Secretary's Certificate
Secretary's Certificate
Secretary's Certificate
I, ELLEN RUTH M. BRILLANTES, Filipino, of legal age, with office
address at No. 1 Hiyas Ville St. Daang Batang, Moonwalk, Paranaque
City, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby
depose and state that:
1. I am the Corporate Secretary of Royal Zobel
Corporation, a corporation duly organized and existing
in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the
Philippines, with principal offices at No. 1 Hiyas Ville St.
Daang Batang, Moonwalk, Paranaque City.
2. I certify that at the special meeting of the Board of
____________________, at which meeting a quorum was
present and acting throughout, the following resolution
was duly passed and approved:
WHEREFORE, RESOLVED, as it is hereby
RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Royal
Zobel Corporation hereby designate, authorize,
appoint and empower Ms. Marmie E. Kalaw
to represent the Corporation at the preliminary
investigation including the signing of the
required affidavits, in the pre-trial and in all
stages of the trial and determination of the
merits of the criminal complaint to be filed
against Darwin M. Doaquino and Jeffrey M.
Marino for the crime of qualified theft in the
Office of City Prosecutor of Paranaque and in
the proper trial courts, including appeals and
related special civil actions arising from said
case and filed by any party, with full and
special power and authority, with full and
special power and authority, as follows:
1. To negotiate, conclude, execute an Affidavit
of Desistance or enter into an amicable
settlement of the case or to submit the
same to mediation or to other alternative
modes of dispute resolution;
2. To agree on the simplification of the issues;
3. To amend the pleadings;
Corporate Secretary