Fs 2
Fs 2
Fs 2
sit down and I can see in his face that he was hurt but he just hide it with his big smile
pretending that heis okay. When theteacher noticed that the class is getting noisy, she
ordered the students to quiet and stop bashing
5. 5. their classmate because everyone is not perfect. Everyone commits mistakes. 7. One of
the richest resources for the learning is the learner himself. 7. Theteacher asked theclass
about what can they say about poetry. One student raised his hand and answered the
question that he almost consumes 6 minutes just answering one question. Who can blame
him? I thinkhe is just smart and also in the other hand, she doesnt interrupt the boys long
answer because she know that the boy was trying to express all his ideas about poetry, he
thought of all his prior knowledge about the topic and the boy expressed it all on his own
words so the student is getting all he answered from himself, his prior knowledge about the
topic. 8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. 8. When the teacher
asked question to one of her students about something to do with her life, the students about
something to do with her life, the student got emotional when sharing her sad past
experiences and while she is talking, all attention is on her so everybody is really listening.
Hearing those words from the student, the teacher asked everyone what learning they get
from the students sharing, then after that most of the students raised their hands to share
6. 6. theyve learn. In this case, learning is not only emotional but also intellectual. 9. The
processes of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual. 9. The teacher
gave them a topic and withthat topic,studentsneedto construct a paragraph about it. It will be
the learners choice of how will he/she wrote a descriptive, narrative, persuasive,
informative,expository, etc. paragraph?It depends on the learner how he/she will writeor what
styles will he/she use tomake his/her output impressive and good. My Analysis 1. What is the
impact of the Resource Teachers observance of these principles on the teaching- learning
process and on the learner? The impact of the Resource teachers observance of the
principles of teaching-learning process is the learners are more engage in classroom
activities and it develops their capabilities not just cognitive but also affective and
psychomotor. It makesthelearners learn effectively by applying all thesedifferent principles of
teaching. 2. Which learning principle was applied most? The learning principle that is applied
most is the learning is cooperative and collaborative process, because the teacher always
grouped the class for the students to feel free to share their ideas and with that they will
discuss the topic that was given to them and afterwards, there will be a exchanging of
thoughts and ideas and then after the discussion, they will now come up an answer in case
they will present their output. 3. Which learning principles was applied least or not at all
7. 7. The learning principle that is least applied is the Learning is sometimes a painful
process, because the teacher doesnt discourage a certain student if he/she answered
wrong, thus she still appreciate it and say at least you try but not all times, so the child
doesnt really get hurt. After it, the teacher then corrects the wrong answer of the student. 4.
Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not
always correct? I agree with all the principles of learning because as what I had observed,
the principles that are applied by the teacher in her teaching are effective and I can see that
the students are learning as well as theyre involvement in the classroom increased. I can
see that they are motivated and interested of their lesson and that is because of
thestrategyand technique applied by the teacherin using the different kinds of principles of
learning. My Reflection My reflections on my observations of my Resource Teachers
observance of these principles. Did my Resource Teachers adhere to these principles?
Based on what I had observed, the Resource teacher really adheres to the different learning
principles. Even though some principles are not clearly shown on the way she teach, still I
can see that her teaching is effective because of the principles of learning that she applied
together with the strategies and methods she used. She grouped the students, she let her
students do tasks individually and after that present it to the class, she let the students
answer her questions based on theirprior knowledge, experiences and theirown
meaning/words and also she just not teach the students intellectually but also emotionally.
Seeing how these things are applied, I can say that the Resource teacher definitely shown to
me what a real and true teacher is and with that I can see that the learners are learning
effectively and productively in the class. 5. Lessons I have learned from my observations on
the classroom application of the principles of learning. I have learned that applying these
principles of learning is really important in making the classroom or the teaching-learning
process to be effective and productive. I learned that students learned when they are
engaged in a collaborative task, if they answered based on their past experiences and also if
they are taught not just intellectually but emotionally. All of these learning principles are really
a great help to improve and increase the learning of the students.
8. 8. My Portfolio Principles of Learning in My Own Words 1. Learning is gradual.It is a step-bystep process. 2. No two individuals learn in the same way. 3. Learning is not only thinking but
also feeling. 4. Learning is a lifelong process. 5. Learning is sometimes a complicated
process. 6. Learning involves interactions. 7. Learning is a product of a good teaching. 8.
Learning involvesrewards and punishments. 9. Learning has different styles.
2. 2. My Tools As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused
observation. OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teachers Observed: Mrs.
Rowena Magdayao School Address: Rizal Avenue, Digos City Date:___________________
Grade/ Year Level: Grade 9 Subject Area: English Guiding Principles in Determining and
Formulating Learning Objectives Teaching Behavior/swhich Prove/s Observance of the
Guiding Principle 1. Begin with the end of mind. Sample: 1. The Resource Teacher began
her lesson by starting her objective. 2. Share lesson objective with students. 2. The
Resource teacher begins with a statement and clarification of the lesson objective. The
teacher also encourages the students to make lesson objectives on their own. 3. Lesson
objectives must be in the 2 or 3 domains cognitive, skill and affective 3. The Resource
teachernot only show or state the definition of paraphrasing (cognitive) but also she
encourage the students to share their feelings by
3. 3. or cognitive and affective or skill and affective. choosing a line of the song that they just
sung (affective). 4. Work on significant and relevant lesson objectives. 4. The Resource
teachers objectives is kinda relevant to the students daily life. She gives examples that the
students can relate with. 5. Lesson objectives must lead to the development of critical and
creative thinking. 5. The Resource teacher not just gave them written task but she also asked
orally to the student. Through this, students can develop critical thinking and creative
thinking. 2. After observing your Resource Teacher teaches, write down what you think
was/were her lesson objective. After observing the class, I think her lesson objectives are:
The students will know what is paraphrasing The students will construct their own
sentences by paraphrasing Appreciate the importance of paraphrasing 3. Ask permission
from your Resource Teacher for you to copy her lesson objective for the days lesson. Copy it
here then compare it with your answer in # 2. Are they the same? Different? At the end of
the lesson, students are expected to: Define paraphrasing Restate the ideas covered by
the text Analyse the meaning of the original and paraphrased texts
4. 4. My Analysis 1. If answer in # 3 above is different, what is your conclusion regarding
written lesson objective and actual lesson development? Are lesson objectives in the lesson
plan always followed? Do they really serve as guiding star? My answer in number 3
compared to the lesson objectives of the teacher has a resemblance. The lesson objectives
really serve as guiding stars to the development of learning of the learners. Sometimes
lesson objectives are not followed but students can still learn if the teacher teaches topics
related to his/her lesson objectives. 2. Why did you find it easy/difficult to write down the
Resource Teachers lesson objective for the day? Did she mention it in the beginning of
his/her lesson? I find thelesson objective easy toguess because of thestrategyshe is using.
She let the students to choose one line from the song and interpret it using their own
understanding, so I immediately guessed that theyre lesson is all about paraphrasing. Even
though the teacher didnt mention the lesson objectives at the beginning of their class, the
way she discussed the topic make me know what her lesson objectives are. 3. Did you find
the lesson objective SMART? Why or why not? Yes, her learning objectives were classified
as SMART in such way that it can be consumed in specific-time-allotment. Aside from that it
can also be measured and attained in a way that the student will know the meaning of
paraphrasing and to give samples of it. 4. Was the lesson objective in the cognitive or
psychomotor or affective domain? Or was it in the two or three domains? Support your
answer. The lesson is in the COGNITVE as well as AFFECTIVE domain because its not only
encouraging the students to think, to analyze or to restate the idea being presented but also
students are encouraged to relate some of the lines in the song to their lives.
5. 5. My Reflections Any lessons learned or insights gained from your observation focused on
lesson objectives? Write them down here. Are lesson objectives truly the guiding star in the
development of a lesson? Or are lesson objectives sometimes forgotten as the lesson
develops? I learned that lesson objectives must be in the 2 or 3 domains- knowledge; the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Lesson objectives must be connected to the students
life experiences. I also learned that we can also share the lesson objectives with the
students. The lesson objectives must be attained at the end of the lesson in order to
proceed to another topic. Teachers must begin the lesson with a clearly defined lesson
objective. Lesson objectives are guide for us to determine/evaluate if our teachingis
effective, if theobjectives are not attained,thentheres something wrong with your teaching.
My Portfolio My researched quotations that state the significant of goals and objectives (dont
forget to mention your sources) Failures comes only when we forget our ideals and
objectives and principles. Jawaharial Nehru Our goals can only be reached through a
vehicle of plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success. Stephen A. Brennan Goals are not only absolutely
necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive. Robert H. Schuller
Man, with no objective, will soon possess nothing. Having an objective, even low, is better
than having none. Carlisle Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you
what is possible for your life. - Les Brown
FS2 Episode 3
1. 1. Experiencing the Teaching- Learning ProcessEpisode 3: Assisting a Teacher with a
Teachers ToolboxName of FS Student: Ma. Cristina D. PanganoranCourse & Year: BSE-2
EnglishResource Teacher: Mrs. Irenea P. Dizon ___________________Instructor: Mrs.
Gloria A. SilvaCooperating School: Holy Cross College (High School Department)Date of
Submission: March 21, 2011Date Submitted: March 21, 2011
2. 2. Subject Observed: English Date of Visit: March 14, 2011 School: Holy Cross College Year
& Section: 3-5 Matrix Subject Matter Objectives Instructional Learning Assessment Materials
Activities Tools Used Parts of - To prepare - Visual Aids - Review - Drills Speech & the
students Figures of for the coming - Textbooks - Discussion - Graded Speech finals
Recitation - Recitation - Mastery of - Board Work the Parts of speech and - Quiz Figures of
speech Observation Report Mrs. Dizon first left the class under my supervision for a few
minutes due anerrand she had to do about the deliberation of the graduates. I introduced
myself tothe students and asked them a few questions regarding their lesson for that day.
Ifound out that they already know what is expected of them and I was relieved thatthey were
well-behaved during Mrs. Dizons absence; they even asked permissionfrom me before they
leave the class to use the restroom. I felt happy because thestudents respected me. When
Mrs. Dizon came in, the usual routine was observed. The first objective of the lesson is
preparing the students for the finals, nextis the Mastery of the Parts of Speech and Figures of
Speech and the third objectiveis to make the students realize how important the lessons are
in the next level andhow they can use it in daily life. Learning activities such as discussion,
review, recitation was facilitated bythe teacher and she used drills, board work and a quiz as
her assessment tools. Thestudents were all participating, and knew most of the answers and
were even ableto give examples of any figure of speech asked for them to define. They also
knowhow to analyze the sentences given on the board on how sentence patterns are
usedsuch as S-LV-C pattern and S-TV-DO pattern. The teacher knew that the students will
learn better with enough practice andshe encourages all of them to speak to build their
confidence to recite in class. Allof the activities she engages the students in are all a part of
her lesson plan so shecan reach her objectives for that day. If I were the teacher I would use
activities that will cover the learningprocess holistically and a plan that will be utilized to
obtain the objectives that I setfor the students to reach. I will also use other activities that will
enhance theirsocial skills and language competency such as role playing or musical plays.
3. 3. Analysis:1. What are the objectives of the lesson, the subject matter, learning activities
andassessment tools used by the teacher? The first objective is to prepare the students for
the coming finals. Mrs.Dizon was able to clear this part of her objectives because Ive seen
how thestudents perform during the class activity and I can say that most of them are
readyfor finals despite the fact that belong to section 5. Next is the Mastery of the 8 Parts of
speech and Figures of speech. Thisobjective was achieved around 80-85 percent of the
class. The discussion was veryeffective because it gives the students a sense of familiarity
because they learnbetter using this kind of activity. The board work and drills were also
effective inmaking the students apply everything they studied for the upcoming finals. They
were not only ready for the exam but they also carry the life lessonsthat the teacher has
instilled in their hearts. The teacher wanted the students torealize how important the lessons
are in the next level and how they can use it indaily life. The integration of values in the
lessons is always practiced by theteacher in any class she handles and I admire her for
doing that. We as futureteachers must know that we are not only mind enhancers but also
heart and spiritmolders.2. How do the learners participate in the activities? I must admit that I
dont know if I should be impressed with the teacher orwith the students. Why? Because the
students were active participants of the classwhen most people would expect that these kids
are no good at all because whenasked they answer, when requested to give an example they
perform. They evenrecite in class better than those I know in the college department. Heres
the thing,they are not in the top section they are third year section 5. Yes, section 5 and
theywere able to answer question after question and give examples after definition. The
question is do they perform this well in other subjects? If this is thesame scenario I would see
with other teachers, then they are without a doubt a verygood class. But Ive observed other
teachers too and I must say Mrs. Dizon issomeone who has an aura that makes the students
well-behaved. The moment theysee her coming students go to their seats its not because
she is a terror teacher butshe already reached the classroom climate which is a business-like
but non-threatening atmosphere. The students participated actively, with very good answers
and listenedattentively to everything that the teacher has to say. So I think its in the teacher
ifthe students would act out or be unruly on how she will handle these things. Thestudents
can smell fear and they can take advantage of that if they wanted to. Thesestudents are
more impressive than the 3-4. This was the second time I observedthem and I was still
impressed as if I was observing 3-1 students. I owe Mrs. Dizonthis very informative
observation period. Once again I have learned from her ways.She is truly an inspiration.
4. 4. 3. What reasons does the teacher give in having such learning activities? Mrs. Dizon first
decides on which objectives to work on by using the needsof the students as basis. In this
case, it is the needs of the 3-5 that the teacherdecides to do a review before the final exam
comes. She chose discussion becausethe students are more adept in learning when it
comes to reviewing if she uses thiskind of approach in teaching them. To satisfy my curiosity,
I interviewed a few students in 3-5 and theyadmitted that they learn better when Mrs. Dizon
discuss the lesson instead of doingother styles. Since it is almost the end of the school year,
the teacher obviouslyknows how to design her lesson plan and she already knows the best
way for the 3-5 students to learn. The teacher knows that the board work enhances the
writing skills andgrammar skills while the recitation covers mostly speaking skills, social skills
andbuilding ones self-confidence. Quizzes also help the teacher evaluate how far
thestudents have reached in terms of the lesson. So we cant do away with any ofthese
things when it comes to teaching. We cant leave out anything because theyare all important.
The plan must be complete or the system would fall apart. Wehave to consider everything
because all these things are a part of the teaching-learning process.4. If you were the
teacher, what activities, materials and assessment tools will youuse? Why? I cant say I
would only focus on a single activity but I have to utilize all thelearning activities I have
learned on my major subjects especially this semester Ihave learned a lot of activities and
studied on how to use materials that can beutilized to encourage speaking and enhance
grammar in class such as maps,graphic organizers, role playing, group projects, group
games, interactivediscussion, cooperative learning and many more. I also learned about the
differenttypes of assessment tools such as rubrics, exams, portfolios and others. Ofcourse it
is not only the students who are being considered here but alsothe lesson and how it relates
to a certain material, activity and evaluation.Activities, materials and assessment tools must
be in sync with the objectives so itwill be a smooth flow all throughout the period. I plan to
use a variety of techniques to know what is suitable for thestudents. To find out what is their
special skills are or what kind of learner theyare. And which activities they are weak in and
make that weakness disappear or ifnot help them cope with it. What they lack in something
must be compensated byanother skill. Through using these things as tools in the correct way,
the successrate of teaching-learning process is in very good hands.
5. 5. Reflections:1. What insights/learning & new understandings have you gained from
yourexperience? I have really learned a lot from this semester. All the observing
experiencesmade me see all the important facts in being a teacher. They made me realize
abouta lot of things not just in teaching but also about life. These experiences are by farthe
most fruitful of all in my school life. I learned to manage my time, worry aboutimportant things
in life and see the teacher in me. Good teachers are full of passion, well prepared for their
lesson, haveanticipatory skills and of course live with integrity. Aside from
knowledge,teachers must possess positive attitudes and admirable work ethics. One sees
thesequalities through the way activities are facilitated by the teacher, how the materialsare
organized and prepared, and another thing is how the assessment tools are used.The
assessment must never be used to punish the student. This is where positiveattitude comes
in. Dedication, hard work and punctuality are also important. We should demonstrate not just
the lesson but also the process by which welearn. All teachers must realize that part of their
job is to teach their students howto learn. Ive learned that metacognition comes in when we
focus on learning howto learn. Teachers must also learn from their mistakes, and experiment
continuallywith ways to improve their strategies and teaching methods.
1. 1. Name of FS Student Formalejo, Ana Marielle L. Course, Year & Section BSED-Eng III-1
Resource Teacher Mr. Glen Samudio Signature Date Cooperating School Saint Francis of
Assisi College My Target In this Episode, I must be able to: write evidence of the
application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies.
Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Teaching Strategies Episode 4
2. 2. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 2 Episode 4 Guiding Principles on the
Selection and Use of Teaching Strategies Focused on: The application of some guiding
principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies Tasks Exemplary 4 Superior 3
Satisfactory 2 Unsatisfactory 1 Observation/ Documentation All tasks were done with
outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations. 4 All or nearly all tasks were done with high
quality 3 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality 2 Fewer than half of tasks were
done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 1 My Analysis Analysis question were
answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories Exemplary
grammar and spelling 4 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with
theories Grammar and spelling are superior. 3 Analysis questions were not answered
completely. Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling acceptable. 2 Analysis
questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling Unsatisfactory 1 My Reflection
Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. 4
Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 3
Reflection statements are Shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection
statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode.
3. 3. My Portfolio Portfolio is complete, clear well-organized and all supporting documentation
are located in sections clearly designated 4 Portfolio is complete, clear well - organized and
most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations.
3 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking. 2 Portfolio
has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear. 1 Submission Before deadline 4
On the deadline 3 A day after the deadline 2 Two days or more after the deadline 1 Sub
Totals Over-all Score Rating : (Based on Transmutation) Dr. Kent Gamboa Signature of the
FS Teacher Above Printed Name Date Transmutation of Score to Grade or Rating Score
Grade Score Grade 20 1.00 (99) 12 13 2.50 (81) 18 19 1.25 (96) 11 2.75 (78) 17 1.50
(93) 10 3.00 (75) 16 1.75 (90) 8 9 4.00 (72) 15 2.00 (87) 7 5.00 (71 and below) 14 2.25
4. 4. My Tool As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused
observation. OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource TeacherObserved: Sir
GlenSamudio CooperatingSchool: SaintFrancisof Assisi College Date:September10,2014
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 SubjectArea: English Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use
of Strategies Teaching Behavior of the Resource Teacher that Applies the Principle 1.
Learning is an active process. 2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better
learning. 3. A non-threatening atmosphere. 4. Emotion has the power to increase retention
and learning.
5. 5. 5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. 6. Learning is meaningful when it is
connected to students everyday life. 7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective
than teaching isolated bits of information. My Analysis Are these principles in accordance
with brain-based teaching and learning?
6. 6. My Reflections What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing? My Portfolio
Illustrate your reflection on the best method of teaching creativeon this page.
process is done. She then gave examples afterwards. A quiz followed after the discussion.
This is a deductive way of teaching. 2. Inductive Method On the contrary, on her follow-up
discussion which is all about quadrilateral similarities, my resource teacher gave her students
a drawing of two quadrilaterals and allow them to examine it using the concept of ratio and
proportion. Then they listed the characteristics of similar quadrilaterals and make a
generalization. 3. Demonstration Method From the word itself, demonstration is teaching
learners how to perform a thing. Yesterday, my resource teacher taught the students how to
deal proportions and finding the missing variable. In her follow-up lesson, she taught the
learners on how to prove similar quadrilaterals through the use of ratio and proportion. 4.
Problem Solving Problem solving is best employed and shown when my resource teacher
selected learners to find the value of x in the given ratio and proportion.
3. 3. 5. Discovery Method Given the concept in ratio and proportion and an illustration of similar
quadrilaterals, my resource teacher let the students find the connection in it. They found out
that quadrilaterals are similar if their corresponding side are in proportion to each other. This
is a discovery method of teaching. 6. Problem Solving Method Same with number 4,
Problem Solving Method is best shown by the teacher when she let the students generate
answer on the given questions related to similar quadrilaterals. She asked the students what
property to be used and what steps are needed. This is an example of problem solving
method. 7. Project Method Although my resource teacher did not gave a project yesterday,
Im sure that the Grade 9 students have Math projects because it is a perquisite in their
studies. It could be in a form of illustration or a product. On the other hand, she gave them
assignment or home task to practice on their lesson. 8. Constructivist Approach Knowing that
her students had prior knowledge on ratio and proportion, my resource teacher presented a
sample of it and let the students form insights. Then, she discussed geometric means which
could be obtained from ratio and proportion. In this way, learners construct new learning from
their prior knowledge. This is the focused of constructivist approach. 9. Metacognitive
Approach Metacognitive approach is thinking about thinking. It is beyond cognition. An
example of this is that my resource teacher let the students reflect on the properties of similar
quadrilaterals and how would it be applicable in the new situation she presented on the
board.a 10. Integrative Approach From the word itself, integrated approach means teaching
more subject matter at once. It is relating other subjects to Math. Although it is not greatly
shown by my resource teacher, I can say that she can teach interactively through touching
History, Science, etc. while teaching Mathematics.
4. 4. My Analysis 1. Which approaches/ methods will be grouped together? Why? For me,
Direct, Demonstration and Deductive Method should be in one group. Indirect, Inquiry,
Problem-Solving, project and Inductive Method is another group. Cooperative, Peer and
Partner learning is another group. And Blended, Reflective, Metacognitive, Constructivist and
Integrative approach would be the last group. I group it this way in the sense that the first
group is less interactive, passive and teacher-centered. The second group is studentcentered and more on hands-on activities. The third one is more focused on group teaching
while the last are more advance approaches and are most suited and applicable in the 21st
century. 2. Which approaches/ methods are more interactive? Less interactive? The
Deductive and Direct methodare less interactive in the sense that learners are just waiting to
be fed by information. On the other hand, Inductive, Problem-Solving, etc. are more
interactive because they focused on the students experiences. Thus, they need hands- on
exercises. 3. When should the direct method be used? Direct method is best used when the
topic at hand is procedural, factual and non- controversial in which the learners still dont
have insights about it. The expertise of the instructor is needed to supplement the needs of
the learners.
5. 4. When should the indirect method be used? Indirect method is best used when you want
your learner to infer, discover and solve problems. This is an interactive method; thus, the
teacher is tasked to provide various experiences for the learners to generate information and
learning. 5. Which approaches/ methods promote learning to live together? For me, the
approaches/methods that promote learning to live together are Cooperative Learning, Peer
Tutoring and Partner Learning. In these methods, learners are engaged in groups or in
partner. They not only learn or gain information from each other but also learn how to
cooperate and go with their fellow learners. In this way, both the cognitive and the social part
of the learner is improved.
6. My Reflections If I decide on my teaching approach/method, I will consider . If I decide on
my teaching approach/method, I will consider many things. First is my instructional
objectives. My aims should define what method to be used or what approach needed to be
performed in order that my aims will be achieved. Also, I will consider my subject
matter.Some teaching methodsare applicable in Mathand Science like Problem-Solving
method and other. Some also are more suited to English and other subjects. I will also
consider my learners. My learners age is very crucial. Say for example, some methods
especially for those that require Higher-Order-Thinking- Skills (HOTS) are more suited to
older learners. Also, the interest of my learners should not be forgotten. Learners learn best if
their interests are met. And the teacher should choose appropriate teaching method to do
this. Another factor is the ability of the teacher himself/herself. A teacher should be
knowledgeable on the topic. Also always consider time. Some teaching approaches/methods
require plenty of time. These are some of the things Ill consider in deciding my teaching
approach/method. But as teachers, we should always bear in mind that there is no perfect
method. The best method is the one that works; the one that yields results.
7. My Portfolio 1. By means of a graphic organizer show the characteristics of a constructivist
and a metacognitive approach. CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH Active process of learning
Prior learning plus new experiences. Construction of learning from ones prior knowledge
Student- centered Constructing own meaning from experiences. METACOGNITIVE
APPROACH Thinking about thinking. Reflecting on how one think and learn. Beyond
cognition. Awareness of ones thought. Includes subvocalizing or talking to oneself.
8. 2. Do serious research and complete this Table on Methods. The first is done for you.
Method Advantage/s When to Use 1. Deductive Method Direct teaching so I can accomplish
more within a given period of time. Time is limited; subject matter is very difficult; learners
dont know about the lesson; teacher is not yet skilled in facilitating skills 2. Inductive Method
Learners are more engage in an active teaching- learning process Higher-order-thinkingskills (HOTS) will be developed among learners Time is plenty Teacher is an expert about
the topic Learners are older so that their HOTS are more developed, thus they are able to
1. 1. Name of FS Student Formalejo, Ana Marielle L. Course, Year & Section BSED-Eng III-1
Resource Teacher Mrs. Sherla Perea Signature Date Cooperating School Taguig National
High School My Target In this Episode, I must be able to trace how my Resource Teacher
develops her/ his lesson. Episode 6 On lesson development
2. 2. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 2 Episode 6 On Lesson Development
Focused on: How my Resource Teacher develops her/ his lesson Tasks Exemplary 4
Superior 3 Satisfactory 2 Unsatisfactory 1 Observation/ Documentation All tasks were done
with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations. 4 All or nearly all tasks were done with
high quality 3 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality 2 Fewer than half of tasks
were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 1 My Analysis Analysis question
were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories Exemplary
grammar and spelling 4 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with
theories Grammar and spelling are superior. 3 Analysis questions were not answered
completely. Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling acceptable. 2 Analysis
questions were not answered. Grammar and spelling Unsatisfactory 1 My Reflection
Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode. 4
Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 3
Reflection statements are Shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection
statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode.
1. 1. Name of FS Student Formalejo, Ana Marielle L. Course, Year & Section BSED-Eng III-1
Resource Teacher Mrs. Sherla Perea Signature Date Cooperating School Taguig National
High School My Target In this Episode, I expect myself to be able to determine my Resource
Teachers questioning and reacting techniques and identify those that promote interaction.
Episode 7 Effective questioning and reacting techniques
2. 2. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 2 Episode 7 Effective Questioning
and Reacting Techniques Focused on: Questioning and reacting techniques Tasks
to school as question marks and leave school as periods? Does this have something to do
with a teachers questioning and reacting techniques?
7. My Reflections What do I resolve to do and NOT do in my questioning and reacting
techniques so as to encourage teacher-student interaction?
8. My Portfolio I promote higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and interaction for learning by
the kind of questions that I ask. Here are learning objectives. Formulate at least two
examples of questions that promote divergent thinking and HOTS. Elementary (For the BEEd
Student) At the end of the lesson, the pupil is able to identify the functions of the organs of
the digestivesystem. Secondary (For the BSEd Student) After having been presented the
pros and cons of teaching reproductive health in schools, the student must be able to take a
stand on the controversial issue and give reasons for such stand. Write your two divergent
questions here! 1. Elementary 2. Secondary
9. I promote class interaction by my favorable remarks. Here are 5 examples of expressions I
must use (products of my research) to inspire my students to be involved in class interaction.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
10. My Tools OBSERVATION SHEET Name of the Resource Teacher Observed: Mrs. Sherla
Perea Cooperating School: Taguig National High School Date: Grade/ Year Level: Grade 7
Subject Area: English Write samples of questions asked under each type. Type of Questions
Sample Questions Asked 1. Convergent Question 2. Divergent Question 3. Low-Level
Question 4. High-Level Question