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Capstone Parta

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Blended and Personalized Professional Learning

Chris Rogers
Kennesaw State University
April 6, 2015
Dr. Laurie Dias
Fall 2014



Setting and Context

Harbins Elementary School is a public school located in Dacula, Georgia with 1,035
students currently enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade. The school is a part of Gwinnett
County Public Schools, currently the largest school system in Georgia with approximately
180,000 students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Harbins students are 55% white, 22%
black, and 13% Hispanic, with the remaining 9% evenly divided between multiracial and Asian
students. The schools free and reduced lunch rate, a strong indicator of poverty levels, is 37%.
The school employs four administrators, fifty full-time classroom teachers, eleven support
teachers, and fourteen paraprofessionals. This capstone proposal will focus on primary
instructional staff, including classroom teachers and certified support personnel, with the total
being sixty full-time teachers.
Capstone Problem
Harbins Elementary has a robust job-embedded professional learning program for all
certified teachers. Teachers attend weekly professional learning sessions during their planning
period. Each session is focused on math, literacy, technology integration, or discussion of student
work. In addition, teachers attend quarterly full-day common planning sessions with their gradelevel teams. These sessions consist of professional learning and planning for content,
remediation, and enrichment for the upcoming academic term. The professional learning
program provides opportunities for teachers to learn, collaborate, and plan with best practices
and student learning at the forefront.
Although working in grade-level teams has been beneficial, much of the professional
learning offered through this program has been one size fits all and often has fallen short of



effectively supporting teachers who are already proficient or those who struggle in a given area.
Several studies have pointed to this, stating that teachers often have little or no choice in the
type and timing of their professional development (Francis & Jacobsen, 2013) and no school
system can single-handedly meet the developmental needs of every teacher it employs. (Ferriter,
2013) Two learning structures that can help to address this problem are blended learning and
personalized learning. Blended learning is defined as a program where a portion of the
traditional face-to-face instruction is replaced by web-based online learning (What is Blended
Learning, n.d.), while personalized learning is any learning experience that is self-initiated
and self-directed in pursuit of outcomes (Heick, 2013). Each of these pathways presents a way
to honor each teachers time, skill, and interest level to deliver a learning program better suited
for them to meet their individual goals.
Objectives and Deliverables
In order to effectively implement this capstone proposal, I will complete the following

Obtain the permission of my principal to revise the current professional learning

schedule to include online elements in place of some face-to-face sessions

Train the other 3 professional learning facilitators in my building on effective

blended learning through the use of our schools LMS and other web tools
Train the other 3 professional learning facilitators in personalized learning
strategies, including choice of process & product, goals alignment, and learning

Develop a professional learning roadmap to include blended & personalized
elements, including specific topics and technology tools and frameworks to be
used throughout the year



Revise teacher continuum (Math, Language, & Technology) to include items to

help gauge interest and determine the effectiveness of blended & personalized

Meet regularly as a professional learning support team to provide feedback on

past and upcoming sessions

Collect ongoing feedback from teachers informally
Develop a formal pre/post survey to determine the effectiveness of the blended &

personalized professional learning initiative

Share personal reflections on the process through my blog, and discuss them with

my principal and professional learning team

Video observations of face-to-face sessions paired with online work samples from

participating teachers
Resources will include our district Learning Management System (LMS)
provided by Desire2Learn, video tools such as Zaption and EduCanon, and other
free tools, such as Google Forms, Google Sheets, Padlet, and SMore
Georgia Professional Standards

This capstone will include the following Georgia PSC Standards.

1. Visionary Leadership
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to inspire and lead the
development and implementation of a shared vision for the effective use of technology to
promote excellence and support transformational change throughout the organization.
1.1 Shared Vision
Candidates facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision for the use of
technology in teaching, learning, and leadership. (PSC 1.1/ISTE 1a



1.2 Strategic Planning

Candidates facilitate the design, development, implementation, communication, and evaluation
of technology-infused strategic plans. (PSC 1.2/ISTE 1b)
1.4 Diffusion of Innovations & Change
Candidates research, recommend, and implement strategies for initiating and sustaining
technology innovations and for managing the change process in schools. (PSC 1.4/ISTE 1d)
2. Teaching, Learning, & Assessment
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively integrate
technology into their own teaching practice and to collaboratively plan with and assist other
educators in utilizing technology to improve teaching, learning, and assessment.
2.2 Research-Based Learner-Centered Strategies
Candidates model and facilitate the use of research-based, learner-centered strategies addressing
the diversity of all students. (PSC 2.2/ISTE 2b)
2.3 Authentic Learning
Candidates model and facilitate the use of digital tools and resources to engage students in
authentic learning experiences. (PSC 2.3/ISTE 2c)
2.4 Higher Order Thinking Skills
Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of digital tools and resources to support and
enhance higher order thinking skills (e.g., analyze, evaluate, and create); processes (e.g.,
problem-solving, decision-making); and mental habits of mind (e.g., critical thinking, creative



thinking, metacognition, self-regulation, and reflection). (PSC 2.4/ISTE 2d)

2.5 Differentiation
Candidates model and facilitate the design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning
experiences making appropriate use of differentiation, including adjusting content, process,
product, and learning environment based upon an analysis of learner characteristics, including
readiness levels, interests, and personal goals. (PSC 2.5/ISTE 2e)

2.6 Instructional Design

Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of research-based best practices in instructional
design when designing and developing digital tools, resources, and technology-enhanced
learning experiences. (PSC 2.6/ISTE 2f)
3. Digital Learning Environments
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to create, support, and manage
effective digital learning environments.
3.1 Classroom Management & Collaborative Learning
Candidates model and facilitate effective classroom management and collaborative learning
strategies to maximize teacher and student use of digital tools and resources. (PSC 3.1/ISTE 3a)
3.3 Online & Blended Learning



Candidates develop, model, and facilitate the use of online and blended learning, digital content,
and learning networks to support and extend student learning and expand opportunities and
choices for professional learning for teachers and administrators. (PSC 3.3/ISTE 3c)
3.6 Selecting and Evaluating Digital Tools & Resources
Candidates collaborate with teachers and administrators to select and evaluate digital tools and
resources for accuracy, suitability, and compatibility with the school technology infrastructure.
(PSC 3.6/ISTE 3f)
4.2 Safe, Healthy, Legal & Ethical Use
Candidates model and facilitate the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information
and technologies. (PSC 4.2/ISTE 5b)
5. Professional Learning & Program Evaluation
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to conduct needs assessments,
develop technology-based professional learning programs, and design and implement regular and
rigorous program evaluations to assess effectiveness and impact on student learning.
5.1 Needs Assessment
Candidates conduct needs assessments to determine school-wide, faculty, grade-level, and
subject area strengths and weaknesses to inform the content and delivery of technology-based
professional learning programs. (PSC 5.1/ISTE 4a)
5.2 Professional Learning
Candidates develop and implement technology-based professional learning that aligns to state
and national professional learning standards, integrates technology to support face-to-face and
online components, models principles of adult learning, and promotes best practices in teaching,
learning, and assessment. (PSC 5.2/ISTE 4b)



5.3 Program Evaluation

Candidates design and implement program evaluations to determine the overall effectiveness of
professional learning on deepening teacher content knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical
skills and/or increasing student learning. (PSC 5.3/ISTE 4c)
6. Candidate Professional Growth & Development
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to engage in continuous learning,
reflect on professional practice, and engage in appropriate field experiences.
6.1 Continuous Learning
Candidates demonstrate continual growth in knowledge and skills of current and emerging
technologies and apply them to improve personal productivity and professional practice. (PSC
6.1/ISTE 6a, 6b)
6.2 Reflection
Candidates regularly evaluate and reflect on their professional practice and dispositions to
improve and strengthen their ability to effectively model and facilitate technology-enhanced
learning experiences.
(PSC 6.2/ISTE 6c)
6.3 Field Experiences
Candidates engage in appropriate field experiences to synthesize and apply the content and
professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in these standards. (PSC 6.3)
Project Description



This project will be implemented in the 2015-2016 school year at Harbins Elementary
School. We will amend our existing professional learning program to make it more effective for
all teachers by adding blended and personalized elements in the areas of math, literacy, and
technology integration. This will maximize the value of face-to-face contact time and give each
teacher an opportunity to pursue areas of interest and catch up in areas of deficiency.
The project will begin with intense training of professional learning facilitators and an
agreement on structures, methods, and times for delivery throughout the school year. We will
develop an interest and proficiency survey to help determine learning pathways and progressions
of each of the professional learning programs. We will then analyze the results from this survey
and our teacher goals continuums to map out a timeline for both face-to-face and blended
sessions. The team will also meet regularly to evaluate the program and to make any changes
based on ongoing teacher and facilitator feedback.
April 2015
May 2015

Activity Description
Discuss at monthly support team planning meeting
Obtain permission from principal and discuss timeline for

0.5 hr.
1 hr.

September 2015

Train professional learning facilitators
Plan professional learning dates with school calendar
Develop pre-survey for each content area
Modify existing continuum with personalized elements
Implement & analyze pre-survey results
Create initial blended learning sessions in math, literacy, and

3 hrs.
1 hr.
5 hrs.
2 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.

September 2015-

technology integration
Create & implement blended and face-to-face professional

100 hrs.

May 2016

learning sessions. Collect informal teacher feedback, and use

July 2015
August 2015

that feedback to inform future sessions. Write monthly

reflections on my blog & seek administrator feedback.



April 2016
May 2016

Develop post-survey.
Implement post-survey and analyze results

3 hrs.
3 hrs.

In addition to the activities mentioned in the timeline, I will also seek feedback from
members of my professional learning network through social media tools such as Twitter, Google
Plus, and Voxer. Feedback from educators with experience in implementing blended and
personalized programs in their schools and districts is an invaluable resource and will help each
of us avoid pitfalls and learn from best practices throughout this journey.
Evaluation Plan
Our formal evaluation plan will consist of a pre-survey and a post-survey. The pre-survey
will focus on teacher interest (to gauge personalized learning options) and teacher skill and
comfort level (to help determine blended learning delivery). These will be couple with preexisting teacher proficiency continuums that teachers already complete as part of their
employment at Harbins Elementary. These results will be analyzed to determine both the
types/times for blended and personalized delivery as well as the overall effectiveness of the
program as compared to an exclusively face-to-face professional learning program. Some
potential questions include:

Indicate an area of strength in Mathematics teaching (i.e. small group instruction,

Singapore math, real-life problem solving, numbers & operations)

How effective is watching an instructional video for you as a learner?
Describe how technology integration professional learning has been different for you this

year as compared with last year.

What is an area of weakness for you as a literacy teacher (i.e. writing conferences,
reading strategies, variety of fiction and nonfiction, tracking learner goals)?



Our professional learning structure helped me to use my strengths to benefit of my grade

level team (Likert agreement scale).

Ferriter, W. M., & Provenzano, N. (2013). Self-directed learning . . . for teachers. Phi Delta
Kappan, 95(3), 16-21.
Francis, K., & Jacobsen, M. (2013). Synchronous online collaborative professional development
for elementary mathematics teachers. International Review of Research in Open and
Distance Learning, 14(3), 319-343.



Heick, T. (2013) The Definition Of Personalized Learning. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from
What is Blended Learning? (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from

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