Fundamental Research: Balaji Amines LTD
Fundamental Research: Balaji Amines LTD
Fundamental Research: Balaji Amines LTD
Balaji Amines Ltd., INDIA, an ISO 9001: 2008 certified company, specialized in manufacturing
Methylamines, Ethylamines, Derivatives of Specialty Chemicals and Natural Products.
BAL for the first time in India tested on an indigenously developed technology and developed it further
over a period of time.
The company has the vast presence all over the world which includes the countries like UK, USA, Latin
America, Canada, Israel, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Oman, Germany, Italy, Egypt, South Africa, Korea,
Taiwan, Spain, France, The Netharlands, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Mexico & Brazil.
Recently company commissioned two new plants, one for Di-Methyl Amine Hydrochloride and the other
for Di Methyl Formamide .Production from both these plants are expected to scale up and stabilized in
near months. Recently company received Certificate of Suitability from EU for their niche product PV P K
30 ( company is the only producer of this product in India) which will help BAL to export this product to
regulated markets.
This company has the following uniqueness
The one and only manufacturer of Morpholine in India with in house developed technology.
One among the very few manufacturers of Morpholine in World.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2013
(Rupees In Lakhs)
Sr.. Particulars
1. Income from operations
. (a) Net sales / income from operations (Net of excise duty)
. (b) Other operating income
. Total income from operations (net)
2. Expenses
. (a) Cost of materials consumed
. (b) Changes in inventories of finished goods & work-in-progress
. (c) Employee benefits expenses
. (d) Depreciation
. (e) Other expenses
. Total Expenses
3. Profit / (Loss) from operations before other income, finance costs and exce
4. Other Income
5. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptiona
6. Finance Costs
7. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs but before excep
8. Exceptional items
9. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after tax (7+8)
10. Tax Expenses
11. Net Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after tax (9-10)
12. Extraordinary items (net of expense)
Even this company started as a small unit, now it grown as a threat to multinational
chemical companies in many niche products. At CMP of Rs.41 ,it is trading at a one
year forward P/E multiple of just 3.5 . Expecting decent upside from current level,
hence recommending a BUY @ CMP Rs.42