Descriptors: Fundamentals of Symbian C++
Descriptors: Fundamentals of Symbian C++
Descriptors: Fundamentals of Symbian C++
Part One
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Descriptors are not like standard C++ strings, Java strings or the
MFC CString
• Their underlying memory allocation and cleanup must be managed by
the programmer
Character Size
Symbian OS
• Has been built to support Unicode character sets with wide (16-bit) characters
by default
• The descriptors in early releases of Symbian OS (EPOC) up to Symbian OS v5
had 8-bit native characters
Character Size
Memory Management
Memory Management
The Symbian OS Descriptor Classes
• Know the characteristics of the TDesC, TDes, TBufC, TBuf,
TPtrC, TPtr, RBuf and HBufC descriptor classes
• Understand that the descriptor base classes TDesC and TDes
implement all generic descriptor manipulation code, while the
derived descriptor classes merely add construction and assignment
code specific to their type
• Identify the correct and incorrect use of modifier methods in the
TDesC and TDes classes
• Recognize that there is no HBuf class, but that RBuf can be used
instead as a modifiable dynamically allocated descriptor
Each subclass
• Does not implement its own data access method using virtual function
• This would add an extra 4 bytes to each derived descriptor object for a
virtual pointer (vptr) to access the virtual function table
• 4 bits of the 4 bytes that store the length of the descriptor object are used to
indicate the class type of the descriptor
All the descriptor classes derive from the base class TDesC
• Apart from the literal descriptors (discussed later)
• The T prefix indicates a simple type class
• The C suffix reflects that the class defines a non-modifiable type of
descriptor i.e. constant
type iLength
0..3 4..31
4 bytes
Pointer descriptors
• Are agnostic about where the memory they point to is actually
• The pointer descriptors themselves are usually stack-based
• But they can be used on the heap for example as a member
variable of a CBase-derived class
iLength iPtr “hello world”
4 bytes 4 bytes
• The pointer to the data follows the length word thus the total size of the
descriptor object is two words (8 bytes)
• TPtrC is the equivalent of using const char* when handling strings in C
• The data can be accessed but not modified i.e. the data in the descriptor is
• All the non-modifying operations defined in the TDesC base class are accessible
to objects of type TPtrC
TText8 is a single (8-bit) character, equivalent to const TText8* cString = (TText8*)"abc ...";
unsigned char
TPtrC8 memPtr(memoryLocation,length);
iLength iMaxLength iPtr “hello world”
4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes
The compiler
• Also generates implicit default and copy constructors
• Since they are not explicitly declared protected or private in the
A TPtr object
• May be copy-constructed from another modifiable pointer descriptor
• For example by calling the Des() method on a non-modifiable buffer
TBufC<60> buf(KLiteralDes1);
TBufC is described later Copy construction - can TPtr ptr(buf.Des());
Length of data to be represented Maximum length to
TInt len = 12;
be representedConstruct a pointer descriptor from a
pointer into memory
TInt maxLen = 32;
iLength iBuf “hello world”
4 bytes n*sizeof(char)
In each case
• The new data length must not exceed the length specified in the
template parameter when the buffer was created.
_LIT(KPalindrome, "aabbaa");
Constructed from literal descriptor
TBufC<50> buf1(KPalindrome);
Constructed from buf1
TBufC<50> buf2(buf1);
Constructed from a NULL-terminated C string
TBufC<30> buf3((TText16*)"Never odd or even");
TBufC<50> buf4;
Constructed empty length = 0
Copy and replace
buf4 contains data copied from buf1, length modified buf4 = buf1;
buf1 contains data copied from buf3, length modified
buf1 = buf3;
Panic! Max length of buf3 is insufficient for buf2 data
buf3 = buf2;
The TBuf<n> class for modifiable buffer data is a thin template class
iLength iMaxLength iBuf “hello world”
4 bytes 4 bytes n*sizeof(char)
_LIT(KPalindrome, "aabbaa");
Constructed from literal descriptor
TBuf<40> buf1(KPalindrome);
Constructed from constant buffer descriptor TBuf<40> buf2(buf1);
Constructed from a NULL-terminated C string
TBuf8<40> buf3((TText8*)"Do Geese see God?");
Constructed empty
length = 0 maximum length = 40
TBuf<40> buf4;
iLength iBuf “hello world”
4 bytes n*sizeof(char)
TDesC::Alloc() or TDesC::AllocL()
• May be used - these spawn an HBufC copy of any existing
Heap descriptors
• Can be created dynamically to the size required
• But they are not automatically resized
• The buffer must have sufficient memory available for the
modification operation to succeed or a panic will occur
TDes Union of ...
TDesC TUint16* iEPtrType ‘H’ ‘E’ ‘L’ ‘L’ ‘O’
iLength iMaxLength HBufC16* iEBufCPtrType
4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes
‘H’ ‘E’ ‘L’ ‘L’ ‘O’
It is an R class
• As it manages a heap-based resource and is responsible for freeing
the memory at cleanup time
Part Two
Each subclass
• Does not implement its own data access method using virtual function
• This would add an extra 4 bytes to each derived descriptor object for a virtual pointer
(vptr) to access the virtual function table
_LIT(KDes1, "Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag");
TPtrC alpha(KDes1);
TPtrC beta(KDes2);
TBufC<60> buf(KLiteralDes1);
TBufC<100> buf2(KLiteralDes2);
TPtr8 ptr(buf.Des());
An API client
• Should not be constrained to using a TBuf because a particular function
requires it
Function providers
• Should remain agnostic to the type of descriptor passed to them
An HBufC object
• Can also be instantiated using the static NewL() factory methods
specified for the class
• For HBufC16 the methods available are as follows:
An HBufC16 object
• Can also be instantiated using the non leaving method static
New() factory:
This method creates a new heap-based buffer descriptor with maximum length
as specified
It does not leave if there is no heap memory available to allocate the
The caller must compare the returned pointer against NULL to confirm that it
has succeeded before dereferencing it
Fundamentals of Symbian C++
RBuf myRBuf;
_LIT(KHelloRBuf, "Hello RBuf!");
myRBuf.Assign(pointer, maxSizeOfData);
Use and clean up
It is instead an R class
• As it manages a heap-based resource and is responsible for freeing the
memory at cleanup time
• As is usual for other R classes cleanup is performed by calling Close()
If the RBuf
• Was pushed onto the cleanup stack by a call to CleanupClosePushL()
use CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()
• It would have been necessary to instantiate an HBufC and then use a
companion TPtr object - constructed by calling Des() on the heap
HBufC vs RBuf
Using HBufC for modifiable data
Using RBuf for modifiable data
HBufC* socketName = NULL; RBuf socketName;
// KMaxNameLength is defined elsewhere ...
if(!socketName) if(socketName.Compare(KNullDesC)==0)
{ {
socketName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxNameLength); socketName.CreateL(KMaxNameLength);
} }
// Create writable ’companion’ TPtr
TPtr socketNamePtr(socketName->Des());
message.ReadL(message.Ptr0(), socketNamePtr); message.ReadL(message.Ptr0(), socketName);
return (*iHeapBuffer);
Literal Descriptors
• Know how to manipulate literal descriptors and know that those
specified using _L are deprecated
• Specify the difference between literal descriptors using _L and
those using _LIT and the disadvantages of using the former
Literal Descriptors
Literal Descriptors
_LIT macro
• The _LIT macro is preferred for Symbian OS literals since it is the
more efficient type
• It has been used in the sample code throughout these lectures -
typically as follows:
_L Macro
User::Panic(_L("telephony.dll"), KErrNotSupported);
• For the example above, the string ("telephony.dll") is built into the program
binary as a basic, NULL-terminated string
_L Macro
Descriptor Conversion
• Know how to convert 8-bit descriptors into 16-bit descriptors and
vice versa using the descriptor Copy() method or the
CnvUtfConverter class
• Recognize how to read data from file into an 8-bit descriptor and
then ‘translate’ the data to 16-bit without padding, and vice versa
• Know how to use the TLex class to convert a descriptor to a
number, and TDes::Num() to convert a number to a descriptor
Descriptor Conversion
The Copy()methods
• Copy the data into the descriptor setting its length accordingly
• The methods will panic if the maximum length of the receiving descriptor
is shorter than the incoming data
Descriptor Conversion
It is possible
• To copy a narrow-width descriptor onto a narrow-width
• To copy a wide descriptor onto a wide descriptor
It is also possible
• To copy between descriptor widths
• i.e. carrying out an implicit conversion in the process
Wide to Narrow
The Copy() method implemented by TDes8
• Is to copy an incoming wide descriptor into a narrow descriptor
• It strips out alternate characters assuming them to be zeroes - the
data values do not exceed 255 (decimal).
• The Copy() method which copies a narrow descriptor into the data
area is a straight data copy
TBuf8<3> cat(_L8("CAT"));
D \0 O \0 G \0
NULL characters stripped out in wide-to- TBuf16<3> dog(_L16("DOG"));
narrow descriptor copy
Narrow to Wide
For class TDes16
• An incoming 16-bit descriptor can be copied directly onto the data
• The Copy() method that takes an 8-bit descriptor pads each
character with a trailing zero as part of the copy operation
TBuf8<5> small(_L8("SMALL"));
L \0 A \0 R \0 G \0 E \0
NULL characters used to pad narrow- TBuf16<5> large(_L16("LARGE"));
to-wide descriptor copy
S \0 M \0 A \0 L \0 L \0
Copy() methods
_LIT(KTestLex, "54321");
TLex lex(KTestLex());
TInt value = 0;
TInt err = lex.Val(value); // value == 54321 if no error occurred
The Val() function is overloaded for different signed integer types (TInt, TInt8,
TInt16, TInt32, TInt64) with or without limit checking
There are also Val() overloads for the unsigned integer types, passing in a radix
value (decimal, hexadecimal, binary or octal), and for TRealTLex provides a number
of other API methods for manipulation and parsing
These are documented in the Symbian OS Library in each SDK
A T-class object
• May be packaged whole into a descriptor (“descriptorized”) so it may be
passed in a type-safe manner between threads or processes
It is modifiable
• Functions may be called on it after calling operator() on the TPckgBuf
object to retrieve it
• The package buffer contains a copy of the original object thus only the copy
is modified, the original is unchanged
TPckg<TSample> TPtr
iLength iMaxLength iPtr
TSample theSample
TPckgC<TSample> TPtrC
iLength iPtr
TPckBuf<TSample> TBuf<n>
iLength iMaxLength copy of theSample
Literal Descriptors
Descriptor Conversion