Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
(2)An Active subject (creditor/obligee) the person who is entitled to demand the
fulfillment of the obligation; he who has right.
(3)Object or Prestation (subject matter of the obligation) the conduct required to
be observed by the debtor.
(4)A Juridical or Legal Tie (efficient cause) binds or connects the parties to the
Under a building contract, X bound himself to
build a house for Y for P1M.
Here, X is the passive subject, Y is the active
subject, the building of the house is the object of Prestation, and
the agreement or contract, which is the source of the obligation,
is the juridical tie.
It is a rule of conduct
It is obligatory
Law on Obligations & Contracts body of rules which deals with the nature and
sources of obligations and the rights and duties arising from agreements and the
particular contracts. (Ibid.; see Art. 1307)
Conclusive presumption of knowledge of law
Ignorance of law excuses no one from compliance therewith (Art. 3, Civil Code.)
Special laws refer to all other laws not contained in the Civil
Corporation Code
Negotiable Instruments Law
Insurance Code
National Internal Revenue Code
Revised Penal Code
Labor Code
ART. 1159. Obligations arising from contracts have the force of
law between the contracting parties and should be complied
with in good faith. (1091a)
Contractual obligations obligation arising from contracts or
voluntary agreements.
Contract meeting of minds between two persons whereby one
binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to
render some service. (Art. 1305.)
Compliance in good faith means compliance or performance in
accordance with the stipulations or terms of the contract or
Ex. If S agrees to sell his house to B and B agrees to buy the
house pf S, voluntarily and willingly, then they are bound by the terms of
their contract and neither party may, upon his own will, and without any
justifiable reason, withdraw from the contract or escape from his
obligations thereunder.
That which is agreed upon in the contract is the law between S
& B and must be complied with in good faith.
Reparation for the damage caused; and
Indemnification for consequential damages. (Art. 104,
Revised Penal Code.)