ATM Reporting System Report
ATM Reporting System Report
ATM Reporting System Report
Hardware Constraints:
The Minor Project Report must contain the following1. Cover Page & Title Page
2. Bonafide Certificate
3. Abstract
4. Problem Statement with justification
5. Existing System with merits and demerits
6. Proposed System of your app/project
7. Algorithm Method and technique used in your app
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Tables (if required)
10. List of Figures
11. Introduction
12. Motivation & Objective
13. Scope of the project
14. Overall Design and Implementation
15. References
Existing System with merits and demerits:Merits:1. You can withdraw cash at any time, day or night.
The banks dont need to be open.
2. ATMs offer the convenience of multiple locations.
You can withdraw cash at any bank that is part
of the system to which your ATM card is linked.
3. Your ATM card is protected by a PIN, keeping
your money safe.
4. You dont need to fill out withdrawal and deposit
slips as is required at the bank.