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For other uses, see Chocolate (disambiguation).

After fermentation, the beans are dried, cleaned, and

roasted. The shell is removed to produce cacao nibs,
which are then ground to cocoa mass, pure chocolate in
rough form. Because the cocoa mass is usually liqueed before being molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor. The liquor also may be
processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa
butter. Unsweetened baking chocolate (bitter chocolate)
contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today
is in the form of sweet chocolate, a combination of cocoa solids, cocoa butter or other fat, and sugar. Milk
chocolate is sweet chocolate that additionally contains
milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk, but no cocoa solids.
Cocoa solids are a source of avonoids[3] and alkaloids,
such as theobromine, phenethylamine and caeine.[4]
Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types
and avors in the world, and a vast number of foodstus involving chocolate have been created, particularly
desserts including cakes, pudding, mousse, chocolate
brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. Many candies are
lled with or coated with sweetened chocolate, and bars
of solid chocolate and candy bars coated in chocolate are
eaten as snacks. Gifts of chocolate molded into dierent shapes (e.g., eggs, hearts) have become traditional on
certain Western holidays, such as Easter and Valentines
Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages
such as chocolate milk and hot chocolate and in some alcoholic drinks, such as creme de cacao.

Although cocoa originated in the Americas, in the 2000s,

Western Africa produces almost two-thirds of the worlds
Paul Gavarni Woman Chocolate Vendor (185557)
cocoa, with Ivory Coast growing almost half of it. In
2009, Salvation Army International Development stated
/tklt/ is a typically sweet, usually that child labor and the human tracking and slavery
brown, food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds,
roasted and ground, often avored, as with vanilla. It is
made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, or used
as a avoring ingredient in other foods. Cacao has been
cultivated by many cultures for at least three millennia 1 Etymology
in Mesoamerica. The earliest evidence of use traces to
the Mokaya (Mexico and Guatemala), with evidence of The word chocolate entered the English language from
chocolate beverages dating back to 1900 BC.[1] In fact, Spanish in about 1600.[7] How the word came into Spanthe majority of Mesoamerican people made chocolate ish is less certain, and there are competing explanations.
beverages, including the Maya and Aztecs,[2] who made Perhaps the most cited explanation is that chocolate
it into a beverage known as xocoltl Nahuatl pronunciation: comes from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, from
a Nahuatl word meaning bitter water. The the word chocoltl, which many sources say derived from
seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste and xocoltl Nahuatl pronunciation: [okolat], combining xomust be fermented to develop the avor.
coc, sour or bitter, and tl, water or drink.[7] The word


early as 1750 BC.[12] On the Pacic coast of Chiapas,

Mexico, a Mokaya archaeological site provides evidence
of cacao beverages dating even earlier, to 1900 BC.[1][12]
The residues and the kind of vessel in which they were
found indicate the initial use of cacao was not simply as
a beverage, but the white pulp around the cacao beans
was likely used as a source of fermentable sugars for an
alcoholic drink.[13]

Maya glyph referring to cacao.

chocolatl does not occur in central Mexican colonial

sources, making this an unlikely derivation.[8] Another
derivation comes from the Yucatec Mayan word chokol
meaning hot, and the Nahuatl atl meaning water.[9] The
Nahuatl term, chicolatl, meaning beaten drink, may derive from the word for the frothing stick, chicoli.[10] The
term "chocolate chip" was rst used in 1940.[11] The term
"chocolatier", for a chocolate confection maker, is attested from 1888.[11]


See also: History of chocolate


Mesoamerican usage

Aztec. Man Carrying a Cacao Pod, 14401521. Volcanic stone,

traces of red pigment. Brooklyn Museum

An early Classic-period (460480 AD) Mayan tomb from

the site in Rio Azul had vessels with the Maya glyph
for cacao on them with residue of a chocolate drink,
suggests the Maya were drinking chocolate around 400
AD.[14] Documents in Maya hieroglyphs stated chocolate
was used for ceremonial purposes, in addition to everyday
life.[15] The Maya grew cacao trees in their backyards,[16]
and used the cacao seeds the trees produced to make a
frothy, bitter drink.[17]
By the 15th century, the Aztecs gained control of a large
part of Mesoamerica and adopted cacao into their culture. They associated chocolate with Quetzalcoatl, who,
according to one legend, was cast away by the other gods
for sharing chocolate with humans,[18] and identied its
extrication from the pod with the removal of the human
A Maya lord forbids an individual from touching a container of heart in sacrice.[19] In contrast to the Maya, who liked
their chocolate warm, the Aztecs drank it cold, seasoning
Chocolate has been prepared as a drink for nearly all of it with a broad variety of additives, including the petals
its history. For example, one vessel found at an Olmec ar- of the Cymbopetalum penduliorum tree, chile pepper,
chaeological site on the Gulf Coast of Veracruz, Mexico, allspice, vanilla, and honey.
dates chocolates preparation by pre-Olmec peoples as The Aztecs were not able to grow cacao themselves, as


European adaptation

their home in the Mexican highlands was unsuitable for

it, so chocolate was a luxury imported into the empire.[18]
Those who lived in areas ruled by the Aztecs were required to oer cacao seeds in payment of the tax they
deemed tribute.[18] Cocoa beans were often used as
currency.[20] For example, the Aztecs used a system in
which one turkey cost 100 cacao beans and one fresh
avocado was worth three beans.[21]


European adaptation

teemed among the Indians, where with they
feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that
are accustomed to the country are very greedy
of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse
sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that chili";
yea, they make paste thereof, the which they
say is good for the stomach and against the

See also: History of chocolate in Spain

Until the 16th century, no European had ever heard of

Chocolate soon became a fashionable drink of the nobility after

the discovery of the Americas. The morning chocolate by Pietro
Longhi; Venice, 17751780

the popular drink from the Central and South American

peoples.[18] Christopher Columbus and his son Ferdinand
encountered the cacao bean on Columbuss fourth mission to the Americas on 15 August 1502, when he and
his crew seized a large native canoe that proved to contain cacao beans among other goods for trade.[22] Spanish conquistador Hernn Corts may have been the rst
European to encounter it, as the frothy drink was part
of the after-dinner routine of Montezuma.[14][23] Jose de
Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit missionary who lived in Peru and
then Mexico in the later 16th century, wrote of its growing inuence on the Spaniards:
Loathsome to such as are not acquainted
with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much es-

Traits nouveaux & curieux du caf du th et du chocolate, by

Philippe Sylvestre Dufour, 1685

While Columbus had taken cacao beans with him back to

Spain,[22] chocolate made no impact until Spanish friars
introduced it to the Spanish court.[18] After the Spanish
conquest of the Aztecs, chocolate was imported to Europe. There, it quickly became a court favorite. It was
still served as a beverage, but the Spanish added sugar,
as well as honey, to counteract the natural bitterness.[25]
Vanilla was also a popular additive, with pepper and
other spices sometimes used to give the illusion of a
more potent vanilla avor. Unfortunately, these spices

had the tendency to unsettle the European constitution;
the Encyclopdie states, The pleasant scent and sublime
taste it imparts to chocolate have made it highly recommended; but a long experience having shown that it could
potentially upset ones stomach, which is why chocolate without vanilla was sometimes referred to as healthy
chocolate. [26] By 1602, chocolate had made its way from
Spain to Austria.[27] By 1662, the bishop of Rome had declared that religious fasts were not broken by consuming
chocolate drinks. Within about a hundred years, chocolate established a foothold throughout Europe.[18]


New processes that sped the production of chocolate

emerged early in the Industrial Revolution. In 1815,
Dutch chemist Coenraad van Houten introduced alkaline salts to chocolate, which reduced its bitterness.[18]
A few years thereafter, in 1828, he created a press to remove about half the natural fat (cocoa butter or cacao
butter) from chocolate liquor, which made chocolate both
cheaper to produce and more consistent in quality. This
innovation introduced the modern era of chocolate.[22]
Known as Dutch cocoa, this machine-pressed chocolate was instrumental in the transformation of chocolate
to its solid form when, in 1847, Joseph Fry learned to
make chocolate moldable by adding back melted cacao
butter.[25] Milk had sometimes been used as an addition
to chocolate beverages since the mid-17th century, but
in 1875 Daniel Peter invented milk chocolate by mixing a powdered milk developed by Henri Nestl with the
liquor.[18][22] In 1879, the texture and taste of chocolate
was further improved when Rudolphe Lindt invented the
conching machine.[29]
Besides Nestl, a number of notable chocolate companies had their start in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Rowntrees of York set up and began producing chocolate in 1862, after buying out the Tuke family business. Cadbury was manufacturing boxed chocolates in England by 1868.[18] In 1893, Milton S. Hershey purchased chocolate processing equipment at the
Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and soon began the career of Hershey's chocolates with chocolatecoated caramels.

3 Types
Main article: Types of chocolate
Several types of chocolate can be distinguished. Pure,

Silver chocolate pot with hinged nial to insert a molinet or swizzle stick, London 171415 (Victoria and Albert Museum)

The new craze for chocolate brought with it a thriving slave market, as between the early 1600s and late
1800s, the laborious and slow processing of the cacao
bean was manual.[18] Cacao plantations spread, as the English, Dutch, and French colonized and planted. With the
depletion of Mesoamerican workers, largely to disease,
cacao production was often the work of poor wage laborers and African slaves. Wind-powered and horse-drawn
mills were used to speed production, augmenting human
labor. Heating the working areas of the table-mill, an innovation that emerged in France in 1732, also assisted in

Chocolate is commonly used as a coating for various fruits such

as cherries and/or llings, such as liqueurs.

unsweetened chocolate, often called baking chocolate,

contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate, which combines
chocolate with sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate
that also contains milk powder or condensed milk. In the
U.K. and Ireland, milk chocolate must contain a mini-

and can be safely consumed.

4 Production
See also: Children in cocoa production and Cocoa production in Ivory Coast
Roughly two-thirds of the entire worlds cocoa is pro-

Disk of chocolate (about 4cm in diameter), as sold in Central

America, for making hot cocoa. Note that the chocolate pictured
here is soft, can easily be crumbled by hand, and already has
sugar added.

mum of 20% total dry cocoa solids; in the rest of the European Union, the minimum is 25%.[30] White chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk, but no cocoa
solids. Chocolate contains alkaloids such as theobromine
and phenethylamine, which may have physiological effects in humans, but the presence of theobromine renders it toxic to some animals, such as dogs and cats.[31]
Dark chocolate has been promoted for unproven health
White chocolate, although similar in texture to that of
milk and dark chocolate, does not contain any cocoa
solids. Because of this, many countries do not consider
white chocolate as chocolate at all.[33] Because it does not
contain any cocoa solids, white chocolate does not contain any theobromine, so it can be consumed by animals.
Dark chocolate is produced by adding fat and sugar to
the cacao mixture. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration calls this sweet chocolate, and requires a 15% concentration of chocolate liquor. European rules specify a
minimum of 35% cocoa solids.[30] Semisweet chocolate
is a dark chocolate with a low sugar content. Bittersweet
chocolate is chocolate liquor to which some sugar (typically a third), more cocoa butter, vanilla, and sometimes
lecithin have been added. It has less sugar and more liquor
than semisweet chocolate, but the two are interchangeable in baking.

Chocolate is created from the cocoa bean. A cacao tree with fruit
pods in various stages of ripening

duced in West Africa, with 43% sourced from Ivory

Coast,[34] where child labor is a common practice to obtain the product.[35][36][37] According to the World Cocoa
Foundation, some 50 million people around the world depend on cocoa as a source of livelihood.[38] In the UK,
most chocolatiers purchase their chocolate from them,
to melt, mold and package to their own design.[39] According to the WCF's 2012 report, the Ivory Coast is the
Unsweetened chocolate is pure chocolate liquor, also largest producer of cocoa in the world.
known as bitter or baking chocolate. It is unadulterated Production costs can be decreased by reducing cocoa
chocolate: the pure, ground, roasted chocolate beans im- solids content or by substituting cocoa butter with another
part a strong, deep chocolate avor. It is typically used fat. Cocoa growers object to allowing the resulting food
in baking or other products to which sugar and other in- to be called chocolate, due to the risk of lower demand
gredients are added. Raw chocolate, often referred to as for their crops.[38] The sequencing in 2010 of the genome
raw cacao, is always dark and a minimum of 75% cacao. of the cacao tree may allow yields to be improved.[41]
Chocolate may have whitish spots on the dark chocolate The two main jobs associated with creating chocolate
part, called chocolate bloom; it is an indication that sugar candy are chocolate makers and chocolatiers. Chocolate
and/or fat has separated due to poor storage. It is not toxic makers use harvested cacao beans and other ingredients


to produce couverture chocolate (covering). Chocolatiers low yields of cocoa per tree. The avor of criollo is deuse the nished couverture to make chocolate candies scribed as delicate yet complex, low in classic chocolate
(bars, trues, etc.).[42]
avor, but rich in secondary notes of long duration.[47]


Cacao varieties

4.1.2 Forastero
The most commonly grown bean is forastero,[45] a large
group of wild and cultivated cacaos, most likely native to
the Amazon basin. The African cocoa crop is entirely of
the forastero variety. They are signicantly hardier and
of higher yield than criollo. The source of most chocolate marketed,[45] forastero cocoas are typically strong in
classic chocolate avor, but have a short duration and
are unsupported by secondary avors, producing quite
bland chocolate.[45]
4.1.3 Trinitario

Trinitario is a natural hybrid of criollo and forastero.

Toasted cacao beans at a chocolate workshop at the La Chonita Trinitario originated in Trinidad after an introduction of
forastero to the local criollo crop. Nearly all cacao proHacienda in Tabasco
duced over the past ve decades is of the forastero or
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, the dried and par- lower-grade trinitario varieties.
tially fermented seeds of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), a small (4 to 8-m-tall (15 to 26-ft-tall) evergreen
4.2 Processing
tree native to the deep tropical region of the Americas. Recent genetic studies suggest the most common
genotype of the plant originated in the Amazon basin and
was gradually transported by humans throughout South
and Central America. Early forms of another genotype
have also been found in what is now Venezuela. The scientic name, Theobroma, means food of the deities".[43]
The fruit, called a cacao pod, is ovoid, 1530 cm (612
in) long and 810 cm (34 in) wide, ripening yellow to
orange, and weighing about 500 g (1.1 lb) when ripe.
Cacao trees are small, understory trees that need rich,
well-drained soils. They naturally grow within 20 of either side of the equator because they need about 2000
mm of rainfall a year, and temperatures in the range of
21 to 32 C (70 to 90 F). Cacao trees cannot tolerate a
temperature lower than 15 C (59 F).[44]

Video of cacao beans being ground and mixed with other ingre-

The three main varieties of cacao beans used in chocolate dients to make chocolate at a Mayordomo store in Oaxaca
are criollo, forastero, and trinitario.
Cacao pods are harvested by cutting them from the tree
using a machete, or by knocking them o the tree using
4.1.1 Criollo
a stick. The beans with their surrounding pulp are removed from the pods and placed in piles or bins, allowing
Representing only 5% of all cocoa beans grown,[45] access to micro-organisms so fermentation of the pectincriollo is the rarest and most expensive cocoa on the mar- containing material can begin. Yeasts produce ethanol,
ket, and is native to Central America, the Caribbean is- lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid, and acetic acid
lands and the northern tier of South American states.[46] bacteria produce acetic acid. The fermentation process,
The genetic purity of cocoas sold today as criollo is dis- which takes up to seven days, also produces several avor
puted, as most populations have been exposed to the ge- precursors, eventually resulting in the familiar chocolate
netic inuence of other varieties.
Criollos are particularly dicult to grow, as they are vul- It is important to harvest the pods when they are fully
nerable to a variety of environmental threats and produce ripe, because if the pod is unripe, the beans will have a



low cocoa butter content, or sugars in the white pulp will

be insucient for fermentation, resulting in a weak avor.
After fermentation, the beans must be quickly dried to
prevent mold growth. Climate and weather permitting,
this is done by spreading the beans out in the sun from
ve to seven days.[50]
The dried beans are then transported to a chocolate manufacturing facility. The beans are cleaned (removing twigs,
stones, and other debris), roasted, and graded. Next, the
shell of each bean is removed to extract the nib. Finally,
the nibs are ground and liqueed, resulting in pure chocolate in uid form: chocolate liquor.[51] The liquor can be
further processed into two components: cocoa solids and
cocoa butter.[52]



Dark chocolate: sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor,
and (sometimes) vanilla
Milk chocolate: sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor,
milk or milk powder, and vanilla
White chocolate: sugar, cocoa butter, milk or milk
powder, and vanilla
Usually, an emulsifying agent, such as soy lecithin, is
added, though a few manufacturers prefer to exclude this
ingredient for purity reasons and to remain GMO-free,
sometimes at the cost of a perfectly smooth texture. Some
manufacturers are now using PGPR, an articial emulsier derived from castor oil that allows them to reduce
the amount of cocoa butter while maintaining the same

The texture is also heavily inuenced by processing,

specically conching (see below). The more expensive
Main article: Types of chocolate
chocolate tends to be processed longer and thus have a
smoother texture and mouthfeel, regardless of whether
Chocolate liquor is blended with the cocoa butter in vary- emulsifying agents are added.
ing quantities to make dierent types of chocolate or couvertures. The basic blends of ingredients for the various Dierent manufacturers develop their own signature
types of chocolate (in order of highest quantity of cocoa blends based on the above formulas, but varying proportions of the dierent constituents are used. The nest,
liquor rst), are:
plain dark chocolate couvertures contain at least 70% cocoa (both solids and butter), whereas milk chocolate usually contains up to 50%. High-quality white chocolate
couvertures contain only about 35% cocoa butter.
Producers of high-quality, small-batch chocolate argue
that mass production produces bad-quality chocolate.[45]
Some mass-produced chocolate contains much less cocoa
(as low as 7% in many cases), and fats other than cocoa
butter. Vegetable oils and articial vanilla avor are often used in cheaper chocolate to mask poorly fermented
and/or roasted beans.[45]
In 2007, the Chocolate Manufacturers Association in
the United States, whose members include Hershey,
Nestl, and Archer Daniels Midland, lobbied the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) to change the legal definition of chocolate to let them substitute partially hydrogenated vegetable oils for cocoa butter, in addition to
using articial sweeteners and milk substitutes.[53] Currently, the FDA does not allow a product to be referred
to as chocolate if the product contains any of these
ingredients.[54][55] In the EU a product can be sold as
chocolate if it contains up to 5% vegetable oil, and must
be labelled as 'family milk chocolate' rather than 'milk
chocolate' if it contains 20% milk.[56]

4.4 Conching
Fountain chocolate is made with high levels of cocoa butter, allowing it to ow gently over a chocolate fountain to serve as
dessert fondue.

Main article: Conching

The penultimate process is called conching. A conche is
a container lled with metal beads, which act as grinders.
The rened and blended chocolate mass is kept in a liq-


Chocolate melanger mixing raw ingredients

uid state by frictional heat. Chocolate prior to conching has an uneven and gritty texture. The conching process produces cocoa and sugar particles smaller than the
tongue can detect, hence the smooth feel in the mouth.
The length of the conching process determines the nal
smoothness and quality of the chocolate. High-quality
chocolate is conched for about 72 hours, and lesser grades
about four to six hours. After the process is complete, the
chocolate mass is stored in tanks heated to about 45 to 50
C (113 to 122 F) until nal processing.[57]



The nal process is called tempering. Uncontrolled

crystallization of cocoa butter typically results in crystals
of varying size, some or all large enough to be clearly
seen with the naked eye. This causes the surface of the
chocolate to appear mottled and matte, and causes the
chocolate to crumble rather than snap when broken.[58]
The uniform sheen and crisp bite of properly processed
chocolate are the result of consistently small cocoa butter
crystals produced by the tempering process.
The fats in cocoa butter can crystallize in six dierent
forms (polymorphous crystallization).[58][59] The primary
purpose of tempering is to assure that only the best form
is present. The six dierent crystal forms have dierent

Molten chocolate and a piece of a chocolate bar

melt at a lower temperature.[61]

Making chocolate considered good is about forming as
many type V crystals as possible. This provides the best
appearance and texture and creates the most stable crystals, so the texture and appearance will not degrade over
time. To accomplish this, the temperature is carefully
manipulated during the crystallization.
Generally, the chocolate is rst heated to 45 C (113 F)
to melt all six forms of crystals.[58][59] Next, the chocolate is cooled to about 27 C (81 F), which will allow
crystal types IV and V to form. At this temperature, the
chocolate is agitated to create many small crystal seeds
which will serve as nuclei to create small crystals in the
chocolate. The chocolate is then heated to about 31 C
(88 F) to eliminate any type IV crystals, leaving just type
V. After this point, any excessive heating of the chocolate
will destroy the temper and this process will have to be
repeated. However, other methods of chocolate tempering are used. The most common variant is introducing
already tempered, solid seed chocolate. The temper of
chocolate can be measured with a chocolate temper meter to ensure accuracy and consistency. A sample cup is
lled with the chocolate and placed in the unit which then
displays or prints the results.

As a solid piece of chocolate, the cocoa butter fat particles

are in a crystalline rigid structure that gives the chocolate its solid appearance. Once heated, the crystals of the Two classic ways of manually tempering chocolate are:
polymorphic cocoa butter are able to break apart from the
rigid structure and allow the chocolate to obtain a more
Working the molten chocolate on a heat-absorbing
uid consistency as the temperature increases the meltsurface, such as a stone slab, until thickening indiing process. When the heat is removed, the cocoa butter
cates the presence of sucient crystal seeds"; the
crystals become rigid again and come closer together, alchocolate is then gently warmed to working temperlowing the chocolate to solidify.[60]
The temperature in which the crystals obtain enough en Stirring solid chocolate into molten chocolate to
ergy to break apart from their rigid conformation would
inoculate the liquid chocolate with crystals (this
depend on the milk fat content in the chocolate and the
method uses the already formed crystals of the solid
shape of the fat molecules, as well as the form of the cochocolate to seed the molten chocolate).
coa butter fat. Chocolate with a higher fat content will

Chocolate tempering machines (or temperers) with com- 5
puter controls can be used for producing consistently tempered chocolate, particularly for large volume applica5.1



Nutrition and research


A 100 gram serving of milk chocolate supplies 540

calories. It is 59% carbohydrates (52% as sugar and 3%
as dietary ber), 30% fat and 8% protein (table). Approximately 65% of the fat in milk chocolate is saturated,
composed mainly of palmitic acid and stearic acid, while
the predominant unsaturated fat is oleic acid (table, see
USDA reference for full report).
In 100 gram amounts, milk chocolate is an excellent
source (> 19% of the Daily Value, DV) of riboavin,
vitamin B12 and the dietary minerals, manganese,
phosphorus and zinc (table). Chocolate is a good source
(10-19% DV) of calcium, magnesium and iron (table).

5.2 Research
Main articles:
Health eects of chocolate and
Theobromine poisoning
Chocolate and cocoa are under preliminary research to
determine if consumption aects the risk of certain
or cognitive abilities.[68]
Packaged chocolate in the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is cardiovascular diseases
stored in controlled conditions.
Chocolate may be a factor for heartburn in some people because one of its constituents, theobromine, may afChocolate is very sensitive to temperature and humidity. fect the oesophageal sphincter muscle, hence permitting
Ideal storage temperatures are between 15 and 17 C (59 stomach acidic contents to enter into the oesophagus.
and 63 F), with a relative humidity of less than 50%. Theobromine is also toxic to some animals unable to meVarious types of blooming eects can occur if choco- tabolize it (see theobromine poisoning).
late is stored or served improperly.[62] Fat bloom is caused
by storage temperature uctuating or exceeding 24 C (75
F), while sugar bloom is caused by temperature below
15 C (59 F) or excess humidity. To distinguish between dierent types of bloom, one can rub the surface
of the chocolate lightly, and if the bloom disappears, it is
fat bloom. One can get rid of bloom by retempering the
chocolate or using it for any use that requires melting the

Excessive consumption of large quantities of any energyrich food, such as chocolate, without a corresponding increase in activity to expend the associated calories, can
increase the risk of weight gain and possibly obesity.[69]
Raw chocolate is high in cocoa butter, a fat which is
removed during chocolate rening, then added back in
varying proportions during the manufacturing process.
Manufacturers may add other fats, sugars, and milk
as well, all of which increase the caloric content of
Chocolate is generally stored away from other foods, as chocolate.
it can absorb dierent aromas. Ideally, chocolates are Chocolate and cocoa contain moderate to high amounts
packed or wrapped, and placed in proper storage with the of oxalate,[70][71] which may increase risk for kidney
correct humidity and temperature. Additionally, choco- stones.[72] During cultivation and production, chocolate
late is frequently stored in a dark place or protected from may absorb lead from the environment,[73] but the total amounts typically eaten are less than the tolerable
light by wrapping paper.
to a World
If refrigerated or frozen without containment, chocolate daily limit for lead consumption, according
recan absorb enough moisture to cause a whitish discolports
sigoration, the result of fat or sugar crystals rising to the surof lead ingestion for children if conface. Moving chocolate from one temperature extreme nicant source [75][76]
and one 10 g cube of dark chocosumption
to another, such as from a refrigerator on a hot day, can
as 20% of the daily lead oral
result in an oily texture. Although visually unappeal[75]
ing, chocolate suering from bloom is perfectly safe for

A few studies have documented allergic reactions from


chocolate in children.[69]



panies, such as Mars and Hersheys alone, generate $13

billion a year in chocolate sales and account for two-thirds
of U.S. production.[86] Despite the expanding reach of
the chocolate industry internationally, cocoa farmers and
labourers in the Ivory Coast are unaware of the uses of
the beans. The high cost of chocolate in the Ivory Coast
also means that it is inaccessible to the majority of the
population, who are unaware of what it tastes like.[87]

7.1 Manufacturers
Main article: List of bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturers
Chocolate manufacturers produce a range of products
from chocolate bars to fudge. Large manufacturers
of chocolate products include Cadbury (the worlds
largest confectionery manufacturer), Guylian, The Hershey Company, Lindt & Sprngli, Mars, Incorporated,
Milka, Neuhaus and Suchard.
Guylian is best known for its chocolate sea shells; Cadbury for its Dairy Milk and Creme Egg. The Hershey Company, the largest chocolate manufacturer in
North America, produces the Hershey Bar and Hersheys
Kisses.[88] Mars Incorporated, a large privately owned
Chocolate with various llings.
U.S. corporation, produces Mars Bar, Milky Way,
Some manufacturers provide the percentage of chocolate M&Ms, Twix, and Snickers. Lindt is known for its true
in a nished chocolate confection as a label quoting per- balls and gold foil-wrapped Easter bunnies.
centage of cocoa or cacao. It should be noted that this Food conglomerates Nestl SA and Kraft Foods both
refers to the combined percentage of both cocoa solids have chocolate brands. Nestl acquired Rowntrees in
and cocoa butter in the bar, not just the percentage of 1988 and now markets chocolates under their own brand,
cocoa solids.[77] The Belgian AMBAO certication mark including Smarties (a chocolate candy) and Kit Kat (a
indicates that no non-cocoa vegetable fats have been used candy bar); Kraft Foods through its 1990 acquisition of
in making the chocolate.[78][79]
Jacobs Suchard, now owns Milka and Suchard. In FebruChocolates that are organic[80] or fair trade certied[81]
carry labels accordingly.

ary 2010, Kraft also acquired British-based Cadbury.;[89]

Frys, Trebor Basset and the fair trade brand Green &
Blacks also belongs to the group.

In the United States, some large chocolate manufacturers lobbied the federal government to permit confections
containing cheaper hydrogenated vegetable oil in place
7.2 Human tracking of child labourers
of cocoa butter to be sold as chocolate. In June 2007,
as a response to consumer concern after the proposed
change, the FDA reiterated Cacao fat, as one of the sig- Main article: Children in cocoa production
nature characteristics of the product, will remain a prin- The widespread use of children in cocoa production
is controversial, not only for the concerns about child
cipal component of standardized chocolate.[82]
labor and exploitation, but also because up to 12,000
of the 200,000 children working in Cte d'Ivoire, the
worlds biggest producer of cocoa,[90] may be victims of
7 Industry
tracking or slavery.[91] Most attention on this subject
has focused on West Africa, which collectively supplies
The chocolate industry is a steadily growing, $50 billion- 69 percent of the worlds cocoa,[92] and Cte d'Ivoire
a-year worldwide business centered on the sale and con- in particular, which supplies 35 percent of the worlds
sumption of chocolate. It is prevalent throughout most cocoa.[92] Thirty percent of children under age 15 in subof the world.[83] Europe accounts for 45% of the worlds Saharan Africa are child laborers, mostly in agricultural
chocolate revenue[84] and the US $20 billion.[85] Big activities including cocoa farming.[93] It is estimated that
Chocolate is the grouping of major international choco- more than 1.8 million children in West Africa are inlate companies in Europe and the U.S. The U.S. com- volved in growing cocoa.[94] Major chocolate produc-


8 Usage and consumption

A child collecting cocoa after beans have dried

ers, such as Nestl, buy cocoa at commodities exchanges A chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
where Ivorian cocoa is mixed with other cocoa.[95]
Chocolate is sold in chocolate bars, which come in dark
In 2009, Salvation Army International Development
chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate varieties.
(SAID) UK stated that 12,000 children have been trafSome bars that are mostly chocolate have other ingredicked on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast of Africa, where
ents blended into the chocolate, such as nuts, raisins or
half of the worlds chocolate is made.[5] SAID UK states
crisped rice. Chocolate is used as an ingredient in a huge
that it is these child slaves who are likely to be workvariety of candy bars, which typically contain various
ing in harsh and abusive[6] conditions for the producconfectionary ingredients (e.g., nougat, wafers, caramel,
tion of chocolate,[96] and an increasing number of healthnuts, etc.) which are coated in chocolate. Chocolate is
food[97] and anti-slavery[98] organisations are now highused as a avouring product in many desserts, such as
lighting and campaigning against the use of tracking in
chocolate cakes, chocolate brownies, chocolate mousse
the chocolate industry.
and chocolate chip cookies. Numerous types of candy
See also: Cocoa production in Ivory Coast
and snacks contain chocolate, either as a lling (e.g.,
M&Ms) or as a coating (e.g., chocolate-coated raisins
or chocolate-coated peanuts). Some non-alcoholic beverages contain chocolate, such as chocolate milk, hot
chocolate and chocolate milkshakes. Some alcoholic
7.3 Fair trade
liqueurs are avoured with chocolate, such as chocolate
liqueur and creme de cacao. Chocolate is a popular
Main article: Fair trade
avour of ice cream and pudding and chocolate sauce is
a commonly added as a topping on ice cream sundaes.
In the 2000s, some chocolate producers began to engage in fair trade initiatives, to address concerns about
the marginalization of cocoa laborers in developing countries. Traditionally, Africa and other developing countries received low prices for their exported commodities
such as cocoa, which caused poverty to abound. Fair
trade seeks to establish a system of direct trade from
developing countries to counteract this unfair system.[99]
One solution for fair labor practices is for farmers to become part of an Agricultural cooperative. Cooperatives
pay farmers a fair price for their cocoa so farmers have
enough money for food, clothes, and school fees.[100] One
of the main tenets of fair trade is that farmers receive a
fair price, but this does not mean that the larger amount of
money paid for fair trade cocoa goes directly to the farmers. The eectiveness of fair trade has been questioned.
In a 2014 article, The Economist stated that workers on
fair trade farms have a lower standard of living than on
similar farms outside the fair trade system.[101]

9 Popular culture
9.1 Religious and cultural links
Chocolate is associated with festivals such as Easter,
when moulded chocolate rabbits and eggs are traditionally given in Christian communities, and Hanukkah, when
chocolate coins are given in Jewish communities. Chocolate hearts and chocolate in heart-shaped boxes are popular on Valentines Day and are often presented along with
owers and a greeting card. Chocolate is an acceptable
gift on other holidays and on occasions such as birthdays.
Many confectioners make holiday-specic chocolate candies. Chocolate Easter eggs or rabbits and Santa Claus
gures are two examples. Such confections can be solid,
hollow, or lled with sweets or fondant.




dre in its native language, referring both to a recipe for

hot chocolate and to an idiom that is a metaphor for
sexual arousal. The lm earned 11 Ariel Awards from the
Academia Mexicana de Artes y Ciencias Cinematogrcas, including Best Picture.
Chocolat, a 1999 novel by Joanne Harris, tells the story
of Vianne Rocher, a young mother, whose confections
change the lives of the townspeople. The 2000 lm adaptation, Chocolat, also proved successful, grossing over
US$150,000,000 worldwide,[105] and receiving Academy
Award and Golden Globe nominations for Best Picture,
Best Actress, and Best Original Score.[106][107]
Chocolatier preparing Easter eggs and rabbits

10 See also
Main article: Outline of chocolate

Candida krusei
Candy making
Children in cocoa production
Chocolate chip
Cuestin moral: si el chocolate quebranta el ayuno
List of chocolate-covered foods
Chocolate coins


Books and lm

Chocolate has been the center of several successful book

and lm adaptations. In 1964, Roald Dahl published
a childrens novel titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The novel centers on a poor boy named Charlie
Bucket who takes a tour through the greatest chocolate
factory in the world, owned by Willy Wonka. Two lm
adaptations of the novel were produced. The rst was
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, a 1971 lm which
later became a cult classic, and spawned the real world
Willy Wonka Candy Company, which produces chocolate products to this day. Thirty-four years later, a second lm adaptation was produced, titled Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory. The 2005 lm was very well received
by critics[102] and was one of the highest grossing lms
that year, earning over US$470,000,000 worldwide.[103]
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was also recognized at
the 78th Academy Awards, where it was nominated for
Best Costume Design for Gabriella Pesucci.[104]
Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate), a
1989 love story by novelist Laura Esquivel, was adapted
to lm in 1992. The plot incorporates magical realism
with Mexican cuisine, and the title is a double enten-

List of chocolate beverages

The chocolate game
United States military chocolate
Chocolate almonds

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Further reading

Almond, Steve (2004). Candyfreak: A Journey Through the Chocolate Underbelly of America.
Algonquin Books. ISBN 1-56512-421-9.
Grivetti, Louis E. and Howard-Yana Shapiro, eds.
Chocolate: History, Culture, and Heritage (2009), 57
essays, 1064pp; comprehensive scholarly worldwide
history with coverage of anthropology, agriculture,
religion, ethics, art, medicine and technology.
Norton, Marcy. Sacred Gifts, Profane Pleasures:
A History of Tobacco and Chocolate in the Atlantic
World (Cornell UP, 2008)
O, Carol (2008). Bitter Chocolate: The Dark Side
of the Worlds Most Seductive Sweet. New Press.
ISBN 978-1-59558-330-7.
Rosenblum, Mort (2006). Chocolate: A Bittersweet
Saga of Dark and Light. North Point Press. ISBN
Ryan, rla (2011). Chocolate Nations: Living and
Dying for Cocoa in West Africa. Zed Books. ISBN
Squicciarini, Mara P.; Swinnen, Johan (2016). The
Economics of Chocolate. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 978-0198726449.
Young, Allen M. (2007). The Chocolate Tree: A
Natural History of Cacao (Rev. and expanded ed.).
University Press of Florida. ISBN 978-0-81303044-9


External links

Chisholm, Hugh, ed.

Encyclopdia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge
University Press.
Chocolate Tempering
museum exhibit 18th century American trade




Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


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Mwanner, ThierryVignaud, Capybara, Shanes, Zegoma beach, RoyBoy, Triona, Coolcaesar, Femto, Reneld, Bobo192, Easty, Vervin,
Fir0002, Eldar, John Vandenberg, BrokenSegue, Viriditas, Brim, VonWoland, Apyule, Russ3Z, Giraedata, Joe Jarvis, Cavrdg, Man vyi,
La goutte de pluie, Shmigheghi, Jojit fb, Nk, TheProject, Srippon, Tritium6, Idleguy, Sam Korn, Craptree, Hooperbloob, Jjron, Ranveig, Jumbuck, Jiminy Krikkitt, Beyondthislife, Alansohn, Etxrge, Anthony Appleyard, LtNOWIS, Trysha, Njaard, Borisblue, Atlant,
CountdownCrispy, Keenan Pepper, SemperBlotto, Andrewpmk, AzaToth, Yamla, Fergo, MarkGallagher, Goldom, SlimVirgin, Lightdarkness, Viridian, Sparksm4, Iris lorain, Sligocki, Mailer diablo, Lucky dog, Mrholybrain, Hu, Malo, Bart133, Metron4, DreamGuy,
Hohum, Ross Burgess, Silroquen, Sobolewski, Keziah, Rebroad, Wtshymanski, Rick Sidwell, Hamstar, Docboat, Alsager boy, RJFJR,
Amorymeltzer, Alfvaen, Rcnj, Sciurin, Gene Nygaard, DSLdanv, TheCoee, Kazvorpal, Deror avi, SmthManly, Dismas, Falcorian, Njk,
Feezo, Thryduulf, Angr, Kelly Martin, Pekinensis, Woohookitty, Mindmatrix, Etacar11, Percy Snoodle, Uncle G, Jacobolus, Madchester,
Scjessey, Polyparadigm, Lenar, Zippo, Urod, JeremyA, MONGO, MrDarcy, RadicalHarmony, Grika, Dzordzm, Bbatsell, Ch'marr, I64s,
Karmosin, Skinhat, Pictureuploader, TheAlphaWolf, Wayward, Gimboid13, Alan Canon, DavidFarmbrough, Wikipedian231, Wbkelley,
Rtcpenguin, Miken32, Paxsimius, Mandarax, Matturn, Wiggy!, Graham87, Deltabeignet, Magister Mathematicae, BD2412, LanguageMan, Chun-hian, Harlequinjack, Xxpor, FreplySpang, RxS, Limegreen, Grammarbot, Mancunius, Rjwilmsi, Seidenstud, P3Pp3r, Infamouskitty, Nightscream, Koavf, Jweiss11, Vary, Fireant202, WoodenTaco, JoshuacUK, Chaitatp, Feydey, MZMcBride, Tawker, Dangerous Angel, CJHung, Roivas, ElKevbo, Ravik, Dave Frog, Dar-Ape, Fred Bradstadt, Yamamoto Ichiro, ShadowyCaballero, Talia679,
Exeunt, Ravidreams, FlaBot, Andreamonni, Figs, Ground Zero, Musical Linguist, Vclaw, Nihiltres, Crazycomputers, Cen, SouthernNights,
Nivix, Chanting Fox, Itinerant1, Fragglet, RexNL, Gurch, Mitsukai, Subversive, Alphachimp, CJLL Wright, Chobot, Frappyjohn, Mhking, JesseGarrett, WriterHound, Gwernol, Lukeonia1, Roboto de Ajvol, The Rambling Man, YurikBot, Wavelength, SpikeJones, RobotE,
Extraordinary Machine, Al Silonov, Taurrandir, Brandmeister (old), Adam1213, RussBot, Sputnikcccp, FrenchIsAwesome, Icarus3, Pigman, Chris Capoccia, Chaser, CanadianCaesar, Wikinick~enwiki, Akamad, Chensiyuan, Stephenb, Shell Kinney, Gaius Cornelius, Chaos,
Schoen, Cryptic, Aaronwinborn, Kimchi.sg, Wimt, Etbe, Prime Entelechy, Petmal, NawlinWiki, ENeville, Wiki alf, Aeusoes1, Grafen,
Nathan8225, Johann Wolfgang, Kvn8907, Clam0p, Viscouse, Rjensen, Nikki, Janet13, Derex, Irishguy, Nick, Gorie, Aaron Brenneman,
Cholmes75, Rmky87, Haoie, Moe Epsilon, Mooncowboy, Juanpdp, Amcfreely, LexieM, Emersoni, Alex43223, Tsk070, Bota47, Mddake,
Maunus, Brisvegas, Woscafrench, Gohiking, Wknight94, Searchme, Daniel C, FF2010, Sandstein, Maximusveritas, NigelJ, Lt-wiki-bot,
Nikkimaria, Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry, Seedybee, Theda, Maristoddard, , Nentuaby, Pietdesomere, Aranymalinko~enwiki,
Banana04131, Esprit15d, JQF, Canley, BorgQueen, Ikkyu2, GraemeL, MStraw, Dr U, Colin chee, SV Resolution, Diddims, Homemadefading, LeonardoRob0t, Andyluciano~enwiki, Peter, Ghetteaux, Spliy, Skittle, Katieh5584, Kungfuadam, Appleseed, Lewis R, GSG
Flash, Thomas Blomberg, DearPrudence, EdX20, Cmglee, Groyolo, Jade Knight, DVD R W, Theroachman, CIreland, Eenu, Brentt, Luna
Whistler, That Guy, From That Show!, Wizofaus, CarmelitaCharm, Asherf, JaredR, Crystallina, SmackBot, Amcbride, Kerfern, Sagie,
Moeron, Smitz, Dashwortley, Ashwinkn, Marcucci, Lcarsdata, Malkinann, Tom Lougheed, Tarret, Slashme, Prodego, KnowledgeOfSelf,
Melchoir, Sanjay ach, McGeddon, David.Mestel, Unyoyega, Pgk, Bomac, Jfurr1981, Anastrophe, KVDP, Dwslassls, JoeMarce, Frymaster, Aaronproot, AKismet, TheDoctor10, Edgar181, Stevegallery, HalfShadow, Cazort, Yamaguchi , Peter Isotalo, Gilliam, Drttm,
Algont, Ohnoitsjamie, Hmains, Ppntori, RobertM525, Cabe6403, Underneath-it-All, Rmosler2100, Kelvie, Durova, Teemu08, Cavie78,
Master Jay, Kurykh, Bartimaeus, Salvo46, Jprg1966, SweetP112, Sciren delus, Smt w, Salvor, MalafayaBot, SchftyThree, Droll, Deli
nk, Bazonka, Uthbrian, Kaid100, Dustimagic, DHN-bot~enwiki, Colonies Chris, Nmarritz, Oatmeal batman, BlackandWhite3, Kyle key,
Yanksox, Hgrosser, Brideshead, George Ho, Chocolove, Kotra, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Shalom Yechiel, Robhmac, Frap, Mysteriousinventors, Eukaryote, Argyriou, OrphanBot, W377!M, TKD, Realberserker, Unknown Dragon, Evan1261, Xichael, Ikasu, Redwraith94, Jmlk17, Krich, Flyguy649, Zacronos, Cybercobra, Khukri, Daqu, FiveRings, Captain Zyrain, Nakon, Savidan, Nuj, Kneale,
Rezecib, Dreadstar, G-J, BullRangifer, Weregerbil, Firestarter72, Ciuciu~enwiki, Robert Brewer, BryanG, Reapa, Jitterro, Wombat1138,
Tankred, Wikizach, Pilotguy, Kukini, E40, Ged UK, Ugur Basak Bot~enwiki, Andrew Dalby, Ohconfucius, L337p4wn, SashatoBot, Dane
Sorensen, Phantasmo, AThing, Anlace, NessieVL, Srikeit, Molerat, Soap, John, T g7, AmiDaniel, AGsh, H2Oman500, Scientizzle,
Ayates, Kipala, SilkTork, Gerbennn, Soumyasch, Shadowlynk, Accurizer, Echo1~enwiki, Via nocturna, Ocatecir, NongBot~enwiki, IronGargoyle, Tymothy, PseudoSudo, Bluewind, Ben Moore, Ckatz, Blueandwhiteg3, Stuartfanning, Eivind F yangen, Loadmaster, MarkSutton, Booksworm, Xiphoris, Beetstra, Mr Stephen, Kyoko, Dicklyon, Larrymcp, WaynaQhapaq, Meco, Vogue99, Sasabune, Bertolotto,
Tuspm, H-ko, Ravi12346, Big Smooth, Guestia, Grannybuttons, BuckRose, Jose77, RMHED, Peyre, LaMenta3, Mozdef, Rickogorman,
Johndusa, Amitch, Keitei, Stephen B Streater, BranStark, OnBeyondZebrax, Fan-1967, Iridescent, Phoenix2275, Slicedoranges, Toddsschneider, Deanh, Tmangray, Splitpeasoup, Supercarrot, Andrew Hampe, R~enwiki, Ouzo~enwiki, Jackp, Goens, Blehfu, Suboptimal
Username, Bel0058, Maelor, Az1568, Gilabrand, Ziusudra, Dein Freund der Baum, Scarlet Lioness, Tawkerbot2, Daniel5127, The Letter




J, Mostly Zen, Propower, SkyWalker, Hikingkyle393, JForget, RdCrestdBreegull, Friendly Neighbour, CmdrObot, Plainnym, Jorcoga,
Makeemlighter, KyraVixen, RedRollerskate, Freddym, Bananaxx, Chocomonkey627, Nadyes, GHe, Ibadibam, Dgw, Green caterpillar,
WLior, Fitzaubrey, ShelfSkewed, Maggy Rond, MetalGearLiquid, QueenStupid, Yopienso, MrFish, MaxEnt, Lanxxelot, Icek~enwiki,
Jac16888, Themightyquill, Cydebot, Spycat, Hydraton31, Peripitus, Sir Azure, Abeg92, Randomaccount990, RenamedUser2, LivingShadow, Popexvi, Steel, Cuzandor, Yshoulduknow, Gogo Dodo, Travelbird, Chocsaway, Dreadpiratetif, D666D, Moonslight, ST47, Sarahgeorge, Apbio, Siegfriedcqb, Englishmunsattack, MUR525, Martisen, Tawkerbot4, Demomoke, Say123, Jack Phoenix, Americanuck,
Roberta F., LrcUK1, Mallanox, Nsaum75, Uday j, Garik, Kozuch, Synetech, JayW, Omicronpersei8, Daniel Olsen, Dianelowe, Landroo, Ceevee12, Krylonblue83, FrancoGG, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Biruitorul, Ulfrikr, Cmiddings, 03018, Rockymountains, Ultimus, Dasani,
Kablammo, Bendroz, Akg96, Andyjsmith, Garcilaso, Cosmi, Simongregson, Chickenicker, Sopranosmob781, Shanahan88, Dtgriscom,
John254, Tapir Terric, Electron9, Squeezbert, Cool Blue, Kborer, Mnemeson, Rsheptak, Aquilosion, Dmws, Leon7, NigelR, Roninbk,
AgentPeppermint, Heroeswithmetaphors, Natalie Erin, CTZMSC3, Bgold, Dzubint, Pootentate, Dantheman531, Pgagge, Jesstone, AntiVandalBot, Majorly, Fedayee, Luna Santin, Hpesoj00, Settersr, Soa Roberts, Voyaging, Opelio, Diggy5, Bigtimepeace, ErinHowarth,
Jayron32, Cchhrriiss, KK kap, Whytecypress, Claire 123456, 2coolbaby, Breddings, JimDunning, Vendettax, Mutt Lunker, Drake Wilson,
Rubensni, Chefcrsh, Qwerty Binary, Cpbishop, Fearless Son, Dmerrill, Jlantz, Ellz4ver, Daytona2, Ioeth, JAnDbot, Deective, Husond,
Barek, MER-C, Plantsurfer, The Transhumanist, Avaya1, MelanieN, Fetchcomms, Endlessdan, Awien, Plm209, OhanaUnited, Andonic,
C. C. Perez, 100110100, Manoftherock, TAnthony, Snowolfd4, Dream Focus, Savant13, Rothorpe, Kerotan, NoraBG, KatherineMitchell,
Acroterion, Repku, Bencherlite, Bunny-chan, Igitur za, Propaniac, Joebengo, Penubag, Vagus, Aanswers, Connormah, Pedro, Dp76764,
Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Djkeddie, Ishikawa Minoru, Chocojun, JNW, Koolman435, Snetty, Xb2u7Zjzc32, CattleGirl, Smangel, Mbc362,
Ishi Gustaedr, Sarahj2107, Ling.Nut, Violentbob, Mark PEA, Reverend Will B. Dunn, Nikevich, Sephy26946, Majorarcanum, SparrowsWing, Avicennasis, Oxford Dictionary, Catgut, WhatamIdoing, Kaskudoo, Mmzzi, Abercrombiegrl567, Moopiefoof, Amarcord80,
DOSbox-gamer, Robbbb23, Just James, DerHexer, Edward321, Corinaw, Sheridan1, WLU, Dakin@servidor.unam.mx, Robin S, Wiltshire01, SquidSK, MesaBoogie, Elmo1, Mmc@candybouquet.com, FisherQueen, Jerem43, MartinBot, STBot, Suspect-device, Mermaid
from the Baltic Sea, Ariel., Maggie9416, Arjun01, Nehwyn, ARCG, Yasingam, Jevarnli, Awest722, MrPyro321, Roastytoast, Uvaisamazing, Choco123, Strwbry lace, R'n'B, AlexiusHoratius, Nono64, Wikitiki89, Hairchrm, Moogin, LittleOldMe old, Smokizzy, Fatpratmatt,
Xargque, Huzzlet the bot, Archra, Piggyfairy, Jorgenumata, Filll, Trusilver, Daniel625, Edgeweyes, Carre, Shadowswordth, Lekriner,
EscapingLife, Livluvtravel, Catmoongirl, Myredroom, AgainErick, Athaenara, Autcarp, Jreferee, 06cgordo, Ownage2214, Joker???,
Noname01, Acalamari, DanielEng, Ajmint, Rochelimit, Zuejay, Jameschristopher, Mayaisastar, Mikael Hggstrm, Skier Dude, Rickycds, Robpasley, Plasticup, MCesaro1, Belovedfreak, Rev. John, ULC, Richard D. LeCour, Maneatingpenguin, JudiHurst, Iwearshoes,
83d40m, Rubbergovernment, Wikiwonky, FJPB, Speakerphone~enwiki, Shoessss, Dstruct, Sagethis2, A sexy llama, MetsFan76, Dcutajar,
Lizzie23, 12remage, Tiggerjay, Limetolime, Johnyboy29, Shanalyn, Jimokay, ACBest, Olivier200, Natl1, Cuckooman4, Bonadea, James
P Twomey, Adsomvilay, Joseypeter, Brancook, Scewing, Gertrudethetramp, Fbarton, 06jh2157, Jarah.1111, Idioma-bot, I enjoy eating
cookies in my house, Lahuwm, Xnuala, TNTfan101, Wikieditor06, LLcopp, Lights, Osantaella, VolkovBot, Superturdman, Part Deux,
Fraust, Mrh30, Magnvss, Medicaster40, Leebo, Hersfold, Indubitably, Takkunelwood, Marky78, AlnoktaBOT, Authenticmaya, Naysie,
Kyle the bot, Stagyar Zil Doggo, Azndude9595, Barneca, Philip Trueman, Aicchalmers, EulalieCrow, Bsiatadshmia, TraeHova, TXiKiBoT,
Mercurywoodrose, Malinaccier, Xerxesnine, RyanB88, Wikidemon, ElinorD, Karmos, Crohnie, Elling, Calebfoote, Qxz, Udontknome,
Anna Lincoln, Una Smith, Benjicalypso, Zstevens15, Loz-da-hippie-dude, Jwc8, Fathkr, Hobocop456, Account2354, Weird-as-a-sh,
GlobeGores, Longhornsteakhouse, Tlc ev, UnitedStatesian, Romantic1, BigRichndMack, Geometry guy, Hiroku-Adam, Ryqu65, Latulla, Darkreaper123, Quis sugar, ACEOREVIVED, Varius Avitus Bassianus, Dumstu93, Bubbles3, Distortedfreak0, Rich3000, Jacky15,
Metroidhunter7, CK7, Tennisstar72, Gomberg, Boomchakanaka101, InformativeBob, Housethe, Lova Falk, Musicaddict36, Tracerbullet11, Niko292~enwiki, Bobkins711, Sesshomaru, WatermelonPotion, Ageyban, Brianga, Z4diamond, Truegateau, Doc James, AlleborgoBot, Copenhagis, Genoelen, Bezalel123, FlyingLeopard2014, Cheesecake13, EmxBot, S8333631, Tlisenby, Ivanivanovich, Ungeass,
Five Years, Smartntgirl, BadBoy2007, Housethe3, Ueivuusaud, GreaterWikiholic, Bradpinquin, Dave451, Issa leb4life, SieBot, Poip2,
Loknessmonster, Desertdwell, Bigfoot55, Halfpast6, TYLER, Sonicology, YonaBot, Moonriddengirl, Ali 24789, SuzannaQ, BotMultichill, ToePeu.bot, Hertz1888, Jack Merridew, Alicelouise, Krawi, Vinnivince, Gerakibot, N3m3s1s4lyfe, Pawebster, QuickieWiki, Housethe6, Arindam.mukherjee, Tom116p, Whiteghost.ink, Andrewjlockley, Soler97, Keilana, Flyer22 Reborn, Alexbrn, SweetCarmen, Elcobbola, ScAvenger lv, Oxymoron83, Bergelmir, Tigzyread, Goustien, Shadowedmist, Lightmouse, Lara bran, KathrynLybarger, Zaporozhian,
Eo1spy, OKBot, Diego Grez-Caete, Glassbreaker5791, Xdotx, Thelmadatter, Bodhi Peace, CommanderWiki35, Gagvx290, Jfromcanada,
Magicidiot12345, Fbolanos, Realm of Shadows, Nn123645, Warallthetm, Viccy, Joiguru, Lloydpick, Hadseys, Mpizzle, Lovingchocolate, Invertzoo, Ohiobeadsandgems, 703Frank, Martarius, Separa, ClueBot, Pokethatisslow, Wikievil666, The Thing That Should Not
Be, Purpleishtay, Bradsm01, Ricemaker, Tanglewood4, Tcassidycurtis, CHasouros, Timfoster, GarryMann, Lil gal 12333, Rosuav, Willowbrook666, JTBX, Csaberan, Hafspajen, Mezigue, 05smithg, Niceguyedc, Eric2495, Iknowitalll, Domed, Editorspecial123, Kiahwww,
Otolemur crassicaudatus, Sailormooncookie, TimDierks, Jersey emt, Somno, Ggea, Jusdafax, CrazyChemGuy, Calimo, Anon lynx, Dagordon01, R. Hillgentleman, Jlau333, Bkveida, Buddyrose001, Peter.C, Jwking, Medos2, Djin123, Johnsgreat, ChrisHodgesUK, Orathaic,
Rui Gabriel Correia, C628, Kamayav, Mvanzonneveld, Callinus, DumZiBoT, FishyJoesFishBurps, Loranchet, LandoBFMV, Neuralwarp,
Basilisk272, Pichpich, OosallyoO, Burningview, Crazybrat, Jovianeye, Rror, Laser brain, Mep753, Rreagan007, Lutin jovial, 10slvr96,
Cfahland, Chrisdale92, Addbot, Tomxcoady, Wigert, DOI bot, Funtoday, Sk8ertyke, Piccologurl, Cormakazam, Crockster, MrOllie, Journeyoife7, AndersBot, Bibi95, Debresser, AnnaFrance, Favonian, LinkFA-Bot, Ozob, Terrillja, Mbinebri, Numbo3-bot, Tide rolls, Teles,
Jarble, Raisedonadiet, MJEH, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Ptbotgourou, Orac29, Mango78, Nederbrd~enwiki, Rex57, Magicpiano, Kulmalukko,
AnomieBOT, Tryptosh, Rubinbot, 1exec1, Royote, Mahmudmasri, Materialscientist, Antinator2005, Citation bot, Bob Burkhardt, Wallboyz, Xqbot, Gigemag76, Eric Yurken, Mike881270, Millahnna, Laurence Gilcrest, Delta501st, GrouchoBot, Dzsi, Zefr, RibotBOT,
GhalyBot, MerlLinkBot, MuedThud, Sandcherry, Ll1324, Rmarsden, Legobot III, GliderMaven, FrescoBot, Funzo14, Meezaa., Barry
Wom, Hello'work, Lothar von Richthofen, Rckrone, Cathleen242, OgreBot, Citation bot 1, Pinethicket, I dream of horses, HRoestBot,
Brettpeirce, Supreme Deliciousness, Borlasee07, Rahlgd, A8UDI, Gingermint, Tanzania, , Jikybebna, Soccerisawesome, David Beals,
Kgrad, FoxBot, Zanze123, Ohaiimlaura, Trappist the monk, Ndkartik, J4V4, Vrenator, Mreftel, Markpackuk, Vera.tetrix, Theospence,
JV Smithy, Jeremia4263, Brian the Editor, Suusion of Yellow, Tbhotch, Zadokco, MegaSloth, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Whisky drinker,
Onel5969, RjwilmsiBot, Thiridaz, Joseph315, Hellobumcheeks, LcawteHuggle, Chocolateman54, DASHBot, Dana akba, EmausBot, Germn E. Macas Valadez, WikitanvirBot, Ashton 29, Psd007, So851031, Contratrombone64, Ebh2102, Katherine, Liangjialin, Cheesevillain, Zengqin1010, The curry man, Abby 92, Gorginhanson, Judickas2, GoingBatty, Bull Market, Gwillhickers, Pandasianx, Tommy2010,
NYC Writes, Dcirovic, P. S. F. Freitas, OrthodoxeSizilien, HowToGalaxy, PBS-AWB, Bongoramsey, Mh7kJ, Josve05a, Allforrous, Rockclaw1030, H3llBot, Fennellmj, Cookshat, Sky380, IllegalKnowledge, The-tester, Erianna, Aschwole, Brandmeister, Quantumor, Californiapro, Ginge1420, Scientic29, Asmah01, Evan-Amos, Hestiarules, Little Pumpkin Juice, HiMyNameIsSoap, Nunsaram, Winston7,
Thebean0123, Ladnadruk, Bob987654321123456789, Rhollis7, Kilroywasnthere, ClueBot NG, Cwmhiraeth, Somedierentstu, Theaitetos, LogX, FidelDrumbo, Aasmund01, Frietjes, Delusion23, GlassLadyBug, Markfton, Helpful Pixie Bot, Lionhead99, Helvitica Bold,




Fon2Fon, Computer444, ChrisEngelsma, Ephert, BG19bot, M0rphzone, Northamerica1000, ProjectManhattan, Guy.shrimpton, CitationCleanerBot, Dinner101, Toccata quarta, Granateple, Nitrobutane, Asseni, BattyBot, Prof. Squirrel, Jerseyboy527, Cyberbot II, Krystaleen,
Dobie80, AutomaticStrikeout, Candace401, Dexbot, Vwalvekar, Xochiztli, William361905663, Phung Wilson, CuriousMind01, Fte,
Josophie, Corinne, Ctorchia87, MLPainless, Me, Myself, and I are Here, Cookiesaretasty, Bananasoldier, Rakomwolvesbane, Dustin V. S.,
42engineer, ElHef, Clr324, Daniel Gadsby, Kennethaw88, Tracield, B575, Kind Tennis Fan, Frenzie23, Boundyman, Maroma1806, Mistrout, RickyDix, Monkbot, Filedelinkerbot, Yclaudia, Glovacki, DWIZKID10, WikiEditorial101, DangerousJXD, Some Gadget Geek,
Tepehuan, Awesome bicepes, Eagurin, Peas345, Mabonline2015, KasparBot, Springing Up, AusLondonder, Coyotecal, Karlfonza and
Anonymous: 1439



File:Aztec._Man_Carrying_a_Cacao_Pod,_1440-1521.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Aztec.

_Man_Carrying_a_Cacao_Pod%2C_1440-1521.jpg License: No restrictions Contributors: Brooklyn Museum Original artist: Aztec, 14401521
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BY-SA 2.0 uk Contributors: Originally uploaded at http://www.britainloveswikipedia.org/ Original artist: Valerie McGlinchey
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3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: AlejandroLinaresGarcia
File:Cella-Chocolate-Cherries.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Cella-Chocolate-Cherries.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Evan-Amos
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BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: File:Chocolate.jpg Original artist: User:Aka
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%2811734033133%29.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Chocolate Coins Original artist: William Warby from London, England
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commons/0/06/Chocolate_cake_with_chocolate_frosting_topped_with_chocolate.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Transferred
from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: The original uploader was ChildofMidnight at English Wikipedia
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BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work by uploader. Picture taken at Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco, California USA Original artist:
Sanjay Acharya
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2012.jpg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Ll1324
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License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: VVVladimir
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I (<a href='//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:nsaum75' class='extiw'
in_Oaxaca.ogg License:
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chocolate.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: [1] Original artist: Mayan civilisation




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Walters Art Museum:
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