unique geomorphology and hydrology, the region has become the focus of important scientific karst
research. Dolines (sinkholes), chasms and karst caverns are found wherever water penetrates the rock.
These barren, rocky wildernesses can provide unusual attractive itineraries for hikers; until now, however,
they have brought little in the way of economic development to the indigenous population.
The valley of Theth was formed by the ice movements, especially on the northern side. Theth has
mountains that are up to 2570 meters over the sea level. This height is reached at the top of Radohima.
The inhabited area of Theth is positioned 600 to 1000 meters over the sea level. Theth is linked to some
other areas through some strips that are up to 1600 meters over the sea level.
In the territory of Theth and around it are located 170 caves and semi caves, from which ten are
internationally known. The most beautiful and the most important are the cave of Rrathve and
the cave of Harapi.
The area is crossed by a water network that flows from both eastern and western slopes in the
valley. The River Theth rises from several different sources and streams above Okol. The direction of the
flow is from the north to the south. In heavy rains it is prone to a sudden and violent swelling, destroying
crossing points and fords. Perhaps most famous is the gorge of Grunas Canyon, standing 40 m tall and
just one meter wide. Visitors can look down into the canyon from a wooden bridge. Following the path in
an easterly direction, one arrives at a cascading waterfall. Further downstream at Ndrlysa, the River
Theth merges with Lumi i Zi (Black River), which in its upper stream consists of a raging torrent which
carves a path through the rocks before reaching the tranquil lowlands and merging with the Theth to
become the River Shala, which ultimately flows into the Drin. The river of Theth is crystal clear and foamy
in some places. It flows with a range of 1000-1300 l/sec and an average water temperature of 7C. One of
the most distinguished properties of this river is the abundance of mountain trout. Theth has over 80
water sources and three waterfalls, and they all flow to the river. There are also many springs of water
named Okol, Nikgjonaj etc. Grunas Waterfall and Gjeaj Waterfall are two of the most sensational
spectacles of the National Park of Theth. They originate from rocky parts of the mountains around the
park. The height of the first one reaches 30 meters of root water and the second 24 meters.
The main streams of the valley are the brook of Shan Deda, the brook of the Sheep, the ones of
Ded Lula, of Gurra, of Shkafi, of Vali, of the Border and the stream of Belona. These streams flow in the
mountainous territory and are precipitous during the winter. Theth has many springs that can serve as
water supply for tourists. You can virtually find water in every place you encroach in Theth, from the
heights of mountains, to the center and they also maintain considerable flow in all seasons of the year.
Theth waters have permanent purity and very low temperatures. Their flow varies from 0.2 l/sec to 10
The climate in these mountains is complex and the biodiversity is great. The Dinarides act as a
climatic divide between Mediterranean (coastal) and moderately continental areas. Moisture-laden warm
air masses accumulate on the cool, high mountains, leading to comparatively high precipitation levels.
The Park has a hostile climate in the winter with snowfalls that range from 1.5 meters in the lower
part up to 3 meters in the higher part of the park. The park has an average of 2900-3000 mm rainfall per
year. According to the seasons rainfalls are spread as follows: in spring 21%, in summer 9%, in autumn
32% and in winter 38%. Mostly the rainfall is in the form of snow creating a stable covering for some
months. With small investments, the hallways of the valley with stable snow can fulfill the standard
dimensions of stadiums for applying winter sports.
The temperatures range from +20 C to +26 C in June and go down to -14 C and -20 C in the
freezing winters. The snow stands more on the slopes, largely in the western part where the sun falls less
during the day.
Theth has 110 sunny days per year.