PWH - Notes
PWH - Notes
PWH - Notes
PWH - Endometriosis
finished - added to pwh notes
PWH - Infections in pregnancy
- severity of infection = risk of miscarriage/intrauterine death
- indirec = reducing oxygenation of placental blood and nutrient exchang
e thru palcenta
- direct invasion (virus multiplies in trophoblast and then invades fetu
- congenital defects: rubella, CMV, HSV => microcephal, congeital hear d
isease, eye damage (cataract), deafness, hepatosplenomegaly + jaudince, purpura,
mental handicap
- Fetus is immunologically competent by 14th week
- eti:
. pregnancy = relaxation of ureter and bladder = urinary stasis
- greater then > 100,000 bacterial / mL urine
- risk of lower birthweight, premature, postpartum endometriitis, pyelon
- screen early in pregnancy (MSU)
- Ecoli 85%
- amoxycillin/clavulanic acid 500/125 mg, or
- cefalexin 2g
- urinary stasis - grwoth - bladder - ureter - renal pelvis
. haematog is rare
- risk of rupture of membranes and death
- pregnancy 20th week
- PC
. fatigue
. urinary frequency
. dysuria
. chills
. rigors
. fevers
. renal angle pain
. dehydrtion
- Dx
. exclude appendicitis and placental abruption
- Tx
. fluid resusc
. test sensitivity
. initial empirical = amoxyillin or cephalosporin
. MSU follow up 2 week later
VAGINAL INFECTIONS - candida spp and trichomonas and bacterial (amine) vaginosis
- Dx (KOH/saline slide of vaginal swab)
. thrashing tails = trichomonal flagellates
. vaginal epithelial cells - "Clue cells" / "hundreds and thousa
nds" of coccobacilli = bacterial vaginonis + fishy odour
. hyphae of candida
- trichomonas vaginalis (flagellate)
. profuse vaginal discharge (green, frothy if long standing) + i
tching + irritation inside the vagina
. sexually transmitted to male urethra
. risk of prematurity
. tx
- single dose PO - tinidazole 2g, PO or metronidazole 2
- same for partner
- F/U swab 1 weel later
- candidiasis (thrush) = candida spp
. vaginal epithelial cells, spores,, threads (hypae)
. recurrent = diabetes, broad specturm abx, immunosuppressive (c
orticosteroids), HIV
. severe vulvovaginal irritation + vaginal discharge
. "thick and cheesy"
. single dose clotrimazole (an imidazole)
- genital
. v low risk if hx of recurrent infections (cf primary = hi risk
) = can give vaginal birth
. if lesions are present - do caesarian
. risk neonatal death, neuro damage
- hepatitis B
. (africa, SE asia) have HBsAg = infectioius
. vertical transmission
. risk of hepatcellualr carcinoma in adultnood
. tx babies with Hep B Ig + hep B vaccine at birth and following
- hepatitis C
. IVDU, blood transfusion, peiricing, vertical
. avoid fetal scalp electrodes
. no advantage to avoiding breastfeeding or doing caesarean sect
. DO NOT USE antiviral (interferon, ribavirin) bc they are terat
. 50% prevalence in pregnant owmen
. some risk of congenital
. no vaccine, no screening
. 30 risk transmission to fetus (they will be antibody positive
and develop AIDS)
. no adverse effect on pregnancy
. caesarean reduces risk of transmission by 50%
- give azothiprine within 8 hrs of delivery to baby + next 6 wee
- single dose nevriapine 200 mg at onset labour reduces vertical
transmission risk
- Chickenpox (varicella)
. 80% prevalence of pregnant with IgG antibodies to VZV
. mother complications
- pneumonia
. fetus (1st trimester)
- limb hypoplasia
- microencephalic
- cortical atrophy
- cataracts
- psychomotor retardation
- convulsions
- intrauterine growth restriction
- plasmodium falciparum can immobilise in placetna
- prophylaxis
. avoid fansidar and maloprin which inhibit folic acid synthesis
resulting in stevens-johnson fatal syndrome
. if chloroquine non-resistance = use chloroquine or proguinai 6
00 mg
PWH - Endometriosis
. ectopic endometrial tissue
- eti
. retrograde passage of endometrial tissue along fallopian tubes
during menstruation (retrograde menstruation)
. possible haematogenous to distant sites
. metaplasia of mesothelial coelemic cells into endometrial cell
. tf most of the sites where it is found
- ovaries
- uterosacral ligament
- pouch of douglas
. One established
- growth occurs by exposure to cyclical estrogen (in pre
gnancy with low estrogen, lesions are phagocytosed)
- cystic formation
- bleeding of the endometrial tissue occurs into the cys
t during menstruation - enlarges with each month = endrometrioma
. bursting = peritonitis, spread of endometrial
- pathophysiology
. Large inflammatory bilateral ovaerian masses
. inflammatory mass = uterus immobile and sticks to utero-sacral
. posterior fornix nodules - dysparaeunia
. deposits on serosa near bladder = pain on voiding
. Deeply infiltrating mass - mass extends deep into pelvis - inf
iltrating into lumbrosacral plexus - plexopathy - obturator nerve distribution
. Mass is continous with rectal mass - exacerbations during peri
od - irritates bowel - menstrual diarrhoea
. Higher estrogen, prostaglandins, inflamm cytokines IL-1,,6, tn
. Prostaglandin also induced by incr COX and VEGF
. PG causes pain (PGE2) and vasoconstriction and uterine contrac
tion PGE2a
- Dx
. pelvic exam soon after menstruation to detect pouch of douglas
. laparoscopic dx and confirmed by biopsy
- PC
. pain (acute pericyclic on chronic backgroudn) - no correlation
bw severity of pain and extent of endometriosis
. infertility
. other women in family also affected
. dyspareunia
. menstrual irregularieis
- intermenstrual bleeding
- menorrhagia
- Mx - depends on stage of life (whether had children or not)
. Hormonal -> general SE = amenorrhea, hot flushes, weight gain,
bone loss
- estrogen inhibitors
. danazol (derivative of 17-alpha-ethinyl testosterone)
- reduce GnRH receptors in pituitary gland => decr sex-hormone-bidning-globulin
=> incr free testosterone and decr unabound estradiol)
. GnRH agonists (suppress ovarian steroid secretion)
. gestrinone (progestogen)
. medroxyprogesterone acetate (progestogen)
. Mirena IUD (progesterone)
- Surgical Mx
. ovarian conserving laparascopy
- laparoscopic diathermy (electrocautery) or CO2 laser/d
iathermy ablation/debulking
- hysterectomy
. if > 2.5 cm, then conservative surgery, hormones, hysterectomy
, salpingooophorectomy
. cystectomy
. drainage of cysts
- Ix
. Blood
- haem
- biochem
- beta-HCG
- cancer markers
CA125 (uterine) (came back as 100, n= < 35)
alpha feto protein
. urinalysis
. faecal occult blood
. PID screen (1st pass urine, urine PCR)
. US
- normal uterus size 9x9x7 cm
- 8 cm complex ovarian cyst R side
- 5 cm ovarian L side
- ovaries are fixed to uterosacral ligament on transvagi
nal US (cannot see appendix, minimal free fluid)
- DDx
. Cancer
Inflammatory, infectious
. diverticulitis
. endometriosis benign)
. cysts
. infection
- PC
. progressive incr menstrual pain
. menstrual irregularities
- Pelvic exam
. enlarged tender uterus
- Tx
. hysterecotomy if symptomatic (not hormone responsive)
- most common tumour of genital traact
- eti
. encapsulated bundles of whorled whitish-grey smooth muscle (cf
laminar, concentric normal myometrium) interspersed wiht connective tissue, dev
eloping in myometrium - either intramural or growing into the uterine cavity
. if blood supply insufficient, central part undergoes hyaline d
egeneration, cystic transformation or calcification (womb stones)
. grow in respond to estrogen (atrophy after menopause)
- PC
. detectable by 4th decade (grow slowly) - incidence 20%
. nulliparous/single child women
. menorrhagia (incr endometrial surface + uterine vascularity)
. anaemia
. uterine cramps
. peristent blood discharge if pedunculated (submucous fibroids)
. larger = dysuria, frequency, constipation, backache, rectal bl
- worse in pregnancy (incr estrogen) - > risk of necrobiosis (re
d degeneration) = pain, fever, risk of miscarriage (distort uterine cavity), obs
truct birth canal
- Dx
. "knobbly uterus" OE
. whole cervix moves as one
. US
- Mx
. observation
. myomectomy (laparascopy) to remove fibroids and reconsistitue
. hysterectomy
. GnRH
PWH - Labour and delivery
normal labour: 20 - 30 hours, 0.3-0.5 cm cervical dilaton/hr
- prelabour
- 1st stage with 3 phases
- 2nd stage
- 3rd stage
- 4th stage
- uterine activity
- cervix thins and softens (effacement) - only 1 Os remaines
- multiple days
- descent
- flexion
- internal rotation
- crowning
- restitition
- external rotation
- lateral flexion
- Flexion, descent & internal rotation-allows 1st stage progress
- Further flexion- allows occiput to present
- Extension- allows head to be born as it sweeps perineum
- Restitution-head rotates 45 degrees
- External rotation - shoulders turn to AP of mother
- Lateral flexion- allows anterior shoulder to pass under pubic arch - Posterior shoulder sweeps vaginal floor
Pushing in 2nd stage
- active
. ie encouraged to push / voluntary
. reduces fetal oxygenation (reduces APGAR score)
. reduces length of 2nd stage
. risk of perineal trauma
- physiological
. incr if upright and active
minimising Perineal trauma
- 80% 1st time mothers require stitches
- indicated for fetal distress
- severe impending tear
- previous scar tissue
- b/g female genital mutilation
- NO2
- opiates (SC morphine, 7.5-10 mg 2hourly, less repsiratory depression i
n neonate than pethidine)
- epidural
3rd stage
- from birth of baby, to delivery of placenta and membranes
- post partum hemorrhage is 25% of maternal mortality/morbidity
- Active management
. giving IM synctocinon in shoulder - encourages uterine contrac
. early cord clamping
. signs of separation (lengthening of cord, blood loss)
. controlled cord traction
. 30 min)
- physiological
. cord left alone
. signs of separation
. woman upright and pushes placenta down
. placenta born within an hour
4th stage
- neonate adapts to extra-uterine life
- haematological stability and bonding (skin to skin)
- natural oxytocin released
- breast feeding initiation
------------------PWH - Prenatal diagnosis
Major anomalies
- 5 %
- 30% perinatal deaths
Perinatal deaths
- prematurity, growth retardation, infeciton, asphyxic
- congenital abnormality difficult to tx
COngenital abn in order of prevalent causes
- 80% = most commonly unknown or multifactorial (cannot screen for them
bc don't know the high risk patients)
- single gene defects (thalassemia, haemophilia, tay-sachs - fhx / prena
tal dx via chorionic dx - can offer terminations)
- teratogenic (exposure to lithium, anticonvulsants, cocaine)
- chromosomal (age women, aniocentesis, chorionic sampling)
- teratogens
- con-sanguinity (incr risk from 5% in non related parents to 8% in 1st
- perconceptual folic acid (folic acid fortified bread)
- structural anomaly
. serum screening
. US
- chromosomal abn
. serum screening
. US
. CVS / amnio / fetal blood smpling
- single gene defects
. fhx
. cvs or amniocentesis
Amniocentesis (for amniotic fluid)
chorionic villus sampling (transvaginally for placenta sampling)
Amniocentesis / chorionic sampling
- risks of miscarriage = cannot do as screening test for entire populati
1st screening test - 18 weeks - fetal morphology assessment
- US
- early enough to still do termination bc not yet viable
- can date the pregnancy
- can determine if twins are present
- assessment of placental position and cervical length
- early enough to do amniocentesis
- disadv
. reliant on operator expertise = 80% detection of abnormalities
(down to 30%)
. many abnormalities not evident at this stage
- eg achondroplasia people have normal limb lengths at t
his stage.
. pregnancy already public
. late termination method requiring
- cervagem induction of labour (abdominal pain, be in ho
spital, vaginally deliver the foetus)
- GA dilatation of cervix and evacuation of uterus (diff
icult to pass thru cervix resulting in some cervical damage)
. does not detect chromosomal abn
- eg downsyndrome
Downsyndrome = tr 21
- 1/660, increasing incidence due to increasing maternal age
. 30 yr = 1/1000
. 40 yr = 10/1000
. 50 yr = 40/1000
is found - questions
sonographic accuracy for diagnosing this condition?
likelihood of perinatal death or long term handicap?
done to correct the defect or improve the outcome?
best time and method of delivery?
recurrence risk for future pregnancies?
modifiable RF
20% pregnant women smoke (higher in teenageers and ndigenous)
babies 200 g lighter - dose dependent, reversible with early cessation
highest impact in 3rd trimester (>10 cigarettes/day)
. perinatal morbidity
. mortality (PROM, abruption, preterm delivery, stillbirth RR =
3, SIDS RR = 7)
. ectopic/ tubal
- smoking itself contributes to infertility
- augmented intervention (small, frquent interventions, follow up, suppo
rt materials)
- aids - patches, nicorette gum
- 3% of users continue in pregnancy
- 1st trimester withdrawal - N/V
- >6 joints/week associated with smaller circumference head and decrease
d ececutive funtioning by the time the babies grow to young adolescents
- if hi risk/usage - advise postpone pregnancy whilst reducing or abstin
ence goals
- risks to fetus
. no safe level of consumption
. binge drinking wrose then chronic ingesttion
. growth restriction, neurobehbavioural
. fetal alcohol syndrome in heavy use
Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Prenatal aloohol exposure
- Growth restriction pre and postnatally
. small if exposed to alcohol - tend to remain small
. cf placental dysfunction - low birthweight with long term card
iovascular risk factors BUT can catch up after birth)
- Facial majfonnation
. short palperbral fissures,
. thin upper lip
. abnormal philtrum
. hypoplastic mid-face
- Neurodevelopmental disorders eg
. language,
. motor.
. learning,
. decreased IQ
Screening for excess alcohol use = T-ACE screening insument for pre-pregnancy ri
- [informally (> 7 /week, or >3 on any day)]
1. T - tolerance = How many drinks does it take for you to feel high?
.(if >2, score 2)
2. A - annoyed = Do you ever feel Annoyed by people complaining about yo
ur drinking?
. (If yes, score 1)
3. C - cut down = Have you ever felt the need to cut down on your drinki
. (if yes, score 1)
4. E - eye opener Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning?
. If yes, score 1)
Positive score = 2 or more.
If positive, a woman should have oomprehensive alcohol assessment and in
Exercise and nutrition
- regular exercise
- folate supplementation
. neural tube defects
. 1 mo before conception -> thruout 1st trimester
. 0.5 mg - 5 mg daily (hi risk)
. hi risk
- preveious neural tube defects
- fhx defects
- mother on valproic acid or carbamazapine
- insuline dependent DM
. diet - green vegetable, nuts, wholegrain bread
. iodine consumption
. limit caffein (<2 cups/ 250 mg/day) preconception to avoid wit
hdrawal later during pregnancy
> 30 = risks
. gestational diabetes
. pre-eclampsia
. caesarean section requirement
. macrosomal infant
. risk death
. reduced fertility (preconception)
< 17 = risk
. low birth weight infant
Diseases to ask woman about
- DM - aim for < 6%
- htn - < 120 for DM, less then 130 otherwise
. avoid ACE-I
. aldemet, nifedipin, BBs
- asthma
- hypothyroid (cretinism in the babies)
. thyroxine
- epilepsy
- CVS disorders (congenital or acquired)
- AID disorders
. thrombophilias
- depression
Immunisation to ask woman about
- rubella titre (test before pregnancy, give top up, delay pregancy 3 mo
. worst effect if contracted in 1st trimester
- varicella titre (chickenpox - offer vaccination if no hx; worst effect
of disease of fetus if contracted bw 13-20 weeks - BUT can kill mother at any t
ime (pneumonitis, encephalitis)
- HepBs Ag
- HIV counselling
- HepC counselling
- Mantoux test for TB
- toxoplasmosis titre
. cat litter/faeces
- CMV titre
. especially from contact in childcare centers
- STI screen (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis)
Ob/Gyn history
- contributors to infertility and preg complication RFs
. uterine abnormality
. DES (diethylstilbestrol) exposure of fetus = fetus has later r
isk of
- cervical incompetence
- clear cell carcinoma of vagina
- hx
. recurrent miscarriage
. prev abn child
. incr risk of chromosomal abn in parent (balanced translocation
. recurrence risk of adverse outcome
- miscarriage
- pretern birth IUGR
- risk of chromosoaml abn with incr age of pregnancy
- definition of advanced maternla age = > 35
Psychosocial RFs
- socials upplor
- financial, hosing
- career
- psych - anxiety, mental illness
- domestic violence -> depression, cannot cope
. marital conflict
. partners troubles
. drugs, alcohol
. gambling
- incest
------------------PWH - Antepartum haemorrhage
Antepartum hemorrhage
- bleeding bw 20 wk - delivery
- 5% preg
- Causes
. Other (47%)
- local - vaginitis, vaginal neoplasm, vaginal polyp
- unexplained - marginal separation of placenta (bleed o
f small vessel at edge)
- cervical incompentence (20-24 wk) - ie opening with mi
nimial symptoms
- cervical dilatation (+ mucous)
. Placental abruption (30%) . Placenta praevia (20%) . Uterine rupture,vasa praevia
Placental abruption (30%) - premature separation of placenta caused by rupture of maternal vessels
in the decidua basalis, splitting the decidua and separating its placental att
achment from the uterus
- 1.3% pregs (stillbirth in 1/800 deliveries; hi recurrence risk)
- acute causes =
. trauma/ mva - external compression, decompression
- RFs
Previous abruption
trauma / mechanical (rupture due to polyhydramnios) eg.
. increased lichal volume
. after delivery of twin 1 - subsequent change in volume
. implantation of placenta over fibroid or septum -> ina
dequate decidualisation = greater chance of comming away from wall
Hypertension RR = 5
. chronic effect on vascularity - causes bleeding
. pharmacological control does not decrease this
. worse with superimposed pre-eclampsia
Cigarette smoking (RR=2) - ischemic peripheral necrosis of the d
Parity > 4
. endometrial scarring,
. impaired decidualisation,
. aberrant uterine arterial vasculature
Maternal age
Cocaine (10% risk if using cocaine)
. induce vasoconstriction - ischamiea - effect also on f
etal brain
. reflex vasodilation - vessel damage
Prolonged preterm rupture of membranes (PPROM)
. 5% risk of abruption in this condition
. 10% if assoc with infection
Inherited thrombophilia
. thombus irritating membranes
Multiple pregnancies and polyhydramnios (RR = 3 risk with twins)
. rapid decompression after 1st twin
Placental abnormalities
. circumvellate placenta (fibrous ring aroudn edge of pl
- PC - acute, partial or on ultrasound
. acute
vaginal bleeding (>80%)
abdominal pain (>50%)
uterine contractions (>35%)
uterine tcnderness (70%)
non reassuring CTG
. partial
recurrent antepartum hemorrhage
. ultrasound
- exclude pl. pracvia and check fetal growth} well being
; only 2% abruptions detected on ultrasound
Placenta praevia
- presence of placental tissue overlying or close to internal cervical o
- 6% incidence at 10-20 wk (90% resolve), 0.5% 3rd trimester
. 4/1000 incidence
. 8% recurrence
- 2 categoris (major and minor) with 4 types
. complete (placenta covers internal os)
. partial (edge of placenta partially covers internal os)
. marginal (comes down to os but does not cover it)
. low lying placenta
- RFs
. endometrial scarring
- assoc with incr materanl age, incr parity, caesarean d
. incr placetnal surface for uteroplacental transport of oxygen
and nutrients
- multiple gestations
- higher altitudes
- materal smoking
. early gestational age
- inadequate uterine segment lengthen bc too soon
- PCs
. painless (APH) bleeding 80% ****
- fetal distress - low blood volume
. uterine contractions 20%
. asymptomatic
- Assoc conditions (incr suspsicion of pl praevia)
. placenta accreta (accretions) (esp previous caesarean incr ris
k of subsequent low lying placental implantation or implantation over caesarean
scar = indication for management in tertiary unit)
. malpresentation
- non-descension into uterus, remaining transverse or ob
. preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM)
. intrauterine growth restriction
. vasa praevia and velamentous umbilical cord
- Dx
. suspected if painless APH after 20 weeks
. requires US for dx
Vasa praevia
- a vessel goes over cervix (usually assoc with a minor pl praevia)
Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
Mx minor abruption
= Small APH, with reassuring CTG, no hypotension, no uterine tenderness,
no coagulopathy
- Expectant Mx with observation in hospital until no further APH and no
other symptoms suggestive of abruption
- Corticosteroids x 2 if between 24 - 34 weeks
Ultrasound to check placental location, fetal growth, dopplers and liquo
Check blood results including QFMH or Kleihauer
Consider tocolysis (anti-contraction medication to relax the uterus) if
active labour or cervical change and <34 weeks with mild abruption as provisiona
l diagnosis, while getting covered with steroids
- Perform speculum examination to check no other LOCAL cause of small AP
H (eg large cervical polyp)
CTG = cardio toco graph
Case 3
- 39F, multiparous, moderate APH (0.5 cup), painless, 32 weeks, no anten
atal record.
- must suspect pl praevi
- avoid vaginal exam
Case 4
- 32F, hx 2 previous lower segment caesarean section, 33 wk, large (1 cu
p) bright APH, mild tightening, no tenderness/pain, steroid coverage at 26 wk du
e to hi risk. Continued bleeding
- 1st question = what is the US result
- prev caesars = risk of anterior pl praevi with placenta accreta
Mx - pl praevia + major APH
- major APH protocol
Mx - pl praevia
- indication sof delivery
. non reassuring CTG (fetal hypoxia, anaemia, persistent minimal
variabiity, fetal tachycardia, recurrent later decelerations, sinusoidal heart
. refractory maternal hemrorhage
. significant vaginal bleeding after 34 weeks gestation
- conservative mx after an acute bleed
. hospitalisation until delivery
. supportive if 1st bleeding episode and stopped after 48 hours
with no complications
. correct aneamia (Fe tablets + stool softeners)
- Steroids x 2 for women between 24 and 36 weeks (as C/S planned)
- Anti D for Rh Negative women
- Ultrasound for fetal growth, liquor and dopplers every 4 weeks, or mor
e if IUGR or PPROM
- Have a current G + H in blood bank
- Delivery
. plan CS for 36-37 wk with steroid cover
. CS for all pl praevia
- unless low lying placenta with placenta > 2 cm from in
ternal os at 36 weeks
. vaginal delivery if fetal demise
. 4 units packed red cells in OT
. hysterectomy instruments in OT
. avoid disruption of placenta on entry to prevent hemorrhage
- tx assoc conditions
. placenta accreta
. malpresentation etc
- 25F, painless APH, placenta celar, 19 weeks, FHR normal.
- dx = local cause eg polyp, post coital
------------------PWH - Termination of pregnancy
- 41 mil worldwide/yr
- ~85,000 /yr in australia (20/1000 women of reproductive age)
- 8.7 per 1000 in netherland
- 68000 deaths/yr
- 5 mil complications/yr
- 13% pregnancy related deaths
- 1/4 population live in countries where it is illegal
- 1/1000,000 deaths in australia 1st trimester
- depends on stage
- still in criminal law except for ACT and victoria (true decrim)
- SA, WA, Tas, NT - has stat expl of when it is not unlawful
- NSW, QLD, relay on common law
. 1971, Levine J
- doctor
- has honest belief
- on R grounds
- operation necessary to preserve woman from serious dan
ger to her life, physical or mental health
- mental health should take into account the effects of
economic or social stress pertaining at the time
. no legislation wrt gestatonal age
. surgical abortion > 20 wks unavailable in nsw
. medical abortion > 20 wks requires medical indication + ethics
. age of consent
- competent minor 14-16 yrs (Gillick competency) w/o par
ental consent
. father has no legal right to restricting access to abortion
- Victoria
. Victorian abortion law reform bill 2008
. unrestricted access up to 24 weeks
. > 24 weeks requires approval from 2 doctors who R believe the
abortion is appropriate in all the circumstances
Unplanned pregnancy:
- keep, termination, adoption/fostering
- 50% women (60% of these were using some type of contraception)
. 50% of these continue, 30% termination, 20% miscarry
- her decision
- supportive, non-judgemental
Abortion services
- most in private health secor
- public hospital - mostl for foetal abnormalities
- surgical abortion mostly by GPs with training
- LA, IV, GA options
- PG of choice for medical abortion
- licensed use in australia to prevent gastic ulceration caused by NSAID
- causes uterine contraction, cramps, bleeding
- SE
fever, chills
- pharmacokinetics
. rapidly absorbed - orally, vaginal**** (+ less side effects),
sublinguial, buccal
Medical abortion
- indications
. any age
. any number of previous prgnancies
. previous CS
. uterine abn
. very early
. breast feeding (baby may have diarrhoea)
- contra
. greater than 9 wk
. ectopic pregnancy (ineffective for this)
- no intrauterine pregnancy on US
. adrenal failure or long term corticosteroid therapy
. hemorrhageic disorder or anticoagulat
. allergy
. IUD in situ - mustbe removed first
. anaemia
. diarrhoea + ill
- regimens
. 200 mg - Mifepristone PO + Misoprostol 800 mcg (24-48 hrs la
ter) PV up to 63 days ***** MOST COMMON
. 600 mg - Mifepristone PO + Misopristol (36-48 hrs later) 400
mcg PO, up to 49 days gestation
. 600 mg - Mifepristone PO + Gemeprost 1mg PV, up to 63 days
- Mx cramping with NSAIDS
- average light (~end of a period type) bleeding duration 9-12 days
- most pass pregnancy within 4 hours of taking misoprostol
- heaviest bleeding in 3 days after misoprostol
- Warning signs
. heavy - soaking 2 or more pads per hour for more then 2 hours
. rfractory cramping/pain
. sx infection - fever, chills, maaise >6 hrs or occurring > 24
hours after
- F/U ESSENTIAL ~2 wees
. Hx
. US
. urine pregnancy test may still be +ve
. determine in complete
. implanon or IUD/IUS may be inserted
- complications
. continuing pregnancy in 1%
. incomplete requiring surgical intervenion 1%
. excessive bleeding requiring transfusion
. infection - 0.3% low bc no surgical instruments (Clostridium s
ordelli toxic shock ~5 cases ever)
Surgical TOP
. endometrial hypoplasia
. PTSD - 1/100
STOPs vs later fertility and pregnancy
. uncomplicated STOP does not compromise future fertlity
- must advise them to start contraception straight away
. multiple STOPs incr ris of miscarriage and premature labour
typical/ normal PC after TOP
- bleeding (
. up to 2 wk
. ~7 days usual
- cramping
. bad period < few days
- nausea dissappears fter 24 hr
- breast symptoms can persist for 2 weeeks
- urine pregnancy can still be +ve for 2 weeks
- next menstrual period 4- 6 weeks
Signs of complications
- bleeding >2 days or soaking 2 or more pads per hour for > 2 hrous
- persistent/severe pain rfractory to analgesia
- fever > 38 C orflu like illness
- malodorous vaginal discharge
- persistent pregnancy sx
Post termination chekc Qs and checks
- Bleeding pattern
- Pain
- Fever
- Resolution of pregnancy symptoms
- Emotional well-being
- PV examination is essential
- Check contraception has commenced or planned
In Australia
- medicare coverage + out of pocket expense of $ 400
------------------PWH Adenexal mass
Adnexial mass: any palpable anb in the pelvis
- fallopian tube
. Salpingitis
.Paraovarian cyst
.1 or 2 tumour
- uterus
. Intrauterine pregnancy
. Bicornuate uterus
. Cervical fibroid
. Pedunculated fibroid
- bowel
. faeces
. appendicitis, abscess
. mucocele appendix
- other
distended bladder
urachal cyst
abdo wall abscess or haematoma
pelvic kidney
functinoal cysts
fibroma (benign)
- ovary
- suspended
. infundibular pelvic ligament
- attached to uterus by utero-ovarian ligaments
- larger premenopause
Ovarian cancer
- epithelial (80%)
. serous
. mucinous
. endometrioid
. other
- clear cell
- transitional cell
- germ cell (15%)
. dysgerminoma (most common)
. endodermal sinus tumour
. embyronal carcinoma
. choriocarcinoma
. teratoma
- sex cord stroma (5%)
. granulous cell (most common)
. thecoma
. fibroma
. sertoli cell
. sertoli leydig
most common
F/U Mx
Germ cell
- younger women
- unilateral
- dysgerminoma
- fertility spare sx
- chemo
- No further the
- young
- unilat
- early
- fertility spare
- good
- old
- bilat
- advanced
- THBSO + debulking
- chemo
- poor
GI upset
abd distension
wt loss
satiety and fatigue
palpable mass
- Hx
- OE
- US + imaging
- assign risk of malignancy to direct mx to either gynecologist or gyne
Preoperative evaluation
- age, pre/post menopausal
- parity
- last period
- menopausal status
- fhx
- sx
. pain
. pressure
. distension
. GU/GI sx
. incessant ovulation sx
RR =
- abd distension and ascites
- enlarged nodes
- abd or pelvic mass
. fixed
. bilateral
. irregular and not smooth
1/1000 pregnancies are actually an ovarian tumour
6% risk of malignancy
1:25000 pregnancies have coexisting ovarian cancer
most dermoid, cystadenoma, functional cyst
markers not helpful
indicatio to intervene if
. risk of torsio
. malignancy
. obstruction in labour
PV blood loss
SIDS safe
wound/ perineum
abdominal rectus
pelvic floor exercises
feet at the end
head uncovered to avoid overheating
on back
no clutter in cot
common problems
- PPH (primary & secondary)
- 3, 4 Tear
- Caesarean Section (ileus etc)
- Infection
- HDP (Hypertensive Diseases of Pregnancy)
- Complications from Epidural/Medical complications
- Bladder function (retention, UTI, self catheterisation)
- PND (Postnatal Depression)
- Endometritis
- Rhesus ve
- GDM (Gestational Diabetes)
PC of milk coming in - looks like something wrong
- malaise
- flu like
- low grade temperature
- > 100 bpm
- pale, listless
Primary PPH
- < 24 hr
- > 500 mL
- hard uterus
Secondary PPH
- > 24 hr-6 weeks
- Lochia, dark red, offensive odour, clots, utuerus boggy, tender fundus
Causes of PPH
Tone 70%
Multiple pregnancy
Full bladder
Trauma to uterus, cervix or vaginal wall - during delivery eg
- Retained products
- Clotting disorders
acute Mx
- massage uterus to cause a contraction
- Expel clots from the uterus
- Call for help
- atony - bimanual compresson and massage
- oxytocin agonists
. syntocinon 40 units IV
. ergometrin 250 mcg IM and 250 mcg IV
. PGF2-alpha
. misoprostol
- retained production
. DC in OT
- trauma
. repair lacerations, clots, rupture
- reverse coagulopathy
. replace lost factors
Bimanual compression
- right hand at the fundus
- left fist inside vagina
- trying to squeeze the uterus to expel products
- lethary, tachy, SOB, pale, Hb < 90
- tx
. vit C, Fe
. blood transfusion
Perineal wounds (tears, epesiotomies)
- edema and bruising
. ice packs, analgesia
- swelling/pain
. check haemotoma
. excision and drainage
- swab for infection
- f/u in gynae clinic
3rd degree tears are to the anal sphincter but not thru.
4th degree is right thru the anal sphincters
prophylactic abx
a wound that is hot, tender, pyrexia
IV abx
observe inflamm, discharge, wound breakdown
- PC
BP > 140/90
frontal headache
visual disturbances - sparkles
hyperreflexia + clonus
cerebral irration
eclamptic fit
oral antihypertensives
FU renal
- PC - pyrexia, tender uterus
- tx - abx
- rfs
. prolonged rupture of membranes
. multiple vaginal exams
. lower segment caesarean section
. prolonged labour
Rhesus negative
- mother will get anti-D if baby is rhesus factor positive
DVT and PE
- pregnancy is hypercoagulative
- RFs
. advanced maternal age
. obesity
. decr movemet
. clotting disorder
. prev hx DVT/PE
- calf pain, swelling, SOB
- TEDS, heparin
Gestational diabetes
- day 3 post delivery
. fasting BSL then 2 hr post breakfast, lung and dinner
. BSL < 6 mmol
. after meals < 7
- F/U in clinic
-------------------------------------------PWH - SUDI Sudden and unexpected death of infants
1. Understand current epidemiology of SIDS and SUDI
2. Identify at risk families for SUDI
3. Implement prevention messages at first encounter with the new baby (verbal),
via osters and handouts in the surgery/clinics/wards, SID and KIDS web sites
4. Undertake a multidisciplinary approach to management of the death and the fam
SUDI = An infant under 1 yr who dies suddenly and unexpectedly.
SUDI is a descriptor including SIDS, deaths with explicable causes, and non-acci
- NSW - sids = 44/2007, non=sids - 22/2007
- most common cause amongst NON-sids = infection
- Australia ~0.25/1000 (plateaued)
Classes equivocal
hx ill
Risk groups
2-4 mo
yes +++
< 1 mo
What is the main factor that has caused the drop in death rate ?
- putting them on the back
- sufficient evidence for Hill's criterion for causation
- being prone is causative
Why is side position not recommended ? - they roll prone.
85% NSW infants sleep on back
94% children in smoke free households
12% mothers smoke in pregnancy
What are the messages for prevention? - for 6 months
- back sleep (never tummy or side)
- face uncovered
- avoid cigarette smoke exposure
- no co-sleeping = shares same room (until 6 mo) not same bed + safe cot
, mattress, bedding
Obstacles to sleepng position
- concern about choking
. no incr in aspiration deaths since incr in supine sleeping sta
. no reflux problems associated
. in hon kong where back sleeping is normal, SIDS is non existen
. back sleeping is protective
- laryngeal chemo reflex - receptors
- fluid build up is refleively swallowed
- swallowing reflex is more active in supine position vs
- sedating drugs (antihistamines/phenergan) make this wo
. anatomically
- prone - fluid won't enter into the laryngeal swallow r
eflex nerve centers
- flat heads
. transiet phenomena that rounds out
Is bed sharing safe ?
- Not if
. mother smokes
. caretaker shares a sofa
. parent under influence of alcohol or sedated
. sleeping environment is unsafe (clutter)
. infact < 12-16 wks
-----------------------------PWH - Postnatal mood disorders
um pscyhosis
postnatal depression
(psych emergency)
when it occurs after birth
3 mo (40% starts during pregnancy)
10 d
3 wk
mj dep
mood swing
grad onset, chronic
good remission w tx
poor r/ship, support, dysfun, personalit
stress resp
- breastfeeding - 4.4%
- atypicals - quitapine and alanzopine
. alanzopine has risk of gestational diabetes and macrosomia
- typicals
. transiet extra-pyramidal SE
. sedation
. withdrawal
- breastfeeding
.< 3% maternal dose
. sedation results in poor feeding and low weight gain
Case 1
16 wk pregnant
venlafaxine + queitapine
. discuss hi risk of recurrence if she stops anti-psychotics
. involve family (husband)
. sleep structuring - husband did night feeding
. express milk before taking the anti-psychotics
. involve psychiatrist and community mental health team
. admit if recalcitrant
Case 2
- 9 d post partum
- 1st presentation of incr disorganised and odd behaviour
- mx
. admission
--------------------PWH - Uro-gynaecology
pelvic floor dysfunction
- Lwr urinary tract dysfunction
- uterovaginal prolapse
- rectal prolapse/incontinence
- epi - 30% in community, 1 million women in Australia
- sx
. freq (>6 per day), urgency (gr impact on QoL), nocturia (>1/ni
ght), infection, irritation
. impact QoL
. assoc meds - diuretics, ACE-I (causes cough and raised intraab
odominal pressure), minipres (reduces urethral tension)
. prev srugx
. assoc bowel problems
- eti
. urodynamic stress incontience (stress incontinence due to phys
. overactive bladder (detrusor overactivity) - assoc with freq,
urgency, nocturia
. overflow incontinence (overdistension overcomes urethral/sphin
cter resistance)
. urinary tract fistulae (complications of gynae surgx; obstruct
ed labour)
. congenital causes eg ectopic ureter
. temporary causes eg UTI
- oe
. prolapse
- Ix
bladder diary
US scan for post void residual volume
urodynamic studies (main ones are uroflowmetry and cystometry)
- uroflowmetry - measuring flow parameters/voiding
- subtracted cystometry (bladder pressures measured duri
ng filling and voiding) - imaging (xray, US)
- urethral pressure studies
- urethroscopy, EMG
- measures pressure/volume r.ship of bladder
- bladder is catheterised - filling with variable fluids
- pressure transducers in bladder and rectum
- detrusor P = bladder P - rectal P
- unstable contraction is when there is a change in bladder pressure wit
hout a change in rectal pressure
Indications for urodynamics eg cystometry
- refractory to 1st line Mx
- before surgx
- when pain is one of the sx
Urodynamic stress incontience
- commonest cause of female incontience
- epi - 15% WOMEN, after childbirth
- Mx is conservative or sx if severe
- conservative
. pelvic floor physiotherapy (exercises, keigel)
. tampon inserted during exercise
. local estrogens
. cough prevention (reducing intraabdominal pressure)
. treat constipation
. wt Mx
. vaginal cones (weights inserted for 15 min twice per day - hav
e to contract to keep them in = exercise)
- Sx (gold standard = is mid urethral tapes/slings)
. Suprapubic procedures - Burch, MMK, Lap Colposuspension . Pubovaginal Slings
. Mid urethral tapes eg TVT
. Endoscopic BN Suspension eg Stamey
. Anterior Colporrhaphy
. Paravagjnal repair
. Peri-urethral bulking agents eg Collagen
. Artificial Sphincter
Burch colpo-suspension
- bladder rests on vagina - if you lift up the vagina, you can support t
he bladder neck
- paravaginal tissue sutured to ileopectineal ligament
- 3 sutures of no 1 ethibond each side
- initial suture at level of bladder neck
- subsequent sutures placed proximally
Laparoscopic colpo-suspension
- shorter hospitalisation and recovery
- BUT higher rate of bladder injury and poorer longterm results
TVT sling
tension free vaginal tape
placed under mid-urethra
behind pubic symphysis
- Reduced
- Altered
- Uterine
O2 availabitiliy
Maternal hypoxia
Maternal hypotension
fetal O2 affnity
Fetal metabolic acidosis
- HR/tachy
- CO
- peripheral resistance
- BP
- blood flow to vital organs
- O2 delivery to those vital organs
- reduction in O2 consumption
. MOA - cessation of all movement not necessary for survival (in
cl breathing mvment)
. reduces input/feedback to CRC (cardioregulatory cenre)
Fetal monitoring
- intermittent auscultation
- continuous electronic fetal monitoring (cardiac tocograph)
- fetal O2 saturation probe
- fetal ECG ST segment analysis
- US
Intermittent auscultation
- doppler on speaker mode
- No RFs
. every 30 min in active phase of 1st stage
. every 5 min in 2nd stage
. during active contractions and 30sec after
EFM electronic fetal movements monitoring
- indications
. Decreased movement
. Hypertension
. PG gel
. Clinical IUGR
. Diabetes
. PROM (premature rupture of membranes)
. Abdominal trauma/MVA
. Prolonged pregnancy
. Medical conditions
. Spurious labour
. RH isoimmunization
Excessive bleeding
Maternal pyrexia
Meconium/blood stained liquor
Oligohydramnio at amniotomy
1st stage > 12h
2nd stage > 1hr
Abnormal auscultation
Variable deceleration
- eti
. cord compression (mostly benign)
- indications of hypoxia
. Rising baseline or baseline tachycardia
. Reduced baseline variability
. Presence of a smooth post deceleration oversho
. Persistent large amplitude or long duration of
. Siow return to the baseline after the contract
. Loss of pre/postdeceleration shouldering
Prolonged deceleration
- lasting 1min to 1.5 min
- caused by hypoxia
. prolonged contr
. epidural
. excessive uterine activity
. supine hypotension
. ruptured uterus
. abruption
. VE
Late deceleration
- caused by contraction + hypoxia
- eti - reflex or myocardial
. contraction onset
. Decrease in lntravillous space blood flow
. Insufficient O2 transfer to fetus
. Fetal 02 levels begin to fall
. The 02 reaches a level low enough to result in myocardial depr
. Deceleration of FHR after the onset of the contraction
. Uterine contraction begins to subside
. Intervlllous space blood flow improves then fetal 02 levels be
gin rise
. FHR returns to the baseline after the contraction has finished
Sinusoidal pattern
- oscillating pattern resembling a sine wave
- absent baseline variability or acceleration
- relatively fixed period 2-5 cycles/min
- amplitude of 5-15 bpm
- indicates severe fetal anemia
- termal pattern
- DR - detect risk
- C - contraction
- BRa - baseline rate
- V -variability
- A - accereraton
- D - deceleration
- O - overall assessment
Tx Brady in DS
CH - change position
I - IV
C - cease synto
O - observations
N - notify
Case 1 - Sandie
- 34F multi-P, 40wk, spont labour
- no RFs
- for 3 hr FHR auscultated and normal
- suddently FHR at 170 bpm
- normal fetal HR = 110-160
Case 2 - Amy
- 21F, primi-P, 39 wk
- hx ruptured membranes for 3 d
- GBS negative
- irregular uterine activity
- Cx closed
- FHR abn
- T 36C
- IV abx
- induced w syntocinon then incr bc Cx remains closed
- finally dilates and syntocinon stopped
Case 3 - Kate
- 28F Primi-P, 41 wk
- 5hr contractions, then membrane rupture
- FHR auscultation 140 bpm following each contraction
Case 4 - beth
- 31F, multi-P, 44 wk, cephalic
- no RF
Case 5 - Rhania
- 39F, multi-P, 43 wk
- 3hr regular contractons
- prev births ok
- 30 min ruptures membranes draining meconium stianed liquor
Case 6 - Mia
- Primi-P, 43 wk, draining moderate meconium liquor
- 2cm dilated
- regular contractions
- syntocinon started
Case 7 - Jacqueline
- 36F, primi-P, 44 wk
- IOL gestational hypertension
- draining clear liquor
- BP 130/82, HR 86, 36.7C
- 6hr labour
- 6cm Cx dilated, 75% effaced,
---------------------------PWH - Obstetrics anaesthesia
Caesarean Section anaesthesia
Labour analgesia
- equipment
. tuohy needle (blunt tip needle to allow catheter to move thru
it - gives lots of textural feedback about where you are in the back)
. LOR syringe
. catheter
- site
. L3/4 @ iliac crests (below L2 end of conus medullaris), midway
bw lower sacral, thoracolumbar nerves
. layers
- skin
- subcut fat
- supra-spinous ligament
- intraspinous ligament
- ligamentum flavum
- not peircing dura/arachnoid
- which anaesthetic, how much, how often ?
. lo conc (minimise motor block)
. long acting
- bupivacine
- ropivacaine
. adjuvant
- fentanyl
. 20 mL initial bolus
. takes 20 min
. PRN bolus +/- constant infusion
- complications
. Common
Accidental durai puncture with PDPH 1:200
Hypotension - Nausea and vomiting
- Failure 1/20
. Rare but serious
- Neurological injury 1:10.000 (permanent 1:237,000)
Epidural abscess 1:145,000
Epidural haemaioma 1:168.000
Local anaesthetic toxicity (accidental IV administration
- contras
bloody tap
puncture headache
infection local or systemic
severe aortic stenosis
Urgency indicators
- fetal well being markers
- maternal factors
- epidural already
- age. pmhx, allergies, medications, anaesthetic hx
Regional anaesthetisa for LSCS
- spinal = subarachnoid inj (~small amount = 3 mL drug)
- combined spinal/epidural = epidural + subarachnoid (use the same needl
e to deliver both) - the epidural is back up - aim for block up to T4
- epidural
- difference spinal vs epidural ?
General anaesthetic for LSCS lower segment caesarean section
- complications of greater risk in CS then usual
. hypotension (due to aortocaval compression bc fetal weight upo
n IVC - solved by using lateral tilt)
. intubation diff
. aspiration
. rapid desaturation
. awareness
. neonatal respiratory depression
. uterine atony
- supine hypotension
. weight of baby when supine cause aortic/caval compression
. mostly after 2- wks
. prevent by left lateral tilit positioning with wedge
- intubation failure 1/300
. swollen airways, large breasts, pressure of the situation
. intubation drill
- aspiration after 1st trimester
. failed intubation
. reduced lwr esophageal sphincter tone
. incr intra-abd pressure
. mx
- antacid premedication
- rapid sequence induction
- cricoid pressure
- desaturation (decr O2 stores, FRC residual after breath, only store of
O2 in body, decr bc baby bearing on the diaphragm + incr consumption of O2)
. failed intubation
. mx
- rapid sequence induction
- pre-oxygenation
- awareness
. rapid sequence induction
. difficult intubation
. light anaesthesia
. hypovolemia - limited dosage can be used
. Mx
- adequate dose
- monitor anaesthesia depth
- neonatal depression
. volatile anaesthetic agents
. narcotics
. when there is indication for GA LSCS
. Mx
- minimise dose of volatile anaesthestis
- use NO instead
- avoid short acting narcotics
- neonatal resusc by neonatal team
- uterine atony/laxaty[[
. due to volatile agents or RFs
. Mx
- minimise volatiles
- use NO
- massage uterus
- tonic agents
. oxytocin
. ergometrine IM
. PG-F2A IM or intramyometrial
- resusc
-----------------------PWH - Cervical dysplasia
- detect and tx dysplasia and cervical ca
Cervical dysplasia is not cancer
- not fatal
- BUT morbidity can result
- do not treat early, aggressively
spectrum of abn Smears
- low grade smear
- low gr SIL = HPV, CIN 1
- glandular abn = AGUS, ASCIS
- suspcious invasive carcinoma
- histo
. LGSIL - N/C ratio
. CIN 1 - pattern of regular maturation; confined to 1/3 thickne
ss of epithelium
. CIN 3 - lost pattern of maturation; full thickness; NOT cancer
bc hasn't invaded basement membrane
- metaplasia = reversible change from cellular types eg squamous metapla
- dysplasia = abn growth or differentiation of tissue that bears no rese
mblance to original tissue - > LOOK IN THE TRANSFORMATION ZONE
- transformation zone = area bw old and new squamocolumnar junction (end
ocerix = columnar, ectoCx = squamous;) - both columnar and squamous epithelium,
and the columnar is underoing metaplasia into squamous via exposure to vaginal f
- indicated after abn smear
- microscope exam of Cx to take a biopsy
- colposcopy (labour intensive, invasive, uncomfortable)
. external device - just a magnifying device
- histo
. hx
. oe vulva, vagina
. speculum
. saline, smear, identify trans zone
. vasc pattern
. dilute acetic acid wash (call it 'dilute vinegary solution')
. lugols iodine
. biopsy/haemostasis
- guidelines for indications for colposcopy
. 2 LGSIL smears in 12 mo
. any HGSIL
. any glandular abn on smear
. invasive carcinoma
. abn appearing cx
. persistenct post-coital bleeding
- dysplastic cells express cytokeratin which precipitate forming white o
paque layer when exposed to acetic acid
- Mature normal squamous cells contain glycogen and take up lugols iodin
e when stained.
- Dysplastic cells are multilayered, hyperkeratotiC, and have abnormal v
-----------------------------------PWH - Common gynaecological problems
Heavy menstrual bleeding
IMB & postcoital bleeding
Ectopic pregnancy
Polycystic ovarian Syndrome
Heavy bleeding
- > 80 mL/cycle (n = 35mL)
. more often then 1 per 3hr - during peak flow
. > 21 pads/tampons / cycle
. need to change over night
. large clots > 2.5 cm diameter
. anaemia sx
- Sx
. intermenstrual bleeding
. post-coital bleeding
. pelvic pain (miscarriage, ectopic, neoplasia, endometriosis)
. pressure sx (fibroids) - urinary freq, nocturia, constipation
- eti
. Dysfunctional (dx of exclusion - imbalance bw prostacyclins an
d prostaglandins) - Ovulatory or non ovulatory
. Uterine - Fibroids, polyps, Adenomyosis (lining of uterus ie t
he endometrium deposits on the myometrium), DUB
. system - Thyroid, coagulation abnormalities
. Iatrogenic - Cu IUD, drugs
. Cancer
- epi - 10%
- Ix
. coags (VWF)
. US
- uterus is palpable abdominal
- vaginal examination reveals a pelvic mass
- pharmacetuical tx fails
. transvaginal US
. referral to gynae
. sti screen
Post coital bleeding
- recurring PCB = hallmark of cervical cancer = referral for colposcopy
+ essential follow up
- single episode BUT normal smear and normal Cx = no referral
- most common = tubal, caesarean scar
- difficult to manage - cervical, interstitial
- most common endocrinopathy in women
- 10% women of reporductive age
- sx
. irregular menstruation
. acne
. hirsuitism
. US changes
. infertility
. obesity
- Dx = at least 2 of [ROTTERDAM CRITERION]
. oligo/anovulation
. hyperandrogenism (clinical or biochemical)
- hirsutism
- voice deepening
- male pattern balding
- ddx - congential adrenal hyperplasia, hyperthyroidism,
andreogen secreting tumour
- irregular periods
- metabolic sndrome
. polycsystic ovaries on US
- oe
. BP
. waist circs (body fat)
. stigmata hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance
. acne, hirsutism, andorgenic alopecia, acanthosis nigricans
- hyperandorgenemia
. incr free + total testosterone
. sex hormone binding globulin
. metabolic abn
- 2 hr GTT (insulin resistance)
- fasting lipid, lipoprotein levels, total cholesterole
. exclusion of
- tsh
- prolactin
- 17-hydroxy-progesterone (adrenal hyperplasia due to 21
-hydroxylase def = no cortisol, no aldosterone end points BUT over production of
adrenal androgens)
- cushing syndrome
. emotional dist
. enlarged sella turcica
. moon fascies
. osteoporosis
. cardiac hypertrophy + hypertension
. buffalo hump
adrenal tumor or hyperplasia
thin, wrinkles skin
abdominal striae
muscle weakness
skin ulcers (poor wound healing)
- US changes
. ring of pearls
. volume of ovary > 10 mL
. more then 10 follicles around periphery of ovary.
- implications
. infertility (use cloniphene)
. metabolic syndrome
- developing T2DM RR = 10
- incr risk of impaired flucose tolerance IGT
. endometrial carcinoma
- med Mx
. aims
- menstrual irregularity
- infertility
- hirsuitism, acne
. OCP with anti-androgen cyproterone acetate
. metformin to reduce fasting insulin levels, testosterone, LDL,
. clomiphene for ovulation induction - to get pregnant
. weight loss/ dietary mx
Polycystic ovaries - why ?
- dysfunction of hypothalamic pituitary axis with incr LH which stimulat
es ovarian androgen production
- metabolic due to insulin resistance (reduced glucose response to insul
in) and compensatory hyperinsulinemia
Ectopic surgx Mx
- salpingostomy (just the portion effected, not the ovary)
. indic if only 1 tube, or the other one is damaged
. but risk of reccurent
. requires follow up
- salpingectomy (whole tube)
. indic if ruptured or other tube ok
Ectopics Med Mx - indications
- capable of follow up
- < 3 mm
- no contra to MTX
- no haemodynamic unstable
- b-HCG < 300
- no free blood in cavity
- no live fetus (hi risk of rupture)
- epi - 2% incidence
- heterotopic risk 1/10,000
--------------------------------------PWH - Problems with labour and delivery
normal pregnancy - 40 wk
4. Pneumothorax
5. Aspiration: meconium, milk
- RF
. growth restriction
. poor placental function
- PC
- xray
inflamm markers, CRP
ABG (O2, CO2, pH)
- O2 sats
- CPAP / hi flow
Sx of sepsis
- HR, RR up/down
- T up down
- CNS - lethargy, hypotonia, irritable, seizuer
- Resp - apnoea, resp distress
- feeding/GIT - por feeding, jittery, low BSL, vomiting
- skin - jaundice, rashes (herpes, staph inf), cellulitis, red umbilicus
NB erythema toxicum is a non-pathological transient rash
RF neonatal sepsis
- low birth weight
- low gestational age
Immature immunity bf 28 wk
- transplacental IgG during 3rd trimester
- at 30/40 wks IgG is 50% adult level
- no mucosal IgA at birth
- low levels of neutrophils
- complement at 50% of adult
Incr susceptibility
- decr immune response
- maternal flora
- peripartum ascending infection, ruptured membranes
- invasive procedures
- skin immaturity
- nosocomial infection
Origins of infection
- IN UTERO - transplacental/congenital
. TORCHES (toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, HSV2, syphilis)
. varicella, HBV, BCV, HIV
- ascending/intrapartum (most common, are ecoli, klebs, gbs)
. Gneg - ecoli, kleps, pseudomonas
. Grp B strep
. Herpes, N gonorrhea, chlamydia
- postnatal, acquired
. staph aureua/staph epidermidis
. G neg
. candida
COngenital TORCH infections
- no matneral immunisation
- serology
- urine
- swabs
- xray, US
- eye exam
- Sx
. large fontanelles
. micro/hydrocephaly
. eye defects (cataracts, microophthalmos)
. heart defects - PDS, pulmonary artery stenosis, myocarditis
. splenomegaly
. small for getational age
. thrombocytopenia
. purpura
. anaemia
. LNpathy
. mental retardation, spasticity, epilepsy, growth failure
. bone lesions
. hepatitis, hepatomegaly
. pneumonitis
. deaf
. blisters/ulcers
Intrapartum infection
- (amniotic fluid usually sterile)
- amnionitis precipitates preterm labour
- Abn FBC
- Mx
LP for CSF
gram stain - gastric aspirate, ear swab
WCC < 5000 or > 25000
neutrophil < 1500
IT ratio (immature to total neutrophil count) > 0.2
plt < 100,000
resp, BP, IV fluids, incubator, obs
IV abx
- GBS - penicillin, ampicillin
- Gneg - gentamicin
- herpes - acyclovir
- epi
. 30 % mortality
- = iatrogenic = acquired due to medical/nrusing care
. hand washing, staff crowding, cannulas, TPN, ET ventilation, a
bx resistance
- colonisation, invasion, then sepsis
. mucous membranes
. umbilicus
. skin
- staph aureua, staph epidermidis, coag neg staph
- Gnegs
- fungal candida
- Ix
. BC
. FBC, film (left shift, IT ratio)
. urine culture
. endotracheal aspirate
- Tx
. resp support
. CVS supp
. IV fluids
. incubator
. vital signs
. monitoring
- Abx
. staph = flucloxacillin, vancomycin
. G-neg = gentamicin, cefotaxime
. viral = acyclovir
. anaerbobic = metronidazole, clindamycin
. antifungal
. imipenem, aztreonam, ciprofloxacin, fetaxidine
- epi - 10% mortality
Vomiting in the neonate
- non pathological
. assoc with feeds
. milk/mucous only (yellow, white, clear)
. no blood/bile
. no projectile
. neonate no clinical PC
- pathological
. blood (red or black)
- swallowed blood (birth, cracked nipples/feeding)
- baby bleeding (oral trauma, stress ulceration, hemorrh
agic dz)
. bile (green, not yellow)
- bowel obst
duodenal or small bowel atresia
malrotation, volvulus
anal atresia
- meconium ileus, necrotising enterocolitis
. projectile vomiting
- duodenal obstruction
- pyloric stenosis
. unwell
- sepsis,
- inborn error of metabolism
- congenital adrenal hyperplasia
. older babies
- failure to thrive
. gastro-esophageal reflux
. sepsis, UI
. inborn error of metabolism
- gastroenteritis
. vomiting and diarrhoea
Bile stained vomiting
- Mx - requires surgery - surgical emergency "never let the sun set on b
ile stained vomiting
- duodenal atresia
. double bubble on cxr
. dilated stomach
. proximal duodenum
. assoc with polyhydramnios (swallowing the fluid) and trisomy 2
. pc - bilious or non-bilious vomiting
- intestinal atresia
. distension of bowel with multiple air/fluid levels
- small bowel atresia
. enlarged proximal bowel
. atrophic distal bowel
- volvulus
. malrotation of hind gut
. duodenal jejunal flexure to left of midline
. narrow mesentery prone to volvulus
. xray, contrast enema = spiral configuration of jejunum
- meconium ileus (obstructive lesion of thickened meconium)
. assoc with cystic fibrosis 80%
. delayed passage of meconium
. presents with vomiting from day of birth
. contrast enema = micro-colon
- necrotising enterocolitis
. xray - need lateral film (AP film will not show it)
. ischaemic gut
. invasion of bacteria into bowel wall
. pneumoatosis of bowel wall
. perforation
. gas in portal veins
- Ix
. BC
. electrolytes
- Mx
cardiac monitoring
NG tube
IV fluids
surgx review consult
radiology - small bowel contrast
- vomiting
. onset
. frequency - feed vs other
. colour - blood, bile
- GI asso
. abdominal distension
. passage of meconium
. blood in stool
. diarrhoea
- antenatal
. polyhydramnios, double bubble
. unwell ? sepsis
. dysmorphic features - tri 21
- oe
. unwell, floppy, poor feeding
. HR, RR, T, hydration
. vomit discolour
. abd distension
. patent anus
. trisomy 21
. VACTERYL (vertebral, anal, tracheoesophageal, cardiac, renal ,
radial limb) - dysmorphia
------------------PWH - Contraception
- 38% prenancies unplanned (60% of which are aborted)
- teenage pregnancy rates in rural areas = 87/1000, vs 16/1000 urban
Methods vs typical effectiveness
- sterilisation (~100%)
- depot implants/injection, intrauterine hormonal/copper (long acting re
versible contraception LARC)= most effective (~100%)
- vaginal ring (medium acting)
- hormone pills, progesterone pills (short acting) (91%)
- barrier (condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps) (< 90%)
- withdrawal (78%)
- Fertility awareness (cycle)
- Lactational amenorrheoa method
- Post coital emergency contraception
Typical vs perfect use:
- no difference for IUD but hi difference in OCP
Which means of contraception leads to a delay in return to fertility ?
- sterilisation (permanent)
- depot injection (up to a year)
Medical eligibility criteria for safe provision of contraception
- matches contraindications with appropriate contraception
- Mec 1 or 2 = benefits
- Mec 3 or 4 = the contraindication is significant or absolute
Emergency contraception
- emergency contraceptive pill
. pharmacy can distribute
. 1.5 mg dose of levogesterol
. works post coitally up to 5 days
. stops or delays ovulation for up to 5 days = not working if ta
ken too late or at the wrong time
- emergency copper IUD (within 5 d)
Emergency single dose LNG-ECP
- 1.5 mg
- over counter S3
- licensed up to 72 hr
- prevents, dealys ovulation; not an abortifaceint (no effect on develop
ing fetus)
- ulipristal acetate more effective up to 120 hrs
Can we supply to contraception to a 14 yr ?
- yes - based on maturity
- need to make sure the person is safe
- document the age of the partner
Fertility awareness
- identifies fertile days (temperature and symptoms)
- pre-ejaculate risk
post-partum Laactational amenorrhoea method
- effective within 6 mo of delivery + amenorrhoea, + full breast feeding
- best to use additional method
------------------------------------------PWH - Breastscreening and cancer prevention
- 50-74 yr targeted, free of charge, every 2 yr
- hi risk (mother < 50), BRCA1/2, HER2
- >50 or >74 only voluntary
- Aim
. detect < 15 mm
- prognostic factors
. nodal involvement
. tumour size
- views
. MLO - medial lateral oblique (most cnacners occur in upper outer quadr
. CC - cranial- caudal
. addional views if person recalled for further inx
- true lateral
- compression views
- picks up 6/1000 on first screen
- subsequent incidence is 3/1000
- microcalcifications
. premalignant change
. signify DCIS
- the lumpier the woman's breast the less accurate is the mammography
- biopsy
. core biopsy, 16G or 18G
- Accuracy of mammogram
- reduces under 50 yr (breasts are denser)
. 15-20% incidence
. 20% of all cancers
. pre-invasive mass
. Hi grade - leads to invasive cancer (tx ith excision)
- 10 yr survival ~72% (>90% for tumours < 15mm)
- MRI - hi risk patients
- infiltrating ductal carcinoma - most common type of cancer 90%
. mastectmy for > 3 cm
- lobular is next most common 10%
. bc littered across breast, most commonly indicatinon for mastectomy
- medullary 3%
- tubualar 2%
- mucinous 1%
- phylloides, pagets/nipple
- lymph node involvement
. sentinel node biopsy
---------------------PWH - Normal pregnancy
surge of LH before ovulation
before ovulation - lots of estradiol
after ovulation - more progesterone
day 21 progesterone - should be peaked
. gives indication of ovulation
. significant in PCOS
- removal of the corpus luteum in the 1st 10 wk of the pregnancy can lea
d to pregnancy failure
- then the placenta produces the hormones to maintain the pregnancy.
produced by trophoblast
present from 8 d after ovulation
home pregnancy tests only pick it up 5 week after LMP
peaks 60d
doubles every 2 d
nadir - 15-18 wk
Fetal development
- embryonic period up to 8 wk
- primitive streak in 2nd wk
- heart 3rd wk
- gut 4th wk
- urogenital sinus 6th wk
- organs formed and embryo becomesfetus 7th week
- viability 24 wk
- preterm less than 37 wk
- term 37 to 42 wk
Accuracy of US dating = less accurate with incr gestation
. in 3rd trimester, head in pelvis
. dating is done by head circumference and femur head - therefor
e bc obscured, cannot see it very well.
- 1st trimester +/- 5 days
- 2nd trimester +/- 10 days
Gestational period
- 280 d (40 wk), from last menstrual period
- Nagels rule = LMP + 3 d - 3 mo
impantation during blastocyte stage
inner cell mass - forms embryo
trophoblast forms placenta
cyto-trophoblast produces hcg
syn-cytio-trophoblast - produces estrogen and progesterone
trophoblast invades endometrium with villi
maternal blood vessels develop from spiral arterioles in endometrium of arteries so that the spiral arteries are no longer spiral.
. implicated in eclampsia - if the arteries do not dilate proper
ly and remain spiral, then higher pressure is required to continue pumping to th
e baby = htn
- maternal blood sits in intervillous lakes
- fetal circulatioin is separated from intervillous lakes by trophoblast
ic covering (they maternal/fetal blood doesn't mix)
. impt for Rh discordancy
of plaenta
Gas Exchange (passive diffusion of O2 and CO2)
Provision of nutrients (active transfer methods)
Disposal of Waste Products
Hormone Synthesis (HCG, progesterone. oestrogen and other protein hor
- Drug transfer
- over > 40 yr of age, the placenta has lower function - baby will not b
e fully healthy.
Maternal Changes in Pregnancy
- Initially due to oestrogen
- Later due to pressure of the foetus
- Palpable above pubic symphysis at 12 weeks
-At level of umbilicus at 18 to 20 weeks
- Increases progressively throughout pregnancy
- 450-650 mL/min by term
. implications for massiveness of post-partum haemorrhag
- Early third trimester
- Thinnest part of uterus, 5 to 7.5cm long
- impt for lower section caesarean section
- if it doesn't form, then need to go higher thru thicker muscle
, has greater risk of rupture.
- Softening and cyanosis
- Shortening
- Proliferation of glands
- Formation of mucus plug
- Eversion of columnar epithelium (ectropion)
. columnar epithelium growth outside the uterus into the
- Increased vaginal discharge
. still need to swab for infection check
- Colour change of vaginal mucosa
- Increased vascularity of perineum and vulva
- Thickening of vaginal mucosa
- Loosening of connective tissue
- Hypertrophy of smooth muscle
- Striae gravidarum
- Diastasis Recti
- Pigmentation - linea nigra (black line on tummy) - face and
- Spider naevi
- Palmar erythema
- Tenderness and tingling in early pregnancy
- Increase in size from 8 weeks
- Colostrum
. women with gestational diabetes are encouraged to expr
ess and start pumping in 3rd trimester
. bc of the diabetes, the woman will over-express insuli
n, and so this can cause hypo-glycemic attacks in the baby.
- Increased pigmentation of areolae
- Appearance of surface veins
- accessory lactation glands in axilla
- Weight gain (10-15 kg) - uterinene contents - fat deposition
- Fluid retention - decreased plasma osmolaltty - Increased ma
Oesophageal Reflux
Varicose Veins
Breast tenderness
Compression neuropathies
Muscle Cramps
Urinary Frequency
Antenatal care
- 1st visit
Medical History
Obstetric History
Gynaecological History esp. STD's
Family History
Social and Drug history
Nutritional Status and diet
First visit: 12 to 16 weeks
4 weekly visits until 28 weeks
2 weekly visits until 36 weeks
Weekly visits until term
Chromosomal abn screen
Foetal Morphology Scan 18-20 weeks
FBC 28 and 36 weeks
Group and Ab (if Rh neg) 28 and 36 weeks
75 gm GTT 28 weeks
Low Vaginal Swab (Group B Strep)
screen depression, domestic vilence, drug and alcohol abuse
Stages of
1st st - from onset of regular contraction until full dilatation
2nd - from full dilatation until delivery of baby
3rd st - from delivery of baby to placenta
1st stage
of labour
latent phase (effacement)
active phase (dilatation)
primi-P = 12 hr
- multi-P = 6 hr
- partogram - want 1 cm /hr ideally
Engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, expulsion
---------------------------------------------------PWH - Normal variants, minor disorders and syndromes
Newborn examination
- after delivery, from 1-2 days
- only examine in presence of parents
- report findings to parents
oe - in presence of parents
- heart
- hips
Posture and colour
- normal = flexion of extremities
- abnormal = extension
- pink with transient acrocyanosis - discolouration of hands/feet
- normal mild peeling
Growth restricted baby (mostly due to placental function/diffusion issues; or ov
er crowding)
- scrawny < 2.5 kg
- long and thin with large head
- no subcut fat
- skin dry/cracked
- umbilical cord - thin reduced whartons jelly
- day 1 pathological - unconjugated bilirubin - mostly due to AB
O incompatibility
- days 3-6, resolves by 2 wk - physiological unconjugated
- 2-3 wk - pathological - conjugated - ddx - hypothryoidism, bil
iary atresia
Vernix caseosa
- protective greasy white material
- covers body of infacts bw 35-38 wk
Livedo reticularis
- mottling/marbeling of skin
- wrt to thermal regulation of skin
- fine facial body hair
- preterm babies
- lost during 1st month of life
Naevus flammeus (stork marks) = normal
- vascular birthmarks= normal
- 50% newborns
- irregular bordered pink macule composed of dilated, distended capillar
- site
. nape of the neck
. upper eyelids
. bridge of tho nose
. upper lip
- blanches with pressure
- usually fades by 2 yr
Mongolian Blue Spot
- pigmented lesion - esp in asian
- buttocks, flanks, shoulders
- colour - grey/blue-green
erythematous rash with pustules
70% newborn
small white, yellow papules with with an erythematous base
peak incidence is 24 hr
Harlequin phenomenon
- Reddening of one side of the body and blanching of the other half with
a sharp line of demarcation.
- Transient: seconds to minutes.
- Occur most often during the first few days of life
- Thought to be a vascular manifestation due to the immaturity of the au
tonomic system in newborn.
Neonatal pustular melanosis
- pustules (no erythematous base) - leave pigmented colour aftr they lea
ve (=melanosis)
- Begins with superficial, vesiculopustular lesions
. they rupture within 12 to 48 h after birth .
. leaves a spot of hyperpigmentation that may remain for up to 3
months after birth
. Benign, requires no trea ment
- Etiology is unknown.
- smears from the pustules reveal poly morphonuclear leukocytes with abs
ence of organisms, ie not infective
Staph skin sepsin
- erythematous base + prominent pustules (+ yellow pus)
- Discrete pustules that are typically seen after few days of life.
- May affect any part of the body, but have a predilection to t e neck,
axilla, and inguinal areas ie creases.
- Mum may have wound/episiotorny/scar infection.
- Almost always caused by Sfaphy/acaccus aureus.
Cafe au lait spots
- flat, Tan or light brown macules or patches with well defined border
- <3cm in length & <6 in number: - not pathological significant
- Larger spots or more than 6 may indicate cutaneous neurofibromatosis
Strawberry haemangioma
- bright red, raised, lobulated (like a red jelly bean on the surface o
f skin)
- Caused by dilated capillaries, with associated endothelial proliferati
on .
- Occur in up to 10% of newborns . Of these, 20-30% are present at birth
. remainder are usually apparent by 6 months (ie not generally present at birt
- Increases in size for approximately 9 - 12 months then gradually regre
ss spontaneously . Complete regression may take years
- Complications include bleeding, ulceration, infection or compression o
f vital organs
- big ones are treated with propranolol
Dark brown or black macule
Most commonly seen on the lower back or butfocks, but it may occur any
Generally benign .
malignant changes may occur in up to 10%.
They should be observed closely for changes in size or shape
parents require counselling
Cradle cap
- normally in hair line/eyebrows
- waxy substance
- if you scrape it off, it can cause bleeding
- tx - aspirin, olive oil
- eventually disappears
Port wine
flat vascular irregular shape macule - Pink /reddish purple lesion
Consists of diluted, congested capillaries directly beneath the epider
Often occurs on the face, but may occur anywhere
Does not blanch with pressure
Does not grow in size or spontaneously resolve
ddx - sturge weber - trigeminal nerve
- little white head looking things
- Due to obstruction of sweat and rupture of The exocrine sweat duct .
. Commonly seen 2 to thermal stress eg over-wrapped .
. Once the heat stress is removed the lesions usually resolve qu
- Miliaria crystallina in which there are superficial vesicles which are
1-2mm in diameter.
. skin does not appear inflamed.
- Miliaria rubro (also called "prickly heat") results in popules and pus
tules from obstruction in The mid- epidermis.
- large frontal fontanelle can be normal
- needs care not to puncture
Caput succedaneum
- crosses the suture lines of skull, bruising, fluctant welling, cone sh
ape head, lasts a few days
- subcut edematous
- crosses suture lines
- haemotoma underneath of scalp and periosteum of skull
Subgaleal haemorrhage
age of pt
not going to have fibroids in 12 year old
'Mrs X is 39F, parity, gravidas, last menstrual period
Abnormal bleeding
- 15% all visits to gyn
- 20% all gynae operating
- types - organic cause
Normal menstrual cycle
- what is there normal menstrual cycle
- incr in T at time of ovulation
- LH surge just bf ovulation; FSH also reaches a peak at ovulation
- estradiol only produced in ovary
- estradiol incr up to point o ovulation, then drops off sharply then in
cr a bit
- progesterone incr after ovulation
- when the progesterone starts decr, you get a break down in the endomet
rium leading to menses
- Basalis - does not change during cycle
- Functionalis - 2 layers - it is the layer that grows and sloughs
. stratum compactum (superficial thin)
. stratum spongiosum
- Follicular phase of ovary = proliferative phase of endometrium
- Luteal phase ofthe ovary = secretory phase of the endometrium
- if no blastocyst implantation
. Progesterone decr
. Endometrial glands involute
. infiltration PMNL and monocytes
. spiral arteries constrict = local ischaemia
. lysosomes release proteolytic enzymes
. PGs (esp PG-F2-alpha) cause arteriolar vaso-spasm = ischemia +
uterine contractions = expulsion of menstrual blood
Normal menstrual cycle
- day 1 - first blood in morning
- cycle - 1st day till beginning of next menstruation
- ovulatory cycles - 28+/-7 days
- Menses - 4+/-2 d
- Blood loss - 40 +/-20 mL
abn bleeding
- cycle length >
- duration > 6 d
- volume
> 80 mL
< 3 hr interval for a pad/tampon change
> 21 pads/tampons per cycle
changes at night
clots > 1cm
Patterns and definitions
- Oligomenorrhoea = Interval > 35 days, can be ovulatory of anovulatory
- Polymenorrhoea = Menses < 21 days, usually ovulatory
- Hypermenorrhoea = Regular menses > 7 days bleeding, ovulatory + anothe
r problem
- Menorrhagia = Menses > 80ml blood loss, ovulatory with another problem
- Metrorrhagia (HMB) = Irregular intervals > 7 days (usually with interm
enstrual bleeding)
- Menometrorrhagia = Excessive prolonged bleeding at frequent and irre
gular intervals; anovulatory
- Intermenstrual Bleeding(I MB) = In between cycles
- Post Coital Bleeding (PCB) = Within 24 hours of coitus
- Withdrawal Bleeding = Progesterone cessation bleed (eg when on progest
erone only pill) due to withdrawal of hormone
Length of phases
- follicular = variable, but minimum 7 d
. it is the development of the egg
. when prescribing OCP - emphasise that for it to work, you have
to stop ovulation and stop the follicular phase - therefore have to start and f
inish regularly on time
- luteal = fixed, 14 d
Average age of menopause = 51.5
Pre-menarche bleeding
- eti
. vulvo-vaginitis
. trauma
. urological
. neoplasm
- ddx - precocious puberty (< 8 yr)
Adolescent bleeding
- within 2 yr of first period
- menarche ~12.5 yr means
- delayed (need to investigate)
. if > 15 yr no menstruation
. assoc absence breast development
- cycles highly variable for fisrt 2 yr after first menstrual period 20-45 d, avg 32.2
- ddx - prolonged, absence
. pcos
. eating disorders
. excess exercise
. thyroid dz
. co
- ddx - heavy
. coagulopathy
. von villebrand
. platelet dz
Child bearing age
- pregnancy, structural uterine, anovulation, trauma, infection
- Medications
. OCP, Cu IUD, depot-provera
. anticoag
. corticosteroids
. chemo
. dilantin (anti-epileptic) - stimulates liver enzymes, which me
tabolise OCP hormones
. anti-psych (incr prolactin)
. abx (stevens-johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis)
Perimenopausal = 8 yr prior to menopause (menopause = last menstrual period)
- sebaceous cyst
- condylomata
- angiokeratoma
. cancer
. infection - sti
. fallopian tube ca
. ovarian-estrogen producing tumor
- granulosa cell
- theca cell
- mature cystic teratoma (most common - esp young girls)
. pelvic inflamm dz
. pregnancy complications
- threatened miscarriage
- ectopic pregnancy
- missed abortion
Uterine bleeding
- systemic
. coagulation - VWF, ITP, acute leukaemia
. thyroid
. liver dz
. sepsis
. vulva dz - crohns, behcets
. vascular tumors
- iatrogenic
. ocp, hrt
. progesterone only pill, depo-provera
. iud, foreign body
signs of ovulation
- incr temp 0.25-0.5
- cervical mucus incr viscosity
- mittleschmerz
- incr sense of smell
- ovulation 8-20 d from 1st day of LMP
- ovulation is 14 d before menstruation
Endometrial polyp
- benign
- endometrial growths
- fibrous tissue covered by columnar epithelium
- benign dz of uterus
- extension of endometrial tissue into myometrium
- bc in myometrium, the blood sloughing off during menstruation cannot b
e lost and is trapped
- uterus swells, cramps, bleeding
- bleeding is prolonged and later becomes brown
pelvic tumor - above fundus, subserosal, submucosal, intramural
25% women
can progress to cancer - Lieomyosarcoma LMS
- pap smear
- chlamydia, gonorrheal
iron studies
biopsy endometrium
- sex activity - pregnancy risk
- menstrual history
. menarche
. lmp
. length of cycle, duration of bleeding
. heaviness of flow - tampons per day, degree of soaking, floodi
ng or clots
. premenstrual sx, bladder, bowel sx
. menstrual irregulatiry, post coital,, intermestrual
. have you been told that you are anaemic
WHy is it
tting rid
enlarged thyroid gl
hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, acne, clitoromegaly, male pattern baldnes
- acanthsosi nigrican (insulin resistance and anovulation)
- galactorrhoea (hyperprolactinemia)
abd/pelvic tender
rebound tenderness
serum bhcg
iron studies ferrtin
PCOS androgen hormones
transvaginal US
Pelvic US
- endoemtrium
- myometrium
- adnexal pathology
Transvaginal US
- gold st
- close to pelvic organs and resolution
- best d5-7 cycle = endometrium is thinnest
- endometrial thickness
. 4-8 mm proliferative phase (>12 abn or > 4 in postmenopausal o
r > 8 on HRT)
. 8-14 mm secretory
- polyps, hyperplasia
- ovaries
. endometrioma
. functional cysts
. ovarian cysts
Saline infusion sonography
- identifies intracavitary lesions but without endometrial sampling
- detects polpys, submucoous fibroids, feasbility of resection
Non invasvie imaging
- HYCOSY, CT scan, MRI
. hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (saline infusion sonogram
. distinugish bw focal thickening, polyps and fibroids
- CT scan
. radiation
. more accurate then CT
Endometrial sampling
- pipelle or curettage
- aim = xclude endometrial hyperplasia and cancer
- indications
. > 35 yr
- indicated for
. focal endometrial abn on SIS or HYSCOY
. suboptimal visualisation of endometriumon TVS
. abn cavity ie fibroid
. inadequate or failed endometrial sampling
Mx heavy bleeding (no pathology)
- IF
. no patholoty
. but a hx of heavy bleeding, conseuctive cycles without IMB or
PCB - then you can reassure them, trial pharm, treat anaemia
- reassure
- pharm
. combined OCP
. transexamic acid
. nsaid
. progestagen
. levonorgestrel system iud mirena
. gnrh agonist
- correct aneamia - diet, iron supplement
combined ocp
- 43% reduction in MBL
- can be given consecutively, 3 cycles in a row, missing glucose tablets
, have withdrawal bleeding at the end.
- contra
. cvd
. thrombophilia, fhx
. obesty
. hypercholesterolemia
. smoker > 40 yr
Transexamic acid
- antifibrinolytic
- 1 g QID during menstruation
- retains fertility and avoids hormonal tx
- 30% reduction in blood loss
- se - NV, leg crampls, diarrhoea, vte/dvt
- bc hmb assoc with incr PG
- MOA - inhibit COX to reduce PG
- must take at onset of heavy bleeding
Progesterone - progestagens
- inhibit endometrial growth
- organises and supports estrogen primed endometrium (only works in wome
n producing estrogen ie won't work in post menopausal)
- effective sloughing upon withdrawal
- reverses endometrial hyperplasia
. norethisterone (primolut) regime 5 mg TDS 5-26 d of cycle
- measured by
. self reported
. midwife
. ctg (but doesn't tell how strong they are)
- midwife reports as
. frequency
. length
. strength (mild, moderate, strong)
what things are measured for the baby?
- HR (PR stethoscope - good bc can differentiate maternal from fetal pul
- doppler
- US
- amniotic/ lichor
- presence/absence of meconium in lichor
- lactate
------------------------------PWH - Multiple pregnancy
chorion is one of the membranes that exist during pregnancy between the developi
ng fetus and mother (the fetal membranes)
The chorion and the amnion together form the amniotic sac
It is formed by extraembryonic mesoderm and the two layers of trophoblast that s
urround the embryo and other membranes. The chorionic villi emerge from the chor
ion, invade the endometrium, and allow transfer of nutrients from maternal blood
to fetal blood
Aside from protection, the amnion provides a gateway to transfer nutrients and o
ther essential necessities for the unborn embryo. The amnion is expandable and f
lexible in size as it tries to accommodate the development of the embryo to its
later stages. The amnion is found on the innermost part of the placenta. It line
s the amniotic cavity and holds the amniotic fluid and the developing embryo. Th
e membrane is made up of tresodeum on the outside and ectoderm on the inside whi
ch has specific cells with specific functions.
The rupture of the amnion and the release of the amiotic fluid is a signal for t
he start of the pregnancy s delivery stage.
The chorion, on the other hand, is the outer membrane that surrounds the amnion,
the embryo and other membranes and entities in the womb. It is considered as th
e support platform of the fetus and the aminon
1.Both the amnion and the chorion are extra embryonic membranes found in reptile
s, birds and mammals.
2.The amnion is the inner membrane that surrounds the embryo while the chorion
surrounds the embryo, the amnion and other membranes.
3.The amnion is filled with amniotic fluid, which holds the embryo in suspension
while the chorion also acts as a protective barrier during the embryo s developme
4.The amnion comprises of tresodeum and ectoderm while the chorion includes the
trophoblast and the mesoderm.
5.The chorion has a special feature called chorion villi, which acts like a bar
rier between maternal blood and fetal blood. It absorbs maternal blood for the e
mbryo s substance and other necessities while the amnion plays a part in the stage
of delivery. The rupture of the membrane is a signal that the fully-formed offs
pring is ready to come out of the womb.
- twins 1/90
. 2/3 di-zygotic (africa, > 35 yr, > 4 preg, > ovulation inducti
. 1/3 mono-zygotic (> IVF) - 1/250
- triplets 1/8000
- quads 1/729000
- 2 oocytes fertilised (nonidentical, fraternal)
- blastocyst/morula divides after fertilisatioin (identical)
- one egg
- 1/250
- types
donors b
- secrete
. activin = stimulates fsh
. inhibin = inhibits fsh
. estradiol, progesterone, testosterone = negative feedback on h
ypothalamus/gnrh and pituitary
Anterior pituitary
- secrete fsh and lh
. Growth Hormone (GH), Prolactin (PRL), Follicle-Stimulating Hor
mone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), and Th
yroid-Stimulating Hormone TSH).
- fsh
. stimulates follicle maturation and aromatitsation of androgens
to estrogens
- lh
. stimulates theca cells to produce androgens
. ovum maturation and resumption of meiotic division
. ovulation and luteinisation of granulosa cells
. corpus luteum formation
Primordial follicle
- originate in endoderm of yolk sac, allantois, and hindgut of embryo
- migrate to the genital ridge by 5-6 wk
- rapid mitosis followed by attrition
. 16-20 wk = 6 mil
. birth = 2 mil
. puberty = 300,000
. ovulation = < 500
Follicle development
- recruitment, aromatisation, 2 cell theory (theca and granulosa)
- LH surge due to positive feedback by estradiol peak
- lysis of follicular wall
Luteal phase (= endometrial secretory)
- reorganisation of granulosa cells of the dominant follicle into the co
rpus luteum
. rapid vascularisation]
. luteinisation of granulosa cells
- incr progesterone
. progesterone + estradiole = negative feedback action on gonad
otropin secretion
- demise if corpus luteum (and the progesterone it produces) in 14 d unl
ess supported by hcg (if hcg is around, the corpus will continue to make progest
erone - without it, the endometrium breaks down and will continue pas
t 14 days if the implanted blastocyst/placenta is making progesterone itself)
- basal zone = adjacent to myometrium - undergoes little histologic chan
- intermediate spongy zone - above the basalis
- compact zone - directly beneath the surface
- the spongy zone and compact zone are cyclically shed
Proliferative phase
- proliferation of basal layer
- endometrial gl are tubular, straight and narrow with low columnar epit
ot giving
4 - Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within a half hour of birth
5- Show mothers how to breastfeed, and how to maintain lactation even i
f they should be separated from their infants.
6- Give newborns no food or drink other than breastmilk, unless medicall
y indicated (eg hypoglyceia, distress/meconium, mother DM).
7- Practice rooming in allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 h
ours a day.
8- Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
9- Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or soother
s) to breastfeeding infants.
10- Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer m
others to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic.
Breast milk components
- fats, tags, lipid - half of total caloires
. breastfed infants accumulate DHA in cortex for duratioin of br
eastfeeding (whereas formula fed infacnts maintain the amount present at birth)
- implicated in visual performance of breastfed infants
- CHO, lactose (enhacne Calcium absorbpion), oligosaccharide (helps grow
th of lactobacillus bifidus incr gut acidity and stemming growth of pathogens),
galacvtose, fructose
- protein - whey 60% (forms curds in acid stomach for easy digestion containts lactalbumin, lactoferrin, serum albumin, immunoglobulins, lysozyme), c
asen 40%
. Lactoferrin inhibits the growth of iron dependent bacteria in
the GIT
. Immunoglobulin and lysozyme play important roles in immunologi
cal defence.
. Colostrum and milk contain IgA and IgG
. Lysosyme is a non specific antimicrobial factor.
- Colostrum contains higher concentrations of protein than mature milk,
due to the presence of?ntibody rich proteins and additional amino acids
- babies may need vit K, vit D supplements, vit B12 in vegan women
lysozyme - pulls bacteria from cell wall
mucins - adhere to bacterial receptor, bacteria cannot attach
Lactoferrin : Deprives pathogens of iron
Oligosaccharides Block bacterial attachment to GIT wall
Bifidus factor , Promotes gram+ lactobacilli
Lipids , Envelope viruses and inactivates them
------------------------------PWH - Perinatal infection
adaptive immune decr
innate imm incr
physiological adapt
- urinary stasis (UTIs)
- respiratory
mode of transmission
- transplacental
- ascending infection from vagina to cervix
- retrograde seeding from peritoneum via fallopian tubes
- iatrogenic - invasive procedures eg amniocentesis/CVS
Indications for testing for infection
- antenatal screening
. hep B, hep C, HIV, syphilis, rubella immunity, GBS
. gonorrhea, chlamydia in hi risk (< 25 yr, HIV)
zoster virus
3/1000 in pregnancy
2/100,000 congenital
. to mother via - secretions from nasopharynx, vesciular fluid c
ontact, airborne
. crosses placenta
. reactivates inutero, migrates down azon
- check for infectio at the 1st visit
- prevention - VZIG
- Ix - varicella Ab
- Dx
. vesicular lesions on erythematous base
- fetal effects after reactivation - issue is activation witin the 1st 2
0 weeks of gestation
. skin scars
. limb hypoplasia
. mm atrophy
. chorioretinitis
. cortical atrophy
. low birth weight
- maternal complications - major complication is the pneumonia which has
40% mortality
. prodrome - fever, malaise, myalgia
. vesicular rash
. infectino of vesicles, pneumonia, glomerulonephritis, myocardi
tis, CNS involvement
. varicella pneumonia - 40% mortality, supportive + acyclovir
- if mother is IgG negative within 96 hours - can give passive Immunoglo
- if outside of 96 hours, then can only give acyclovir
- infection rates bw 5 days before or 2 days after delivery - 50% transm
ission rates
. give baby VZIG, acyclovir
- infectious starts from 2 d before lesion until crusting over
Risk of amniocentesis of miscarriage is ~ 1%
CMV is not screened for in transfused blood
- most common congenital infection 2% live births
- transmission
. to mother - urine, nasopharynx, blod
- maternal primary infection - asympt or fever, malaise, LNpathy
- reactivation of maternal infection can cause fetal, or perinatal infec
- congenital cmv
. microcephaly
. deafness
. ascites
. hydrops fetalis (fluid in 2 or more body cavities eg lungs, ab
domen, brain, pericardial effusion, pleural effusions, calcificaiton in brain of
abdomen on ultrasound)
. oligo/poly hydramnos
. hydrocephalus
. intra-cranial calcification
. abn calcification
- serology
. IgM + initially
. need to test for IgM 2 wk later as well bc IgM can remain posi
tive for 12 mo
. hi IgG = primary infection
. IgG avidity (how well the antibodies bind to the IgG) = indica
tes whether it is a primary or reactivation
- if low avidity = primary (no time to develop)
- if hi avidiity = reactivation
. eg
IgG(+), IgM(-) = past infection
- Dx
. amniocentesis PCR
. fetal serology 6 wk after infection
- vaccination ?
. none available
- tx during pregnancy
. hyper-immune globulin (but CRISP trial found no difference in
- food born (raw vegetable, milk, fish, poultry
- materal sx
. sepsis
. flu sx
. fever
. malaise
. abd pain
- serology not useful
- dx requires listeria monocytogenes = swabs, culture
- fetal infection
. fetal death
. prematurity
- meconium stained liquor + preterm labour
- (ddx meconium stained liquor - usually post term t/f preterm stained l
iquor = listeria)
- tx with penicillin
(whooping cough)
~12000 cases in 2015
1/200 babies under 6/12 die from pneumonia complications
3rd trimester pregnant women recommended for DTPa
. transplacental transfer (pertussis antibodies passive protecti
on of newborn)
. antibody levels peak 2 wk after vaccination, transport from 30
. given each pregnancy
. vaccinate all contacts of the baby
- transmission = transplacental or ascending
- prevention = immunisation
COmplication summary - TORCH
- Toxo (spiromycine)
- parvovirus - fetal aneamia, hydrops (US)
- listeria - milk products, meconisum green liquor in preterm (n
ot post term), cultures (not serology), antibiotics
- HepB/C no invasive interventions in labour
- Rubella - bad early pregnancy, less so later (GREGGS)
- CMV - commonest perinatal infect, IgG avidity
- HSV - acyclovir for prev infected women
------------------------------PWH - Pelvic pain
- is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to
nociceptors or peripheral nerves
- Hyperalgesia is induced by platelet-activating factor (PAF) which come
s about in an inflammatory or an allergic response. This seems to occur via immu
ne cells interacting with the peripheral nervous system and releasing pain-produ
cing chemicals (cytokines and chemokines
- endometriosis
- ectopic pregnancy
- appendicitis
- renal
------------------------------PWH - Menopause
secondary amenorhoea
- pregnancy
- hypoprolacintemia
- hypothalamic (stress, eating disorders, overexercise)
- eary menopause (ovarian insufficiency)
- permanent cessation of menstruation resulting from loss of ovarian fol
licular activity
- ie 12 mo of amenorrhoea
- mean age 51
- no independent biological marker
born 200,000
sx when less then 1000
menopause - when all gone
different ages - lose them faster, or different numbers to start with
- Bladder
. Urgency. frequency, increased UTI; stress incontinence (cannot
be treated with estrogen)
- Hair
. Thinning scalp and pubic hair, increased fine facial hair
. Mood and memory changes
- Cardiovascular
. Increased metabolic disease
- Skeletal
. Increased bone loss, osteoporosis and fracture
Hot flushes
- epi
70% women
sudden onset after oophorectomy
1-5 yrs but 10% still experience past 70yr
best not to remove ovaries before 65 yr unless indicated by BR
- ddx
. Fever Anxiety Alcohol consumption Narcotic withdrawal Roseac
ea Migraine Parkinson's disease Diabetes Hyperthyroidism
. Anaphylaxis Pheochromocyloma Carcinoid The dumping syndrome R
enal cell carcinoma Cushing Syndrome Thyroid carcinoma Alcohol dehydrogenase de
. vasodilators. Ca channel blockers. narcotics, SERMs (tamoixfen
, clomiphene). Aromatase inhibitors
Mx menopausal sx - gold standard = HRT
- reassurance - normal, expected
- Life style changes
. Avoid . spicy food, alcohol. coffee. excitement. tight ftting
- Clonidine
. A(+)
. reduction in hot flushes - 50 mg TDS
. SE - dry mouth, drowsiness, constipation
. paroxetine, venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, citalopram, escitalo
. 67% reduction in flushes within 2 weeks
- Gabapentin
. hypothalamus MOA on temperature center
. effective in doses 600-2400 mg
. causes somnolence/sleepy/cognition
. gold standard
- no evidence for
. phytoestrogens
. chinese herbs (= placebo)
. acupuncture
- E
ute risk, decr risk with using low dose patches rather then oral)
. best if < 60 yr or 10 yr after menopause.
. no incr risk in breast cancer (possible reduced risk for 20 yr
of use)
- E + P
. when uterus is present
. use sequentially so that you get withdrawal bleed, or use cont
inously for no periods
. do not use estrogens in breast cancer
. reduces risk of CHD
. incr risk of stroke, VTE (esp in 1st yr, but low overall absol
ute risk, decr risk with using low dose patches rather then oral)
. best if < 60 yr or 10 yr after menopause
. incr risk of breast cancer in LONG TERM /CONTINUING users (but
small, incr with duration of use, decr after stopping use, reduced risk in NEW
- low genital tract
- topical low dose E is preferred for thos women whose symptoms are limi
ted to vaginal dryness and dyspareunia
- effective and appropriate for prevention of osteoporosis related fract
ure in at-risk women bf age 60 yr or within 10 yr after menopause
. 2nd line for osteoporosis (after bisphosphonates, ranelates, R
ANK-L inhibitors (denosumab))
. standard dose estrogen alone - decr coronary disease and all c
ause mortality in women younger then 60 yr and within 10 yr of menopause
. harm in women over 70 yr
- Breast cancer
. incr risk with E + P combination for CONTINUING/LONG TERM user
. risk decr after treatment is stopped
. risk linked to duration of use
. decr risk in NEW USERS
- VTE / stroke
. incr risk
. but low absolute risk below go yr
. greatest risk in 1st year of therapy
. reduced risk in low dose patches (rather then oral)
Tissue specific estrogen complex (TSEC)
- HRT combining estrogen + SERM
. conjugates equine estrogens CEE / bazedoxifene (0.625, 0.45 /
20 mg)
- Acts entirely via Estrogen receptors
- Alleviates vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes)
- Protects endometrium
- Preserves bone density and reduces fracture
- Risk of VTE no greater than for E alone
- Does not stimulate breast tissue
A practitioners tool kit
- post menopausal
. removal of ovaries
. LMP > 12 mo ago
. cycle unawareness + sx
1. when was your last period
< 3 mo + regular bleeding
. pre- menopausal
< 12 mo + irregular bleeding
. peri-menopausal
> 12 mo
. removal of both ovaries
- YES = post menopausal
- NO
> 56 ?
. YES - post menopausal
. NO - are you using hormonal c
ontraceptino or HRT ?
2. are you using hormonal contraceptino or HRT ?
NO + age > 56 yr, LMP > 12 mo
- hsyterectomy, IUD, ablation
- cycle awarenss = pre-menopausal
- hot flushes, night sweats = post menop
- cycle unaware = post menopausal
. NO - post menopausal
what we need to know ?
- HX
. Gynae
- LMP, bleeding pattern
- hysterectomy/oophorectomy
- use of hormonal therapy
- contraceptive needs
. illnesses
- thyroid dz
- osteoporosis
- DM
- depression
- liver/renal
- meds
. FHx
- osteoporosis/fracture
- cancer
- dementia
. Social
- OE
pelvic Ex
pap smear
breast check
thyroid assessment
- IX
- don't do if on hromonal contraception
. progesterone / AMH
- no value
. pap smear
. mammogram
. lipids
fasting BSL
FBC / ferritin
renal fucntion
liver fn
vit D
bone desnity
What to consider
- pre- or peri- menopausal
. health concerns including FHx
. general health and dz mx
. lifestyle issues - smoking, etoh, physical activiy, diet, bmi
. contraceptive requirements
- post menopausal, < 60 yr, < 10 yr since LMP
. the above PLUS
. mx of
- menopausal sz
- vulvo-vaginal atrophy
- sexual dysfunction
- osteoporosis prevention
Prescribing HRT/MHT
- perimenopausal, LMP < 12 mo, intact uterus
. continuous OCP (COCP) for contraception + cycle control
. sequential MHT
. IUD + estrogen
- post menopaus, LMP > 12 mo, intact uterus
. sequential MHT
. continuous combined MHT
. IUD + estrogen
- peri/post meno, post hysterectomy
. estrogen only
The menopause is natural but its consequences may not be.
MHT is indicated for relief of vasomotor menopausal symptoms
Initiate therapy when symptoms are troublesome i.e. early
Start with a low dose and adjust as necessary
Use progestins only when necessary to protect the uterus Individualise t
Continue therapy for as long as required for symptom relief
In recently menopausal women MHT is bene?cial for cardiovascular and bon
e health
Always monitor long term health
------------------------------PWH - Fetal malpresentation
- baby head too big
. macrosomia (abn big) - most common
- esp DM1
- also gestational DM
. hydrocephalus + assoc congenital
. hydrops +/- ascites
. tumors
- placenta previa (umbilical cord blocking cervix)
. differnt grades
- uterine fibroids
- cervical
. fibroid (most common) ~ 10 cm or bigger
. cerclage cervix
. cervical stenosis due to previous - LETs, cone biopsy
- pelvis
. non gyneoid pelvis (android pelvis)
. rickets
. displaced fracture from trauma
- vagina
. agenesis of the vagina
. stenosis eg stevens johnson
. female genital mutilation - (introitus) - mx with anterior epi
ziotomy (need to avoid the urethra by catheterisation)
- COrd
. shortened
. wrapped around neck
Difference bw mal-presentation and mal-position
- presentation = part of baby that is coming first eg breech
- anything other then head vertex is a mal-presentation
- withtin in presentation there are numerous positions - some are more o
ptimal then others
------------------------------PWH - Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic preg = implantation outside of uterus/endometrial cavity
incidence = 2%
reasons for incr in ectopic
- assisted reproductive technologies
- incr in PID
- incr in diagnosis of ectopics (US, preg tests, awareness of population
- incr in maternal age
Historically what was the classic presentation ?
- 8 wk amenorrhoea
- vaginal bleeding
- acute onsent abdominal pain
- peritoneal irritation = shoulder tip pain, diarrhoea, incr rectal irri
- collapse (shock)
slight pain
Site of ectopic
- tubes
- ampulla
- fibrillae
- less common - perineal, ovarian, abdominal, cervical
Heterotopic preg
- ectopic + normal preg
- 1/10000
US for ectopic
- starts with abdominal US
- move on to transvaginal US
When you ask which they would prefer trasvag or abdominal ?
- abdominal - requires full bladder, pushes hard
- they prefer vaginal bc don't require full bladder, better pictures
Likelihood of picking them up on US
- when hcg is > 1000 for transvag (higher resolution)
- hcg > 1500 for abdominal
- will never see a normal pregnancy at hcg 500
. can't say its normal, ectopic or abnormal
. follow expectant management (watch and wait)
- if normal pregnancy, hcg doubles (actually 70%) every 2 days
Never send a collapsed patient to
- US or MRI (donut of death)
- send to exploratory laparotomy
Medical management of ectopic
- indicated if
- contra
. fetal cardiac activity in tube
. lower then ~5000 hcg
- pharm
. MTX - 50 mg/m2 IM (chemo trained nurses)
- hcg will rise subsequently bc killin of trophoblasts w
hich lyse and release hcg; hcg will rise and peak by day 4 and then drop
- take baseline hcg
- lft - transaminitis
- take bloods - d 0, 4, 7
- determine effectiveness based on drop in hcg bw d 4 an
d 7
- expect 15% drop bw d 4 and 7\
- if no drop, or continuing to rise
. ? repeat dose, incr dose, laparotomy
- must track it down to a negative value
- monitoring takes 3 weeks
Surgicval options
- laparotomy or laparoscopic
- make hole in a tube - salpingostomy
- remove tube - salpingectomy = 95% ectopics
- no difference in subsequent pregnancy rates bw salpingostomy, salpinge
ctomy, medical management (assuming other tube is normal)
- salpingostomy
. need to be able to do it so that you can maintain the function
of the tube
. so that you don't rupture the ectopic
. don't cause bleeding into the peritoneum
Chance of recurrence after an ectopic
- 10% - need to document recurrence risk
- need to have vaginal scan at 6 wk of pregnancy
COnsenting someone for laparoscopy
- need to consent hysterectomy, laparoscopy, laparotomy, D+C
- laparoscopy
. GA
. overnight stay
. incision in umbilicus thru which camera is put
. secondary pores, same size as little finger
. pain
. risks (1/500 for any of the following - GA, infeciton - wounds
/pelvis, damage to bowel/vascular structures/ureter, coversion to laparotomy
. complicated by obesity, midline incisions.
- laparotomy
. GA
. overnight stay
. midline scar
. pain
. risks
- GA
- infection
- wounds/pelvis
- dg to bowel, vascular sructure/ureter (esp hysterectom
y 1% - lapaoscopic is most then vaginal, abdominal)
- recvoery 3-6 wk
- D+C
. GA
. day surgery
. infeciton, bleeding, retained products
. ashermans syndrome
. perforation
. conversion to laparoscopy/laparotomy
Golden rule in laparoscopy
- patients get better every day
Give anti-D if the ectopic is rhesus positive
------------------------------PWH - Hypertension in pregnancy
SOMANZ - guideline for mx of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
htn >140 or > 90 DBP (korotkoff 5)
severe = > 170 SBP, > DBP
. at this htn, cerebral autoregulation is overcome
. results in cerebral hemorrhage, PRES and hypertensive encephal
. emergency
Systolic pressure is more predictive of having a cerebrovascular event
Gestational hypertension
Chronic hypertension
- essential
- seoondary
- white coat
Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension
Chronic htn
- htn pre-exists < 20 wk or > 3 mo post partum
- RF for developing pre-ecl
- if pre-existing proteinuria, Dx of PET is difficult and requires other
Epi - pre-eclampsia
- 8%
- 60,000
- most deaths occur in 3rd world
- 1/20 stillbirths occurs in women with PET
- 10% preterm births <34 wk result from htn
Antihypertensive medications
- DONT USE ACE-I or ARB - due to teratogenicity, fetal renal impairment
and pre-term birth, and congenital heart disease
- 1st line
. labetalol (unless the women has asthma), or
. oxprenolol
- 2nd line - add on
. methyl dopa, or
. hydralazine, or
. nifedipine
- for severe htn (170/110)
. 10 mg bolus of IV hydralazine
Indications for delivery
. already term ie Gestational age > 37 weeks, no benefit in wait
ing bc the cure is the delivery of the placenta
. uncontrolled hypertension
. progressive decr platelet count (to below 50 = risk of spontan
eous bleed)
. intravascular hemolysis
. end organ dysfunction - liver function, renal function
. neurological sx
. persistent epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting + abn LFTs
. pulmonary edema
. if bw 20-24 wk, you are terminating the pregnancy ot save the
mums wife
. placental abruption (placenta coming away from the uterus)
. severe fetal growth restriction (oligohydramnios, abn doppler
flow (reverse flows show the baby will be dead within 48 hr)
. fetal heart monitoring showing distress
Eclampsia - seizures, convulsions
- resus - ABCs
- seizures
. tonic clonic
- IV diazepam (2 mg/min up to 10 mg) or clonazepam (1-2 mg over 2-5 min)
if seizure prolonged
- MgSO4
- 2% mortality
Can we tell which women are at risk - are there tests ?
RF for pre-eclampsia
- MAJOR (RR > 3)
. antiphospholipid syndrome (number 1)
. prev history of pre-eclampsia
. prev diabetes
. FHx pre-eclampsia
. nulliparity, multiple pregnancies (more placental mass -> more
. BMI 25-30
. changing partners (bc immune tolerance is different)
- OTHER (also RR > 1)
. age > 40
. systolic > 130 bf 20 wk
. diastolic > 80 bf 20 wk
. renal dz
. autoimmune
cells of cervix
SCC - 66% (outer surface)
adenocarcinoma - 20% (glandular - canal)
screening - pap smears
. pick up pre malignant changes
- 1st presentation prior to 20 wk
- more than 5 ANC visits per pregnancy
- US in every pregnancy
- US at appropriate time for estimating gestastional age
- appropriate investigations - performed and checked in all pregnancies
- perinatal mortality - 9/1000
- low birth weight baby - 8%
- birthweight - 3183 gm (3365 gm)
Poverty, low SES main facotr in worse health in ATSIC
------------------------------PWH - Infertility
PC of infertility
- 1/3 due to female
. ovulation
. pelvic - PID, fibroids
- 1/3 - male
- 1/3 - sexual dysfunction
- Female
. age, bmi
. duration of trying
. period hx,
. parity,
. sti
. pmhx (VTE/dvt, diabetes, breast cancer)
. social/occupation/alcohol/smoking
- male
. age, bmi, pmhx, STI, mumps, drugs
. surg hx - testicular/scrotal surg, hernia
. occupation/sedentary/chemicals
- female
. amh/afc (ovarian reserve), E2, day 2-FSH, LH, TFT
. day 21 progesterone
. US for ovaries
. tubal visualisation
- hycosy (US + saline shows saline coming out of tubes)
- gives both tubes and ovaries
- HSG - dye injected and imaged (cannot see ovaries thou
- laparoscopic
. pap smear
. ante-natal screen (immune screen)
- male
. semen analysis
- volume (<1/5 mL, concentration < 15 Millon sperm/mL, m
otility 32%, vitality 58%, morphology 4%, antisperm antibodies > 50%)
- PC
- 28F, 29M
6mo trying
null parity
until 6 mo before on pill
previously regular, now irregular after pill
fat bmi 35
bp 140/85
acne/facial hair/male escutcheon
normal pelis
body normal sperm count
- ddx
- PCOS (US showing polycystic ovaries, hi androgens, TFT/Prolact
in ruled out as causes of amenorhea)
- ix
- HbA1c (DM) - fasting
- US for ovaries
- pelvic exame
- vitals, BP, BMI
- hormone profile
. LH, FSH, E2, androgens, GAI, serum HBG, prolactin, TSH
- lipids
- pelvic scan
- rotter dam criterion for PCOS = 2 of 3
. polycystic ovaries (incr ovarian volume OR > 12 follicles)
. hyperandrogenism
. oligo or amenor- rhea
. sx - amenorrhea, infertility, obesity, hirsuism
. excess LH and androgen
. assoc insulin resistance, DM
. hyperinsulinemia => incr ovarian androgen dysfunction => incr
- mx
. weight loss (lifestyle)
. Diabetes management
. metformin (also has ovulation induction role - see bel
. ovulation induction - trying to get pregnant
. clomiphene 50 mg OD for 5 days d2-6 of cycle
- estrogen receptor blocker
. reduces number of receptors everywhere
including hypothalamus and pituitary
. therefore reduces negative feedback an
d induces incr hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and incr FSH/LH and t/f E2 responsible for ovulation.
- SE - hot flushes, sweats, pms
- complications - multiple pregnancies 7% (hyper
. FSH + HCG injections - until ready to release egg; ind
uces follicular rupture
. aromatase inhibitor (letrozole)
- 5 mg OD, for 5 days d2-6 of cycle
. laparoscopic drilling (diathermy)
- same pregnancy outcomes as FSH injections
. metformin
- it lowers serum androgens and restores normal
menstrual cycles and ovulation.
- PC
. 35F P2, 45M no prev children, new r/ship
. 6 mo trying
corpus luteum
- normally, LH pulses maintain corpus for 14 days
- IVF - LH pulses are suppressed, faster involution
Follicle monitoring
- monitor estrogen
- scan to see how many eggs to recover
Suppressing LH
- GnRH agonist
. lucrin, synarel
. long down regulation protocol required
- GnRH antagonist
. orgalutran, cetrotide
. short down regulation protocol
Preparing the eggs
- cause follicular release/rupture via HCG (longer half life then LH)
- objective
. good timing for softening of granulosa cells and maturing of o
- avoid
. release of egg
. changing of the hormones
Triggering ovulation/egg maturation
-hCG - pregnyl, ovidrel
- aim = trigger egg maturation w/o release
- SE = may trigger overstimulation of ovaries
- day
- day
- day
- day
- day
- day
4 cells
8 cells
blatocyst differentiated cells (periphery and central)
ready for transfer back
. age
. hi SES
. unopposed estrogen exposure (constant stimulation of endometri
um w/o any cycling with progesterone)
- obesity (adipocytes store androgens and can convert ad
renal androgens into estrogens
- null parity (having children is protective)
- infertiliy
- early menarche
- late menopause
- tamoxifen RR = 2.5
- unopposed exogenous estrogen
. insulin resistance
- diabetes
. htn
- Hereditary endometrial cancer = HNPCC = LYNCH 2
. bowel cancer syndrome you get when you don't have FAP ie it is
a complex of cancers, in women manifesting most commonly as endometrial Ca, als
o a risk of colon and ovarian
. eti - micro satellite instability = MSH2, MLH1, PMS-1 and 2, M
. risk of endometrial Ca 50%
- Ix
. universal screening for stained mismatch repair genes
- Sx
. bleeding after menopause/irregularity
- PV discharge
- postmenopausal
- irregular
. dysuria
. painful bleeding + heavy bleeding
- Dx
. GOLD STANDARD = hysteroscopy and curette (D+C) biopsy
. US (in post-menopausal women endometrial thickness of < 4 mm m
akes cancer unlikely; BUT if in pre-menopausal, the thickness varies with cycle
- ie thicker in 2nd half of cycle)
. screening for stained mismatch repair
. endometrail sampling with papelle
- Mx
. surgery
- total hysterectomy (tubes + ovaries) = bilateral salpi
- pelvic/apara aortic node dissection
. radiotherapy
. chemotherapy
. hi dose progesterone (~500 mg) to try and reverse the neo-plas
tic process (usually in younger women)
. lymphadenectomy
- indicated for hi grade, deep myometrial invasion, unus
ual cell type
. NOTE THAT THE OCP DOSE OF progesterone is insufficient.
- prognosis - worse the deeper myometrial invasion and the higher the gr
Ovarian Ca
- exclude non gynae cause
- menopausal status
- transvag US
- tumor markers
- examination - laparoscopy/otomy
- embryonal glycoprotein
- expressed in both benign and malignant cysts
- incr is due to incr proliferative/production + incr permeability of ma
lignant vessels and cyst walls
- low positive predictive value (<10%) bc of low prevalence of ovarian c
. Prophylactic Salpingo-Oophorectomy
. Staging Laparotomy
. Primary Cytoreductive Surgery
. Interval Debulking
. 2nd Look Laparotomy
. Secondary Cytoreductive Surgery
. Palliative Surgery
- peri/post menopausal women
- fhx ovarian ca
- brca
- done laparascopic
- usual spread is to abdomen
- stage 1 (mucinous, less spread)- different biological dz to late ca (s
tarts in tube and spreads)
- Vertical incision
Peritoneal washings
Peritoneal biopsies
Pelvic and paraaortic
Iymphadenectomy Appendicectomy
- remove as much tumour as possible
- best if Ca is < 2 cm
- impt bc prognosis is determined by amount of residual dz after surgery
- removes hypoxic cells (chemoresistant), enhances chemo response, remov
es santuary sites, decr proportion of cells in G0 (Chemoresistant), eliminate re
sistant clones, enhance immune function
- timing = during 1st line chemo BUT before the completion of that prima
ry treatment
- indicated for
. bowel obstruction in end stage dz
. refractory to chemo
- 1st line TREATMENT for advanced ovarian cancer (surgery prescribed abo
ve is done as adjunct)
- carboplatin, taxol
Cervical Ca
- 1/218
- 2nd most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide
------------------------------PWH - HPV vaccine and cervical cancer prevention
HPV virology
- small 55 nm, dsDNA
genome protected within protein capsule
- E6,7 are oncogenes - inserted into the host genome
- L1,2 capsid genes - coat the genome (used in vaccination process)
- primary target is basal cell of squamous epithelium (mucosa)
- hi risk = 16/18 (cause 70% of cervical cancers)
- low risk = 6/11
- risk of progression = immune dysfunction eg smoking, steroids
- guardasil vaccination = 6,11,16,18
- 10% of cancer in either sex (equal proportion)
- most sq cell carcinoma
. anal 85%
. vulval, vag, penile 50%
. oropharyngeal 20%
. genital warts>90%
- > 50% women within 3 yr of first intercourse
- condoms do not stop transmission
- bw 14-20 yr old, 30% HPV 16, 20% HPV 18 within 4 yr
- time from acquisition to cancer presentation = 10 yr
- multiple partners
Natural history
- exposure
- acute infection + viral replication
. cordocyte (abn papsmear cell)
- subclinical = transient, latent, persistent
- transient 90% - cleared infection w/in 3 yr
- latent = no HPV dna but low level HPV infection long term
- persistent 10% = long duration of infection + dna - usually HPV 16 = l
eads to cervical cancer
- clncial pc
-> condylomata (warts)
-> CIN 1
-> peristent ifnection
-> hi grade cellular dysplasia
-> carcinoma in situ
-> invasive
Cervical epithelium changes
- koilocytes (perinuclear clearing after infection
- viral microparticles
- CIN 1,2,3 = how much epithelium is affected based on basement cell (2=
2/3), 3= full
Hi grade lesion (CIN 2 and 3)
- 35% OF cervical HG lesions will regress in 6 mo
- 1 % of vulval/vaginal HG lesions will regress, 9% progress
Cervix cancer
- mostly 30s-40s
- incidence 720/a
- 215 deaths/a (mostly due to those that don't participate in the screen
ing program)
- 2/100,000 deaths
- disease is of the unscreened
- atsic RR = 2 (ie not screened)
Beenfit of screening extend beyond cervical eg anal, haed and neck
Vulval cancer
- warty/basaloid 20%
. HPV assoc 90%
. < 63 yr
. VIN 2/3
. multicentric
. same RF as cervix ca (ie they are also at risk of comorbid cer
vical ca)
- keratinising 80%
. HPV assoc 15%
. > 65 yr
. rare VIN 2/3
. no cervical ca risk factors
. assoc with long term skin condition
Genital warts can't be ignored
- short incubation time
- very common
- assoc with HPV 90%
Laryngeal papillomatosis
- benigin condition of new borns up to 5 yr
- warty appearance of resp tract
- causes hoarseness
- assoc hpv 6,11
- 1/500 births with genital hpv
- rarely after oral sex
- active HPV lesion is not an indication for caesar (not protective)
quadri-valent vaccine
derived from L1 capsid proteins of HPV types 6,11,16,18
recombinant (similar to heb B vac)
approved indications
. F 9-26 yr
. M 9-15 yr
- even if seropositive or PCR positive for one or more of the vaccine HP
V types - the vaccine is protective against the remaining HPV types.
- ~100% seroconversion of the antibody after 3 doses; the younger the be
tter the response.
- 80% coverage in females 12-18 yr
- type 16/18
Cross protection occurs
- 16/18 vaccine causes cross protection to the other hi risk types
Adverse outcomes of the vaccine
AUSTRALIA 4.7 mil doses
- 13 anaphylaxis (3/mil doses)
- 5 MS
- 1 pancreatitis
- no deaths
USA 23 mil doses
- 36 cases GBS
Results of vaccine
- decr HG SIL in under 18 yr
- no change in > 18 yr
Progression of the cancer is always associated with integration of the HPV genom
e into the cervical epithelium cells
------------------------------PWH - neonatal abstinence syndrome
gaps in service
- due to stigma, discrimination, fear of DOCS removing baby
- 55 % of substance abuse pregnant women not regular use of antenatal ca
- failure in system to help baby
- CNC midwife
- mental health liaison nurse
- seen 2 wkly
- case worker at 24 wk
- antenatal case conference at 36 wks with DOCS
Substane spectrum in pregnant/breastfeeding women
- ETOH 53%
- tobacco 23%
- marijuana 7%
- illicit 8%
NSW infant deaths
- 162 deaths 2007
- 23 from SIDS (smoking, co-sleeping)
- most died in same bed as drug or alcohol affected parent
- teratogen
- no safe limit
- Binge drinking assoc with fetal alcohol syndrom (>=5 drinks on one occ
- >= 3 SD/d incr psychomotor developmental delay
- brain dysmorphogenesis from above 100 mL/wk
- WA 60% drinking during pregnancy
Fetal alcohol syndrome
- prenatal and postnatal growth retardation
- CNS deficit
- facial
. short palpebral fissure
. elongated midface
and preganncy
full opioid agonist
DON"T advise to quit heroin (cold turkey)
instead use methadone as substitution therapy
if mothers don't participate in methadone program - hi risk of removal
. risks of heroin - overdose, stoned, no regular mum for baby
Methadone maintenance
- reduces
. illicit drug use
. seeking
. fluctuation of opioid level
. malnutrition
. obstetric complications
- improves
. nutrtional status
. involvement in antenatal
- during pregnancy
. incr
- metabolism
- plasma volume
- renal blood flow
- during 3rd trimester, may need extra dosing bc of these physiological
- objectives
- prevent withdrawal, cravings, euphoric effect of narcotics
- partial agonist of opioid receptor
- manages withdrawal
- fewer side effects then methadone
. less sedation
. OD of children
. drowsy
- dose
. sublinguial
. IM ampoules
. SC patch
- dosing every 3 days prolongs occupancy of opioid receptors
- t1/2 48 hr
- if combined with benzo = resp depression
- miscarriage
fetal malnutrition, health, lifestyle
Cocaine (vasoconstrictor)
- fetal
. effects of vasoconstriction - kidney injury + CNS impairment
- maternal
. abruptio placentae
. spont abortion
. decr delivery duration
. obst complic
. premature labour
ICE, amphetamine
- no major fetal outcomes
- psych comorbid, preterm, child at risk, foster, domestric
- incr use in women
- incr levels in breast milk tf have to discard breast milk
- marijuana is liphophilic - distributes to fat
spont abortion
abrutpio placentae
plaenta previa
uterine bleeding
SIDS RR = 4.5
incr risk childhood cancer
tx - nicotine patches
nicotine . crosses placenta
. breast milk
. restrict placental blood flow = reduced oxygenation
. results in lo birth weight
- pyschiatric agents
Onset and duration of withdrawal
- IF short t1/2 = faster onset,
ONSET with
3 d
2 d
3 d
6 wk
immed aft
- dehydration
Morphine for opiate NAS
- only used if opiate exposure confirmed
- indicated if finnegan if more then 3 scores above 8 or one score of >
- 0.5 mg/kg/d spread across 4 doses
- gradually incr dose until scores < 8
- ECG monitoring
- no minimum dose for discharge
- add on phenobarbitone if not adquate
Phenobarbitone for NAS
- 2.5 mg/kg PO BD
- single agent for non-opiate withdrawal
- also indicated as an add on to morphine for refractory opiate withdraw
- incr by 1 mg/kg/day for 3 days until infacnt settles
outpatient monitoring
- sleeping, feeding, weight gain (hyperphagia), tone, irritability
weaning meds
- drop by mL not mg
- 0.1 mL per week
~2 mo for morphine
Finnegan score valid for opiates but also used for other drugs
Lifestyle, risk taking behaviour address
drug dependent parients (risk of inflicting psych, sexual, emotional abuse on pa
- agree on mx plans and document
- inform pt of statutory obligation to inform DOCS
Common nutritional problems in mothers due to diet, alcohol, smoking, marijuana,
- premature
- malnurition and small for gestational age
- low omega 3
- low b12, b1, D, Fe
Problems due to maternal drug use
- vit def
- breast feeding problem
- feeding vs NAS
- hi infant formula use
- growth failure
D+A affects on maternal nutrtion
- suppress appetite
- decr nutrient absorption
. cannabis - zinc
. cigarettes - iron
. alcohol - thiamine
- incr metabolic requirement
. amphetamines
scrawny, low fat, low glycogen,
lack of substrate (adipose and lgycogen)
incr insulin
after delivery a poorly coordinated response of counter-regulatory hor
contribute to hypoglycemia in some infants.
0.1 mg/kg IM or IV
incr BSL
good for IDDM
not good fo SGA, premature - low glycogen stores
rebound hypoglycemia after 2 hr
need to follow by continous IV dextrose therapy
- 10 mg/kg/d IV between 2 doses until BSL stable
- BEFORE administration - take, cortisol, GH, insulin, BSL levels
- 15 mg/kg/d across 8 hr
- only for hyperinsulinism
Eti hypogly
- Hyperinsulinism
.IDDM (transient hyperinsulinism)
. Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia of infancy (beta cel
l hyperplasia)
. Beckwith Weideman Syndrome
- Inborn errors of metabolism
. Glycogen storage disorder
. Fatty acid oxidation defects
. Organic acidemias
- Other causes
. Congenital hypopituitarism
. Congenital adrenal hypoplasia
------------------------------PWH - ethics in neonatology
right of fetus - no rights under australian law
Four areas that are Intrinsic to every clinical encounter
1. Medical indications: Diagnosis, treatment
2. Patient preferences: wants, capacity to decide, informed
3. Quality of life
4. context social, legal, economic, institutional
The principles of medical ethics
1. Knowledge = information -> Guidance for choices that are made
2. Beneficence: doing good - Do all to benefit the patient is the primary
d purpose
. 1. Physiological futility: no chance
. 2. Intensive care treatment with very poor prognosis: no purpo