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Wear Testing Rig

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Session 6D5


K M S Soyjaudah and H Ramasawmy
Abstract Mechanical devices sometimes fail because of
the wear in the moving parts due to friction. This results in
significant amount of investment to replace the worn out
parts. The wear testing rig is a device to simulate wears in
the laboratory. This paper presents a design and
implementation project, where the student is required to
develop a system to control a wear testing rig by the use of a
486 based PC. In such a project the student applies a topdown systems approach to produce a working system. It also
involves hardware-software co-design such that knowledge
from a number of engineering disciplines is necessary for
arriving at a workable solution. An exercise of this type
enables the student to realise the advantage of logically
analysing the system requirements according to functional
areas, rather than having subjective ideas of the solution at
the beginning.
Index Terms Design and implementation, PC based, topdown approach, wear-testing rig,

Moving parts of mechanical devices fail after some time
because they are subject to wear. Wear is the progressive
loss of material from the surface of a body due to friction. It
is responsible for the large sums of money spent on spare
parts, repairs and down times. Modern engineering
education devotes a particular interest in the study of friction
and wear.
Tribologists study causes and mechanisms of wear in daily
applications. To investigate the individual effects of varying
conditions, tribologists use simulation. The factors such as
load, speed, type of material, size of specimen, temperature,
humidity among others can thus be varied and the effects of
each on wear observed individually. Wear testing rigs are
devices used to simulate wear in the laboratory.
A wear testing rig is a simple apparatus designed to make
two or more surfaces in contact move relative to each other
under controlled conditions. Essentially, wear testing rigs
enable the recreation of the real life conditions under which
wear occurs and the observation of their effects on samples
of commonly used or newly designed materials and
This paper presents a project involving the design and
implementation employing a top-down methodology to
develop a 486 PC based wear testing. In this project the
student has to do hardware-software co-design by using his

knowledge from a number of engineering disciplines to

arrive at a workable solution. Such an exercise enables the
student logically analyse the system requirements according
to functional areas by rejecting preconceived solutions ideas
at the beginning.
The paper is organized as follows: we first highlight the
major aspects of the top-down systems approach commonly
employed in the development of such a project at final year
undergraduate level. This is followed by the conceptual
design and implementation and evaluation of the proposed
methodology for the development of a 486 PC based wear
testing rig.


Students are generally advised to follow a generic top-down
systems approach in their design and implementation
projects. The student is given specifications of the project.
He has to identify, without being influenced by preconceived ideas of possible solutions the fundamental
problems that need to be addressed. The student then probes
more deeply into the problems to be solved. He analyses
each problem at hand and breaks them into progressively
more detailed functional requirements that has to be
designed and implemented eventually. The student continues
with a thorough analysis of all design alternatives for both
hardware and software modules such that the final proposed
design and implementation is well justified in terms of all
predefined criteria such as functionality, size and cost of the
final product. As the proposed application involves the use
of hardware and software components, the designer has to
translate the functional requirements into an algorithmic
development, as well as circuit design schematics that reflect
the proposed solution. An important aspect of the
implementation stage is the identification of the hardware
and software platforms that will support the final design.
These involve the judicious choice of hardware components
as well as the programming language for coding the
developed algorithm. Testing and evaluation aim at both
verifying the performance of the implemented system
against specifications, and confirming the validity of the
initially defined problems. Any mismatch in the process of
validation and verification is corrected by appropriately
modifying the problem definitions, introducing new system
parameters, considering other design alternatives or refining
the existing solution.

. 1 K M S Soyjaudah , Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius, Email: s.soyjaudah@uom.ac.mu

H.Ramasawmy 2 Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius, Email: haree@uom.ac.mu

International Conference on Engineering Education

August 6 10, 2001 Oslo, Norway


Session 6D5
There are essentially two main types of actuation, namely
rotary and reciprocating and wear testing rigs are found to
have mainly these two types of sliding frictional motion
between surfaces under test. The features offered in
commercially available wear testing machines are numerous
and some of them optional for the tribologists to pick for a
customized version of the device. The most common
features not all necessarily offered on the same apparatus
1. Standard loads up to 150N
2. Rotational speeds up to 1500 rpm
3. Continuous wear depth measurement option
4. Complete software to set up experiments, handle,
store and analyze data with real time display of
measurement data
5. Removable upper wear specimen (pin) for in process measurements
6. Variable test path radius
7. Automatic stop when the coefficient of friction
reaches a threshold value or when a specified
number of turns is reached
8. Enclosure so that controlled atmospheres of varying
humidity or composition can be used
9. Specialized
temperature operations of up to 150 degrees
Celsius, where a heating module is added to heat
the sample under test
10. Special versions developed for high vacuum testing
In this project the pin-on-disk is chosen because it a simple
method which facilitates the study of friction and wear
behaviour of almost every solid-state material combination,
with varying time, contact pressure, velocity, temperature,
humidity and lubricant.
Development of the overall system calls for expertise in
various areas of Electrical Engineering, namely Power
Electronics, Electronic System Design, Circuit Theory, C
Programming, Microprocessor Programming, Interfacing
and Instrumentation. Modules covering these subject areas
are thoroughly covered during the first three years of a
B.Eng. (Hons.) course in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, and hence offer the necessary pre-requisites for
undertaking the project at final year level. Above all, the
project work is backed by systems engineering lectures,
where the student is exposed to the structured approaches [13] or problem solving, through case studies. In the process,
students become proficient in all aspects of the design,
implementation and testing phases for both hardware and
software-based systems.
The choice of the features listed below in the proposed wear
testing machine was determined by order of importance and
constrained by the facilities available at the university. The
following features were selected:


Speed control of the rotating disk

Variation of the radius of wear tracks
Lifting of the pin off the disk at the end of the
4. Capturing the temperature near the tip of the pin
5. Capturing the coefficient of friction between pin
and disk
Since a pc is used to control the operation of the machine,
the data captured by the sensors are displayed on the screen
in real time.



A functional block diagram of the conceptual design of the
proposed pc-based wear testing rig is given in figure 1. This
shows the inputs, the input interface, the processing, the
output interface and the outputs of the system respectively.
To implement the above-proposed features we require three
actuating devices :
1. Dc motor to rotate the disk
2. Stepper motor for reciprocating arm motion
3. Electromagnet to lift the pin at the end of
three sensors:
1. Tachogenerator to read speed of rotating disk
2. Platinum resistance sensor to measure temperature
near location wear friction occurs
3. Strain gauges to measure force acting on the arm to
deduce coefficient of friction

International Conference on Engineering Education

August 6 10, 2001 Oslo, Norway


Session 6D5
and a 486 based computer equipped with a 1GB hard disk
drive and 8MB of volatile random access memory. This
computer has a free ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)
slots on its motherboard on which the analogue to digital
converter card can be fitted. The parallel port of the
computer is used as the input-output device to communicate
with the wear testing machine.
The speed control of dc motors does not involve the
complex inverters required as in the case of ac motors. The
basic concept in the design of dc motor controllers is that the
speed is approximately proportional to the voltage applied to
the motor. A dc motor, rated 24V, 27A, equipped with its
reduction gearbox and tachogenerator, is chosen. This
choice is constrained by the availability of such motors on
the local market.
The tachogenerator fitted with the motor generates
20V/1000 rpm.
Since the output voltage of the
tachogenerator during operation will exceed the maximum
value which can be fed to the A/D card, some potential
divider circuit is used
To control the stepper motor, a low cost stepper motor driver
kit was obtained from Oatley Electronics, Australia. This kit
functions similarly to some previous stepper motor driver
kits (up to 100V, 4A max with good heat sinking) but has
improvements to the driver electronics that can allow larger
motors to be driven more efficiently. The controller has
much reduced loading on the computer parallel port, with
opto-isolation between the stepper driving circuit and the
computer. The kit can drive up to two 4, 5, 6 or 8 wire
stepper motors from a PC parallel port (DB25 connector
included). A separate power supply is needed for the motors
The energise-to-hold electromagnet provides optimum
performance when used with its armature although suitable
for holding any smooth ferrous surface of adequate
thickness. The remanence (about 5% of holding force) may
be reduced by fitting non-magnetic shims between the
magnet and the armature. This should easily lift the arm
when energised at the end of experiments.
To sense the temperature near the tip of the pin of the wear
testing machine a platinum resistance sensor is used. The
PT100 sensor (is an economical precision temperature
measurement device. The thin film glass coated Pt100
elements have 10mm leads for ease of connection and are of
small physical size (2x10mm) for fast thermal response.
The PT100 sensor follows BS 1904 standard and is designed
to operate in the range of 50 to 500 o C, the resistance at 0
C being 100 ohms.
To deduce the coefficient of friction during the experiments,
the force acting on the arm has to be measured and a strain
gauge is quite suitable.
The speed control of the rotating disk of the wear testing
machine is the most critical part of the design since the

essence of the machine is to simulate wear by friction

between a vertical pin and a rotating disk. It is clear that
without this functional part, the wear-testing rig would not
be operational.




circuit & power




The design involved various subparts, including a special

power supply circuit together with the heat sinks required to
cool the rectifying diodes and the power MOSFET used in
the power converter.
The speed control of the disk requires some form of
feedback to compare with the desired reference. The
feedback in the speed control system was obtained from a
tachogenerator whose output was converted into digital form
and read by the comp uter. Figure 2 shows the block
diagram for speed control.
The controller is implemented purely in software, using C
programming language. The interface circuitry used is optoisolated gate drives to switch the power MOSFET in the
power converter supplying the dc motor. The pattern in
which the controller switches the power MOSFET in the
power converter determines the voltage fed to the motor and
hence its speed. The resulting speed of the motor in turn is
captured by the tachogenerator and transmitted to the
controller through the A/D converter. The controller uses
this feedback from the tachogenerator and compares it with
the user input to determine whether to decelerate or
accelerate the motor by sending the appropriate signals to
the power converter via the power MOSFET gate drive. The
power source for the dc motor is implemented by using a
conventional step-down transformer and bridge rectifier. An
output filter smooths the bridge rectifier output. In the power
circuit shown in figure 3, the 30mF capacitor was added for
smoothening the output voltage of the bridge rectifier
implemented by the 4 RURG5060 rectifying diodes.
The voltage fed to a dc motor is approximately proportional
to the angular speed of the motor. The back emf is directly
proportional to the speed of rotation of the motor, and the
product of armature voltage with armature current becomes
smaller and smaller compared to the value of the back emf

International Conference on Engineering Education

August 6 10, 2001 Oslo, Norway


Session 6D5
as the size of the motor increases. Hence, the approximation
becomes more accurate as the size of the motor increases.
Using this approximate relationship, it can be deduced that if
the voltage can be varied then the speed of rotation can be
varied accordingly. To vary the voltage fed to the dc motor,
pulse width modulation is used.
Heat Sink for the IRF150 Mosfet and Rectifiers
Due to the large currents flowing in the circuit, and the
expected resulting heat dissipation, a heat sink is required
for the MOSFET. Since the switching frequency is above
1kHz and the duty ratios intended for use are above 20%, the
steady-state model for heat flow was used. The total power
loss in the MOSFET is 52.4 W. Figure 4 gives the steady
state model for the heat sink requirement with the following

signals sent from the control circuit cannot provide the

necessary current and voltage to allow rapid charging and
discharging of the MOSFET input capacitance. Hence there
is a need for a driver stage between the control circuit and
the power circuit. Moreover the driver stage should also
limit the rate of change of current during switching to
prevent over-voltage spikes across the MOSFET and thus
adequate resistance is needed at the output of the gate drive.
Also the input capacitance of the device should be able to
discharge quickly to achieve fast turn-off. Hence the driver
stage should also have a high current sinking capability. In
the gate drive circuit shown in figure 5, it can be observed
that the MOSFET input capacitance will be charged through
resistor R1 but discharged through the forward biased
1N4002 diode. Thus, the driver stage fully achieves its



150 0 C max

300 C


Thermal resistance from junction to case, R1 = 0.83 0 C/W

Thermal resistance from case to sink, R2 = 0.5 0 C/W
Difference in temp = Power dissipation x Thermal
resistance. Thus R3 = 0.96 0 C/W. To avoid unnecessary
risks of overheating of the MOSFET, a heat sink with rating
smaller than 0.96 0 C/W is chosen.
The diodes in the bridge rectifier each have a duty cycle of
0.5. Thus, using the same model as in the case of the
MOSFET, the heat sink ratings were obtained as15 W. and
for difference in temperature a value of 8.5 0 C/W is obtained
for the heat sink rating of the rectifying diodes.

The purpose of the opto-isolator is to electrically isolate the

control circuit from all the remaining interfacing and power
circuit. This ensures that in the event of a failure, the fault is
not propagated back to the control circuit. The NAND gate
is used for safety reasons. The first input comes from the
timing circuit, which actually generates the pulse train that
controls the pulse width modulation. The second input to
the NAND gate is an enable signal from the parallel port of
the pc. In the event that the motor needs to be powered
down, a logic 0 to this input will ensure the MOSFET is
OFF no matter what pulse train is sent from the timing
Limit Switch Interface Circuit
As a measure of safety, it was intended to fix a few limit
switches at strategic locations on the wear testing machine.
In the event that the arm goes out of its way and hit any limit
switch it would cause the process to stop. To read the state
of those limit switches on the parallel port, a debouncing
circuit was designed for the interfacing. This is shown in
figure 6

GATE drive ci rcuit for MOSFET

The function of a gate drive is to provide the necessary gate
charge to turn the MOSFET on within desired time. The
International Conference on Engineering Education

August 6 10, 2001 Oslo, Norway


Session 6D5
ambient temperature would induce the experimenter in error
by giving a value of strain even when the strain gauge was
not stressed at all.


This circuit has a time constant of about 1 millisecond,

which is quite sufficient.
Gate Drive for the IRF510 Mosfet
To trigger this MOSFET itself, a gate drive circuit similar to
the one for the IRF150 is used. The difference is that only
one input would be required to energize the magnet and
hence a NOT gate would replace the 2-input NAND gate of
the speed control gate drive circuit.
Platinum Resistance Sensor Circuit
To measure the temperature near the location where friction
occurs in the machine, a platinum resistance element was
chosen. It has a resistance of 100 ohms at 00 C and this
increases linearly with temperature to about 300 ohms.
A Wheatstone bridge circuit was used to detect the variation
in resistance in such a way as to preserve the linearity. The
output voltage of the bridge then required some signal
conditioning and amplification before being sent to the A/D
card. Figure 7 shows the circuit used to implement the
temperature detector. The bridge output voltage, V is given
V = 5 [ R1 / (R1 + R4) R2 / (R2 + R3)
This clearly would not give a linear relationship between R1
and V. However, by choosing the ratio of R3/R2 to be 100,
as can be seen in the circuit, a fair linearity could be


Tachogenerator Circuit
The tachogenerator was the only active transducer used as
sensor. As such, it did not require a Wheatstone bridge but
the expected output was too high to be fed to the A/D card.
Some simple potential divider circuit and proper signal
conditioning was required. The circuit used is shown in
Figure 8.

Figure 8 Tachogenerator for speed sensor circuit

The variable resistors were added to add flexibility and the
possibility to vary and adjust the final output of the whole
circuit. The desirable range of the output was again 0 to 5V.

Strain Gauge Sensor Circuit


As for the Pt resistance sensor, the readings from strain

gauges, used in the machine, are obtained from bridge
circuits and amplified. The difference is that some measure
had to be taken for temperature compensation for the strain
gauges. This is because the change in resistance due to
strain is so small that a change in ambient temperature
would cause an undesirably comparable change in
resistance, thus leading to erroneous readings. To cater for
this temperature compensation, a second identical strain
gauge was used instead of a fixed resistor R4. The second
strain gauge would always remain unstressed, but at the
same temperature as the first one, so that any change in
ambient temperature would cause an identical change in
resistance of both strain gauges, thus nullifying the
unwanted effect. Without this precaution, a difference in

Figure 10 gives the flow chart of the software based control

program. At the start, the user inputs the desired speed of
rotation of the main motor and the duration of the
experiment. The program does not activate the actuating
device until the user has properly entered these inputs. Once
the machine has started, the user can observe the readings on
the screen but cannot alter the values entered while the
program is running. Hitting any key on the keyboard will
disable the main motor and lift the arm. As a measure of
safety, limit switches is provided. If any one of them is hit,
the main motor is disabled and the processt brought to a
premature end. In the event that neither the keyboard nor
any of the limit switches are hit, the program will
automatically stop after the time set

International Conference on Engineering Education

August 6 10, 2001 Oslo, Norway


Session 6D5
readily be transferred and applied to more complex research
based projects.


A modular approach [4,5] is also used in the testing phase of
the implemented system. Tests are performed at three levels,
namely on the hardware modules, the software components
and the final system which integrates the hardware and
software. This type of approach, enables the student to
quickly and effectively locate any source of error or fault
condition and take necessary corrective measures at the
relevant level of the design process. Limit switches are
included as safety measure, that is if the arm goes out of its
way and hit any limit switch the process is stopped. Gate
drive circiuts and appropriate heat sinks are used with the
mosfets. Temperature rise caused by friction and Friction are
measured respectively by platinum resistance and strain
gauge with appropriate amplification circuits.
On testing it was observed that the system performed
One of the most important objectives of the
design/implementation project is to develop students skills
in order to make them to become proficient in all aspects of
the development process, that is, from problem definition
and identification of functional requirements, to planning,
design, implementation and testing of the proposed solution.
Another key objective is to enable students to master
hardware and software development tasks and
methodologies in order to ensure that they acquire the
necessary competence prior to entering the job market as
fresh engineers. Project supervisors and external examiners,
as well as past graduates tend to confirm the effectiveness
and appreciation of the proposed systems approach for
project design and implementation. Course evaluations
reveal better students satisfaction with the top-down
approach methodology with such design projects. Moreover,
the positive impact on students achievements has also
boosted their interest in postgraduate studies and research.





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Into a Conventional Engineering Degree Course. Studies in
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In this paper, the design and implementation of a wear

testing rig has been presented with the aim of illustrating the
top-down systems approach that students are encouraged to
use when working on their final year projects. This
methodology has been well received by students as it helps
them realise that the formulation of a solution to a design
problem can be done effectively by applying structured
solving techniques. The objective of enhancing their
hardware and software design/implementation skills has also
been achieved to a large extent. By focusing on this kind of
approach, the knowledge and capabilities acquired can

International Conference on Engineering Education

August 6 10, 2001 Oslo, Norway


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