Legal Writing On Entrapment
Legal Writing On Entrapment
Legal Writing On Entrapment
Legal Writing A
A. Nature, Concept and Purpose:
According to the Lectic Law Library, the legal definition
of entrapment is wherein A person is entrapped when the
persona is induced or persuaded by law enforcement officers
or their authorized agents to commit a crime that he had no
previous intent to commit.1 And the law as a matter of
policy forbids conviction in such cases.
It is commonly used as a defense to most crimes wherein
the defendant was entrapped into committing a crime by
means of coercion either by a law enforcement officer or by
someone working as an agent of a law enforcer. 2 It is
commonly used as a defense to victimless crimes, such the
disposing or buying illegal drugs or narcotics and other
contraband materials, also in soliciting prostitution and other
unlawful deeds.
On the contrary, entrapment is not present where the wouldbe offender is ready and willing to break the law where the
law enforcement officer merely provides a plausible or
favorable opportunity for the would-be crime doer to commit
a crime. 3
The key aspect of entrapment and what sets it apart from
opportunity is that, Government agents do not entrap
defendants simply by offering them a means for an
opportunity to commit the crime. Judges expect people to
resist any ordinary temptation to violate the law. Whilst in
an entrapment defense, it arises when the enforcers of the
law uses machinations and ploys such as use of threats,
harassment, abuse, fraud, or even flattery to coerce or
3 Paul Bergman, J.D. and Sara J. Berman, J.D. The Criminal Law Handbook,
August 2015, 14th Edition
6 Paul Bergman, J.D. and Sara J. Berman, J.D. The Criminal Law Handbook
August 2015, 14th Edition,
7 Dansico vs People of the Philippines. G.R. No. 178060, February 23, 2011
8 Reyes, Luis B. The Revised Penal Code, Criminal Law 18 th Edition, Book One.
Rex Printing Co. of 2016
9 Instigation vs. Entrapment, Oct 20, 2015.
D. Significant Jurisprudence
It has been established in the People vs. De Guzman 18 case
in determining the credibility of the prosecutions witnesses
regarding the conduct of a legitimate buy-bust operation
where the objective test was utilized wherein:
We therefore stress that the objective test in buy-bust
operation demands that the details of the purported
transaction must be clearly and adequately shown. This
must start from the initial contact between the poseur-buyer
and the pusher, the offer for purchase, the promise or
16 Valdez v. People, G.R.No. 170180, November 23, 2007
17 Revised Philipiine National Police Manual on Anti-Illegal Drugs Operations
and Investigation, Copyright of 2010, Revised 2014. (For the complete list on the
guidelines, Refer to page 24).
18 People vs De Guzman, G.R. No. 151205, June 9, 2004.