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Amity, Operating System (B.tech Ece-4th Sem)

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Course Code: BTE 405 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
Operating Systems serve as one of the most important courses for undergraduate students, since it provides the students with a new sight
to envision every computerized systems especially general purpose computers. Therefore, the students are supposed to study, practice and
discuss on the major fields discussed in the course to ensure the success of the education process. The outcome of this course implicitly
and explicitly affects the abilities the students to understand, analyze and overcome the challenges they face with in the other courses and
the real world.

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction to operating system
Operating system and function, Evolution of operating system, Batch, Interactive, multiprogramming, Time Sharing and Real Time
System, multiprocessor system, Distributed system, System protection. Operating System structure, Operating System Services, System
Program and calls.

Module II: Process Management

Process concept, State model, process scheduling, job and process synchronization, structure of process management, Threads
Interprocess Communication and Synchronization:
Principle of Concurrency, Producer Consumer Problem, Critical Section problem, Semaphores, Hardware Synchronization, Critical
Regions, Conditional critical region, Monitor, Inter Process Communication.
CPU Scheduling:
Job scheduling functions, Process scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms, Non Preemptive and preemptive Strategies, Algorithm Evaluation,
Multiprocessor Scheduling.
System Deadlock Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for handling deadlock, Prevention strategies, Avoidance and Detection,
Recovery from deadlock combined approach.

Module III: Memory Management

Single Contiguous Allocation: H/W support, S/W support, Advantages and disadvantages, Fragmentation, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual
memory concept, Demand paging, Performance, Paged replaced algorithm, Allocation of frames, Thrashing, Cache memory, Swapping,

Module IV: Device management

Principles of I/O hardware, Device controller, Device Drivers, Memory mapped I/O, Direct Access Memory, Interrupts, Interrupt
Handlers, Application I/O interface, I/O Scheduling, Buffering, Caching, Spooling,
Disk organization, Disk space management, Disk allocation Method, Disk Scheduling, Disk storage.

Module V: File System and Protection and security

File Concept, File Organization and Access Mechanism, File Directories, Basic file system, File Sharing, Allocation method, Free space
Policy Mechanism, Authentication, Internal excess Authorization.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70
CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

• Milenekovic, “Operating System Concepts”, McGraw Hill
• A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin “Operating System Concepts”, John Willey & son
• Dietel, “An introduction to operating system”, Addision Wesley
• Tannenbaum, “Operating system design and implementation”, PHI
• Operating System, A Modern Perspection, Gary Nutt, Pearson Edu. 2000
• A. S Tanenbaum, Modern Operating System, 2nd Edition, PHI.
• Willam Stalling “ Operating system” Pearson Education

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