Edge Weighted
Edge Weighted
Edge Weighted
Dijkstras Algorithm
Dijkstras Algorithm is based on the following principle. Let S V (G) containing r and let
then sk S and P is a shortest
S = V (G) \ S. If P = (r, s1 , . . . , sk , s)
is a shortest path from r to S,
path from r to s.
dist(r, s)
= dist(r, sk ) + w(sk s)
To avoid to many calculations during the algorithm, each vertex v V (G) is associated to a
function d (v) which is an upper bound on dist(r, v), and to a vertex p(v) which is the potential
parent of v in the tree. At each step, we have:
d (v) = dist(r, v) if v V (Ti )
d (v) =
min {dist(r, u) + w(uv)} if v V (Ti )
uV (Ti1 )
u0 , 0
u0 , 0
u1 , 1
u0 , 0
u1 , 1
u2 , 4
u1 , 1
u2 , 4
u0 , 0
u3 , 7
u1 , 1
u2 , 4
u1 , 1
u2 , 4
u5 , 12
u0 , 0
u3 , 7
u4 , 11
u3 , 7
u4 , 11
u0 , 0
u0 , 0
u1 , 1
u2 , 4
u3 , 7
u4 , 11
u6 , 13
u5 , 12
Figure 4.1: A run of Dijkstras Algorithm on the edge-weighted graph depicted top left. At each
step, bold vertices and edges are those of Ti . To each vertex t of Ti is associated its name and
the value d (t) = dist(r,t). Next to each vertex v not in V (Ti ) is a box containing the value d (v)
and p(v) if d (v) = +.
associated values, called keys (such as edges and their weights). A heap is a rooted binary tree
T should we define it? whose vertices are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements in
question (in our case, vertices or edges). The defining property of a heap is that the key of the
element located at vertex v of T is required to be at least as small as the keys of the elements
located at vertices of the subtree of T rooted at v. This condition implies, in particular, that the
key of the element at the root of T is one of smallest value; this element can thus be accessed
instantly. Moreover, heaps can be reconstituted rapidly following small modifications such as
the addition of an element, the removal of an element, or a change in the value of a key. A
priority queue is simply a heap equipped with procedures for performing such readjustments
Using a priority queue, the complexity of Dijkstras Algorithm is O(|E| log |V |+|V | log |V |).
It should be evident that data structures play a vital role in the efficiency of algorithms. For
further information on this topic, we refer the reader to [4, 1, 5, 3].
Bellmann-Ford Algorithm
The algorithm performs n iterations, and gives a label h(v) to any vertex. At iteration i, h(v) is
the minimum weight of a path using at most i edges between r and v.
Note that, it always exists a shortest walk using at most |V (G)| 1 edges between r and v
(otherwise the walk would contain a cycle of negative weight).
The algorithm works even if some edges have negative weight. It can also detect cycles with
negative weight. There is such a cycle if and only if, after the |V |th iteration, the labels h may
decrease. Finally, if during an iteration, no h(v) decreases, then h(v) = d(r, v). It is possible
to improve the algorithm by continuing the iteration only if h(v) becomes min{h(u) + w(uv) |
uv E(G)} for at least one vertex. The algorithm run in time O(L|E|) where L is the maximum
number of edges in a shortest path.
Jarnk-Prim Algorithm
The idea is to grow up the tree T with minimum weight by adding, at each step, a V (T )transversal edge with minimum weight. At each step, ET is the set of the V (T )-transversal
Complexity of Jarnk-Prim Algorithm: During the execution, at most |E(G)| edges are
added in ET , and at most |E(G)| edges are removed. Indeed, an edge e is removed when both
its endvertices are in V (T ). Since V (T ) grows up, e will not be added anymore to ET . |V (G)|
selections of the edge of ET with minimum weight must be performed. To performs such an
algorithm we need a data structure allows the insertion, the removal and the selection of the
minimum-weight element efficiently. Using a priority queue, the total complexity of JarnkPrim Algorithm is O(|E| log |E|).
Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm
Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm is close to Jarnk-Prim Algorithm and its correctness also comes
from Lemma 4.4. The idea is to start from a spanning forest and to make its number of connected components decreases until a tree is obtained. Initially, the forest has no edges and, at
each step, an edge with minimum weight that links two components is added.
For this purpose, we need a fast mechanism allowing to test whether or not u and v are in
the same component. A way to do so consists in associating to each connected component the
list of all the vertices it contains. To every vertex u is associated a vertex p(u) in the same
component. This vertex p(u) is a representative of this component. It points to the set C p(u) of
vertices of this component and to the size size(p(u)) corresponding to the size it.
We do the union of to sets C p(u) and C p(v) . If this sets are represented as lists with a pointor
to its last element, it takes a constant time. Such unions are done |V (G)| 1 times.
We also have to update the values of some p(w). Let x V (G) and let us estimate the
number of updates of p(x) during the execution of the algorithm. Observe that when p(x) is
updated, the component of x becomes at least twice bigger. Since, at the end, x belongs to a
component of size |V (G)|, then p(x) is updated at most log2 (|V (G)|) times. In total, there are
at most |V (G)| log2 |V (G)| such updates.
Since |V (G)| |E(G)| + 1 , the total time complexity is O(|E(G)| log |E(G)|).
Rosenkrantz, Sterns and Lewis considered the special case of the Travelling Salesman Problem
(3.14) in which the weights satisfy the triangle inequality: w(xy) + w(yz) w(xz), for any three
vertices x, y and z.
Problem 4.5 (Metric Travelling Salesman).
Instance: an edge-weighted complete graph (G, w) whose weights satisfy the triangle inequality.
Find: a hamiltonian cycle C of G of minimum weight, i.e. such that eE(C) w(e) is minimum.
This problem is N P -hard (see Exercise 4.11) but a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm using minimum-weight spanning tree exists.
Theorem 4.6 (Rosenkrantz, Sterns and Lewis). The Metric Travelling Salesman Problem admits a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm.
Proof. Applying Jarnk-Prim or Boruvka-Kruskal algorithm, we first find a minimum-weight
spanning tree T of G. Suppose that C is a minimum-weight hamiltonian cycle. By deleting any
edge of C we obtain a hamiltonian path P of G. Because P is a spanning tree, w(T ) w(P)
We now duplicate each edge of T , thereby obtaining a connected eulerian multigraph H with
V (H) = V (G) and w(H) = 2w(T ). The idea is to transform H into a hamiltonian cycle of G, and
to do so without increasing its weight. More precisely, we construct a sequence H0 , H1 , . . . , Hn2
of connected eulerian multigraphs, each with vertex set V (G), such that H0 = H, Hn2 is a
hamiltonian cycle of G, and w(Hi+1 ) w(Hi ), 0 i n 3. We do so by reducing the number
of edges, one at a time, as follows.
Let Ci be an eulerian tour of Hi , where i < n 2. The multigraph Hi has 2(n 2) i > n
edges, and thus a vertex v has degree at least 4. Let xe1 ve2 y be a segment of the tour Ci ; it
will follow by induction that x = y. We replace the edges e1 and e2 of Ci by a new edge e of
weight w(xy) linking x and y, thereby bypassing v and modifying Ci to an eulerian tour Ci+1 of
Hi+1 = (Hi \ {e1 , e2 }) {e}. By the triangle inequality, we have w(Hi+1 ) = w(Hi ) w(e1 )
w(e2 )+w(e) w(Hi ). The final graph Hn2 , being a connected eulerian graph on n vertices and
n edges, is a hamiltonian cycle of G. Furthermore, w(Hn2 ) w(H0 ) = 2w(T ) 2w(C).
A 32 -approximation algorithm for the Metric Travelling Salesman Problem was found by
Christofides [2].
4.4 Exercices
Exercise 4.1. Show a edge-weighted graph G having a vertex u such that no breadth first seach
tree from u is a shortest-paths tree.
Exercise 4.2.
Consider the graph depicted in Figure 4.2.
1) Apply Dijkstras and Bellmann-Ford algorithms for finding a shortest-paths tree from r.
2) Apply the algorithms for finding a minimum-weight spanning tree.
spanning tree.
2) Exhibit a connected edge-weighted graph in which there is a shortest-paths tree which is not
a minimum-weight spanning tree.
Exercise 4.4. Four imprudent walkers are caught in the storm and nights. To reach the hut, they
have to cross a canyon over a fragile rope bridge which can resist the weight of at most two
persons. In addition, crossing the bridge requires to carry a torch to avoid to step into a hole.
Unfortunately, the walkers have a unique torch and the canyon is too large to throw the torch
across it. Due to dizziness and tiredness, the four walkers can cross the bridge in 1, 2, 5 and 10
minutes. When two walkers cross the bridge, they both need the torch and thus cross the bridge
at the slowest of the two speeds.
With the help of a graph, find the minimum time for the walkers to cross the bridge.
Exercise 4.5. Let T be a minimum-weight spanning tree of an edge-weighted graph (G, w)
and T another spanning tree of G (not necessarily of minimum weight). Show that T can be
transformed into T by successively exchanging an edge of T by an edge of T so that at each
step the obtained graph is a tree and so that the weight of the tree never increases.
Exercise 4.6. Little Attila proposed the following algorithm to solve the Minimum-Weight
Spanning Tree Problem: he considers the edges successively in decreasing order with respect
to their weight and suppress the ones that are in a cycle of the remaining graph. Does this
algorithm give an optimal solution to the problem? Justify your answer.
Exercise 4.7. Let (G, w) be an edge-weighted graph. For all t 1, a t-spanner of (G, w) is a
spanning edge-weighted graph (H, w) of (G, w) such that, for any two vertices u, v, distH,w (u, v)
t distG,w (u, v).
1) Show that (G, w) is the unique 1-spanner of (G, w).
2) Let k 1. Prove that the following algorithm returns a (2k 1)-spanner of (G, w).
/ Place the edges in a stack in increasing order
1. Initalise H : V (H) := V (G), E(H) := 0.
with respect to their weight. The minimum weight edge will be on top of the stack.
2. If L is empty then return H. Else remove the edge uv from the top of the stack;
3. If in H there is no (u, v)-path with at most 2k 1 edges, add e to H.
4. Go to 2.
3) Show that the spanner returned by the above algorithm contains a minimum-weight spanning tree. (One could show that at each step the connected components of H and the forest
computed by Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm are the same.)
Exercise 4.8.
We would like to determine a spanning tree with weight close to the minimum. Therefore we
study the following question: What is the complexity of the Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree
Problem when all the edge-weights belong to a fixed set of size s. (One could consider first the
case when the edges have the same weight or weight in {1, 2}.
We assume that the edges have integral weights in [1, M]. We replace an edge with weight
in [2i , 2i+1 1] by an edge of weight 2i . (We sample the weight.) Prove that if we compute a
minimum-weight spanning tree with the simplified weight then we obtain a tree with weight at
most twice the minimum for the original weight.
What happens if we increase the number of sample weights?
Exercise 4.9. 1) Let G be 2-connected edge-weighted graph. (See Chapter 5 for the definition
of 2-connectivity.) Show that all the spanning trees have minimum weight if and only if all the
edges have the same weight.
2) Give an example of a connected edge-weighted graph for which all the spanning tree have
the same weight but whose edges do not all have the same weight.
Exercise 4.10. The diameter of an edge-weighted graph (G, w) is the maximum distance between two vertices: diam(G) := max{distG,w (u, v) | u V (G), v V (G)}.
Show that the following algorithm computes the diameter of an edge-weighted tree T .
1. Pick a vertex x of T .
2. Find a vertex y whose distance to x is maximum (using Dijkstras Algorithm for example).
3. Find a vertex z whose distance to y is maximum.
4. Return distT,w (y, z).
Exercise 4.11. Show that the Metric Travelling Salesman Problem is N P -hard.
Exercise 4.12.
1) Let D be a strongly connected digraph on n vertices. A spanning subdigraph of D is strongminimal if it is strongly connected and every spanning proper subdigraph is not strongly connected.
a) Show that in the handle decomposition of a strong-minimal spanning subdigraph all the
handles have length at least 2.
b) Deduce that a strong-minimal spanning subdigraph of D has at most 2n 2 arcs.
2) Describe a polynomial-time 2-approximation for the following problem:
Instance: a strongly connected digraph D.
Find: a strongly connected spanning subdigraph with minimum number of arcs.
[1] A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman. Data Structures and Algorithms. AddisonWesley Series in Computer Science and Information Processing, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1983.
[2] N. Christofides. Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic for the travelling salesman
problem. Management Sciences Research Report 388, Graduate School of Industrial
Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
[3] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and C. Stein. Introduction to Algorithms.
Second Edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001.
[4] D. E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming. Vol. 1: Fundamental Algorithms.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1969. Second printing.
[5] R. E. Tarjan. Data Structures and Networks Algorithms. CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 44, Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, 1983.
[6] A. Vetta. Approximating the minimum strongly connected subgraph via a matching
lower bound. Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete
algorithms (SODA 2001), pages 417426, 2001.