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Hence, we assume thc complete transfer function to be G(s)e-".

Since the discrepancy hc

tween the computed and experimental phasc angles is -C).?w rad for very high frequencies, we can
determine the value o f T as follows.
Jim -i'qjw)c-'"r





0.2 sec.

The presence of transport lag can thus be determined, and the complete transfer function determined from the experimental curves i s
330(x + 7 ) e f i 2 '
G'isje-" =


+ I)(.s2 + N.Y f





Consider a system whose closed-loop transfer functmn is

(This is the same system considered in Problem A-6-8.) Clearly, the closed-loop poles are located at s = -2 and s = -5, and the system is not oscillatory. (The unit-step response, however, exhibits overshoot due to the presence of a zero at s = -1. See Figure h-46.)
Show that the closed-loop f r e q ~ u n c yresponse of this systcm will exhibit a resonant peak. although the dumping ratio o f the closed-loop poles is greater than unity.
Solution. Q u r c 8-92 shows the Bodc diagram for- the system. The resonant peak value is npproximately 3.5 dB. (Note that, in the abscnce of n zero. thc second-order system with [ ;-0.7 \\ill
not exhibit a resonant peak; ho\vevcr, the presence of a closed-loop zero will cause such a peak.,)

Example Problems and Solutions


Consider the system defined by

Obtain the sinusoidal transfer functions Y l ( j w ) / U l ( j w ) ,Y 2 ( j w ) / U , ( j w ) ,Y 1 ( j w ) / U 2 ( j w ) ,and

& ( j w ) / U 2 ( j w )In deriving Y , ( j w ) / U , ( j w )and Y 2 ( j w ) / U l ( j w )we
, assume that U 2 ( j o ) = 0. Similarly, in obtaining Y l ( j o ) / U 2 ( j w and
) Y 2 ( j o ) / U 2 ( j w )we
, assume that U,( j w ) = 0.

Solution. The transfer matrix expression for the system defined by

x = Ax
y = Cx

+ Bu
+ Du

is given by
Y ( s ) = G(s)U(s)
where G ( s ) is the transfer matrix and is given by

For the system considered here, the transfer matrix becomes


) follows:
Assuming that U 2 ( j w ) = 0, we find Y , ( j w ) / U , ( j w ) and Y 2 ( j w ) / U , ( j w as

Similarly, assuming that U , ( j w ) = 0, we find Y I ( j w ) / U 2 ( j wand

) Y 2 ( j w ) / U 2 ( j was
) follows:
YlGJ) --


( j ~+)4jw

+ 25

y2(jw) --

jw - 25
( j ~ +) 4jw
~ + 25

- 2
Notice that Y,(jw)/U2(jw)is a nonminimum-phase transfer function.

Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis


Referring to Problem A-8-2, plot Bode diagrams for the system, usillg MATLAB
Solution. MATLAB Program 8-14 produces Bode diagrams for the system. There are four sets of
Bode diagrams: two for input 1 and two for input 2. These Bode diagrams are shown in Figure 8-93.

MATLAB Program 8-1 4

A = [0 1 ;-25-41;

B = [ l 1;o 11;
0;o 1 I;
D = [O 0;o 01;

c = [l


From: U ,

Figure 8-93
Bode diagrxns
Example Problems and Solutions

Bode D~agrams

From: ti2

Figure 8-94
Closed-loop system.


Using MATLAB, plot Bode diagrams for the closed-loop system shown in Figure 8-94 for K = 1,
K = 10, and K = 20. Plot three magnitude curves in one diagram and three phase-angle curves
in another diagram.

Solution. The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by

R ( s ) s ( s + l)(s + 5) + K
s3 + 6s' + 5s + K
Hence the numerator and denominator of C ( s ) / R ( s )are
C(s) -

num=[O 0 0 K ]
den = 11 6 5 K]
A possible MATLAB program is shown in MATLAB Program 8-15.The resulting Bode diagrams
are shown in Figures 8-%(a) and (b).

MATLAB Program 8-1 5


w = logspace(-1,2,200);
for i = 1 :3;
if i = 1; K = l;[mag,phase,wl = bode(I0 0 0 K1,[1 6 5 K1,w);
mag1dB = 20*log1 O(mag); phase1 = phase; end;
if i = 2; K = 1O;[mag,phase,w] = bode([O 0 0 K], [I 6 5 K],w);
mag2dB = 20*log1 O(mag); phase2 = phase; end;
if i = 3; K = 20;[mag,phase,w] = bode([O 0 0 K],[1 6 5 K],w);
mag3dB = 20*log1 0(mag); phase3 = phase; end;
semilogx(w,magl dB,'-',wImag2dB,'-',w,mag3dB,'-')
title('Bode Diagrams of G(s) = K/[s(s + 1)(s + 5)], where K = 1, K = 10, and K = 20')
xlabel('Frequency (rad/secI1)
ylabel('Gain (dB)')
text(1.2,-31 ,'K = 1')
text(1 .l ,-8,'K = 10')
text(l1,-31 , ' K = 20')
semilogx(w,phasel ,'-',wIphase2, '-'I~Iphase3,'-')

xlabel('Frequency (rad/secI1)
ylabel('Phase (deg)')
text(0.2,-90,'K = 1 ')
text(0.2,-20,'K = l o ' )
text(1.6,-20,'K = 20')

Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

Frequency (radlscc)

Figure 8-95
Bode diagra ns:
(a) Magnitudeversus-frequzncy
curves: (b) phaseangle-versusfrequency citrves.

Prove that the polar plot of the sinusoidal transfer function

is a semicircle. Find the center and radius of the circle.

Example Problems and Solutions

Solution. The given sinusoidal transfer function G ( j o ) can be written as follows:



Hence, we see that the plot of G ( j w ) is a circle centered at (0.5,O) with radius equal to 0.5.The
upper semicircle corresponds to 0 5 w 5 co, and the lower semicircle corresponds to
-co 5 0 5 0.

Prove the following mapping theorem: Let F ( s ) be a ratio of polynomials in s. Let P be the number of poles and Z be the number of zeros of F ( s ) that lie inside a closed contour in the s plane,
with multiplicity accounted for. Let the closed contour be such that it does not pass through any
poles or zeros of F ( s ) . T h e closed contour in the s plane then maps into the F ( s ) plane as a closed
curve.The number N of clockwise encirclements of the origin of the F ( s ) plane, as a representative points traces out the entire contour in the s plane in the clockwise direction, is equal to Z - P.

Solution. To prove this theorem, we use Cauchy's theorem and the residue theorem. Cauchy's
theorem states that the integral of F ( s ) around a closed contour in the s plane is zero if F ( s ) is
analytic within and on the closed contour. or

Suppose that F ( s ) is given by

where X ( s ) is analytic in the closed contour in the s plane and all the poles and zeros are located

This may be seen from the following consideration: If F ( s ) is given by

F(s) = (s


then F ( s ) has a zero of kth order at s = -zl. Differentiating F ( s ) with respect to s yields

F 1 ( s )= k ( s 4 z , ) ~ - ' x ( s )+


+ z,)~x'(s)


We see that by taking the ratio F 1 ( s ) / F ( s )the

, kth-order zero of F ( s ) becomes a simple pole of
Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

If the last term on the right-hand side of Equation (8-26) does not contain any poles or zeros
in the closed contour in the s plane, F f ( s ) / F ( s )is analytic in this contour except at the zero
s = -zi .Then, referring to Equation (8-25) and using the residue theorem, which states that the
integral of F ' ( . s ) / F ( s )taken in the clockwise direction around a closed contour in the .r plane is
equal to -27i-j times the residues at the simple poles of F ' ( s ) / F ( s ) or

we have


Z = k , + h 2 + . . - = total number of
contour in the s plane


of F ( s ) enclosed in the closed

rn, + In, + . . . = total number of poles of F ( s ) enclosed in the closed

contour in the s plane

[The k multiple zeros (or poles) are considered k zeros (or poles) located at the same point.]
Since F ( s ) is a complex quantity, F ( s ) can be written


r ) be written
Notins that F r ( ~ ) / F ( can

we obtain

If the closed contour in the .s plane is mapped into the closed contour

r in the F ( s ) plane, then

The integral $,.ri In(F1is zero since the magnitude I n J F /1s the same at the initial point and the final
point of the contour 1: Thus we obtain

The angular difference between the final and initial values of 0 is equal to the total change in
the phase angle of F f ( s ) / F ( s )as a representative point in the s plane moves along the closed
contour. Noting that N is the number of clockwise encirclements of the origin of the F ( s ) plane
and B2 - 0, is zero or a multiple of 2 n sad, we obtain

Example Problems and Solutions


Figure 8-96
Determination of
encirclement of the
origin of F ( s ) plane.

F(s) Plane


F(s) Plane

Origin encircled

Origin not encircled

O2- 0,= 0



Thus, we have the relationship

This proves the theorem.

Note that by this mapping theorem, the exact numbers of zeros and of poles cannot be foundonly their difference. Note also that, from Figures 8-96(a) and (b), we see that if 0 does not change
through 27r rad, then the origin of the F ( s ) plane cannot be encircled.
The Nyquist plot (polar plot) of the open-loop frequency response of a unity-feedback control
system is shown in Figure 8-97(a). Assuming that the Nyquist path in the s plane encloses the
entire right-half s plane, draw a complete Nyquist plot in the G plane.Then answer the following
(a) If the open-loop transfer function has no poles in the right-half s plane, is the closed-loop
system stable?
(b) If the open-loop transfer function has one pole and no zeros in right-half s plane, is the closedloop system stable?
(c) If the open-loop transfer function has one zero and no poles in the right-half s plane, is the
closed-loop system stable?

Figure 8-97
(a) Nyquist plot;
(b) complete Nyquist
plot in the G plane.

Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

Solution. Figure 8-97(b) shows a complete Nyquist plot in the G plane.The answers to the three
questions are as follows:

+ j0) is not encircled by the

(a) The closed-loop system is stable, because the critical point (-I
Nyquist plot.That is,since P = O and N = O. we have Z = N

+ P = 0.

(b) The open-loop transfer function has one pole in the right-half s plane. Hence, P = 1. (The
open-loop system is unstable.) For the closed-loop system to be stable, the Nyquist plot must
encircle the critical point (-1 + JO) once counterclockwise. However, the Nyquist plot does
not encircle the critical point. Hence, N = U.Therefore, Z = N + P = 1.The closed-loop system is unstable.
(c) Since the open-loop transfer function has one zero, but no poles, in the right-half s plane, we
have Z = N + P = O.Thus, the closed-loop system is stable. (Note that the zeros of the
open-loop transfer function do not affect the stability of the closed-loop system.)

Is a closed-loop system with the following open-loop transfer function and with K

2 stable?

Find the critical value of the gain K for stability.

Solution. The open-loop transfer function is

- -- K
-3w2 c jw(1


This open-loop transfer function has no poles in the right-half s plane. Thus, for stability, the
-1 + jO point should not be encircled by the Nyquist plot. Let us find the point where the Nyquist
plot crosses the negative real axis. Let the imaginary part of G(jw)H(jw) be zero, or

2w2 = 0

from which

Substituting w = 1 / d into G(jw)H(jw), we obtain

The critical value of the gain K is obtained by equating -2K/3 to -1, or


The system is stable if O < K <

Example Problems and Solutions

g . Hence, the system with K



Figure 8-98
Closed-loop system


Consider the closed-loop system shown in Figure 8-98. Determine the critical value of K for stability by the use of the Nyquist stability criterion.

Solution. The polar plot of

is a circle with center at - K / 2 on the negative real axis and radius K / 2 , as shown in Figure 8-99(a).
As w is increased from -oo to oo,the G ( j o ) locus makes a counterclockwise rotation. In this system, P = 1 because there is one pole of G(s) in the right-half s plane. For the closed-loop system
to be stable, Z must be equal to zero.Therefore, N = Z - P must be equal to -1, or there must
be one counterclockwise encirclement of the -1 + jO point for stability. (If there is no encirclement of the -1 + jO point, the system is unstable.) Thus, for stability, K must be greater than
unity, and K = 1gives the stability limit. Figure 8-99(b) shows both stable and unstable cases of
G ( j w ) plots.


G Plane

G Plane

Figure 8-99
(a) Polar plot of
K / ( h - 1);
(b) polar plots of
K /(jw - 1 ) for
stable and unstable



Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

P= 1



Consider a unity-feedback system whose open-loop transfer function is

Using the Nyquist plot,determine the critical value of K for stability.

Solution. For this system,


j sinO.$w)(l
1 + a12


K [(cos0 . 8 ~- w sin 0.8w) - j(sin 0 . 8 ~+ w cos 0.8w)]

1 + wL


The imaginary part of G(jw) is equal to zero if

sin 0 . 8 +
~ w cos 0.8w = 0

Solving this equation for the smallest positive value of w, we obtain
w = -tan

w = 2.4482

Substituting w

2.4482 into G ( j o ) , we obtain



+ 2.44822

(cos 1.9586

2.4482 sin 1.9586

The critical value of K for stability is obtained by letting G(j2.4482) equal -1. Hence,

K = 2.65
Figure 8-100 shows the Nyquist or polar plots of 2 . 6 5 ~ " ~ ' " i (+l jw) and 2.65/(1 + jw).The firstorder system without transport lag is stable for all values of K, but the one with a transport lag of
0.8 sec becomes unstable for K > 2.65.

Figure 8-100
Polar plots cf
2.65e-"81w/(1 + jw)
and 2.65/(1 + jw).
Example Problems and Solutions


Consider a unity-feedback system with the following open-loop transfer function:

Draw a Nyquist plot with MATLAB and examine the stability of the closed-loop system.
Solution. MATLAB Program 8-16 produces the Nyquist diagram shown in Figure 8-101. From
this figure, we see that the Nyquist plot does not encircle the -1 + jO point. Hence, N = 0 in the
Nyquist stability criterion. Since no open-loop poles lie in the right-half s plane, P = 0. Therefore,
Z = N + P = 0. The closed-loop systemis stable.
MATLAB Program 8-1 6

num = [O 20 20 101;
den = [ I 11 10 01;
v = [-2 3 -3 31; axidv)
Nyquist Diagram

Figure 8-101
Nyquist plot of
G(s) =

+ s + 0.5)
s(s + l ) ( s + 10)


Real Axis


Consider the same system as discussed in Problem A-8-11. Draw the Nyquist plot for only the
positive frequency region.
Solution. Drawing a Nyquist plot for only the positive frequency region can be done by the use
of the following command:

[re,im,w] = nyquistinum,den,w)
The frequency region may be divided into several subregions by using different increments. For
example, the frequency region of interest may be divided into three subregions as follows:
w l = 0.1 :0.1 :I 0;

w2 = 10:2:100;
w3 = 100:10:500;
w = [wl w2 w31
Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

MATLAB Program 8-17 uses this frequency region. Using this program. we obtain the Nyquist
plot shown in Figure 5-102.

MATLAB Program 8-1 7

nurn = [O 2 0 20 101;

den = [ I 11 10 01;
w l = 0.1:0.1:10; w 2 = lO:L:IO0; w3 = 100:
LV = [wl w2 w31;
[re,im,w] = nyquist(num,den,w);
L, = [-3 3 -5 I I; axis(vj
title('Nyquist Plot of G(s) = 20(sA2 + s + O . ~ ) / [ S (+S1 )(s + 1 0)11)
xlabel('Real Axis')
ylabel('lmag Axis')

Nyquist Plot of G(.s) = 20(s2+s.+0.5)/[s(s+1)(.~+10)]

Figure 8-102
Nyquist plot for the
positive t'rec1:lency


Referring to Problem A-8-12, plot the polar locus of (;(.s)

C;(,s) =


+ l)(.s


0.5 j

+ 10)

Locatc on the polar locus frequency points nhere 0) = 0.2. 0.3. 0.5, 1. 2.0 , JO, and 20 rucl.:'scc
Also. find the ~nagnitudesand phase angles of G ( j w ) a t the spccilied frequency points.

Example Problems and Solutions

60 1

frequency vector w = logscale(d,, d,, n). MATLAB Program 8-18 uses the following frequency vector:

This MATLAB program plots the polar locus and locates the specified frequency points on the
polar locus, as shown in Figure 8-103.

MATLAB Program 8-1 8

num = [O 20 20 101;
den = [ I 11 10 01;
w w = logspace(-1,2,100);
v = [-2 3 -5 01; axidv)
Current plot held
w = [0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 6 10 20);
[re,im,w] = nyquist(num,den,w);
text(1 .I, - 4 . 8 , ' ~= 0.2')
text(1 .I,-3.1,'0.3')
text(1.25,-1 .7,'0.S1)
text(1 .37,-0.4,'l ')
text(1.4,-I .I,'6')
% ----- To get the values of magnitude and phase (in degrees) of G(jw)
YO at the specified w values, enter the command [mag,phase,w]
YO = bode(num,den,w) ------

YO ----- The following table shows the specified frequency values w and
% the corresponding values of magnitude and phase (in degrees) ----[ w mag phase]

Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

Figure 8-103
Polar plot of G ( j o )
given in Problem

Real Axis

Consider a unity-feedback, positive-feedback system with the following open-loop transfer

s2 + 4s + 6
G(s) =
s2 + 5s + 1
Draw a Nyquist plot.
Solution. The Nyquist plot of the positive-feedback system can be obtained by defining num and
den as

num = [-1 -4 -61

den = [ I 5 41
and using the command nyquist(num,den).MATLAB Program 8-19 produces the Nyquist plot,
as shown in Figure 8-104.
This system is unstable, because the -1 + jO point is encircled once clockwise. Note that this
is a special case where the Nyquist plot passes through -1 + jO point and also encircles this point
once clockwise.This means that the closed-loop system is degenerate; the system behaves as if it
is an unstable first-order system. See the following closed-loop transfer function of the positivefeedback system:
s2 + 4s + 6
- I ~ ( S ) s' + 5s + 4 - (5' + 4s -t- 6 )

MATLAB Program 8-1 9

num = [-1 -4 -61;
den = [ I 5 41;
title('Nyquist Plot of G(s) = -(sA2 + 4s
Example Problems and Solutions

+ 6)/(sA2 + 5s + 4)')

Nyquist Plot of G(s) = -(s2+4s+6)/(s2+5s+4)


Figure 8-104
Nyquist plot for

Real Axis

Note that the Nyquist plot for the positive-feedback case is a mirror image about the imaginary
axis of the Nyquist plot for the negative-feedback case.This may be seen from Figure 8-105, which
was obtained by use of MATLAB Program 8-20. (Note that the positive-feedback case is unstable, but the negative-feedback case is stable.)

MATLAB Program 8-20

numl = [ I 4 61;
den1 = [ I 5 41;
num2 = [-I -4 -61;
den2 = [ I 5 41;
nyquist(num1,den1 );
hold on
v = [ - 2 2 -1 11;
title('Nyquist Plots of G(s) and -G(s)')
text(0.57,-0.48,'Use this Nyquist')
text(0.57,-0.61 ,'plot for negative')
text(0.5 7,-0.73,'feedback system')
text(-1 .3,0.5,'-G(s)')
text(-1.7,-0.48,'Use this Nyquist')
text(-1.7,-0.61 ,'plot for positive')
text(-1.7,-0.73,'feedback system')
Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis

Nyquist Plots of G(s) and 4 s )

Use thls N y q u ~ s t
plot for negative
feedback system

Uae thls Nyqu~st

plot for posltlve
feedback \ystem

Figure 8-105
Nyquist plots for
system and negativefeedback system.

Figure 8-106 shows a block diagram of a space vehicle control system. Determine the gain K such
that the phase margin is 50". What is the gain margin in this case?

Solution. Since

we have
/G(jw) = /jw





- 180"

The requiremellt that the phase margin be 50" means that / ~ ( j w , ) must be equal to -130, where
w, is the gain crossover frequency, or
Hence, we set



from which we obtain

Since the phase curve never crosses the -180" line, the gain margin is +oo dB. Noting that the
magnitude of G ( j o ) must be equal to O dB at o = 2.3835, we have

Figure 8-106
Space vehicle control
Example Problems and Solutions

from w h ~ c hwe get

This K value will give the phase margin of 50'


For the standard second-order system

is given by
show that the bandwidth a,,

Note that w,,/w, is a function only of 1.Plot a curve of


versus 5.

Solution. The bandwidth w,, is determined from l ~ ( j w , ) / ~ ( j o ,=) ] -3 dB. Quite often, instead of
-3 dB, we use -3.01 dB, which is equal to 0.707.Thus,




+ (21w,.w,J2

from which we get

By dividing both sides of this last equation by w:, we obtain

Solving this last equation for

( w J ~ , , yields

Since ( q , / w , ) * > 0, we take the plus sign in this last equation.Then

Figure 8-107 shows a curve relating w,/w,, versus 5.

Chapter 8 /

Frequency-Response Analysis

Figure 8-10;'
Curve of cob,W,
versus 5, where w, is
the bandwidth.


Consider the control system s h w n in Figure 8-108.The open-loop transfer function G ( s ) H ( s ) is

Plot Nyquist diagrams of G ( s ) H ( s ) for K

I , 7.5, and 20.

Solution. A possible MATLAB program is shown in MATLAB Program 8-21. The resulting
Nyquist diagrams are shown in Figure 8-109. From the diagrams, we see that the system is stable
when K = I.It is critically stable when K = 7.5.The system is unstable when K = 20.

Figure 8-110 shows a block diagram of a chemical reactor system. Draw a Bode diagram of G(jw).
Also, draw the G(jw) locus on the Nichols chart. From the Nichols diagram, read magnitudes and
phase angles of the closed-loop frequency response and then plot the Bode diagram of the closedloop system G(jw),![l + ~ ( j o ) ] .
Solution. Noting that

Figure 8-1118
Control system.
Example Problems and Solutions

MATLAB Program 8-21

den = [0.1 1.5 5 01;
for i = I:3;
if i = 1; K = 1; [re1 , i m l I = nyyuist([0 0 0 10*KJ,den); end;
if i = 2; K = 7.5; [re2,im2] = nyquist([0 0 O 1O*KI,den); end;
if i = 3; K = 20; [re3,irn3] = nyquist((0 0 0 10*Kl,den); end;
plot(re1, i m l ,'-',re2,im2,'o',re2,im2,'-',re3,im3,'x','-')
v = [-5 I -5 1I; axis(v)
title('Nyquist Diagr~rnsof G(s)H(sJ= I OK/(s(s + 5)(0.l s + 1 )I for K = 1, 7.5, and 20')
xlabel('Real Axis')
ylabel('lmaginary Axis')
text(-0.4,-3.7,'K = 1 ' )
text(-2.7,-2.7,'K = 7.5')
text(-4.35,-1.7,'K = 20')

N y q ~ ~ iDiagrams
of G(.s)H(s)= lOK/[s(.s + S)(O.ls

Figure 8-109
Nyquist diagrams.

Figure 8-110
Block diagram of a
chemical reactor




Rcal Axis

Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis


+ I)]for K =

1, 7.5, and 20

we have

The phase angle of the transport lag e?'/" is

le-""" = /cos(O.lw)

- j sin(0.lw] = - 0 . 1 ~


The Bode diagram of G ( j w ) is shown in Figure 8-111.

Next, by reading magnitudes and phase angles of G ( j o )for various values of w, it is possible
to plot the gain-versus-phase plot on a Nichols chart. Figure 8-112 shows such a G(jw) locus
superimposed on the Nichols chart. From this diagram, magnitudes and phase angles of the closedloop system at various frequency points can be read. Figure 8-113 depicts the Bode diagram of
thecldsed-loop frequency response ~ ( j w ) / [ l+ ~ ( j wJ.)

Figure 8-11 1
Bode cliagr.lm of
G(jw) of the system
shown in F ~ g u r e



0.4 0.6

Example Problems and Solutions


Figure 8-112
G ( j w ) locus
superimposed on
Nichols chart
(Problem A-8-18).

Figure 8-113
Bode diagram of the
frequency response
(Problem A-8-18).


Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis


A Bode diagram of the open-loop transfer function G(s j of a unity-feedback control system is
shown in Figure 8-1 14. It is known that the open-loop transfer function is minimum phase. From
the diagram, it can be seen that there is 21 pair of complex-conjugate poles at w = 2 rad/sec.
Determine the damping ratio of the quadratic term involving these complex-conjugate poles.
Also, determine the transfer function G ( s ) .
Solution. Referring to Figure 8-9 and examining the Bode diagram of Figure 8-1 14, we find thc
damping ratio (' and undamped natural frequency w,, of the quadratic term to be

5 = 0.1,

w,, = 2 rad/sec

Noting that there is another corner frequency at w = 0.5 rad/sec and the slope of the magnitude
curve in the low-frequency region is -40 dB/decade, G ( j w ) can be tentatively determined as

Since, from Figure 8-1 14, we find IG(jO.l)l = 40 dB, the gain value K can be determined to he utlity.
Also, the calculated phasc curve, / G ( j w j versus w, agrees with the given phase curve. Hence, thc
transfer function G ( s ) can be determined to be

Figure 8-114
f3ode diagram ot the
open-loop t~ansfer
lunclwn of , I unltyleedback control

Example Problems and Solutions


A closed-loop control system may include an unstable element within the loop. When the Nyquist
stability criterion is to be applied to such a system, the frequency-response curves for the unstable element must be obtained.
How can we obtain experimentally the frequency-response curves for such an unstable element'! Suggest a possible approach to the experimental determination of the frequency response
of an unstable linear element.
Solution. One possible approach is to measure the frequency-response characteristics of the unstable element by using it as a part of a stable system.
Consider the system shown in Figure 8-115. Suppose that the element G,(s) is unstable.The
complete system may be made stable by choosing a suitable linear element G,(s). We apply a sinusoidal signal at the input.At steady state, all signals in the loop will be sinusoidal. We measure
the signals e(t), the input to the unstable element, and x(t), the output of the unstable element.
By changing the frequency [and possibly the amplitude for the convenience of measuring e ( t )
and x(t)] of the input sinusoid and repeating this process, it is possible to obtain the frequency response of the unstable linear element.

B-8-1. Consider the unity-feedback system with the openloop transfer function:
G(s) = --s + l
Obtain the steady-state output of the system when it is subjected to each of the following inputs:

r(t) = sin([ + 30')

( b ) r ( t ) = 2cos(2t - 45")

( c ) r ( t ) = sin(t + 30') - 2 cos(2t - 35")

B-8-2. Consider the system whose closed-loop transfer
function is
K(T,.S + 1)
-- R(s)
T,s + I
Obtain the steady-state output of the system when it is subjected to the input r(t) = R sin wt.

B-8-4. Sketch the Bode diagrams of the following three

transfer functions:
TIs + 1
T2s + 1
T,s - 1
( b ) G ( s ) ------T2s + 1
-T1s + I
(c) G ( s ) =
T2s + 1


G(s) = ------


> T2 > 0)

(TI > T* > 0)

(TI > T2 > 0)

B-8-5. plot the ~~d~ diagram of

10(s2 + 0.4s


ahow that

Chapter 8 / Frequency -Response Analysis



+ 1)
s(s2 + 0.8s + 9


B-8-3. Using MATLAB, plot Bode diagrams of G , ( s ) and

G,(.s) given below.
1 + $.
C,(s) = -1 + 2s
1 - s
C;?(J) = --I + 2s
( ; , ( s ) is a minimum-phase system and G2(.s) is a nonminimum-phase system.


+ 2{w,s + w;



B-8-7. Cons,der a unity-feedback control system with the

following open-loop transfer function:

This is a nonn~inimum-phasesystem.Two of the three openloop poles are located in the right-half s plane as follows:
Open-loop poles at J

Using the Nyquist stability criterion, determine the stability of the closed-loop system.

B-8-11. A system with the open-loop transfer function


Plot the Bode dlagram of G(J)wrth MATLAB. Explain why

the phase-an ;le curve starts trom 0 and approaches +180".
B-8-8. Sket:h the polar plots of the open-loop transfer
(;(s) H (s)

B-8-10. Draw a Nyquist locus for the unity-feedback

control system with the open-loop transfer function

is inherently unstable. This system can be stabilized by

adding derivative control. Sketch the polar plots for the
open-loop transfer function with and without derivative
B-8-12. Consider the closed-loop system with the following
open-loop transfer function:

+ ~)(T,s+ I )


s2(Ts + 1)

lor the following two cases:

Plot both the direct and inverse polar plots of G ( . s ) H ( s )

with K = 1 and K = 10. Apply the Nyquist stability criterion to the plots, and determine the stability of the system
with these values of K.
R-8-13. Consider the closed-loop system whose open-loop
transfer function is

B-8-9. The pole-zero configurations of complex functions

Fl(s) and F,(s) are shown in Figures 8-116(a) and (b), respectively. Assume that the closed contours in the s plane
are those shown in Figures 8-116(a) and (b). Sketch qualitatively the corresponding closed contours in the F1(s)plane
and F 2 ( s )plane.

Find the maximum value of K for which the system is stable.

B-8-14. Draw a Nyquist plot of the following G ( s ) :

B-8-15. Consider a unity-feedback control system with the

following open-loop transfer function:
G ( s )=


+ 0.22 + s + 1

Ilrnw a Nyquist plot of G(s) and examine the stability of

the system.
B-8-16. Consider a unity-feedback control system with the
following open-loop transfer function:
Figure 8-116
(a) s.Plane representation ot complex functmn
F , ( s and a closed contour: (b) s-Plane
representation of complex tunction F2(s)
and 1 closed contour.

G ( s )=

s2 + 2s + 1
s 3 + 0.2s2 + s + 1

Draw a Nyquist plot of G ( s ) and examine the stability

the closed-loop system.


B-8-17. Consider the unity-feedback system with the following G(s):

G(s) = ---s ( s - 1)

Suppose that we choose the Nyquist path as shown in Figure 8-117. Draw the corresponding G(jw)locus in the G(s)
plane. Using the Nyquist stability criterion, determine the
stability of the system.

Figure 8-117
Nyquist path.
B-8-18. Consider the closed-loop system shown in Figure
8-1 18. G(s)has no poles in the right-half s plane.
If the Nyquist plot of G(s) is as shown in Figure
8-1 19(a), is this system stable?
If the Nyquist plot is as shown in Figure 8-119(b), is this
system stable?


Figure 8-119
Nyquist plots.

Figure 8-118
Closed-loop system.

B-8-19. A Nyquist plot of a unity-feedback system with the

feedforward transfer function G(s)is shown in Figure &120.
If G ( s )has one pole in the right-half s plane, is the system stable'?
If G(s)has no pole in the right-half s plane, but has one
zero in the right-half s plane, is the system stable?

6 14

Chapter 8 /

Figure 8-120
Nyquist plot.

Frequency-Response Analysis

Figure 8-121
Control systcm.

B-8-20. Consider the unity-feedback control system with

the followinj: open-loop transfer function G(s):

Plot Nyquist diagrams of G ( s ) for K

B-8-24. Consider the system defined by

1, 10, and 100

B-8-21. Consider a negative-feedback system with the following open-loop transfer function:

Plot the Nyquist diagram of G(s). If the system were a positivc-feedback one with the same open-loop transfer function G(s), u h a t would the Nyquist diagram look like?

B-8-22. Consider the control system shown in Figure 8-121.

Plot Nyquist diagrams of C(s), where

There are four individual Nyquist plots involved in this system. Draw two Nyquist plots for the input u, in one diagram
and two Nyquist plots for the input u2 in another diagram.
Write a MATLAB program to obtain these two diagrams.

B-8-25. Referring to Problem B-8-24, it is desired to plot

only Y , ( j w ) / U , ( j w )for w > 0. Write a MATLAB program
to produce such a plot.
If it is desired to plot Y,(jw)/U,(jw) for -co < w < m,
what changes must be made in the MATLAB program?
B-8-26. Consider the unity-feedback control system whose
open-loop transfer function is

for k

Determine the value of n so that the phase margin is 45".

0.3. 0.5, and 0.7

B-8-23. Consider the closed-loop system shown in Figure

8-122. Plot 1 he Bode dlagrams and Nyquist diagrams of G(s)
for K = 0.'2,0.5,and 2. Also, plot the root-locus diagram of
G(s) and locate the closed-loop poles of the system for
K = 0.2,O.i. and 2. [G(s)is the open-loop transfer function
of the system.]

B-8-27. Consider the system shown in Figure 8-123. Draw

a Bode diagram of the open-loop transfer function G(s).
Determine the phase margin and gain margin.

Figure 8-123
Control system.

Figure 8-122
Closed-loop system.

Consider the system shown in Figure 8-124.

Draw a Bode diagram of the open-loop transfer function
G(s).Determine the phase margin and gain margin with

Determine the value of the gain K such that the resonant

peak magnitude in the frequency response is 2 dB, o r
M, = 2 dB.
B-8-32. Figure 8-126 shows a block diagram of a process control system. Determine the range of the gain K for stability.

Figure 8-124
Control system.

Figure 8-126
Process control system.

B-8-29. Consider a unity-feedback control system with the

open-loop transfer function

Determine the value of the gain K such that the phase

margin is 50".What is the gain margin with this gain K?

B-8-30. Consider the system shown in Figure 8-125. Draw

a Bode diagram of the open-loop transfer function, and
determine the value of the gain K such that the phase
margin is 50". What is the gain margin of this system with
this gain K?

B-8-33. Consider a closed-loop system whose open-loop

transfer function is

Determine the maximum value of the gain K for stability

as a function of the dead time T.
B-8-34. Sketch the polar plot of

Show that, for the frequency range 0 < wT < 2 V 3 , this

equation gives a good approximation to the transfer function
of transport lag, FT".

Figure 8-125
c d n t r o ~system.
B-8-31. Consider a unity-feedback control system whose
open-loop transfer function is

B-8-35. Figure 8-127 shows a Bode diagram of a transfer

function C(s).Determine this transfer function.
B-8-36. The experimentally determined Bode diagram of
a system G ( p ) is shown in Figure 8-128. Determine the
transfer function G(s).

Chapter 8 / Frequency-Response Analysis


0.4 0.6

6 8 10


40 60 100

w in radisec

Figure 8-127

Bode diagram of a transfer function G(s).

w in radisec

Figure 8-128

Experimentally determined Bode diagram of a system.


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