Formulation Study of Topically Applied Lotion
Formulation Study of Topically Applied Lotion
Formulation Study of Topically Applied Lotion
Syed Nisar Hussain Shah, 1 ,* Talib Hussain, 2 Ikram Ullah Khan, 3 Sajid Asghar, 3 and Yasser Shahzad 2
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Diclofenac is an important member of a class of drugs known as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) which is widely used for the treatment of musculoskeletal
disorders, arthritis, toothache, dysmenorrhea and symptomatically relief of pain and
inflammation.1 Diclofenac diethylamine (DDA) has limited bioavailability (40-60%), a short
half-life (2-3 h) and low therapeutic dose requirement (25-50 mg).1,2The dose-dependent
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and renal unwanted effects following oral delivery of NSAID
has promoted its transdermal delivery,3 which has several advantages over oral delivery to
improve patient compliance.4 Despite presenting an attractive route for drug delivery, stratum
corneum remains the main constraint because of its barrier properties.5 In recent years,
extensive research has been carried out to curtail the barrier properties of stratum corneum
which compromises the percutaneous absorption using permeation enhancers.6-10 Research has
been carried out to improve percutaneous absorption of DDA involving various techniques
including gel,11 microemulsion,12 liposomes,13,14 lyotropic liquid crystal4 and drug-excipient
combination2,15 based formulations.
Propylene glycol (PG) has been widely used as solvent and permeation enhancer in various
transdermal formulations.16,17 Natural products including essential oils18-20 are gaining
importance as permeation enhancers in transdermal drug delivery owing to their good safety
profile.21 Turpentine oil (TO) has been used as penetration enhancer for a number of
hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs.22,23 TO contains terpenes which are less toxic and FDA has
classified terpenes as generally recognized as safe (GRAS).24
More recently, we have reported an enhanced drug permeation of DDA from lotion
formulation containing oleic acid as permeation enhancer.25 In the present work we
investigate percutaneous delivery of a new topical DDA formulation containing PG and TO
as permeation enhancers. The formulations were assessed for permeation enhancement
capability of combination of PG and TO. These formulations were characterized for its pH,
viscosity, spreadability and homogeneity, accelerated stability, in vitro skin permeation across
two model membranes, namely polydimethylsiloxane membrane and rabbit skin. In vivo
evaluations included animal models and human volunteers sensatory perception testing.
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Propylene glycol (Merck, Germany), ethanol (Merck, Germany), sodium acetate (Merck,
Germany), isopropyl alcohol (Fluka, Switzerland), Carbomer 980 (Fisher, Germany); carrageenan No. 2249 (Fluka Biochemika, Switzerland), turpentine oil (MS Traders, China),
diclofenac diethylamine (Novartis, Pakistan) were used as received with minimum purity of
99%. Polydimethylsiloxane membrane with 400 m-thickness was purchased from Samco,
Preparation of lotion formulations
All lotion formulations were prepared by mixing the ingredients as given in the Table 1.
Essentially, 2 g of DDA was dissolved in 20 mL of ethanol and this solution was added to the
20 mL of phosphate buffered saline containing 980 mg of carbomer. These were mixed for 30
minutes until a clear solution was obtained. To these solutions, permeation enhancers, PG and
TO, were added in varying concentration. Finally, the volume was made up to 100 mL by
adding ethanol. An enhancer free lotion was also prepared as a control.
Table 1
DDA containing lotion formulations
HPLC analysis was performed as reported previously.25 The amount of drug was quantified
using a Waters UV/Vis HPLC system installed with a symmetry C18 reverse phase column
(5m, 4.6 25cm) (Waters, UK) with UV detection set at 276 nm. The samples were injected
with a rheodyne injector having a 20 L loop volume. The elution was carried out at ambient
temperature and an isocratic mobile phase composed of methanol and 0.1M sodium acetate
(70:30 v/v) with a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min was used for separation. The mobile phase was
prepared on daily bases and it was filtered and then degassed prior to use. The method was
validated as per ICH guidelines with precision (less than 1% RSD) and % accuracy (% RSD
0.865). The limit of detection was 225.2 ng/mL and the limit of quantitation was 350.7 ng/mL
for DDA. DDA solutions of known concentrations were used to obtain a standard calibration
In vitro characterization of lotion formulation
S = Spreadability expressed in
M = Weight/Volumes tide to upper slide (mg)
L = Length of glass slide
t = Time taken to separate the slide completely from each other
Experiments were repeated three times to obtain a statistically significant data.
Each formulated lotion was evaluated for homogeneity by naked eye examination. This
involved a subjective assessment of appearance including the presence of any aggregates.
Accelerated stability studies
All the formulated lotions were subjected to a 6 month-long protocol of accelerated stability
testing conducted at a temperature of 40 2 C, 75% relative humidity. The accelerated
stability testing was performed in accordance to the ICH guidelines. At 12 h, 1 day, 7 days, 1
month, 3 months and 6 months, each formulation was examined for changes in appearance,
pH, viscosity and drug content. These experiments were performed in triplicate, too (n=3).
Permeation studies
White New Zealand male rabbits weighing between 3-4 kg were used for the preparation of
skin. The skin samples were excised from the abdomen region. Hairs were clipped short and
adhering subcutaneous fat was removed carefully from the isolated full-thickness skin. Then,
the skin was cut into samples that were just larger than the surface area of the Franz diffusion
cells. To remove extraneous debris and any leachable enzyme, the dermal side of the skin was
kept in contact with a normal saline solution for 1 hour prior to start of diffusion experiments.
For the polydimethylsiloxane membrane studies, pieces were cut out to a size suitable for
mounting in Franz cells and then soaked overnight in PBS (pH 7.4). This procedure was
performed in order to allow the removal of excipients present within the membrane upon
Permeation experiments were performed using Franz cells manufactured in house,
exhibiting a diffusional area of 0.85cm2 and a receptor cell volume of 4.5 mL. Subsequently,
the test membrane (either rabbit skin or polydimethylsiloxane) was inserted as a barrier
between the donor and receiver cells. Silicone grease was applied in order to create a good
seal between the barrier and the two Franz compartments. To start each permeation
experiment, 1 mL volume of each lotion formulation was deposited in the donor cell while
receptor compartment was filled with PBS maintained at pH 7.4 which is close to the pH of
blood.28 The diffusion cells were placed on a stirring bed (Variomag, US) immersed in a water
bath at 37 5C to maintain a temperature of ~32C at the membrane surface. At scheduled
times, a 0.5 mL aliquot of receiver fluid was withdrawn and the receiver phase was
replenished with 0.5 mL of fresh pre-thermostated PBS. Withdrawn aliquots were assayed
immediately by HPLC for DDA quantification. Sink conditions existed throughout. Since
skin exhibits big sample-to-sample permeability differences,29 so each experiment consisted
of 5 replicate runs (n=5).
In vivo characterization
The in vivo research consisted of three separate types of studies. These studies were
conducted under conditions that had been regulated and approved by the Animals Ethics
Committee of Bahauddin Zakariya University (Pakistan).
Each DDA-containing formulation was evaluated for its anti-inflammatory potency by means
of the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema assay.30 The assay was run on male Wistar rats
(150 5g) purchased from the Institute of Biotechnology of Bahauddin Zakariya University
(Multan, Pakistan). These rats were randomly divided into five groups with three rats in each.
The rats were allowed free access to food and water. The protocol involved injecting a 0.1
mL volume of 1% w/v carrageenan suspension in Normal saline into the sub-plantar tissue of
each animals right hind paw. This was immediately followed by applying 1mL of the DDAcontaining lotion over a 2 cm2 area in the injection site. The control group was provided with
lotion without enhancer. After 3 h, the extent of tissue inflammation was quantified by simply
measuring the linear paw circumference.31
In the next set of in vivo studies, each analgesic-containing lotion was evaluated for its
antinociception effect by running a modified version of the established hot water-tail flick
test32 on male Wistar rats ( 450 g weight). To this end, a 1 mL aliquot of test formulation was
applied to each animals abdomen. The animal was placed in a dedicated cloth restrainerthat
was specially designed for this version of the flick test.33 At 30, 45 and 60 min after lotion
administration, the animals tail (25cm long) was immersed in water maintained at 53 1
C. The reaction time was the time taken for the rat to flick its tail. In practice, the first
reading was ignored and the reaction time was considered as the mean of the subsequent two
readings. Each analgesic formulation was tested on 3 rats in each group.
Lastly, each formulation was assessed for irritancy by conducting modified Draize skin
irritation tests34 on male White New Zealand rabbits (3-4 kg) obtained from Novartis
(Jamshoroo, Pakistan). For this purpose, a dorsal area on each restrained animal was shaved
and then tape stripped three times to detach several upper layers of the stratum corneum. A
0.5mL aliquot of each test lotion was used in these areas which were then covered with a
plastic patch. After 4 h, the patch was removed and the rabbits were observed over 14 days
for signs of erythema, edema and ulceration. On days 1, 3, 7 and 14, visually-apparent
cutaneous changes were assigned scores ranging between 0 and 4 with higher numbers
signifying greater skin damage. Each DDA formulation was tested on 3 rabbits.
Sensatory perception test
Sensatory perception test involved 11 untrained Caucasian volunteers, both male and female,
ranging between 20 to 24 years old. This study was ethically approved by the Human
Volunteers Ethics Committee of Bahauddin Zakariya University (Pakistan). A small amount
of test formulation was applied to a 12 cm2area on the back of each volunteers hand and left
on for 10 min. Each volunteer rated the test lotions effects in terms of five different
subjective sensatory categories. The categories were: ease of application, skin sensation
immediately after application, long-term skin sensation, skin shine (i.e. visual appearance)
and perception of induced skin softness. The rating scale used consisted of nine integer values
ranging between -4 to +4, indicating very bad to excellent, respectively. In addition, skin
treatment sites were visually examined for signs of cutaneous irritancy. A confidence level of
95% was considered as significant.
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In vitro characterization
All the lotion formulations were clear, transparent and homogeneous solutions upon
preparation which exhibited a pH of 6.3 with no significant difference with all the formulated
lotions. However, increasing PG and TO content in the formulated lotions decreased the
viscosity from 89 10-4 for L1; 83 10-4 for L2; 78 10-4 dynes.s.cm2
for L3; and 71 10-4 L4. A similar viscosity trend was observed in case of
spreadability of formulated lotions where spreadability was decreased upon subsequent
increase in the PG and TO content i.e. 3.02 0.12 for L1, 2.14 0.17 for
L2, 2.12 0.21 for L3 and 2.01 0.09 for L4. Statistical analysis revealed
that there was a significant difference between L1 and L4 spreadability. Overall, an increase in
PG and TO content in the lotion formulation decreased the viscosity and spreadability.
During the six-month accelerated stability testing, none of the formulations showed changes
in the appearance, color and transparency. Furthermore, there was an insignificant difference
among all the formulated lotions in terms of pH, viscosity, spreadability and drug content
over the course of accelerated stability testing period suggesting that the formulated lotions
were fairly stable.
In vitro permeation studies
Fig. 1 and and22 display the cumulative amount of DDA permeation through
polydimethylsiloxane membrane and rabbit skin as a function of time, respectively. The
steady-state flux was determined from the slope of linear portion of cumulative amount of
drug permeation versus time plot. Permeability coefficients were calculated by applying
Ficks laws of diffusion. Flux enhancement ratio (ER) was calculated based on the proportion
of flux in the presence and absence of enhancer in the lotion formulation.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Permeation parameters of DDA across polydimethylsiloxane membrane and rabbit skin are
summarized in Tables Tables22 and and3.3. In case of polydimethylsiloxane membrane, flux
values were 0.86 0.02 for L1, 0.95 0.02 for L2, 1.01 0.01 for L3 and 1.20 0.02 for L4. The corresponding flux enhancement
ratio (ER) was 22.6-fold for L1, 25.0-fold for L2, 26.6-fold for L3and 31.6-fold for L4. The
permeability coefficient was found to be 21.58 10-4 (cm.min-1) for L2, 21.58 10-4 (cm.min-1)
for L2, 21.58 10-4 (cm.min-1) for L3 and 21.58 10-4 (cm.min-1) for L4.
Table 2
Permeation profile of DDA across polydimethylsiloxane membrane
Table 3
Permeation profile of DDA across rabbit skin
In case of the rabbit skin, flux values were 0.43 0.02 for L1, 0.55 0.02 for L2, 0.62 0.01 for L3 and 0.67 0.02 for L4. The
corresponding flux enhancement ratio (ER) was 3.1-fold for L1, 3.9-fold for L2, 4.4-fold for
L3 and 4.8-fold for L4. The permeability coefficient was found to be 20.53 10-8 for L1, 26.07
10-8 for L2, 29.88 10-8 for L3 and 31.78 10-8 for L4.
In vivo studies
Fig. 3 shows the data obtained from the carrageenan challenge anti-inflammatory tests. It can
be seen that application of each of the DDA-containing formulations significantly (p < 0.05)
reduced tissue inflammation in the rat model. Another noteworthy point from statistical
analysis is that while anti-inflammatory effect of L1 was significantly different from L2,
L3 and L4, the latter three formulations did not differ significantly from each other in antiinflammatory potency which can be explained on the basis of permeability coefficient which
was insignificantly different for L2, L3 and L4.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4 displays the data derived from the hot tail anti-nociception studies. The graph clearly
indicates that the reaction time measured following treatment with a DDA-containing lotion
was always significantly longer than the reaction time measured following treatment with the
LC. Furthermore, the extent of induced anti-nociception followed the trend; L4> L3> L2> L1,
indicating that PG and TO content influenced antinociception potency of DDA by enhancing
its permeation.
Fig. 4
With respect to the Draize irritation tests, results indicated that application of all lotion
formulation were invariably associated with no skin irritation throughout the entire 14-day
period. With respect to the L4formulation, all tested rabbits showed some mild erythema
(score of 1) by day 14 although not at the earlier observation times (data not shown).
Sensatory perception data
The volunteers rated all DDA containing lotions as scoring between 3 and 4 in terms of all
categories: ease of application, skin sensation immediately after application, long-term skin
sensation, skin shine and induced skin softness. No lotion caused any observable cutaneous
irritation (Data not shown).
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This article presents an alternative route for administration of DDA which is a potent antiinflammatory drug from NSAID class. DDA undergoes extensive hepatic metabolism after
oral administration and maximum achieved bioavailability is 50% which is insufficient to
produce therapeutic effects for prolonged periods of time.2 Therefore, transdermal route of
DDA delivery is attractive in terms of avoidance of hepatic first pass effect and the drug
reaching to the blood without being metabolized by the liver. In this study, lotion formulation
of DDA has been formulated with various concentrations of permeation enhancers, namely
propylene glycol and turpentine oil. As far as we could ascertain, there is no report published
which describes the lotion formulation of DDA containing PG and TO in combination. There
are various mechanisms associated with the permeation enhancement of drug by a permeation
enhancer. They can increase the thermodynamic activity, skin/vehicle partition coefficient,
and solubility power of the skin to the drug. They can also reversibly reduce the
impermeability of skin.35
In vitro permeation profile is an important tool that predicts how drug will behave in vivo. In
vitro permeation of DDA containing lotions were performed using two model membranes,
namely polydimethylsiloxane and rabbit skin. In case of polydimethylsiloxane membrane, a
non-classical behavior of DDA permeation was achieved i.e. initial burst diffusion of DDA
from the lotion formulation followed by steady state behavior towards the end of the
experiment. Similar effect was observed previously when a different combination of enhancer
system was used to study the permeation of DDA.25 This effect was attributed to the
polydimethylsiloxane membrane material undergoing perturbation due to interaction between
polydimethylsiloxane membrane and vehicle system; consequently, increasing the diffusion
coefficient of the drug. Therefore, it was decided to select a period of 15 to 180 minute in
order to calculate the steady-state flux. The cumulative amount of drug permeated as a
function of time revealed that increasing enhancer concentration in the lotion markedly
increased the permeation of DDA as compared to that in the control. Moreover, there was no
significant difference observed in permeation of DDA among all the formulated lotions
suggesting a concentration independent increase in the permeability of DDA in case of
polydimethylsiloxane membrane. The flux and permeability coefficient values were
significantly different from those of the control. Furthermore, a gradual increase in the flux
rates and permeability coefficient values was observed with increasing concentration of PG
and TO. Lag time (tlag) is the time taken by the drug to reach its steady-state, so data revealed
that L4 has the lowest tlag and DDA permeation has reached to its steady-state quicker than the
other formulations containing lower or no enhancer content. This may be explained on the
basis that the diffusion of drug across polydimethylsiloxane membrane was faster in the
presence of enhancers. Therefore, the drug permeated through the membrane in less time as
the concentration of enhancers increased in the formulation which led to the decrease in the
lag times.
Fluxes and permeability coefficients were measured for all the DDA containing lotions across
rabbit skin. The drug permeation was more or less linear till the 700 minutes, after that it
reached to the steady-state region where drug permeation rate was constant over the time
period from 700 to 1440 minutes. This phenomenon was also observed in previous
studies25 when oleic acid was used in combination of TO to improve the permeation
parameters of DDA. Therefore, the time period after 700 minutes was deliberately ignored in
order to calculate the steady-state flux. It was noteworthy that the permeation rate was ceased
after approximately 700 minutes which could be attributed to the precipitation of DDA on the
surface of rabbit skin which reduced the effective diffusion area; consequently, sinking the
permeation of DDA. There was a gradual increase in flux rate with increasing content of PG
and TO in the lotions while a remarkable improvement was observed in the permeability
coefficient for all lotion formulations in comparison with that of control. Statistical analysis
revealed a significant difference (P<0.05) in permeability coefficients for all the formulated
lotions as compared to control. The enhancement ratio on the basis of flux was highest for the
L4(4.8-folds) and lowest for the L1 (3.1-folds) which was related to the enhancer
concentration in DDA containing lotions. It was interesting to notice that the lag time
increased with the increase in enhancer concentration which might be attributed to the impact
of enhancer on the apparent permeability of the DDA. The contrasting lag times for DDA
permeation through polydimethylsiloxane membrane and rabbit skin could be due to the
structural differences between both membranes and how the permeation enhancer interacts
with the membrane. It can be explained by the fact that TO can penetrate rapidly and deposit
in the skin owing to its physicochemical properties; thus, causing a delayed permeation which
consequently enhanced lag times with higher concentrations in the case of DDA permeation
across rabbit skin. Additionally, the enhancing effect of PG is exerted by enhancing the drug
partitioning into the stratum corneum. To do this, PG has to partition into the SC where it
accumulates into the intercellular and protein regions of SC, thus changing its solubility
power with subsequent increased drug partitioning into the SC.36,37
It is well established that hydration of the skin plays an important role in the percutaneous
uptake of DDA. When the aqueous fluid of the sample enters the polar pathways, it will
increase the interlamellar volume of stratum corneum lipid bilayers, resulting in the
disruption of the interfacial structure. Since some lipid chains are covalently attached to
corneocyte, hydration of these proteins will also lead to the disorder of lipid bilayers.3840
Similarly, swelling of the intercellular proteins may also disturb the lipid bilayer; a
lipophilic drug like DDA can then permeate more easily through the lipid pathway of the
stratum corneum. Overall, the incorporation of combination of PG and TO in the
formulations significantly improved the drug permeation across two model membranes
investigated in this study. The increase in the permeation rate with increase in the PG and TO
content was in agreement with the previously published report where TO alone enhanced the
DDA permeation across the skin.41
In terms of formulation characterization, all the formulations were suitable in terms of their
physical properties and were fairly stable over the 6-month stability testing period. L4 lotion
produced maximum anti-inflammatory and anti-nociception effects in the carrageenan
challenge anti-inflammatory tests and hot-tail flick test, respectively. This can be related to
the enhanced drug permeation into the skin; thus, proving to be the ideal formulation for
reducing the inflammation. An ideal topical formulation should not produce any kind of
irritation or allergic reaction to the skin. Draize skin irritation testing of the formulated
lotions revealed no irritation caused by the lotions during the study which in turn reflects the
suitability of lotion formulations. This was further confirmed through the sensatory
perception testing involving healthy volunteers.
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Based on the results from this study, it is possible to conclude that PG and TO has effectively
improved the permeability of DDA. For all the formulations studied, the best effective in
vitro permeation and in vivo performance was achieved when the highest PG and TO
concentrations were used in the formulation; L4 in this case. It is envisaged that this particular
formulation should be the basis of further studies in the clinically relevant environments.
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The authors would like to thank Bahauddin Zakariya University (Multan, Pakistan) for
providing financial support for this research.
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Ethical issues
This study was ethically approved by the Human Volunteers Ethics Committee of Bahauddin
Zakariya University (Pakistan).
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Competing interests
Authors declared no competing interests.
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