DragonDreaming International Ebook v02
DragonDreaming International Ebook v02
DragonDreaming International Ebook v02
and dare to dance with their dragons! This book falls under the Creative
Commons License, i.e. it can be used and multiplied for non-commercial
purposes if the authors are credited. If you seek to modify its contents or
use it for other purposes than building projects or organizations using
these principles, please seek permission and let the authors know.
Remember that Dragon Dreaming is a work in progress: Dragon Dreaming has emerged from the work of the Gaia Foundation in Western
Australia. Dragon Dreamers from Brazil to Russia and from Canada to the
Congo are part of a learning, living community, where everyone is doing
their best. This e-book is just part of the developing body of information
about Dragon Dreaming.
If you want to help us make our dreams come true and help the Dragon
Dreaming community grow and pass on the work get in touch. So there
you have it: 100 percent of your dreams can come true. We hope that this
little guide can help you get started with whatever dream awaits you we
wish you a lot of fun and learning experiences. Remember, if its not fun,
its not sustainable! Go, Dragon Dreamer!
Project Design
Table of Contents
The Philosophy page 4
Planning page 16
Pinakarri page 8
Charismatic Communication page 9
Doing page 23
12 Supervising Questions page 24
Celebration page 25
Dreaming page 13
The Philosophy
The philosophy of Dragon Dreaming draws upon indigenous wisdom
of the Western Australia Aborigines and is based on three, equally
important objectives: Service to the Earth, Community Building, Personal Growth
// We live in an interesting and challen-
Dragon Dreaming is
all about getting things
safely out of control.
Dream Time
The Aboriginal concept of time
Personal Growth
people, contexts
in a process of flow.
se and meaning.
The Win-Win-Game
The End of the Win-Lose-Culture
Civilization as we understand it is
The Songlines
Through our language of subjects (active) and objects (passive) we see the
When using Dragon Dreaming, it is good to be aware that we are
striving for the creation of new paradigms and a new culture. We
need to regain the ability to deeply listen, listen to what the Earth is
telling us, listen to each other and listen to ourselves.
// Dragon Dreaming aims to create a
deeper reality.
Generative Questions
Ask for emotional power
2. Feel the weight of your body: Notice your weight and how the earth sup-
ports it. This gravity is the oldest force in the universe. If this was a person
supporting you would call it unconditional love. Become aware of the uncon-
1. Feel where your body connects with the chair or cushion you are sitting on
ditional love of the Earth for you, the support it gives you.
3. Breathe deeply in and out: Hear the difference in tone and feel the diffe-
rence in temperature between the in-breath and the out-breath. This diffe-
rence in temperature comes from the sun. Who are you? You are the dance
of the material cycles of the Earth with the energy of the sun.
4. Can you hear the drumbeat of your heart? This has been with you since
before you were born and will be with you until the moment of your death.
Tipp: As with Pinakarri, there are many ways of presencing yourself and speaking
5. Find the point where the tension or energy in your body is strongest. Breathe into that spot, consciously relax and breathe out the tension.
6. You have now silenced the little voice in your head. There are many ways to
achieve Pinakarri. Feel invited to experiment and find your own.
1. Practice Pinakarri; sit upright and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply. Brea-
thing deeply helps you to get rid of fear and tension. Become aware where
you are connected with the earth (through your feet). Feel how your spine
to using it.
2. Move your attention from your head to just below your navel; this is your
Charismatic Communication is the attempt to say what really wants to be said
from deep inside. It works similar to automatic writing. All we have to do is to
turn off the little voice in our head. This
often takes a lot more courage than we
think. Charismatic Communication is
Practice the following with two people sit facing each other and share projects they are doing or might seek to do. They do so in the way they would
normally. After this, they use Charismatic Communication and tell of their
project once more. By doing this they allow their projects to speak through
themselves Do not forget to debrief and share what has been noticed.
3. Using your imagination visualize the bubble of personal space which surrounds every person you are speaking to. Now visualize your own bubble;
size, shape and color. Now make the bubble expand in size until it finally embraces, holds and lovingly supports the bubble of those you are speaking to.
4. Imagine the sense of presence you want to create in the person you are
speaking to. What tone of voice do you need to create that presence?
5. Using that particular tone of voice, and practicing the other four steps
simultaneously, let the words flow
this process.
& Management
and Celebrating.
New Skills
Many of these thresholds may scare
us: The crossing from dreaming into
planning takes courage and a lot of
energy. Especially the crossing from planning into doing can be very difficult
The pattern if the Dragon Dreaming Wheel is also found in ecological systems, in the
formation of weather, in the Native American Medicine Wheel and even within our bodies;
it is the structure which we carry in our brain. One symbolic aspect amongst many is the
analogy to the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn), as well as the four phases
in the life of a human being (childhood, youth, middle age, old age). Also each day can be
depicted by this wheel: Beginning with dreaming, the early morning planning, the doing
and if a person is wise a celebration in the evening.
Which Type Am I?
and forth along this line until you find the edge of your comfort zone. How can you
tell where that is? Your body will tell you! You may find that for a second you hold your
breath, or you are aware of a greater tension within your body. Do this for both the
Individual side and Environment side of the Threshold. The outcome does not have to
be 100 percent - it is possible that someone places themselves at 9 for individual (and
5. Record the results on the flip-chart or piece of paper. Join the point you have
marked on the Individual threshold to the mark on the Theory threshold, then on to
the Environment threshold, from there to the Practice threshold and then back to the
Individual threshold (see graph).
4. Take the same steps again for the threshold between theory and practice.
nal between the environment (extroverts) and practice threshold to the centre point
between the Individual (introverts) and theory threshold, and do it similarly with the
centre point of the theory and environment to the centre point between the practice
6. The centre of your comfort zone will map your dominant tendencies. Find this by
and individual. The two will tend to cross inside one of the four quadrants, or some-
marking half way along each of the diagonals. Now join the centre point of the diago-
times on a line between two quadrants. This maps the centre of your comfort zone.
Every project that is ever done starts with the dream of an individual
person. During a Dream Circle, this dream is enriched by the collective intelligence. It becomes the dream of the whole Dream Team.
The goal hereby is to make sure, that 100 percent of all dreams come
true! No compromise!
and youth.
actual realization of that dream. But experience shows that people often get
When writing, write the gist of the dream, not a whole paragraph
Write the dream on a beautiful piece of paper; turn it into a piece of art.
of your project.
Talking piece
on our project.
pened already.
The dreaming stage is about diversity and gathering as many ideas
as possible. The planning stage is about focusing, distilling and
filtering. We define objectives and goals and take the first necessary
steps for organizing tasks, responsibilities, time and budget.
// The first step to project planning is
required number
action oriented).
The Karabirrdt
In silence each person writes their own goal; which in their opinion best
One of these gets written in the centre of a large sheet of flip chart paper
Anyone can now modify, change, delete, or revise the first statement. But if
a change is made the person who makes the change has to fully explain why
they consider that their amendment is more concise, more inclusive, more memorable or more inspirational
Keep repeating the fourth step: Whatever is written on the paper in 20 minutes becomes the project goal. It helps to keep the time pressure on.
You will be surprised at the quality and agreement about the goal produced. But
you may need to remind yourself that perfectionism is the enemy of the good:
Debating the meaning of the words will lose motivation for the group quickly.
1. Identify the person who is most enthusiastic and cant wait to get started on that
task. It does help if that person already has certain skills in that area, but they dont
need to be a pro. This persons name is written (perhaps only initials) against the
for them.
2. Identify the people who are most afraid of making a mess with a particular task
3. Identify people who could easily complete a task but would be bored if asked to
do it again. Their initials are written in black.
4. Green initials apply to the team leader for a task, red to a trainee and black is
a mentor, who can be sought for advice, information, training or support. There
may be a number of responsible people, trainees and mentors for any one task.
5. Tasks with no names may be tasks that require a decision of all in the project. If
6. Some tasks may require special expertise. A green person may be recruited at
some future date for these tasks. They also may suggest tasks overlooked by the
people who created the Karabirrdt and need to have their dreams added to the
dream circle.
7. Often if there are holes in the delegation, the people either upstream (along a
The Testing
minutes, no longer!
Resister may actually help the project the most by making us aware of unan-
ticipated factors, those that we did not know that we did not know. When we
engaged in a way that builds a win-win, will be the one who helps us the most.
We should then seek communication with such a person. Ask them the generative question
I know you think our project is wrong (or bad, or stupid), and I would sincerely like
to learn the reason why?
Write the answer down and check it for accuracy. Then take the results back to
your dream team, and work to find an answer for each point raised. Then return
Remember our last meeting. We think we have found the answer. . What
do you think?
They will usually respond, Yes, but and come up with a second long list.
Repeating this process a number of times will usually eventually lead to a diffe-
ways by consensus.
rent kind of response Yes, I think it will now work! Now comes the sweetest
of moments, a celebration of heartfelt gratitude. You say, Thank you. You have
no idea how much you have helped our project. Would you like to join our
dream team to make this dream come true? As a result of the respect shown,
All that we have spoken about so far, is merely the map for Dragon
Dreaming it is not walking the country of Dragon Dreaming.
// Without the doing stage, Dragon
collective potential.
12 Supervising Questions
on the Karabirrdt:
to be involved?
It is the importance of Celebration that makes Dragon Dreaming
different from many other project management tools. Here, celebration is not a task of the noisy extrovert, but rather part of reflection,
gratitude and recognition.
involve Celebrating!
being personal.
Keep it playful
tered Aha-Moments.
le starts anew.
Mastery learning
When a project ends
The celebration stage builds out of
mastery learning, the acquisition of new
skills. Doing a Karabirrdt, dancing with
our dragons, and making our dreams
come true, will require everyone involved to learn new skills, to step outside
their comfort zones, and discover they
3. In the third stage, if the group manages to dance with the dragon of discomfort
and stay with the questions which have emerged from the second stage, a period
of silence can appear. In this silence we can recognize that we all
have shadows and internal wounds, which takes us one step
further towards being non-judgmental.
Sooo: Celebrate!
that weaken the sense of community. To get out of the discomfort they are experien-
rent means for group processes such as movement, creative approaches of all kinds,
cing people may attempt to fix, heal, or convert those they consider to be the cause.
Succession Planning
Replace yourself as soon as
of humility.