Garcia Vs SSC
Garcia Vs SSC
Garcia Vs SSC
Garcia vs. Social Security Commission Legal and Collection, 540 SCRA 456
Petitioner Immaculada L. Garcia, Eduardo de Leon, Ricardo de Leon, Pacita Fernandez, and Consuelo Villanueva
were directors of Impact Corporation. The corporation was engaged in the business of manufacturing aluminum
tube containers and operated two factories. Impact Corporation started encountering financial problems. The
Company filed with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) a Petition for Suspension of Payments. The
company is directed to pay all the entitled workers unpaid wages, unpaid 13th month pay and to remit to the
Social Security System loan amortizations and SSS premiums previously deducted from the wages of the workers.
The Social Security System (SSS), through its Legal and Collection Division (LCD), filed a case before the SSC for the
collection of unremitted SSS premium contributions withheld by Impact Corporation from its employees.
Petitioner interprets Section 28(f) of the Social Security Law as applicable only to penalties and not to
the liability of the employer for the unremitted premium contributions. Respondents present a more
logical interpretation that is consistent with the provisions as a whole and with the legislative intent
behind the Social Security Law.
Whether or not petitioner can be made solely liable for the corporate obligations of Impact Corporation pertaining
to unremitted SSS premium contributions and penalties therefore.
Yes - Under Section 22(a), every employer is required to deduct and remit such contributions penalty refers to the
3% penalty that automatically attaches to the delayed SSS premium contributions. The spirit, rather than the
letter of a law determines construction of a provision of law. It is a cardinal rule in statutory construction that in
interpreting the meaning and scope of a term used in the law, a careful review of the whole law involved, as
well as the intendment of the law, must be made. Nowhere in the provision or in the Decision can it be inferred
that the persons liable are absolved from paying the unremitted premium contributions.
Moreover, the said provision does not qualify that the director or partner should likewise be a managing director
or managing partner. The law is clear and unambiguous.
Therefore, petitioner Immaculada L. Garcia is liable to pay for the collected and unremitted SSS contributions of
Impact Corporation.