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No. Matrikulasi: No. Kad Pengnealan: No. Telefon: E-Mel

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SEP /2012

















September 29th , 2012


Managing Director


Occupational Health Manager




Dear Sir,
In view of the safety concerns of the company, (Angkut Mengangkut Sdn Bhd) a
detailed safety audit was carried out at the Material handling department area. The
purpose is to identify, analyze and adopt control measures for hazards associated with
the job.

The safety audit is also meant to assess the present state of the companys Health
Safety and Environment (HSE) Management system in order to bring about



During the audit exercise, we identified a number of hazards and unsafe working
conditions associated with the material and handling department , and are stated below.

1. Incomplete personal protective equipments (PPEs): Most of the workers were seen
working without their personal protective equipments because they were not given.
The absence of these protective equipments is of great risk because some injuries
which would have ordinarily been prevented are left unguarded due the absence of
these equipments. The most essential required personal protective equipments
(PPEs) for the barge fabrication job are:

Safety Boots

Hand Gloves

Safety Glasses

Safety Suits

Safety hard Caps for industrial worker

Safety Belts harness if workers have to climb a box

2. Absence of fire emergency response personnel and facilities:

Absence of fire extinguisher at the Material and Handling Department.

There is no trained and competent fire watch on site.

Absence of fire alarm, flash point detectors and other fire safety aids around the
company premises.

Absence of safety and emergency kits for small injuries


3. Occupational Health hazards to the workers resulting to their exposure to adverse


The direct effect of the injuries specially on the feet due to absence of safety

Absence of boxes store complete

shade to prevent rain and electrical

discharges that might result from thunder strikes.

Box cutter strays and lying on the floor and may cause workers step on this tools
and cause foot injuries

Box are stacking sky rocket high without proper underlying each box may cause
heavy box fall on to the worker and may fatal

Lorry was parked at undesignated area, and the reverse sensor for the lorry is
spoil , may cause fatal if the reversal of the lorry are not in safety standard .

The work site lacks a standard toilet facility, hence the worker take advantage of
any available space within the company premises for such needs. This action is
very unhygienic, coupled with the man hour lose it takes.

4. Some of the very essential working equipments/tools are defective and in some
cases absent. This has left the workers with no option but to resort to unsafe actions.

Absence of comprehensive scaffolds and ladder for climbing heights.

There are no facilities for lifting heavy equipments such as box and tool box ;
hence the workers resort to manual carrying even without their PPE S.

Some of the cables are old, defective and potential sources of electrical

The ladder found to be rusty on the steps, may broke and worker may be fell off
causing fracture and fatal accident


5. Complete absence of barricades and caution signs along the drain which happens to
be not cover. In fact the the drain is just a few meters away from the work site and is
a major safety concern, especially because most of the workers working around
there are possibility worker fall into the drain.

6. General lack of awareness to safety, good house keeping and contingency

7. Toilet hygiene and cleanliness are at the most below level satisfaction, the slippery
toilet floor, broken water taps, and the electric socket point were open and not cover
may causing electrocuted for those workers
8. Workers and eating and drinking in the working environment , and plastic wrapper
will cause injuries due to worker slip on the plastic wrappers.



Having identified some of the hazards and unsafe conditions associated with the barge
construction job, we also need to analyze the consequence in order to understand and
avert the impending contingencies that might arise.
When we place the frequency level of hazards and unsafe conditions around the work
area, against the ISO1400 risk assessment matrix, there is a very high probability of an
impending undesired occurrence (accident). The potential damage that might result to
life, assets, environment and reputation of the company is such that cannot be over
looked. The situation is one that calls for immediate response by management to
ensure that appropriate measures are taken to control the above risk factors to as law
as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Found the supervisor who incharge in this area are not being on site training for the
small injuries and accident such as basic CPR , wound dressing , the absence of this
basic skills and knowledge may putting a life safety measures geopardise , this basic
skills can safe people live in emergency period while waiting for emergency response
team arrived .



In an effort to minimize the safety concerns analyzed above, it will be highly productive
for management to consider, review and implement the following recommendations

1. Pre task planning: - There should be a health safety and environment (HSE)
management system in place to ensure that every task to be performed is carefully
planned and all the hazards associated with it, clearly identified. This involves the
following processes.

All the personnel to perform the task should be identified and their competence

The various tools and equipments to be used for the job should also be identified
and tested. Any noticed short falls in performance rectified and made ready for use.

The hazards associated with the tasks are fully discussed with all concerned.

All the personal protective equipment required should be identified, provided and the
understanding of the usage is explained.

2. Adequate provision of personal protective equipments (PPES): This is a statutory

requirement of the factories act of 1990 and thus should be looked into by
management. It has been commonly observed that most of our workers carry out
their duties without these pieces of equipment and apparels which are suppose to be
worn to protect them against the hazards existing in the job. It is therefore highly
recommended that these Personal protective equipments (PPEs) be made available
at all cost. I also advice that an experienced personnel be involved with the
purchase to ensure that the proper types meant for the job are procured and issued
to workers.


It is also very necessary to note that the life spam of the personal protective
equipments (PPEs) as well as the frequency with which they should be issued to
worker depends on the manufacturers catalogue.

3. Safety policy for subcontractors and other forms of workers working within the
company premises: Our establishment plays host to a good number of external
works, subcontractors and visitors, hence management should come up with a
clearly defined safety policy on the following related issues.

When a job is subcontracted out by the company, who takes sole responsibility for
the safety execution of the job as well as the provision of personal protective
equipments (PPEs) for the job.

There should be strict adherence to our companys safety policy by other

companies/external workers who make use the company premises for their dealings.

To make a firm decision on the issue of NO PPEs NO ENTRY into work sites for
visitors and personnel.

4. Training and retraining of personnel: As part of our plan in Gladwyn Investment

limited to attain a very high level of safety culture, management needs to look into
the area of training and retaining its personnel. Allocations should be set aside for
safety training programs both in house and outside. At the moment we are in dire
need of a well trained lifeguard, first aider and fire watch to manage the event of an
injury, a person drowning or fire incident. As a matter of necessity, specific periods
should be set aside for special safety courses for personnel in order to update their
knowledge. A major way of achieving this is by inviting expert instructors from the
Nigerian institute of safety professionals Warri and other companies where the
culture of safety is already well established, to give lectures on the most recent
development in the area of safety as it relates to our operations.


5. Reward for safety: As a way of motivating the workers on safety, a little token can set
aside to reward workers who adhere strictly to safety. It will go a long way to show
forth managements commitment to safety issues. A situation where the most safety
compliant worker is identified monthly (Safety man of the month) and rewarded will
encourage other. This reward can be in terms of monetary value or managements
recognition during our monthly general meetings.

6. Provision of safety signs, pictures and slogans: This is another project that will
involve some little expenditure but will serve as veritable tool in the course of our
safety awareness drive. Considering the literacy level of some of the workers, it will
be most effective to communicate safety to them by means of boldly printed safety
signs pictures and slogans around the company premises.

7. A general upgrade of our working equipments and infrastructures: Critical attention

needs to be given to our barge fabrication work site toward completing the project
within the shortest possible time as this will help to minimize a lot of the hazards and
unsafe conditions being experienced on the job. The present condition of the area
where the barge is been constructed is faced with a lot of hazards/unsafe working
conditions and should be put in order. As earlier pointed out in the hazard analysis
above, the workers are exposed to occupational health hazards one of which is heat
stroke due to excessive exposure to the sun. The presence of a shade over their
heads by the time the workshop is completed will go a long way to reduce the
occupational heath hazard. It will also bring about good house keeping as this will
facilitate the proper arrangement of working materials and equipment in a safe and
orderly manner. Efforts should also be made to provide adequate toilet facilities
around the work site for the worker, it is a necessity that will enhance productivity
and cub man hour lose.


8. Stern warning , suspension and dismissal : This action can and should be taken to
the employee which are found annoying any of the safety rules and regulation, this
action is to educate all the workers to ensure all of the instruction is adhere . The
term of stern warning implicated to the worker who didnt follow safety regulation in
minor term, suspension for those have the PPEs but intentioanlly not using it and
dismissal for those blantly ignore the safety standard .

9. In the area of tools and equipments, I will recommend that there should be an
assessment of the effectiveness and safety status of all the companys equipments
so as to carry out checks and rectifications or total replacement as the case maybe.
The 5s and Kaizen standard must apply on this department, as the 5s and kaizen
will enhance the issue for tool and equipment keeping standard. This activity are
compliance of ISO14001 standards and will having a buy back in term of safety in
work place.
Finally, I want to strongly recommend that management should take an inspection
tour around the companys facilities and equipments so as to afford you the
opportunity to obtain first hand information about the issues raised up in this report.
Safety is an essential tool in the overall development, productivity and efficiency of a
company, it is therefore hoped that management will put me more commitment to

Yours faithfully




Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards1996
Classification, Packaging, and Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals1997
Employers Safety and Health General Policy Statement (Exception) 1995
Guidelines for Public Safety and Health at Construction Site 1994
Guidelines on First Aid Facilities in the Workplace 1996
Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health in the Office1996
Guidelines for the Classification of Hazardous Chemicals1997
Safety and Health Committee1996
Safety and Health Officer1997
Prohibition of Use of Substance 1999
Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health2000


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