Analysis Reference PDF
Analysis Reference PDF
Analysis Reference PDF
For SAP2000, ETABS, and SAFE
October 2005
The computer programs SAP2000, ETABS, and SAFE and all associated documentation are proprietary and copyrighted products. Worldwide rights of ownership rest with Computers and Structures, Inc. Unlicensed use of the program or reproduction of the documentation in any
form, without prior written authorization from Computers and Structures, Inc., is explicitly prohibited.
Further information and copies of this documentation may be obtained
Thanks are due to all of the numerous structural engineers, who over the
years have given valuable feedback that has contributed toward the enhancement of this product to its current state.
Special recognition is due Dr. Edward L. Wilson, Professor Emeritus,
University of California at Berkeley, who was responsible for the conception and development of the original SAP series of programs and
whose continued originality has produced many unique concepts that
have been implemented in this version.
Table of Contents
Chapter I
Analysis Features . . . . . . . . . . . .
Structural Analysis and Design . . . . .
About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . .
Topics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Typographical Conventions . . . . . .
Bold for Definitions . . . . . . . .
Bold for Variable Data. . . . . . .
Italics for Mathematical Variables .
Italics for Emphasis . . . . . . . .
All Capitals for Literal Data . . . .
Capitalized Names . . . . . . . . .
Bibliographic References . . . . . . . .
Chapter II
Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Objects and Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter III
Coordinate Systems
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Global Coordinate System . . . .
Upward and Horizontal Directions
Defining Coordinate Systems . . .
Vector Cross Product . . . . .
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Table of Contents
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Plane Definition . . . . . . . . . .
Diaphragm Constraint . . . . . . .
Joint Connectivity . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System . . .
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Plate Constraint . . . . . . . . . .
Joint Connectivity . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System . . .
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Axis Definition . . . . . . . . . .
Rod Constraint . . . . . . . . . .
Joint Connectivity . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System . . .
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Beam Constraint. . . . . . . . . .
Joint Connectivity . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System . . .
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Equal Constraint. . . . . . . . . .
Joint Connectivity . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System . . .
Selected Degrees of Freedom
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Local Constraint . . . . . . . . . .
Joint Connectivity . . . . . .
No Local Coordinate System .
Selected Degrees of Freedom
Constraint Equations . . . . .
Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatic Master Joints. . . . . .
Stiffness, Mass, and Loads . .
Local Coordinate Systems . .
Constraint Output . . . . . . . . .
Chapter VI
Material Properties
Overview . . . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System
Stresses and Strains . . .
Isotropic Materials . . .
Orthotropic Materials . .
Chapter VII
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Joint Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Joint Offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Degrees of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Local Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Longitudinal Axis 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Default Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Coordinate Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Advanced Local Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Reference Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Determining Transverse Axes 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Section Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Local Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Material Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Geometric Properties and Section Stiffnesses . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Shape Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Automatic Section Property Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Section Property Database Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Section-Designer Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Additional Mass and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Non-prismatic Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Property Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Insertion Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
End Offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Clear Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Table of Contents
Rigid-end Factor . . . . . . . . . .
Effect upon Non-prismatic Elements
Effect upon Internal Force Output .
Effect upon End Releases . . . . . .
End Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unstable End Releases . . . . . . .
Effect of End Offsets . . . . . . . .
Nonlinear Properties . . . . . . . . . . .
Tension/Compression Limits . . . .
Plastic Hinge . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gravity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concentrated Span Load . . . . . . . . .
Distributed Span Load . . . . . . . . . .
Loaded Length . . . . . . . . . . .
Load Intensity . . . . . . . . . . . .
Projected Loads . . . . . . . . . . .
Temperature Load . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internal Force Output . . . . . . . . . .
Effect of End Offsets . . . . . . . .
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Joint Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Degrees of Freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Chapter X
Table of Contents
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Table of Contents
Gap Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hook Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multi-Linear Elasticity Property . . . . . . . . .
Wen Plasticity Property . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multi-Linear Kinematic Plasticity Property . . .
Multi-Linear Takeda Plasticity Property. . . . .
Multi-Linear Pivot Hysteretic Plasticity Property
Hysteretic (Rubber) Isolator Property . . . . . .
Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property. . . . . . .
Nonlinear Deformation Loads . . . . . . . . . .
Frequency-Dependent Link/Support Properties .
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Load Cases
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Load Cases, Analysis Cases, and Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Eigenvector Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Number of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Table of Contents
Frequency Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatic Shifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Convergence Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . .
Static-Correction Modes . . . . . . . . . . .
Ritz-Vector Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Starting Load Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number of Generation Cycles. . . . . . . . .
Modal Analysis Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Periods and Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . .
Participation Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Participating Mass Ratios . . . . . . . . . . .
Static and Dynamic Load Participation Ratios
Chapter XIX
Response-Spectrum Analysis
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Local Coordinate System . . . . . .
Response-Spectrum Curve . . . . . .
Damping. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modal Damping . . . . . . . . . . .
Modal Combination . . . . . . . . .
CQC Method . . . . . . . . . .
GMC Method . . . . . . . . . .
SRSS Method . . . . . . . . . .
Absolute Sum Method . . . . .
NRC Ten-Percent Method . . .
NRC Double-Sum Method . . .
Directional Combination . . . . . . .
SRSS Method . . . . . . . . . .
Absolute Sum Method . . . . .
Scaled Absolute Sum Method. .
Response-Spectrum Analysis Output
Damping and Accelerations . . .
Modal Amplitudes. . . . . . . .
Modal Correlation Factors . . .
Base Reactions . . . . . . . . .
Chapter XX
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Defining the Spatial Load Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nonlinear Analysis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . .
The P-Delta Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P-Delta Forces in the Frame Element . . . .
P-Delta Forces in the Link/Support Element
Other Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial P-Delta Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Building Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cable Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guyed Towers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Large Displacements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial Large-Displacement Analysis . . . .
Table of Contents
Event Lumping Tolerance. . .
Hinge Unloading Method . . . . .
Unload Entire Structure . . . .
Apply Local Redistribution . .
Restart Using Secant Stiffness
Static Pushover Analysis. . . . . .
Staged Construction . . . . . . . .
Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Output Steps. . . . . . . . . .
Example . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nonlinear Modal Time-History Analysis (FNA) . .
Initial Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Link/Support Effective Stiffness . . . . . . . .
Mode Superposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modal Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iterative Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Static Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nonlinear Direct-Integration Time-History Analysis
Time Integration Parameters . . . . . . . . . .
Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Damping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iterative Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents
Chapter XXVI References
Chapter I
SAP2000, ETABS and SAFE are software packages from Computers and Structures, Inc. for structural analysis and design. Each package is a fully integrated system for modeling, analyzing, designing, and optimizing structures of a particular
SAP2000 for general structures, including bridges, stadiums, towers, industrial
plants, offshore structures, piping systems, buildings, dams, soils, machine
parts and many others
ETABS for building structures
SAFE for floor slabs and base mats
At the heart of each of these software packages is a common analysis engine, referred to throughout this manual as SAP2000. This engine is the latest and most
powerful version of the well-known SAP series of structural analysis programs.
The purpose of this manual is to describe the features of the SAP2000 analysis engine.
Throughout this manual the analysis engine will be referred to as SAP2000, although it applies also to ETABS and SAFE. Not all features described will actually
be available in every level of each program.
Analysis Features
The CSI analysis engine offers the following features:
Static and dynamic analysis
Linear and nonlinear analysis
Dynamic seismic analysis and static pushover analysis
Vehicle live-load analysis for bridges
Geometric nonlinearity, including P-delta and large-displacement effects
Staged (incremental) construction
Creep, shrinkage, and aging effects
Buckling analysis
Steady-state and power-spectral-density analysis
Frame and shell structural elements, including beam-column, truss, membrane,
and plate behavior
Two-dimensional plane and axisymmetric solid elements
Three-dimensional solid elements
Nonlinear link and support elements
Frequency-dependent link and support properties
Multiple coordinate systems
Many types of constraints
A wide variety of loading options
Alpha-numeric labels
Large capacity
Highly efficient and stable solution algorithms
These features, and many more, make CSI programs the state-of-the-art for structural analysis. Note that not all of these features may be available in every level of
SAP2000, ETABS and SAFE.
Analysis Features
Chapter I
Each Chapter of this manual is divided into topics and subtopics. All Chapters begin with a list of topics covered. These are divided into two groups:
Basic topics recommended reading for all users
Advanced topics for users with specialized needs, and for all users as they
become more familiar with the program.
Following the list of topics is an Overview which provides a summary of the Chapter. Reading the Overview for every Chapter will acquaint you with the full scope
of the program.
Typographical Conventions
Throughout this manual the following typographic conventions are used.
Typographical Conventions
Chapter I
Capitalized Names
Capitalized names (e.g., Example) are used for certain parts of the model and its
analysis which have special meaning to SAP2000. Some examples:
Frame element
Diaphragm Constraint
Frame Section
Load Case
Common entities, such as joint or element are not capitalized.
Bibliographic References
References are indicated throughout this manual by giving the name of the
author(s) and the date of publication, using parentheses. For example:
See Wilson and Tetsuji (1983).
It has been demonstrated (Wilson, Yuan, and Dickens, 1982) that
All bibliographic references are listed in alphabetical order in Chapter References (page 407).
Bibliographic References
C h a p t e r II
The following object types are available, listed in order of geometrical dimension:
Point objects, of two types:
Joint objects: These are automatically created at the corners or ends of all
other types of objects below, and they can be explicitly added to represent
supports or to capture other localized behavior.
Chapter II
properties described here for elements are actually assigned in the interface to the
objects, and the conversion to analysis elements is automatic.
A group is a named collection of objects that you define. For each group, you must
provide a unique name, then select the objects that are to be part of the group. You
can include objects of any type or types in a group. Each object may be part of one
of more groups. All objects are always part of the built-in group called ALL.
Groups are used for many purposes in the graphical user interface, including selection, design optimization, defining section cuts, controlling output, and more. In
this manual, we are primarily interested in the use of groups for defining staged
construction. See Topic Staged Construction (page 77) in Chapter Nonlinear
Static Analysis for more information.
C h a p t e r III
Coordinate Systems
Each structure may use many different coordinate systems to describe the location
of points and the directions of loads, displacement, internal forces, and stresses.
Understanding these different coordinate systems is crucial to being able to properly define the model and interpret the results.
Basic Topics for All Users
Global Coordinate System
Upward and Horizontal Directions
Defining Coordinate Systems
Local Coordinate Systems
Advanced Topics
Alternate Coordinate Systems
Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Coordinate systems are used to locate different parts of the structural model and to
define the directions of loads, displacements, internal forces, and stresses.
All coordinate systems in the model are defined with respect to a single global coordinate system. Each part of the model (joint, element, or constraint) has its own local coordinate system. In addition, you may create alternate coordinate systems that
are used to define locations and directions.
All coordinate systems are three-dimensional, right-handed, rectangular (Cartesian) systems. Vector cross products are used to define the local and alternate coordinate systems with respect to the global system.
SAP2000 always assumes that Z is the vertical axis, with +Z being upward. The upward direction is used to help define local coordinate systems, although local coordinate systems themselves do not have an upward direction.
The locations of points in a coordinate system may be specified using rectangular
or cylindrical coordinates. Likewise, directions in a coordinate system may be
specified using rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinate directions at a
Chapter III
Coordinate Systems
Chapter III
Coordinate Systems
Va is parallel to R axis
Vp is parallel to R-S plane
Vr = Va
Vt = Vr x Vp
Vs = Vt x Vr
Plane R-S
Figure 1
Determining an R-S-T Coordinate System from Reference Vectors Va and Vp
The joint local 1-2-3 coordinate system is normally the same as the global X-Y-Z
coordinate system. However, you may define any arbitrary orientation for a joint
local coordinate system by specifying two reference vectors and/or three angles of
For the Frame, Area (Shell, Plane, and Asolid), and Link/Support elements, one of
the element local axes is determined by the geometry of the individual element.
You may define the orientation of the remaining two axes by specifying a single
reference vector and/or a single angle of rotation. The exception to this is one-joint
or zero-length Link/Support elements, which require that you first specify the local-1 (axial) axis.
The Solid element local 1-2-3 coordinate system is normally the same as the global
X-Y-Z coordinate system. However, you may define any arbitrary orientation for a
solid local coordinate system by specifying two reference vectors and/or three angles of rotation.
The local coordinate system for a Body, Diaphragm, Plate, Beam, or Rod Constraint is normally determined automatically from the geometry or mass distribution of the constraint. Optionally, you may specify one local axis for any Dia-
Chapter III
Coordinate Systems
Each alternate coordinate system is defined by specifying the location of the origin
and the orientation of the axes with respect to the global coordinate system. You
The global X, Y, and Z coordinates of the new origin
The three angles (in degrees) used to rotate from the global coordinate system
to the new system
cr = x + y
ca = tan -1
cz = z
Locations are specified in spherical coordinates using the variables sb, sa, and sr.
These are related to the rectangular coordinates as:
x +y
sb = tan -1
sa = tan -1
sr = x + y + z
Chapter III
Coordinate Systems
Figure 2
Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates and Coordinate Directions
C h a p t e r IV
Joints, also known as nodal points or nodes, are a fundamental part of every structural model. Joints perform a variety of functions:
All elements are connected to the structure (and hence to each other) at the
The structure is supported at the joints using Restraints and/or Springs
Rigid-body behavior and symmetry conditions can be specified using Constraints that apply to the joints
Concentrated loads may be applied at the joints
Lumped (concentrated) masses and rotational inertia may be placed at the
All loads and masses applied to the elements are actually transferred to the
Joints are the primary locations in the structure at which the displacements are
known (the supports) or are to be determined
All of these functions are discussed in this Chapter except for the Constraints,
which are described in Chapter Constraints and Welds (page 47).
Joints in the analysis model correspond to point objects in the structural-object
model. Using the SAP2000, ETABS or SAFE graphical user interface, joints
(points) are automatically created at the ends of each Line object and at the corners
of each Area and Solid object. Joints may also be defined independently of any object.
Chapter IV
Automatic meshing of objects will create additional joints corresponding to any elements that are created.
Joints may themselves be considered as elements. Each joint may have its own local coordinate system for defining the degrees of freedom, restraints, joint properties, and loads; and for interpreting joint output. In most cases, however, the global
X-Y-Z coordinate system is used as the local coordinate system for all joints in the
model. Joints act independently of each other unless connected by other elements.
There are six displacement degrees of freedom at every joint three translations
and three rotations. These displacement components are aligned along the local coordinate system of each joint.
Joints may be loaded directly by concentrated loads or indirectly by ground displacements acting though Restraints or spring supports.
Displacements (translations and rotations) are produced at every joint. The external
and internal forces and moments acting on each joint are also produced.
For more information:
See Chapter Constraints and Welds (page 47).
Modeling Considerations
The location of the joints and elements is critical in determining the accuracy of the
structural model. Some of the factors that you need to consider when defining the
elements, and hence the joints, for the structure are:
The number of elements should be sufficient to describe the geometry of the
structure. For straight lines and edges, one element is adequate. For curves and
curved surfaces, one element should be used for every arc of 15 or less.
Element boundaries, and hence joints, should be located at points, lines, and
surfaces of discontinuity:
Structural boundaries, e.g., corners and edges
Changes in material properties
Changes in thickness and other geometric properties
Support points (Restraints and Springs)
Points of application of concentrated loads, except that Frame/Cable elements may have concentrated loads applied within their spans
Modeling Considerations
Chapter IV
Reference Vectors
To define a joint local coordinate system you must specify two reference vectors
that are parallel to one of the joint local coordinate planes. The axis reference vector, Va , must be parallel to one of the local axes (I = 1, 2, or 3) in this plane and
have a positive projection upon that axis. The plane reference vector, V p , must
have a positive projection upon the other local axis (j = 1, 2, or 3, but I j) in this
plane, but need not be parallel to that axis. Having a positive projection means that
the positive direction of the reference vector must make an angle of less than 90
with the positive direction of the local axis.
Together, the two reference vectors define a local axis, I, and a local plane, i-j.
From this, the program can determine the third local axis, k, using vector algebra.
For example, you could choose the axis reference vector parallel to local axis 1 and
the plane reference vector parallel to the local 1-2 plane (I = 1, j = 2). Alternatively,
you could choose the axis reference vector parallel to local axis 3 and the plane reference vector parallel to the local 3-2 plane (I = 3, j = 2). You may choose the plane
that is most convenient to define using the parameter local, which may take on the
values 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, or 32. The two digits correspond to I and j, respectively.
The default is value is 31.
Chapter IV
1. A vector is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vector is of finite
length and is not parallel to local axis I, it is used as the reference vector V p
2. Otherwise, the primary coordinate direction pldirp is evaluated at joint j in
fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to local axis I, it is
used as the reference vector V p
3. Otherwise, the secondary coordinate direction pldirs is evaluated at joint j in
fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to local axis I, it is
used as the reference vector V p
4. Otherwise, the method fails and the analysis terminates. This will never happen
if pldirp is not parallel to pldirs
A vector is considered to be parallel to local axis I if the sine of the angle between
them is less than 10-3.
Plane 3-1
Figure 3
Example of the Determination of the Joint Local Coordinate System
Using Reference Vectors for local=31
Chapter IV
Degrees of Freedom
The deflection of the structural model is governed by the displacements of the
joints. Every joint of the structural model may have up to six displacement components:
The joint may translate along its three local axes. These translations are denoted U1, U2, and U3.
The joint may rotate about its three local axes. These rotations are denoted R1,
R2, and R3.
These six displacement components are known as the degrees of freedom of the
joint. In the usual case where the joint local coordinate system is parallel to the
global system, the degrees of freedom may also be identified as UX, UY, UZ, RX,
RY and RZ, according to which global axes are parallel to which local axes. The
joint local degrees of freedom are illustrated in Figure 5 (page 31).
In addition to the regular joints that you explicitly define as part of your structural
model, the program automatically creates master joints that govern the behavior of
any Constraints and Welds that you may have defined. Each master joint has the
same six degrees of freedom as do the regular joints. See Chapter Constraints and
Welds (page 47) for more information.
Each degree of freedom in the structural model must be one of the following types:
Active the displacement is computed during the analysis
Restrained the displacement is specified, and the corresponding reaction is
computed during the analysis
Constrained the displacement is determined from the displacements at other
degrees of freedom
Null the displacement does not affect the structure and is ignored by the
Unavailable the displacement has been explicitly excluded from the analysis
These different types of degrees of freedom are described in the following subtopics.
Degrees of Freedom
Step 1: Rotation about
local 3 axis by angle a
Figure 4
Use of Joint Coordinate Angles to Orient the Joint Local Coordinate System
Degrees of Freedom
Chapter IV
Figure 5
The Six Displacement Degrees of Freedom in the Joint Local Coordinate System
Degrees of Freedom
Degrees of Freedom
Chapter IV
Degrees of Freedom
Chapter IV
Any of the six degrees of freedom at any of the joints in the structure can have translational or rotational spring support conditions. These springs elastically connect
the joint to the ground. Spring supports along restrained degrees of freedom do not
contribute to the stiffness of the structure.
Springs may be specified that couple the degrees of freedom at a joint. The spring
forces that act on a joint are related to the displacements of that joint by a 6x6 symmetric matrix of spring stiffness coefficients. These forces tend to oppose the displacements.
Spring stiffness coefficients may be specified in the global coordinate system, an
Alternate Coordinate System, or the joint local coordinate system.
In a joint local coordinate system, the spring forces and moments F1, F2, F3, M1, M2
and M3 at a joint are given by:
u1 u1u2 u1u3 u1r1 u1r2 u1r3 u1
u2u3 u2r1 u2r2 u2r3 u 2
u3r1 u3r2 u3r3 u 3
r1r2 r1r3 r1
M 2
r2r3 r2
r3 r3
(Eqn. 1)
where u1, u2, u3, r1, r2 and r3 are the joint displacements and rotations, and the terms
u1, u1u2, u2, ... are the specified spring stiffness coefficients.
In any fixed coordinate system, the spring forces and moments Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and
Mz at a joint are given by:
M y
uxry uxrz u x
uyry uyrz u y
uzry uzrz u z
rxry rxrz rx
ryrz r y
rz r z
where ux, uy, uz, rx, ry and rz are the joint displacements and rotations, and the terms
ux, uxuy, uy, ... are the specified spring stiffness coefficients.
U1, U2, U3
U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3
1 Hinge
U3, R1, R2
U1, U2, R3
U1, U2
Figure 6
Examples of Restraints
Chapter IV
For springs that do not couple the degrees of freedom in a particular coordinate system, only the six diagonal terms need to be specified since the off-diagonal terms
are all zero. When coupling is present, all 21 coefficients in the upper triangle of the
matrix must be given; the other 15 terms are then known by symmetry.
If the springs at a joint are specified in more than one coordinate system, standard
coordinate transformation techniques are used to convert the 6x6 spring stiffness
matrices to the joint local coordinate system, and the resulting stiffness matrices are
then added together on a term-by-term basis. The final spring stiffness matrix at
each joint in the structure should have a determinant that is zero or positive. Otherwise the springs may cause the structure to be unstable.
The displacement of the grounded end of the spring may be specified to be zero or
non-zero (e.g., due to support settlement). This spring displacement may vary
from one Load Case to the next.
For more information:
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in this Chapter.
See Topic Spring Displacement Load (page 43) in this Chapter.
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
Normally, the mass is obtained from the elements using the mass density of the material and the volume of the element. This automatically produces lumped (uncoupled) masses at the joints. The element mass values are equal for each of the three
translational degrees of freedom. No mass moments of inertia are produced for the
rotational degrees of freedom. This approach is adequate for most analyses.
It is often necessary to place additional concentrated masses and/or mass moments
of inertia at the joints. These can be applied to any of the six degrees of freedom at
any of the joints in the structure.
For computational efficiency and solution accuracy, SAP2000 always uses lumped
masses. This means that there is no mass coupling between degrees of freedom at a
joint or between different joints. These uncoupled masses are always referred to the
local coordinate system of each joint. Mass values along restrained degrees of freedom are ignored.
Inertial forces acting on the joints are related to the accelerations at the joints by a
6x6 matrix of mass values. These forces tend to oppose the accelerations. In a joint
0 0 0 0 u&&2
u3 0 0 0 u&&3
r1 0 0 &&
M 2
r2 0 &&
r3 &&
Chapter IV
Shape in
Rectangular diaphragm:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit area
Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)
MMIcm = M ( b +d )
Triangular diaphragm:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit area
Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)
Use general
diaphragm formula
Circular diaphragm:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit area
Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)
MMIcm = Md
General diaphragm:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit area
Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)
Area of diaphragm = A
Moment of inertia of area about X-X = IX
Moment of inertia of area about Y-Y = IY
MMIcm =
M ( IX+IY)
Line mass:
Uniformly distributed mass per unit length
Total mass of line = M (or w/g)
MMIcm = Md
Figure 7
Formulae for Mass Moments of Inertia
Force Load
The Force Load is used to apply concentrated forces and moments at the joints.
Values may be specified in a fixed coordinate system (global or alternate coordinates) or the joint local coordinate system. All forces and moments at a joint are
transformed to the joint local coordinate system and added together. The specified
values are shown in Figure 8 (page 41).
Forces and moments applied along restrained degrees of freedom add to the corresponding reaction, but do not otherwise affect the structure.
For more information:
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in this Chapter.
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241).
Restraint Displacements
If a particular joint degree of freedom is restrained, the displacement of the joint is
equal to the ground displacement along that local degree of freedom. This applies
regardless of whether or not springs are present.
Components of ground displacement that are not along restrained degrees of freedom do not load the structure (except possibly through springs). An example of this
is illustrated in Figure 9 (page 42).
Force Load
Chapter IV
Joint Local Coordinates
Global Coordinates
Figure 8
Specified Values for Force Load, Restraint Displacement Load,
and Spring Displacement Load
The ground displacement, and hence the joint displacement, may vary from one
Load Case to the next. If no ground displacement load is specified for a restrained
degree of freedom, the joint displacement is zero for that Load Case.
Spring Displacements
The ground displacements at a joint are multiplied by the spring stiffness coefficients to obtain effective forces and moments that are applied to the joint. Spring
displacements applied in a direction with no spring stiffness result in zero applied
load. The ground displacement, and hence the applied forces and moments, may
vary from one Load Case to the next.
In a joint local coordinate system, the applied forces and moments F1, F2, F3, M1, M2
and M3 at a joint due to ground displacements are given by:
U3 = -0.866
UZ = -1.000
Figure 9
Example of Restraint Displacement Not Aligned with Local Degrees of Freedom
0 0 0 0 u g1
0 0 0 0 ug 2
u3 0 0 0 u g 3
r1 0 0 rg 1
M 2
r2 0 rg 2
r3 rg 3
(Eqn. 2)
Chapter IV
Generalized Displacements
A generalized displacement is a named displacement measure that you define. It is
simply a linear combination of displacement degrees of freedom from one or more
For example, you could define a generalized displacement that is the difference of
the UX displacements at two joints on different stories of a building and name it
DRIFTX. You could define another generalized displacement that is the sum of
three rotations about the Z axis, each scaled by 1/3, and name it AVGRZ.
Generalized displacements are primarily used for output purposes, except that you
can also use a generalized displacement to monitor a nonlinear static analysis.
To define a generalized displacement, specify the following:
A unique name
The type of displacement measure
A list of the joint degrees of freedom and their corresponding scale factors that
will be summed to created the generalized displacement
The type of displacement measure can be one of the following:
Translational: The generalized displacement scales (with change of units) as
length. Coefficients of contributing joint translations are unitless. Coefficients
of contributing joint rotations scale as length.
Rotational: The generalized displacement is unitless (radians). Coefficients of
joint translations scale as inverse length. Coefficients of joint rotations are
Be sure to choose your scale factors for each contributing component to account for
the type of generalized displacement being defined.
The degrees of freedom are listed for all of the regular joints, as well as for the master joints created automatically by the program. For Constraints, the master joints
Generalized Displacements
The degrees of freedom are always referred to the local axes of the joint. They are
identified in the output as U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3 for all joints. However, if all
regular joints use the global coordinate system as the local system (the usual situation), then the degrees of freedom for the regular joints are identified as UX, UY,
UZ, RX, RY, and RZ.
The types of degrees of freedom are a property of the structure and are independent
of the Analysis Cases, except when staged construction is performed.
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in this Chapter for more information.
Chapter IV
Displacement Output
You can request joint displacements as part of the analysis results on a case by case
basis. For dynamic analysis cases, you can also request velocities and accelerations. The output is always referred to the local axes of the joint.
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in this Chapter.
See Chapter Analysis Cases (page 255).
Force Output
You can request joint support forces as part of the analysis results on a case by case
basis. Joint forces are distinguished as being restraint forces (reactions) or spring
forces. The forces at joints not restrained or sprung will be zero.
The forces and moments are always referred to the local axes of the joint. The values reported are always the forces and moments that act on the joints. Thus a positive value of joint force or moment tends to cause a positive value of joint translation or rotation along the corresponding degree of freedom.
For more information:
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in this Chapter.
See Chapter Analysis Cases (page 255).
Chapter V
A constraint consists of a set of two or more constrained joints. The displacements
of each pair of joints in the constraint are related by constraint equations. The types
of behavior that can be enforced by constraints are:
Rigid-body behavior, in which the constrained joints translate and rotate together as if connected by rigid links. The types of rigid behavior that can be
modeled are:
Rigid Body: fully rigid for all displacements
Rigid Diaphragm: rigid for membrane behavior in a plane
Rigid Plate: rigid for plate bending in a plane
Rigid Rod: rigid for extension along an axis
Rigid Beam: rigid for beam bending on an axis
Equal-displacement behavior, in which the translations and rotations are equal
at the constrained joints
Symmetry and anti-symmetry conditions
The use of constraints reduces the number of equations in the system to be solved
and will usually result in increased computational efficiency.
Most constraint types must be defined with respect to some fixed coordinate system. The coordinate system may be the global coordinate system or an alternate coordinate system, or it may be automatically determined from the locations of the
constrained joints. The Local Constraint does not use a fixed coordinate system, but
references each joint using its own joint local coordinate system.
Welds are used to connect together different parts of the model that were defined
separately. Each Weld consists of a set of joints that may be joined. The program
searches for joints in each Weld that share the same location in space and constrains
them to act as a single joint.
Chapter V
Body Constraint
A Body Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as a
three-dimensional rigid body. By default, all degrees of freedom at each connected
joint participate. However, you can select a subset of the degrees of freedom to be
This Constraint can be used to:
Model rigid connections, such as where several beams and/or columns frame
Connect together different parts of the structural model that were defined using
separate meshes
Connect Frame elements that are acting as eccentric stiffeners to Shell elements
Welds can be used to automatically generate Body Constraints for the purpose of
connecting coincident joints.
See Topic Welds (page 62) in this Chapter for more information.
Joint Connectivity
Each Body Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The joints may
have any arbitrary location in space.
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in a Body Constraint. These equations are expressed in terms of
the translations (u1, u2, and u3), the rotations (r1, r2, and r3), and the coordinates (x1,
x2, and x3), all taken in the Constraint local coordinate system:
u1j = u1i + r2i Dx3 r3i Dx2
u2j = u2i + r3i Dx1 - r1i Dx3
Body Constraint
Plane Definition
The constraint equations for each Diaphragm or Plate Constraint are written with
respect to a particular plane. The location of the plane is not important, only its orientation.
By default, the plane is determined automatically by the program from the spatial
distribution of the constrained joints as follows:
The centroid of the constrained joints is determined
The second moments of the locations of all of the constrained joints about the
centroid are determined
The principal values and directions of these second moments are found
The direction of the smallest principal second moment is taken as the normal to
the constraint plane; if all constrained joints lie in a unique plane, this smallest
principal moment will be zero
If no unique direction can be found, a horizontal (X-Y) plane is assumed in coordinate system csys; this situation can occur if the joints are coincident or collinear, or if the spatial distribution is more nearly three-dimensional than planar.
You may override automatic plane selection by specifying the following:
csys: A fixed coordinate system (the default is zero, indicating the global coordinate system)
axis: The axis (X, Y, or Z) normal to the plane of the constraint, taken in coordinate system csys.
Plane Definition
Chapter V
This may be useful, for example, to specify a horizontal plane for a floor with a
small step in it.
Diaphragm Constraint
A Diaphragm Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as a
planar diaphragm that is rigid against membrane deformation. Effectively, all constrained joints are connected to each other by links that are rigid in the plane, but do
not affect out-of-plane (plate) deformation.
This Constraint can be used to:
Model concrete floors (or concrete-filled decks) in building structures, which
typically have very high in-plane stiffness
Model diaphragms in bridge superstructures
The use of the Diaphragm Constraint for building structures eliminates the numerical-accuracy problems created when the large in-plane stiffness of a floor diaphragm is modeled with membrane elements. It is also very useful in the lateral
(horizontal) dynamic analysis of buildings, as it results in a significant reduction in
the size of the eigenvalue problem to be solved. See Figure 10 (page 52) for an illustration of a floor diaphragm.
Joint Connectivity
Each Diaphragm Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The
joints may have any arbitrary location in space, but for best results all joints should
lie in the plane of the constraint. Otherwise, bending moments may be generated
that are restrained by the Constraint, which unrealistically stiffens the structure. If
this happens, the constraint forces reported in the analysis results may not be in
Diaphragm Constraint
Master Joint
Rigid Links
Figure 10
Use of the Diaphragm Constraint to Model a Rigid Floor Slab
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in a Diaphragm Constraint. These equations are expressed in
terms of in-plane translations (u1 and u2), the rotation (r3) about the normal, and the
in-plane coordinates (x1 and x2), all taken in the Constraint local coordinate system:
u1j = u1i r3i Dx2
u2j = u2i + r3i Dx1
r3i = r3j
where Dx1 = x1j - x1i and Dx2 = x2j - x2i.
Diaphragm Constraint
Chapter V
Plate Constraint
A Plate Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as a flat plate
that is rigid against bending deformation. Effectively, all constrained joints are
connected to each other by links that are rigid for out-of-plane bending, but do not
affect in-plane (membrane) deformation.
This Constraint can be used to:
Connect structural-type elements (Frame and Shell) to solid-type elements
(Plane and Solid); the rotation in the structural element can be converted to a
pair of equal and opposite translations in the solid element by the Constraint
Enforce the assumption that plane sections remain plane in detailed models
of beam bending
Joint Connectivity
Each Plate Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The joints may
have any arbitrary location in space. Unlike the Diaphragm Constraint, equilibrium
is not affected by whether or not all joints lie in the plane of the Plate Constraint.
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in a Plate Constraint. These equations are expressed in terms of
the out-of-plane translation (u3), the bending rotations (r1 and r2), and the in-plane
coordinates (x1 and x2), all taken in the Constraint local coordinate system:
u3j = u3i + r1i Dx2 - r2i Dx1
r1i = r1j
Plate Constraint
Axis Definition
The constraint equations for each Rod or Beam Constraint are written with respect
to a particular axis. The location of the axis is not important, only its orientation.
By default, the axis is determined automatically by the program from the spatial
distribution of the constrained joints as follows:
The centroid of the constrained joints is determined
The second moments of the locations of all of the constrained joints about the
centroid are determined
The principal values and directions of these second moments are found
The direction of the largest principal second moment is taken as the axis of the
constraint; if all constrained joints lie on a unique axis, the two smallest principal moments will be zero
If no unique direction can be found, a vertical (Z) axis is assumed in coordinate
system csys; this situation can occur if the joints are coincident, or if the spatial
distribution is more nearly planar or three-dimensional than linear.
You may override automatic axis selection by specifying the following:
csys: A fixed coordinate system (the default is zero, indicating the global coordinate system)
axis: The axis (X, Y, or Z) of the constraint, taken in coordinate system csys.
This may be useful, for example, to specify a vertical axis for a column with a small
offset in it.
Rod Constraint
A Rod Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as a straight
rod that is rigid against axial deformation. Effectively, all constrained joints maintain a fixed distance from each other in the direction parallel to the axis of the rod,
but translations normal to the axis and all rotations are unaffected.
This Constraint can be used to:
Axis Definition
Chapter V
Figure 11
Use of the Rod Constraint to Model Axially Rigid Beams
Joint Connectivity
Each Rod Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The joints may
have any arbitrary location in space, but for best results all joints should lie on the
axis of the constraint. Otherwise, bending moments may be generated that are restrained by the Constraint, which unrealistically stiffens the structure. If this happens, the constraint forces reported in the analysis results may not be in equilibrium.
Rod Constraint
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in a Rod Constraint. These equations are expressed only in terms
of the axial translation (u1):
u1j = u1i
Beam Constraint
A Beam Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as a straight
beam that is rigid against bending deformation. Effectively, all constrained joints
are connected to each other by links that are rigid for off-axis bending, but do not
affect translation along or rotation about the axis.
This Constraint can be used to:
Connect structural-type elements (Frame and Shell) to solid-type elements
(Plane and Solid); the rotation in the structural element can be converted to a
pair of equal and opposite translations in the solid element by the Constraint
Prevent bending deformation in Frame elements
Joint Connectivity
Each Beam Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The joints may
have any arbitrary location in space, but for best results all joints should lie on the
axis of the constraint. Otherwise, torsional moments may be generated that are restrained by the Constraint, which unrealistically stiffens the structure. If this happens, the constraint forces reported in the analysis results may not be in equilibrium.
Beam Constraint
Chapter V
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in a Beam Constraint. These equations are expressed in terms of
the transverse translations (u2 and u3), the transverse rotations (r2 and r3), and the axial coordinate (x1), all taken in the Constraint local coordinate system:
u2j = u2i + r3i Dx1
u3j = u3i - r2i Dx1
r2i = r2j
r3i = r3j
where Dx1 = x1j - x1i.
Equal Constraint
An Equal Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together with the
same displacements for each selected degree of freedom, taken in the constraint local coordinate system. The other degrees of freedom are unaffected.
The Equal Constraint differs from the rigid-body types of Constraints in that there
is no coupling between the rotations and the translations.
This Constraint can be used to partially connect together different parts of the structural model, such as at expansion joints and hinges
For fully connecting meshes, it is better to use the Body Constraint when the constrained joints are not in exactly the same location.
Equal Constraint
Joint Connectivity
Each Equal Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The joints may
have any arbitrary location in space, but for best results all joints should share the
same location in space if used for connecting meshes. Otherwise, moments may be
generated that are restrained by the Constraint, which unrealistically stiffens the
structure. If this happens, the constraint forces reported in the analysis results may
not be in equilibrium.
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in an Equal Constraint. These equations are expressed in terms
of the translations (ux, uy, and uz) and the rotations (rx, ry, and rz), all taken in fixed
coordinate system csys:
uxj = uxi
uyj = uyi
uzj = uzi
r1i = r1j
r2i = r2j
r3i = r3j
If you omit any of the six degrees of freedom from the constraint definition, the corresponding constraint equation is not enforced.
Equal Constraint
Chapter V
Local Constraint
A Local Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together with the
same displacements for each selected degree of freedom, taken in the separate joint
local coordinate systems. The other degrees of freedom are unaffected.
The Local Constraint differs from the rigid-body types of Constraints in that there
is no coupling between the rotations and the translations. The Local Constraint is
the same as the Equal Constraint if all constrained joints have the same local coordinate system.
This Constraint can be used to:
Model symmetry conditions with respect to a line or a point
Model displacements constrained by mechanisms
The behavior of this Constraint is dependent upon the choice of the local coordinate
systems of the constrained joints.
Joint Connectivity
Each Local Constraint connects a set of two or more joints together. The joints may
have any arbitrary location in space. If the joints do not share the same location in
space, moments may be generated that are restrained by the Constraint. If this happens, the constraint forces reported in the analysis results may not be in equilibrium. These moments are necessary to enforce the desired symmetry of the displacements when the applied loads are not symmetric, or may represent the constraining action of a mechanism.
For more information, see:
Topic Force Output (page 45) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom.
Topic Global Force Balance Output (page 45) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom.
Local Constraint
Constraint Equations
The constraint equations relate the displacements at any two constrained joints
(subscripts I and j) in a Local Constraint. These equations are expressed in terms of
the translations (u1, u2, and u3) and the rotations (r1, r2, and r3), all taken in joint local
coordinate systems. The equations used depend upon the selected degrees of freedom and their signs. Some important cases are described next.
Axisymmetry is a type of symmetry about a line. It is best described in terms of a
cylindrical coordinate system having its Z axis on the line of symmetry. The structure, loading, and displacements are each said to be axisymmetric about a line if
they do not vary with angular position around the line, i.e., they are independent of
the angular coordinate CA.
To enforce axisymmetry using the Local Constraint:
Model any cylindrical sector of the structure using any axisymmetric mesh of
joints and elements
Assign each joint a local coordinate system such that local axes 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the coordinate directions +CR, +CA, and +CZ, respectively
For each axisymmetric set of joints (i.e., having the same coordinates CR and
CZ, but different CA), define a Local Constraint using all six degrees of freedom: U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3
Restrain joints that lie on the line of symmetry so that, at most, only axial translations (U3) and rotations (R3) are permitted
The corresponding constraint equations are:
u1j = u1i
u2j = u2i
u3j = u3i
r1i = r1j
Local Constraint
Chapter V
r2i = r2j
r3i = r3j
The numeric subscripts refer to the corresponding joint local coordinate systems.
Cyclic symmetry
Cyclic symmetry is another type of symmetry about a line. It is best described in
terms of a cylindrical coordinate system having its Z axis on the line of symmetry.
The structure, loading, and displacements are each said to be cyclically symmetric
about a line if they vary with angular position in a repeated (periodic) fashion.
To enforce cyclic symmetry using the Local Constraint:
Model any number of adjacent, representative, cylindrical sectors of the structure; denote the size of a single sector by the angle q
Assign each joint a local coordinate system such that local axes 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the coordinate directions +CR, +CA, and +CZ, respectively
For each cyclically symmetric set of joints (i.e., having the same coordinates
CR and CZ, but with coordinate CA differing by multiples of q), define a Local
Constraint using all six degrees of freedom: U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3.
Restrain joints that lie on the line of symmetry so that, at most, only axial translations (U3) and rotations (R3) are permitted
The corresponding constraint equations are:
u1j = u1i
u2j = u2i
u3j = u3i
r1i = r1j
r2i = r2j
r3i = r3j
The numeric subscripts refer to the corresponding joint local coordinate systems.
For example, suppose a structure is composed of six identical 60 sectors, identically loaded. If two adjacent sectors were modeled, each Local Constraint would
apply to a set of two joints, except that three joints would be constrained on the
symmetry planes at 0, 60, and 120.
Local Constraint
A Weld can be used to connect together different parts of the structural model that
were defined using separate meshes. A Weld is not a single Constraint, but rather is
a set of joints from which the program will automatically generate multiple Body
Constraints to connect together coincident joints.
Joints are considered to be coincident if the distance between them is less than or
equal to a tolerance, tol, that you specify. Setting the tolerance to zero is permissible but is not recommended.
Chapter V
Mesh B
Mesh A
Figure 12
Use of a Weld to Connect Separate Meshes at Coincident Joints
One or more Welds may be defined, each with its own tolerance. Only the joints
within each Weld will be checked for coincidence with each other. In the most
common case, a single Weld is defined that contains all joints in the model; all coincident groups of joints will be welded. However, in situations where structural discontinuity is desired, it may be necessary to prevent the welding of some coincident
joints. This may be facilitated by the use of multiple Welds.
Figure 12 (page 63) shows a model developed as two separate meshes, A and B.
Joints 121 through 125 are associated with mesh A, and Joints 221 through 225 are
associated with mesh B. Joints 121 through 125 share the same location in space as
Joints 221 through 225, respectively. These are the interfacing joints between the
two meshes. To connect these two meshes, a single Weld can be defined containing
all joints, or just joints 121 through 125 and 221 through 225. The program would
generate five Body Constraints, each containing two joints, resulting in an integrated model.
It is permissible to include the same joint in more than one Weld. This could result
in the joints in different Welds being constrained together if they are coincident
with the common joint. For example, suppose that Weld 1 contained joints 1,2, and
3, Weld 2 contained joints 3, 4, and 5. If joints 1, 3, and 5 were coincident, joints 1
and 3 would be constrained by Weld 1, and joints 3 and 5 would be constrained by
Weld 2. The program would create a single Body Constraint containing joints 1, 3,
and 5. One the other hand, if Weld 2 did not contain joint 3, the program would only
generate a Body Constraint containing joint 1 and 3 from Weld 1; joint 5 would not
be constrained.
Chapter V
For a Diaphragm or Plate Constraint, the local 3 axes of the master joint are always
normal to the plane of the Constraint. For a Beam or Rod Constraint, the local 1
axes of the master joint are always parallel to the axis of the Constraint.
Constraint Output
For each Body, Diaphragm, Plate, Rod, and Beam Constraint having more than two
constrained joints, the following information about the Constraint and its master
joint is printed in the output file:
The translational and rotational local coordinate systems for the master joint
The total mass and mass moments of inertia for the Constraint that have been
applied to the master joint
The center of mass for each of the three translational masses
The degrees of freedom are indicated as U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3. These are referred to the two local coordinate systems of the master joint.
Constraint Output
Constraint Output
C h a p t e r VI
Material Properties
The Materials are used to define the mechanical, thermal, and density properties
used by the Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid elements.
Basic Topics for All Users
Local Coordinate System
Stresses and Strains
Isotropic Materials
Mass Density
Weight Density
Design-Type Indicator
Advanced Topics
Orthotropic Materials
Anisotropic Materials
Temperature-Dependent Materials
Element Material Temperature
The Material properties may be defined as isotropic, orthotropic or anisotropic.
How the properties are actually utilized depends on the element type. Each Material
that you define may be used by more than one element or element type. For each element type, the Materials are referenced indirectly through the Section properties
appropriate for that element type.
All elastic material properties may be temperature dependent. Properties are given
at a series of specified temperatures. Properties at other temperatures are obtained
by linear interpolation.
For a given execution of the program, the properties used by an element are assumed to be constant regardless of any temperature changes experienced by the
structure. Each element may be assigned a material temperature that determines
the material properties used for the analysis.
Time-dependent properties include creep, shrinkage, and age-dependent elasticity.
These properties can be activated during a staged-construction analysis, and form
the basis for subsequent analyses.
Nonlinear stress-strain curves may be defined for the purpose of generating frame
hinge properties.
Chapter VI
Material Properties
s 33
s 23
s 23
s 13
s 13
s 22
s 12
Material Local
Coordinate System
s 12
s 11
Stress Components
Figure 13
Definition of Stress Components in the Material Local Coordinate System
dx 1
e 22 =
du 2
dx 2
e 33 =
du 3
dx 3
where u1, u2, and u3 are the displacements and x1, x2, and x3 are the coordinates in the
Material 1, 2, and 3 directions, respectively.
The engineering shear strains g 12 , g 13 , and g 23 , measure the change in angle in the
Material local 1-2, 1-3, and 2-3 planes, respectively, and are defined as:
g 12 =
du1 du 2
dx 2 dx 1
g 13 =
du1 du 3
dx 3 dx 1
g 23 =
du 2 du 3
dx 3 dx 2
Note that the engineering shear strains are equal to twice the tensorial shear strains
e 12 , e 13 , and e 23 , respectively.
Strains can also be caused by a temperature change, DT, from a zero-stress reference temperature. No stresses are caused by a temperature change unless the induced thermal strains are restrained.
See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha (1989), or any textbook on elementary mechanics.
Isotropic Materials
The behavior of an isotropic material is independent of the direction of loading or
the orientation of the material. In addition, shearing behavior is uncoupled from extensional behavior and is not affected by temperature change. Isotropic behavior is
usually assumed for steel and concrete, although this is not always the case.
Isotropic Materials
Chapter VI
Material Properties
The isotropic mechanical and thermal properties relate strain to stress and temperature change as follows:
e 11
e 33
g 12
g 13
0 s 11 a1
s 22 a1
s 33 + a1 DT
0 s 12 0
s 13 0
0 s 0
(Eqn. 1)
where e1 is Youngs modulus of elasticity, u12 is Poissons ratio, g12 is the shear
modulus, and a1 is the coefficient of thermal expansion. This relationship holds regardless of the orientation of the Material local 1, 2, and 3 axes.
The shear modulus is not directly specified, but instead is defined in terms of
Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio as:
g12 =
2 (1 + u12 )
Note that Youngs modulus must be positive, and Poissons ratio must satisfy the
-1< u12 <
Orthotropic Materials
The behavior of an orthotropic material can be different in each of the three local
coordinate directions. However, like an isotropic material, shearing behavior is uncoupled from extensional behavior and is not affected by temperature change.
The orthotropic mechanical and thermal properties relate strain to stress and temperature change as follows:
Orthotropic Materials
e 11
e 33
g 12
g 13
0 s 11 a1
s 22 a2
s 33 + a3 DT
0 s 12 0
s 13 0
0 s 0
(Eqn. 2)
where e1, e2, and e3 are the moduli of elasticity; u12, u13, and u23 are the Poissons ratios; g12, g13, and g23 are the shear moduli; and a1, a2, and a3 are the coefficients of thermal expansion.
Note that the elastic moduli and the shear moduli must be positive. The Poissons
ratios may take on any values provided that the upper-left 3x3 portion of the stressstrain matrix is positive-definite (i.e., has a positive determinant.)
Anisotropic Materials
The behavior of an anisotropic material can be different in each of the three local
coordinate directions. In addition, shearing behavior can be fully coupled with extensional behavior and can be affected by temperature change.
The anisotropic mechanical and thermal properties relate strain to stress and temperature change as follows:
Anisotropic Materials
Chapter VI
e 33
g 13
Material Properties
(Eqn. 3)
s a1
g23 11
-u36 s 22 a2
g23 s 33 + a3 DT
-u46 s 12 a12
g23 s 13 a13
s 23 a23
where e1, e2, and e3 are the moduli of elasticity; u12, u13, and u23 are the standard
Poissons ratios; u14, u24..., u56 are the shear and coupling Poissons ratios; g12,
g13, and g23 are the shear moduli; a1, a2, and a3 are the coefficients of thermal expansion; and a12, a13, and a23 are the coefficients of thermal shear.
Note that the elastic moduli and the shear moduli must be positive. The Poissons
ratios must be chosen so that the 6x6 stress-strain matrix is positive definite. This
means that the determinant of the matrix must be positive.
These material properties can be evaluated directly from laboratory experiments.
Each column of the elasticity matrix represents the six measured strains due to the
application of the appropriate unit stress. The six thermal coefficients are the measured strains due to a unit temperature change.
Temperature-Dependent Properties
All of the mechanical and thermal properties given in Equations 1 to 3 may depend
upon temperature. These properties are given at a series of specified material temperatures t. Properties at other temperatures are obtained by linear interpolation between the two nearest specified temperatures. Properties at temperatures outside
the specified range use the properties at the nearest specified temperature. See
Figure 14 (page 74) for examples.
If the Material properties are independent of temperature, you need only specify
them at a single, arbitrary temperature.
Temperature-Dependent Properties
indicates specified value e
at temperature t
Interpolated Value
Extrapolated Value
Figure 14
Determination of Property Ematt at Temperature Tmatt from Function E(T)
Mass Density
For each Material you may specify a mass density, m, that is used for calculating
the mass of the element. The total mass of the element is the product of the mass
density (mass per unit volume) and the volume of the element. This mass is apportioned to each joint of the element. The same mass is applied along of the three
Chapter VI
Material Properties
Weight Density
For each Material you may specify a weight density, w, that is used for calculating
the self-weight of the element. The total weight of the element is the product of the
weight density (weight per unit volume) and the volume of the element. This
weight is apportioned to each joint of the element. Self-weight is activated using
Self-weight Load and Gravity Load.
The weight density property is independent of temperature.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 246) in Chapter Load Cases.
Material Damping
You may specify material damping to be used in dynamic analyses. Different types
of damping are available for different types of analysis cases. Material damping is a
property of the material and affects all analysis cases of a given type in the same
way. You may specify additional damping in each analysis case.
Because damping has such a significant affect upon dynamic response, you should
use care in defining your damping parameters.
Weight Density
Modal Damping
The material modal damping available in SAP2000 is stiffness weighted, and is
also known as composite modal damping. It is used for all response-spectrum and
modal time-history analyses. For each material you may specify a material modal
damping ratio, r, where 0 r < 1. The damping ratio, rij , contributed to mode I by element j of this material is given by
rij =
rf i K j f i
where f i is mode shape for mode I, K j is the stiffness matrix for element j, and K i
is the modal stiffness for mode I given by
K i = f Ti K j f i
You may specify a design-type for each Material that indicates how it is to be
treated for design by the SAP2000, ETABS, or SAFE graphical user interface. The
available design types are:
Chapter VI
Material Properties
Steel: Frame elements made of this material will be designed according to steel
design codes
Concrete: Frame elements made of this material will be designed according to
concrete design codes
Aluminum: Frame elements made of this material will be designed according
to aluminum design codes
Cold-formed: Frame elements made of this material will be designed according
to cold-formed steel design codes
None: Frame elements made of this material will not be designed
When you choose a design type, additional material properties may be specified
that are used only for design; they do not affect the analysis. Consult the on-line
help and design documentation for further information on these design properties
Time-dependent Properties
For any material having a design type of concrete or steel, you may specify time dependent material properties that are used for creep, shrinkage, and aging effects
during a staged-construction analysis.
For more information, see Topic Staged Construction (page 337) in Chapter
Nonlinear Static Analysis.
For concrete-type materials, you may specify:
Aging parameters that determine the change in modulus of elasticity with age
Shrinkage parameters that determine the decrease in direct strains with time
Creep parameters that determine the change in strain with time under the action
of stress
For steel-type materials, relaxation behavior may be specified that determines the
change in strain with time under the action of stress, similar to creep.
Currently these behaviors are specified using CEB-FIP parameters. See Comite
Euro-International Du Beton (1993).
Time-dependent Properties
Time-Integration Control
For each material, you have the option to model the creep behavior by full integration or by using a Dirichlet series approximation.
With full integration, each increment of stress during the analysis becomes part of
the memory of the material. This leads to accurate results, but for long analyses
with many stress increments, this requires computer storage and execution time
that both increase as the square of the number of increments. For larger problems,
this can make solution impractical.
Using the Dirichlet series approximation (Ketchum, 1986), you can choose a fixed
number of series terms that are to be stored. Each term is modified by the stress increments, but the number of terms does not change during the analysis. This means
the storage and execution time increase linearly with the number of stress increments. Each term in the Dirichlet series can be thought of as a spring and dashpot
system with a characteristic relaxation time. The program automatically chooses
these spring-dashpot systems based on the number of terms you request. You
should try different numbers of terms and check the analysis results to make sure
that your choice is adequate.
It is recommended that you work with a smaller problem that is representative of
your larger model, and compare various numbers of series terms with the full integration solution to determine the appropriate series approximation to use.
Stress-Strain Curves
For each material you may specify one or more stress-strain curves that are used to
generate nonlinear hinge properties in frame elements. The different curves can be
used for different parts of a frame cross section. For example, in a concrete material
you might specify stress-strain curves for confined concrete, unconfined concrete,
longitudinal reinforcing steel, and hoop confinement reinforcing steel. For steel
and other metal materials, you would typically only specify one stress-strain curve.
Currently these curves are used to generate fiber hinges and in hinge models for
frame sections defined in Section Designer.
For more information:
See Topic Section Designer Sections (page 105) in Chapter The Frame Element.
See Chapter Frame Hinge Properties (page 115).
Stress-Strain Curves
C h a p t e r VII
The Frame element uses a general, three-dimensional, beam-column formulation
which includes the effects of biaxial bending, torsion, axial deformation, and biaxial shear deformations. See Bathe and Wilson (1976).
Structures that can be modeled with this element include:
Three-dimensional frames
Three-dimensional trusses
Planar frames
Planar grillages
Planar trusses
A Frame element is modeled as a straight line connecting two points. In the graphical user interface, you can divide curved objects into multiple straight objects, subject to your specification.
Each element has its own local coordinate system for defining section properties
and loads, and for interpreting output.
The element may be prismatic or non-prismatic. The non-prismatic formulation allows the element length to be divided into any number of segments over which
properties may vary. The variation of the bending stiffness may be linear, parabolic, or cubic over each segment of length. The axial, shear, torsional, mass, and
weight properties all vary linearly over each segment.
Chapter VII
Insertion points and end offsets are available to account for the finite size of beam
and column intersections. The end offsets may be made partially or fully rigid to
model the stiffening effect that can occur when the ends of an element are embedded in beam and column intersections. End releases are also available to model different fixity conditions at the ends of the element.
Each Frame element may be loaded by gravity (in any direction), multiple concentrated loads, multiple distributed loads, strain loads, and loads due to temperature
Element internal forces are produced at the ends of each element and at a userspecified number of equally-spaced output stations along the length of the element.
Cable behavior is modeled using the frame element and adding the appropriate features. You can release the moments at the ends of the elements, although we recommend that you retain small, realistic bending stiffness instead. You can also add
nonlinear behavior as needed, such as the no-compression property, tension stiffening (p-delta effects), and large deflections. These features require nonlinear analysis.
Joint Connectivity
A Frame element is represented by a straight line connecting two joints, I and j, unless modified by joint offsets as described below. The two joints must not share the
same location in space. The two ends of the element are denoted end I and end J, respectively.
By default, the neutral axis of the element runs along the line connecting the two
joints. However, you can change this using the insertion point, as described in
Topic Insertion Point (page 98).
Joint Offsets
Sometimes the axis of the element cannot be conveniently specified by joints that
connect to other elements in the structure. You have the option to specify joint offsets independently at each end of the element. These are given as the three distance
components (X, Y, and Z) parallel to the global axes, measured from the joint to the
end of the element (at the insertion point.)
The two locations given by the coordinates of joints I and j, plus the corresponding
joint offsets, define the axis of the element. These two locations must not be coinci-
Joint Connectivity
Degrees of Freedom
The Frame element activates all six degrees of freedom at both of its connected
joints. If you want to model truss or cable elements that do not transmit moments at
the ends, you may either:
Set the geometric Section properties j, i33, and i22 all to zero (a is non-zero;
as2 and as3 are arbitrary), or
Release both bending rotations, R2 and R3, at both ends and release the torsional rotation, R1, at either end
For more information:
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of
See Topic Section Properties (page 88) in this Chapter.
See Topic End Offsets (page 99) in this Chapter.
See Topic End Releases (page 103) in this Chapter.
Degrees of Freedom
Chapter VII
and 3. The first axis is directed along the length of the element; the remaining two
axes lie in the plane perpendicular to the element with an orientation that you specify.
It is important that you clearly understand the definition of the element local 1-2-3
coordinate system and its relationship to the global X-Y-Z coordinate system. Both
systems are right-handed coordinate systems. It is up to you to define local systems
which simplify data input and interpretation of results.
In most structures the definition of the element local coordinate system is extremely simple. The methods provided, however, provide sufficient power and
flexibility to describe the orientation of Frame elements in the most complicated
The simplest method, using the default orientation and the Frame element coordinate angle, is described in this topic. Additional methods for defining the Frame
element local coordinate system are described in the next topic.
For more information:
See Chapter Coordinate Systems (page 11) for a description of the concepts
and terminology used in this topic.
See Topic Advanced Local Coordinate System (page 85) in this Chapter.
Longitudinal Axis 1
Local axis 1 is always the longitudinal axis of the element, the positive direction being directed from end I to end J.
Specifically, end I is joint I plus its joint offsets (if any), and end J is joint j plus its
joint offsets (if any.) The axis is determined independently of the cardinal point; see
Topic Insertion Point (page 98.)
Default Orientation
The default orientation of the local 2 and 3 axes is determined by the relationship
between the local 1 axis and the global Z axis:
The local 1-2 plane is taken to be vertical, i.e., parallel to the Z axis
ang=30 2
Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to X, Y, or Z Axes
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 30 from Z-1 Plane
Local 1 Axis is Parallel to +Z Axis
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90 from X-1 Plane
Local 1 Axis is Parallel to Z Axis
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 30 from X-1 Plane
Figure 15
The Frame Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to the Default Orientation
The local 2 axis is taken to have an upward (+Z) sense unless the element is vertical, in which case the local 2 axis is taken to be horizontal along the global +X
The local 3 axis is horizontal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane
Chapter VII
An element is considered to be vertical if the sine of the angle between the local 1
axis and the Z axis is less than 10 .
The local 2 axis makes the same angle with the vertical axis as the local 1 axis
makes with the horizontal plane. This means that the local 2 axis points vertically
upward for horizontal elements.
Coordinate Angle
The Frame element coordinate angle, ang, is used to define element orientations
that are different from the default orientation. It is the angle through which the local
2 and 3 axes are rotated about the positive local 1 axis from the default orientation.
The rotation for a positive value of ang appears counterclockwise when the local
+1 axis is pointing toward you.
For vertical elements, ang is the angle between the local 2 axis and the horizontal
+X axis. Otherwise, ang is the angle between the local 2 axis and the vertical plane
containing the local 1 axis. See Figure 15 (page 84) for examples.
Reference Vector
To define the transverse local axes 2 and 3, you specify a reference vector that is
parallel to the desired 1-2 or 1-3 plane. The reference vector must have a positive
projection upon the corresponding transverse local axis (2 or 3, respectively). This
means that the positive direction of the reference vector must make an angle of less
than 90 with the positive direction of the desired transverse axis.
To define the reference vector, you must first specify or use the default values for:
A primary coordinate direction pldirp (the default is +Z)
A secondary coordinate direction pldirs (the default is +X). Directions pldirs
and pldirp should not be parallel to each other unless you are sure that they are
not parallel to local axis 1
A fixed coordinate system csys (the default is zero, indicating the global coordinate system)
The local plane, local, to be determined by the reference vector (the default is
12, indicating plane 1-2)
You may optionally specify:
A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the default for each is zero, indicating the
center of the element). If both are zero, this option is not used
For each element, the reference vector is determined as follows:
1. A vector is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vector is of finite
length and is not parallel to local axis 1, it is used as the reference vector V p
2. Otherwise, the primary coordinate direction pldirp is evaluated at the center of
the element in fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to
local axis 1, it is used as the reference vector V p
3. Otherwise, the secondary coordinate direction pldirs is evaluated at the center
of the element in fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to
local axis 1, it is used as the reference vector V p
4. Otherwise, the method fails and the analysis terminates. This will never happen
if pldirp is not parallel to pldirs
A vector is considered to be parallel to local axis 1 if the sine of the angle between
them is less than 10 .
Chapter VII
pldirp = +Y
pldirs = X
local = 12
Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to pldirp (+Y)
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90 from Y-1 Plane
Figure 16
The Frame Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to Coordinate Directions
The use of the Frame element coordinate angle in conjunction with coordinate directions that define the reference vector is illustrated in Figure 16 (page 87). The
use of joints to define the reference vector is shown in Figure 17 (page 88).
Plane 1-2
Vp (a)
Axis 1
Axis 2
Joint j
Vp (b)
Joint i
Plane 1-3
Axis 3
Figure 17
Using Joints to Define the Frame Element Local Coordinate System
V3 = V1 V2
In the common case where the reference vector is perpendicular to axis V1 , the
transverse axis in the selected plane will be equal to V p .
Section Properties
A Frame Section is a set of material and geometric properties that describe the
cross-section of one or more Frame elements. Sections are defined independently
of the Frame elements, and are assigned to the elements.
Section properties are of two basic types:
Prismatic all properties are constant along the full element length
Non-prismatic the properties may vary along the element length
Non-prismatic Sections are defined by referring to two or more previously defined
prismatic Sections.
Section Properties
Chapter VII
All of the following subtopics, except the last, describe the definition of prismatic
Sections. The last subtopic, Non-prismatic Sections, describes how prismatic
Sections are used to define non-prismatic Sections.
Material Properties
The material properties for the Section are specified by reference to a previouslydefined Material. Isotropic material properties are used, even if the Material selected was defined as orthotropic or anisotropic. The material properties used by
the Section are:
The modulus of elasticity, e1, for axial stiffness and bending stiffness
The shear modulus, g12, for torsional stiffness and transverse shear stiffness
The coefficient of thermal expansion, a1, for axial expansion and thermal
bending strain
The mass density, m, for computing element mass
The weight density, w, for computing Self-Weight and Gravity Loads
The material properties e1, g12, and a1 are all obtained at the material temperature
of each individual Frame element, and hence may not be unique for a given Section.
See Chapter Material Properties (page 67) for more information.
Shape Type
For each Section, the six geometric properties (a, j, i33, i22, as2 and as3) may be
specified directly, computed from specified Section dimensions, or read from a
specified property database file. This is determined by the shape type, shape, specified by the user:
If shape=GENERAL (general section), the six geometric properties must be
explicitly specified
several others offered by the program, the six geometric properties are automatically calculated from specified Section dimensions as described in Automatic Section Property Calculation below, or obtained from a specified property database file. See Section Property Database Files below.
If shape=SD SECTION (Section Designer Section), you can create your own
arbitrary Sections using the Section Designer utility within the program, and
the six geometric properties are automatically calculated. See Section Designer Sections below.
Section Properties
Chapter VII
Shear Area
Rectangular Section
Shear Forces parallel to the b or d
5/ bd
5/ t b
3 f f
Thin Walled
Circular Tube Section
Shear Forces from any direction
General Section
Shear Forces parallel to
I x= moment of inertia of
section about X-X
Q(Y) =
n b(n) dn
Thin Walled
Rectangular Tube Section
Shear Forces parallel to
r t
tw d
Q (y)
Figure 18
Shear Area Formulae
Section Properties
Section Properties
Chapter VII
SH = R
SH = P
SH = B
SH = I
SH = T
SH = C
SH = L
SH = 2L
Figure 19
Automatic Section Property Calculation
database filename is specified, the default file SECTIONS8.PRO is used. You may
copy any property database file to SECTIONS8.PRO.
Section Properties
Section-Designer Sections
Section Designer is a separate utility built into SAP2000 and ETABS that can be
used to create your own frame section properties. You can build sections of arbitrary geometry and combinations of materials. The basic analysis geometric properties (areas, moments of inertia, and torsional constant) are computed and used for
analysis. In addition, Section Designer can compute nonlinear frame hinge properties.
For more information, see the on-line help within Section Designer.
Non-prismatic Sections
Non-prismatic Sections may be defined for which the properties vary along the element length. You may specify that the element length be divided into any number
of segments; these do not need to be of equal length. Most common situations can
be modeled using from one to five segments.
The variation of the bending stiffnesses may be linear, parabolic, or cubic over each
segment of length. The axial, shear, torsional, mass, and weight properties all vary
linearly over each segment. Section properties may change discontinuously from
one segment to the next.
See Figure 20 (page 95) for examples of non-prismatic Sections.
Section Properties
Chapter VII
Section B
Section A
Axis 2
End J
End I
Section B
Section A
End I
Axis 2
Figure 20
Examples of Non-prismatic Sections
Section Properties
Section Properties
Chapter VII
these parameters to indicate variation along the length that is linear, parabolic, or
cubic, respectively.
Specifically, the eivar33-th root of the bending stiffness in the 1-2 plane:
i33 e1
varies linearly along the length. This usually corresponds to a linear variation in
one of the Section dimensions. For example, referring to Figure 19 (page 93): a linear variation in t2 for the rectangular shape would require eivar33=1, a linear
variation in t3 for the rectangular shape would require eivar33=3, and a linear
variation in t3 for the I-shape would require eivar33=2.
The interpolation of the bending stiffness in the 1-2 plane, i22 e1, is defined in the
same manner by the parameter eivar22.
The remaining properties are assumed to vary linearly between the ends of each
Stiffnesses: a e1, j g12, as2 g12, and as3 g12
Mass: am + mpl
Weight: aw + wpl
If a shear area is zero at either end, it is taken to be zero along the full segment, thus
eliminating all shear deformation in the corresponding bending plane for that segment.
Effect upon End Offsets
Properties vary only along the clear length of the element. Section properties within
end offset ioff are constant using the starting Section of the first segment. Section
properties within end offset joff are constant using the ending Section of the last
See Topic End Offsets (page 99) in this Chapter for more information.
Property Modifiers
You may specify scale factors to modify the computed section properties. These
may be used, for example, to account for cracking of concrete or for other factors
not easily described in the geometry and material property values. Individual
modifiers are available for the following eight terms:
Property Modifiers
Insertion Point
By default the local 1 axis of the element runs along the neutral axis of the section,
i.e., at the centroid of the section. It is often convenient to specify another location
on the section, such as the top of a beam or an outside corner of a column. This location is called the cardinal point of the section.
The available cardinal point choices are shown in Figure 21 (page 99). The default
location is point 10.
Joint offsets are specified along with the cardinal point as part of the insertion point
assignment, even though they are independent features. Joint offsets are used first
to calculate the element axis and therefore the local coordinate system, then the cardinal point is located in the resulting local 2-3 plane.
This feature is useful, as an example, for modeling beams and columns when the
beams do not frame into the center of the column. Figure 22 (page 100) shows an elevation and plan view of a common framing arrangement where the exterior beams
are offset from the column center lines to be flush with the exterior of the building.
Also shown in this figure are the cardinal points for each member and the joint offset dimensions.
Insertion Point
Chapter VII
2 axis
1. Bottom left
2. Bottom center
3. Bottom right
4. Middle left
3 axis
5. Middle center
6. Middle right
7. Top left
8. Top center
9. Top right
10. Centroid
11. Shear center
Figure 21
Frame Cardinal Points
End Offsets
Frame elements are modeled as line elements connected at points (joints). However, actual structural members have finite cross-sectional dimensions. When two
elements, such as a beam and column, are connected at a joint there is some overlap
of the cross sections. In many structures the dimensions of the members are large
and the length of the overlap can be a significant fraction of the total length of a
connecting element.
You may specify two end offsets for each element using parameters ioff and joff
corresponding to ends I and J, respectively. End offset ioff is the length of overlap
for a given element with other connecting elements at joint I. It is the distance from
the joint to the face of the connection for the given element. A similar definition applies to end offset joff at joint j. See Figure 23 (page 101).
End offsets are automatically calculated by the SAP2000 graphical interface for
each element based on the maximum Section dimensions of all other elements that
connect to that element at a common joint.
End Offsets
Point C1
Point B1
Point B2
Figure 22
Example Showing Joint Offsets and Cardinal Points
Clear Length
The clear length, denoted Lc , is defined to be the length between the end offsets
(support faces) as:
End Offsets
Chapter VII
Total Length L
Clear Length L c
End Offsets
Support Face
Figure 23
Frame Element End Offsets
Lc = L - ( ioff + joff )
where L is the total element length. See Figure 23 (page 101).
If end offsets are specified such that the clear length is less than 1% of the total element length, the program will issue a warning and reduce the end offsets proportionately so that the clear length is equal to 1% of the total length. Normally the end
offsets should be a much smaller proportion of the total length.
Rigid-end Factor
An analysis based upon the centerline-to-centerline (joint-to-joint) geometry of
Frame elements may overestimate deflections in some structures. This is due to the
stiffening effect caused by overlapping cross sections at a connection. It is more
likely to be significant in concrete than in steel structures.
You may specify a rigid-end factor for each element using parameter rigid, which
gives the fraction of each end offset that is assumed to be rigid for bending and
shear deformation. The length rigidioff, starting from joint I, is assumed to be
End Offsets
End Offsets
Chapter VII
Axis 1
Pin Joint
Axis 2
Axis 3
Figure 24
Frame Element End Releases
End Releases
Normally, the three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom at each
end of the Frame element are continuous with those of the joint, and hence with
those of all other elements connected to that joint. However, it is possible to release
(disconnect) one or more of the element degrees of freedom from the joint when it
is known that the corresponding element force or moment is zero. The releases are
always specified in the element local coordinate system, and do not affect any other
element connected to the joint.
In the example shown in Figure 24 (page 103), the diagonal element has a moment
connection at End I and a pin connection at End J. The other two elements connecting to the joint at End J are continuous. Therefore, in order to model the pin condition the rotation R3 at End J of the diagonal element should be released. This assures that the moment is zero at the pin in the diagonal element.
End Releases
Nonlinear Properties
Two types of nonlinear properties are available for the Frame/Cable element: tension/compression limits and plastic hinges.
When nonlinear properties are present in the element, they only affect nonlinear
analyses. Linear analyses starting from zero conditions (the unstressed state) behave as if the nonlinear properties were not present. Linear analyses using the stiffness from the end of a previous nonlinear analysis use the stiffness of the nonlinear
property as it existed at the end of the nonlinear case.
Tension/Compression Limits
You may specify a maximum tension and/or a maximum compression that a
frame/cable element may take. In the most common case, you can define a no-compression cable or brace by specifying the compression limit to be zero.
Nonlinear Properties
Chapter VII
If you specify a tension limit, it must be zero or a positive value. If you specify a
compression limit, it must be zero or a negative value. If you specify a tension and
compression limit of zero, the element will carry no axial force.
The tension/compression limit behavior is elastic. Any axial extension beyond the
tension limit and axial shortening beyond the compression limit will occur with
zero axial stiffness. These deformations are recovered elastically at zero stiffness.
Bending, shear, and torsional behavior are not affected by the axial nonlinearity.
Plastic Hinge
You may insert plastic hinges at any number of locations along the clear length of
the element. Detailed description of the behavior and use of plastic hinges is presented in Chapter Frame Hinge Properties (page 115).
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
The mass contributed by the Frame element is lumped at the joints I and j. No inertial effects are considered within the element itself.
The total mass of the element is equal to the integral along the length of the mass
density, m, multiplied by the cross-sectional area, a, plus the additional mass per
unit length, mpl.
For non-prismatic elements, the mass varies linearly over each non-prismatic segment of the element, and is constant within the end offsets.
The total mass is apportioned to the two joints in the same way a similarlydistributed transverse load would cause reactions at the ends of a simply-supported
beam. The effects of end releases are ignored when apportioning mass. The total
mass is applied to each of the three translational degrees of freedom: UX, UY, and
UZ. No mass moments of inertia are computed for the rotational degrees of freedom.
For more information:
See Topic Mass Density (page 74) in Chapter Material Properties.
See Topic Section Properties (page 88) in this Chapter for the definition of a
and mpl.
See Subtopic Non-prismatic Sections (page 94) in this Chapter.
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For a
Frame element, the self-weight is a force that is distributed along the length of the
element. The magnitude of the self-weight is equal to the weight density, w, multiplied by the cross-sectional area, a, plus the additional weight per unit length, wpl.
For non-prismatic elements, the self-weight varies linearly over each non-prismatic
segment of the element, and is constant within the end offsets.
Self-Weight Load always acts downward, in the global Z direction. You may
scale the self-weight by a single scale factor that applies equally to all elements in
the structure.
For more information:
See Topic Weight Density (page 75) in Chapter Material Properties for the
definition of w.
See Topic Section Properties (page 88) in this Chapter for the definition of a
and wpl..
See Subtopic Non-prismatic Sections (page 94) in this Chapter.
See Topic End Offsets (page 99) in this Chapter.
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases.
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Frame element to activate the self-weight of
the element. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any
direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each element.
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 106) in this Chapter for the definition of
self-weight for the Frame element.
Self-Weight Load
Chapter VII
Loaded Length
Loads may apply to full or partial element lengths. Multiple loads may be applied to
a single element. The loaded lengths may overlap, in which case the applied loads
are additive.
A loaded length may be specified in one of the following ways:
Global Z Force
Global Z Moment
All loads applied
at rd=0.5
Local 2 Force
Local 2 Moment
Figure 25
Examples of the Definition of Concentrated Span Loads
Specifying two relative distances, rda and rdb, measured from joint I. They
must satisfy 0 rda < rdb 1. The relative distance is the fraction of element
Specifying two absolute distances, da and db, measured from joint I. They
must satisfy 0 da < db L, where L is the element length;
Specifying no distances, which indicates the full length of the element.
Load Intensity
The load intensity is a force or moment per unit of length. Except for the case of
projected loads described below, the intensity is measured per unit of element
For each force or moment component to be applied, a single load value may be
given if the load is uniformly distributed. Two load values are needed if the load intensity varies linearly over its range of application (a trapezoidal load).
Chapter VII
Projected Loads
A distributed snow or wind load produces a load intensity (force per unit of element
length) that is proportional to the sine of the angle between the element and the direction of loading. This is equivalent to using a fixed load intensity that is measured
per unit of projected element length. The fixed intensity would be based upon the
depth of snow or the wind speed; the projected element length is measured in a
plane perpendicular to the direction of loading.
Distributed Span Loads may be specified as acting upon the projected length. The
program handles this by reducing the load intensity according to the angle, q, between the element local 1 axis and the direction of loading. Projected force loads
are scaled by sin q, and projected moment loads are scaled by cosq. The reduced
load intensities are then applied per unit of element length.
The scaling of the moment loads is based upon the assumption that the moment is
caused by a force acting upon the projected element length. The resulting moment
is always perpendicular to the force, thus accounting for the use of the cosine instead of the sine of the angle. The specified intensity of the moment should be computed as the product of the force intensity and the perpendicular distance from the
element to the force. The appropriate sign of the moment must be given.
Temperature Load
The Temperature Load creates thermal strain in the Frame element. This strain is
given by the product of the Material coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the element. The temperature change is measured from the element Reference Temperature to the element Load Temperature.
Three independent Load Temperature fields may be specified:
Temperature, t, which is constant over the cross section and produces axial
Temperature gradient, t2, which is linear in the local 2 direction and produces
bending strains in the 1-2 plane
Temperature gradient, t3, which is linear in the local 3 direction and produces
bending strains in the 1-3 plane
Temperature Load
Global Z Force
Global Z Moment
Global Z Force on
Projected Length
(To be Scaled by sinq)
Global Z Moment on
Projected Length
(To be Scaled by cosq)
Local 2 Force
Local 2 Moment
Figure 26
Examples of the Definition of Distributed Span Loads
Temperature Load
Chapter VII
Figure 27
Examples of Distributed Span Loads
Temperature Load
Chapter VII
Axis 2
Axis 1
Axis 3
Compression Face
Axis 2
Axis 1
Axis 3
Tension Face
Axis 2
Axis 1
Tension Face
Compression Face
Axis 3
Figure 28
Frame Element Internal Forces and Moments
C h a p t e r VIII
Yielding and post-yielding behavior can be modeled using discrete user-defined
hinges. Currently hinges can only be introduced into frame elements; they can be
assigned to a frame element at any location along that element. Uncoupled moment,
torsion, axial force and shear hinges are available. There is also a coupled
Hinge Properties
A hinge property is a named set of rigid-plastic properties that can be assigned to
one or more Frame elements. You may define as many hinge properties as you
For each force degree of freedom (axial and shears), you may specify the plastic
force-displacement behavior. For each moment degree of freedom (bending and
torsion) you may specify the plastic moment-rotation behavior. Each hinge property may have plastic properties specified for any number of the six degrees of freedom. The axial force and the two bending moments may be coupled through an interaction surface. Degrees of freedom that are not specified remain elastic.
Hinge Length
Each plastic hinge is modeled as a discrete point hinge. All plastic deformation,
whether it be displacement or rotation, occurs within the point hinge. This means
you must assume a length for the hinge over which the plastic strain or plastic curvature is integrated.
There is no easy way to choose this length, although guidelines are given in
FEMA-356. Typically it is a fraction of the element length, and is often on the order
of the depth of the section, particularly for moment-rotation hinges.
You can approximate plasticity that is distributed over the length of the element by
inserting many hinges. For example, you could insert ten hinges at relative locations within the element of 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, ..., 0.95, each with deformation properties based on an assumed hinge length of one-tenth the element length. Of course,
Hinge Properties
Chapter VIII
Figure 29
The A-B-C-D-E curve for Force vs. Displacement
The same type of curve is used for Moment vs. Rotation
adding more hinges will add more computational cost, although it may not be too
significant if they dont actually yield.
Hinge Properties
Chapter VIII
Hinge Properties
Chapter VIII
As plastic deformation occurs, the yield surface changes size according to the shape
of the M-Rp curve, depending upon the amount of plastic work that is done. You
have the option to specify whether the surface should change in size equally in the
P, M2, and M3 directions, or only in the M2 and M3 directions. In the latter case,
axial deformation behaves as if it is perfectly plastic with no hardening or collapse.
Axial collapse may be more realistic in some hinges, but it is computationally difficult and may require nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis if the structure is not stable enough the redistribute any dropped gravity load.
Chapter VIII
defining the hinge properties because you dont have to define each and every
Pc = 085
. Ac f c
The slope between points B and C is taken as 10 % total strain hardening for
Hinge length assumption for D y is based on the full length
Tensile points B, C, D and E based on FEMA-356 Table 5-7, Braces in Tension
Compressive point B = Pc
Compressive point E is taken as 9D y
Moment and Coupled Hinge
The Slope between points B and C is taken as 10 % total strain hardening for
q y = 0, since it is not needed
Points C, D and E are based on FEMA-356, Table 6-7. The four conforming
transverse reinforcing rows are averaged
My is based on the reinforcement provided, if any; otherwise it is based on the
minimum allowable reinforcement
The PMM curve is the same as the uniaxial M3 curve, except that it will always
be symmetrical about the origin
The PMM interaction surface is calculated using ACI 318-02 with phi = 1
Shear Hinge
The curve is symmetrical about the origin
The slope between points B and C is taken as 10 % total strain hardening for
V y = 2As f c + f y Asv d
Points C, D and E are based on FEMA-356 Table 6-18, Item iii, by averaging
the two rows labeled Conventional longitudinal reinforcement and Conforming transverse reinforcement
Chapter VIII
F yc
The PMM curve is the same as the uniaxial M3 curve, except that it will always
be symmetrical about the origin
The PMM interaction surface is calculated using FEMA-356 Equation 5-4
Shear Hinge
The curve is symmetrical about the origin
Slope between points B and C is taken as 3 % strain hardening
Points C, D and E based on FEMA-356 Table 5-6, Link Beam, Item a
Analysis Results
For each output step in a nonlinear static or nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis case, you may request analysis results for the hinges. These results include:
The forces and/or moments carried by the hinge. Degrees of freedom not defined for the hinge will report zero values, even though non-zero values are carried rigidly through the hinge.
The plastic displacements and/or rotations.
Analysis Results
Analysis Results
C h a p t e r IX
The Shell element is a three- or four-node formulation that combines separate
membrane and plate-bending behavior. The four-joint element does not have to be
The membrane behavior uses an isoparametric formulation that includes translational in-plane stiffness components and a rotational stiffness component in the direction normal to the plane of the element. See Taylor and Simo (1985) and Ibrahimbegovic and Wilson (1991).
The plate bending behavior includes two-way, out-of-plane, plate rotational stiffness components and a translational stiffness component in the direction normal to
the plane of the element. By default, a thin-plate (Kirchhoff) formulation is used
that neglects transverse shearing deformation. Optionally, you may choose a
thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) formulation which includes the effects of transverse
shearing deformation.
Structures that can be modeled with this element include:
Three-dimensional shells, such as tanks and domes
Plate structures, such as floor slabs
Membrane structures, such as shear walls
For each Shell element in the structure, you can choose to model pure membrane,
pure plate, or full shell behavior. It is generally recommended that you use the full
shell behavior unless the entire structure is planar and is adequately restrained.
Each Shell element has its own local coordinate system for defining Material properties and loads, and for interpreting output. Temperature-dependent, orthotropic
material properties are allowed. Each element may be loaded by gravity and uniform loads in any direction; surface pressure on the top, bottom, and side faces; and
loads due to temperature change.
Chapter IX
Joint Connectivity
Each Shell element (and other types of area objects/elements) may have either of
the following shapes, as shown in Figure 30 (page 130):
Quadrilateral, defined by the four joints j1, j2, j3, and j4.
Triangular, defined by the three joints j1, j2, and j3.
The quadrilateral formulation is the more accurate of the two. The triangular element is recommended for transitions only. The stiffness formulation of the threenode element is reasonable; however, its stress recovery is poor. The use of the
quadrilateral element for meshing various geometries and transitions is illustrated
in Figure 31 (page 131).
The locations of the joints should be chosen to meet the following geometric conditions:
The inside angle at each corner must be less than 180. Best results for the
quadrilateral will be obtained when these angles are near 90, or at least in the
range of 45 to 135.
The aspect ratio of an element should not be too large. For the triangle, this is
the ratio of the longest side to the shortest side. For the quadrilateral, this is the
ratio of the longer distance between the midpoints of opposite sides to the
shorter such distance. Best results are obtained for aspect ratios near unity, or at
least less than four. The aspect ratio should not exceed ten.
For the quadrilateral, the four joints need not be coplanar. A small amount of
twist in the element is accounted for by the program. The angle between the
normals at the corners gives a measure of the degree of twist. The normal at a
corner is perpendicular to the two sides that meet at the corner. Best results are
obtained if the largest angle between any pair of corners is less than 30. This
angle should not exceed 45.
Joint Connectivity
Face 2
Face 3
Axis 1
Axis 2
Face 1
Face 4
Axis 3
Face 2
Axis 2
Axis 1
Face 6: Top (+3 face)
Face 5: Bottom (3 face)
Face 1
Face 3
Three-node Triangular Shell Element
Figure 30
Area Element Joint Connectivity and Face Definitions
Joint Connectivity
Chapter IX
Triangular Region
Infinite Region
Circular Region
Mesh Transition
Figure 31
Mesh Examples Using the Quadrilateral Area Element
These conditions can usually be met with adequate mesh refinement. The accuracy
of the thick-plate formulation is more sensitive to large aspect ratios and mesh distortion than is the thin-plate formulation.
Degrees of Freedom
The Shell element always activates all six degrees of freedom at each of its connected joints. When the element is used as a pure membrane, you must ensure that
Degrees of Freedom
Normal Axis 3
Local axis 3 is always normal to the plane of the Shell element. This axis is directed
toward you when the path j1-j2-j3 appears counterclockwise. For quadrilateral ele-
Chapter IX
ments, the element plane is defined by the vectors that connect the midpoints of the
two pairs of opposite sides.
Default Orientation
The default orientation of the local 1 and 2 axes is determined by the relationship
between the local 3 axis and the global Z axis:
The local 3-2 plane is taken to be vertical, i.e., parallel to the Z axis
The local 2 axis is taken to have an upward (+Z) sense unless the element is
horizontal, in which case the local 2 axis is taken along the global +Y direction
The local 1 axis is horizontal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane
The element is considered to be horizontal if the sine of the angle between the local
3 axis and the Z axis is less than 10 .
The local 2 axis makes the same angle with the vertical axis as the local 3 axis
makes with the horizontal plane. This means that the local 2 axis points vertically
upward for vertical elements.
ang = 45
ang = 90
ang = 0
ang = 90
For all elements,
Axis 3 points outward,
toward viewer
Figure 32
The Area Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to the Default Orientation
gle, ang, is zero. If ang is different from zero, it is the angle through which the local
1 and 2 axes are rotated about the positive local 3 axis from the orientation determined by the reference vector. The local 3 axis is always normal to the plane of the
For more information:
See Chapter Coordinate Systems (page 11) for a description of the concepts
and terminology used in this topic.
Chapter IX
Reference Vector
To define the tangential local axes, you specify a reference vector that is parallel to
the desired 3-1 or 3-2 plane. The reference vector must have a positive projection
upon the corresponding tangential local axis (1 or 2, respectively). This means that
the positive direction of the reference vector must make an angle of less than 90
with the positive direction of the desired tangential axis.
To define the reference vector, you must first specify or use the default values for:
A primary coordinate direction pldirp (the default is +Z)
A secondary coordinate direction pldirs (the default is +Y). Directions pldirs
and pldirp should not be parallel to each other unless you are sure that they are
not parallel to local axis 3
A fixed coordinate system csys (the default is zero, indicating the global coordinate system)
The local plane, local, to be determined by the reference vector (the default is
32, indicating plane 3-2)
You may optionally specify:
A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the default for each is zero, indicating the
center of the element). If both are zero, this option is not used
For each element, the reference vector is determined as follows:
1. A vector is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vector is of finite
length and is not parallel to local axis 3, it is used as the reference vector V p
2. Otherwise, the primary coordinate direction pldirp is evaluated at the center of
the element in fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to
local axis 3, it is used as the reference vector V p
3. Otherwise, the secondary coordinate direction pldirs is evaluated at the center
of the element in fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to
local axis 3, it is used as the reference vector V p
4. Otherwise, the method fails and the analysis terminates. This will never happen
if pldirp is not parallel to pldirs
Intersection of Element
Plane & Global Y-Z Plane
Intersection of Element
Plane & Global Z-X Plane
pldirp = Y
pldirp = +X
pldirp = X
pldirp = +Y
pldirp = +Z
pldirp = Z
Intersection of Element
Plane & Global X-Y Plane
Figure 33
Area Element Local Coordinate System Using Coordinate Directions
A vector is considered to be parallel to local axis 3 if the sine of the angle between
them is less than 10-3.
The use of the coordinate direction method is illustrated in Figure 33 (page 136) for
the case where local = 32.
A special option is available for backward compatibility with previous versions of
the program. If pldirp is set to zero, the reference vector V p is directed from the
midpoint of side j1-j3 to the midpoint of side j2-j4 (or side j2-j3 for the triangle).
This is illustrated in Figure 30 (page 130), where the reference vector would be
identical to local axis 1. With this option, the orientation of the tangential local axes
is very dependent upon the mesh used.
Chapter IX
V1 = V2 V3
The tangential axes 1 and 2 are defined as follows:
If the reference vector is parallel to the 3-1 plane, then:
V2 = V3 V p and
V1 = V2 V3
If the reference vector is parallel to the 3-2 plane, then:
V1 = V p V3 and
V2 = V3 V1
In the common case where the reference vector is parallel to the plane of the element, the tangential axis in the selected local plane will be equal to V p .
Section Properties
A Shell Section is a set of material and geometric properties that describe the
cross-section of one or more Shell elements. Sections are defined independently of
the Shell elements, and are assigned to the area objects.
Section Type
When defining an area section, you have a choice of three basic element types:
Shell the subject of this Chapter, with translational and rotational degrees of
freedom, capable of supporting forces and moments
Plane (stress or strain) a two-dimensional solid, with translational degrees of
freedom, capable of supporting forces but not moments. This element is covered in Chapter The Plane Element (page 149).
Asolid axisymmetric solid, with translational degrees of freedom, capable of
supporting forces but not moments. This element is covered in Chapter The
Asolid Element (page 159).
For Shell sections, you may choose one of the following sub-types of behavior:
Membrane pure membrane behavior; only the in-plane forces and the normal
(drilling) moment can be supported
Plate pure plate behavior; only the bending moments and the transverse force
can be supported
Section Properties
Thickness Formulation
Two thickness formulations are available, which determine whether or not transverse shearing deformations are included in the plate-bending behavior of a plate or
shell element:
The thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) formulation, which includes the effects of
transverse shear deformation
The thin-plate (Kirchhoff) formulation, which neglects transverse shearing deformation
Shearing deformations tend to be important when the thickness is greater than
about one-tenth to one-fifth of the span. They can also be quite significant in the vicinity of bending-stress concentrations, such as near sudden changes in thickness
or support conditions, and near holes or re-entrant corners.
Even for thin-plate bending problems where shearing deformations are truly negligible, the thick-plate formulation tends to be more accurate, although somewhat
stiffer, than the thin-plate formulation. However, the accuracy of the thick-plate
formulation is more sensitive to large aspect ratios and mesh distortion than is the
thin-plate formulation.
It is generally recommended that you use the thick-plate formulation unless you are
using a distorted mesh and you know that shearing deformations will be small, or
unless you are trying to match a theoretical thin-plate solution.
The thickness formulation has no effect upon membrane behavior, only upon
plate-bending behavior.
Material Properties
The material properties for each Section are specified by reference to a previouslydefined Material. Orthotropic properties are used, even if the Material selected was
defined as anisotropic. The material properties used by the Shell Section are:
The moduli of elasticity, e1, e2, and e3
The shear modulus, g12, g13, and g23
Section Properties
Chapter IX
Material Angle
The material local coordinate system and the element (Shell Section) local coordinate system need not be the same. The local 3 directions always coincide for the
two systems, but the material 1 axis and the element 1 axis may differ by the angle a
as shown in Figure 34 (page 140). This angle has no effect for isotropic material
properties since they are independent of orientation.
See Topic Local Coordinate System (page 68) in Chapter Material Properties
for more information.
Each Section has a constant membrane thickness and a constant bending thickness.
The membrane thickness, th, is used for calculating:
The membrane stiffness for full-shell and pure-membrane Sections
The element volume for the element self-weight and mass calculations
The bending thickness, thb, is use for calculating:
The plate-bending and transverse-shearing stiffnesses for full-shell and pureplate Sections
Section Properties
2 (Material)
1 (Material)
1 (Element)
3 (Element, Material)
Figure 34
Shell Element Material Angle
Normally these two thicknesses are the same and you only need to specify th. However, for some applications, such as modeling corrugated surfaces, the membrane
and plate-bending behavior cannot be adequately represented by a homogeneous
material of a single thickness. For this purpose, you may specify a value of thb that
is different from th.
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
The mass contributed by the Shell element is lumped at the element joints. No inertial effects are considered within the element itself.
The total mass of the element is equal to the integral over the plane of the element of
the mass density, m, multiplied by the thickness, th. The total mass is apportioned
to the joints in a manner that is proportional to the diagonal terms of the consistent
mass matrix. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha (1989) for more information. The total
mass is applied to each of the three translational degrees of freedom: UX, UY, and
UZ. No mass moments of inertia are computed for the rotational degrees of freedom.
Chapter IX
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For a Shell
element, the self-weight is a force that is uniformly distributed over the plane of the
element. The magnitude of the self-weight is equal to the weight density, w, multiplied by the thickness, th.
Self-Weight Load always acts downward, in the global Z direction. You may
scale the self-weight by a single scale factor that applies equally to all elements in
the structure.
For more information:
See Topic Weight Density (page 75) in Chapter Material Properties for the
definition of w.
See Subtopic Thickness (page 139) in this Chapter for the definition of th.
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases.
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Shell element to activate the self-weight of the
element. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each element.
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 141) in this Chapter for the definition of
self-weight for the Shell element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 246) in Chapter Load Cases.
Self-Weight Load
Figure 35
Example of Uniform Load Acting on the Projected Area of the Mid-surface
Uniform Load
Uniform Load is used to apply uniformly distributed forces to the midsurfaces of
the Shell elements. The direction of the loading may be specified in a fixed coordinate system (global or Alternate Coordinates) or in the element local coordinate
Load intensities are given as forces per unit area. Load intensities specified in different coordinate systems are converted to the element local coordinate system and
added together. The total force acting on the element in each local direction is given
by the total load intensity in that direction multiplied by the area of the mid-surface.
This force is apportioned to the joints of the element.
Forces given in fixed coordinates can optionally be specified to act on the projected
area of the mid-surface, i.e., the area that can be seen along the direction of loading.
The specified load intensity is automatically multiplied by the cosine of the angle
between the direction of loading and the normal to the element (the local 3 direction). This can be used, for example, to apply distributed snow or wind loads. See
Figure 35 (page 142).
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241) for more information.
Uniform Load
Chapter IX
Temperature Load
The Temperature Load creates thermal strain in the Shell element. This strain is
given by the product of the Material coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the element. The temperature change is measured from the element Reference Temperature to the element Load Temperature.
Two independent Load Temperature fields may be specified:
Temperature, t, which is constant through the thickness and produces membrane strains
Temperature gradient, t3, which is linear in the thickness direction and produces bending strains
+ th / 2
- th / 2
F22 =
+ th / 2
- th / 2
s 11 dx 3
s 22 dx 3
+ th / 2
- th / 2
s 12 dx 3
+ thb/ 2
- thb/ 2
M 22 = -
+ thb/ 2
- thb/ 2
t s 11 dx 3
t s 22 dx 3
+ thb/ 2
- thb/ 2
t s 12 dx 3
+ thb/ 2
- thb/ 2
s 13 dx 3
(Eqns. 1)
Chapter IX
V 23 =
+ thb/ 2
- thb/ 2
s 23 dx 3
where x3 represents the thickness coordinate measured from the mid-surface of the
It is very important to note that these stress resultants are forces and moments per
unit of in-plane length. They are present at every point on the mid-surface of the
The transverse shear forces are computed from the moments using the equilibrium
V13 = -
dM 11 dM 12
dx 1
dx 2
V 23 = -
dM 12 dM 22
dx 1
dx 2
where x1 and x2 are in-plane coordinates parallel to the local 1 and 2 axes.
The sign conventions for the stresses and internal forces are illustrated in Figure 36
(page 147). Stresses acting on a positive face are oriented in the positive direction
of the element local coordinate axes. Stresses acting on a negative face are oriented
in the negative direction of the element local coordinate axes. A positive face is one
whose outward normal (pointing away from element) is in the positive local 1 or 2
Positive internal forces correspond to a state of positive stress that is constant
through the thickness. Positive internal moments correspond to a state of stress that
varies linearly through the thickness and is positive at the bottom. Thus:
F11 12 M 11
12 M 22
= 22 x3
s 11 =
s 22
(Eqns. 2)
F12 12 M 12
= 13
= 23
s 12 =
s 13
s 23
Chapter IX
Axis 2
Axis 1
Stress Sij Has Same Definition as Force Fij
Axis 2
Axis 1
Figure 36
Shell Element Stresses and Internal Forces
Chapter X
The Plane element is a three- or four-node element for modeling two-dimensional
solids of uniform thickness. It is based upon an isoparametric formulation that includes four optional incompatible bending modes. The element should be planar; if
it is not, it is formulated for the projection of the element upon an average plane
calculated for the element.
The incompatible bending modes significantly improve the bending behavior of
the element if the element geometry is of a rectangular form. Improved behavior is
exhibited even with non-rectangular geometry.
Structures that can be modeled with this element include:
Thin, planar structures in a state of plane stress
Long, prismatic structures in a state of plane strain
The stresses and strains are assumed not to vary in the thickness direction.
For plane-stress, the element has no out-of-plane stiffness. For plane-strain, the element can support loads with anti-plane shear stiffness.
Each Plane element has its own local coordinate system for defining Material properties and loads, and for interpreting output. Temperature-dependent, orthotropic
material properties are allowed. Each element may be loaded by gravity (in any direction); surface pressure on the side faces; pore pressure within the element; and
loads due to temperature change.
An 2 x 2 numerical integration scheme is used for the Plane. Stresses in the element
local coordinate system are evaluated at the integration points and extrapolated to
the joints of the element. An approximate error in the stresses can be estimated from
the difference in values calculated from different elements attached to a common
joint. This will give an indication of the accuracy of the finite element approximation and can then be used as the basis for the selection of a new and more accurate
finite element mesh.
Chapter X
Joint Connectivity
The joint connectivity and face definition is identical for all area objects, i.e., the
Shell, Plane, and Asolid elements. See Topic Joint Connectivity (page 129) in
Chapter The Shell Element for more information.
The Plane element is intended to be planar. If you define a four-node element that is
not planar, an average plane will be fit through the four joints, and the projection of
the element onto this plane will be used.
Degrees of Freedom
The Plane element activates the three translational degrees of freedom at each of its
connected joints. Rotational degrees of freedom are not activated.
The plane-stress element contributes stiffness only to the degrees of freedom in the
plane of the element. It is necessary to provide restraints or other supports for the
translational degrees of freedom that are normal to this plane; otherwise, the structure will be unstable.
The plane-strain element models anti-plane shear, i.e., shear that is normal to the
plane of the element, in addition to the in-plane behavior. Thus stiffness is created
for all three translational degrees of freedom.
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom for more information.
Joint Connectivity
Section Properties
A Plane Section is a set of material and geometric properties that describe the
cross-section of one or more Plane elements. Sections are defined independently of
the Plane elements, and are assigned to the area objects.
Section Type
When defining an area section, you have a choice of three basic element types:
Plane (stress or strain) the subject of this Chapter, a two-dimensional solid,
with translational degrees of freedom, capable of supporting forces but not moments.
Shell shell, plate, or membrane, with translational and rotational degrees of
freedom, capable of supporting forces and moments. This element is covered in
Chapter The Shell Element (page 127).
Asolid axisymmetric solid, with translational degrees of freedom, capable of
supporting forces but not moments. This element is covered in Chapter The
Asolid Element (page 159).
For Plane sections, you may choose one of the following sub-types of behavior:
Plane stress
Plane strain, including anti-plane shear
Section Properties
Chapter X
Material Properties
The material properties for each Plane element are specified by reference to a previously-defined Material. Orthotropic properties are used, even if the Material selected was defined as anisotropic. The material properties used by the Plane element are:
The moduli of elasticity, e1, e2, and e3
The shear modulus, g12
For plane-strain only, the shear moduli, g13 and g23
The Poissons ratios, u12, u13 and u23
The coefficients of thermal expansion, a1, a2, and a3
The mass density, m, for computing element mass
The weight density, w, for computing Self-Weight and Gravity Loads
The properties e3, u13, u23, and a3 are not used for plane stress. They are used to
compute the thickness-normal stress (s 33 ) in plane strain.
All material properties (except the densities) are obtained at the material temperature of each individual element.
See Chapter Material Properties (page 67) for more information.
Material Angle
The material local coordinate system and the element (Plane Section) local coordinate system need not be the same. The local 3 directions always coincide for the
two systems, but the material 1 axis and the element 1 axis may differ by the angle a
as shown in Figure 37 (page 154). This angle has no effect for isotropic material
properties since they are independent of orientation.
See Topic Local Coordinate System (page 68) in Chapter Material Properties
for more information.
Each Plane Section has a uniform thickness, th. This may be the actual thickness,
particularly for plane-stress elements; or it may be a representative portion, such as
a unit thickness of an infinitely-thick plane-strain element.
Section Properties
2 (Material)
1 (Material)
1 (Element)
3 (Element, Material)
Figure 37
Plane Element Material Angle
The element thickness is used for calculating the element stiffness, mass, and loads.
Hence, joint forces computed from the element are proportional to this thickness.
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
The mass contributed by the Plane element is lumped at the element joints. No inertial effects are considered within the element itself.
Chapter X
The total mass of the element is equal to the integral over the plane of the element of
the mass density, m, multiplied by the thickness, th. The total mass is apportioned
to the joints in a manner that is proportional to the diagonal terms of the consistent
mass matrix. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha (1989) for more information. The total
mass is applied to each of the three translational degrees of freedom (UX, UY, and
UZ) even when the element contributes stiffness to only two of these degrees of
For more information:
See Topic Mass Density (page 74) in Chapter Material Properties.
See Chapter Analysis Cases (page 255).
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For a Plane
element, the self-weight is a force that is uniformly distributed over the plane of the
element. The magnitude of the self-weight is equal to the weight density, w, multiplied by the thickness, th.
Self-Weight Load always acts downward, in the global Z direction. You may
scale the self-weight by a single scale factor that applies equally to all elements in
the structure.
For more information:
See Topic Weight Density (page 75) in Chapter Material Properties for the
definition of w.
See Topic Thickness (page 153) in this Chapter for the definition of th.
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases.
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Plane element to activate the self-weight of the
element. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each element.
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
Self-Weight Load
Temperature Load
The Temperature Load creates thermal strain in the Plane element. This strain is
given by the product of the Material coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the element. The temperature change is measured from the ele-
Chapter X
Stress Output
The Plane element stresses are evaluated at the standard 2-by-2 Gauss integration
points of the element and extrapolated to the joints. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha
(1989) for more information.
Principal values and their associated principal directions in the element local 1-2
plane are also computed for single-valued analysis cases. The angle given is measured counterclockwise (when viewed from the +3 direction) from the local 1 axis to
the direction of the maximum principal value.
For more information:
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241).
See Chapter Analysis Cases (page 255).
Stress Output
Stress Output
C h a p t e r XI
The Asolid element is a three- or four-node element for modeling axisymmetric
structures under axisymmetric loading. It is based upon an isoparametric formulation that includes four optional incompatible bending modes.
The element models a representative two-dimensional cross section of the three-dimensional axisymmetric solid. The axis of symmetry may be located arbitrarily in
the model. Each element should lie fully in a plane containing the axis of symmetry.
If it does not, it is formulated for the projection of the element upon the plane containing the axis of symmetry and the center of the element.
The geometry, loading, displacements, stresses, and strains are assumed not to vary
in the circumferential direction. Any displacements that occur in the circumferential direction are treated as axisymmetric torsion.
The use of incompatible bending modes significantly improves the in-plane bending behavior of the element if the element geometry is of a rectangular form. Improved behavior is exhibited even with non-rectangular geometry.
Each Asolid element has its own local coordinate system for defining Material
properties and loads, and for interpreting output. Temperature-dependent,
orthotropic material properties are allowed. Each element may be loaded by gravity
(in any direction); centrifugal force; surface pressure on the side faces; pore pressure within the element; and loads due to temperature change.
An 2 x 2 numerical integration scheme is used for the Asolid. Stresses in the element local coordinate system are evaluated at the integration points and extrapolated to the joints of the element. An approximate error in the stresses can be estimated from the difference in values calculated from different elements attached to a
common joint. This will give an indication of the accuracy of the finite element approximation and can then be used as the basis for the selection of a new and more
accurate finite element mesh.
Joint Connectivity
The joint connectivity and face definition is identical for all area objects, i.e., the
Shell, Plane, and Asolid elements. See Topic Joint Connectivity (page 129) in
Chapter The Shell Element for more information.
Chapter XI
The Asolid element is intended to be planar and to lie in a plane that contains the
axis of symmetry. If not, a plane is found that contains the axis of symmetry and the
center of the element, and the projection of the element onto this plane will be used.
Joints for a given element may not lie on opposite sides of the axis of symmetry.
They may lie on the axis of symmetry and/or to one side of it.
Degrees of Freedom
The Asolid element activates the three translational degrees of freedom at each of
its connected joints. Rotational degrees of freedom are not activated.
Stiffness is created for all three degrees of freedom. Degrees of freedom in the
plane represent the radial and axial behavior. The normal translation represents
circumferential torsion.
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom for more information.
Degrees of Freedom
where u r is the radial displacement, and r is the radius at the point in question. The
circumferential normal stress (s 33 ) is computed as usual from the three normal
Displacements in the circumferential (local 3) direction cause only torsion, resulting in circumferential shear strains (g 12 , g 13 ) and stresses (s 12 , s 13 ).
See Topic Stresses and Strains (page 69) in Chapter Material Properties for
more information.
Section Properties
An Asolid Section is a set of material and geometric properties that describe the
cross-section of one or more Asolid elements. Sections are defined independently
of the Asolid elements, and are assigned to the area objects.
Section Type
When defining an area section, you have a choice of three basic element types:
Asolid the subject of this Chapter, an axisymmetric solid, with translational
degrees of freedom, capable of supporting forces but not moments.
Plane (stress or strain) a two-dimensional solid, with translational degrees of
freedom, capable of supporting forces but not moments. This element is covered in Chapter The Plane Element (page 149).
Chapter XI
Material Properties
The material properties for each Asolid element are specified by reference to a previously-defined Material. Orthotropic properties are used, even if the Material selected was defined as anisotropic. The material properties used by the Asolid element are:
The moduli of elasticity, e1, e2, and e3
The shear moduli, g12, g13, and g23
The Poissons ratios, u12, u13 and u23
The coefficients of thermal expansion, a1, a2, and a3
The mass density, m, for computing element mass
The weight density, w, for computing Self-Weight and Gravity Loads
All material properties (except the densities) are obtained at the material temperature of each individual element.
See Chapter Material Properties (page 67) for more information.
Material Angle
The material local coordinate system and the element (Asolid Section) local coordinate system need not be the same. The local 3 directions always coincide for the
two systems, but the material 1 axis and the element 1 axis may differ by the angle a
as shown in Figure 38 (page 164). This angle has no effect for isotropic material
properties since they are independent of orientation.
See Topic Local Coordinate System (page 68) in Chapter Material Properties
for more information.
Section Properties
2 (Material)
1 (Material)
1 (Element)
3 (Element, Material)
Figure 38
Asolid Element Material Angle
Axis of Symmetry
For each Asolid Section, you may select an axis of symmetry. This axis is specified
as the Z axis of an alternate coordinate system that you have defined. All Asolid elements that use a given Asolid Section will have the same axis of symmetry.
For most modeling cases, you will only need a single axis of symmetry. However,
if you want to have multiple axes of symmetry in your model, just set up as many alternate coordinate systems as needed for this purpose and define corresponding
Asolid Section properties.
You should be aware that it is almost impossible to make a sensible model that connects Asolid elements with other element types, or that connects together Asolid elements using different axes of symmetry. The practical application of having multiple axes of symmetry is to have multiple independent axisymmetric structures in
the same model.
See Topic Alternate Coordinate Systems (page 16) in Chapter Coordinate Systems for more information.
Section Properties
Chapter XI
Z, 2
X, 3
Y, 1
Figure 39
Asolid Element Local Coordinate System and Arc Definition
p arc
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
The mass contributed by the Asolid element is lumped at the element joints. No inertial effects are considered within the element itself.
The total mass of the element is equal to the integral over the plane of the element of
the product of the mass density, m, multiplied by the thickness, h. The total mass is
apportioned to the joints in a manner that is proportional to the diagonal terms of
the consistent mass matrix. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha (1989) for more information. The total mass is applied to each of the three translational degrees of freedom (UX, UY, and UZ).
For more information:
See Topic Mass Density (page 74) in Chapter Material Properties.
See Chapter Analysis Cases (page 255).
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For an
Asolid element, the self-weight is a force that is distributed over the plane of the
element. The magnitude of the self-weight is equal to the weight density, w, multiplied by the thickness, h.
Self-Weight Load always acts downward, in the global Z direction. If the downward direction corresponds to the radial or circumferential direction of an Asolid
element, the Self-Weight Load for that element will be zero, since self-weight act-
Chapter XI
ing in these directions is not axisymmetric. Non-zero Self-Weight Load will only
exist for elements whose axial direction is vertical.
You may scale the self-weight by a single scale factor that applies equally to all elements in the structure.
For more information:
See Topic Weight Density (page 75) in Chapter Material Properties for the
definition of w.
See Subtopic Arc and Thickness (page 165) in this Chapter for the definition
of h.
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases.
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Asolid element to activate the self-weight of
the element. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any
direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each element.
However, only the components of Gravity load acting in the axial direction of an
Asolid element will be non-zero. Components in the radial or circumferential direction will be set to zero, since gravity acting in these directions is not axisymmetric.
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 166) in this Chapter for the definition of
self-weight for the Asolid element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 246) in Chapter Load Cases.
Temperature Load
The Temperature Load creates thermal strain in the Asolid element. This strain is
given by the product of the Material coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the element. The temperature change is measured from the element Reference Temperature to the element Load Temperature. Temperature
changes are assumed to be constant through the element thickness.
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241) for more information.
Rotate Load
Rotate Load is used to apply centrifugal force to Asolid elements. Each element is
assumed to rotate about its own axis of symmetry at a constant angular velocity.
The angular velocity creates a load on the element that is proportional to its mass,
its distance from the axis of rotation, and the square of the angular velocity. This
load acts in the positive radial direction, and is apportioned to each joint of the element. No Rotate Load will be produced by an element with zero mass density.
Chapter XI
Since Rotate Loads assume a constant rate of rotation, it does not make sense to use
a Load Case that contains Rotate Load in a time-history analysis unless that Load
Case is applied quasi-statically (i.e., with a very slow time variation).
For more information:
See Topic Mass Density (page 74) in Chapter Material Properties.
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241).
Stress Output
The Asolid element stresses are evaluated at the standard 2-by-2 Gauss integration
points of the element and extrapolated to the joints. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha
(1989) for more information.
Principal values and their associated principal directions in the element local 1-2
plane are also computed for single-valued analysis cases. The angle given is measured counterclockwise (when viewed from the +3 direction) from the local 1 axis
to the direction of the maximum principal value.
For more information:
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241).
See Chapter Analysis Cases (page 255).
Stress Output
Stress Output
C h a p t e r XII
The Solid element is an eight-node element for modeling three-dimensional structures and solids. It is based upon an isoparametric formulation that includes nine
optional incompatible bending modes.
The incompatible bending modes significantly improve the bending behavior of
the element if the element geometry is of a rectangular form. Improved behavior is
exhibited even with non-rectangular geometry.
Each Solid element has its own local coordinate system for defining Material properties and loads, and for interpreting output. Temperature-dependent, anisotropic
material properties are allowed. Each element may be loaded by gravity (in any direction); surface pressure on the faces; pore pressure within the element; and loads
due to temperature change.
An 2 x 2 x 2 numerical integration scheme is used for the Solid. Stresses in the element local coordinate system are evaluated at the integration points and extrapolated to the joints of the element. An approximate error in the stresses can be estimated from the difference in values calculated from different elements attached to a
common joint. This will give an indication of the accuracy of the finite element approximation and can then be used as the basis for the selection of a new and more
accurate finite element mesh.
Joint Connectivity
Each Solid element has six quadrilateral faces, with a joint located at each of the
eight corners as shown in Figure 40 (page 173). It is important to note the relative
position of the eight joints: the paths j1-j2-j3 and j5-j6-j7 should appear counterclockwise when viewed along the direction from j5 to j1. Mathematically stated,
the three vectors:
V12 , from joints j1 to j2,
V13 , from joints j1 to j3,
V15 , from joints j1 to j5,
must form a positive triple product, that is:
( V12 V13 ) V15 > 0
Chapter XII
Face 2
Face 3
Face 6
Face 4
Face 1
Face 5
Figure 40
Solid Element Joint Connectivity and Face Definitions
The locations of the joints should be chosen to meet the following geometric conditions:
The inside angle at each corner of the faces must be less than 180. Best results
will be obtained when these angles are near 90, or at least in the range of 45 to
The aspect ratio of an element should not be too large. This is the ratio of the
longest dimension of the element to its shortest dimension. Best results are obtained for aspect ratios near unity, or at least less than four. The aspect ratio
should not exceed ten.
These conditions can usually be met with adequate mesh refinement.
Degrees of Freedom
The Solid element activates the three translational degrees of freedom at each of its
connected joints. Rotational degrees of freedom are not activated. This element
contributes stiffness to all of these translational degrees of freedom.
Degrees of Freedom
Chapter XII
Reference Vectors
To define a solid-element local coordinate system you must specify two reference
vectors that are parallel to one of the local coordinate planes. The axis reference
vector, Va , must be parallel to one of the local axes (I = 1, 2, or 3) in this plane and
have a positive projection upon that axis. The plane reference vector, V p , must
have a positive projection upon the other local axis (j = 1, 2, or 3, but I j) in this
plane, but need not be parallel to that axis. Having a positive projection means that
the positive direction of the reference vector must make an angle of less than 90
with the positive direction of the local axis.
Together, the two reference vectors define a local axis, I, and a local plane, i-j.
From this, the program can determine the third local axis, k, using vector algebra.
For example, you could choose the axis reference vector parallel to local axis 1 and
the plane reference vector parallel to the local 1-2 plane (I = 1, j = 2). Alternatively,
you could choose the axis reference vector parallel to local axis 3 and the plane reference vector parallel to the local 3-2 plane (I = 3, j = 2). You may choose the plane
that is most convenient to define using the parameter local, which may take on the
values 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, or 32. The two digits correspond to I and j, respectively.
The default is value is 31.
Chapter XII
Va is parallel to axveca-axvecb
Vp is parallel to plveca-plvecb
V3 = V a
V2 = V3 x Vp
V1 = V 2 x V3
Plane 3-1
Figure 41
Example of the Determination of the Solid Element Local Coordinate System
Using Reference Vectors for local=31. Point j is the Center of the Element.
Solid Properties
A Solid Property is a set of material and geometric properties to be used by one or
more Solid elements. Solid Properties are defined independently of the Solid elements/objects, and are assigned to the elements.
Chapter XII
Z, 3
Step 1: Rotation about
local 3 axis by angle a
Figure 42
Use of Element Coordinate Angles to Orient the
Solid Element Local Coordinate System
Solid Properties
Material Properties
The material properties for each Solid Property are specified by reference to a previously-defined Material. Fully anisotropic material properties are used. The material properties used by the Solid element are:
The moduli of elasticity, e1, e2, and e3
The shear moduli, g12, g13, and g23
All of the Poissons ratios, u12, u13, u23, ..., u56
The coefficients of thermal expansion, a1, a2, a3, a12, a13, and a23
The mass density, m, used for computing element mass
The weight density, w, used for computing Self-Weight and Gravity Loads
All material properties (except the densities) are obtained at the material temperature of each individual element.
See Chapter Material Properties (page 67) for more information.
Material Angles
The material local coordinate system and the element (Property) local coordinate
system need not be the same. The material coordinate system is oriented with respect to the element coordinate system using the three angles a, b, and c according
to the following procedure:
The material system is first aligned with the element system;
The material system is then rotated about its +3 axis by angle a;
The material system is next rotated about the resulting +2 axis by angle b;
The material system is lastly rotated about the resulting +1 axis by angle c;
This is shown in Figure 43 (page 181). These angles have no effect for isotropic
material properties since they are independent of orientation.
See Topic Local Coordinate System (page 68) in Chapter Material Properties
for more information.
Solid Properties
Chapter XII
3 (Element)
3 (Material)
2 (Material)
1 (Element)
2 (Element)
1 (Material)
Figure 43
Solid Element Material Angles
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
The mass contributed by the Solid element is lumped at the element joints. No inertial effects are considered within the element itself.
The total mass of the element is equal to the integral of the mass density, m, over the
volume of the element. The total mass is apportioned to the joints in a manner that is
proportional to the diagonal terms of the consistent mass matrix. See Cook,
Malkus, and Plesha (1989) for more information. The total mass is applied to each
of the three translational degrees of freedom (UX, UY, and UZ).
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For a Solid
element, the self-weight is a force that is uniformly distributed over the volume of
the element. The magnitude of the self-weight is equal to the weight density, w.
Self-Weight Load always acts downward, in the global Z direction. You may
scale the self-weight by a single scale factor that applies equally to all elements in
the structure.
For more information:
See Topic Weight Density (page 75) in Chapter Material Properties for the
definition of w.
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases.
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Solid element to activate the self-weight of the
element. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each element.
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 182) in this Chapter for the definition of
self-weight for the Solid element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 246) in Chapter Load Cases.
Self-Weight Load
Chapter XII
(page 173). Surface pressure always acts normal to the face. Positive pressures are
directed toward the interior of the element.
The pressure may be constant over a face or interpolated from values given at the
joints. The values given at the joints are obtained from Joint Patterns, and need not
be the same for the different faces. Joint Patterns can be used to easily apply hydrostatic pressures.
The pressure acting on a given face is integrated over the area of that face, and the
resulting force is apportioned to the four corner joints of the face.
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241) for more information.
Temperature Load
The Temperature Load creates thermal strain in the Solid element. This strain is
given by the product of the Material coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the element. The temperature change is measured from the element Reference Temperature to the element Load Temperature. Temperature
changes are assumed to be constant through the element thickness.
See Chapter Load Cases (page 241) for more information.
Stress Output
The Solid element stresses are evaluated at the standard 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss integration
points of the element and extrapolated to the joints. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha
(1989) for more information.
Pore Pressure Load
Stress Output
C h a p t e r XIII
A Link element is a two-joint connecting link. A Support element is a one-joint
grounded spring. Properties for both types of element are defined in the same way.
Each element is assumed to be composed of six separate springs, one for each of
six deformational degrees-of freedom (axial, shear, torsion, and pure bending).
There are two categories of Link/Support properties that can be defined: Linear/Nonlinear, and Frequency-Dependent. A Linear/Nonlinear property set must
be assigned to each Link or Support element. The assignment of a Frequency-Dependent property set to a Link or Support element is optional.
All Linear/Nonlinear property sets contain linear properties that are used by the element for linear analyses, and for other types of analyses if no other properties are
defined. Linear/Nonlinear property sets may have nonlinear properties that will be
used for all nonlinear analyses, and for linear analyses that continue from nonlinear
Frequency-dependent property sets contain impedance (stiffness and damping)
properties that will be used for all frequency-dependent analyses. If a Frequency-Dependent property has not been assigned to a Link/Support element, the
linear properties for that element will be used for frequency-dependent analyses.
The types of nonlinear behavior that can be modeled with this element include:
Viscoelastic damping
Gap (compression only) and hook (tension only)
Multi-linear uniaxial elasticity
Uniaxial plasticity (Wen model)
Multi-linear uniaxial plasticity with several types of hysteretic behavior: kinematic, Takeda, and pivot
Biaxial-plasticity base isolator
Chapter XIII
Joint Connectivity
Each Link/Support element may take one of the following two configurations:
A Link connecting two joints, I and j; it is permissible for the two joints to
share the same location in space creating a zero-length element
A Support connecting a single joint, j, to ground
Zero-Length Elements
The following types of Link/Support elements are considered to be of zero length:
Single-joint Support elements
Two-joint Link elements with the distance from joint I to joint j being less than
or equal to the zero-length tolerance that you specify.
The length tolerance is set using the Auto Merge Tolerance in the graphical user interface. Two-joint elements having a length greater than the Auto Merge Tolerance
are considered to be of finite length. Whether an element is of zero length or finite
length affects the definition of the element local coordinate system, and the internal
moments due to shear forces.
Degrees of Freedom
The Link/Support element always activates all six degrees of freedom at each of its
one or two connected joints. To which joint degrees of freedom the element contributes stiffness depends upon the properties you assign to the element. You must
ensure that restraints or other supports are provided to those joint degrees of freedom that receive no stiffness.
Joint Connectivity
Longitudinal Axis 1
Local axis 1 is the longitudinal axis of the element, corresponding to extensional
deformation. This axis is determined as follows:
For elements of finite length this axis is automatically defined as the direction
from joint I to joint j
Chapter XIII
For zero-length elements the local 1 axis defaults to the +Z global coordinate
direction (upward)
For the definition of zero-length elements, see Topic Zero-Length Elements
(page 187) in this Chapter.
Default Orientation
The default orientation of the local 2 and 3 axes is determined by the relationship
between the local 1 axis and the global Z axis. The procedure used here is identical
to that for the Frame element:
The local 1-2 plane is taken to be vertical, i.e., parallel to the Z axis
The local 2 axis is taken to have an upward (+Z) sense unless the element is vertical, in which case the local 2 axis is taken to be horizontal along the global +X
The local 3 axis is always horizontal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane
An element is considered to be vertical if the sine of the angle between the local 1
axis and the Z axis is less than 10-3.
The local 2 axis makes the same angle with the vertical axis as the local 1 axis
makes with the horizontal plane. This means that the local 2 axis points vertically
upward for horizontal elements.
Coordinate Angle
The Link/Support element coordinate angle, ang, is used to define element orientations that are different from the default orientation. It is the angle through which the
local 2 and 3 axes are rotated about the positive local 1 axis from the default orientation. The rotation for a positive value of ang appears counterclockwise when the
local +1 axis is pointing toward you. The procedure used here is identical to that for
the Frame element.
For vertical elements, ang is the angle between the local 2 axis and the horizontal
+X axis. Otherwise, ang is the angle between the local 2 axis and the vertical plane
containing the local 1 axis. See Figure 44 (page 190) for examples.
ang=30 2
Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to X, Y, or Z Axes
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 30 from Z-1 Plane
Local 1 Axis is Parallel to +Z Axis
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90 from X-1 Plane
Local 1 Axis is Parallel to Z Axis
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 30 from X-1 Plane
Figure 44
The Link/Support Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to the Default
Chapter XIII
in the previous topic. In certain modeling situations it may be useful to have more
control over the specification of the local coordinate system.
This topic describes how to define the orientation of the transverse local 2 and 3
axes with respect to an arbitrary reference vector when the element coordinate angle, ang, is zero. If ang is different from zero, it is the angle through which the local
2 and 3 axes are rotated about the positive local 1 axis from the orientation determined by the reference vector.
This topic also describes how to change the orientation of the local 1 axis from the
default global +Z direction for zero-length elements. The local 1 axis is always directed from joint I to joint j for elements of finite length.
For more information:
See Chapter Coordinate Systems (page 11) for a description of the concepts
and terminology used in this topic.
See Topic Local Coordinate System (page 187) in this Chapter.
Chapter XIII
pldirp = +Y
pldirs = X
local = 12
Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to pldirp (+Y)
Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90 from Y-1 Plane
Figure 45
The Link/Support Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to Coordinate
3. Otherwise, the secondary coordinate direction pldirs is evaluated at the center
of the element in fixed coordinate system csys. If this direction is not parallel to
local axis 1, it is used as the reference vector Vp.
4. Otherwise, the method fails and the analysis terminates. This will never happen
if pldirp is not parallel to pldirs
A vector is considered to be parallel to local axis 1 if the sine of the angle between
them is less than 10 .
The use of the Link/Support element coordinate angle in conjunction with coordinate directions that define the reference vector is illustrated in Figure 45 (page
193). The use of joints to define the reference vector is shown in Figure 46 (page
Plane 1-2
Vp (a)
Axis 1
Axis 2
Joint j
Vp (b)
Joint i
Plane 1-3
Axis 3
Figure 46
Using Joints to Define the Link/Support Element Local Coordinate System
V1 = V2 V3
The transverse axes 2 and 3 are defined as follows:
If the reference vector is parallel to the 1-2 plane, then:
V3 = V1 V p and
V2 = V3 V1
If the reference vector is parallel to the 1-3 plane, then:
V2 = V p V1 and
V3 = V1 V2
In the common case where the reference vector is perpendicular to axis V1 , the
transverse axis in the selected plane will be equal to Vp.
Internal Deformations
Six independent internal deformations are defined for the Link/Support element.
These are calculated from the relative displacements of joint j with respect to:
Internal Deformations
Chapter XIII
Internal Deformations
Axial Deformation
Shear Deformation
Bending Deformation
Figure 47
Internal Deformations for a Two-Joint Link Element
For one-joint grounded-spring elements the internal deformations are the same as
above, except that the translations and rotations at joint I are taken to be zero:
du1 = u1j
dr1 = r1j
Link/Support Properties
A Link/Support Property is a set of structural properties that can be used to define
the behavior of one or more Link or Support elements. Each Link/Support Property
specifies the force-deformation relationships for the six internal deformations.
Mass and weight properties may also be specified.
Link/Support Properties
Chapter XIII
Link/Support Properties are defined independently of the Link and Support elements and are referenced during the definition of the elements.
There are two categories of Link/Support properties that can be defined:
Linear/Nonlinear. A Linear/Nonlinear property set must be assigned to each
Link or Support element.
Frequency-Dependent. The assignment of a Frequency-Dependent property
set to a Link or Support element is optional.
All Linear/Nonlinear property sets contain linear properties that are used by the element for linear analyses, and for other types of analyses if no other properties are
defined. Linear/Nonlinear property sets may also have nonlinear properties that
will be used for all nonlinear analyses, and for linear analyses that continue from
nonlinear analyses.
Frequency-dependent property sets contain impedance (stiffness and damping)
properties that will be used for all frequency-dependent analyses. If a Frequency-Dependent property has not been assigned to a Link/Support element, the
linear properties for that element will be used for frequency-dependent analyses.
This is summarized in the table of Figure 48 (page 198).
Case Type
Case Initial
Element has
Element has
Freq. Dep.
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Freq. Dep.
Yes or No
Freq. Dep.
Yes or No
Figure 48
Link/Support Stiffness Properties Actually Used for Different Types of Analysis
to occur in this spring; the links connecting this spring to the joints (or ground) are
rigid in shear. Deformation of the shear spring can be caused by rotations as well as
translations at the joints. The force in this spring will produce a linearly-varying
moment along the length. This moment is taken to be zero at the shear spring, which
acts as a moment hinge. The moment due to shear is independent of, and additive
to, the constant moment in the element due to the pure-bending spring.
The other three springs that are not shown are for torsion, shear in the 1-3 plane, and
pure-bending in the 1-3 plane. The shear spring is located a distance dj3 from joint
The values of dj2 and dj3 may be different, although normally they would be the
same for most elements.
Link/Support Properties
Chapter XIII
Joint j
Joint i
or ground
Figure 49
Three of the Six Independent Spring Hinges in a Link/Support Element
Link/Support Properties
Figure 50
Link/Support Element Internal Forces and Moments, Shown Acting at the Joints
P = fu1
V2 = fu2 ,
V3 = fu3 ,
T = fr1
Link/Support Properties
Chapter XIII
where d is the distance from joint j. The total bending-moment resultants M 2 and
M 3 composed of shear and pure-bending parts:
M 2 = M 2s + M 2b
M 3 = M 3s + M 3b
These internal forces and moments are present at every cross section along the
length of the element.
See Topic Internal Force Output (page 112) in Chapter The Frame Element.
f r1
f r2
k u2
k u3
k r1
k r2
0 d u1
0 d u2
0 d u3
0 d r1
0 d r2
k r 3 d r 3
(Eqn. 1)
where ku1, ku2, ku3, kr1, kr2, and kr3 are the linear stiffness coefficients of the internal
This can be recast in terms of the element internal forces and displacements at joint
j for a one-joint element as:
(Eqn. 2)
k u1
M 2
M 3
k u2
k u3
k r1
-dj3 k u 3
k r 2 + dj3 2 k u 3
+ dj2 k u 2 r3 j
-dj2 k u 2
k r3
This relationship also holds for a two-joint element if all displacements at joint I are
Link/Support Properties
Hinge at Joint j
No hinge
Figure 51
Location of Shear Spring at a Moment Hinge or Point of Inflection
Similar relationships hold for linear damping behavior, except that the stiffness
terms are replaced with damping coefficients, and the displacements are replaced
with the corresponding velocities.
Consider an example where the equivalent shear and bending springs are to be
computed for a prismatic beam with a section bending stiffness of EI in the 1-2
plane. The stiffness matrix at joint j for the 1-2 bending plane is:
= 3
M 3 j L
12 -6L u 2
-6L 4L2 r
3 j
From this it can be determined that the equivalent shear spring has a stiffness of
located at dj2 = , and the equivalent pure-bending spring has a stiffk u2 = 12
ness of k r3 = .
For an element that possesses a true moment hinge in the 1-2 bending plane, the
pure-bending stiffness is zero, and dj2 is the distance to the hinge. See Figure 51
(page 202).
Link/Support Properties
Chapter XIII
f r1
f r2
k u1u 2
k u2
k u1u 3
k u2u3
k u1r1
k u 2 r1
k u1r 2
k u2r 2
k u3
k u 3 r1
k r1
k u3r 2
k r1r 2
k r2
k u1r 3 d u1
k u2r 3 d u2
k u3r 3 d u3
k r1r 3 d r1
k r 2r 3 d r 2
k r 3 d r 3
(Eqn. 3)
where ku1, ku1u2, ku2, ku1u3, ku2u3, ku3, ..., kr3 are the linear stiffness coefficients of the internal springs.
The corresponding matrix of Eqn. (2) (page 201) can be developed from the relationships that give the element internal forces in terms of the spring forces and moments. See Topic Element Internal Forces (page 200) in this Chapter.
Similarly, the damping matrix is fully populated and has the same form as the stiffness matrix. Note that the damping behavior is active for all dynamic analyses. This
is in contrast to linear effective damping, which is not active for nonlinear analyses.
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
The mass contributed by the Link or Support element is lumped at the joints I and j.
No inertial effects are considered within the element itself.
For each Link/Support Property, you may specify a total translational mass, m.
Half of the mass is assigned to the three translational degrees of freedom at each of
the elements one or two joints. For single-joint elements, half of the mass is assumed to be grounded.
You may additionally specify total rotational mass moments of inertia, mr1, mr2,
and mr3, about the three local axes of each element. Half of each mass moment of
inertia is assigned to each of the elements one or two joints. For single-joint elements, half of each mass moment of inertia is assumed to be grounded.
The rotational inertias are defined in the element local coordinate system, but will
be transformed by the program to the local coordinate systems for joint I and j. If
the three inertias are not equal and element local axes are not parallel to the joint local axes, then cross-coupling inertia terms will be generated during this transformation. These will be discarded by the program, resulting in some error.
Chapter XIII
It is strongly recommended that there be mass corresponding to each nonlinear deformation load in order to generate appropriate Ritz vectors for nonlinear timehistory analysis. Note that rotational inertia is needed as well as translational mass
for nonlinear shear deformations if either the element length or dj is non-zero.
For more information:
See Chapter Static and Dynamic Analysis (page 255).
See Topic Nonlinear Deformation Loads (page 205) in this Chapter.
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For each
Link/Support Property, a total self-weight, w, may be defined. Half of this weight is
assigned to each joint of each Link/Support element using that Link/Support Property. For single-joint elements, half of the weight is assumed to be grounded.
Self-Weight Load always acts downward, in the global Z direction. You may
scale the self-weight by a single scale factor that applies equally to all elements in
the structure.
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 245) in Chapter Load Cases for more information.
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Link/Support element to activate the selfweight of the element. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 205) in this Chapter for the definition of
self-weight for the Link/Support element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 246) in Chapter Load Cases.
Self-Weight Load
C h a p t e r XIV
The basic features of the Link and Support elements were described in the previous
Chapter, The Link/Support ElementBasic (page 185).
This Chapter describes the various type of nonlinear properties that are available,
the concepts of linear effective stiffness and damping, the use of nonlinear deformation loads for Ritz-vector analysis, and frequency-dependent properties.
Chapter XIV
IMPORTANT! You may sometimes be tempted to specify very large values for k,
particularly for Damper, Gap, and Hook properties. Resist this temptation! If you
want to limit elastic deformations in a particular internal spring, it is usually sufficient to use a value of k that is from 102 to 104 times as large as the corresponding
stiffness in any connected elements. Larger values of k may cause numerical difficulties during solution. See the additional discussion for the Damper property below.
Chapter XIV
rectly. The program will not permit the total damping ratio for any mode to exceed
Important Note: Modal cross-coupling damping terms can be very significant for
some structures. A linear analysis based on effective-damping properties may
grossly overestimate or underestimate the amount of damping present in the structure.
Nonlinear time-history analysis is strongly recommended to determine the effect of
added energy dissipation devices. Nonlinear time-history analysis does not use the
effective damping values since it accounts for energy dissipation in the elements directly, and correctly accounts for the effects of modal cross-coupling.
where k is the spring constant, c is the damping coefficient, cexp is the damping exponent, d k is the deformation across the spring, and d& c is the deformation rate
across the damper. The damping exponent must be positive; the practical range is
between 0.2 and 2.0. The spring and damping deformations sum to the total internal
d = dk + dc
If pure damping behavior is desired, the effect of the spring can be made negligible
by making it sufficiently stiff. The spring stiffness should be large enough so that
the characteristic time of the spring-dashpot system, given by t = c / k (when
cexp =1), is an order of magnitude smaller than the size of the load steps. The load
steps are the time intervals over which the load is changing. The stiffness should
not be made excessively large or else numerical sensitivity may result.
Figure 52
Damper, Gap, and Hook Property Types, Shown for Axial Deformations
Gap Property
For each deformational degree of freedom you may specify independent gap
(compression-only) properties. See Figure 52 (page 212).
All internal deformations are independent. The opening or closing of a gap for one
deformation does not affect the behavior of the other deformations.
If you do not specify nonlinear properties for a degree of freedom, that degree of
freedom is linear using the effective stiffness, which may be zero.
The nonlinear force-deformation relationship is given by:
k ( d + open ) if d + open < 0
f =
where k is the spring constant, and open is the initial gap opening, which must be
zero or positive.
Hook Property
For each deformational degree of freedom you may specify independent hook
(tension-only) properties. See Figure 52 (page 212).
Gap Property
Chapter XIV
All internal deformations are independent. The opening or closing of a hook for one
deformation does not affect the behavior of the other deformations.
If you do not specify nonlinear properties for a degree of freedom, that degree of
freedom is linear using the effective stiffness, which may be zero.
The nonlinear force-deformation relationship is given by:
k ( d - open ) if d - open > 0
f =
where k is the spring constant, and open is the initial hook opening, which must be
zero or positive.
Figure 53
Wen Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation
Chapter XIV
exp = 1
exp = 2
Figure 54
Definition of Parameters for the Wen Plasticity Property
z& =
where exp is an exponent greater than or equal to unity. Larger values of this exponent increases the sharpness of yielding as shown in Figure 54 (page 215). The
practical limit for exp is about 20. The equation for z& is equivalent to Wens model
with A =1 and a = b = 05
Figure 55
Multi-linear Kinematic Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation
Chapter XIV
Figure 56
Multi-linear Kinematic Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation
Shown is the behavior under cyclic loading of increasing magnitude
fine plastic deformation. If the deformation reverses, it follows the two elastic segments before beginning plastic deformation in the reverse direction.
Under the rules of kinematic hardening, plastic deformation in one direction
pulls the curve for the other direction along with it. Matching pairs of points are
Consider the points labeled as follows:
The origin is point 0
The points on the positive axis are labeled 1, 2, 3, counting from the origin
The points on the negative axis are labeled 1, 2, 3, counting from the origin.
Chapter XIV
Figure 57
Multi-linear Takeda Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation
Figure 58
Multi-linear Takeda Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation
Chapter XIV
Figure 59
Hysteretic Isolator Property for Biaxial Shear Deformation
nesses (k2 and k3), and z 2 and z 3 are internal hysteretic variables. These variz 2 2 + z 3 2 1, with the yield surface represented by
z 2 2 + z 3 2 = 1. The initial values of z 2 and z 3 are zero, and they evolve according to the differential equations:
z& 2 1 - a 2 z 2
& =
z 3 -a 2 z 2 z 3
-a 3 z 2 z 3 yield2
1 - a 3 z 3 2 k3
d& u 2
d& u 3
1 if d& u 2 z 2 > 0
a2 =
0 otherwise
Chapter XIV
Figure 60
Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property for Biaxial Shear Behavior
This element can be used for gap-friction contact problems
If both shear degrees of freedom are nonlinear, the friction and pendulum effects for each shear deformation act in parallel:
f u2 = f u2 f + f u2 p
f u3 = f u3 f + f u3 p
The frictional force-deformation relationships are given by:
f u2 f = - P m 2 z 2
f u3 f = - P m 3 z 3
where m 2 and m 3 are friction coefficients, and z 2 and z 3 are internal hysteretic
variables. The friction coefficients are velocity-dependent according to:
and rate2 and rate3 are the inverses of characteristic sliding velocities. For a
Teflon-steel interface the coefficient of friction normally increases with sliding
velocity (Nagarajaiah, Reinhorn, and Constantinou, 1991).
The internal hysteretic variables have a range of z 2 2 + z 3 2 1, with the yield
surface represented by z 2 2 + z 3 2 = 1. The initial values of z 2 and z 3 are zero,
and they evolve according to the differential equations:
3 2 3
z 2 1 - a2 z 2
P m2
& =
z 3 -a 2 z 2 z 3 1 - a 3 z 3 k3
P m 3
d& u 2
d& u 3
where k2 and k3 are the elastic shear stiffnesses of the slider in the absence of
sliding, and
1 if d& u 2 z 2 > 0
a2 =
0 otherwise
1 if d& u 3 z 3 > 0
a3 =
0 otherwise
These equations are equivalent to those of Park, Wen and Ang (1986) with A =1
and b = g = 05
This friction model permits some sliding at all non-zero levels of shear force;
the amount of sliding becomes much larger as the shear force approaches the
Chapter XIV
f u2 p = - P
f u3 p
A zero radius indicates a flat surface, and the corresponding shear force is zero.
Normally the radii in the two shear directions will be equal (spherical surface),
or one radius will be zero (cylindrical surface). However, it is permitted to
specify unequal non-zero radii.
If only one shear degree of freedom is nonlinear, the above frictional equations
reduce to:
=-Pm z
- rate d&
The above pendulum equation is unchanged for the nonlinear degree of freedom.
A linear spring relationship applies to the three moment deformations, and to any
shear deformation without nonlinear properties. All linear degrees of freedom use
the corresponding effective stiffness, which may be zero. The axial degree of freedom is always nonlinear for nonlinear analyses.
L = Element Length
Load for
Load for
Load for
Load for
Load for
Load for
Figure 61
Built-in Nonlinear Deformation Loads for a Two-joint Link Element
Chapter XIV
ear deformation load should be used for each nonlinear internal deformation of
each Link/Support element.
When requesting a Ritz-vector analysis, you may specify that the program use
built-in nonlinear deformation loads, or you may define your own Load Cases for
this purpose. In the latter case you may need up to six of these Load Cases per
Link/Support element in the model.
The built-in nonlinear deformation loads for a single two-joint Link element are
shown in Figure 61 (page 226). Each set of forces and/or mo ments is
self-equilibrating. This tends to localize the effect of the load, usually resulting in a
better set of Ritz-vectors. For a single-joint element, only the forces and/or moments acting on joint j are needed.
It is strongly recommended that mass or mass moment of inertia be present at each
degree of freedom that is acted upon by a force or moment from a nonlinear deformation load. This is needed to generate the appropriate Ritz vectors.
For more information:
See Topic Internal Deformations (page 194) in this Chapter.
See Topic Link/Support Properties (page 196) in this Chapter.
See Topic Mass (page 204) in this Chapter.
See Topic Ritz-Vector Analysis (page 263) in Chapter Analysis Cases.
See Topic Nonlinear Modal Time-History Analysis (FNA) (page 263) in
Chapter Analysis Cases.
f r1
f r2
z u1u 2
z u2
z u1u 3
z u2u3
z u1r1
z u 2 r1
z u1r 2
z u2r 2
z u3
z u 3 r1
z r1
z u3r 2
z r1r 2
z r2
z u1r 3 d u1
z u2r 3 d u2
z u3r 3 d u3
z r1r 3 d r1
z r 2r 3 d r 2
z r 3 d r 3
(Eqn. 4)
C h a p t e r XV
Tendons are a special type of object that can be embedded inside other objects
(frames, shells, planes, asolids, and solids) to represent the effect of prestressing
and post-tensioning. These tendons attach to the other objects through which they
pass and impose load upon them.
You may specify whether the tendons are to be modeled as independent elements in
the analysis, or just to act upon the rest of the structure as loads. Modeling as loads
is adequate for linear analyses when you know the losses that will be caused by
elastic shortening and time-dependent effects.
Tendons should be modeled as elements if you want the program to calculate the
losses due to elastic shortening and time-dependent effects, if you want to consider
nonlinearity in the Tendons, or if you want to know the forces acting in the Tendons
due to other loading on the structure.
Tendon objects share some features with Frame elements, which will be cross-referenced in this Chapter.
Any number of tendons may be defined. Each tendon is drawn or defined as a type
of line object between two joints, I and j. The two joints must not share the same location in space. The two ends of the Tendon are denoted end I and end J, respectively.
The Tendon may have an arbitrary curved or segmented shape in three dimensions
between those points, and may be offset at the ends from these joints.
Chapter XV
A Tendon may be a long object with complicated geometry, but it will be automatically discretized into shorter segments for purposes of analysis. You must specify
the maximum length of these discretization segments during the definition of the
Tendon. These lengths can affect how the Tendon loads the structure and the accuracy of the analysis results. You should choose shorter lengths for cables with
highly curved geometry, or Tendons that pass through parts of the structure with
complicated geometry or changes in properties. If you are not sure what value to
use, try several different values to see how they affect the results.
The Tendon connected to Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid elements through
which it passes along its length. This connection is made automatically by the program. In addition, it is connected to the two end joints, i and j, if the ends of the
Tendon do not fall inside an element.
To determine the elements through which the Tendon passes, the program uses the
concept of a bounding box:
For Frame elements, the bounding box is a rectangular prism bounded by the
length of the element and its maximum cross-sectional dimensions in the local
2 and 3 directions.
Degrees of Freedom
The Tendon object has six degrees of freedom along its length. However, its effect
upon the structure depends upon the elements to which it connects. When connecting to Frame and Shell elements, it may transmit forces and moments to the joints in
those elements. When connecting to Planes, Asolids, and Solids, it only transmits
forces to the joints.
Even when modeled as elements, a Tendon adds no additional degrees of freedom
to a structure, since it is always constrained to act with the elements that contain it.
The exception would be if there is a portion of the Tendon which is not embedded
in any other element. At each un-contained discretization point, an internal joint
would be created with six degrees of freedom. This is not recommended.
For more information, please see Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in Chapter
Joints and Degrees of Freedom.
Degrees of Freedom
Chapter XV
Base-line local coordinate system, which is fixed for the whole object
Natural local coordinate system, which varies along the length of the Tendon
These are described in the following.
Section Properties
A Tendon Section is a set of material and geometric properties that describe the
cross-section of one or more Tendon objects. Sections are defined independently of
the Tendons, and are assigned to the Tendon objects.
The cross section shape is always circular. The Section has axial, shear, bending
and torsional properties, although we are primarily interested in only the axial behavior.
Material Properties
The material properties for the Section are specified by reference to a previously-defined Material. Isotropic material properties are used, even if the Material
selected was defined as orthotropic or anisotropic. The material properties used by
the Section are:
The modulus of elasticity, e1, for axial stiffness and bending stiffness
The shear modulus, g12, for torsional stiffness and transverse shear stiffness
The coefficient of thermal expansion, a1, for axial expansion and thermal
bending strain
The mass density, m, for computing element mass
The weight density, w, for computing Self-Weight Loads
The material properties e1, g12, and a1 are all obtained at the material temperature
of each individual Tendon object, and hence may not be unique for a given Section.
See Chapter Material Properties (page 67) for more information.
Section Properties
Chapter XV
Property Modifiers
As part of the definition of the section properties, you may specify scale factors to
modify the computed section properties. These may be used, for example, to reduce
bending stiffness, although this is generally not necessary since the tendons are
usually very slender.
Individual modifiers are available for the following eight terms:
The axial stiffness a e1
The shear stiffnesses as2 g12 and as3 g12
The torsional stiffness j g12
The bending stiffnesses i33 e1 and i22 e1
The section mass am
The section weight aw
Nonlinear Properties
Two types of nonlinear properties are available for the Tendon object: tension/compression limits and plastic hinges.
Important! Nonlinear properties only affect Tendons that are modeled as elements, not Tendons modeled as loads.
When nonlinear properties are present in the Tendon, they only affect nonlinear
analyses. Linear analyses starting from zero conditions (the unstressed state) behave as if the nonlinear properties were not present. Linear analyses using the stiffness from the end of a previous nonlinear analysis use the stiffness of the nonlinear
property as it existed at the end of the nonlinear case.
Nonlinear Properties
Tension/Compression Limits
You may specify a maximum tension and/or a maximum compression that a Tendon may take. In the most common case, you can define no-compression behavior
by specifying the compression limit to be zero.
If you specify a tension limit, it must be zero or a positive value. If you specify a
compression limit, it must be zero or a negative value. If you specify a tension and
compression limit of zero, the Tendon will carry no axial force.
The tension/compression limit behavior is elastic. Any axial extension beyond the
tension limit and axial shortening beyond the compression limit will occur with
zero axial stiffness. These deformations are recovered elastically at zero stiffness.
Bending, shear, and torsional behavior are not affected by the axial nonlinearity.
Plastic Hinge
You may insert plastic hinges at any number of locations along the length of the
Tendon. Detailed description of the behavior and use of plastic hinges is presented
in Chapter Frame Hinge Properties (page 115). For Tendons, only the use of axial
hinges generally makes sense
In a dynamic analysis, the mass of the structure is used to compute inertial forces.
When modeled as elements, the mass contributed by the Tendon is lumped at each
discretization point along the length of the Tendon. When modeled as loads, no
mass is contributed to the model. This is not usually of any significance since the
mass of a Tendon is generally small.
The total mass of the Tendon is equal to the integral along the length of the mass
density, m, multiplied by the cross-sectional area, a.
Prestress Load
Each Tendon produces a set of self-equilibrating forces and moments that act on the
rest of the structure. You may assign different Prestress loading in different Load
Chapter XV
In a given Load Case, the Prestress Load for any Tendon is defined by the following parameters:
Tension in the Tendon, before losses.
Jacking location, either end I or end J, where the tensioning of the Tendon will
Curvature coefficient. This specifies the fraction of tension loss (due to friction) per unit of angle change (in radians) along the length of the Tendon,
measured from the jacking end.
Wobble coefficient. This specifies the fraction of tension loss (due to friction)
per unit of Tendon length, measured from the jacking end, due to imperfect
straightness of the tendon.
Anchorage set slip. This specifies the length of slippage at the jacking end of
the Tendon due to the release of the jacking mechanism.
The following additional load parameters may be specified that only apply when
the Tendon is modeled as loads:
Elastic shortening stress, due to compressive shortening in the elements that
are loaded by the Tendon. This may be due to loads from the Tendon itself or
from other loads acting on the structure.
Creep stress, due to compressive creep strains in the elements that are loaded
by the Tendon.
Shrinkage stress, due to compressive shrinkage strains in the elements that are
loaded by the Tendon.
Steel relaxation stress, due to tensile relaxation strains in the Tendon itself.
For Tendons modeled as elements, the elastic shortening stress is automatically accounted for in all analyses; the time-dependent creep, shrinkage, and relaxation
stresses can be accounted for by performing a time-dependent staged-construction
analysis. See Topic Staged Construction (page 337) in Chapter Nonlinear Static
Analysis for more information.
To account for complicated jacking procedures, you can specify different prestress
loads in different Load Cases and apply them as appropriate.
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. For a
Tendon object, the self-weight is a force that is distributed along the length of the
Self-Weight Load
Gravity Load
Gravity Load can be applied to each Tendon to activate the self-weight of the
object. Using Gravity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and applied in any direction. Different scale factors and directions can be applied to each element.
If all elements are to be loaded equally and in the downward direction, it is more
convenient to use Self-Weight Load.
For more information:
See Topic Self-Weight Load (page 106) in this Chapter for the definition of
self-weight for the Frame element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 246) in Chapter Load Cases.
Temperature Load
The Temperature Load creates thermal strain in the Tendon object. This strain is
given by the product of the Material coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the object. The temperature change is measured from the Tendon Reference Temperature to the Tendon Load Temperature.
For any Load Case, you may specify a Load Temperature field that is constant over
the cross section and produces axial strains. This temperature field may be constant
along the element length or interpolated from values given at the joints.
Gravity Load
Chapter XV
Axis 1
Axis 3
Compression Face
Axis 2
Axis 1
Axis 3
Tension Face
Axis 2
Axis 1
Tension Face
Compression Face
Axis 3
Figure 62
Tendon Object Internal Forces and Moments
C h a p t e r XVI
Load Cases
A Load Case is a specified spatial distribution of forces, displacements, temperatures, and other effects that act upon the structure. A Load Case by itself does not
cause any response of the structure. Load Cases must be applied in Analysis Cases
in order to produce results.
Basic Topics for All Users
Load Cases, Analysis Cases, and Combinations
Defining Load Cases
Coordinate Systems and Load Components
Force Load
Restraint Displacement Load
Spring Displacement Load
Self-Weight Load
Concentrated Span Load
Distributed Span Load
Tendon Prestress Load
Each Load Case may consist of an arbitrary combination of the available load
Concentrated forces and moments acting at the joints
Displacements of the grounded ends of restraints at the joints
Displacements of the grounded ends of springs at the joints
Self-weight and/or gravity acting on all element types
Concentrated or distributed forces and moments acting on the Frame elements
Distributed forces acting on the Shell elements
Surface pressure acting on the Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid elements
Pore pressure acting on the Plane, Asolid, and Solid elements
Thermal expansion acting on the Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid elements
Prestress load due to Tendons acting in Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid
Centrifugal forces acting on Asolid elements
For practical purposes, it is usually most convenient to restrict each Load Case to a
single type of load, using Analysis Cases and Combinations to create more complicated combinations.
Chapter XVI
Load Cases
Chapter XVI
Load Cases
Force Load
Force Load applies concentrated forces and moments to the joints. You may specify components ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, and rz in any fixed coordinate system csys, and
components u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 in the joint local coordinate system. Force
values are additive after being converted to the joint local coordinate system.
See Topic Force Load (page 40) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom for
more information.
Self-Weight Load
Self-Weight Load activates the self-weight of all elements in the model. Selfweight always acts downward, in the global Z direction. You may scale the selfweight by a single scale factor that applies to the whole structure. No Self-Weight
Load can be produced by an element with zero weight.
Force Load
Gravity Load
Gravity Load activates the self-weight of the Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, Solid,
and Link/Support elements. For each element to be loaded, you may specify the
gravitational multipliers ux, uy, and uz in any fixed coordinate system csys. Multiplier values are additive after being converted to the global coordinate system.
Each element produces a Gravity Load, having three components in system csys,
equal to its self-weight multiplied by the factors ux, uy, and uz. This load is apportioned to each joint of the element. For example, if uz = 2, twice the self-weight is
applied to the structure acting in the negative Z direction of system csys. No Gravity Load can be produced by an element with zero weight.
The difference between Self-Weight Load and Gravity Load is:
Self-Weight Load acts equally on all elements of the structure and always in
the global Z direction
Gravity Load may have a different magnitude and direction for each element in
the structure
Both loads are proportional to the self-weight of the individual elements.
For more information:
See Topic Gravity Load (page 106) in Chapter The Frame Element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 141) in Chapter The Shell Element.
Gravity Load
Chapter XVI
Load Cases
See Topic Gravity Load (page 155) in Chapter The Plane Element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 167) in Chapter The Asolid Element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 182) in Chapter The Solid Element.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 205) in Chapter The Link/Support ElementBasic.
See Topic Gravity Load (page 238) in Chapter The Tendon Object.
Uniform Load
Uniform Load applies uniformly distributed forces to the mid-surface of Shell elements. You may specify components ux, uy, and uz in any fixed coordinate system
csys, and components u1, u2, and u3 in the element local coordinate system. Force
values are additive after being converted to the element local coordinate system.
See Topic Uniform Load (page 142) in Chapter The Shell Element for more information.
Uniform Load
Chapter XVI
Water Surface
Earth Dam
Load Cases
Flow Lines
Lines (Constant
Pore Pressure)
Figure 63
Flow-net Analysis of an Earth Dam to Obtain Pore Pressures
Temperature Load
Temperature Load creates thermal strains in the Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and
Solid elements. These strains are given by the product of the Material coefficients
of thermal expansion and the temperature change of the element. The temperature
change is measured from the element Reference Temperature to the element Load
The Load Temperature may be different for each Load Case. You may specify
Load temperatures, t, that are uniform over an element or that are interpolated from
values given by Joint Patterns. Temperature values are additive and add from zero,
not from the Reference Temperature.
In any Load Case where the Load Temperature is not specified for a given element,
it is assumed to be equal to the Reference Temperature, and hence causes no load.
Note, however, that when Load Temperatures are specified they add from zero, not
from the Reference Temperature.
Load Temperature gradients may also be specified in the two transverse directions
of the Frame element, and in the thickness direction of the Shell element. These
gradients induce bending strains in the elements. Temperature gradients are specified as the change in temperature per unit length. The Reference Temperature gradients are always assumed to be zero.
The Load Temperature gradients may be different for each Load Case. You may
specify temperature gradients, t2 and/or t3, that are uniform over an element or that
are interpolated from values given by Joint Patterns. Temperature gradient values
are additive.
For more information:
See Topic Temperature Load (page 109) in Chapter The Frame Element.
Temperature Load
Chapter XVI
Load Cases
See Topic Temperature Load (page 143) in Chapter The Shell Element.
See Topic Temperature Load (page 156) in Chapter The Plane Element.
See Topic Temperature Load (page 168) in Chapter The Asolid Element.
See Topic Temperature Load (page 183) in Chapter The Solid Element.
See Topic Temperature Load (page 238) in Chapter The Tendon Object.
See Topic Joint Patterns (page 252) in this Chapter.
Reference Temperature
Each Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, Solid, Cable or Tendon element/object has a single Reference Temperature field that is used for all Load Cases. This is the temperature at which the unloaded element or object is assumed to be stress-free. The Reference Temperature is used as part of the Temperature Load.
You may specify Reference Temperatures, t, that are uniform over an element or
that are interpolated from values given by Joint Patterns. Temperature values are
If no Reference Temperature is given for an element, a value of zero is assumed.
The Reference Temperature gradients for the Frame and Shell elements are always
assumed to be zero.
See Topic Joint Patterns (page 252) in this Chapter.
Rotate Load
Rotate Load applies centrifugal force to Asolid elements. You may specify an angular velocity, r, for each element. The centrifugal force is proportional to the
square of the angular velocity. The angular velocities are additive. The load on the
element is computed from the total angular velocity.
See Topic Rotate Load (page 168) in Chapter The Asolid Element.
Reference Temperature
Joint Patterns
A Joint Pattern is a named entity that consists of a set of scalar numeric values, one
value for each joint of the structure. A Joint Pattern can be used to describe how
pressures or temperatures vary over the structure.
Patterns are most effective for describing complicated spatial distributions of numeric values. Their use is optional and is not required for simple problems.
Since Pattern values are scalar quantities, they are independent of any coordinate
system. The definition of a Joint Pattern by itself causes no effect on the structure.
The pattern must be used in a pressure or temperature assignment that is applied to
the model.
For complicated Patterns, values should be generated in a spreadsheet program or
by some other means, and brought into the model by importing tables or by using
interactive table editing.
In the graphical user interface, Pattern values can be assigned to selected joints.
They are specified as a linear variation in a given gradient direction from zero at a
given datum point. An option is available to permit only positive or only negative
values to be defined. This is useful for defining hydrostatic pressure distributions.
Multiple linear variations may be assigned to the same or different joints in the
The following parameters are needed for a pattern assignment:
The components of the gradient, A, B, and C, in the global coordinate system
The value D of the pattern at the global origin
The choice between:
Setting negative values to zero
Setting positive values to zero
Allow all positive and negative values (this is the default)
The component A indicates, for example, how much the Pattern value changes per
unit of distance parallel to the global X axis.
The Pattern value, vj, defined for a joint j that has coordinates (xj, yj, zj) is given by:
vj = A xj + B yj + C zj + D
(Eqn. 1)
Chapter XVI
Load Cases
Pressure gradient vz = g
Figure 64
Example of a Hydrostatic Pressure Pattern
If you know the coordinates of the datum point, x, y, and z, in global coordinate system at which the pattern value should be zero (say the free surface of water), then:
(Eqn. 2)
(Eqn. 3)
In most cases, the gradient will be parallel to one of the coordinate axes, and only
one term in Eqn. 2 is needed.
For example, consider a hydrostatic pressure distribution caused by water impounded behind a dam as shown in Figure 64 (page 253). The Z direction is up in
the global coordinate system. The pressure gradient is simply given by the fluid
weight density acting in the downward direction. Therefore, A = 0, B = 0 , and C =
62.4 lb/ft or 9810 N/m .
The zero-pressure datum can be any point on the free surface of the water. Thus z
should be set to the elevation of the free surface in feet or meters, as appropriate,
and D = C z. For hydrostatic pressure, you would specify that negative values be
ignored, so that any joints above the free surface will be assigned a zero value for
Joint Patterns
Acceleration Loads
In addition to the Load Cases that you define, the program automatically computes
three Acceleration Loads that act on the structure due to unit translational accelerations in each of the three global directions. Acceleration Loads can be applied in an
Analysis Case just like Load Cases.
Acceleration Loads are determined by dAlemberts principal, and are denoted mx,
my, and mz. These loads are used for applying ground accelerations in response-spectrum and time-history analyses, and can be used as starting load vectors
for Ritz-vector analysis.
These loads are computed for each joint and element and summed over the whole
structure. The Acceleration Loads for the joints are simply equal to the negative of
the joint translational masses in the joint local coordinate system. These loads are
transformed to the global coordinate system.
The Acceleration Loads for all elements except for the Asolid are the same in each
direction and are equal to the negative of the element mass. No coordinate transformations are necessary.
For the Asolid element, the Acceleration Load in the global direction corresponding to the axial direction is equal to the negative of the element mass. The Acceleration Loads in the radial and circumferential directions are zero, since translations in
the corresponding global directions are not axisymmetric.
The Acceleration Loads can be transformed into any coordinate system. In a fixed
coordinate system (global or Alternate), the Acceleration Loads along the positive
X, Y, and Z axes are denoted UX, UY, and UZ, respectively. In a local coordinate
system defined for a response-spectrum or time-history analysis, the Acceleration
Loads along the positive local 1, 2, and 3 axes are denoted U1, U2, and U3, respectively.
Acceleration Loads
C h a p t e r XVII
Analysis Cases
An Analysis Case defines how the loads are to be applied to the structure (e.g., statically or dynamically), how the structure responds (e.g., linearly or nonlinearly),
and how the analysis is to be performed (e.g., modally or by direct-integration.)
Basic Topics for All Users
Analysis Cases
Types of Analysis
Sequence of Analysis
Running Analysis Cases
Linear and Nonlinear Analysis Cases
Linear Static Analysis
Combinations (Combos)
Advanced Topics
Equation Solver
Linear Buckling Analysis
An analysis case defines how loads are to be applied to the structure, and how the
structural response is to be calculated. You may define as many named analysis
cases of any type that you wish. When you analyze the model, you may select
which cases are to be run. You may also selectively delete results for any analysis
Note: Load Cases by themselves do not create any response (deflections, stresses,
etc.) You must define an Analysis Case to apply the load.
There are many different types of analysis cases. Most broadly, analyses are classified as linear or nonlinear, depending upon how the structure responds to the loading.
The results of linear analyses may be superposed, i.e., added together after analysis.
The available types of linear analysis are:
Static analysis
Modal analysis for vibration modes, using eigenvectors or Ritz vectors
Response-spectrum analysis for seismic response
Time-history dynamic response analysis
Buckling-mode analysis
Moving-load analysis for bridge vehicle live loads
Steady-state analysis
Power-spectral-density analysis
The results of nonlinear analyses should not normally be superposed. Instead, all
loads acting together on the structure should be combined directly within the analysis cases. Nonlinear analysis cases may be chained together to represent complex
loading sequences. The available types of nonlinear analyses are:
Nonlinear static analysis
Nonlinear time-history analysis
Named Combinations can also be defined to combine the results of Analysis Cases.
Results can be combined additively or by enveloping. Additive Combinations of
nonlinear Analysis Cases is not usually justified.
Chapter XVII
Analysis Cases
Analysis Cases
Each different analysis performed is called an Analysis Case. For each Analysis
Case you define, you need to supply the following type of information:
Case name: This name must be unique across all Analysis Cases of all types.
The case name is used to request analysis results (displacements, stresses, etc.),
for creating Combinations, and sometimes for use by other dependent Analysis
Analysis type: This indicate the type of analysis (static, response-spectrum,
buckling, etc.), as well as available options for that type (linear, nonlinear,
Loads applied: For most types of analysis, you specify the Load Cases that are
to be applied to the structure.
Additional data may be required, depending upon the type of analysis being defined.
Types of Analysis
There are many different types of analysis cases. Most broadly, analyses are classified as linear or nonlinear, depending upon how the structure responds to the loading. See Topic Linear and Nonlinear Analysis Cases (page 260) in this Chapter.
The results of linear analyses may be superposed, i.e., added together after analysis.
The available types of linear analysis are:
Static analysis
Modal analysis
Response-spectrum analysis
Time-history analysis, by modal superposition or direct integration
Buckling analysis
Moving-load analysis
Steady-state analysis
Power-spectral-density analysis
The results of nonlinear analyses should not normally be superposed. Instead, all
loads acting together on the structure should be combined directly within the analy-
Analysis Cases
Sequence of Analysis
An Analysis Case may be dependent upon other Analysis Cases in the following
A modal-superposition type of Analysis Case (response-spectrum or modal
time-history) uses the modes calculated in a modal Analysis Case
A nonlinear Analysis Case may continue from the state at the end of another
nonlinear case
A linear Analysis Cases may use the stiffness of the structure as computed at
the end of a nonlinear case
An Analysis Case which depends upon another case is called dependent. The case
upon which it depends is called a prerequisite case.
Sequence of Analysis
Chapter XVII
Analysis Cases
When the program performs analysis, it will always run the cases in the proper order so that dependent cases are run after any of their prerequisite cases.
You can build up one or more sequences of Analysis Cases that can be as simple or
as complicated as you need. However, each sequence must ultimately start with an
Analysis Case that itself starts from zero and does not have any prerequisite cases.
A common example would be to define a nonlinear static analysis case with the following main features:
The name is, say, PDELTA
The type is nonlinear static
The loads applied are Load Case DEAD scaled by 1.0 plus Load Case
LIVE scaled by 0.25. These represent a typical amount of gravity load on the
The only nonlinearity considered is the P-delta effect of the loading
We are not necessarily interested in the response of Analysis Case PDELTA, but
rather we will use the stiffness at the end this case for a series of linear Analysis
Cases that we are interested in. These may include linear static cases for all loads of
interest (dead, live, wind, snow, etc.), a modal analysis case, and a response-spectrum analysis case.
Because these cases have all been computed using the same stiffness, their results
are superposable, making it very simple to create any number of Combinations for
design purposes.
Chapter XVII
Analysis Cases
Nonlinear: Structural properties may vary with time, deformation, and loading. How much nonlinearity actually occurs depends upon the properties you
have defined, the magnitude of the loading, and the parameters you have specified for the analysis.
Initial conditions
Linear: The analysis starts with zero stress. It does not contain loads from any
previous analysis, even if it uses the stiffness from a previous nonlinear analysis.
Nonlinear: The analysis may continue from a previous nonlinear analysis, in
which case it contains all loads, deformations, stresses, etc., from that previous
Structural response and superposition
Linear: All displacements, stresses, reactions, etc., are directly proportional to
the magnitude of the applied loads. The results of different linear analyses may
be superposed.
Nonlinear: Because the structural properties may vary, and because of the possibility of non-zero initial conditions, the response may not be proportional to
the loading. Therefore, the results of different nonlinear analyses should not
usually be superposed.
Chapter XVII
Analysis Cases
make up the load vector r. You may also specify the number of modes to be found
and a convergence tolerance. It is strongly recommended that you seek more than
one buckling mode, since often the first few buckling modes may have very similar
buckling factors. A minimum of six modes is recommended.
It is important to understand that buckling modes depend upon the load. There is
not one set of buckling modes for the structure in the same way that there is for natural vibration modes. You must explicitly evaluate buckling for each set of loads of
For each linear buckling Analysis Case, you may specify that the program use the
stiffness matrix of the full structure in its unstressed state (the default), or the stiffness of the structure at the end of a nonlinear analysis case. The most common reasons for using the stiffness at the end of a nonlinear case are:
To include P-delta effects from an initial P-delta analysis
To include tension-stiffening effects in a cable structure
To consider a partial model that results from staged construction
See Chapter Nonlinear Static Analysis (page 323) for more information.
A Function is a series of digitized abscissa-ordinate pairs that may represent:
Pseudo-spectral acceleration vs. period for response-spectrum analysis, or
Load vs. time for time-history analysis
Load vs. frequency for steady-state analysis
Power density (load squared per frequency) vs. frequency for power-spectral-density analysis
You may define any number of Functions, assigning each one a unique label. You
may scale the abscissa and/or ordinate values whenever the Function is used.
The abscissa of a Function is always time, period, or frequency. The abscissaordinate pairs must be specified in order of increasing abscissa value.
If the increment between abscissa values is constant and the Function starts at abscissa zero, you need only specify the abscissa increment, dt, and the successive
function values (ordinates) starting at abscissa zero. The function values are specified as:
Combinations (Combos)
A Combination (Combo) is a named combination of the results from Analysis
Cases. Combo results include all displacements and forces at the joints and internal
forces or stresses in the elements.
You may define any number of Combos. To each one of these you assign a unique
name, that also should not be the same as any Analysis Case.
Each Combo produces a pair of values for each response quantity: a maximum and
a minimum. These two values may be equal for certain type of Combos, as discussed below.
Each contributing analysis case supplies one or two values to the Combo for each
response quantity:
Linear static cases, individual modes from Modal or Buckling cases, individual
steps from multi-stepped Analysis Cases, and additive Combos of these types
of results provide a single value. For the purposes of defining the Combos below, this single value can be considered to be two equal values
Response-spectrum cases provide two values: the maximum value used is the
positive computed value, and the minimum value is just the negative of the
Envelopes of results from multi-stepped Analysis Cases provide two values: a
maximum and minimum.
For Moving-Load cases, the values used are the maximum and minimum values obtained for any vehicle loading of the lanes permitted by the parameters of
the analysis.
Combinations (Combos)
Chapter XVII
Analysis Cases
For some types of Combos, both values are used. For other types of Combos, only
the value with the larger absolute value is used.
Each contributing analysis case is multiplied by a scale factor, sf, before being included in a Combo.
Four types of Combos are available. For each individual response quantity (force,
stress, or displacement component) the two Combo values are calculated as follows:
Additive type: The Combo maximum is an algebraic linear combination of the
maximum values for each of the contributing cases. Similarly, Combo minimum is an algebraic linear combination of the minimum values for each of the
contributing cases.
Absolute type: The Combo maximum is the sum of the larger absolute values
for each of the contributing cases. The Combo minimum is the negative of the
Combo maximum.
SRSS type: The Combo maximum is the square root of the sum of the squares
of the larger absolute values for each of the contributing cases. The Combo
minimum is the negative of the Combo maximum.
Envelope type: The Combo maximum is the maximum of all of the maximum
values for each of the contributing cases. Similarly, Combo minimum is the
minimum of all of the minimum values for each of the contributing cases.
Only additive Combos of single-valued analysis cases produce a single-valued result, i.e., the maximum and minimum values are equal. All other Combos will generally have different maximum and minimum values.
For example, suppose that the values, after scaling, for the displacement at a particular joint are 3.5 for Linear Static Analysis Case LL and are 2.0 for Response-spectrum case QUAKE. Suppose that these two cases have been included in an additive-type Combo called COMB1 and an envelope-type Combo called COMB2.
The results for the displacement at the joint are computed as follows:
COMB1: The maximum is 3.5 + 2.0 = 5.5, and the minimum is 3.5 2.0 = 1.5
COMB2: The maximum is max (3.5, 2.0) = 3.5, and the minimum is min (3.5,
2.0) = 2.0
As another example, suppose that Linear Static Cases GRAV, WINDX and
WINDY are gravity load and two perpendicular, transverse wind loads, respectively; and that a response-spectrum case named EQ has been performed. The following four Combos could be defined:
Combinations (Combos)
Combinations (Combos)
Chapter XVII
Analysis Cases
tory may be considered under certain circumstances. Similarly, corresponding response quantities at the same location in a Moving Load case may be used for design purposes. See the SAP2000 Steel Design Manual and the SAP2000 Concrete
Design Manual for more information.
Equation Solvers
Some versions of CSI programs include the option to use the advanced equation
solver. This solver can be one or two orders of magnitude faster than the standard
solver for larger problems, and it also uses less disk space.
Because the two solvers perform numerical operations in a different order, it is possible that sensitive problems may yield slightly different results with the two solvers due to numerical roundoff. In extremely sensitive, nonlinear, history-dependent
problems, the differences may be more pronounced.
All verification examples have been run and checked using both solvers. The results using the standard solver are reported for comparison in the verification manuals.
The advanced solver is based on proprietary CSI technology. It uses, in part, code
derived from TAUCS family of solvers. Please see the copyright notice at the end
of Chapter References (page 413) for more information.
C h a p t e r XVIII
Modal Analysis
Modal analysis is used to determine the vibration modes of a structure. These
modes are useful to understand the behavior of the structure. They can also be used
as the basis for modal superposition in response-spectrum and modal time-history
Analysis Cases.
Basic Topics for All Users
Eigenvector Analysis
Ritz-Vector Analysis
Modal Analysis Output
A modal analysis is defined by creating an Analysis Case and setting its type to
Modal. You can define multiple modal Analysis Cases, resulting in multiple sets
of modes.
There are two types of modal analysis to choose from when defining a modal Analysis Case:
Eigenvector Analysis
Eigenvector analysis determines the undamped free-vibration mode shapes and frequencies of the system. These natural Modes provide an excellent insight into the
behavior of the structure. They can also be used as the basis for response-spectrum
or time-history analyses, although Ritz vectors are recommended for this purpose.
Eigenvector analysis involves the solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem:
[ K - W M ]F = 0
where K is the stiffness matrix, M is the diagonal mass matrix, W 2 is the diagonal
matrix of eigenvalues, and F is the matrix of corresponding eigenvectors (mode
Each eigenvalue-eigenvector pair is called a natural Vibration Mode of the structure. The Modes are identified by numbers from 1 to n in the order in which the
modes are found by the program.
The eigenvalue is the square of the circular frequency, w, for that Mode (unless a
frequency shift is used, see below). The cyclic frequency, f, and period, T, of the
Mode are related to w by:
Eigenvector Analysis
Chapter XVIII
f =
Modal Analysis
You may specify the number of modes to be found, a convergence tolerance, and
the frequency range of interest. These parameters are described in the following
Number of Modes
You may specify the maximum and minimum number of modes to be found.
The program will not calculate more than the specified maximum number of
modes. This number includes any static correction modes requested. The program
may compute fewer modes if there are fewer mass degrees of freedom, all dynamic
participation targets have been met, or all modes within the cutoff frequency range
have been found.
The program will not calculate fewer than the specified minimum number of
modes, unless there are fewer mass degrees of freedom in the model.
A mass degree of freedom is any active degree of freedom that possesses translational mass or rotational mass moment of inertia. The mass may have been assigned
directly to the joint or may come from connected elements.
Only the modes that are actually found will be available for use by any subsequent
response-spectrum or modal time-history analysis cases.
See Topic Degrees of Freedom (page 29) in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom.
Frequency Range
You may specify a restricted frequency range in which to seek the Vibration Modes
by using the parameters:
shift: The center of the cyclic frequency range, known as the shift frequency
cut: The radius of the cyclic frequency range, known as the cutoff frequency
The program will only seek Modes with frequencies f that satisfy:
| f - shift | cut
The default value of cut = 0 does not restrict the frequency range of the Modes.
Eigenvector Analysis
m + w0 2
Eigenvector Analysis
Chapter XVIII
Modal Analysis
Automatic Shifting
As an option, you may request that the eigen-solver use automatic shifting to speed
up the solution and improve the accuracy of the results. This is particularly helpful
when seeking a large number of modes, for very large structures, or when there are
a lot of closely spaced modes to be found.
The solver will start with the requested shift frequency, shift (default zero), and
then successively then shift to the right (in the positive direction) as needed to improve the rate of convergence.
If no cutoff frequency has been specifed (cut = 0), automatic shifting will only be to
the right, which means that eigenvalues to the left of the intial shift may be missed.
This is not usually a problem for stable structures starting with an intial shift of
If a cutoff frequency has been specified (cut > 0), automatic shifting will be to the
right until all eigenvalues between shift and shift + cut have been found, then the
automatic shifting will return to the initial shift and proceed to the left from there.
In either case, automatic shifting may not find eigenvalues in the usual order of increasing distance from the initial shift.
Convergence Tolerance
SAP2000 solves for the eigenvalue-eigenvectors pairs using an accelerated subspace iteration algorithm. During the solution phase, the program prints the approximate eigenvalues after each iteration. As the eigenvectors converge they are
removed from the subspace and new approximate vectors are introduced. For details of the algorithm, see Wilson and Tetsuji (1983).
You may specify the relative convergence tolerance, tol, to control the solution; the
default value is tol = 10 . The iteration for a particular Mode will continue until the
relative change in the eigenvalue between successive iterations is less than 2 tol,
that is until:
2 m i + 1
where m is the eigenvalue relative to the frequency shift, and i and i +1 denote successive iteration numbers.
Eigenvector Analysis
Ti + 1
- fi
f i+1
Static-Correction Modes
You may request that the program compute the static-correction modes for any Acceleration Load or Load Case. A static-correction mode is the static solution to that
portion of the specified load that is not represented by the found eigenvectors.
When applied to acceleration loads, static-correction modes are also known as
missing-mass modes or residual-mass modes.
Static-correction modes are of little interest in their own right. They are intended to
be used as part of a modal basis for response-spectrum or modal time-history analysis for high frequency loading to which the structure responds statically. Although
a static-correction mode will have a mode shape and frequency (period) like the
eigenvectors do, it is not a true eigenvector.
You can specify for which Load Cases and/or Acceleration Loads you want static
correction modes calculated, if any. One static-correction mode will be computed
for each specified Load unless all eigenvectors that can be excited by that Load
have been found. Static-correction modes count against the maximum number of
modes requested for the Analysis Case.
As an example, consider the translational acceleration load in the UX direction, mx.
Define the participation factor for mode n as:
f xn = j n T m x
The static-correction load for UX translational acceleration is then:
m x0 = m x -
f xnj n
n =1
Eigenvector Analysis
Chapter XVIII
Modal Analysis
Ritz-Vector Analysis
Research has indicated that the natural free-vibration mode shapes are not the best
basis for a mode-superposition analysis of structures subjected to dynamic loads. It
has been demonstrated (Wilson, Yuan, and Dickens, 1982) that dynamic analyses
based on a special set of load-dependent Ritz vectors yield more accurate results
than the use of the same number of natural mode shapes. The algorithm is detailed
in Wilson (1985).
The reason the Ritz vectors yield excellent results is that they are generated by taking into account the spatial distribution of the dynamic loading, whereas the direct
use of the natural mode shapes neglects this very important information.
In addition, the Ritz-vector algorithm automatically includes the advantages of the
proven numerical techniques of static condensation, Guyan reduction, and static
correction due to higher-mode truncation.
Ritz-Vector Analysis
Number of Modes
You may specify the maximum and minimum number of modes to be found.
The program will not calculate more than the specified maximum number of
modes. The program may compute fewer modes if there are fewer mass degrees of
freedom, all dynamic participation targets have been met, or the maximum number
of cycles has been reached for all loads.
The program will not calculate fewer than the specified minimum number of
modes, unless there are fewer mass degrees of freedom in the model.
Ritz-Vector Analysis
Chapter XVIII
Modal Analysis
Ritz-Vector Analysis
Chapter XVIII
Modal Analysis
tory, hence for these starting load vectors ncyc = 1 should be specified. Additional
Modes may be required to represent the dynamic response to the seismic loading,
hence an unlimited number of cycles should be specified for these starting load vectors. If 12 Modes are requested (n = 12), there will be one each for DL and LL, three
each for two of the Acceleration Loads, and four for the Acceleration Load that was
specified first as a starting load vector.
Starting load vectors corresponding to nonlinear deformation loads may often need
only a limited number of generation cycles. Many of these loads affect only a small
local region and excite only high-frequency natural modes that may respond
quasi-statically to typical seismic excitation. If this is the case, you may be able to
specify ncyc = 1 or 2 for these starting load vectors. More cycles may be required if
you are particularly interested in the dynamic behavior in the local region.
You must use your own engineering judgment to determine the number of Ritz vectors to be generated for each starting load vector. No simple rule can apply to all
Participation Factors
The modal participation factors are the dot products of the three Acceleration
Loads with the modes shapes. The participation factors for Mode n corresponding
to Acceleration Loads in the global X, Y, and Z directions are given by:
f xn = j n T m x
Modal Analysis Output
=j nT m y
f zn = j n T m z
where j n is the mode shape and mx, my, and, mz are the unit Acceleration Loads.
These factors are the generalized loads acting on the Mode due to each of the Acceleration Loads.
These values are called factors because they are related to the mode shape and to
a unit acceleration. The modes shapes are each normalized, or scaled, with respect
to the mass matrix such that:
j n T M j n =1
The actual magnitudes and signs of the participation factors are not important.
What is important is the relative values of the three factors for a given Mode.
r yn =
r zn =
( f xn )
yn )
( f zn )
where fxn, fyn, and fzn are the participation factors defined in the previous subtopic;
and Mx, My, and Mz are the total unrestrained masses acting in the X, Y, and Z directions. The participating mass ratios are expressed as percentages.
Chapter XVIII
Modal Analysis
The cumulative sums of the participating mass ratios for all Modes up to Mode n
are printed with the individual values for Mode n. This provides a simple measure
of how many Modes are required to achieve a given level of accuracy for groundacceleration loading.
If all eigen Modes of the structure are present, the participating mass ratio for each
of the three Acceleration Loads should generally be 100%. However, this may not
be the case in the presence of Asolid elements or certain types of Constraints where
symmetry conditions prevent some of the mass from responding to translational accelerations.
uT p
where u is the static solution given by Ku = p. This ratio gives the fraction of the total strain energy in the exact static solution that is contained in Mode n. Note that
the denominator can also be represented as u T Ku.
Finally, the cumulative sum of the static participation ratios for all the calculated
modes is printed in the output file:
j nT p
n =1
uT p
R S = rnS
n =1
where N is the number of modes found. This value gives the fraction of the total
strain energy in the exact static solution that is captured by the N modes.
When solving for static solutions using quasi-static time-history analysis, the value
of R S should be close to 100% for any applied static Loads, and also for all nonlinear deformation loads if the analysis is nonlinear.
Note that when Ritz-vectors are used, the value of R S will always be 100% for all
starting load vectors. This may not be true when eigenvectors are used. In fact, even
using all possible eigenvectors will not give 100% static participation if load p acts
on any massless degrees-of-freedom.
Chapter XVIII
Modal Analysis
rn =
( f n )2
a p
(j n T p)
= rn = n =1
n =1
a p
where N is the number of modes found. When p is one of the unit acceleration
loads, r D is the usual mass participation ratio, and R D is the usual cumulative mass
participation ratio.
When R D is 100%, the calculated modes should be capable of exactly representing
the solution to any time-varying application of spatial load p. If R D is less than
100%, the accuracy of the solution will depend upon the frequency content of the
time-function multiplying load p. Normally it is the high frequency response that is
not captured when R D is less than 100%.
C h a p t e r XIX
Response-Spectrum Analysis
Response-spectrum analysis is a statistical type of analysis for the determination of
the likely response of a structure to seismic loading.
Basic Topics for All Users
Local Coordinate System
Response-Spectrum Curve
Modal Damping
Modal Combination
Directional Combination
Response-Spectrum Analysis Output
The dynamic equilibrium equations associated with the response of a structure to
ground motion are given by:
K u( t ) + C u&( t ) + M u&&( t ) = m x u&&gx ( t ) + m y u&&gy ( t ) + m z u&&gz ( t )
Chapter XIX
Response-Spectrum Analysis
Z, 3
Figure 65
Definition of Response Spectrum Local Coordinate System
You may change the orientation of the local coordinate system by specifying:
A fixed coordinate system csys (the default is zero, indicating the global coordinate system)
A coordinate angle, ang (the default is zero)
The local 3 axis is always the same as the Z axis of coordinate system csys. The local 1 and 2 axes coincide with the X and Y axes of csys if angle ang is zero. Otherwise, ang is the angle from the X axis to the local 1 axis, measured counterclockwise when the +Z axis is pointing toward you. This is illustrated in Figure 65 (page
Response-Spectrum Curve
The response-spectrum curve for a given direction is defined by digitized points of
pseudo-spectral acceleration response versus period of the structure. The shape of
the curve is given by specifying the name of a Function. All values for the abscissa
and ordinate of this Function must be zero or positive.
If no Function is specified, a constant function of unit acceleration value for all periods is assumed.
You may specify a scale factor sf to multiply the ordinate (pseudo spectral acceleration response) of the function. This is often needed to convert values given in terms
Response-Spectrum Curve
Period (time)
Figure 66
Digitized Response-Spectrum Curve
of the acceleration due to gravity to units consistent with the rest of the model. See
Figure (page 288).
If the response-spectrum curve is not defined over a period range large enough to
cover the Vibration Modes of the structure, the curve is extended to larger and
smaller periods using a constant acceleration equal to the value at the nearest defined period.
See Topic Functions (page 263) in this Chapter for more information.
The response-spectrum curve chosen should reflect the damping that is present in
the structure being modeled. Note that the damping is inherent in the shape of the
response-spectrum curve itself. As part of the Analysis Case definition, you must
specify the damping value that was used to generate the response-spectrum curve.
During the analysis, the response-spectrum curve will automatically be adjusted
from this damping value to the actual damping present in the model.
Response-Spectrum Curve
Chapter XIX
Response-Spectrum Analysis
Modal Damping
Damping in the structure has two effects on response-spectrum analysis:
It affects the shape of the response-spectrum input curve
It affects the amount of statistical coupling between the modes for certain
methods of response-spectrum modal combination (CQC, GMC)
The damping in the structure is modeled using uncoupled modal damping. Each
mode has a damping ratio, damp, which is measured as a fraction of critical damping and must satisfy:
0 damp < 1
Modal damping has three different sources, which are described in the following.
Damping from these sources are added together. The program automatically makes
sure that the total is less than one.
Modal Damping from the Analysis Case
For each response-spectrum Analysis Case, you may specify modal damping ratios
that are:
Constant for all modes
Linearly interpolated by period or frequency. You specify the damping ratio at
a series of frequency or period points. Between specified points the damping is
linearly interpolated. Outside the specified range, the damping ratio is constant
at the value given for the closest specified point.
Mass and stiffness proportional. This mimics the proportional damping used
for direct-integration, except that the damping value is never allowed to exceed
In addition, you may optionally specify damping overrides. These are specific values of damping to be used for specific modes that replace the damping obtained by
one of the methods above. The use of damping overrides is rarely necessary.
Composite Modal Damping from the Materials
Modal damping ratios, if any, that have been specified for the Materials are converted automatically to composite modal damping. Any cross coupling between the
modes is ignored. These modal-damping values will generally be different for each
mode, depending upon how much deformation each mode causes in the elements
composed of the different Materials.
Modal Damping
Modal Combination
For a given direction of acceleration, the maximum displacements, forces, and
stresses are computed throughout the structure for each of the Vibration Modes.
These modal values for a given response quantity are combined to produce a single,
positive result for the given direction of acceleration using one of the following
CQC Method
The Complete Quadratic Combination technique is described by Wilson, Der Kiureghian, and Bayo (1981). This is the default method of modal combination.
The CQC method takes into account the statistical coupling between closelyspaced Modes caused by modal damping. Increasing the modal damping increases
the coupling between closely-spaced modes. If the damping is zero for all Modes,
this method degenerates to the SRSS method.
GMC Method
The General Modal Combination technique is the complete modal combination
procedure described by Equation 3.31 in Gupta (1990). The GMC method takes
into account the statistical coupling between closely-spaced Modes similarly to the
CQC method, but also includes the correlation between modes with rigid-response
Increasing the modal damping increases the coupling between closely-spaced
In addition, the GMC method requires you to specify two frequencies, f1 and f2,
which define the rigid-response content of the ground motion. These must satisfy
0< f1 < f2. The rigid-response parts of all modes are assumed to be perfectly correlated.
Modal Combination
Chapter XIX
Response-Spectrum Analysis
The GMC method assumes no rigid response below frequency f1, full rigid response above frequency f2, and an interpolated amount of rigid response for frequencies between f1 and f2.
Frequencies f1 and f2 are properties of the seismic input, not of the structure. Gupta
defines f1 as:
f1 =
S Amax
2p S Vmax
where S Amax is the maximum spectral acceleration and S Vmax is the maximum
spectral velocity for the ground motion considered. The default value for f1 is
Gupta defines f2 as:
f2 = f1 + f r
where f r is the rigid frequency of the seismic input, i.e., that frequency above
which the spectral acceleration is essentially constant and equal to the value at zero
period (infinite frequency). Others have defined f2 as:
f2 = f r
The default value for f2 is zero, indicating infinite frequency. For the default value
of f2, the GMC method gives results similar to the CQC method.
SRSS Method
This method combines the modal results by taking the square root of the sum of
their squares. This method does not take into account any coupling of the modes,
but rather assumes that the response of the modes are all statistically independent.
Modal Combination
Directional Combination
For each displacement, force, or stress quantity in the structure, modal combination
produces a single, positive result for each direction of acceleration. These directional values for a given response quantity are combined to produce a single, positive result. Use the directional combination scale factor, dirf, to specify which
method to use.
SRSS Method
Specify dirf = 0 to combine the directional results by taking the square root of the
sum of their squares. This method is invariant with respect to coordinate system,
i.e., the results do not depend upon your choice of coordinate system when the
given response-spectrum curves are the same. This is the recommended method for
directional combination, and is the default.
Directional Combination
Chapter XIX
Response-Spectrum Analysis
Modal Amplitudes
The response-spectrum modal amplitudes give the multipliers of the mode shapes
that contribute to the displaced shape of the structure for each direction of Acceleration. For a given Mode and a given direction of acceleration, this is the product
of the modal participation factor and the response-spectrum acceleration, divided
by the eigenvalue, w , of the Mode.
The acceleration directions are always referred to the local axes of the responsespectrum analysis. They are identified in the output as U1, U2, and U3.
For more information:
See the previous Topic Damping and Acceleration for the definition of the
response-spectrum accelerations.
See Topic Modal Analysis Output (page 263) in Chapter Modal Analysis
for the definition of the modal participation factors and the eigenvalues.
Base Reactions
The base reactions are the total forces and moments about the global origin required
of the supports (Restraints and Springs) to resist the inertia forces due to responsespectrum loading.
These are reported separately for each individual Mode and each direction of loading without any combination. The total response-spectrum reactions are then reported after performing modal combination and directional combination.
The reaction forces and moments are always referred to the local axes of the
response-spectrum analysis. They are identified in the output as F1, F2, F3, M1,
M2, and M3.
C h a p t e r XX
Time-history analysis is used to determine the dynamic response of a structure to
arbitrary loading. The dynamic equilibrium equations to be solved are given by:
K u( t ) + C u&( t ) + M u&&( t ) = r ( t )
where K is the stiffness matrix; C is the damping matrix; M is the diagonal mass
& and u&& are the displacements, velocities, and accelerations of the strucmatrix; u, u,
ture; and r is the applied load. If the load includes ground acceleration, the
displacements, velocities, and accelerations are relative to this ground motion.
Any number of time-history Analysis Cases can be defined. Each time-history case
can differ in the load applied and in the type of analysis to be performed.
There are several options that determine the type of time-history analysis to be performed:
Linear vs. Nonlinear.
Modal vs. Direct-integration: These are two different solution methods, each
with advantages and disadvantages. Under ideal circumstances, both methods
should yield the same results to a given problem.
Transient vs. Periodic: Transient analysis considers the applied load as a
one-time event, with a beginning and end. Periodic analysis considers the load
to repeat indefinitely, with all transient response damped out.
Periodic analysis is only available for linear modal time-history analysis.
This Chapter describes linear analysis; nonlinear analysis is described in Chapter
Nonlinear Time-History Analysis (page 343). However, you should read the
present Chapter first.
The load, r(t), applied in a given time-history case may be an arbitrary function of
space and time. It can be written as a finite sum of spatial load vectors, p i , multiplied by time functions, f i ( t ), as:
r ( t ) = f i ( t ) pi
(Eqn. 1)
Chapter XX
The program uses Load Cases and/or Acceleration Loads to represent the spatial
load vectors. The time functions can be arbitrary functions of time or periodic functions such as those produced by wind or sea wave loading.
If Acceleration Loads are used, the displacements, velocities, and accelerations are
all measured relative to the ground. The time functions associated with the Acceleration Loads mx, my, and mz are the corresponding components of uniform ground
acceleration, u&&gx , u&&gy , and u&&gz .
Figure 67
Definition of History Acceleration Local Coordinate System
Chapter XX
Ramp function after scaling
Figure 68
Built-in Ramp Function before and after Scaling
If the arrival time is positive, the application of Function func is delayed until after
the start of the analysis. If the arrival time is negative, that portion of Function func
occurring before t = at / tf is ignored.
For a Function func defined from initial time t0 to final time tn, the value of the
Function for all time t < t0 is taken as zero, and the value of the Function for all time
t > tn is held constant at fn, the value at tn.
If no Function is specified, or func = 0, the built-in ramp function is used. This
function increases linearly from zero at t = 0 to unity at t =1 and for all time thereafter. When combined with the scaling parameters, this defines a function that increases linearly from zero at t = at to a value of sf at t = at + tf and for all time thereafter, as illustrated in Figure 68 (page 299). This function is most commonly used
to gradually apply static loads, but can also be used to build up triangular pulses and
more complicated functions.
See Topic Functions (page 263) in Chapter Analysis Cases for more information.
Initial Conditions
The initial conditions describe the state of the structure at the beginning of a
time-history case. These include:
Displacements and velocities
Internal forces and stresses
Internal state variables for nonlinear elements
Energy values for the structure
External loads
The accelerations are not considered initial conditions, but are computed from the
equilibrium equation.
For linear transient analyses, zero initial conditions are always assumed.
For periodic analyses, the program automatically adjusts the initial conditions at
the start of the analysis to be equal to the conditions at the end of the analysis
If you are using the stiffness from the end of a nonlinear analysis, nonlinear elements (if any) are locked into the state that existed at the end of the nonlinear analysis. For example, suppose you performed a nonlinear analysis of a model containing tension-only frame elements (compression limit set to zero), and used the stiffness from this case for a linear time-history analysis. Elements that were in tension
at the end of the nonlinear analysis would have full axial stiffness in the linear
time-history analysis, and elements that were in compression at the end of the nonlinear analysis would have zero stiffness. These stiffnesses would be fixed for the
duration of the linear time-history analysis, regardless of the direction of loading.
Time Steps
Time-history analysis is performed at discrete time steps. You may specify the
number of output time steps with parameter nstep and the size of the time steps
with parameter dt.
The time span over which the analysis is carried out is given by nstepdt. For periodic analysis, the period of the cyclic loading function is assumed to be equal to this
time span.
Responses are calculated at the end of each dt time increment, resulting in nstep+1
values for each output response quantity.
Initial Conditions
Chapter XX
Response is also calculated, but not saved, at every time step of the input time functions in order to accurately capture the full effect of the loading. These time steps
are call load steps. For modal time-history analysis, this has little effect on efficiency.
For direct-integration time-history analysis, this may cause the stiffness matrix to
be re-solved if the load step size keeps changing. For example, if the output time
step is 0.01 and the input time step is 0.005, the program will use a constant internal
time-step of 0.005. However, if the input time step is 0.075, then the input and output steps are out of synchrony, and the loads steps will be: 0.075, 0.025, 0.05, 0.05,
0.025, 0.075, and so on. For this reason, it is usually advisable to choose an output
time step that evenly divides, or is evenly divided by, the input time steps.
Modal Damping
The damping in the structure is modeled using uncoupled modal damping. Each
mode has a damping ratio, damp, which is measured as a fraction of critical damping and must satisfy:
0 damp < 1
Modal damping has three different sources, which are described in the following.
Damping from these sources is added together. The program automatically makes
sure that the total is less than one.
Modal Damping from the Analysis Case
For each linear modal time-history Analysis Case, you may specify modal damping
ratios that are:
Constant for all modes
Linearly interpolated by period or frequency. You specify the damping ratio at
a series of frequency or period points. Between specified points the damping is
linearly interpolated. Outside the specified range, the damping ratio is constant
at the value given for the closest specified point.
Mass and stiffness proportional. This mimics the proportional damping used
for direct-integration, except that the damping value is never allowed to exceed
In addition, you may optionally specify damping overrides. These are specific values of damping to be used for specific modes that replace the damping obtained by
one of the methods above. The use of damping overrides is rarely necessary.
Composite Modal Damping from the Materials
Modal damping ratios, if any, that have been specified for the Materials are converted automatically to composite modal damping. Any cross coupling between the
modes is ignored. These modal-damping values will generally be different for each
mode, depending upon how much deformation each mode causes in the elements
composed of the different Materials.
Chapter XX
In direct-integration time-history analysis, the damping in the structure is modeled
using a full damping matrix. Unlike modal damping, this allows coupling between
the modes to be considered.
Direct-integration damping has three different sources, which are described in the
following. Damping from these sources is added together.
Proportional Damping from the Analysis Case
For each direct-integration time-history Analysis Case, you may specify proportional damping coefficients that apply to the structure as a whole. The damping matrix is calculated as a linear combination of the stiffness matrix scaled by a coefficient that you specify, and the mass matrix scaled by a second coefficient that you
You may specify these two coefficients directly, or they may be computed by specifying equivalent fractions of critical modal damping at two different periods or frequencies.
Stiffness proportional damping is linearly proportional to frequency. It is related to
the deformations within the structure. Stiffness proportional damping may excessively damp out high frequency components.
Mass proportional damping is linearly proportional to period. It is related to the
motion of the structure, as if the structure is moving through a viscous fluid. Mass
proportional damping may excessively damp out long period components.
Chapter XX
C h a p t e r XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
SAP2000 is capable of considering geometric nonlinearity in the form of either
P-delta effects or large-displacement/rotation effects. Strains within the elements
are assumed to be small. Geometric nonlinearity can be considered on a
step-by-step basis in nonlinear static and direct-integration time-history analysis,
and incorporated in the stiffness matrix for linear analyses.
Advanced Topics
Nonlinear Analysis Cases
The P-Delta Effect
Initial P-Delta Analysis
Large Displacements
When the load acting on a structure and the resulting deflections are small enough,
the load-deflection relationship for the structure is linear. For the most part,
SAP2000 analyses assume such linear behavior. This permits the program to form
the equilibrium equations using the original (undeformed) geometry of the strucOverview
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
Original Configuration
Deformed Configuration
Figure 69
Geometry for Cantilever Beam Example
be divided into smaller elements to satisfy the requirement that the strains and relative rotations within an element are small.
For most other structures, the P-delta option is adequate, particularly when material
nonlinearity dominates.
If reasonable, it is recommended that the analysis be performed first without geometric nonlinearity, adding P-delta, and possibly large-displacement effects later.
Geometric nonlinearity is not available for nonlinear modal time-history (FNA)
analyses, except for the fixed effects that may have been included in the stiffness
matrix used to generate the modes.
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
bending and shear, whereas a tensile stress tends to stiffen the member against
transverse deformation.
This option is particularly useful for considering the effect of gravity loads upon
the lateral stiffness of building structures, as required by certain design codes (ACI
2002; AISC 2003). It can also be used for the analysis of some cable structures,
such as suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges, and guyed towers. Other applications are possible.
The basic concepts behind the P-Delta effect are illustrated in the following example. Consider a cantilever beam subject to an axial load P and a transverse tip load F
as shown in Figure 69 (page 310). The internal axial force throughout the member
is also equal to P.
If equilibrium is examined in the original configuration (using the undeformed geometry), the moment at the base is M = FL, and decreases linearly to zero at the
loaded end. If, instead, equilibrium is considered in the deformed configuration,
there is an additional moment caused by the axial force P acting on the transverse
tip displacement, D. The moment no longer varies linearly along the length; the
variation depends instead upon the deflected shape. The moment at the base is now
M = FL - PD. The moment diagrams for various cases are shown in Figure
70 (page 312).
Note that only the transverse deflection is considered in the deformed configuration. Any change in moment due to a change in length of the member is neglected
If the beam is in tension, the moment at the base and throughout the member is reduced, hence the transverse bending deflection, D, is also reduced. Thus the member is effectively stiffer against the transverse load F.
Conversely, if the beam is in compression, the moment throughout the member,
and hence the transverse bending deflection, D, are now increased. The member is
effectively more flexible against the load F.
If the compressive force is large enough, the transverse stiffness goes to zero and
hence the deflection D tends to infinity; the structure is said to have buckled. The
theoretical value of P at which this occurs is called the Euler buckling load for the
beam; it is denoted by Pcr and is given by the formula
Pcr = -
p EI
4 L2
Figure 70
Moment Diagrams for Cantilever Beam Examples
The exact P-Delta effect of the axial load upon the transverse deflection and stiffness is a rather complicated function of the ratio of the force P to the buckling load
Pcr . The true deflected shape of the beam, and hence the effect upon the moment
diagram, is described by cubic functions under zero axial load, hyperbolic functions under tension, and trigonometric functions under compression.
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
The P-Delta effect can be present in any other beam configuration, such as simplysupported, fixed-fixed, etc. The P-Delta effect may apply locally to individual
members, or globally to the structural system as a whole.
The key feature is that a large axial force, acting upon a small transverse deflection,
produces a significant moment that affects the behavior of the member or structure.
If the deflection is small, then the moment produced is proportional to the deflection.
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
See Topic Prestress Load (page 112) in Chapter The Frame Element for more
Directly Specified P-delta Axial Forces
You may directly specify P-delta forces known to be acting on Frame elements.
This is an old-fashioned feature that can be used to model cable structures where
the tensions are large and well-known. No iterative analysis is required to include
the effect of directly specified P-Delta axial forces.
Use of this feature is not usually recommended! The program does not check if the
forces you specify are in equilibrium with any other part of the structure. The directly specified forces apply in all analyses and are in addition to any P-delta affects calculated in a nonlinear analysis.
We recommend instead that you perform a nonlinear analysis including P-delta or
large-displacement effects.
If you use directly specified P-delta forces, you should treat them as if they were a
section property that always affects the behavior of the element.
You can assign directly specified P-Delta force to any Frame element using the following parameters:
The P-Delta axial force, p
A fixed coordinate system, csys (the default is zero, indicating the global coordinate system)
The projection, px, of the P-Delta axial force upon the X axis of csys
The projection, py, of the P-Delta axial force upon the Y axis of csys
The projection, pz, of the P-Delta axial force upon the Z axis of csys
Normally only one of the parameters p, px, py, or pz should be given for each
Frame element. If you do choose to specify more than one value, they are additive:
P0 = p +
px py pz
cx c y c z
where P0 is the P-Delta axial force, and cx, cy, and cz are the cosines of the angles between the local 1 axis of the Frame element and the X, Y, and Z axes of coordinate
system csys, respectively. To avoid division by zero, you may not specify the projection upon any axis of csys that is perpendicular to the local 1 axis of the element.
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
Other Elements
For element types other than the Frame and Link/Support, the stresses in the each
element are first determined from the displacements computed in the previous iteration. These stresses are then integrated over the element, with respect to the derivatives of the isoparametric shape functions for that element, to compute a standard
geometric stiffness matrix that represents the P-delta effect. This is added to the
original elastic stiffness matrix of the element. This formulation produces only
forces, no moments, at each joint in the element.
Shell elements that are modeling only plate bending will not produce any P-delta
effects, since no in-plane stresses will be developed.
Building Structures
For most building structures, especially tall buildings, the P-Delta effect of most
concern occurs in the columns due to gravity load, including dead and live load.
The column axial forces are compressive, making the structure more flexible
against lateral loads.
Building codes (ACI 2002; AISC 2003) normally recognize two types of P-Delta
effects: the first due to the overall sway of the structure and the second due to the
deformation of the member between its ends. The former effect is often significant;
it can be accounted for fairly accurately by considering the total vertical load at a
story level, which is due to gravity loads and is unaffected by any lateral loads. The
latter effect is significant only in very slender columns or columns bent in single
curvature (not the usual case); this requires consideration of axial forces in the
members due to both gravity and lateral loads.
SAP2000 can analyze both of these P-Delta effects. However, it is recommended
that the former effect be accounted for in the SAP2000 analysis, and the latter effect
be accounted for in design by using the applicable building-code moment-magnification factors (White and Hajjar 1991). This is how the SAP2000 design processors
for steel frames and concrete frames are set up.
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
The P-Delta effect due to the sway of the structure can be accounted for accurately
and efficiently, even if each column is modeled by a single Frame element, by using
the factored dead and live loads in the initial P-delta analysis case. The iterative
P-Delta analysis should converge rapidly, usually requiring few iterations.
As an example, suppose that the building code requires the following load combinations to be considered for design:
(1) 1.4 dead load
(2) 1.2 dead load + 1.6 live load
(3) 1.2 dead load + 0.5 live load + 1.3 wind load
(4) 1.2 dead load + 0.5 live load 1.3 wind load
(5) 0.9 dead load + 1.3 wind load
(6) 0.9 dead load + 1.3 wind load
For this case, the P-Delta effect due to overall sway of the structure can usually be
accounted for, conservatively, by specifying the load combination in the initial
P-delta analysis case to be 1.2 times the dead load plus 0.5 times the live load. This
will accurately account for this effect in load combinations 3 and 4 above, and will
conservatively account for this effect in load combinations 5 and 6. This P-delta effect is not generally important in load combinations 1 and 2 since there is no lateral
The P-Delta effect due to the deformation of the member between its ends can be
accurately analyzed only when separate nonlinear analysis cases are run for each
load combination above. Six cases would be needed for the example above. Also, at
least two Frame elements per column should be used. Again, it is recommended
that this effect be accounted for instead by using the SAP2000 design features.
Cable Structures
The P-Delta effect can be a very important contributor to the stiffness of suspension
bridges, cable-stayed bridges, and other cable structures. The lateral stiffness of cables is due almost entirely to tension, since they are very flexible in bending when
In many cable structures, the tension in the cables is due primarily to gravity load,
and it is relatively unaffected by other loads. If this is the case, it is appropriate to
define an initial P-delta analysis case that applies a realistic combination of the
dead load and live load. It is important to use realistic values for the P-delta load
Guyed Towers
In guyed towers and similar structures, the cables are under a large tension produced by mechanical methods that shorten the length of the cables. These structures
can be analyzed by the same methods discussed above for cabled bridges.
A Temperature load causing a decrease in the temperature of the cables can be used
to produce the requisite shortening. The P-delta load combination should include
this load, and may also include other loads that cause significant axial force in the
Chapter XXI
Geometric Nonlinearity
cables, such as gravity and wind loads. Several analyses may be required to determine the magnitude of the temperature change needed to produce the desired
amount of cable tension.
Large Displacements
Large-displacements analysis considers the equilibrium equations in the deformed
configuration of the structure. Large displacements and rotations are accounted for,
but strains are assumed to be small. This means that if the position or orientation of
an element changes, its effect upon the structure is accounted for. However, if the
element changes significantly in shape or size, this effect is ignored.
The program tracks the position of the element using an updated Lagrangian formulation. For Frame, Shell, and Link/Support elements, rotational degrees of freedom are updated assuming that the change in rotational displacements between
steps is small. This requires that the analysis use smaller steps than might be required for a P-delta analysis. The accuracy of the results of a large-displacement
analysis should be checked by re-running the analysis using a smaller step size and
comparing the results.
Large displacement analysis is also more sensitive to convergence tolerance than is
P-delta analysis. You should always check your results by re-running the analysis
using a smaller convergence tolerance and comparing the results.
Large-displacement analysis is well suited for the analysis of most cable or membrane structures. Cable structures are modeled with Frame/Cable elements, membrane structures with full Shell elements (you could also use Plane stress elements).
Be sure to divide the cable or membrane into sufficiently small elements so that the
relative rotations within each element are small.
When considering large displacements in cable structures, it is not always necessary to use no-compression properties in the elements. If the elements are sufficiently well discretized, the cable will naturally buckle and sag under compression.
Snap-through buckling problems can be considered using large-displacement analysis. For nonlinear static analysis, this usually requires using displacement control
of the load application. More realistic solutions can be obtained using nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis.
Large Displacements
Large Displacements
C h a p t e r XXII
Nonlinear static analysis can be used for many purposes:
To perform an initial P-delta or large-displacement analysis to get the stiffness
used for subsequent superposable linear analyses
To perform staged (incremental, segmental) construction analysis, including
material time-dependent effects like aging, creep and shrinkage
To analyze structures with tension-only bracing
To analyze cable structures
To perform static pushover analysis
To perform snap-through buckling analyses
To establish the initial conditions for nonlinear direct-integration time-history
For any other static analysis that considers the effect of material or geometric
nonlinear behavior
Any number of nonlinear Static Analysis Cases can be defined. Each case can include one or more of the features above. In a nonlinear analysis, the stiffness and
load may all depend upon the displacements. This requires an iterative solution to
the equations of equilibrium.
The following types of nonlinearity are available in SAP2000:
Material nonlinearity
Various type of nonlinear properties in Link/Support elements
Tension and/or compression limits in Frame elements
Chapter XXII
Important Considerations
Nonlinear analysis takes time and patience. Each nonlinear problem is different.
You can expect to need a certain amount of time to learn the best way to approach
each new problem.
Start with a simple model and build up gradually. Make sure the model performs as
expected under linear static loads and modal analysis. Rather than starting with
nonlinear properties everywhere, add them in increments beginning with the areas
where you expect the most nonlinearity.
If you are using frame hinges, start with models that do not lose strength for primary members; you can modify the hinge models later or redesign the structure.
Important Considerations
You may apply any combination of Load Cases, Acceleration Loads, and modal
A modal load is a specialized type of loading used for pushover analysis. It is a pattern of forces on the joints that is proportional to the product of a specified mode
shape times its circular frequency squared (w2 ) times the mass tributary to the joint.
The specified combination of loads is applied simultaneously. Normally the loads
are applied incrementally from zero to the full specified magnitude. For specialized
purposes (e.g., pushover or snap-though buckling), you have the option to control
the loading by monitoring a resulting displacement in the structure. See Topic
Load Application Control (page 326) in this Chapter for more information.
Chapter XXII
Normally you would choose load control. It is the most common, physical situation.
Displacement control is an advanced feature for specialized purposes.
Load Control
Select load control when you know the magnitude of load that will be applied and
you expect the structure to be able to support that load. An example would be when
applying gravity load, since it is governed by nature.
Under load control, all loads are applied incrementally from zero to the full specified magnitude.
Displacement Control
Select displacement control when you know how far you want the structure to
move, but you dont know how much load is required. This is most useful for structures that become unstable and may lose load-carrying capacity during the course
of the analysis. Typical applications include static pushover analysis and
snap-through buckling analysis.
To use displacement control, you must select a displacement component to monitor. This may be a single degree of freedom at a joint, or a generalized displacement
that you have previously defined. See Topic Generalized Displacement (page 43)
in Chapter Joints and Degrees of Freedom for more information.
You must also give the magnitude of the displacement that is your target for the
analysis. The program will attempt to apply the load to reach that displacement.
The load magnitude may be increased and decreased during the analysis.
Be sure to choose a displacement component that monotonically increases during
loading. If this is not possible, you may have to divide the analysis into two or more
sequential cases, changing the monitored displacement in the different cases.
Important note: Using displacement control is NOT the same thing as applying
displacement loading on the structure! Displacement control is simply used to
MEASURE the displacement that results from the applied loads, and to adjust the
magnitude of the loading in an attempt to reach a certain measured displacement
Initial Conditions
The initial conditions describe the state of the structure at the beginning of an analysis case. These include:
Displacements and velocities
Internal forces and stresses
Internal state variables for nonlinear elements
Energy values for the structure
External loads
For a static analysis, the velocities are always taken to be zero.
For nonlinear analyses, you may specify the initial conditions at the start of the
analysis. You have two choices:
Zero initial conditions: the structure has zero displacement and velocity, all elements are unstressed, and there is no history of nonlinear deformation.
Continue from a previous nonlinear analysis: the displacements, velocities,
stresses, loads, energies, and nonlinear state histories from the end of a previous analysis are carried forward.
Nonlinear static and nonlinear direct-integration time-history cases may be chained
together in any combination, i.e., both types of analysis are compatible with each
other. It is strongly recommended that you select the same geometric nonlinearity
parameters for the current case as for the previous case.
Initial Conditions
Chapter XXII
When continuing from a previous case, all applied loads specified for the present
analysis case are incremental, i.e., they are added to the loads already acting at the
end of the previous case.
Nonlinear static cases cannot be chained together with nonlinear modal time-history (FNA) cases.
Output Steps
Normally, only the final state is saved for a nonlinear static analysis. This is the result after the full load has been applied.
You can choose instead to save intermediate results to see how the structure responded during loading. This is particularly important for static pushover analysis,
where you need to develop the capacity curve.
If you are only interested in the saving the final result, you can skip the rest of this
Output Steps
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXII
curve shows a drop in capacity, such as is often assumed from point C to point D, or
from point E to point F (complete rupture).
Such unloading along a negative slope may be unstable in a static analysis, and a
unique solution is not always mathematically guaranteed. In dynamic analysis (and
the real world) inertia provides stability and a unique solution.
For static analysis, special methods are needed to solve this unstable problem. Different methods may work better with different problems. Different methods may
produce different results with the same problem. SAP2000 provides three different
methods to solve this problem of hinge unloading, which are described next.
If all stress-strain slopes are positive or zero, these methods are not used unless the
hinge passes point E and ruptures. Instability caused by geometric effects is not
handled by these methods.
Note: If needed during a nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis,
SAP2000 will use the Apply-Local-Redistribution method.
Chapter XXII
This method is similar to the approach suggested by the FEMA-356 guidelines, and
makes sense when viewing pushover analysis as a cyclic loading of increasing amplitude rather than as a monotonic static push.
This method is the least efficient of the three, with the number of steps required increasing as the square of the target displacement. It is also the most robust (least
likely to fail) provided that the gravity load is not too large. This method may fail
when the stress in a hinge under gravity load is large enough that the secant from O
to X is negative. On the other hand, this method may be able to provide solutions
where the other two methods fail due to hinges with small (nearly horizontal) negative slopes.
Chapter XXII
10. Review the pushover results: Plot the pushover curve, the deflected shape
showing the hinge states, force and moment plots, and print or display any
other results you need.
11. Revise the model as necessary and repeat.
It is important that you consider several different lateral pushover cases to represent
different sequences of response that could occur during dynamic loading. In particular, you should push the structure in both the X and Y directions, and possibly at
angles in between. For non-symmetrical structures, pushing in the positive and
negative direction may yield different results. When pushing in a given direction,
you may want to consider different vertical distributions of the lateral load, such as
the first and second mode in that direction.
Staged Construction
Staged construction is a special type of nonlinear static analysis that requires a separate add-on module for this feature to become available in the program.
Staged construction allows you to define a sequence of stages wherein you can add
or remove portions of the structure, selectively apply load to portions of the structure, and to consider time-dependent material behavior such as aging, creep, and
shrinkage. Staged construction is variously known as incremental construction, sequential construction, or segmental construction.
Normally the program analyzes the whole structure in all analysis cases. If you do
not want to perform staged-construction analysis, you can skip the rest of this topic.
Staged construction is considered a type of nonlinear static analysis because the
structure may change during the course of the analysis. However, consideration of
material and geometric nonlinearity is optional. Because staged construction is a
type of nonlinear static analysis, it may be part of a sequence of other nonlinear
static and direct-integration time-history analysis cases, and it may also be used as a
stiffness basis for linear analysis cases.
If you continue any nonlinear analysis from a staged construction analysis, or perform a linear analysis using its stiffness, only the structure as built at the end of the
staged construction will be used.
Staged Construction
For each nonlinear staged-construction analysis case, you define a sequence of
stages. These are analyzed in the order defined. You can specify as many stages as
you want in a single analysis case. Staged construction can also continue from one
analysis case to another.
For each stage you specify the following:
A duration, in days. This is used for time-dependent effects. If you do not want
to consider time-dependent effects in a given stage, set the duration to zero.
Any number of groups of objects to be added to the structure, or none. The age
of the objects at the time they are added can be specified, if time-dependent effects are to be considered.
Any number of groups of objects to be removed from the structure, or none
Any number of groups of objects to be loaded by specified Load Cases, or
none. You may specify that all objects in the group are to be loaded, or only
those objects in the group that are being added to the structure in this stage.
Obviously, the first step to setting up staged-construction analysis is to define
groups for that purpose. See Topic Groups (page 9) in Chapter Objects and Elements for more information. Note that there is always a built-in group called
"ALL" that includes the whole structure.
When you specify staged construction, the analysis starts with the structure as built
from the previous analysis case. If you are starting from zero, then the structure
starts with no objects.
Each stage is analyzed separately in the order the stages are defined. The analysis of
a stage has two parts:
(1) Changes to the structure and application of loads are analyzed. These occur instantaneously in time, i.e., the analysis may be incremental, but no time elapses
from the point-of-view of the material
(2) If non-zero duration has been specified, time-dependent material effects are
then analyzed. During this time, the structure does not change and applied
loads are held constant. However, internal stress redistribution may occur.
The instantaneous part (1) of the stage is analyzed as follows:
The groups to be added, if any, are processed. Only new objects in the specified
groups (not already present in the structure) are added. For each non-joint ob-
Staged Construction
Chapter XXII
ject added, all joints connected to that object are also added, even if they are not
explicitly included in the group.
The groups to be removed, if any, are processed. Only objects actually present
in the structure are removed. When objects are removed, their stiffness, mass,
loads, and internal forces are removed from the structure and replaced with
equivalent forces. These forces are linearly reduced to zero during the course of
the analysis. Joints that were automatically added will be removed when all
connected objects are removed.
All specified loads will be increased linearly during the course of the analysis.
Loads specified on all objects in a group will only be applied to objects that are
actually present in the structure or are being added in this stage. Loads specified on added objects in a group will only be applied to objects that are being
added in this stage.
If an object is included in more than one group that is being added or removed, the
object will only be added or removed once. Whether it is added or removed depends on which operation occurs last in the order you have specified them. For example, if an object is included in three groups that are being added and one group
that is being removed, the object will be removed if that was the last operation specified for that stage.
If an object is included in more than one group that is being loaded, the object will
be multiply loaded.
Load application must be by load control. Displacement control is not allowed.
Output Steps
The specification of output steps is similar to that described earlier in this Chapter
in Topic Output Steps (page 329), except that you can individually control the
number of steps to be saved for the two parts of each stage:
(1) How many steps to save during changes to the structure and instantaneous application of load
(2) How many steps to save during the time-dependent analysis for aging, creep
and shrinkage.
The number of steps requested for these two parts of each stage applies equally to
all stages in the analysis case.
Important! The time step used for the time-dependent analysis is based on the
number of steps saved. For statically indeterminate structures where significant
Staged Construction
Lets build a simple bridge. Define four groups: BENTS, DECK1, DECK2,
SHORING, and APPURTS. The structure can be linear or nonlinear. Time-dependent properties are assumed for the concrete material.
Also define three load cases:
GRAVITY, to apply dead load
TENSION, to apply post-tensioning cable loads
EQUIPMENT, to apply the weight of temporary construction equipment on
the deck
Define a staged-construction analysis case called BUILD that starts from zero,
and contains the following stages:
1. (a) Add group BENTS with an age of 10 days.
(b) Apply load GRAVITY to added elements in group ALL.
) No time-dependent effects need to be consideredwe can assume these already happened in the first 10 days.
2. (a) Add group SHORING with an age of 10 days.
(b) Apply load GRAVITY to added elements in group ALL.
) No time-dependent effects need to be considered for the shoring.
3. (a) Add group DECK1 with an age of 0 days (wet concrete).
(b) Apply load GRAVITY to added elements in group ALL.
) Apply load EQUIPMENT to all elements in group DECK1.
(d) Allow 3 days duration for aging, creep, and shrinkage.
4. (a) Add group DECK2 with an age of 0 days (wet concrete).
(b) Apply load GRAVITY to added elements in group ALL.
) Remove load EQUIPMENT from all elements in group DECK1 (apply
with a scale factor of -1.0).
(d) Apply load EQUIPMENT to all elements in group DECK2.
(e) Allow 3 days duration for aging, creep, and shrinkage.
Staged Construction
Chapter XXII
5. (a) Remove load EQUIPMENT from all elements in group DECK2 (apply
with a scale factor of -1.0).
(b) Apply load TENSION to all elements in group ALL.
4. (a) Remove group SHORING.
) Allow 3 days duration for aging, creep, and shrinkage.
5. (a) Add group APPURTS with an age of 10 days.
(b) Allow 30 days duration for aging, creep, and shrinkage.
6. (a) Allow 300 days duration for aging, creep, and shrinkage.
7. (a) Allow 3000 days duration for aging, creep, and shrinkage.
The reason for adding several stages with increasing length of time at the end is to
get long term effects at increasing time-step size, since the number of output steps is
the same for all stages.
Case BUILD can now be used to define the stiffness matrix for any number of linear analyses, including modal, response-spectrum, moving-load, and other types.
You can also continue case BUILD with a nonlinear direct-integration time-history
analysis for seismic load, or even more nonlinear static cases that may include
pushover analysis or more staged construction for the purposes of retrofit.
Staged Construction
Staged Construction
C h a p t e r XXIII
Time-history analysis is used to determine the dynamic response of a structure to
arbitrary loading. The dynamic equilibrium equations to be solved are given by:
K u( t ) + C u&( t ) + M u&&( t ) = r ( t )
where K is the stiffness matrix; C is the damping matrix; M is the diagonal mass
& and u&& are the displacements, velocities, and accelerations of the strucmatrix; u, u,
ture; and r is the applied load. If the load includes ground acceleration, the
displacements, velocities, and accelerations are relative to this ground motion.
Any number of time-history Analysis Cases can be defined. Each time-history case
can differ in the load applied and in the type of analysis to be performed.
There are several options that determine the type of time-history analysis to be performed:
Linear vs. Nonlinear.
Modal vs. Direct-integration: These are two different solution methods, each
with advantages and disadvantages. Under ideal circumstances, both methods
should yield the same results to a given problem.
Transient vs. Periodic: Transient analysis considers the applied load as a
one-time event, with a beginning and end. Periodic analysis considers the load
to repeat indefinitely, with all transient response damped out.
In a nonlinear analysis, the stiffness, damping, and load may all depend upon the
displacements, velocities, and time. This requires an iterative solution to the equations of motion.
Before reading this Chapter on nonlinear analysis, you should first read Chapter
Linear Time-History Analysis (page 295) which describes concepts that apply to
all time-history analyses
The following types of nonlinearity are available in SAP2000:
Material nonlinearity
Various type of nonlinear properties in Link/Support elements
Tension and/or compression limits in Frame elements
Chapter XXIII
The application of load for nonlinear time-history analysis is identical to that used
for linear time-history analysis. Please see Topic Loading (page 296) in Chapter
Linear Time-History Analysis for more information.
Initial Conditions
The initial conditions describe the state of the structure at the beginning of a
time-history case. These include:
Displacements and velocities
Internal forces and stresses
Internal state variables for nonlinear elements
Energy values for the structure
External loads
The accelerations are not considered initial conditions, but are computed from the
equilibrium equation.
For nonlinear analyses, you may specify the initial conditions at the start of the
analysis. You have two choices:
Zero initial conditions: the structure has zero displacement and velocity, all elements are unstressed, and there is no history of nonlinear deformation.
Time Steps
The choice of output time steps is the same for linear and nonlinear time-history
analysis. Please see Topic Time Steps (page 300) in Chapter Linear Time-History Analysis for more information.
The nonlinear analysis will internally solve the equations of motion at each output
time step and at each load function time step, just as for linear analysis. In addition,
you may specify a maximum substep size that is smaller than the output time step in
order to reduce the amount of nonlinear iteration, and also to increase the accuracy
of direct-integration analysis. The program may also choose smaller substeps sizes
automatically when it detects slow convergence.
Time Steps
Chapter XXIII
Initial Conditions
See Topic Initial Conditions (page 117) in this Chapter for a general discussion
of initial conditions.
Because FNA analyses can only continue from other FNA analyses, special consideration must be given to how you can model static loads that may act on the structure prior to a dynamic analysis.
It is actually very simple to perform static analysis using FNA. The load is applied
quasi-statically (very slowly) with high damping. To define a quasi-static FNA
Define a ramp-type time-history function that increases linearly from zero to
one over a length of time that is long (say ten times) compared to the first period
of the structure, and then holds constant for an equal length of time. Call this
function RAMPQS
Define a nonlinear modal time-history (FNA) case:
Call this case HISTQS
Nonlinear Modal Time-History Analysis (FNA)
Mode Superposition
Modal analysis is performed using the full stiffness matrix, K, and the mass matrix,
M. It is strongly recommended that the Ritz-vector method be used to perform the
modal analysis.
Using standard techniques, the equilibrium equation can be written in modal form
W a ( t ) + L a&( t ) + I a&&( t ) = q ( t ) - q N ( t )
Chapter XXIII
W2 =F T K F
L is the modal damping matrix which is assumed to be diagonal:
L =F T C F
I is the identity matrix which satisfies:
I =F T M F
q( t ) is the vector of modal applied loads:
q( t ) = F
r (t)
[ r N ( t ) - K N u( t ) ]
Modal Damping
As for linear modal time-history analysis, the damping in the structure is modeled
using uncoupled modal damping. Each mode has a damping ratio, damp, which is
measured as a fraction of critical damping and must satisfy:
0 damp < 1
Modal damping has two different sources, which are described in the following.
Damping from these sources is added together. The program automatically makes
sure that the total is less than one.
Important note: For linear modal time-history analysis, the linear effective damping for the Link/Support elements is also used. However, it is not used for nonlinear
modal time-history analysis.
Modal Damping from the Analysis Case
For each nonlinear modal time-history Analysis Case, you may specify modal
damping ratios that are:
Constant for all modes
Linearly interpolated by period or frequency. You specify the damping ratio at
a series of frequency or period points. Between specified points the damping is
linearly interpolated. Outside the specified range, the damping ratio is constant
at the value given for the closest specified point.
Mass and stiffness proportional. This mimics the proportional damping used
for direct-integration, except that the damping value is never allowed to exceed
In addition, you may optionally specify damping overrides. These are specific values of damping to be used for specific modes that replace the damping obtained by
one of the methods above. The use of damping overrides is rarely necessary.
It is also important to note that the assumption of modal damping is being made
with respect to the total stiffness matrix, K, which includes the effective stiffness
from the nonlinear elements. If non-zero modal damping is to be used, then the effective stiffness specified for these elements is important. The effective stiffness
should be selected such that the modes for which these damping values are specified are realistic.
Chapter XXIII
In general it is recommended that either the initial stiffness of the element be used
as the effective stiffness or the secant stiffness obtained from tests at the expected
value of the maximum displacement be used. Initially-open gap and hook elements
and all damper elements should generally be specified with zero effective stiffness.
Composite Modal Damping from the Materials
Modal damping ratios, if any, that have been specified for the Materials are converted automatically to composite modal damping. Any cross coupling between the
modes is ignored. These modal-damping values will generally be different for each
mode, depending upon how much deformation each mode causes in the elements
composed of the different Materials.
Iterative Solution
The nonlinear modal equations are solved iteratively in each time step. The program assumes that the right-hand sides of the equations vary linearly during a time
step, and uses exact, closed-form integration to solve these equations in each iteration. The iterations are carried out until the solution converges. If convergence cannot be achieved, the program divides the time step into smaller substeps and tries
Several parameters are available for you to control the iteration process. In general,
the use of the default values is recommended since this will solve most problems. If
convergence cannot be achieved, inaccurate results are obtained, or the solution
takes too long, changing these control parameters may help. However, you should
first check that reasonable loads and properties have been specified, and that appropriate Modes have been obtained, preferably using the Ritz vector method.
The parameters that are available to control iteration and substepping are:
The relative force convergence tolerance, ftol
The relative energy convergence tolerance, etol
The maximum allowed substep size, dtmax
The minimum allowed substep size, dtmin
The maximum number of force iterations permitted for small substeps, itmax
The maximum number of force iterations permitted for large substeps, itmin
The convergence factor, cf
These parameters are used in the iteration and substepping algorithm as described
in the following.
Nonlinear Modal Time-History Analysis (FNA)
Chapter XXIII
Static Period
Normally all modes are treated as being dynamic. In each time step, the response of
a dynamic mode has two parts:
Forced response, which is directly proportional to the modal load
Transient response, which is oscillatory, and which depends on the displacements and velocities of the structure at the beginning of the time step
You may optionally specify that high-frequency (short period) modes be treated as
static, so that they follow the load without any transient response. This is done by
specifying a static period, tstat, such that all modes with periods less than tstat are
considered to be static modes. The default for tstat is zero, meaning that all modes
are considered to be dynamic.
Although tstat can be used for any nonlinear time-history analysis, it is of most use
for quasi-static analyses. If the default iteration parameters do not work for such an
analysis, you may try using the following parameters as a starting point:
tstat greater than the longest period of the structure
itmax = itmin 1000
dtmax = dtmin = dt
ftol 10-6
All material nonlinearity that has been defined in the model will be considered in a
nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis.
You have a choice of the type of geometric nonlinearity to be considered:
Chapter XXIII
P-delta effects
Large displacement effects
If you are continuing from a previous nonlinear analysis, it is strongly recommended that you select the same geometric nonlinearity parameters for the current
case as for the previous case. See Chapter Geometric Nonlinearity (page 307) for
more information.
Initial Conditions
See Topic Initial Conditions (page 117) in this Chapter for a general discussion
of initial conditions.
You may continue a nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis from a nonlinear static analysis or another direct-integration time-history nonlinear analysis.
It is strongly recommended that you select the same geometric nonlinearity parameters for the current case as for the previous case.
In direct-integration time-history analysis, the damping in the structure is modeled
using a full damping matrix. Unlike modal damping, this allows coupling between
the modes to be considered.
Direct-integration damping has two different sources, which are described in the
following. Damping from these sources is added together.
Important note: For linear direct-integration time-history analysis, the linear effective damping for the Link/Support elements is also used. However, it is not used for
nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis.
Proportional Damping from the Analysis Case
For each direct-integration time-history Analysis Case, you may specify proportional damping coefficients that apply to the structure as a whole. The damping matrix is calculated as a linear combination of the stiffness matrix scaled by a coefficient that you specify, and the mass matrix scaled by a second coefficient that you
Iterative Solution
The nonlinear equations are solved iteratively in each time step. This may require
re-forming and re-solving the stiffness and damping matrices. The iterations are
carried out until the solution converges. If convergence cannot be achieved, the
program divides the time step into smaller substeps and tries again.
Several parameters are available for you to control the iteration and substepping
process. These are described in the following.
Maximum Substep Size
The analysis will always stop at every output time step, and at every time step
where one of the input time-history functions is defined. You may, in addition, set
an upper limit on the step size used for integration. For example, suppose your output time step size was 0.005, and your input functions were also defined at 0.005
seconds. If you set the Maximum Substep Size to 0.001, the program will internally
take five integration substeps for every saved output time step. The program may
Chapter XXIII
C h a p t e r XXIV
Frequency-Domain Analyses
Frequency-domain analysis is based upon the dynamical response of the structure
to harmonically varying load. Two types of frequency-domain analysis cases are
cur rently avail able: de ter min is tic Steady-State anal y sis and probabalistic
Power-Spectral-Density analysis.
Advanced Topics
Harmonic Motion
Frequency Domain
Frequency Steps
Steady-State Analysis
Power-Spectral-Density Analysis
Frequency-domain analysis is based upon the dynamical response of the structure
to harmonically varying load. The analysis is performed at one or more frequencies
of vibration. At each frequency, the loading varies with time as sine and cosine
functions. Two types of frequency-domain analysis cases are currently available:
steady-state analysis and power-spectral-density analysis.
Steady-state analysis computes the deterministic response at each requested frequency. The loading may have components at acting different phase angles. The
phase angles of the response are computed and may be displayed.
Power-spectral-density analysis is based on a probablistic spectrum of loading. The
analysis computes a probablistic spectrum for each response component. In addition, a single probablistic expected value for each response component is presented
that is the root-mean-square (RMS) of the probablistic spectrum. The loading may
have components at acting different phase angles, but the phase information is not
preserved for the probablistic response.
Hysteretic and viscous damping may be specified. Frequency-dependent properties
for Link and Support elements, if defined, are considered in the analyses. All analyses are performed in the complex domain.
Harmonic Motion
Harmonic loading is of the form r ( t ) = p0 cos(wt ) + p90 sin(wt ), where w is the circular frequency of the excitation. This loading is assumed to exist for all time, so
that transient components of the response have vanished. In other words,
steady-state conditions have been achieved.
The spatial loading consists of two parts: the in-phase component p0, and the 90
out-of-phase component p90. The spatial distributions do not vary as a function of
The equilibrium equations for the structural system are of the following form:
K u( t ) + C u&( t ) + M u&&( t ) = r ( t ) = p0 cos(wt ) + p90 sin(wt )
where K is the stiffness matrix, C is the viscous damping matrix, M is the diagonal
& and u&& are the joint displacements, velocities, and acceleramass matrix, and u, u,
tions, respectively.
Chapter XXIV
Frequency-Domain Analyses
Frequency Domain
It is more convenient to re-write the equations in complex form. The loading is then
given by
r ( t ) = p exp( iwt ) = p (cos(wt ) + i sin(wt ))
where the overbar indicates a complex quantity. The real cosine term represents the
in-phase component, and the imaginary sine term represents the 90 out-of-phase
The steady-state solution of this equation requires that the joint displacements be of
the same form:
u ( t ) = a exp( iwt ) = a (cos(wt ) + i sin(wt ))
Substituting these into the equation of motion yields:
[ K + iwC - w M ] a = p
We can define a complex impedance matrix
K = K - w M + i wC
where the real part represents stiffness and inertial effects, and the imaginary part
represents damping effects. Note that the real part may be zero or negative. The
equations of motion can be written:
(Eqn. 1)
where here we emphasize that the impedance matrix, the loading, and the displacements are all functions of frequency.
The impedance matrix is a function of frequency not only because of the inertial
and damping terms, but also because frequency-dependent Link and Support element properties are permitted. Thus
Frequency Domain
It is common for frequency-domain problems to specify a hysteretic (displacement-based) damping matrix D rather than a viscous (velocity-based) damping matrix C. These are related as:
D = wC
[As an aside, note that from this definition a nonzero value of hysteretic damping D
at w = 0 (static conditions) results in an undefined value for viscous damping C. This
leads to considerations of the noncausality of hysteretic damping, as discussed in
Makris and Zhang (2000). However, this is usually ignored.]
Hysteretic damping may be specified as a function of frequency, i.e., D = D(w), and
there is no restriction imposed on the value at w = 0.
Using hysteretic damping, the complex impedance matrix becomes
Sources of Damping
In frequency-domain analysis, the damping matrix D(w) has four different sources
as described in the following. Damping from these sources is added together.
Hysteretic Damping from the Analysis Case
For each Steady-state or Power-spectral-density Analysis Case, you may specify
proportional damping coefficients that apply to the structure as a whole. The damping matrix is calculated as a linear combination of the stiffness matrix scaled by a
coefficient, d K , and the mass matrix scaled by a second coefficient, d M . For most
practical cases, d M = 0 and only d K is used.
You may specify that these coefficients are constant for all frequencies, or they
may be linearly interpolated between values that you specify at different frequencies. Thus the damping matrix becomes:
D(w) =d K (w)K + d M (w)M
The stiffness matrix used here includes all elements in the structure except for any
Link or Support elements that have frequency-dependent properties.
If you specify d M = 0 and d K (w) to linearly increase with frequency, this is equivalent to viscous damping.
Chapter XXIV
Frequency-Domain Analyses
You can approximate modal damping by settting d M = 0 and d K (w) = 2d(w), where
d(w) is the modal damping ratio. For example, if you typically use a constant 5%
modal damping for all modes, the equivalent hysteretic damping value is a constant
d K (w) = 010
. . For each mode, this leads to approximately the same level of response
at resonance.
Hysteretic Damping from the Materials
You may specify stiffness and mass proportional damping coefficients for individual materials. For example, you may want to use larger coefficients for soil materials than for steel or concrete. The same interpretation of these coefficients applies
as described above for the Analysis Case damping. Be sure not to double-count the
damping by including it in both the analysis case and the materials.
Hysteretic Damping from Frequency-Dependent Link/Support Elements
For any Link or Support elements that have frequency-dependent properties assigned to them, the frequency-dependent hysteretic damping values are added to
the damping matrix used.
Viscous Damping from the Link/Support Elements
For any Link or Support elements that do not have frequency-dependent properties
assigned to them, the linear effective-damping coefficients are multiplied by frequency w and added to the damping matrix. The linear effective-damping values are
used regardless of whether or not nonlinear damping coefficients have been specified.
The load, p(w), applied in a given Steady-state or Power-spectral-density case may
be an arbitrary function of space and frequency. It can be written as a finite sum of
spatial load vectors, p i , multiplied by frequency functions, f i (w), as:
p(w) = s j f j (w) p j e
iq j
(Eqn. 2)
Here s j is a scale factor and q j is the phase angle at which load p j is applied.
The program uses Load Cases and/or Acceleration Loads to represent the spatial
load vectors, p j , as described below.
Chapter XXIV
Frequency-Domain Analyses
Frequency Steps
Frequency-domain analyses are performed at discrete frequency steps. For a
Steady-state or Power-spectral-density Analysis Case, you may request the response at the following frequencies:
A required range of equally spaced frequencies. This is defined by specifying
the first frequency, f 1 0; the last frequency, f 2 f 1 ; and the number of increments, n > 0. This results in the following set of frequencies:
f 1 , f 1 + Df , f 1 + 2Df ,K , f 2 ,
where Df = ( f 2 - f 1 ) / n.
Optionally, at all frequencies calculated in a specified Modal Analysis Case.
Only frequencies that fall within the frequency range f 1 to f 2 will be used. See
Chapter Modal Analysis (page 269) for more information.
Optionally, at specified fractional deviations from all frequencies calculated in
a specified Modal Analysis Case. For example, suppose you specify fractional
deviations of 0.01 and -0.02. For each frequency f found by the Modal Analysis Case, the frequency-domain analysis will be performed at 101
. f and 098
. f.
Only frequencies that fall within the frequency range f 1 to f 2 will be used.
Optionally, at any number of directly specified frequencies f . Only frequencies that fall within the frequency range f 1 to f 2 will be used.
Frequencies may be specified in Hz (cycles/second) or RPM (cycles/minute).
These will be converted to circular frequencies, w, by the program.
The use of modal frequencies and their fractional deviations can be very important
to capture resonant behavior in the structure. Any set of equally-spaced frequencies
could easily skip over the most significant response in a given frequency range. The
use of directly specified frequencies can be important when you are concerned
about sensitive equipment that may respond strongly at certain frequencies.
Frequency Steps
Steady-State Analysis
Steady-state analysis seeks the response of the structure at one or more frequencies
to loading of the form:
p(w) = s j f j (w) p j e
iq j
See Topic Loading (page 363) in this Chapter for more information about this
type of loading.
The frequency function, f j (w), is given directly by a steady-state function that you
define. It represents the magnitude of the load before scaling by s j . See Topic
Functions (page 263) in Chapter Analysis Cases for more information.
If you are interested in the response characteristics of the structure itself, a constant
function could be used, i.e., f j (w) =1. For loading that is caused by rotating machinery, f j (w) = w2 might be used.
Suppose we have a machine with a spinning flywheel that has an eccentric mass.
The mass is m and the center of mass is eccentric by an amount e. The flywheel
spins about an axis parallel to the global Y axis. This machine is mounted on a
structure, and we are interested in the steady-state response of the structure to the
machine running at any speed in the range from 0 to 30Hz (1800 RPM).
The magnitude of the force from the eccentric mass that acts on the center of rotation is given by emw2 . This force rotates in the X-Z plane. To define the loading, we
need the following:
A Load Case, say ECCX, in which a unit load in the +X direction is assigned
to the joint that represents the center of the flywheel.
Another Load Case, say ECCZ, in which a unit load in the +Z direction is assigned to the same joint.
A Steady-state Function, say FSQUARED, which varies as f j (w) = w2
A Modal Analysis Case, say MODAL, which calculates all natural frequencies in the range from 0 to 30Hz. This can be for eigen or Ritz vectors; if Ritz,
use the two Load Cases ECCX and ECCZ as the starting load vectors.
We then define a Steady-state Analysis Case with the following features:
Steady-State Analysis
Chapter XXIV
Frequency-Domain Analyses
Power-Spectral-Density Analysis
Power-spectral-density (PSD) analysis is similar to Steady-state analysis in that it
considers the harmonic behavior of the structure over a range of frequencies. However, the loading is considered to be probablistic over the frequency range of the
analysis, and so too is the response. This probablistic response can be integrated
over the frequency range to determine a single expected value. This can be useful,
for example, for fatigue design.
A PSD Analysis Case considers correlated loading of the form:
p(w) = s j f j (w) p j e
iq j
Power-Spectral-Density Analysis
Consider the same example used in Topic Steady-State Analysis (page 366) of
this Chapter. Suppose that the machine is expected to operate 95% of the time in the
range of 20 to 25Hz, and 5% of the time at other frequencies from 0 to 30Hz.
The only difference between the definition of the two types of analysis cases for
this problem is in the functions. Now we will use a PSD Function, say FPOWER,
defined as follows:
. / 25Hz , 0 w< 20Hz
F j (w) = w 095
. / 5Hz , 20 w< 25Hz
. / 25Hz , 25 w 30Hz
Power-Spectral-Density Analysis
Chapter XXIV
Frequency-Domain Analyses
Note that the w2 term is squared again. However, in the definition of the PSD Analysis Case, the scale factor will still be em (not squared), since it was not included in
the PSD function itself.
The two loads, ECCX and ECCZ, must be combined in the same Analysis
Case because they are clearly correlated. However, if a second machine with its
own independent functioning was mounted to the same structure, this should be analyzed in a separate PSD Analysis Case and the two cases combined in an SRSS
Power-Spectral-Density Analysis
Power-Spectral-Density Analysis
C h a p t e r XXV
Bridge Analysis
Bridge Analysis can be used to compute influence lines for traffic lanes on bridge
structures and to analyze these structures for the response due to vehicle live loads.
Advanced Topics
Modeling the Bridge Structure
Roadways and Lanes
Spatial Resolution
Influence Lines
Vehicle Classes
Moving Load Analysis Cases
Influence Line Tolerance
Exact and Quick Response Calculation
Moving Load Response Control
Computational Considerations
Bridge Analysis can be used to determine the response of bridge structures due to
the weight of Vehicle live loads. Considerable power and flexibility is provided for
determining the maximum and minimum displacements and forces due to
multiple-lane loads on complex structures, such as highway interchanges. The effects of Vehicle live loads can be combined with static and dynamic loads, and envelopes of the response can be computed.
The bridge to be analyzed is modeled with Frame elements representing the superstructure, substructure and other components of interest. Displacements, reactions,
spring forces, and Frame-element internal forces can be determined due to the influence of Vehicle live loads. Other element types (Shell, Plane, Asolid, Solid, and
Link/Support) may be used; they contribute to the stiffness of the structure, but they
are not analyzed for the effect of Vehicle load.
Lanes are defined on the superstructure that represent where the live loads can act.
These Lanes need not be parallel nor of the same length, so that complex traffic patterns may be considered. The program computes conventional influence lines for
all response quantities due to the loading of each Lane. These influence lines may
be displayed using the SAP2000 graphical interface.
You may select Vehicle live loads from a set of standard highway and railway Vehicles, or you may create your own Vehicle live loads. Vehicles move in both directions along each Lane of the bridge. Vehicles are automatically located at such positions along the length of the Lanes to produce the maximum and minimum response quantities throughout the structure. Each Vehicle live load may be allowed
to act on every lane or be restricted to certain lanes. The program can automatically
find the maximum and minimum response quantities throughout the structure due
to placement of different Vehicles in different Lanes.
For each maximum or minimum extreme response quantity, the corresponding values for the other components of response can also be computed.
In summary, the procedure to perform a Bridge Analysis is to:
Model the structural behavior of the bridge with Frame elements
Define traffic Lanes describing where the Vehicle live loads act
Define the different Vehicle live loads that may act on the bridge
Define Vehicle Classes (groups) containing one or more Vehicles that must be
considered interchangeably
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
Define Moving-Load Analysis Cases that assign Vehicle Classes to act on the
traffic Lanes in various combinations
Specify for which joints and Frame elements the Moving Load response is to
be calculated
The most extreme (maximum and minimum) displacements, reactions, spring
forces, and Frame element internal forces are automatically computed for each
Moving-Load Analysis Case defined.
Frame Elements
In simple cases you may define a two-dimensional model with longitudinal elements representing the superstructure and roadway, and vertical elements representing the piers and supports. For curved bridge structures these Frame elements
need not exist in a single plane. Elements directed in the third, transverse direction
may also be used for modeling the bents and other features. Figure 71 (page 374)
shows an example of a bridge model.
Specify appropriate Section properties to represent the total effective-stiffness
properties of the superstructure and substructure members. These elements should
be placed along the neutral axis of the members they represent.
The results of the Bridge Analysis will report the Frame element internal forces and
moments which can then be used to design the actual sections. Moving-load response will only be calculated for those elements you specifically request.
For more information:
See Topic Local Coordinate System (page 82) in Chapter The Frame Element.
See Topic Section Properties (page 88) in Chapter The Frame Element.
See Topic Vehicles (page 384) in this Chapter.
See Topic Moving Load Response Control (page 405) in this Chapter.
Figure 71
Frame Element Model of a Bridge Structure
Supports can be modeled using either springs or restraints. Moving-load response
will only be calculated for those springs or restraints you specifically request.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
See Topic Moving Load Response Control (page 405) in this Chapter for more
5 6
5 6
Joints 4,5,6:
Same Coordinates
Equal Y-translation
Equal Z-translation
Equal X-rotation
Joints 4,6:
Equal X-displacement
Joints 5,6:
Same Coordinates
Equal Y-translation
Equal Z-translation
Equal X-rotation
Moment &
Axial Force
Moment &
Axial Force
Modeling of Bearings
and Expansion Joints
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
Vehicle live loads can only be applied to Frame elements. Thus live loads cannot be represented as acting directly on bridge decks modeled with Shell or
other element types.
All elements present in the structure contribute to the stiffness and may carry
part of the load. However, element internal forces (stresses) due to Vehicle live
loads are computed only for Frame elements. Therefore, the presence of other
element types may result in an underestimate of the internal forces in Frame
elements if these are intended to represent the complete behavior of the substructure or superstructure. The corresponding response in the other element
types will not be reported. This approach may be unconservative for all element types.
Typically each roadway is modeled with a single string (or chain) of Frame elements running along the length of the roadway. These elements should possess
Section properties representing the full width and depth of the bridge deck. They
are modeled as a normal part of the overall structure and are not explicitly identified
as being roadway elements.
A traffic Lane on a roadway has its length represented by a consecutive set of some
or all of the roadway elements. The transverse position of the Lane center line is
specified by its eccentricity relative to the roadway elements. Each Lane across the
roadway width will usually refer to the same set of roadway elements, but will typiRoadways and Lanes
The sign of a Lane eccentricity is defined as follows: in an elevation view of the
bridge where the Lane runs from left to right, Lanes located behind the roadway
elements have positive eccentricity. Alternatively, to a driver traveling on the roadway in the direction that the Lane runs, a Lane to the left of the roadway elements
has a positive eccentricity.
The use of eccentricities is primarily important for the determination of axial torsion in the bridge deck and transverse bending in the substructure; secondary effects may also be found in more complex structures. Although the modeling of lane
eccentricities is generally realistic and advantageous, some savings in computation
time, memory requirements, and disk storage space can be realized by using zero
eccentricities for all elements in all Lanes.
Modeling Guidelines
Although roadway elements are not explicitly defined as such, they can be identified as those Frame elements in the structure that are referred to by one or more
Lane definitions. Since the Vehicle live loads will be applied to the roadway Frame
elements through the use of the Lanes, the modeling of roadway elements should
adhere to the following guidelines:
They should be located at the neutral axis of the bridge deck
They should be parallel to the direction of traffic, or approximately so
They should form one or more (nearly) contiguous chains of elements. To be
contiguous, the end of one element should be located at the beginning of the
next element in the chain. The two elements may be attached to the same joint,
or to two different joints at the same location. If they are not contiguous, the
gap between adjacent elements should be small, especially in the longitudinal
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
Lane 2
Lane 1
Lane 1 = 1,2,3,4
Running Westward
Lane 2 = 1,2,3,4
South Elevation
Figure 73
Definition of Lanes for a Simple Bridge
direction; gaps in the transverse and vertical direction are not usually significant
They must not be vertical
Each Lane should be a consecutive set of some or all of the roadway elements, chosen to form a (nearly) contiguous chain or path
Lane 1
End of Lane 2
Lane 2
Lane 1 = 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Running Eastward
Lane 2 = 11,10,9,5,4,3
South Elevation
Figure 74
Definition of Lanes for a Two-Roadway Merge
Figure 73 (page 379) shows a simple 24 ft wide bridge carrying two opposing 12 ft
traffic Lanes. The roadway, and also each traffic Lane, are modeled by four Frame
elements (1, 2, 3, 4) running along the center line of the bridge from east to west.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
The eccentricities are constant at +6 ft and 6 ft for the eastbound and westbound
Lanes, respectively.
A second example showing a simple portion of an interchange is presented in
Figure 74 (page 380). Here two 12 ft wide roadways (A and B) merge into a single
24 ft wide roadway (C), which then tapers down to a 12 ft width. Each roadway is
modeled with a single chain of elements. Elements representing the substructure
and other structural members are not shown.
Two 12 ft wide traffic Lanes are defined: the first runs the full length of roadways A
and C; the second runs the full length of roadway B and the 24 ft wide portion of
roadway C. The chain of elements defining the first Lane is: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; the
chain defining the second Lane is: 11, 10, 9, 5, 4, 3. Both Lanes run eastward. The
eccentricities at the centers of the elements are zero except for: +3 ft for element 2
and +6 ft for elements 3, 4 and 5 in the first Lane; and 6 ft for elements 3, 4 and 5 in
the second Lane.
A significant transverse gap exists between element 5 and elements 6 and 9 in
Lanes 1 and 2, respectively. Significant transverse gaps also exist on either side of
element 2, which is taken to be parallel to the direction of traffic in order to obtain
the most meaningful definitions for moments and torque. Since no longitudinal
gaps exists, the Vehicle loads will be modeled adequately. However, appropriate
stiffness connections must still be made to tie the roadways together at the gaps.
This can be done using elements or rigid Body Constraints.
See Topic Body Constraints (page 49) in Chapter Constraints and Welds for
more information.
Spatial Resolution
The accuracy of the Bridge Analysis is determined by the spatial resolution (the
number of load and response points) of the Lanes.
Spatial Resolution
The resolution of a live-load analysis may be increased by increasing the number of
Frame elements, the number of output segments for each Frame element, or both.
Increasing the number of output segments, nseg, is the simplest way to increase the
resolution; it is also the most computationally efficient. See Topic Computational
Considerations (page 406) in this Chapter for more information.
Increasing the number of Frame elements as a way to increase resolution is not generally recommended. However, other factors may govern the number of Frame elements that need to be used in a given region, such as:
Curved roadways: more than one element may be needed between supports,
diaphragms, or cross-braces. You should experiment to determine the number
of elements required to adequately represent the stiffness and loading of the
curved roadway.
Dynamic analyses: element masses are lumped at the joints, hence a sufficient
number of Frame elements must be defined to represent the governing vibration modes of the structure
Non-constant Lane eccentricities
Spatial Resolution
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
For example, a simple span represented by a single element with nseg=8 has the
same effective number of load and response points as four elements with nseg=2.
This is true because load and response points at the interior joints are duplicated in
the latter case. Both meshes have the same resolution for live-load analysis and will
produce the same results. The former mesh is easier to define and will be somewhat
more efficient. However, the latter mesh is superior when dynamics are to be considered.
Modeling Guidelines
A suggested approach for achieving adequate resolution for live-load analysis is as
Devise a SAP2000 bridge model that uses an appropriate number of Frame elements to capture significant structural behavior and inertia properties, and to
properly represent the traffic lanes and spans
Perform a preliminary analysis using a moderate number of output segments
(say nseg=2 for all elements) to assess the correctness of the model and to
check for adequate local resolution
Correct the model as required, adding more Frame elements if necessary
Perform another analysis using the corrected model with an increased number
of output segments, nseg, where needed
Repeat the previous steps as necessary
Checking the model for adequate resolution should ideally be done using the
SAP2000 graphical interface to examine the influence lines and the Moving Load
response. The influence lines will give a more critical view of the resolution of the
model, although the Moving Load results are of more practical interest.
Influence Lines
SAP2000 automatically computes influence lines for the following response quantities:
Frame element internal forces at the output points
Joint displacements
Spring forces
Influence Lines
Any number of Vehicle live loads, or simply Vehicles, may be defined to act on the
traffic Lanes. You may use standard types of Vehicles known to the program, or design your own using the general Vehicle specification.
Direction of Loads
All vehicle live loads represent weight and are assumed to act downward, in the Z
global coordinate direction.
See Upward and Horizontal Directions (page 13) in Chapter Coordinate Systems.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
Figure 75
Examples of Influence Lines for One-Span and Two-Span Beams
Application of Loads
Each Vehicle consists of one or more concentrated (point) and/or uniform line
loads. These act on the center line of the lane, i.e., along lines parallel to the Lane
elements, horizontally offset from the Lane elements by the lane eccentricity.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
General Vehicle
The general Vehicle may represent an actual vehicle or a notional vehicle used by a
design code. Most trucks and trains can be modeled by the SAP2000 general Vehicle.
The general Vehicle consists of n axles with specified distances between them.
Concentrated loads may exist at the axles. Uniform loads may exist between pairs
of axles, in front of the first axle, and behind the last axle. The distance between any
one pair of axles may vary over a specified range; the other distances are fixed. The
leading and trailing uniform loads are of infinite extent. Additional floating concentrated loads may be specified that are independent of the position of the axles.
By default, applied loads never decrease the severity of the computed response, so
the effect of a shorter Vehicle is captured by a longer Vehicle that includes the same
loads and spacings as the longer Vehicle. Only the longer Vehicle need be considered in such cases.
If you choose the option to allow loads to reduce the severity of response, then you
must consider the shorter and longer vehicles, if they both apply.
To define a Vehicle, you may specify:
n1 positive distances, d, between the pairs of axles; one inter-axle distance
may be specified as a range from dmin to dmax, where 0 < dmin dmax, and
dmax = 0 is used to represent a maximum distance of infinity
n concentrated loads, p, at the axles
n+1 uniform loads, w: the leading load, the inter-axle loads, and the trailing
Floating concentrated loads; either:
A single floating load, px, for all response quantities, or
A pair of floating loads:
* Load pm for span moments in the Lane elements. This load receives
special treatment for span moments over the supports, as described below, and
* Load pxm for all response quantities except span moments in the Lane
Whether or not this Vehicle is to be used for:
(1) All loads are point loads or uniform line loads acting on the Lane center line
(2) Any of the point loads or uniform line loads may be zero
(3) The number of axles, n, may be zero or more
(4) One of the inter-axle spacings, d2 through dn, may vary over a specified range
(5) The locations of loads px, pm, and pxm are arbitrary
Figure 76
General Vehicle Definition
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
These parameters are illustrated in Figure 76 (page 388). Specific examples are
given in the next subtopic using the standard Vehicles. Additional detail is provided in the following.
Moving the Vehicle
When a Vehicle is applied to a traffic Lane, the axles are moved along the length of
the lane to where the maximum and minimum values are produced for every response quantity in every element. Usually this location will be different for each response quantity. For asymmetric (front to back) Vehicles, both directions of travel
are considered.
Vehicle Response Categories
In order to satisfy certain requirements of the AASHTO HL design vehicular live
load (AASHTO, 2004), the available response quantities are divided into the following categories:
(1) Negative span moments over the supports in Lane elements only. A negative span moment is defined as that moment which causes tension in the
upward-most face of a Lane element:
Negative M3 if the local +2 axis is most upward (the default)
Positive M3 if the local 2 axis is most upward
Negative M2 if the local +3 axis is most upward
Positive M2 if the local 3 axis is most upward
SAP2000 considers all negative span moments in the Lane elements to be in
this category without regard for the location of the supports (piers).
(2) Reactions at interior supports (piers). This takes two forms:
A compressive axial force in vertical Frame elements, where vertical is defined here as being within 15 of the Z axis
The most upward local component of reactions and spring forces. For example:
Positive F3 if the joint local +3 axis is most upward (the default)
Negative F2 if the joint local 2 axis is most upward
The program automatically determines if these force components correspond
to an interior support from the shape of the influence line. If the absolute minimum influence value does not occur at either end of the influence line, the support is considered to be interior.
Standard Vehicles
The following standard vehicle types are available in SAP2000 to represent vehicular live loads specified in various design codes. The type of vehicle is specified using the parameter type.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
H20-44 Truck Load
32 k
32 k
14' to 30'
26 k
18 k
0.640 k/ft
Figure 77
AASHTO Standard H and HS Vehicles
loads will be increased. The uniform lane load is not affected. Thus if im = 33, all
concentrated axle loads for the vehicle will be multiplied by the factor 1.33.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
25 k 25 k
32 k
32 k
0.640 k/ft
14' to 30'
28.8 k
28.8 k
28.8 k
7.2 k
28.8 k
7.2 k
0.576 k/ft
50' to
HL-93S Truck and Lane Load for Negative Moment and Reactions at Interior Piers
Figure 78
AASHTO Standard HL Vehicles
Vehicle Classes
The designer is often interested in the maximum and minimum response of the
bridge to the most extreme of several types of Vehicles rather than the effect of the
individual Vehicles. For this purpose, Vehicle Classes are defined that may include
any number of individual Vehicles. The maximum and minimum force and displacement response quantities for a Vehicle Class will be the maximum and minimum values obtained for any individual Vehicle in that Class. Only one Vehicle
ever acts at a time.
All Vehicle loads are applied to the traffic Lanes through the use of Vehicle
Classes. If it is desired to apply an individual Vehicle load, you must define a Vehicle Class that contains only that single Vehicle.
Vehicle Classes
Chapter XXV
48 k
Bridge Analysis
48 k
26 k
P5 Permit Load
48 k
48 k
48 k
26 k
P7 Permit Load
48 k
48 k
48 k
48 k
26 k
P9 Permit Load
48 k
48 k
48 k
48 k
48 k
26 k
P11 Permit
48 k
48 k
48 k
P13 Permit
48 k
48 k
48 k
26 k
Figure 79
Caltrans Standard Permit Vehicles
For example, the you may need to consider the most severe of a Truck Load and the
corresponding Lane Load, say the HS20-44 and HS20-44L loads. A Vehicle Class
can be defined to contain these two Vehicles. Additional Vehicles, such as the AlVehicle Classes
4 @ 80 k
4 @ 52 k
40 k
4 @ 52 k
40 k
8 k/ft
250 kN
250 kN
250 kN
250 kN
80 kN/m
80 kN/m
0.8 m
1.6 m
1.6 m
1.6 m
0.8 m
50 kN/m
25 kN/m
25 kN/m
100 m
RL Train Load
Figure 80
Standard Train Vehicles
ternate Military Load type AML, could be included in the Class as appropriate. Different members of the Class may cause the most severe response at different locations in the structure.
Vehicle Classes
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
For HL-93 loading, you would first define three Vehicles, one each of the standard
types HL-93K, HL-93M, and HL-93S. You then could define a single Vehicle
Class containing all three Vehicles.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
There are fifteen possible permutations assigning the single Vehicle Class HS to
any one, two, three, or four Lanes. These are presented in the following table:
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Scale Factor
Lane 4
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
ing assigned to any other single Lane. This can be accomplished using two assignments. A scale factor of unity is used regardless of the number of loaded Lanes.
The first assignment assigns Class P13 to any single Lane:
class = P13
sf = 1
lanes = 1, 2, 3, 4
lmin = 1
lmax = 1
The second assignment assigns Class HS to any single Lane, or to no Lane at all:
class = HS
sf = 1
lanes = 1, 2, 3, 4
lmin = 0
lmax = 1
There are sixteen possible permutations for these two assignments such that no
Lane is loaded by more than one Class at a time. These are presented in the following table:
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Lane 4
Scale Factor
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Lane 4
Scale Factor
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Lane 4
Scale Factor
Similarly, the second Moving Load case considers the case where the permit Vehicle occupies Lane 4. The first assignment assigns Class P13 to Lane 4
class = P13
sf = 1
lanes = 4
lmin = 1
lmax = 1
The second assignment assigns Class HS to either Lane 1 or 2, or to no Lane at all:
class = HS
sf = 1
lanes = 1, 2
lmin = 0
lmax = 1
These assignments permits the following three permutations:
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Lane 4
Scale Factor
An envelope-type Combo that includes only these two Moving Load cases would
produce the most severe response for the six permutations above.
See Topic Combinations (Combos) (page 264) in Chapter Analysis Cases for
more information.
Chapter XXV
Bridge Analysis
For each maximum or minimum Frame-element response quantity computed, the
corresponding values for the other five internal force and moment components may
be determined. For example, the shear, moment, and torque that occur at the same
time as the maximum axial force in a Frame element may be computed.
These corresponding response quantities are only used for steel and concrete design in the SAP2000 graphical user interface. They cannot be printed or displayed.
When Moving Load cases are printed or displayed, the extreme values of each response quantity are given without correspondence.
By default, no corresponding quantities are computed for the Frame elements,
since this significantly increases the computation time for moving-load response.
You may specify that correspondence is to be calculated, in which case it will be
done for all Frame elements for which moving-load response is requested, and for
all Moving Load cases.
Computational Considerations
The computation of influence lines requires a moderate amount of computer time
and a large amount of disk storage compared with the execution of other typical
SAP2000 analyses. The amount of computer time is approximately proportional to
N L, where N is the number of structure degrees-of-freedom, and L is the number of
load points. The amount of disk storage required is approximately proportional to
Increasing the resolution of the analysis by increasing the number of Frame elements (holding nseg constant) causes approximately proportional increases in N
and L, and hence increases computation time by about L and storage space by
about L . Holding the number of elements constant and increasing nseg instead increases computation time and storage space each by approximately L. Clearly the
latter method is more efficient.
If all traffic Lanes have zero eccentricities everywhere, computation time and storage space for the influence lines are cut in half.
The computation of Moving Load response may require a large amount of computer time compared with the execution of other typical SAP2000 analyses. The
amount of disk storage needed (beyond the influence lines) is small.
The computation time for Moving Load response is proportional to the number of
response points. To obtain the same effective increase in resolution, increasing the
values of nseg produces fewer additional response points than does increasing the
number of elements, since the latter approach introduces duplicate response points
at the joints. Hence changing nseg is more efficient. Considerable savings in computation time can also be realized by restricting Moving Load calculations to only
those joints and Frame elements of significant interest.
The computation time for Moving Load response is also directly proportional to the
number of Lanes. It is not, however, sensitive to whether or not Lane eccentricities
are present.
For each Vehicle load, the computation time is approximately proportional to the
square of the number of axles. It is also proportional to L, the effective number of
load points. Larger values of the truck influence tolerance tend to produce smaller
values of L compared to L. The value of L will be different for each response quantity; it tends to be smaller for structures with simple spans than with continuous
spans. The value of L is not sensitive to whether increases in resolution are obtained by increasing the number of elements or the number of output segments.
Computational Considerations
C h a p t e r XXVI
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Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII