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Speculative Currency Attacks

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Speculative Currency Attacks

Many small countries, and even large ones, such as China, where exports are an important
part of their economy, peg their currency to a foreign currency, known as the reserve
If a country wants to maintain a fixed exchange rate with another country, the following
conditions are necessary:

the pegging country must have sufficient foreign reserves of the reserve currency to
exchange it for the domestic currency on demand;

the pegging country must maintain inflation rates and interest rates that closely match
those of the reserve country.

If these conditions are not true, then speculators will attempt to attack the pegged currency in
the hope to profit from its devaluation.
The most important factor, however, is to have enough reserves of the reserve currency to
satisfy any demand. If the reserve country has higher interest rates or lower inflation rates
than the pegging country, then capital will continually flow from the pegging country to the
reserve country until the pegging country is depleted of its reserves and forced to abandon the
peg by letting the exchange rate float freely, resulting in the devaluation of the domestic
If forex traders suspect that the central bank does not have enough of the reserve currency to
meet demand, they will launch what is called a speculative attack to make big profits within
a short time.
To profit from a speculative attack is simple:
1. borrow the pegged currency from a domestic bank,
2. convert it to the reserve currency,
3. buy short-term interest-paying government bonds of the reserve country. If the traders
anticipate correctly, and the central bank is forced to devalue the domestic currency,
4. then the traders will sell their bonds in the reserve currency,
5. convert them back into the domestic currency,
6. then repay their domestic loans.
Their profits will be proportional to the amount of the devaluation. Although interest must be
paid on the bank loans, the effect on profits will be minimal because the interest paid by the
short-term bonds of the reserve country will help to offset the loan interest, and because the
loan is short-term days, weeks, or at most, months.

As an example, consider Mexico in 1994. Mexico was maintaining its domestic currency, the
peso, at 3.4 pesos to the United States dollar. Because of political turmoil, investors started
taking their money out of Mexico. Since many of these investors were Americans, that meant
that Mexico would have to use its foreign reserves of dollars to pay the investors. As more
investors took their money out of Mexico, currency speculators increasingly believed that
Mexico could no longer maintain its peg to the dollar. On December 22, 1994, Mexico was
forced to allow the peso to float. Thereafter, its value against the dollar decreased rapidly,
until it lost 50% of its value by March, 1995.
In this case, for instance, an investor could have borrowed 3.4 million pesos at the beginning
of December, converted the pesos to $1 million with which to buy 28-day T-bills, which can
easily be reinvested after maturity. So the investor reinvests the money in T-bills 4 times,
covering a period of almost 4 months. By then, the value of the peso against the dollar had
declined by about 50%, so each dollar could buy about 6.8 pesos. So the investor would only
have to pay $500,000 for 3.4 million pesos plus a little extra for the interest, leaving the
investor with almost $500,000. The investor doubled his money in 4 months.
The profits of speculative attacks can be enormous. George Soros was reported to have made
$1 billion from a speculative attack on the Bank of England. In 1992, before the Euro, Europe
had what was called an Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) that was designed to contain
inflation and to facilitate trading among the European countries. An agreement was reached
to fix the exchange rate among European currencies, permitting only small fluctuations from
the European Currency Unit (ECU), which was not issued as currency but used as an
accounting unit that effectively pegged the currencies to each other. However, to contain
inflation, Germany greatly increased its interest rates, but England refused to raise their
interest rates. Since England failed to raise their interest rates, it became profitable to borrow
pounds from English banks, exchange them for German deutsche marks, to buy German
bonds, since they were paying a much higher rate of interest. Since the demand for the British
pound was declining while the demand for the German mark was increasing, the fixed
exchange rate simply could not be maintained. Hence, on what became known as Black
Wednesday, the bank of England was forced to devalue the pound, allowing investors and,
presumably, George Soros to pay off their British loans with the increased value of the
German deutsche marks. Even without the speculative attack, investors could still make
money earning higher interest on the German bonds while paying lower interest on their
British loans.
In addition to the requirement that a country pegging its currency to a reserve currency must
maintain the same inflation rates and interest rates as a reserve country, the central bank or
currency board must be not only able to maintain the fixed exchange rate, but it must also be
willing to maintain it. Hong Kong, for instance, which pegs its Hong Kong dollar to the
United States dollar, always maintained at least several times the amount of United States
dollars as there were Hong Kong dollars in circulation. Nonetheless, this currency was
attacked several times, because speculators believed that even though Hong Kong had the
foreign exchange reserves to maintain the peg, they believed that the Hong Kong currency
board was unwilling to take actions to maintain the peg. However, the speculators lost
because the currency board successfully defended the peg by raising interest rates on the
Hong Kong dollar, which brought in more United States dollars. When the speculative attacks
ceased, Hong Kong lowered its interest rates to closely match interest rates in the United

States. Hong Kong has maintained its dollar peg since 1983 and has successfully varied the
interest rate by up to 1.5% from the United States rate while still being able to maintain the
peg. Hence, interest rates do not have to be exactly equal. The greater the reserves and the
shorter the time period, the more that the interest rate can deviate from the reserve country to
effect a limited form of monetary policy while maintaining the currency peg.
Joachim Zietz, Dept. of Economics and Finance, Middle Tennessee State University


The Peso Crisis

During the late 1980s numerous countries in Latin America embarked on significant economic policy
reforms aimed at making their economies more competitive internationally and raising their standards
of living. Mexico was one of the first countries after Chile to undertake significant steps toward
restructuring its economy. Under the Salinas administration (1988-94) the federal budget was turned
from deficit to surplus, import tariffs were cut dramatically, and inflation was lowered from more than
150% in 1987 to single digits in 1994. And, above all, Mexico joined the U.S. and Canada to form the
North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994.
Due to these efforts, Mexico attracted large amounts of private foreign capital. But by late 1993 this
inflow ebbed, and toward the end of March, 1994 foreign exchange (dollar) reserves fell rapidly as
foreign investors began pulling their funds out of Mexico because of rising political uncertainty, in
particular the assassination of presidential candidate Colosio. The Salinas administration responded
by devaluing the peso, which had been stabilized at around 3 pesos per dollar, to 3.4 per dollar and
by raising interest rates to make the peso attractive again. Consequently foreign exchange reserves
were stabilized.
On November 30, the new cabinet of the incoming president Zedillo was announced. The most
significant part of this announcement was the absence of finance minister Pedro Aspe, the wellrespected economic strategist of the outgoing administration, who was considered a guarantor of a
stable peso/dollar exchange rate. To financial markets this change signaled that the new
administration might not be as serious about maintaining the value of the peso.
Financial markets responded promptly to the political turmoil and the possibility of a peso devaluation.
Foreign exchange reserves fell as investors liquidated their short-term portfolio investments and
converted their pesos back into dollars. In contrast to the currency crisis of March 1994, however, the
decrease in foreign exchange holdings was fully sterilized by the central bank: domestic government
debt was substituted for the declining stock of foreign exchange. The objective was to avoid a
decrease in the money supply, higher interest rates, and a recession. In another departure from the
March crisis, the Mexican central bank virtually depleted its dollar reserves. There were only $11
billion left to draw on for currency stabilization operations rather than almost $30 billion as in March of
1994. This was much less than the $30 billion in short-term dollar-indexed government bonds
(tesobonos) in the hands of jittery investors. To investors, it was clear that the central bank would be
unable to support the peso at the 3.4 rate if these short-term bonds continued to be sold. Faced with
the prospect of a potential peso devaluation and capital losses on their investments, many investors
decided to preempt the devaluation by selling their peso assets. The rush to sell forced the Mexican
government to react.
On December 20 the peso was allowed to trade without intervention to 4 pesos per dollar, up from
3.47 pesos. However this measure was perceived by financial markets as validating the fear that the
new administration was not serious about keeping the value of the peso stable against the dollar.
Mexican assets were quickly sold in quantity. In just one day, the Mexican central bank lost half of the
remaining foreign exchange reserves (about $5 billion). Since the Mexican government was
effectively out of dollar reserves, the government stopped all currency intervention and floated the
peso on December 22.

During the next weeks the peso began a free fall against the dollar. The stock and bond markets
tumbled; other assets also fell in price. Asset deflation had its counterpart in sharply higher interest
rates which in turn increased bankruptcies among corporations and endangered the survival of banks.
Faced with increasing loan defaults, deflating asset values, and large increases in dollar-denominated
debt, banks effectively ceased to provide new loans. A severe credit crunch developed, forcing real
economic activity to decline sharply. In order to avoid a spill-over of the Mexican crisis into the global
economy, a U.S.-led rescue package providing Mexico with foreign exchange loans worth $50 billion
was put into place in February of 1995. As part of this rescue plan, the Zedillo administration
announced a severe austerity plan. This called for (1) a 50% increase in Mexico's value-added tax, (2)
sweeping budget cuts, (3) sharp increases in electricity and gasoline prices to decrease demand and
reduce government subsidies, and (4) tighter monetary policy (higher interest rates) to prop up the
exchange rate. When added to the credit crunch, these measures destine Mexico for a recession.
Repercussions of the Crisis for the U.S.
The peso devaluation, which reached approximately 50%, makes U.S. goods and services more
expensive to Mexico and Mexican goods and services cheaper in the U.S. The devaluation will switch
Mexican demand from U.S. imports towards home goods. U.S. exports to Mexico will decline and U.S.
imports from Mexico will increase. The fact that Mexico is moving into a recession will strengthen
these effects.
There is little ambiguity about the direction of change of U.S. trade with Mexico in the aftermath of the
peso devaluation, but the extent of U.S. export losses to Mexico may be less than the 50% peso
devaluation might suggest. Although the peso did depreciate about 50% in nominal terms by March of
1995, the rate of real depreciation was more on the order of 35%. This is because prices are climbing
sharply in Mexico in the wake of the devaluation. In fact, an inflation rate of 30 to 40% is expected for
1995, compared with less than 10% in 1994. If Mexican prices indeed increase by 30 to 40%,
compared to a U.S. inflation rate of around four percent, the Mexican peso will depreciate by only 14
to 24% in real terms over the year. Given a medium-term price elasticity of import demand of around
0.5, this translates into a reduction in Mexican imports by only about 7 to 12% on the basis of price
However to get the total response of Mexican import demand, the price effect of the devaluation
needs to be added to the decline in imports induced by Mexico's recession. Mexico's gross domestic
produce (GDP) is expected to decline by two to three percent in 1995. Assuming an income elasticity
of import demand of two, imports from the U.S. will decrease in 1995 by four to six percent compared
to 1994. Added to the price effect, U.S. exports to Mexico are likely to be 11 to 18% percent lower in
1995 than in 1994. These overall numbers hide significant variations among products and among
regions in the U.S.
And in fact during the first two months of 1995 U.S. exports to Mexico have declined by 1.43 percent.
This is a dramatic change when compared to an annual average increase of U.S. exports to Mexico of
16% over the last four years. A larger decline can be expected for the year as a whole. Price changes
take time to be fully reflected in new contracts. And the price elasticity of import demand is relatively
low in the short run. Alternative sourcing may be difficult, especially if imports from the U.S. dominate
total Mexican imports, and domestic production may not be very responsive either.
Figuring the employment effect of a decrease in U.S. exports to Mexico and an increase in U.S.
imports from Mexico is no easy task. The Federal Reserve has forecast a $13 to $28 billion loss in
U.S. production in 1995 and job losses of 380,000 over the next four years as a direct result of the
peso devaluation. Texas, which provides a third of all U.S. exports to Mexico, Arizona, and California
will be affected the most, but other states - including Tennessee - will also feel the consequences.

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