Preliminary Test 3: Examination For The Certificate of Proficiency in English
Preliminary Test 3: Examination For The Certificate of Proficiency in English
Preliminary Test 3: Examination For The Certificate of Proficiency in English
Keep your eyes on your own test. Examinees giving or receiving answers or using notes or other aids will be disqualified, and they will fail. Examination fees will not be
This test may be machine scored, so you must follow
instructions carefully.
y Mark all your answers on the answer sheet.
Do not mark your answers in the test booklet.
You must use a number 2 (soft) pencil.
y Do not bend or fold your answer sheet.
Look at the TOP RIGHT of your answer sheet. Fill in the
following information on the lines:
y FULL NAME: print your full name in this order: family
name, then first name, then middle initial (MI). Use
capital letters.
y YOUR SIGNATURE: sign your name.
y TEST CENTER: print the name of the test center.
y NATIVE LANGUAGE: print your native language.
y TODAYS DATE: print the month, day, and year.
This Preliminary Test was designed by the English Language Institute, University of Michigan, to screen applicants for the Examination for the
Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). It contains examples of the grammar, cloze, vocabulary, and reading comprehension sections of
the ECPE. It does not contain examples of the writing, listening, or interactive oral communication sections of the ECPE.
Copyright 2004 by the Testing and Certification Division, English Language Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan U.S.A.
Prepared by D. Adam, S. Briggs, S. Dart, B. Dobson, J. Johnson, C. Leo, D. Mendis, M. Matice, A. Ohlrogge, M. Reilly, T. Rohlck, M.
Spaan, A. Yamashiro. The Regents of the University of Michigan: David A. Brandon, Laurence B. Deitch, Olivia P. Maynard, Rebecca
McGowan, Andrea Fischer Newman, Andrew C. Richner, S. Martin Taylor, Katherine E. White, Mary Sue Coleman (ex officio).
This Preliminary Test may be reproduced or reprinted after July, 2005, by authorized Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English
(ECPE) centers ONLY, as long as the source is clearly acknowledged. This document or any reproductions may not be sold, except by the
English Language Institute, University of Michigan.
There are 35 multiple choice problems in this test: 10 grammar, 10 cloze, 10 vocabulary, and 5 questions
about a reading passage. You will have 30 minutes to answer all 35 problems. Do not begin this test until you
have read the instructions and examples below and the test administrator has answered any questions you
may have.
In each example below, the correct answer is underlined. For the actual problems, fill in the circle on your
answer sheet that corresponds to your answer choice. For each problem, there are 4 possible answer
choices. Only one is correct. Fill in only ONE circle for each problem. Any problem with more than one
answer marked will be counted wrong. If you are not sure about an answer, you may guess. Answer all
problems. Unanswered problems will be counted wrong. Completely fill in the circle that corresponds to
the answer you have chosen. If you change your mind about an answer, erase your first mark completely.
Do NOT mark your answers in this test booklet. Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet.
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence or the conversation.
What is that thing?
That _____ a spider.
a. to call
b. calls
c. called
d. is called
Read the passage, then select the word that best fills the blank in both grammar and meaning.
Long ago roads were only trails for people and animals
to walk on, but today roads must be made for cars,
trucks, and buses. The most modern _____ is often called
a superhighway.
a. way
c. travel
b. road
d. walk
Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence.
The first things we study in school are very _____.
a. sturdy
b. shifty
c. trusty
d. elementary
Read the passage, then answer the questions following it according to the information given
in the passage.
Viruses may be considered as regular
chemical molecules, since they have
a strictly defined atomic structure, but
on the other hand we must also consider
them as being alive, since they are able
to multiply in unlimited quantities.
Please observe silence. Do not leave before the end of the time period. Please remain in your seat until
the test administrator dismisses the group. Remember, you have 30 minutes to complete all 35 problems.
If you have any questions during the test, you should raise your hand, and a proctor will help you.
2004-05 Preliminary Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English
a. hospitalized
b. reported
c. dead
d. killed
a. called
b. following
c. by
d. before
a. composes
b. contains
c. ingests
d. damages
a. addition
b. minutes
c. some
d. turn
laboratory animals.
The false morel, which grows all over the state,
a. get
b. some
c. even
d. create
a. separated
b. modified
c. confused
d. differentiated
a. like
b. around
c. on
d. to
a. inside
b. center
c. top
d. ground
a. shape
b. surface
c. bunch
d. color
a. collect
b. cause
c. emphasize
d. realize