication via diffusible factors.




Structure and Function Studies

FIG. 2. Architecture of a typical biofilm. Three-dimensional reconstruction

of V. cholerae biofilms. Bacteria carrying a plasmid constitutively expressing the
green fluorescent protein (GFP) were incubated in chambers containing borosilicate glass. At 6 h, the wells were emptied, washed, and examined with a CSLM
using 488- and 510-nm excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively. The
top and center panels show horizontal (xy or top-down view) projected images at
low and high magnification, respectively. Islands of bacterial aggregates are
visible on the surface. The bottom panel is a sagittal (xz or side view) view of the
same biofilm. The relative intensity of the pseudo-colored images is shown at the
lower right corner and correlates with cell density. Bars, 50 m (top panel) and
10 m (center and bottom panels). This image was kindly provided by Fitnat
Yildiz and Gary Schoolnik. A diagrammatic representation of various biofilms is
also shown in Fig. 5. Reproduced with permission from reference 282.

aggregates consisting of complex bacterial communities (referred to as flocs or sludge granules) predominate (151). This
is primarily due to the fact that the degradation of organic
materials to methane and carbon dioxide is a community-level
process that is driven by the close contact of multiple guilds
interacting in a food web (159, 224). In addition, through
aggregation, the bacteria are advantageously positioned in
these reactors. Since there is no surface area for attachment in
this type of reactor except for the walls, the formation of
granular sludge is a mechanism by which the biofilm communities settle to the bottom of the reactor, which prevents their
being washed out of the system. Furthermore, through granular sedimentation, the biomass is more readily exposed to the
continuous supply of nutrients being pumped into the bottom
of the reactor. Hence, biofilm structure is affected by both the
microbial biology and environmental parameters. Structural
organization is clearly a hallmark of biofilm communities that

The identification and quantification of members of particular microbial communities, as well as a clear understanding of
the functional relationship between members, are required
before we can fully appreciate and possibly manage the complex processes that these communities perform. Recent technological advances have aided in attaining this goal. The remarkable breakthrough in rRNA-based phylogenetic analysis
(276) has provided a means of developing tools with which to
investigate microbial communities. The development of fluorescently labeled rRNA-targeted oligonucleotides, a variety of
microsensors, real-time image analysis, and confocal microscopy has provided researchers with noninvasive means to monitor populations in situ (5, 24, 25, 260). In addition, one of the
key advances in the study of microbial communities has been
the development of various tools for cultivating communities,
such as chemostats, continuous-flow slide cultures, microstats,
and colonization tracks (22). These techniques have been used
to identify and quantify specific populations within a variety of
complex microbial mixtures.
As discussed above, the anaerobic degradation of complex
organic material to methane and carbon dioxide is a community-level process carried out by multiple microbial populations
interacting in a food web (159). This process is one of the most
complex interactions between bacterial populations known to
exist. Although anaerobic food chains have been studied extensively, our understanding of community-level processes in
anaerobic food webs is still limited. Due to the important role
of microbes in wastewater treatment, an extensive amount of
research and method development has been performed in order to increase our understanding of the processes involved in
the degradation of organic materials. Here we will describe
some of the research in this area in order to illustrate one of
the primary goals of biofilm research, that is, connecting structure and function.
It has been discovered that surface-attached biofilms as well
as sludge granules readily form in anaerobic reactors (151,
281). Moreover, the development of these biofilm communities
results in more efficient processing of contaminants in wastewater. rRNA probes have been used to identify and quantify
phylogenetically defined populations of organisms in sludge
granules (120, 206, 207, 256, 257). In a recent study by Raskin
et al. (207), changes in the composition of two metabolically
competitive populations (methanogens and sulfate-reducing

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differentiates this mode of growth from conventional suspension cultures.

The interstitial voids or channels are also an integral part of
the biofilm structure. Using particle-tracking techniques, researchers have been able to demonstrate water flow through
these channels (242). Therefore, the channels are, in essence,
the lifeline of the system, since they provide a means of circulating nutrients as well as exchanging metabolic products with
the bulk fluid layer (45). For instance, in situ measurements of
dissolved oxygen using microelectrodes revealed that oxygen is
available in the biofilm as far down as the substrata, indicating
that the channels are transporting the oxygenated bulk fluid
throughout the biofilm to the surface (143). Also, in situ measurements of toluene degradation in a multispecies biofilm
indicated that toluene was available to cells deep within the
biofilm, indicating transport through channels (168). Presumably the channels are a vital part of the biofilm structure and
function, and therefore there are likely to be mechanisms for
the formation as well as the maintenance of these structures.
This is clearly a key area for future investigations.

VOL. 64, 2000


FIG. 3. Syntrophism in a sludge granule. Photomicrograph of in situ hybridization of a sludge granule obtained from a methanogenic reactor to illustrate
biofilm organisms participating in a metabolic interaction. Fluorescein-labeled
fluorescent probes were used to identify organisms specific to the order Methanomicrobiales (green and green arrow), and rhodamine-labeled probes were used
to localize syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria related to the genus Syntrophus (red and red arrow). The double (red and green) labeling results in yellow
fluorescence. The results indicate that the syntrophic microcolonies are intertwined with chains of methanogens (yellow and yellow arrow). The metabolic
interactions between these two organisms speed the anaerobic degradation of
certain compounds (see text for details). Bar, 20 m. This figure was modified
from Harmsen et al. (92a), with permission to use this image kindly provided by
Willem de Vos.

natural microbial community without the selective bias of cultivation, extraction, or amplification. Evidence for high diversity was shown, indicating that high diversity within a relatively
narrow phylogenetic group (in this case beta-1 Proteobacteria)
is present in this environment.
Studies combining fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)
with microelectrode analysis for determining pH, oxygen, or
sulfide profiles have been performed in order to evaluate the
distribution of different populations in relationship to chemical
profiles (92a, 93, 205, 225, 226). In a study by Harmsen et al.
(92a), FISH was used to localize organisms belonging to the
bacterial domain (two syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria) and various types of methanogens in sludge granules (Fig.
3). It was shown that the outer layers of the granules were
populated with a variety of bacterial colonies most likely involved in hydrolyzing complex organic matter, while the interior of the granule contained methanogenic microcolonies.
Moreover, the syntrophic strains, which require low hydrogen
partial pressures in order to oxidize propionate, were found to
be tightly associated with the methanogens in microcolonies.
Consequently, these experiments provided convincing evidence of a layered microbial architecture in sludge granules
where the bacteria on the surface of the granule hydrolyze
complex organic materials, thereby providing the anaerobic
bacteria in the interior of the biofilm with an energy source.
In a recent comprehensive study by Schramn et al., multiple
methods were used to investigate the occurrence of anaerobic
processes, such as denitrification and sulfate reduction, in wellaerated activated-sludge samples (226). In this set of experiments, microsensors were used to measure oxygen, nitrite,

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bacteria [SRB]) were examined in a biofilm reactor in response

to the availability of sulfate. Both of these metabolic types
catalyze final stages in the anaerobic mineralization of organic
matter, and both depend on other microorganisms (fermentative bacteria) to convert complex organic matter to simpler
compounds, such as hydrogen and acetate, which in turn can
serve as their substrates. Hence, the methanogens and SRB
compete for the same substrates. The generally accepted paradigm of SRB and methanogens in their natural habitats is that
of mutual exclusion. Typically, environments that are rich in
sulfate select for SRB, and environments that are sulfate depleted select for methanogens. However, it is becoming clear
that the interactions of these two groups are more complex
than previously envisioned. The coexistence of methanogens
and SRB has been observed when sulfate is available (112,
178), and large populations of SRB have been found in sulfatedepleted environments (247).
In order to determine the composition of the SRB and
methanogen community under different conditions, a portion
of the attached biofilm was removed from the reactor at a
specific time point. Experiments were carried out in biofilm
reactors, and the populations of bacteria were monitored by
quantitation of specific 16S rRNA organisms compared to total
16S rRNA (5). The nucleic acids were extracted from the
samples and probed for specific populations (e.g., universal,
Archaea, Bacteria, various methanogens, and various SRB). In
addition, various metabolic activities, including sulfide and
methane production, were assayed. Using this approach, it was
found that in the absence of sulfate, certain types of SRB were
still present at high levels in the reactors. The authors state
that this ability to persist without sulfate may be explained by
the ability of certain SRB to function as fermenters or as
proton-reducing acetogens, and the potential for SRB to have
these metabolic capabilities has been reported previously (91,
245). Upon addition of sulfate to the reactor, the levels of
sulfate reduction were found to increase with a concomitant
increase in the SRB population. Also, methane production and
the methanogenic population decreased immediately following
the addition of sulfate. However, the opposite did not occur.
When the sulfidogenic reactor was reversed to sulfate-free
medium, it took a long time (50 days) for any significant
amount of methane to be produced, indicating that under
these condition the SRB population can more readily reestablish itself in the environment than the methanogenic bacteria.
These experiments illustrate how an rRNA-based approach
can be combined with functional assays in order to monitor
population dynamics in conjunction with metabolic changes in
a biofilm community.
Other researchers have used identification of cells hybridized in situ with fluorescent rRNA-targeted probes to study the
diversity and spatial distribution of populations within the
community. In a recent study by Amann and colleagues, the
microdiversity in a municipal activated-sludge sample was assessed using fluorescent rRNA-targeted probes (4). The primary reason for this study was that high microdiversity (i.e.,
clusters of closely related yet distinct 16S rRNA sequences
with similarities of between 95 and 99%) is commonly reported
in complex environmental samples. It has become a concern
that this technique may be providing misleading results. Cultivation-independent comparative rRNA analysis relies on
PCR amplification of rRNA from nucleic acids extracted from
environmental samples (5), and therefore there are several
factors at each step of the process that can give rise to artificial
sequence diversity, or lack there of, in rRNA gene libraries (5,
196, 203, 210). By using in situ probes and CSLM, these researchers investigated the potential for high microdiversity in a




vobacteria group are involved in the release of inorganic phosphate during wastewater treatment. Previously it had been
reported that this group of microorganisms was not involved in
the removal of phosphate (14), but the combined use of FISH
with the phosphatase localization probe method clearly illustrated the colocalization of phosphatase activity and the cytophaga-flavobacteria probe. Moreover, a significant amount (35
to 45%) of the total phosphatase activity was detected associated with the cytophaga and flavobacteria, indicating that this
group not only has activity but is responsible for a significant
portion of the total phosphatase activity in the sludge. In addition, the authors point out that the synthesis of other precipitating, fluorogenic substrates for various enzymatic activities should be possible, and therefore this approach should
prove useful in addressing a variety of biological questions.
Plant-Associated Biofilms
Soils constitute a heterogeneous environment with numerous fluctuating parameters that can affect microbial growth
and survival (193). Like many natural environments, soil is
nutrient poor (272). Soil organic matter varies in concentration
from 0.8 to 2.0%, with the bulk of the carbon in recalcitrant
forms, such as humic acids. Therefore, bacteria indigenous to
soil must constantly contend with nutrient deprivation (252).
The rhizosphere (the root surface and the region immediately
surrounding a root, typically 2 mm) constitutes an ecological
niche in soil where nutrients are more readily available, and
certain bacteria have developed mechanisms to take advantage
of this niche. Rhizodeposition (the release of organic material
from the roots as they grow through the soil) enhances microbial growth and drives the structuring of the microbial communities in the rhizosphere (27). Rhizodeposition consists of a
variety of compounds, including (i) exudates, such as amino
acids, simple sugars, and organic acids that are passively released from the roots; (ii) actively secreted compounds such as
carbohydrates and enzymes; (iii) mucilage (sloughed-off cells
and cell lysates); and (iv) gases, such as carbon dioxide and
ethylene (267). This deposition accounts for a significant
amount of the plants photosynthate, estimated to be 20% of
the carbon allocated to the root system. Thus, numerous bacteria are attracted to the rhizosphere and compete in order to
colonize this oasis in soil (266). Moreover, the interactions
between the plant and the surrounding microorganisms select
for the establishment of only certain microbial populations
(rhizobacteria). Therefore, structured microbial communities
attached to the roots and the surrounding soil particles could
be viewed as a biofilm community. This suggests that a highly
evolved association may exist between the nutritionally rich
photosynthesizing plants and the nutrient-deprived bacteria
residing in soil. An example of a biofilm on a plant root is
shown in Fig. 4. There are many indications of biofilm communities in the rhizosphere. First of all, it is evident that
bacteria attach to roots, and various mechanisms have been
described for attachment that involve a variety of cell components, such as outer membrane proteins, wall polysaccharides
(capsules), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and cell surface agglutinin (164). Second, exopolysaccharide (EPS) is produced by
bacteria in the rhizosphere (7). This not only provides many
advantages to bacterial cells (as described below), it also enhances soil aggregation, which in turn improves water stability,
which is critical to the survival of the plant. Hence, there is a
strong selective advantage for the production of EPS in the
rhizosphere. Third, microcolonies have been observed in the
root system (231) along with an increase in the frequency of
conjugation between certain bacteria (Pseudomonas species) in

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nitrate, and sulfide concentrations, and 15NO3 and 35SO42were

used to measure denitrification (177) and sulfate reduction
(76), respectively. In addition, the three-dimensional structure
of the flocs was examined with CSLM, and the SRB population
was monitored by FISH and by PCR with primers specific for
the dissimilatory sulfate reductase gene (258). Also, a newly
designed flow system including microelectrodes (199) was used
in the experiments. It was discovered that anoxic microniches
and denitrification can occur in well-aerated activated sludge,
but this potential appeared to be the exception rather than the
rule. In four of the six samples examined, no anoxic zones
developed during aeration of the granules, indicating that the
respiratory capacity of the microbial community is simply not
sufficient to create an anoxic environment when they are well
aerated. In addition, sulfate reduction was not detected in any
of the flocs, but SRB were found to be present, although in
very small numbers. These findings are significant because the
development of anaerobic niches in aerated sludge granules is
detrimental to the degradation of contaminants. Anoxic habitats can support the persistence of SRB, resulting in the production of hydrogen sulfide and subsequent problems in the
treatment process.
In addition to the techniques mentioned above, by using
hybridization with fluorescent probes or by staining cells with
acridine orange (AO), researchers are able to evaluate growth
rate by determining cellular ribosome (rRNA) content. The
direct correlation between ribosome content and growth rate is
based on early observations in microbial physiology (223).
Therefore, by using FISH in combination with digital microscopy, researchers have been able to quantify the cellular content of rRNA and thereby estimate the growth rate of cells in
a biofilm. Using this technique, it was discovered that cells (the
SRB PT2) in a young biofilm (initial colonization in the bioreactor) had a doubling time of 33 h, and cells in long-established (presumably steady-state) biofilms had doubling times of
at least 70 h (200). Interestingly, a subset of cells observed in
the mature biofilm were significantly more fluorescent (corresponding to a doubling time of 33 h) than any of the other
surrounding cells. These data indicate that populations of cells
within the biofilm may have different growth rates, which may
reflect the heterogeneity of microniches within a biofilm in that
some cells may be in a better position to obtain nutrients. One
limitation of the rRNA-based quantitation technique is that a
standard curve is required in order to quantify ribosome content, and therefore cells must be isolated before their examination. By using AO staining to determine the RNA-DNA
ratio, the need for isolation is eliminated. When AO complexes
with nucleic acids, it will emit red fluorescence when it is
attached to single-stranded templates and green fluorescence if
the nucleic acids are double stranded (211). Therefore, AO can
be used to differentially stain RNA and DNA in cells. Moreover, the amount of light from AO-stained cells can be quantified by using image analysis software (167). The measurements included determination of cell volume, frequency of
dividing cells, and simultaneous quantitative measurement of
RNA and DNA by AO staining. Using this combinatorial
method, it was shown that Pseudomonas putida cells residing in
a biofilm exhibited a constant growth rate that was independent of the dilution rate of the chemostat and, hence, independent of nutrient availability. These data indicate that other
factors (e.g., oxygen availability or physical constraints) may be
limiting the growth of bacteria in the biofilm.
Researchers have also combined FISH with specific enzyme
activity probes (e.g., phosphatase activity) so as to assign functions to certain phylogenetic groups (125). In this study it was
discovered that strains that cluster with the cytophaga-fla-


VOL. 64, 2000



the areas immediately adjacent to the roots, indicating cell-cell

contact (251).
Another part of the plant root system where microbial biofilms are formed is on the surface of symbiotic fungi associated
with roots. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi form an association
with plants in which the fungi colonize the cells of roots obtaining carbon from the plant, and in turn, the fungi develop a
network of external hyphae which absorb and transfer phosphates and other minerals from the soil to the root (94). It has
been estimated that as much as 80% of the extant species of
plants form this type of symbiosis (92), and it follows that
bacteria have evolved to take advantage of this common ecological niche. Bacteria described as good root colonizers, i.e.,
Pseudomonas fluorescens (31), have been shown to form biofilms on mycorrhizal fungi (reference 194 and references therein). Although the significance of microbial attachment to the
fungi is not known, it is likely that this is a positioning mechanism that allows the bacteria to more readily obtain nutrients
and propagate. Another area of active biofilm research in the
plant world is the study of biofilms on leaves of plants (known
as the phyllosphere) (169, 170). Early studies have shown that
phyllosphere biofilms consist of diverse morphotypes of bacteria embedded in an exopolymer present on a variety of leaf
surfaces. However, the nature of the microbial community and

the role they play in this unique environment have not yet been
There has been some speculation about the advantages of
forming a biofilm versus living as individual cells. Although it
is difficult to test these speculations experimentally, in the
section below we offer some reasons why the biofilm strategy
has been adopted by so many microbes.
Protection from the Environment
Bacteria experience a certain degree of shelter and homeostasis when residing within a biofilm, and one of the key
components of this microniche is the surrounding extrapolymeric substance matrix. This matrix is composed of a mixture
of components, such as EPS, protein, nucleic acids, and other
substances. The best studied of these components is EPS. Most
bacteria are able to produce polysaccharides, either as wall
polysaccharides (capsules) or as extracellular excretions into
the surrounding environment (EPS). Some bacterial species,
such as Klebsiella aerogenes, appear to be limited in the types of
polymers that they can synthesize, but members of some gen-

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FIG. 4. Biofilm on a plant root. Biofilm of GFP-labeled Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 on the root of a tomato plant. A large microcolony of bacteria is apparent
on the root surface and is indicated by the yellow arrow. The white arrows highlight three smaller colonies that have formed at plant root cell boundaries, which may
be the site of release of root exudates used by bacteria as nutrient sources. The diffuse appearance of some bacterial cells in the large microcolonies suggests that these
bacteria are covered by an EPS. EPS may play a role in formation of these microcolonies (see text), suggesting that these communities have many of the characteristics
of typical bacterial biofilms. This image is kindly provided by Guido Bloemberg.



able to accumulate metals, they can also be a key link in the

transfer of metals through an ecosystem.
EPS has also been reported to provide protection from a
variety of environmental stresses, such as UV radiation, pH
shifts, osmotic shock, and desiccation (72). One study reported
by Elasir and Miller (68) utilized a whole-cell bioluminescent
biosensor to investigate the response of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to UV radiation. It had been shown previously
that the recA gene of P. aeruginosa was induced by DNAdamaging agents. A P. aeruginosa strain containing a transcriptional fusion of the P. aeruginosa recA gene to the lux operon
from Vibrio fischeri was constructed, creating a bioluminescent
biosensor for monitoring the response to DNA damage. When
they immobilized the biosensor strain in alginate to mimic a
biofilm, they found that the EPS matrix protected the cells
from DNA damage, as indicated by the lack of induction of the
biosensor. An additional study by Ophir and Gutnick examined the role of EPS in protection from desiccation (182). In
these experiments, mucoid strains of Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and Erwinia stewartii were compared to
nonmucoid variants in their resistance to desiccation. It was
demonstrated that EPS-producing mucoid strains of all three
bacteria showed better survival under conditions of dehydration.
Nutrient Availability and Metabolic Cooperativity
The highly permeable water channels interspersed throughout the biofilm in the areas surrounding the microcolonies
have been compared to a primitive circulatory system. They
provide an effective means of exchanging nutrients and metabolites with the bulk aqueous phase, enhancing nutrient availability as well as removal of potentially toxic metabolites (47).
The metabolic characteristics of bacteria within a biofilm community are distinct from those of their planktonic counterparts.
The elaborate architecture provides the opportunity for metabolic cooperation, and niches are formed within these spatially well-organized systems. Consequently, the bacteria are
exposed to an array of distinct environmental signals within a
biofilm. For instance, cells situated near the center of a microcolony are more likely to experience low oxygen tensions.
Although it is not always the case, in multimember films,
microcolonies often consist of a mixture of species (105, 151).
These multispecies microconsortia can result from an association between metabolically cooperative organisms, and their
proximity facilitates interspecies substrate exchange and the
removal or distribution of metabolic products. For example,
the degradation of complex organic matter into methane and
carbon dioxide during anaerobic digestion requires the interaction of at least three guilds. Fermentative bacteria initiate
the catabolism, producing acids and alcohols that are then
readily utilized as substrates by acetogenic bacteria. Finally,
the methanogens obtain energy from converting acetate, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen to methane. Hence, very efficient
cooperations and mutual dependence can evolve within a biofilm. In fact, biofilms provide an ideal environment for the
establishment of syntrophic relationships. Syntrophism is a
special case of symbiosis in which two metabolically distinct
types of bacteria depend on each other to utilize certain substrates, typically for energy production. Syntrophic associations
have been well studied with regard to methanogenic degradation (224). A classic example of such an interaction was discovered and described by Bryant et al. in 1967 (18). A culture
that was thought to consist of a single strain was found to
contain two different organisms, strain S and strain M.o.H. In
this coculture, the two strains syntrophically interact to convert

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era (e.g., Streptococcus pneumoniae) are able to produce EPS

with a wide range of different components (243). Hence, broad
generalizations about the function of EPS may be misleading.
It is most likely that EPS plays various roles in the structure
and function of different biofilm communities. Moreover, it is
quite possible that EPS plays a different role in similar microbial communities under different environmental conditions.
Here we will describe some of the benefits that are attributed
to EPS.
As described above, EPS is clearly an integral part of the
structural organization of biofilms. For example, Veiga et al.
(254) found that the EPS produced by the two predominant
species (Methanobacterium formicium and Methanosarcina
mazeii) in granules (multispecies bacterial aggregates) from an
anaerobic reactor had the same composition as the extracellular polymers found in the granules. Therefore, based on these
experiments as well as earlier reports (280), these authors
concluded that the EPS produced by the two methanogens
contributed to the polymer matrix of the flocs. In addition, they
proposed that the methanogens are producing the EPS, forming an aggregate that then acts as a backbone in which other
species can embed. Physiologically, this mode of structuring
seems a reasonable strategy, since it would result in the strictly
anaerobic methanogens, being situated near the core of the
granule where the redox state and oxygen levels would be the
lowest. Hence, it appears that EPS plays a critical role in both
the formation and the structure of the sludge granules. EPS
has also been shown to adsorb dissolved organic compounds,
such as diclofop methyl (a herbicide) and other xenobiotics,
from the bulk fluid, thereby providing a mechanism by which
the community can concentrate essential nutrients and growth
components (277 and references therein). However, the mechanisms involved in sorption of molecules as well as the distribution and chemical nature of EPS are largely unknown (12).
The EPS matrix also has the potential to physically prevent
access of certain antimicrobial agents into the biofilm by acting
as an ion exchanger, thereby restricting diffusion of compounds
from the surrounding milieu into the biofilm (87). This characteristic largely depends on the nature of both the agent and
the EPS matrix. The effect appears to be most pronounced
with antibiotics that are hydrophilic and positively charged,
such as the aminoglycosides (173, 174, 176). EPS has also been
reported to sequester metals, cations, and toxins (59, 72). In
one study, the copper-binding characteristics of capsular polysaccharide from an unidentified bacterium isolated from metal-laden sediments were examined (165). The authors found
that a highly purified EPS preparation was capable of binding
copper. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the relevance of the
adsorption to the binding potential in situ, these studies were
conducted at copper concentrations, pHs, and temperatures
that simulated the conditions where the isolate was obtained.
Another interesting ecological study on biofilms and metals
was reported by Farag et al. (70). In this study, the concentrations of metals (Ar, Cd, Pb, Hg, and Zn) in various food web
components (bacterial biofilms, sediments, invertebrates, and
fish) of the Coeur dAlene River Basin in Idaho were examined. The aim of this study was to trace the transfer of metals
between the different components, and it was consistently
found that biofilms obtained from the rocks along the shore
contained the highest concentrations of metals. Moreover, the
authors discovered that the accumulation of metals in the
invertebrates correlated with the mechanisms used for feeding.
Certain invertebrates use a grazing-scraping feeding mechanism, and these organisms, referred to as shredders and scrapers, feed on biofilms (163). Therefore, not only are biofilms


VOL. 64, 2000


ethanol to acetate and methane by interspecies hydrogen

transfer. The fermenting bacterium is not able to grow on
ethanol unless the hydrogen partial pressure is kept sufficiently
low (because the fermenting organism carries out a reaction
that is endergonic under standard conditions), and the methanogen relies on the fermentative bacteria to provide it with an
energy source. Therefore, the first reaction can only occur and
provide energy for the methanogen if the hydrogen-scavenging
methanogen maintains a low hydrogen partial pressure. Therefore, neither partner can grow on ethanol alone, but together
they both efficiently derive energy.
Acquisition of New Genetic Traits

used in genetic engineering are usually devoid of transfer functions so as to limit their dispersal, transfer may still occur via
mobilization by either trans interactions (mobilization by donation) or formation of a cointegrate with a self-transmissible
plasmid that is already present in organisms in the environment (36). In order to examine the potential for this type of
gene transfer, a variety of different model microcosms, including biofilms, were examined. In the biofilm experiments, recipient cells were allowed to attach to glass beads in a fixed-bed
reactor. These biofilms were then exposed to donor cells harboring all three of the following plasmids: pCE325 (oriT),
pUB2380 (mob), and R388 (tra). The numbers of transconjugants containing the different plasmids were determined, and
it was shown that all three plasmids carried by planktonic
organisms were transferred into the biofilm population. In
addition, the analysis of transconjugants carrying R388 showed
that mobilization by donation was the likely mechanism used
for transfer, since no cointegrates were formed.
Another research group has investigated the transfer of the
TOL plasmid, carrying genes for the degradation of toluene
and benzyl alcohol, into a biofilm community growing on benzyl alcohol as the sole carbon and energy source (33). In this
study, the biofilm community consisted of three different organisms, P. putida, Acinetobacter, and an unidentified isolate.
All three isolates are able to mineralize benzyl alcohol, but
only P. putida is able to propagate the TOL plasmid. To monitor the occurrence and growth of P. putida transconjugants, a
gfp-tagged TOL plasmid was created. In addition, the lacI gene
was inserted into the chromosome of the donor strain, also a P.
putida strain, resulting in repression of gfp expression from the
plasmid in this strain. Consequently, expression of the gfp gene
was induced only if the plasmid was transferred to the recipient
P. putida strain that does not contain the lacI gene encoding
the repressor (zygotic induction of fluorescence). CSLM was
used to identify the specific starting strains and transconjugants
in the community by using 16S rRNA hybridization probes and
expression of green fluorescence. Using these tools, this group
was able to monitor conjugation in the biofilm. Data from
these experiments indicated that the frequency of horizontal
plasmid transfer was low; instead, growth of an occasional
recipient bacterium into a microcolony (known as vertical
transfer) accounted for the establishment of the plasmid in the
biofilm. Another recent study examining the kinetics of gene
transfer by conjugation in the mouse intestine showed transfer
kinetics similar to that of a biofilm (144).
Virus-mediated transduction is another mode of gene transfer. In the late 1980s, it was discovered that there is a very high
abundance of viruses (as high as 108 per ml) in both limnetic
(fresh water) and marine systems and that the majority of these
viruses are bacteriophages (13, 202). Various procedures have
been used to evaluate the impact of viruses on microbial mortality and gene transfer. The data indicate that viral lysis is a
major contributor to bacterial mortality (as reviewed in reference 279). As much as 10 to 20% of the bacterial population is
lysed daily by phages (244). Hence, phages can have a significant impact on the microbial food web by increasing death
rates and/or by decreasing growth rates at all trophic levels
(248). For example, an intriguing study recently reported by
van Hannen et al. supported the idea that phage can structure
or restructure microbial communities (253). In these studies,
almost complete lysis of a cyanobaterial population was observed in two laboratory-scale enclosures filled with lake water
(130 liters each). They concluded that phage-like particles
were responsible for the lysis. The group then used denaturing
gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA fragments (171) to
qualitatively monitor the prokaryotic as well as the eukaryotic

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Horizontal gene transfer is important for the evolution and

genetic diversity of natural microbial communities. The importance of studying gene transfer in natural environments has
recently been emphasized by the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria (55), the extensive use of antibiotics to promote
growth in domestic animals (275), and the use of genetically
engineered microorganisms in industrial processes (114, 220).
The prevalence of plasmids in bacteria from diverse habitats is
well established, and gene transfer by conjugation is one of the
best understood mechanisms for dissemination of genetic information. Since most bacteria in natural settings reside within
biofilms, it follows that conjugation is a likely mechanism by
which bacteria in biofilms transfer genes within or between
populations. Although there may be fewer incidences of mating events within a biofilm, the fixed close quarters are likely
to favor conjugation, especially within a population. Researchers have investigated the role that conjugation may play in the
spread of genetic information in biofilms.
Novel plasmids have been isolated from biofilms in marine
environments (50) by the exogenous isolation method (77). In
this study, plasmids conferring mercury resistance were isolated from bacteria residing in biofilms by combining nutrientdeprived recipient cells (a strain of Pseudomonas putida) with
cells resuspended from biofilm communities and depositing
the mixture on filters floating on artificial seawater medium
without the addition of nutrients. The starvation conditions
were chosen in order to better simulate the more typical environmental parameters found in marine waters, and in fact, it
was found that gene transfer occurred on the artificial seawater
and not on selective plates. In addition, the isolated plasmids
were found to have novel replication and/or incompatibility
systems, different from those of commonly used plasmids.
Another recent study examined gene transfer in a microcosm dental plaque. These experiments were performed by
creating a Streptococcus biofilm in a constant-depth fermentor
(a device which uses physical scraping of the biofilm to keep
the community at a constant depth). A Bacillus subtilis strain
harboring a conjugative transposon which confers resistance to
tetracycline was introduced to the system, and the resistance
profile of the biofilm bacteria was assessed (212). It was found
that transfer of the conjugative transposon occurred within the
biofilm, resulting in a Streptococcus species that now harbored
the transposon. This was the first demonstration of gene transfer in an oral microbe growing in a biofilm, and these findings
indicate that nonoral bacteria have the potential to transfer
genes to oral commensals.
In another study, Lebaron et al. demonstrated that plasmid
transfer occurred between E. coli strains in single-species biofilms formed on glass beads within a reactor vessel (141). A
goal of this study was to investigate the potential for the dissemination of genetic information after accidental release of
genetically engineered microorganisms. Although plasmids





TABLE 1. Examples of common implant infections

Organism(s) found

Associated disease or consequences


Prosthetic valve
Contact lenses
Intravascular catheters
Total artificial heart
Urinary catheters
Joint replacement
Endotracheal tube
Voice prostheses

S. epidermidis, S. sanguis
P. aeruginosa, S. epidermidis
S. epidermidis, S. aureus
P. aeruginosa, S. epidermidis, S. aureus
E. coli, P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis, Proteus mirabilis
S. epidermidis, S. aureus
P. aeruginosa, E. coli, S. epidermidis, S. aureus
Streptococci staphylococci

Prosthetic valve endocarditis

Septicemia, endocarditis
Septicemia, device failure
Septicemia, device failure
Prosthesis failure

101, 106, 145

232, 250; reviewed in 122
90, 138
175, 236, 239, 262
Reviewed in 64
111, 235


Bacterial Biofilm Infections
One of the greatest accomplishments in modern medicine
has been our progress against infectious disease. As a result of
scientific ingenuity, most modern-day acute infections can be
treated effectively with antibiotics. However, there are two
important exceptions to this rule. First are bacteria that are
innately antibiotic resistant, and the second pertains to bacteria that reside within a biofilm. Biofilm bacteria can be up to
1,000-fold more resistant to antibiotic treatment than the same
organism grown planktonically (87), but the mechanisms by

which the biofilm-grown bacteria attain this resistance are still

a matter of speculation. Mechanisms of resistance that are
considered likely include (i) phenotypic changes in bacteria
resulting in resistance occuring within the biofilm environment,
(ii) inactivation of the antibiotics by extracellular polymers or
modifying enzymes, and (iii) nutrient limitation resulting in
slowed growth rate (87). Antibiotic resistance is an intensive
area of investigation in biofilm research, but a detailed treatment of this field is outside the scope of this review (see
references 9, 43, 107, 108, and 113 and references therein).
Clinical biofilm infections are marked by symptoms that
typically recur even after repeated treatments with antibiotics.
Standard antibiotic therapy is only able to eliminate the planktonic cells, leaving the sessile forms to propagate within the
biofilm and to continue to disseminate when the therapy is
terminated. Moreover, biofilm infections are rarely resolved by
the hosts immune system. Biofilm bacteria release antigens
and stimulate the production of antibodies, yet bacteria residing in biofilms are resistant to these defense mechanisms (49).
In fact, this immune response may even cause damage to the
surrounding tissue. Therefore, a better understanding of biofilm formation is required to develop novel strategies for dealing with these infections.
Implant-Based Infections
The role of biofilms in the contamination of medical implants has been well established. Early electron microscopy
studies of medical implants revealed signs of bacteria residing
in biofilms on these abiotic surfaces (21, 90, 172, 175). Table 1
lists examples of implants prone to contamination and the
organisms that can cause such biofilm-based implant infections. It is evident that bacterial biofilms on prosthetic valves
are the leading cause of endocarditis in patients who have
undergone heart valve replacement. Among patients who develop these infections, the mortality rate is as high as 70%
(110). Millions of catheters (e.g., central line, intravenous, and
urinary catheters) are inserted into patients every year, and
these implants serve as a potential surface for biofilm formation. Biofilm formation can also occur on contact lenses, and
these biofilms are thought to contribute to keratitis (69, 88,
162). Overall, it is thought that upwards of 60% of all nosocomial infections are due to biofilms. These biofilm-based infections can increase hospital stays by 2 to 3 days and cost upwards of $1 billion per year in added costs (10).
Biofilms and Pathogenesis
Although the role of biofilms in implant infections has been
demonstrated in numerous systems, the role of biofilms in
nonimplant disease is less well established. One example of a
disease in which biofilms are thought to play a prominent role
is the occurrence of lung infections by P. aeruginosa in patients
with cystic fibrosis (CF). Individuals with this inherited genetic

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community composition. Using this technique, they observed

that soon after lysis of the cyanobacteria occurred, new species
of bacteria capable of degrading organic carbon emerged.
Hence, phage lysis drove community structure changes.
There is little information with regard to bacteriophage infecting biofilms. A recent article by Doolittle et al. (63) showed
data indicating that Escherichia coli biofilms on polyvinyl chloride coupons or disks are susceptible to T4 phage attack. In this
study, a modified Robbins device (a continuous-flow system
with sampling ports that allow removal of samples) was used to
create E. coli biofilms, and then the films were exposed to the
phage by pumping a solution of phage through the system. In
order to determine the extent of infection and lysis of the
biofilms by the bacteriophage, coupons were removed at various time points after exposure, and viable-cell counts as well as
plaque assays were performed. An even distribution of infected
cells throughout the sampling ports on the modified Robbins
device was observed, indicating that diffusion of the phage
from the bulk fluid into the biofilm occurred at a relatively
constant rate and that the E. coli biofilm, under the conditions
used, was susceptible to phage attack. Both the EPS matrix
associated with biofilms and the significant physiological
changes that occur when cells enter the biofilm mode of growth
have the potential to hinder successful infection by phage.
These researchers state that it is possible that the conditions
used in this set of experiments resulted in the synthesis of
significantly less or chemically different EPS, and therefore the
phage were better able to penetrate the biofilm. It is evident
that additional studies are required before we understand the
role of phage in structuring biofilm communities. However, if
bacteria growing in biofilms in nature are more resistant to
lysis by phage, the selective pressure to form a biofilm may be
quite considerable. There is no evidence for transduction in
biofilms, although the high concentration of phage in aquatic
systems indicates that the potential is certainly there. In addition, it was recently demonstrated that high transduction frequencies can occur in marine environments (32), and therefore
the impact of transduction on gene exchange in biofilms may
be more significant then we presently envision.

VOL. 64, 2000


study into whether if and how biofilms play a role in pathogenesis. The examples mentioned above highlight just a few
examples of possible roles for surface-attached communities in
pathogenesis. A great deal of additional work is necessary to
establish a direct link between functions required for biofilm
development and those factors required to cause disease in a
human host.
Although mixed-population biofilms are more prevalent in
nature, single-species biofilms are of particular interest due to
their clinical importance. Single-species biofilms develop on
medical implants as well as dead and living tissue, contributing
to a variety of persistent infections (49). The formation of
biofilms by single species is a well-regulated developmental
process that results in a complex population of cell types.
Although many species-specific behaviors exist that reflect the
unique requirement of each microorganism, some general concepts hold true in the formation of most bacterial biofilms
(reviewed in reference 184). Four organisms, P. aeruginosa, P.
fluorescens, E. coli, and V. cholerae, have become prominent
model organisms for biofilm research. In order to illustrate the
complexity involved in patterns of development even when
only a single species is involved, we will compare and contrast
several stages in biofilm formation by these gram-negative organisms.
Role of Environmental Signals
Many species have shown distinct developmental steps in
biofilm formation, which include (i) initial attachment to a
surface, followed by (ii) the formation of microcolonies, and
finally (iii) maturation of microcolonies into an EPS-encased
mature biofilm. These basic steps leading to the formation of a
single-species biofilm are outlined in Fig. 5. The process is
believed to begin when bacteria sense certain environmental
parameters that trigger the transition from planktonic growth
to life on a surface (75, 180, 183, 186, 200, 237, 259). The
environmental cues that control this transition vary greatly
among organisms. P. aeruginosa will form biofilms under most
conditions that allow growth (185), but some strains of E. coli
K-12 will not form biofilms in minimal medium unless supplemented with amino acids (201), and E. coli O157:H7 has been
reported to make a biofilm only under low-nutrient conditions
P. fluorescens can also form a biofilm under every condition
tested (186). Interestingly, a genetic analysis of biofilm formation by this organism revealed that it utilizes multiple genetic
pathways to initiate biofilm development. For example, mutants unable to form a biofilm when grown on glucose were
rescued for this defect by growth on citrate, suggesting an
alternative citrate-dependent pathway for biofilm formation
(186). V. cholerae also appears to utilize different pathways for
initial attachment depending on the surface to which the organism attaches. For example, in vivo the Tcp pilus is required
for colonization of the intestine (104). However, Tcp appears
to play no role in attachment to abiotic surfaces, which is
probably one environment exploited by V. cholerae when not in
its human host. Here, it is the pilus encoded by the msh locus
(having no role in pathogenesis [246]) that is required for
attachment to abiotic surfaces. Abiotic surfaces can be further
subdivided into nonnutritive (plastic, glass, metal, etc.) and
nutritive (e.g., chitin). While mshA is required for colonization
of nonnutritive abiotic surfaces, an mshA mutant colonizes
cellulose as well as the wild-type strain (263), suggesting the

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disorder are susceptible to chronic P. aeruginosa infections.

The basis of this susceptibility is not known, but the direct
consequence of the P. aeruginosa infection is a hyperactive
inflammatory response in the lung that eventually destroys
lung function and leads to the death of the patient (41, 197).
Two lines of evidence are consistent with a role for P. aeruginosa biofilms in the CF lung. Microcolonies of bacteria have
been observed in sections of lung from CF patients, and these
may represent biofilm-grown cells (89). Second, many isolates
of P. aeruginosa from the CF lung are mucoid due to the
overexpression of an EPS called alginate. Numerous studies
have explored the molecular basis of this mucoid phenotype
(reviewed in references 16, 78, 89, and 156). It is widely believed that alginate is the key EPS required for establishing
biofilm architecture in P. aeruginosa, rendering this organism
recalcitrant to antimicrobial treatment. However, to date,
there is no direct evidence establishing a role for alginate in
biofilm architecture and resistance to biocides. A recent publication by Stewart and colleagues (40) assayed biocide resistance in an algT mutant, which is defective in the expression of
the alginate biosynthesis genes and is unable to produce detectable levels of alginate. On two different surfaces for biofilm
development, alginate beads (which yield a relatively thin biofilm) and glass (which yields a thicker biofilm), the algT mutant
was not altered in its resistance to hydrogen peroxide and
monocholoramine, two oxidative biocides, at the 48-h time
point. At 24 h, the algT mutant was more sensitive to hydrogen
peroxide treatment than the wild type, but there was no difference between these two strains when treated with monocholoramine. These data call into question the importance of
alginate in conferring protection to the biofilm against this
class of biocides. Furthermore, algT codes for a sigma factor
that may have targets other than the alginate biosynthesis
genes, leaving open the possibility that the increased resistance
attributed to alginate in these experiments is due to other
uncharacterized AlgT-mediated changes in gene expression. It
has become increasingly clear that detailed analysis of the role
of alginate in biofilm development and resistance to various
biocides should be a top priority.
Another example of a likely biofilm-mediated infection is
chronic ear infection (otitis media). These infections are often
caused by biofilm bacteria (62). In addition, it has been a
quandary for some time why patients with chronic otitis media
do not appear to have infections when tested by routine culture
methods. This is likely due to the fact that biofilm bacteria can
be difficult to culture by routine methods (47).
Periodontitis is another example of a biofilm-mediated disease that results in chronic inflammation of the tissue supporting the gums and can eventually lead to tooth loss. The main
microbe associated with this disease is Porphyromonas gingivalis (reviewed in reference 139). This bacterium can colonize a
number of surfaces in the oral cavity, including various mucosal surfaces and the tooth surface, either directly or via interactions with primary colonizers of the tooth surface such as
Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguis. The binding
of one bacterium to another, or coaggregation, is a well-studied aspect of tooth colonization and will be explored in more
detail below. Colonization of surfaces may permit the bacteria
to invade mucosal cells, alter calcium flux in epithelial cells,
and release toxins. These bacteria are thought to produce
proteases and other exoproducts that interfere with cytokine
signaling pathways and other host factors used to mount a
defense response against the bacterial invader (17, 42, 73, 198).
Data to date are consistent with a role for biofilm formation in
this disease.
The recent increased interest in biofilms has led to further





presence of a third set of functions required for the colonization of nutritive surfaces. Other environmental signals that can
also influence initial attachment are osmolarity, pH, iron availability, oxygen tension, and temperature (74, 180, 185, 186,
201). Although the details of the environmental signals triggering biofilm development may vary from organism to organism, it is clear that environmental parameters have a profound
impact on the transition between planktonic and biofilm
Initiation of Biofilm Formation
The use of well-characterized mutant strains studied with
phase contrast microscopy has proven instrumental in determining the mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate biofilm
formation. A simple genetic screen has been implemented
utilizing plastic 96-well microtiter dishes as a substrate for
biofilm development, allowing the large-scale isolation of mutants defective in biofilm formation among a wide variety of
organisms (83, 97, 98, 150, 180, 185, 186, 201). These biofilm-

defective mutants have been used both to identify functions

required for biofilm development and to define the various
stages in this process. A number of P. aeruginosa mutants,
designated sad for surface attachment defective, have been
described (185). One group of strains is defective in flagellummediated motilitythese strains appeared to be blocked in the
initial interactions with a surface. A second class of sad mutants are defective in the biogenesis of type IV pili, which are
known to be involved in surface-associated movement referred
to as twitching motility. Strains unable to make functional type
IV pili attach to the surface and form a monolayer much as the
wild type does, yet they are unable to form the microcolonies
that are a hallmark of early biofilm development in P. aeruginosa. Therefore, twitching motility is required for the assembly
of a monolayer of P. aeruginosa cells into microcolonies (185).
Time-lapse movies illustrating twitching motility and microcolony formation can be viewed at http://www.dartmouth
.edu/gotoole/movies.html. The crc locus, which codes for the
catabolite repressor protein, is also involved in biofilm development. The Crc protein was originally identified as being

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FIG. 5. Biofilm development in gram-negative organisms. This figure outlines the current models for the early stages in biofilm formation in three of the best-studied
model organisms, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and V. cholerae. (A) In P. aeruginosa, flagella are required to bring the bacterium into proximity with the surface, and LPS
mediates early interactions, with an additional possible role for outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Once bacteria are on the surface in a monolayer, type IV
pilus-mediated twitching motility is required for the cells to aggregate into microcolonies. The production of pili is regulated at least in part by nutritional signals via
Crc. Documented changes in gene expression at this early stage include upregulation of the alginate biosynthesis genes and downregulation of flagellar synthesis. The
production of cell-to-cell signaling molecules (acyl-HSLs) is required for formation of the mature biofilm. Alginate may also play a structural role in this process. (B.)
In E. coli, flagellum-mediated swimming is required for both approaching and moving across the surface. Organism-surface interactions require type I pili and the outer
membrane protein Ag43. Finally, the EPS known as colanic acid is required for development of the normal E. coli biofilm architecture. (C) V. cholerae, like E. coli,
utilizes the flagella to approach and spread across the surface. The MshA pili, and possibly one or more unidentified outer membrane proteins, are required for
attachment to the surface. This initial surface attachment appears to be stabilized by EPS. Formation of the mature biofilm, with its associated three-dimensional
structure, also requires production of EPS. Vps refers to the EPS produced by V. cholerae.

VOL. 64, 2000


Maturation of the Biofilm

With time, microcolonies develop into a mature biofilm that
is often associated with the production of EPS. Alginate has
been implicated as a likely EPS in biofilm development in P.
aeruginosa, based in large part on the fact that isolates of this
organism from the lung of CF patients are mucoid (e.g., overexpress alginate) (89). Despite the great interest in alginate
and its role in P. aeruginosa biofilms, there is no direct evidence
that lack of alginate production leads to alterations in the
structure of the biofilm. However, we will discuss some of the
data suggesting a role for this EPS in biofilm structure.
In P. aeruginosa, the transcription of algC, a key gene involved in the biosynthesis of alginate, is induced soon after the
bacteria attach to the surface (53). A recent result reported by
Wozniak and colleagues linked the downregulation of flagellum synthesis with the upregulation of alginate synthesis (81).
Isolates of P. aeruginosa from the CF lung are typically mucoid
and nonmotile. These mucoid strains have a mutation in the
mucA gene, which leads to increased levels of the sigma factor
22, which is encoded by the algT gene. These workers showed
that inactivation of the algT gene restored flagellum-mediated
motility, which these authors interpreted as meaning that 22
plays an indirect role (probably via an as yet to be identified
intermediary) in regulating flagellum synthesis. Although the
exact link between 22 and the regulation of flagellar synthesis
remains to be elucidated, these data point to coordinate regulation of two important players in biofilm development. As
cells adjust to an immobile life on a surface, they lose their
flagella and increase the production of EPS. It is not clear if
there is a causal link between downregulation of flagellar synthesis and upregulation of the genes required for alginate
synthesis. In Vibrio parahaemolyticus, it has been shown that
interfering with flagellar rotation (i.e., by the cells being in
close proximity to the surface) directly leads to the induction of
a signal transduction cascade that upregulates the expression
of a second flagellar machinery required for surface swarming
(157, 158).
Another important step in biofilm development is the formation of the characteristic biofilm architecture. Although numerous techniques have been utilized to document the biofilm
architecture of bacteria, until recently it was not clear if this
structural complexity was regulated or the consequence of stochastic processes. The observation that a mutant of P. aeruginosa unable to synthesize the major quorum-sensing molecules
acylhomoserine lactones (acyl-HSLs) was radically altered in
biofilm architecture clearly demonstrated that these molecules
regulate the formation of biofilm structures in this organism.
As visualized in a continuous-flow system, the lasI mutant
(which is defective in acyl-HSL production) formed a biofilm
without the usually well-spaced microcolonies (attaining
heights of over 100 m) and resistance to 0.2% sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS) treatment typically seen in the wild-type strain
(54). Instead, the biofilm formed by the lasI mutant was a
homogeneous layer of cells approximately 20 m thick that
had completely lost the ability to resist SDS treatment. An
exposure to SDS for as little as 5 min stripped the biofilm from
the glass slide on which it formed. The typical biofilm architecture and resistance to SDS could be restored by the addition
of exogenous acyl-HSLs (54). These data strongly suggest that
cell-cell communication is essential for this bacterium to establish a well-ordered surface community. As discussed above,
this structural and spatial organization can have a profound
impact on biofilm ecology. A recent report of the genetic
analysis of S. gordonii, an oral microbe, suggests that cell-tocell communication may also be important for biofilm devel-

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required for the repression of sugar metabolism in the presence of organic acids, the preferred carbon and energy source
for Pseudomonas. Recently, Crc was also shown to regulate
pilA and pilB, encoding the main structural protein of type IV
pili and an accessory factor required for pilus assembly, respectively (183). Although the mechanism by which Crc regulates
carbon metabolism and pilus biosynthesis is unknown, these
data draw a link between nutrient availability and biofilm formation as well as identify the first component of a signal
transduction pathway required for biofilm development in P.
aeruginosa. LPS, an important component of the bacterial
outer membrane, also plays a role in initial surface attachment.
Of the two major species of LPS produced, the loss of the
B-band LPS (but not A-band LPS) reduced the cells ability to
interact with hydrophilic surfaces (153). No phase contrast
microscopy was performed in this study, so the exact nature of
the defect in attachment is not clear. Alterations in LPS have
also been shown to alter attachment in the related organism P.
fluorescens (273).
E. coli has also been found to require flagella and pili to
initiate the early attachment processes (83, 201). Type I pili are
absolutely essential for the initial attachment event to proceed
but do not appear to play a role in moving the bacteria across
the surface. The major phase-variable outer membrane protein
of E. coli, known as Ag43, is also required for biofilm formation and may play a direct role in the interaction of the bacterial cell with a surface (51). Furthermore, as in P. aeruginosa,
loss of LPS in E. coli results in a decreased ability to attach
(82). However, because these LPS mutants are also defective
in flagellum-mediated motility and type I pilus production, it is
difficult to determine if the loss of LPS has a direct or indirect
role in biofilm development. Finally, the proteinaceous cell
surface structures known as curli have also been implicated in
early attachment events (255).
The biofilm phenotype of E. coli flagellum mutants is distinctly different from that of the P. aeruginosa mutants described above. Attachment is not completely eliminated in E.
coli flagellar mutants (although it is severely defective), and the
biofilm that forms consists of isolated microcolonies (201).
These data were interpreted to mean that once the E. coli cells
are in close proximity to the surface, flagellum-mediated motility is required for movement parallel to the surface (in addition to bringing the bacteria into proximity to the surface).
Therefore, the roles that flagella play in the formation of biofilms of P. aeruginosa and E. coli are quite different (201).
Furthermore, although a number of cell surface structures
have been shown to be important in early attachment events,
their exact role in biofilm development may differ greatly from
organism to organism.
The role of surface structures in V. cholerae appears to be
similar to what has been observed for E. coli. Flagella are
important for bringing bacteria into close proximity with a
surface and for bacterial spread across the surface. The MshA
pilus also appears to speed the attachment of bacteria to the
surface. The analysis of mature biofilms formed by flagellar
and mshA mutants using CSLM revealed that, although they
are slightly delayed in biofilm formation, the mature biofilm
formed by mutants lacking these surface structures is indistinguishable from that formed by the wild-type strain. Although
these three organisms use flagella and pili in the early stages of
biofilm development, each organism has adapted the use of
these surface structures to its own particular needs.




Molecular Genetics of Oral Biofilms

One of the most-studied biofilm communities is dental
plaque. This system is particularly complex because it consists
of hundreds of bacterial species, and new species are still being
isolated, including known bacterial pathogens not typically associated with the oral cavity (20, 136, 217, 283). Therefore, as
opposed to the genetic systems described above, many studies
of oral biofilms are concerned with understanding the interactions among the organisms comprising this community. An
example of a reconstituted mixed-species oral biofilm is shown
in Fig. 6. A number of recent reviews have covered the struc-

ture and composition of oral communities (19, 61, 128, 136,

154, 233, 270), and therefore, we will focus our efforts here on
summarizing the advances in understanding the molecular
mechanisms required for the formation of oral biofilms on
Generally speaking, the formation of biofilms on tooth surfaces involves three steps: (i) formation of the conditioning
film or acquired pellicle on the tooth enamel, (ii) subsequent
cell-to-surface attachment of the primary colonizers, and (iii)
cell-to-cell interactions of the mid- and late colonizers with one
another as well as primary colonizers. After the tooth surface
is thoroughly cleaned, it rapidly becomes coated with a complex mixture of components that include glycoproteins, acidic
proline-rich proteins, mucins, bacterial cell debris, exoproducts
(such as -amylase), and sialic acid (65, 84, 86, 221, 222). The
acquired pellicle serves as a substrate for the first wave of
bacteria, known as the primary colonizers. The primary colonizers include organisms such as S. gordonii, S. sanguis, and
Streptococcus parasanguis (179), with this family of organisms
making up 60 to 80% of the early bacterial population (182).
These early events have been reviewed in some detail (95, 115,
116, 118). A recent study by Ganeshkumar and colleagues used
polystyrene dishes as a model of an abiotic surface to assess the
biofilm-forming ability of the pioneer species S. gordonii and to
search for bacterial factors required for these early attachment
events (146). Using this polystyrene plate system, they showed
that biofilm formation in S. gordonii is influenced by a number
of environmental parameters, including osmolarity, carbon
source, and pH. A library of 25,000 transposon insertion mutants was screened, and 18 strains defective in biofilm formation were isolated. Among the genes identified in this screen
are those that code for functions required for peptidoglycan
biosynthesis (PBP 2B, PBP 5, glmM, and bacA), oligopeptide
transport (appC), DNA replication-repair (mutT), and competence (comD). Interestingly, comD, which codes for a histidine
kinase required for the development of competence in Streptococcus (148), is the receptor for a peptide quorum signal (96,
195). These data suggest that, as is the case for the gramnegative organism P. aeruginosa (54), quorum sensing may also
be important for biofilm formation in gram-positive organisms.
In addition to the factors described above, pili have been found
to bind to proline-rich salivary protein 1 and statherin (6, 142).
This result is particularly interesting in light of the finding that
many gram-negative organisms also require fimbriae (or pili)
for initial interactions with a surface (185, 201, 263). The approach described above and first applied to Staphylococcus
aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis (97100, 149, 150, 284)
represents an excellent way to dissect the molecular genetic
basis of the early events in biofilm development in the medically important gram-positive bacteria.
Maturation of the biofilm relies on cell-to-cell interactions
called coaggregation. Coaggregation can be defined as the
recognition and adhesion between genetically distinct bacteria (270) and was first described 30 years ago (85). Kolenbrander and colleagues performed an elegant series of mixing
experiments wherein they coincubated pairs of organisms and
assayed coaggregation by monitoring the rapid settling of
strains out of suspension (126, 130, 131, 134). As is the case for
initial adhesion events, studies describing coaggregation in oral
bacteria have been reviewed in some detail (135, 136, 270).
These interactions do not require viable cells, may be disrupted
by the addition of selected soluble sugars, and can occur between organisms of the same or different genera (34, 86, 117,
124, 126, 129, 132135, 161). The results of the coaggregation
assays have allowed the development of a model for bacterial
interactions in oral plaque. For example, the pioneer colonizer

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opment in this gram-positive organism (see the next section for

details). The role of cell-cell signaling molecules in the biofilms
of other microbes needs to be explored in more detail.
An essential step in the study of other bacterial models of
biofilm development is the demonstration that these organisms
form biofilms and the evaluation of the biofilm architecture
characteristics of each strain. A recent report by Danese and
coworkers showed that the laboratory workhorse strain E. coli
makes a biofilm with architecture reminiscent of that produced
by pseudomonads (52). Furthermore, a strain defective in colanic acid production, the major EPS synthesized by this organism, does not develop normal biofilm architecture (52). However, initial attachment to the surface is not affected in this
mutant, strongly suggesting that colanic acid is not acting as an
adhesin during early attachment events. Additional studies are
required to determine if the properties often associated with
biofilms (such as drug resistance) are observed in these biofilms and are affected by the loss of colanic acid.
As is the case with E. coli, EPS appears to be important for
the development of the typical biofilm architecture associated
with V. cholerae. Like P. aeruginosa, V. cholerae growing on a
surface makes large microcolonies separated by channels essentially devoid of bacteria (264, 282). Two lines of evidence
support the notion that EPS is essential for the development of
biofilm architecture in V. cholerae. Watnick and Kolter showed
that their wild-type strain produces a biofilm whose architecture is very reminiscent of that made by Pseudomonads (264).
A mutant unable to make EPS is not competent to produce the
typical biofilm architecture. These workers suggest that EPS
may stabilize bacterial interactions with the surface and contribute to the formation of the architecture that is a hallmark
of a wild-type V. cholerae biofilm (P. I. Watnick and R. Kolter,
unpublished data). Yildiz and Schoolnik (282) showed that
their wild-type strain, which produces very little EPS, makes a
very thin biofilm devoid of observable architecture. However,
spontaneous variants of the wild type make an increased
amount of EPS (this strain is referred to as a rugose variant),
and these EPS-producing strains make a biofilm (166, 282). It
is not clear if the rugose variants arise due to phase variation,
random mutation, or some as yet undescribed mechanism.
However, the observation that the rugose and nonrugose
strains can interconvert suggests that regulation via a phase
variation mechanism is likely (282). Yildiz and Schoolnik propose that the increased EPS production of the rugose variants
may afford these strains a means by which V. cholerae can
survive outside of the host (282). This idea is intriguing because it suggests that biofilm formation can play a role in both
pathogenesis (see above) and survival of the bacterium outside
of its host. Thus, the role of biofilms in pathogenesis and
natural environments may be two sides of the same coin. It is
possible that biofilms that form in vivo and those that form in
environmental settings may require very different genetic pathways.


VOL. 64, 2000



S. gordonii can coaggregate with the gram-negative bacterium

Fusobacterium nucleatum but not with the late colonizer Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (133). Therefore, F. nucleatum, which can aggregate with both species, acts to bridge early
and late colonizers. Bacteroides (Porphyromonas) can also
serve as a bridging species in oral biofilms (132). A number of
lines of evidence suggest that coaggregation occurs as a result
of relatively specific interactions. For example, bacteria isolated from certain parts of the oral cavity tend to coaggregate
with other bacteria isolated from the same location (e.g., bacteria isolated from the tongue coaggregate best with other
tongue-localized bacteria [109]), suggesting a direct spatial organization in the formation of oral biofilms. Finally, coaggregation can be interrupted by the addition of certain sugars such
as lactose and galactose, suggesting specific receptor-ligand
interactions (29, 137, 265).
The application of molecular and genetic techniques to the
study of coaggregation has also been a very fruitful approach.

Both spontaneous and transposon-generated mutants defective in coaggregation have been isolated (8, 17, 124, 219, 271).
These mutants have helped define functions required for intrageneric and intergeneric coaggregation. For example, S. gordonii mutants that were defective for coaggregating with other
streptococci were identified, but these mutants were fully proficient for coaggregating with organisms of other genera (37,
269). These data strongly suggest that oral bacteria have multiple adhesins for interaction with different bacteria. Examples
of adhesins isolated include FimA (181), ScaA (8, 130), ScbA
(44), PsaA (218), and SsaB (79, 80). Recent studies have shown
that many of these adhesins are lipoproteins and, interestingly,
are part of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter systems.
ScaA is predicted to be a surface-localized lipoprotein that is
part of a manganese uptake ABC transporter system required
for growth on low Mn concentrations (127). ScbA from Streptococcus crista is also an ABC transporter, and although the
substrate transported by this system has not yet been deter-

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FIG. 6. Mixed-species oral biofilm. Confocal image using live-dead stain (Molecular Probes, Inc.) of a mixed-species dental biofilm formed overnight in a flow cell.
The inoculum used was saliva, and the chamber was incubated at 37C with a flow of saliva at 0.2 ml/min. This image is a 0.5-m slice through the 20-m biofilm; the
slice is between 1.0 and 1.5 m from the substratum (saliva-coated glass). The green staining indicates live cells, while red bacteria either are dead or have a
compromised membrane. The inset in the upper left corner of the figure is a higher magnification of the boxed area in the center of the image. The red arrow points
to individual dead or damaged cells, and the green arrow points to a microcolony of live cells. This biofilm comprises a variety of oral microbes that have been
reconstituted in an in vitro system. The image is kindly provided by Paul Kolenbrander and Rob Palmer.



Although researchers such as Henrici and Zobell recognized
and studied surface-attached bacteria almost 70 years ago (103,
285287), we are only just beginning to fully realize the significance of biofilm communities. Moreover, viewing bacteria
from the perspective of multicellular behavior is, in essence,
altering our view of microbiology. It is evident that bacterial
cells have the ability to aggregate into particular three-dimensional assemblages, differentiate and hence divide labor within
these assemblages, and then disperse as part of their life cycle.
Moreover, whether single-species or mixed-species biofilms,
intercellular interactions and communication are undoubtedly
required for biofilm development and persistence. Dissecting
these interactions provides one of the future challenges in
biofilm research. Particularly challenging is the attempt to understand the complexity of the interactions within the biofilm
community. Communication between species may include extracellular compounds whose sole role is to influence gene
expression, metabolic cooperativity and competition (possibly
encompassing global changes in gene expression and metabo-

lism), physical contact, and the production of antimicrobial

exoproducts. One or all of these interactions may be occurring
One of the keys to studying complex biological systems is to
develop accurate and realistic models of natural communities
in the laboratory. Scientists have demonstrated remarkable
ingenuity in the development of tools for studying biofilm
systems, and further development in this area will certainly be
required. Progress has already been made in designing an
artificial mouth (123, 234) as well as a model to study catheterinduced bladder infections (239). Hence, as is the case with
most biological investigations as we enter the 21st century, the
future of biofilm research will surely rely upon concerted efforts from scientists in a variety of disciplines. Only with such
a collaborative effort will we be able to fully explore these
complex systems of the microbial world.
We gratefully acknowledge Guido Bloemberg, Paul Kolenbrander,
Rob Palmer, Willem de Vos, and Fitnat Yildiz for providing the
images used in this article. We also thank Steve Finkel for a critical
review of this manuscript. This work was supported with funds from
NIH Training Grant T32 AI07519 (to M.E.D), NSF Career grant
MCB-9984521, and the Pew Charitable Trusts (to G.A.O.). G.A.O. is
a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences.
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mined, based on its sequence similarity to ScaA (93% at the

amino acid level), ScbA may also play a role in metal transport
(8). The FimA protein also appears to be part of an ABC
transporter (71). All of these lipoproteins belong to the LraI
(lipoprotein receptor antigen I) family of lipoproteins and have
been shown to be involved not only in coaggregation (130), but
also in binding components of the salivary pellicle (115). Furthermore, there is evidence that some of these family members
are found in the extracellular medium and therefore may be
secreted (71, 180). These data strongly suggest that essential
cellular functions have been recruited to play a second role in
cell-to-cell interactions among the oral bacteria. Recent studies of proteins like SspA and SspB of P. gingivalis have gone a
step further and identified a 100-amino-acid domain conserved between these proteins that is required for binding to
the partner bacterium S. gordonii (17). Another surface protein, encoded by gbpC, was identified in a hunt for mutant
strains that no longer aggregated in the presence of dextran
(219). GbpC is one example of a class of probable surface
proteins required for glucan-dependent binding (219). These
adhesins may recognize glucan-like molecules on the surfaces
of bacteria with which they coaggregate.
The receptor partners of the adhesins are believed to be cell
wall-associated polysaccharides (possibly lipoproteins) which
have been identified in a number of organisms, including S.
sanguis (29) and Streptococcus oralis (160). These receptors are
linear cell wall polysaccharides typically containing characteristic repeating units, including N-acetylglucosamine (13, 34,
35, 209; reviewed in reference 135).
Coaggregation has also been shown to require specific
amino acid modifications of lipoteichoic acids (LTA). Loss of
the gene required for the D-alanylation of the LTA of S. gordonii resulted in a strain that is defective for intrageneric coaggregation, although intergeneric coaggregation appeared to
be unaffected (38). It is possible that the effects seen in the
strain with modified LTA are indirect effects in presenting
receptors or adhesins. For example, LTA can bind calcium
(214, 215), and calcium has been shown to be important for
coaggregation (134, 161, 213, 214).
Taken together, the studies described above for oral biofilms
may provide the ideal system for linking a broad ecological
perspective of biofilms with the power of molecular genetics to
identify and dissect genetic determinants required for the formation of surface-attached communities.


VOL. 64, 2000


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