Predictive Maintenance
How to leverage sensor data, predictive
analytics & machine learning for more
intelligent maintenance
Version 2.0
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
Table of Contents
The Evolution of Maintenance 4
A Brief History 4
Where we are now 6
1. Identify Assets 8
Asset Evaluation Criteria for Predictive Maintenance 8
Analyze assets using RCM 8
2. Gather Data 10
Install Sensors 10
Prepare Data 11
Feature Selection 12
3. Design Predictive Model 13
Choose an Algorithm 13
Train the Model 14
Evaluate The Model 14
Methods to Measure Model Performance 15
Which method works for PdM? 15
Deploy the model into Production 16
Design the Eventstream in XMPro IOM 16
4. Manage Work 18
Why it matters 18
Assigning work 19
Resource Scheduling 19
Discussions 19
Notifications & Escalations 20
Field Inspections 20
5. Learn & Act Smarter 20
Agile Industrial IoT
A Brief History
It started out with reactive maintenance, operating on a fix it when it breaks model. This
approach has very obvious flaws, especially when used in large-scale production environments.
We soon realized that catastrophic failures werent good for business.
This gave way to a new approach. We decided not to wait until something breaks, but rather to
perform preventative maintenance at fixed time intervals to stop these failures from occurring.
While preventative maintenance might have offered some benefits, it didnt solve truly the
problems we were facing.
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
Companies that get the highest yield of insights from their data will rise above the rest in the
years to come. As your analytics program becomes more mature youll be able to glean more
insights and progressively improve your decision-making capabilities, allowing you to get more
value out of the data you already have.
Weve found that the lowest hanging fruit with regard to Big Data for industrial companies lies
in using predictive analytics to enable an IoT-based predictive maintenance program. In this
ebook, were going to show you how to get started with the 5 Step Roadmap to IoT-Based
Predictive Maintenance.
Agile Industrial IoT
1. Identify Assets
Now that youve decided to implement an IoT-based predictive maintenance program, you
need to determine which assets are a good fit. Here is a simple framework to evaluate which
assets would be best suited to a PdM program.
Agile Industrial IoT
Implementing a full-scale RCM program and predetermining the tasks for each possible failure
mode for each piece of equipment can be a very daunting, expensive and time-consuming
process. If that approach doesnt appeal to you or its just not within your budget, well show
you how to get around that using our Adaptive Case Management in Step 4 of the roadmap.
Pairing an RCM program with predictive analytics will allow you improve the answers to your 7
questions over time, enabling even better data-based decision making.
There are 7 questions that need to be asked when using the Reliability Centered
Maintenance strategy:
1. What are the functions and desired performance standards of each asset?
2. How can each asset fail to fulfill its functions?
3. What are the failure modes for each functional failure?
4. What causes each of the failure modes?
5. What are the consequences of each failure?
6. What can and/or should be done to predict or prevent each failure?
7. What should be done if a suitable proactive task cannot be determined?
A failure mode is any event which is reasonably likely to cause a functional failure in the asset.
This can be due to deterioration, human errors, design faults and poor procedures. 5
Failure modes can be divided into 3 groups:
1. Failures that have occurred before on same or similar asset
2. Failures that have been successfully prevented by existing maintenance
3. Any failures outside those 2 categories which are considered a real possibility in the future
Agile Industrial IoT
2. Gather Data
install Sensors
The first step in setting up your predictive maintenance infrastructure is to install sensors on
your assets. Subsequently, you need to either set up a gateway to the Internet to stream data
from those sensors or you can send the sensor data to your Plant Information system.
Following the RCM assessment, you can decide which sensors you want to install on your
equipment based on the causes of failure modes you want to predict and the indicators of
those failure modes. To decide on the infrastructure required to form the foundation of your
predictive maintenance program, you need to ask the following 2 questions:
1. What do you want to measure?
Examples are:
2. What do you want to do with your data?
Agile Industrial IoT
Prepare Data
Why is it important?
Quality data is the lifeblood of a quality model. Even though sensors provide a higher level of
data accuracy than manual entry would, it still doesnt make for a completely clean dataset right
off the bat.
Like Eric King says, Many people assume that modeling greatness is wrapped up in the ability
to build a better algorithm. Building a better algorithm is like building a faster rocket ship. Its
great, as long as youre pointing the ship in the right direction. Nobody wants to move faster if
theyre going in the wrong direction, but this is precisely what happens in many organizations.
Data preparation is a big part of keeping that rocket pointed in the right direction.6
According to The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), the unusable nature of dirty data (a
database record that contains errors) costs organizations up to $600 billion each year.7
The quality of your data is going to affect your models performance. Model performance is
going to affect the maintenance schedule you follow. Your maintenance schedule is going
to affect both maintenance and production costs. So while data preparation might not sound
glamorous, it is of key importance when implementing a PdM program.
What tools should I use?
Data preparation can be done either in XMPro or the Azure Machine Learning Studio.
XMPros Stream Designer includes a set of extensible/pluggable transformations to
transform your data. Data can then be sent to the Azure model after preparation.
If your data is already in a tabular format you can also perform data pre-processing in the
Azure ML Studio.
Agile Industrial IoT
Feature Selection
Feature selection is the process of identifying the most influential variables in your dataset. It
is crucial to understand the role played by each feature, especially when working with large
datasets. Some variables will be better for predicting equipment failure than others. Reducing
the features in your dataset will prevent the algorithm from having a high variance. Less
features also reduce the computational power needed to run the model. This allows for faster
Feature selection is often a manual process that requires expert domain knowledge.
Experienced members of your engineering and maintenance team will be of great value if you
choose to go this route.
Agile Industrial IoT
Another way to do feature selection is to use Azures Filter Based Feature Selection module.
This module allows you to apply different statistical tests to your dataset, based on the type of
data and task. The feature columns with the best scores are then used to build the predictive
Agile Industrial IoT
For more information on choosing the right algorithm for your predictive model have a look at
this cheat sheet - Choosing an Algorithm Cheat Sheet
Agile Industrial IoT
Compare that to the cost associated with a false negative, where an asset failed and had to
be fixed reactively. Assuming the asset meets the criteria we used in Step 1, false negatives
could have very high cost and safety risks associated with them. It makes sense to optimize the
model to predict less false negatives when critical operating equipment is involved.
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
4. Manage Work
Why it matters
The value of predictive maintenance lies in doing the maintenance work to prevent a failure
before it happens. Alerts and notifications arent enough to ensure that gets done, especially
if you are implementing a large-scale PdM program across multiple types of assets. Tasks are
bound to slip through the cracks if they arent managed, assigned and tracked. Even though
predictive maintenance inherently creates a more predictable maintenance program, you still
need to be able to make decisions on a case-by-case basis. Every possible failure situation
cant be planned for every asset.
If the model predicts a failure with a predetermined response task, you can kick off an
automated workflow in XMPro.
The problem with most predictive maintenance programs is that the tasks associated with
performing the maintenance dont allow for knowledge workers to make decisions. The system
just creates an automated work order and doesnt provide the flexibility for a knowledge
worker, like an engineer, to determine appropriate actions on a case-by-case basis.
In many cases there are unplanned events that happen and the tasks to respond to that
situation arent clear cut. This is especially true if you havent moved into a full Reliability
Centered Maintenance program. There are many times where you need to rely on an engineer
or expert to look at the data and decide what should be done next.
In cases like this, you can kick off a case in XMPro, where the engineer can look at the data
and the prediction and make a decision on which steps to take to resolve that particular
situation. They then become the case manager and can create and assign tasks to technicians.
In order for a PdM program to succeed you need to be able to capture the knowledge and
experience from your workers and leverage it for more intelligent operations. This also allows
you to improve your answers to the 7 RCM questions based on the new data created by your
predictive maintenance program.
Agile Industrial IoT
Assigning work
After the engineer has decided which steps are appropriate for a particular case they can
create tasks and assign them to specific technicians with deadlines. This ensures that the work
gets done to prevent the asset failure.
Another important aspect of managing the work associated with a PdM program is the need for
a fully visible audit trail related to the case. XMPro gives you a full audit trail of actions, files, and
discussions associated with a case and allows you to easily create reports.
Resource Scheduling
In order to manage work created from predictions, you need to invest in a tool that allows you
to schedule the technician, asset and maintenance facility or equipment. XMPros platform
comes with an easy to use drag & drop scheduler that allows you to assign resources (both
people and assets) to tasks in a visual interface. It also gives you the option to auto-schedule
tasks when presented with a conflict in the schedule.
Collaboration is an essential part of making decisions as a knowledge worker. You want to
empower your engineers and maintenance managers to consult with their colleagues in order
to make the best decision for the situation. XMPros discussionsand crowd questions facilitate
collaboration by embedding social-style messaging in the context of cases and processes. This
givesyour engineers the ability todiscuss a task, ask advice and understand context without
usingemail. All of the discussions are linked to the case and can be viewed as part of the audit
trail to help you understand why a decision was made.
Agile Industrial IoT
Field Inspections
Your technicians need to be able to manage work from wherever they are. XMPros mobile
interfaces have fully featured task management capabilities. Technicians can also add photos,
audio and video files to inspection forms from theirmobile device. This means no more
clipboards and paper checklists. Every action and file get added to the case, which can then be
referenced in the future.
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
Agile Industrial IoT
About XMPro
XMPro is a global provider of software and services for industrial IoT applications.
Founded in 2009, XMPro has a proven track record of helping organizations improve
operational excellence, reduce risk and increase asset utilization through its Agile IoT
Application Suite and Business Process Management products. Closely integrated with
the .NET and Azure software stacks, XMPro enhances the productivity of the Microsoft
environment with a visual, model-based approach that enables deployment of IoT applications
in weeks.
XMPro founder, Pieter van Schalkwyk, identified a need for an intelligent business process
management solution in 2009. XMPro released its first BPM solution in 2010 and received the
Gartner BPM Cool Vendor award in 2012.
Building on its BPM roots, XMPro evolved into an IoT company in 2015. It released the Agile
IoT Application Suite to help industrial organizations improve operational performance through
the Internet of Things. XMPro also joined the most progressive and innovative companies from
around the world as a member of the Industrial Internet Consortium.
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