Deepex 2014 - Features and Capabilities
Deepex 2014 - Features and Capabilities
Deepex 2014 - Features and Capabilities
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What is new!
New Move ground surfaces and water tables by dragging:
Take your mouse over the ground surface. Press and hold the left mouse button when
the surface highlights. Move the surface elevation with your mouse.
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New Wizard: We have improved the wizard making it more intuitive. You can now
select the type of excavation to be modeled directly from the wizard.
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While this is a simplified analysis method, it has been quite popular with transportation
authorities in the US. A major difference to the FHWA beam approach for this method
is that fixity is not assumed at the excavation level but at the point of zero net loading
below subgrade. This approach tends to produce slighly greater bending moments
compared to the FHWA GEC-4 beam analysis approach.
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New - User defined passive earth pressures: You can now define your own user
defined passive earth pressures:
New Passive pressures with user defined passive slopes and starting pressure:
Very often design specifications call for specific passive pressure slopes to be used.
While we have found out that these specifications are some times inconsistent with
geotechnical mechanics the program offers you the ability to calculate passive
pressures in this way.
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Full Reporting of calculations: Nothing is hidden, easily review all calculations for
limit-equilibrium analyses and for structural checks of walls and supports.
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Improved Waler and Frame Analysis module: Now you can create excavation
support frames with wales and struts. Easily optimize steel sections and view results in
a comprehensive manner. The frame analysis capabilities have been extended and the
3D forms have been improved.
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Automatic slope stability search: Quick command to start the radii from the wall
bottom, ability to include axial geotechnical pullout resistance for the walls.
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Technical Characteristics
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Waler supports and circular shafts: Circular walers, either steel or concrete can now
be included! The waler stiffness is computed at the waler center span and the waler is
treated as an equivalent lateral spring.
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Combined sheet pile walls: DeepEX now includes combined king pile-sheet pile walls
with ARCELOR databases included. Single king pile walls, double king pile, and pipe
pile combined walls can be included.
Steel strut sections: Double struts with cross-laces and hollow square sections are
introduced. Double struts are more common in Asian countries and are introduced after
the request of many Asian customers.
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Slope stability improvements: Quick command to start the radii from the wall bottom,
ability to include axial geotechnical pullout resistance for the walls.
Diagnostics: Warnings for geotechnical capacity > structural capacity for tiebacks
Grouted minipiles as anchors: DeepEX can now compute the geotechnical strength
for slanted micropiles using a dedicated skin friction value or an effective stress
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With more than 10000 deep excavations designed, DeepEX is your deep
excavation program of choice.
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