Final Legal Term Paper
Final Legal Term Paper
Final Legal Term Paper
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Prepared by
Anjumanara Haque
ID: 801414072
Prepared For
Professor (DR) Khondoker Bazlul Hoque
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Here is the term paper on A Partnership Firm in Bangladesh, which you have assigned us in
order to get a clear understanding over Partnership Act in local companies. We have tried our
best to gather all kinds of relevant information, which could give us an overall concept of this
topic. We have gather partnership information about EMEM Systems Limited and we also
read several articles and journals on the topic for preparing this term paper. We hope that it will
meet our expected standard.
We would like to acknowledge the support of EMEM Systems Limiteds employees for giving
us all information about writing this report.
We have enjoyed preparing the report very much. Especially, the given class lecture on this
course helped us a lot and made the hard work easier. We are submitting this term paper for your
kind consideration and thanking you for your constant assistance and guidance.
Sincerely yours,
Anjumanara Haque ID# 801414072
Afroza Khanom ID# 801415019
EMBA IB, University of Dhaka.
Table of content
Background of the report
Objectives of the report
Limitation of the Report
Main body
Chapter I form a partnership
Partnership Agreement
Registration procedure of a partnership business
Nature of partnership
Partners of this business
Duties of Partners
Profit and loss sharing between partners
Chapter II property
The property of the Firm
Application of the property of the firm
Personal profits earned by the firm
Chapter III Duties and rights
Rights and Duties of partners
Rights and Duties of partners after a change in the firm
Partners to be agent of the firm
Chapter IV Authority
Implied authority of partners as agent of the firm
Extension and restriction of partners implied authority
Partners authority in an emergency
Chapter V Dissolution
Procedure related to dissolution of a firm
1. Introduction
Communication is important at every stage of a partnership, and especially so at the
outset. A common mistake business partners make is jumping into business before
really getting to know each other. Everyone should be able to connect to feel
comfortable expressing their opinions, ideas and expectations.
Business partners often start businesses together with little planning and few ground
rules. Sooner or later, they discover the hard way that whats left unsaid or unplanned
often leads to unmet expectations, anger and frustration. Partners can clash over
countless things, including conflicting work ethics and financial goals, roles in the
business and leadership styles.
A note about partnering with a spouse: Working together puts an added strain on a
relationship, and couples can quickly discover there is a little too much togetherness.
Those who succeed often have learned to set boundaries keep the business from
dominating every aspect of their lives.
Once the decision is made to start a business together, they should create a partnership
agreement with help from a lawyer and an accountant. Take this step no matter who
are partner. People with strong personal connections may feel certain that their
supposedly unbreakable bond will help them overcome any obstacles along the way.
Big mistake. Get a written agreement.
Every agreement should address three crucial areas: compensation, exit clauses, and
roles and responsibilities. Include who owns what percentage of the business, who is
investing what, where the money is coming from, and how and when partners will be
Typically partners set up equal ownership and each contributes 50% of the initial
investment. But terms can vary greatly. For instance, one partner might contribute
more money if the other partner can bring in expertise or business contacts. As the
business grows and changes, adjust compensation accordingly. For example, partners
may agree to work initially without compensation, and to get paid after a certain
revenue target is reached. In addition, if the business partnership brings on more
people or if a particular partner is putting in more or less time, building some
flexibility into the contract can let you adjust payments.
The agreement should also cover how you plan to exit the business. Include clauses
that spell out cases in which one partner is obliged to buy out the others interest
for instance, if one wants to quit the business. For instance, it can state that the other
partner must buy him or her out for a prenegotiated percentage of the businesss value.
If neither partner wants to continue the business, partners can also liquidate and divide
all assets. Its also a good idea to settle on in advance how to assess the total value of
the business upon dissolution. The agreement should specify who appraises the
business and the methodology to use.
Outline your expectations for how youll operate your business. Clearly delineate the
roles and responsibilities of the partners based on their skills and desires. This will
eliminate turf wars and clearly show employees to whom they should report.
Establish routines for daily communication. For example, agree to talk twice a day at
designated times and to re-evaluate their goals on a regular basis. At least once a
quarter, sit down and discuss how you envision the future of the business and what
steps to take in getting there.
Addressing these issues up front will help you better focus on your business later.
How you work out the details of setting up a partnership could be an indicator of how
well or poorly your prospective venture will operate. Inevitably, some potential
partners will realize through the process they werent meant to be.
1.1 Methodology
The research is primarily based on review of secondary data collated from reports, publications
and seminar proceedings. A qualitative analysis has been carried out based on these data.
Relevant tables and graphs have also been used to further augment the analysis.
1.2 Report Background
As a coursework of the course titled by International Business in MBA Program, we are assigned
to do a report on the topic of A Familiar Partnership Firm in Bangladesh.
1.3 Scope of the study
The study tried to show the partnership situation and partnership firm in Bangladesh. The
purpose of this study is to see how the Partnership Act 1932 affect Bangladeshis Partnership
Firm. Understanding what is the purpose of the partnership, nature of partnership, duties
of partners, profit and loss sharing, property of the firm, rights and implied authority
of partners, partners authority in an emergency and the procedure related to
dissolution of a firm.
1.4 Objectives of the study:
I. To analyze the current status of partnership business in Bangladesh.
II. To find out the suitable partnership policy for attracting individuals to form partnership
III. To identify Determinants of influencing partnership potential for business.
IV. To provide some recommendations for partnership firm.
Partnership Definition:
A Partnership is a Voluntary association of two or persons, who contribute,
money, Property, time, care or skills, to carry on, as co-owners, a lawful
business for profits and to share the profits and losses of the business
Partnership is defined as a relation between two or more persons who have
agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all of them or any of
them acting for all. The owners of a partnership business are individually
known as the "partners" and collectively as a "firm".
1. Partnership-at-will:
Where no provision is made in the agreement regarding the duration of the partnership.Any
partner can terminate it any time by giving the notice.For unlimited period.Formed for particular
2. Particular Partnership:
When partnership is formed to do a particular business or for a particular period.For example:
partnership for work on the production of film
3. Limited Partnership:
Formed in Act 1907of England. In Pakistan there is no limited partnership.Following are the
features in Limited Partnership:
One or more partners are with limited liability
Limited partners can inspect the books of the firm at any time
Chapter I
Form a partnership
Partnership Agreement
THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT is made this ____1st______ day of
____January_______, 20_01_, by and between the following groups:
M.M. Ispahani Group
1. Nature of Business. The partners listed above hereby agree that they
shall be considered partners in business for the following purpose:
IT Service Provider, IP Telephony Services, Equipment and Solutions, Call Center
Solution, ADSL Internet Service, Software Development, Data Network Services and
Solutions, Network Design and Implementation.
2. Name. The partnership shall be conducted under the name of _____
EMEM Systems Limited ___________ and shall maintain offices at Address:
House#3 (6th Floor) , Road # 7, Block #F, Banani , City/State/ZIP:Dhaka1213.
3. Day-To-Day Operation. The partners shall provide their full-time services
and best efforts on behalf of the partnership. No partner shall receive a
salary for services rendered to the partnership. Each partner shall have
equal rights to manage and control the partnership and its business. Should
there be differences between the partners concerning ordinary business
matters, a decision shall be made by unanimous vote. It is understood that
the partners may elect one of the partners to conduct the day-to-day
business of the partnership; however, no partner shall be able to bind the
partnership by act or contract to any liability exceeding
_TK._10000000_______ without the prior written consent of each partner.
4. Capital Contribution. The capital contribution of each partner to the
partnership shall consist of the following property, services, or cash which
each partner agrees to contribute:
Name Of
M.M. Ispahani
Trade Services
% Share
The partnership shall maintain a capital account record for each partner;
should any partners capital account fall below the agreed to amount, then
that partner shall (1) have his share of partnership profits then due and
payable applied instead to his capital account; and (2) pay any deficiency to
the partnership if his share of partnership profits is not yet due and payable
Nature of partnership
The Nature of EMEM Systems Limited is Partnership At- Will. Because there is no
provision is made by contract between the partners for the duration of their partnership.
With the experience of two very successful enterprises in Bangladesh in its back and a high level
of professional experience EMEM SYSTEM LTD is confident to make its mark in the industry.
Duties of Partners
Partners are bound to carry on the business of the firm to the greatest common advantage,
to be just and faithful to each other, and to render true accounts and full information of all
things affecting the firm to any partner or his legal representative.
Chapter II
The property of the Firm
Subject to contract between the partners, the property of the firm includes all property
and rights and interest in property originally brought into the stock of the firm, or
acquired, by the purchase or other-wise, by or for the firm, or for the purposes and in
course of the business of the firm and includes also the goodwill of the business.
Unless the contrary intention appears, property and rights and interests in property
acquired with money belonging to the firm are deemed to have been acquired for the
EMEM system accrued its own office building, all office equipment and capital of
If a partner carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that
of the firm, he shall account for and pay to the firm all profits made by him in that