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11 Sedimentation Final

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Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur



After grit removal in grit chamber, the wastewater containing mainly lightweight organic
matter is settled in the primary sedimentation tank (PST). Due to involvement of many
unknown parameters under settling of light weight, sticky, and non regular shaped particles,
the classical laws of sedimentation such as that applicable in grit removal are not applicable
and this settling is called as flocculant settling. The primary sedimentation tank generally
removes 30 to 40% of the total BOD and 50 to 70% of suspended solids from the raw
sewage. The flow through velocity of 1 cm/sec at average flow is used for design with
detention period in the range of 90 to 150 minutes at average flow rate. This horizontal
velocity will be generally effective for removal of organic suspended solids of size above 0.1
mm. Effluent weirs are provided at the effluent end of the rectangular tanks, and around the
periphery in the circular tanks. Weir loading less than 185 m3/m.d is used for designing
effluent weir length (125 to 500 m3/m.d).

Where primary treatment follows secondary

treatment higher weir loading rates can be used. The sludge collection hopper is provided
near the centre in circular tank and near the influent end in rectangular tanks. A baffle is
provided ahead of the effluent weir for removal of floating matter. This scum formed on the
surface is periodically removed from the tank mechanically or manually.


Analysis of Flocculant Settling

Particles in relatively dilute concentration with smaller size sometimes will not act as discrete
particles (as the grit particles behave in grit chamber) but these particles will coalesce during
sedimentation. As flocculation occurs, the size of the particle increases and it settles faster.
The magnitude of flocculation will depend upon the opportunity for contact between the
particles, which depends upon overflow rate, temporal mean velocity gradient in the system
(representing mixing) and concentration and size of the particles. Although, settling rate of
particle is independent of depth of basin, the basin depth will decide liquid detention time in
the tank and sufficient depth should be provided for settling to separate it from sludge settled
zone. The effect of these variables on settling can only be determined by sedimentation tests,
and classical laws of sedimentation are not applicable, due to change in characteristics of the
particle during settling. Settling column is used to determine the settling characteristics of
the suspension of flocculant particles. A column with diameter of 15 cm and height of 3.0 m
can give satisfactory results, with 5 to 6 ports provided over the height for sampling. The
height of the tank should be ideally equal to side water depth of the settling tank for proper

Industrial Water Pollution Control

The solution containing suspended solids should be added in the column in such a way that
uniform distribution of solid particles occur from top to bottom. Settling should takes place
under quiescent conditions. It is important to maintain uniform temperature throughout the
experimental column to avoid convection currents. At various time intervals, samples are
withdrawn from the ports and analyzed for suspended solids. Percentage removal of solids is
calculated for each sample analyzed and is plotted as a number (%) against time and depth.
The curve of equal percentage removal is drawn between the plotted points.
The efficiency of the sedimentation tank, with respect to suspended solids and BOD removal,
is affected by the following:

Eddy currents formed by the inertia of incoming fluid,

Wind induced turbulence created at the water surface of the uncovered tanks,

Thermal convection currents,

Cold or warm water causing the formation of density currents that moves along the
bottom of the basin, and

Thermal stratification in hot climates.

TSS= 200-300 mg/l

Removal %


TSS= 100-200 mg/l


BOD= 200-300 mg/l

BOD= 100-200 mg/l


Detention time, h

Figure 11.1 Performance of PST

Because of the above reasons the removal efficiency of the tank and detention time has
correlation R = t/(a+b.t), where a and b are empirical constants, R is expected removal
efficiency, and t is nominal detention time.

M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

Table 11.1 Typical values for a and b.








To account for the non optimum conditions encountered in the field, due to continuously
wastewater coming in and going out of the sedimentation tank, due to ripples formed on the
surface of the water because of wind action, etc., the settling velocity (overflow rate)
obtained from the column studies are often multiplied by a factor of 0.65 to 0.85, and the
detention time is multiplied by a factor of 1.25 to 1.50. This will give adequate treatment
efficiency in the field conditions as obtained under laboratory test.

Example: 1
The settling test was performed in the settling column of height 2.5 m. Four numbers of ports
were provided to the column at the height of 0.5 m from bottom. Samples were collected
from these ports at every 30 min and the results obtained are plotted in the Figure 16.1.
Determine the overall removal of solids after 1.0 h of settling.

Height of column








0.5 m

Time of sampling, min

Figure 11.2. Results of the settling column study

Percentage removal = h 1 x (R 1 + R 2 ) + h 2 x (R 2 + R 3 ) + h 3 x (R 3 + R 4 ) + h 4 x (R 4 +

Industrial Water Pollution Control

For curve shown in the Figure 16.1, the computation will be

h 1 x (R 1 + R 2 ) = 0.34(100+80)/(2.5 x 2) = 12.24%
h 2 x (R 2 + R 3 ) = 0.16 (80 + 70)/(2.5 x 2) = 4.8%
h 3 x (R 3 + R 4 ) = 0.66 (70 + 60)/(2.5 x 2) = 17.16%
h 4 x (R 4 + R 5 ) = 1.34 (60 + 50)/(2.5 x 2) = 29.48%
Therefore, total removal under quiescent settling condition is 63.68%.

To achieve this

removal the detention time recommended in settling tank is 1 x 1.5 = 1.5 h.


Recommendation for Design of Primary Sedimentation Tank

Primary sedimentation tanks can be circular or rectangular tanks (Figure 16.2) designed using
average dry weather flow and checked for peak flow condition. The numbers of tanks are
determined by limitation of tank size. Two tanks in parallel are normally used to facilitate
maintenance of any tank. The diameter of circular tank may range from 3 to 60 m (up to 45 m
typical) and it is governed by structural requirements of the trusses which supports scrapper
in case of mechanically cleaned tank. Rectangular tank with length 90 m are in use, but
usually length more than 40 m is not preferred. Width of the tank is governed by the size of
the scrappers available for mechanically cleaned tank. The depth of mechanically cleaned
tank should be as shallow as possible, with minimum 2.15 m. The average depth of the tank
used in practice is about 3.5 m. In addition, 0.25 m for sludge zone and 0.3 to 0.5 m free
board is provided. The floor of the tank is provided with slope 6 to 16 % (8 to 12 % typical)
for circular tank and 2 to 8% for rectangular tanks. The scrappers are attached to rotating
arms in case of circular tanks and to endless chain in case of rectangular tanks. These
scrappers collect the solids in a central sump and the solids are withdrawn regularly in
circular tanks. In rectangular tanks, the solids are collected in the sludge hoppers at the
influent end, and are withdrawn at fixed time intervals. The scrapper velocity of 0.6 to 1.2
m/min (0.9 m/min typical) is used in rectangular tank and flight speed of 0.02 to 0.05 rpm
(0.03 typical) is used in circular tank.

M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

Inlets for both rectangular and circular tanks are to be designed to distribute the flow equally
across the cross section. Scum removal arrangement is provided ahead of the effluent weir in
all the PST. The surface overflow rate of 40 m3/m2.d (in the range 35 to 50 m3/m2.d) is used
for design at average flow. At peak flow the surface overflow rate of 80 to 120 m3/m2.d
could be used when this PST is followed by secondary treatment. Lower surface settling
rates are used when waste activated sludge is also settled in the PST along with primary
solids. In this case the surface overflow rate of 24 to 32 m3/m2.d and 48 to 60 m3/m2.d are
used for average and peak flow conditions, respectively. The weir loading rate less than 185
m3/m.d is used for designing effluent weir length (in the range 125 to 500 m3/m.d). Weir
loading rate up to 300 m3/m.d is acceptable under peak flow condition. Higher weir loading
can be acceptable when primary treatment is followed by secondary treatment. As such the
weir loading rate has very less impact on the overall performance of sewage treatment plant
when secondary treatment is provided after primary treatment. The detention time in PST
could be as low as 1 h to maximum of 2.5 h. Providing detention time of 1.5 to 2.5 h at
average flow is a common practice.
To avoid resuspension (scouring) of settled particles, horizontal velocities through the PST
should be kept sufficiently low. Following equation by Camp can be used to calculate the
critical velocity, Vc, which is the horizontal velocity that will just produce score (m/sec).

Vc =
g ( S 1) D


= constant

= 0.04 for unigranular sand

= 0.06 for non-uniform sticky material

= Darcy Weisbach friction factor = 0.02 to 0.03

= Gravity acceleration,

= Specific gravity of the particle to be removed (1.2 to 1.6)

= Diameter of the particle, m

For organic particle with size of 0.1 mm and specific gravity of 1.25 this velocity will be
about 0.063 m/sec.

Industrial Water Pollution Control

Figure 11.3 (a) Rectangular and (b) Circular primary sedimentation tank

Table 11.2 Typically design information for P S T




Detention time(h)

1.5- 2.5


Average flow

30 50


Peak flow

80 120


Weir loading, m3/m.d

125 500


Depth, m

3 4.9


Length, m

15 90

24 40

Width, m

3 24

5 10

Scupper velocity, m/min

0.6 1.2


Depth, m

3 4.9



3 60

12 45

Bottom slope

1/16 1/6


Flight speed, r/min

0.02 0.05


Overflow rate m3/m2.d

For Rectangular Tank:

Circular Tank:

M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

In generally weir loading rates have very little effect on the efficiency of primary
sedimentation tanks.

Example 2
Design of Primary Sedimentation basin
The average flow rate at a small sewage treatment plant is 20000 m3/d. The observed peak
flow rate is 50000 m3/d. Design rectangular primary clarifier with a channel width of 6 m.
Use minimum two clarifiers. Calculate the scour velocity to determine if settled material will
become resuspended. Estimate the BOD and TSS removal at average and peak flow. Adopt
an overflow rate of 40 m3/m2.day at average flow and side water depth of 4 m.
1) Assume surface settling rate = 40 m3/m2.d
Therefore, the surface area of the tank = Q/SOR = 20000 / 40 = 500 m2
2) length of tank (L) = A/W = 500/ (2*6) = 41.7 ( 42 m) (For two tanks)
3) Detention time and overflow rate at average flow
Tank Volume = 4* 2 (42*6) = 2016 m3
Overflow rate = Q/A = 20000/2(6*42) = 39.7 m3/m2.d
Detention time = Vol/Q = (2016*24)/20000 = 2.42 h
4) Detention time and overflow rate at peak flow
Overflow rate = Q/A = 50000/2(6*42) = 99.2 m3/m2.d
Detention time = Vol/Q = (2016*24)/50000 = 0.97 h
The scour velocity is
VH =

= 0.063 m/sec

By considering d = 100 m
Horizontal velocity should be checked for peak flow
Horizontal velocity for peak flow = Q/A = 50000/(2*6*4*24*3600) = 0.012 m/s
Check for Weir loading rate = Flow/length of weir = 20000/(2*6) = 1666 m3/m.d
Estimate BOD and TSS removal rate:
BOD removal rate R = t/(a+b.t) = 2.42/(0.018+0.02*2.42) = 36%
TSS removal rate R = t/(a+b.t) = 2.42/(0.0075+0.014*2.42) = 58%

Industrial Water Pollution Control

At peak flow
BOD removal rate R = t/(a+b.t) = 2.42/(0.018+0.02*0.97) = 26%
TSS removal rate R = t/(a+b.t) = 0.97/(0.0075+0.014*0.97) = 46%

Example 3: Solution for 10000 m3/d avg flow & 25000 m3/d peak flow S.W.D =3.5m, width
of the channel should be 6.0m
a) surface area of the tank = Q/SOR = 10000 / 40 = 250 m2
b) length of tank (L) = A/W = 250/ 6 = 41.66 m2
Provide two tank L = 20.83 m
Tank volume = 20.83*6* 3.5 = 437.5 m3
Detention time = Vol/Q = 437.5/(10000/2) = 2.1 m ok (1.5 to 2.5)
The scour velocity is
VH =

= 0.063 m/sec

Horizontal velocity for peak flow = Q/A = 25000/(2*6*3.5) = 595.24 m/d = 0.0069 m/sec
< 0.063 m/sec, Hence O.K.
TSS removal rate R = t/(a+b.t) = 2.1/(0.0075+0.014*2.1) = 56.9%
At peak flow = 437.5/12500 = 0.84 h
TSS removal = 0.84/0.0075+0.014*0.84 = 43.61%

Example: 4
Design the primary sedimentation tank to treat wastewater with average flow rate of 10 MLD
and peak flow of 22.5 MLD.
Assume surface settling rate = 40 m3/m2.d
Therefore, the surface area of the tank = 10 x 106 / 40 x 103 = 250 m2
Check for peak flow condition: The SOR at peak flow = 22.5 x 103 /250 = 90 m3/m2.d
This is less than the recommended value at peak flow.
Assume width = 6.0 m
Therefore theoretical length = 250/6 = 41.66 > 40 m
Hence, provide two tanks in parallel

M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

Total length of each tank = 41.66/2 + 2 (inlet) + 2 (outlet) = 24.83 say 24.85 m
Flow rate x detention time = depth x surface area = volume of tank

Flow / Surface area = depth / detention time = Surface settling rate

Provide detention time of 1.5 h

Therefore, liquid depth required

= 40 x 1.5 / 24

= 2.5 m

Therefore, flow through velocity

= (0.116 m3/sec) / (2 x 2.5 x 6)

= 0.0039 m/sec < 1 cm/sec hence O.K.

At peak flow, the flow through velocity = 22.5 x 103 /(2 x 6 x 2.5) = 750 m/d = 0.0087 m/sec.
(Horizontal velocity should be checked for non-scoring velocity i.e. less than 0.06 m/sec.)
Provide total depth = 2.5 + 0.5 (free board) + 0.25 (space for sludge) = 3.25 m
Weir loading rate = 10 x 103 / 12 = 833.33 m3/m.day > 185 m3/m.day
Length of weir required = 10 x 103 / 185 = 54.05 m
Hence, provide about 27.1 m of weir length for each tank. This can be provided by two
effluent collection channel across the width at outlet end offering total 24.0 m and side weir
of total 1.55 m on each side.

11.3 Plate settlers

This concept was first given by Allen Hazen in 1904. These devices are used in wastewater
treatment for primary, secondary and tertiary sedimentation to enhance the settling
characteristics of sedimentation basins. They consist of an array of plates usually provided at
an angle between 45 to 60 to the horizontal to avoid solid accumulation in the plates. They
are based on the principle that settling of particles depends on the settling area rather than the
detention time. The suspension flows between the plates by gravity to the surface of the lower
plates. As the solids build up on the lower plate to a point when gravitational force exceeds
the shear resistance, the mass slides down. They are mostly used for primary and secondary
clarification of municipal wastewater, phosphate removal as chemical floc and reducing
suspended solids in effluent after ASP. Nominal spacing between plates is 50 mm with an
inclined length of 1 to 2 m. Surface overflow rates used are in the range of 20-40 m3/m2.day.
Upflow clarifiers benefit from the forced collision between settling flocs and smaller flocs in
rising water, but because the surface loading is the same as horizontal flow basin, they are, on
an average less efficient, have a lower margin for variation and a significant risk of flushing
the flocs through to the sludge blanket in case of overloads. So plate settlers can help in

Industrial Water Pollution Control

upgrading them. Plate settlers increase the effective surface area of the existing clarifiers and
sedimentation basins at water treatment facilities. New tanks can be greatly reduced in size
when designed to include plate settlers. This is because suspended solids removal in gravity
separators and clarifiers depends primarily on the surface area for settling and the
multiple parallel plates provide a large surface area in a small space. Plate settlers can reduce
retention time, thus increasing the efficiency. The plate settlers are:
(1) used to add surface area to decrease overflow velocity,
(2) used to avoid hydraulic short circuiting, and
(3) capable of self cleaning when inclined to the horizontal.

One drawback is the growth of bacteria and foul odour resulting from the accumulation of
solids. So the solids should be flushed periodically to avoid this nuisance.
Three types of plate settlers are designed based on the direction of liquid flow relative to
direction of particle settlement
(1) Upflow or countercurrent (Fig 1a)
(2) Downflow or concurrent (Fig 1b)
(3) Cross current (Fig 1c).

Fig. 11.4 Types of plate settler

(1) Upflow or counter current, - Here settled sludge slides down the plates while the water is
flowing up. In countercurrent settling, time required for the particle to settle the vertical
distance is given by
where, w perpendicular distance between surfaces (m)
v settling velocity (m/s)
angle of inclination with the horizontal
The length of surface needed to provide this time, L p =


M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

where, v is the velocity of liquid between the surface.

All particles with settling velocity v or greater than v are removed if


(2) Downflow or concurrent settling - Here settled sludge slides down the plates while water
flow is also down. The solids suspension is introduced above the inclined surface and the
flow is down through the plates. The time for a particle to settle a vertical distance between
the two surfaces is same as in case of concurrent settling.
Length of the surface needed, Lp =

All particles with settling velocity v or greater than v are removed if


(3) Crosscurrent In this case settled sludge slides down the plate and the water flows across
the plates. The liquid is flowing in the horizontal direction and has no interaction with the
vertical settling velocity. So
Lp =
And the condition for settling is

11.4 Lamella Clarifier

There are a number of proprietary lamella clarifier designs. Inclined plates may be based on
circular, hexagonal or rectangular tubes. Some possible design characteristics include:

Tube or plate spacing of 50 mm

Tube or plate length 12 m

Plate pitches between 45 and 70 allow for self-cleaning, lower pitches require

Minimum plate pitch 7


Industrial Water Pollution Control

Typical loading rates are 5 to 10 m/h.

Retention time 60 to 120 min.

Figure 11.5 Lamella clarifier

Lamella clarifiers can handle a maximum feed water concentration of 10000 mg/L of grease
and 3000 mg/L of solids. Expected separation efficiencies for a typical unit are as follows:

90-99% removal of free oils and greases under standard operation conditions.

20-40% removal of emulsified oils and greases with no chemical amendment.

50-99% removal with the addition of chemical agent(s).

Treated water has a turbidity of around 1-2 NTU.

The surface loading rate (also known as surface overflow rate or surface settling rate) for a
lamella clarifier falls between 1025 m/h. For these settling rates, the retention time in the
clarifier is low, at around 20 minutes or less, with operating capacities tending to range from
13 m3/hour/m2 (of projected area).

Design details

Rise rate: Rise rates can be between 0.8 and 4.88 m/h from different sources.

Plate loading: Loadings on plates should be limited to 2.9 m/h to ensure laminar flow
is maintained between plates.

Plate angle: The general consensus is that plates should be inclined at a 50-70 angle
from the horizontal to allow for self-cleaning. This results in the projected plate area


M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

of the lamella clarifier taking up approximately 50% of the space of a conventional


Plate spacing: Typical spacing between plates is 50 mm, though plates can be spaced
in the range of 5080 mm apart, given that the particles > 50 mm in size have been
removed in pre-treatment stages.

Plate length: Depending on the scale of the system, total plate lengths can vary,
however, the plate length should allow for the plates 125 mm top water level, with
1.5 m of space left below the plates at the bottom of the clarifier for collection of
sludge. Most plates have a length of 12 m.

Plate materials: Plates should be made of stainless steel, with the exception of
situations in which the system has been dosed with chlorine to prevent algal growth.
In these circumstances, the plates may be plastic or plastic coated.

Feed point: Feed should be introduced at least 20% below the base of the plate to
prevent disturbance of the settling zones at the base of the plates.

Example 5:
Design a plate settler for a secondary treatment of wastewater having flow rate of 40 MLD.
Assuming a SOR of 20 m3/m2.day, area of plate settler =

= 2000 m2

Let the dimension of a plate be 1.3 m x 3.0 m and it is placed at an inclined angle of 55 to
the horizontal.
Area of each plate = 1.3 x 3 x cos 55 = 2.237 m2
Number of plates required =

= 894.05 (895 say)

So a total of 895 plates having dimension of 1.3 m x 3 m inclined at 55 to the horizontal are


Industrial Water Pollution Control

11.5 Secondary Sedimentation Tank

Table 11.3 Design parameters for SST


SST for TF
SST for extended
aeration ASP

Overflow rate,
Average Peak
15 - 25
40 - 50
15 - 25
40 - 50
8 - 15
25 - 35

Solid loading rate,

70 - 120
70 - 140
25 - 120

Depth, m

time, h

2.5 3.5
3.5 4.5
3.5 4.5

1.5 2.0
1.5 2.0
1.5 2.0

Weir loading rate less than 185 m3/m.d is used for design of SST.

Example 6: Design a SST for ASP to handle equalized wastewater flow of 1000 m3/d. The
MLSS in aeration tank is 3500 mg/L.

Example 7: Design SST to treat effluent from ASP with following data.
Avg. flow = 50 MLD
MLSS conc. in influent = 3000 mg/L
Peak flow factor = 2.25

Adopt surface loading rate = 20 m3/m2.d at avg. flow
Surface area required = 50*

/(20*1000) = 2500 m2

Check for surface loading at peak flow

Surface loading =

= 45 m3/m2.d (O.K. 40-50)

For solid loading of 80 kg/m2.d at avg. flow

Area required =

= 1875 m2 < 2500 m2 (hence O.K )

Area required for peak solid loading =

Provide diameter =

= 1607 m2 < 2500 m2, hence O.K

= 56.4 m (It is better to provide two tanks).

Check for weir loading (for single tank) = 50*1000/*57 = 279.21 m3/ m.d > 185 m3/m.d


M.M. Ghangrekar, IIT Kharagpur

Length of weir required = 50*1000/180 = 277.77

Provide additional weir length in the form of launders projecting inside.
Depth say HRT = 2 hr. vol = Q*2 = 4166.6 m3
Depth = 4166.6/2500 = 1.67 m Provide 2 m depth + 0.3 m Free board + 0.25 m sludge
accumulation zone.


Industrial Water Pollution Control

1. Describe flocculant settling.
2. What is the purpose of providing primary sedimentation tank in wastewater
treatment? What is the expected BOD and SS removal is primary sedimentation tank?
3. What are the parameters which will govern performance of PSTs?
4. Describe design guidelines for primary sedimentation facilities.
5. Design circular and rectangular PST for treatment of 4 MLD of average sewage flow
with peaking factor of 2.
6. Describe Lamella clarifier.
7. What are the advantages of plate settler over conventional clarifier.


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