Ethical Considerations in Grant Management
Ethical Considerations in Grant Management
Ethical Considerations in Grant Management
While most organizations attempt to follow good ethical standards regarding their funding, a few do not.
However, even a good agency every now and then hires a bad apple who strives to bend the rules or sabotage a
program. Ethical issues come in all shapes and sizes. They are dependent on the type of program and focus of
the funding. This article will explore the most common ethical issues related to grant funding and how to avoid
Ethical issues do not need to become the monster under the bed, the things we fear but never see. Again, most
non-profits strive for ethical practices and as long as good people provide honest efforts, unethical practices will
be far and few. However, an agency needs to be prepared for the occasional unethical incident. Proper
oversight, quality assurance, grant compliance, and a thorough agency policy and procedure manual are good
proactive steps to ensure that your agency is ethical in practice.