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HMM Lecture Notes

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Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

HMM Lecture Notes

October 29th

Dannie Durand and Rose Hoberman


Hidden Markov Models
The Viterbi algorithm
The Forward algorithm
The Backward algorithm


Last Tuesday, we introduced a boundary detection problem: We are given a sequence and we wish
to label each symbol in the sequence according to its class (e.g. introns and exons; alpha helices
and beta sheets; genes and non-coding regions). It is difficult to identify sharp boundaries between
classes using by scoring windows using a fixed size model. Instead, we use Hidden Markov Models.
As an example, we considered the problem of recognizing transmembrane regions in a transmembrane protein. Initially, we considered a simpler problem: Supposing we are given a sequence
fragment that is either a transmembrane (TM) region or an extracellular/cytosolic region (E/C),
can we determine which it is?

Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

To do this we constructed two Markov models, a TM model and an E/C model. In these models,
each amino acid is encoded as either hydrophobic (H) or hydrophilic (L).
Transmembrane model:

Extracellular/cytosol model:

First, given labeled sequences (transmembrane or not transmembrane), we determine the transition
probabilities of the two models. We use maximum likelihood to learn parameters from data. Aij is
the number of transitions from state i to j in the training data1 :
j Aij

aij = P

In this example, we must learn four transition probabilities: aHH , aHL , aLH and aLL . Given a
sequence, HHHLLHLHLL... we count the number of HH pairs to determine AHH and normalize
by the number of pairs of the form H. The other transition probabilities are estimated similarly.

Note that for some models, we may want to incorporate pseudocounts in the calculation of the parameters.

Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

We estimate the initial probability i by counting the number of sequences that begin with residue,
i. Once we have learned the parameters, we can use the model to recognize new transmembrane
Using this model, we can classify an observed sequence, O = O1 , O2 , . . ., by its log odds ratio

S(O) = log

P (O|T M )
P (O|EC)

Q 1
aOi1 Oi is the probability of the observed sequence given the TM
where P (O|T M ) = O1 Ti=1
model. P (O|EC) is defined similarly.
The above models are useful for classifying a sequence fragment where all residues are of the same
class (i.e., all TM or all E/C) but less useful for finding boundaries in a sequence with transitions
from regions of one class to regions of another class.

Hidden Markov Models

We now consider the following, more difficult, problem: Given a sequence a transmembrane protein
sequence with TM regions interspersed with E/C regions, label each residue with its class (TM or
To do this, we constructed the following Hidden Markov Model by adding transitions connecting
the TM and E/C models. These new transitions indicate the boundaries between one class of region
and another.
Four-state transmembrane HMM:

Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

HMMs are define formally as follows:


N states S1 ..SN
M symbols in alphabet
Transition probability matrix aij
Emission probabilities ei (a) probability state i emits character a.
Initial distribution vector = (i )

Components 1 - 3 specify the structure of the model, 3-5 specify parameters. We refer t the emission
probabilities, the emission probabilities and the initial distribution, collectively as the parameters,
designated = (aij , ei (a), ).
Notation The sequence of visited states: Q = q1 , q2 , q3 , ... (the state sequence) The sequence of
emitted symbols: O = O1 , O2 , O3 , ... (the observed sequence).
Note that this is a generative model. It gives the probability of generating a particular sequence
(hence, the emission probabilities.) This allows us to ask, what is the probability of a sequence of
interest, if it were generated by a particular HMM?
HMMs differ from Markov chains in a number of ways:
In HMM, the sequence of states visited is hidden. Unlike Markov Chains, there is no longer
a one-to-one correspondence between states and output symbols. The sequences are hidden
because it is not possible to tell the state merely by the output symbol. This hidden sequence
of states corresponds to what we want to know, namely the classification of each symbol.
Each state emits symbols from a fixed alphabet each time a state is visited. Emission probabilities are state-dependent, but not time-dependent.
A symbol may be emitted by more than one state. For example, in the four-state HMM
above, H is emitted by states HM and HE/C . Similarly, a state can emit more than one
symbol. An example of this can be seen in the three state HMM below.
In the four-state model above, we used different states to distinguish between hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues in the TM region. Another possibility is to use only one state for the transmembrane model and use the emission probabilities distinguish between hydrophobic and hydrophilic
residues. This approach is used in the following three-state HMM. Notice that we also now distinguish between extracellular sequences and cytosolic sequences by using separate E and C states.

Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

Three-state transmembrane HMM:

Given labeled examples, we can still learn parameters for each separate model, then choose reasonable transitions between them (or learn them given long labeled data).
j Aij

aij = P

Ei (x)
ei (x) = P

x Ei (x )

Note that we now have to learn the initial probabilities, the transition probabilities and the emission
probabilities. The parameters for this model are
ei (H) 0.2 0.9 0.3
ei (L) 0.8 0.1 0.7
We assume that all transmembrane sequences start in the cytosol.

The Viterbi algorithm

In order to find the boundaries between the transmembrane, extracellular and cytosolic regions, we
seek argmaxQ P (Q|O), the most probable path through the model given the observed sequence, O.
We could use brute force by calculating P (Q|O) for all paths. However, this becomes intractable
as soon as number of states gets larger, since the number of state sequences grows exponentially
(N T ).
Instead, we calculate argmaxQ P (Q, O) using a dynamic programming algorithm called the Viterbi
algorithm. Note, that this will still give us the most probable path because the path that maximizes
P (Q, O) also maximizes P (Q|O):

Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

argmax P (Q|O) = argmax


P (Q, O)
= argmax P (Q, O)
P (O)

Let t (i) be the probability of observing the first t residues and ending up in state Si via the most
probable path. We calculate t (i) as follows:
1 (i) = i ei (O1 )
t (i) =



t1 (j)aji ei (Ot )

The probability of the most probable path is the max of T (i) over all states, Si , and the final state,
qT is the state that maximizes T (i). The state path can be reconstructed by tracing back through
the dynamic programming matrix.
Running time: O(T N 2 )
There are T N entries in the dynamic programming matrix. Each entry requires calculating N
In class, we used the Viterbi algorithm to determine the most likely path through the three-state
HMM above for for the sequence LHHL.

The Forward Algorithm

We may also wish to determine the probability of a particular sequence, O, being generated to
compare likelihood of different sequences or compare the likelihood of one sequence under different
models. For example, suppose we want to compute the probability of observing a particular transmembrane sequence,
given our HMM. We can compute this by summing over all states in each
path: P (O) = Q P (O, Q). As before, this becomes intractable as soon as number of states gets
large, since the number of state sequences grows exponentially (N T ).
The Forward algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm allows us to calculate, P (O|), the
probability that the model generated the observed sequence efficiently. Note, we do not know the
state sequence so we must consider all state sequences.
We do this by interatively calculating the probability of being in state i after generating the sequence
up to observation Ot . We designate this quantity:
t (i) = P (O1 , O2 , O3 , ...Ot , qt = Si )

Computational Genomics and Molecular Biology, Fall 2009

1 (i) = i ei (O1 )
t+1 (i) =


t (j) aji ei (Ot+1 )


The probability of observing the entire sequence is given by the sum over all possible final states:

P (O) =


T (i)


Running time: O(T N 2 )

Note that this algorithm is very similar to the Viterbi algorithm except that it uses a sum rather
than taking the maximum.

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