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Edge Weighted

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Chapter 4

Algorithms in edge-weighted graphs

Recall that an edge-weighted graph is a pair (G, w) where G = (V, E) is a graph and w : E IR
is a weight function. Edge-weighted graphs appear as a model for numerous problems where
places (cities, computers,...) are linked with links of different weights (distance, cost, throughput,...). Note that a graph can be viewed as an edge-weighted graph where all edges have weight
Let (G, w) be an edge-weighted graph. For any subgraph H of G, the weight of H, denoted
by w(H), is the sum of all the weights of the edges of H. In particular, if P is a path, w(P) is
called the length of P. The distance between two vertices u and v, denoted by distG,w (u, v), is
the length of a shortest (with minimum length) (u, v)-path.
Observe that distG,w is a distance: it is symmetric, that is, distG,w (u, v) = distG,w (v, u), and it
satisfies the triangle inequality: for any three vertices x, y and z, distG,w (x, z) distG,w (x, y) +
distG,w (y, z).

4.1 Computing shortest paths

Given an edge-weighted graph (G, w), one of the main problems is the computation of distG (u, v)
and finding a shortest (u, v)-path. We have seen in Subsection 2.1.1, that if all the edges have
same weight then one can compute a shortest (u, v)-path by running a breadth-first search from
u. Unfortunately, this approach fails for general edge-weighted graphs. See Exercise 4.1. We
now describe algorithms to solve this problem in general. For this purpose, we solve the following more general problem.
Problem 4.1 (Shortest-paths tree).
Instance: an edge-weighted graph (G, w) and a vertex r.
Find: a subtree T of G such that x V (G), distG,w (r, x) = distT,w (r, x).
Such a tree is called a shortest-paths tree.




Dijkstras Algorithm

Dijkstras Algorithm is based on the following principle. Let S V (G) containing r and let
then sk S and P is a shortest
S = V (G) \ S. If P = (r, s1 , . . . , sk , s)
is a shortest path from r to S,
path from r to s.
dist(r, s)
= dist(r, sk ) + w(sk s)

and the distance from r to S is given by the following formula

= min {dist(r, u) + w(uv)}
dist(r, S)

To avoid to many calculations during the algorithm, each vertex v V (G) is associated to a
function d (v) which is an upper bound on dist(r, v), and to a vertex p(v) which is the potential
parent of v in the tree. At each step, we have:
d (v) = dist(r, v) if v V (Ti )
d (v) =
min {dist(r, u) + w(uv)} if v V (Ti )
uV (Ti1 )

Algorithm 4.1 (Dijkstra).

1. Initialize d (r) := 0 and d (v) := + if v = r. T0 is the tree consisting of the single vertex
r, u0 := r and i := 0.
2. For any v V (Ti ), if d (ui ) + w(ui v) d (v), then d (v) := d (ui ) + w(ui v) and p(v) := ui .
3. Compute min{d (v) | v V (Ti )}. Let ui+1 a vertex for which this minimum is reached. Let
Ti+1 be the tree obtained by adding the vertex ui+1 and the edge p(ui+1 )ui+1 .
4. If i = |V | 1, return Ti , else i := i + 1 and go to Step 2.
Remark 4.2. The algorithm does not work if some weights are negative.
Complexity of Dijkstras Algorithm: To every vertex is associated a temporary label corresponding to (d (v), p(v)). They are depicted in Figure 4.1. We do
- at most |E| updates of the labels;
- |V | searches for the vertex v for which d (v) minimum and as many removal of labels.
The complexity depends on the choice of the data structure for storing the labels: if it is a
list, the complexity is O(|E||V | + |V |2 ). But it can be improved using better data structures.
For example, a data structure known as heap is commonly used for sorting elements and their




u0 , 0




u0 , 0

u1 , 1


u0 , 0

u1 , 1

u2 , 4


u1 , 1

u2 , 4

u0 , 0

u3 , 7


u1 , 1

u2 , 4

u1 , 1

u2 , 4

u5 , 12

u0 , 0

u3 , 7

u4 , 11

u3 , 7

u4 , 11

u0 , 0


u0 , 0


u1 , 1

u2 , 4

u3 , 7

u4 , 11

u6 , 13

u5 , 12

Figure 4.1: A run of Dijkstras Algorithm on the edge-weighted graph depicted top left. At each
step, bold vertices and edges are those of Ti . To each vertex t of Ti is associated its name and
the value d (t) = dist(r,t). Next to each vertex v not in V (Ti ) is a box containing the value d (v)
and p(v) if d (v) = +.



associated values, called keys (such as edges and their weights). A heap is a rooted binary tree
T should we define it? whose vertices are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements in
question (in our case, vertices or edges). The defining property of a heap is that the key of the
element located at vertex v of T is required to be at least as small as the keys of the elements
located at vertices of the subtree of T rooted at v. This condition implies, in particular, that the
key of the element at the root of T is one of smallest value; this element can thus be accessed
instantly. Moreover, heaps can be reconstituted rapidly following small modifications such as
the addition of an element, the removal of an element, or a change in the value of a key. A
priority queue is simply a heap equipped with procedures for performing such readjustments
Using a priority queue, the complexity of Dijkstras Algorithm is O(|E| log |V |+|V | log |V |).
It should be evident that data structures play a vital role in the efficiency of algorithms. For
further information on this topic, we refer the reader to [4, 1, 5, 3].


Bellmann-Ford Algorithm

The algorithm performs n iterations, and gives a label h(v) to any vertex. At iteration i, h(v) is
the minimum weight of a path using at most i edges between r and v.
Note that, it always exists a shortest walk using at most |V (G)| 1 edges between r and v
(otherwise the walk would contain a cycle of negative weight).

Algorithm 4.2 (Bellmann-Ford).

1. Initialization : h(r) := 0, h(v) := +, v = r.
2. For i = 0 to |V (G)| 1 do :
for all v V (G), h(v) := min(h(v), min{h(u) + w(uv) | uv E(G)}).
3. Return d(r, v) = h(r, v).

Complexity of Bellmann-Fords Algorithm:

sidered), so the total complexity is O(|E||V |).

Each iteration costs O(|E|) (all edges are con-

The algorithm works even if some edges have negative weight. It can also detect cycles with
negative weight. There is such a cycle if and only if, after the |V |th iteration, the labels h may
decrease. Finally, if during an iteration, no h(v) decreases, then h(v) = d(r, v). It is possible
to improve the algorithm by continuing the iteration only if h(v) becomes min{h(u) + w(uv) |
uv E(G)} for at least one vertex. The algorithm run in time O(L|E|) where L is the maximum
number of edges in a shortest path.



4.2 Minimum-weight spanning tree

Another important problem is the following: given a connected edge-weighted graph, what is
the connected spanning subgraph with minimum weight? If all weights are non-negative, since
any connected graph has a spanning tree (Corollary 1.10), the problem consists of finding a
spanning tree with minimum weight.
Problem 4.3 (Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree).
Instance: a connected edge-weighted graph (G, w).
Find: a spanning tree T of G with minimum weight, i.e. for which eT w(e) is minimum.
For S V (G), an edge e = xy is S-transversal, if x S and y
/ S. The algorithms to find
a minimum-weight spanning tree are based on the fact that a transversal edge with minimum
weight is contained in a minimum-weight spanning tree.
Lemma 4.4. Let (G, w) be an edge-weighted graph and let S V . If e = ss is an S-transversal
edge with minimum weight, then there is a minimum-weight spanning tree containing e.
Proof. Let T be a tree that does not contains e. There is a path P between s and s in T . At least
one edge of P, say e , is S-transversal. Hence, the tree T = (T \ e ) {e} has weight w(T ) =
w(T ) + w(e) w(e ) w(T ) since w(e) w(e ). Therefore, if T is a minimum spanning tree,
then so does T and w(e) = w(e ).
In particular, Lemma 4.4 implies that if e is an edge of minimum weight, i.e., w(e) =
min f E(G) w( f ) = wmin , then there is a minimum-weight spanning tree containing e.


Jarnk-Prim Algorithm

The idea is to grow up the tree T with minimum weight by adding, at each step, a V (T )transversal edge with minimum weight. At each step, ET is the set of the V (T )-transversal

Algorithm 4.3 (Jarnk-Prim).

1. Initialize the tree T to any vertex x and ET is the set of edges incident to x.
2. While V (T ) = V (G):
Find an edge e ET with minimum weight. Add e and its end not in T to T . Let Ey be the
set of edges incident to y. Remplace ET by (ET Ey ).



Complexity of Jarnk-Prim Algorithm: During the execution, at most |E(G)| edges are
added in ET , and at most |E(G)| edges are removed. Indeed, an edge e is removed when both
its endvertices are in V (T ). Since V (T ) grows up, e will not be added anymore to ET . |V (G)|
selections of the edge of ET with minimum weight must be performed. To performs such an
algorithm we need a data structure allows the insertion, the removal and the selection of the
minimum-weight element efficiently. Using a priority queue, the total complexity of JarnkPrim Algorithm is O(|E| log |E|).


Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm

Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm is close to Jarnk-Prim Algorithm and its correctness also comes
from Lemma 4.4. The idea is to start from a spanning forest and to make its number of connected components decreases until a tree is obtained. Initially, the forest has no edges and, at
each step, an edge with minimum weight that links two components is added.
For this purpose, we need a fast mechanism allowing to test whether or not u and v are in
the same component. A way to do so consists in associating to each connected component the
list of all the vertices it contains. To every vertex u is associated a vertex p(u) in the same
component. This vertex p(u) is a representative of this component. It points to the set C p(u) of
vertices of this component and to the size size(p(u)) corresponding to the size it.

Algorithm 4.4 (Kruskal).

/ Order the edges in increasing order of the weights
1. Initalize T : V (T ) := V (G), E(T ) := 0.
and place them in a stack L; For all u V (G), do p(u) := Cu and size(Cu ) := 1.
/ terminate. Else, pull the edge e = uv with minimum weight;
2. If L = 0,
3. If p(u) = p(v) (the vertices are in the same component), then go to 2. Else p(u) = p(v),
add e in T .
4. If size(p(u)) size(p(v)), then C p(u) := C p(u) C p(v) , size(p(u)) := size(p(u)) +
size(p(v)), and for any w C p(v) , p(w) := p(u).
Else (size(p(u)) < size(p(v))), C p(v) := C p(v) C p(u) , size(p(v)) := size(p(u))+size(p(v)),
and for any w C p(u) , p(w) := p(v).
5. Go to 2.
Complexity of Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm Ordering the edges takes time O(|E(G)| log |E(G)|).
Then, each edge is considered only once and deciding whether the edge must be added to the
tree or not takes a constant number of operations.
Now, let us consider the operations used to update the data structure when an edge is inserted
in the tree.



We do the union of to sets C p(u) and C p(v) . If this sets are represented as lists with a pointor
to its last element, it takes a constant time. Such unions are done |V (G)| 1 times.
We also have to update the values of some p(w). Let x V (G) and let us estimate the
number of updates of p(x) during the execution of the algorithm. Observe that when p(x) is
updated, the component of x becomes at least twice bigger. Since, at the end, x belongs to a
component of size |V (G)|, then p(x) is updated at most log2 (|V (G)|) times. In total, there are
at most |V (G)| log2 |V (G)| such updates.
Since |V (G)| |E(G)| + 1 , the total time complexity is O(|E(G)| log |E(G)|).


Application to the Travelling Salesman Problem

Rosenkrantz, Sterns and Lewis considered the special case of the Travelling Salesman Problem
(3.14) in which the weights satisfy the triangle inequality: w(xy) + w(yz) w(xz), for any three
vertices x, y and z.
Problem 4.5 (Metric Travelling Salesman).
Instance: an edge-weighted complete graph (G, w) whose weights satisfy the triangle inequality.
Find: a hamiltonian cycle C of G of minimum weight, i.e. such that eE(C) w(e) is minimum.
This problem is N P -hard (see Exercise 4.11) but a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm using minimum-weight spanning tree exists.
Theorem 4.6 (Rosenkrantz, Sterns and Lewis). The Metric Travelling Salesman Problem admits a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm.
Proof. Applying Jarnk-Prim or Boruvka-Kruskal algorithm, we first find a minimum-weight
spanning tree T of G. Suppose that C is a minimum-weight hamiltonian cycle. By deleting any
edge of C we obtain a hamiltonian path P of G. Because P is a spanning tree, w(T ) w(P)
We now duplicate each edge of T , thereby obtaining a connected eulerian multigraph H with
V (H) = V (G) and w(H) = 2w(T ). The idea is to transform H into a hamiltonian cycle of G, and
to do so without increasing its weight. More precisely, we construct a sequence H0 , H1 , . . . , Hn2
of connected eulerian multigraphs, each with vertex set V (G), such that H0 = H, Hn2 is a
hamiltonian cycle of G, and w(Hi+1 ) w(Hi ), 0 i n 3. We do so by reducing the number
of edges, one at a time, as follows.
Let Ci be an eulerian tour of Hi , where i < n 2. The multigraph Hi has 2(n 2) i > n
edges, and thus a vertex v has degree at least 4. Let xe1 ve2 y be a segment of the tour Ci ; it
will follow by induction that x = y. We replace the edges e1 and e2 of Ci by a new edge e of
weight w(xy) linking x and y, thereby bypassing v and modifying Ci to an eulerian tour Ci+1 of
Hi+1 = (Hi \ {e1 , e2 }) {e}. By the triangle inequality, we have w(Hi+1 ) = w(Hi ) w(e1 )
w(e2 )+w(e) w(Hi ). The final graph Hn2 , being a connected eulerian graph on n vertices and
n edges, is a hamiltonian cycle of G. Furthermore, w(Hn2 ) w(H0 ) = 2w(T ) 2w(C).
A 32 -approximation algorithm for the Metric Travelling Salesman Problem was found by
Christofides [2].



4.3 Algorithms in edge-weighted digraphs

Computing shortest paths in directed graphs can be done in much the same way as in undirected
graphs by growing arborescences rather than trees. Dijkstras Algorithm and Bellman-Ford
Algorithm translates naturally.
The Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree Problem is equivalent to finding the minimum-weight
spanning connected subgraph. The corresponding problem in digraph, namely, finding a connected subdigraph with minimum weight in a connected digraph is much more complex. Actually, this problem is N P -hard even when all edges have same weight because it contains the
Directed Hamiltonian Cycle Problem as special case. One can easily describe a polynomialtime 2-approximation algorithm. (See Exercise 4.12). Vetta [6] found a polynomial-time 32 approximation algorithm.

4.4 Exercices
Exercise 4.1. Show a edge-weighted graph G having a vertex u such that no breadth first seach
tree from u is a shortest-paths tree.
Exercise 4.2.
Consider the graph depicted in Figure 4.2.
1) Apply Dijkstras and Bellmann-Ford algorithms for finding a shortest-paths tree from r.
2) Apply the algorithms for finding a minimum-weight spanning tree.





Exercise 4.3. Let (G, w) be a connected edge-weighted graph.

1) Prove that if w is a constant function then every shortest-paths tree is a minimum-weight



spanning tree.
2) Exhibit a connected edge-weighted graph in which there is a shortest-paths tree which is not
a minimum-weight spanning tree.
Exercise 4.4. Four imprudent walkers are caught in the storm and nights. To reach the hut, they
have to cross a canyon over a fragile rope bridge which can resist the weight of at most two
persons. In addition, crossing the bridge requires to carry a torch to avoid to step into a hole.
Unfortunately, the walkers have a unique torch and the canyon is too large to throw the torch
across it. Due to dizziness and tiredness, the four walkers can cross the bridge in 1, 2, 5 and 10
minutes. When two walkers cross the bridge, they both need the torch and thus cross the bridge
at the slowest of the two speeds.
With the help of a graph, find the minimum time for the walkers to cross the bridge.
Exercise 4.5. Let T be a minimum-weight spanning tree of an edge-weighted graph (G, w)
and T another spanning tree of G (not necessarily of minimum weight). Show that T can be
transformed into T by successively exchanging an edge of T by an edge of T so that at each
step the obtained graph is a tree and so that the weight of the tree never increases.
Exercise 4.6. Little Attila proposed the following algorithm to solve the Minimum-Weight
Spanning Tree Problem: he considers the edges successively in decreasing order with respect
to their weight and suppress the ones that are in a cycle of the remaining graph. Does this
algorithm give an optimal solution to the problem? Justify your answer.
Exercise 4.7. Let (G, w) be an edge-weighted graph. For all t 1, a t-spanner of (G, w) is a
spanning edge-weighted graph (H, w) of (G, w) such that, for any two vertices u, v, distH,w (u, v)
t distG,w (u, v).
1) Show that (G, w) is the unique 1-spanner of (G, w).
2) Let k 1. Prove that the following algorithm returns a (2k 1)-spanner of (G, w).
/ Place the edges in a stack in increasing order
1. Initalise H : V (H) := V (G), E(H) := 0.
with respect to their weight. The minimum weight edge will be on top of the stack.
2. If L is empty then return H. Else remove the edge uv from the top of the stack;
3. If in H there is no (u, v)-path with at most 2k 1 edges, add e to H.
4. Go to 2.
3) Show that the spanner returned by the above algorithm contains a minimum-weight spanning tree. (One could show that at each step the connected components of H and the forest
computed by Boruvka-Kruskal Algorithm are the same.)
Exercise 4.8.
We would like to determine a spanning tree with weight close to the minimum. Therefore we
study the following question: What is the complexity of the Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree
Problem when all the edge-weights belong to a fixed set of size s. (One could consider first the
case when the edges have the same weight or weight in {1, 2}.



We assume that the edges have integral weights in [1, M]. We replace an edge with weight
in [2i , 2i+1 1] by an edge of weight 2i . (We sample the weight.) Prove that if we compute a
minimum-weight spanning tree with the simplified weight then we obtain a tree with weight at
most twice the minimum for the original weight.
What happens if we increase the number of sample weights?
Exercise 4.9. 1) Let G be 2-connected edge-weighted graph. (See Chapter 5 for the definition
of 2-connectivity.) Show that all the spanning trees have minimum weight if and only if all the
edges have the same weight.
2) Give an example of a connected edge-weighted graph for which all the spanning tree have
the same weight but whose edges do not all have the same weight.
Exercise 4.10. The diameter of an edge-weighted graph (G, w) is the maximum distance between two vertices: diam(G) := max{distG,w (u, v) | u V (G), v V (G)}.
Show that the following algorithm computes the diameter of an edge-weighted tree T .
1. Pick a vertex x of T .
2. Find a vertex y whose distance to x is maximum (using Dijkstras Algorithm for example).
3. Find a vertex z whose distance to y is maximum.
4. Return distT,w (y, z).
Exercise 4.11. Show that the Metric Travelling Salesman Problem is N P -hard.
Exercise 4.12.
1) Let D be a strongly connected digraph on n vertices. A spanning subdigraph of D is strongminimal if it is strongly connected and every spanning proper subdigraph is not strongly connected.
a) Show that in the handle decomposition of a strong-minimal spanning subdigraph all the
handles have length at least 2.
b) Deduce that a strong-minimal spanning subdigraph of D has at most 2n 2 arcs.
2) Describe a polynomial-time 2-approximation for the following problem:
Instance: a strongly connected digraph D.
Find: a strongly connected spanning subdigraph with minimum number of arcs.

[1] A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman. Data Structures and Algorithms. AddisonWesley Series in Computer Science and Information Processing, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1983.
[2] N. Christofides. Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic for the travelling salesman
problem. Management Sciences Research Report 388, Graduate School of Industrial
Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
[3] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and C. Stein. Introduction to Algorithms.
Second Edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001.
[4] D. E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming. Vol. 1: Fundamental Algorithms.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1969. Second printing.
[5] R. E. Tarjan. Data Structures and Networks Algorithms. CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 44, Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, 1983.
[6] A. Vetta. Approximating the minimum strongly connected subgraph via a matching
lower bound. Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete
algorithms (SODA 2001), pages 417426, 2001.




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