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Descriptors: Fundamentals of Symbian C++

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Fundamentals of Symbian C++

Part One

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A Symbian OS string is known as a descriptor

•  As it is self-describing
•  A descriptor holds the length of the string of data it represents as well as
its type (which identifies the underlying memory layout of the descriptor

Descriptors have something of a reputation among Symbian OS

•  The key point to remember is that they were designed to be very efficient
on low-memory devices,
•  Use the minimum amount of memory necessary to store a string while
describing it in terms of its length and layout

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 2



Descriptors are not like standard C++ strings, Java strings or the
MFC CString
•  Their underlying memory allocation and cleanup must be managed by
the programmer

Descriptors are also are also not like C strings

•  They protect against buffer overrun and do not rely on NULL
terminators to determine the length of the string

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 3



Features of Symbian OS Descriptors

•  Understand that Symbian OS descriptors may contain text or binary
•  Know that descriptors may be narrow (8-bit), wide (16-bit) or
neutral (which is 16-bit since Symbian OS is built for Unicode)
•  Understand that descriptors do not dynamically extend the data
area they reference, so will panic if too small to store data resulting
from a method call

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 4


Character Size

Symbian OS
•  Has been built to support Unicode character sets with wide (16-bit) characters
by default
•  The descriptors in early releases of Symbian OS (EPOC) up to Symbian OS v5
had 8-bit native characters

The character width of descriptor classes can be identified from their

•  Class names ending in 8 (e.g. TPtr8) it have narrow (8-bit) characters
•  Class name ending with 16 (e.g. TPtr16) manipulates 16-bit character strings

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 5


Character Size

There is also a set of neutral classes

•  Which have no number in their name (e.g. TPtr)
•  The neutral classes are typedef ’d to the character width set by the
•  The neutral classes were defined for source compatibility purposes to
ease the switch between narrow and wide builds

Today Symbian OS is always built with wide characters

•  It is recommended practice to use the neutral descriptor classes where
the character width does not need to be stated explicitly.

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 6


Memory Management

Descriptor classes do not dynamically manage the memory

used to store their data
•  The modification methods check that the maximum length of the
descriptor is sufficient for the operation to succeed
•  If it is not, they do not re-allocate memory for the operation
•  But instead panic to indicate that an overflow would have occurred

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 7


Memory Management

The contents of the descriptor can shrink and expand

•  up to the maximum length allocated to the descriptor

Before calling a descriptor method which expands the data

•  The developer should implement the necessary checks to ensure
that there is sufficient space available in the descriptor
•  The contents of the descriptor can shrink and expand up to the
maximum length allocated to the descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 8


The Symbian OS Descriptor Classes
•  Know the characteristics of the TDesC, TDes, TBufC, TBuf,
TPtrC, TPtr, RBuf and HBufC descriptor classes
•  Understand that the descriptor base classes TDesC and TDes
implement all generic descriptor manipulation code, while the
derived descriptor classes merely add construction and assignment
code specific to their type
•  Identify the correct and incorrect use of modifier methods in the
TDesC and TDes classes
•  Recognize that there is no HBuf class, but that RBuf can be used
instead as a modifiable dynamically allocated descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 9


Key Descriptor Class Concepts

These will be covered later, but to proceed it is helpful to be aware of

the following points
•  TDesC is the base class for all descriptors
•  There are currently six derived descriptor classes (TPtrC, TPtr, TBufC,
TBuf, HBufC and RBuf)

Each subclass
•  Does not implement its own data access method using virtual function
•  This would add an extra 4 bytes to each derived descriptor object for a
virtual pointer (vptr) to access the virtual function table
•  4 bits of the 4 bytes that store the length of the descriptor object are used to
indicate the class type of the descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 10


Key Descriptor Class Concepts

Descriptors come in two basic layouts:

•  Pointer descriptors - in which the descriptor holds a pointer to the
location of a character string stored elsewhere
•  Buffer descriptors - where a string of characters forms part of the

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 11


Descriptor Class Inheritance Hierarchy


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


A first glance at the inheritance tree

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 12


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDesC


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 13


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDesC

All the descriptor classes derive from the base class TDesC
•  Apart from the literal descriptors (discussed later)
•  The T prefix indicates a simple type class
•  The C suffix reflects that the class defines a non-modifiable type of
descriptor i.e. constant

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 14


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDesC

TDesC defines the fundamental layout of every descriptor type:

type iLength
0..3 4..31
4 bytes

To identify each of the derived classes

•  The top 4 bits are used to indicate the type of memory layout of descriptor
•  Remaining 28 bits are used to hold the length of the descriptor data
•  Thus the maximum length of a descriptor is limited to 2^28 bytes (256 MB)

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 15


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDesC

TDesC provides methods

•  For determining the length of the descriptor - Length()
•  Accessing the data - Ptr()

Using Length() and Ptr() methods

•  The TDesC base class can implement all the operations typically possible
on a constant string object, such as data access, comparison and search

The derived classes

•  All inherit these methods but they are never overridden since they are
equally valid for all types of descriptor.
•  In consequence all constant descriptor manipulation is implemented by
TDesC regardless of the type of the descriptor
•  A good example of code reuse

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 16


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDesC

Access to the descriptor data

•  Is different depending on the implementation of the derived descriptor
classes (buffer or pointer)
•  When a descriptor operation needs the correct address in memory for the
beginning of the descriptor data
•  It uses the Ptr() method of TDesC which looks up the type (the top 4 bits)
of descriptor
•  And returns the correct address for the beginning of the data

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 17


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDes


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 18


Symbian OS Descriptor Class: TDes

The modifiable descriptor types all derive from the base class
•  A subclass of TDesC
•  TDes has an additional member variable to store the maximum
length of data allowed for the current memory allocated to the
•  The MaxLength() method of TDes returns this value - it is not
overridden by derived classes
type iLength iMaxLength
4 bytes 4 bytes

TDes defines a range of methods to manipulate modifiable

string data
•  Including appending, filling and formatting the descriptor data
•  All the manipulation code is implemented by TDes and inherited by
Fundamentals of Symbian C++
the derived classes. 19

Derived Descriptor Classes

Descriptors come in two basic layouts:

•  Pointer descriptors in which the descriptor holds a pointer to the
location of a character string stored elsewhere
•  Buffer descriptors where a string of characters forms part of the

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 20


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 12


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

The string data of a pointer descriptor

•  Is separate from the descriptor object itself
•  Can be stored in ROM, on the heap or on the stack
•  The memory that holds the data is not “owned” by the descriptor

Pointer descriptors
•  Are agnostic about where the memory they point to is actually
•  The pointer descriptors themselves are usually stack-based
•  But they can be used on the heap for example as a member
variable of a CBase-derived class

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 22


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

The non-modifiable pointer descriptor TPtrC

iLength iPtr “hello world”
4 bytes 4 bytes

•  The pointer to the data follows the length word thus the total size of the
descriptor object is two words (8 bytes)
•  TPtrC is the equivalent of using const char* when handling strings in C
•  The data can be accessed but not modified i.e. the data in the descriptor is
•  All the non-modifying operations defined in the TDesC base class are accessible
to objects of type TPtrC

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 23


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

The class also defines a range of constructors to allow TPtrC

to be constructed from another:
•  Descriptor
•  A pointer into memory
•  A zero-terminated C string

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 24


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

Examples of TPtrC constructors

_LIT(KDes, "abc ....");

Constructed from a literal descriptor TPtrC ptr(KDes);

Copy constructed from another TPtrC TPtrC copyPtr(ptr);

Constant buffer descriptor TBufC<100> constBuffer(KDes);

Constructed from a TBufC TPtrC myPtr(constBuffer);

TText8 is a single (8-bit) character, equivalent to const TText8* cString = (TText8*)"abc ...";

unsigned char

Constructed from a zero-terminated C string TPtrC8 anotherPtr(cString);

Pointer into memory initialized elsewhere TUint8* memoryLocation;

Length of memory to be represented TInt length;


TPtrC8 memPtr(memoryLocation,length);

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 25


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

A modifiable pointer descriptor TPtr

iLength iMaxLength iPtr “hello world”
4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes

•  The data location pointer (4 bytes) follows the maximum length of

TDes (4 bytes), which itself follows the length word of TDesC (4
•  The descriptor object is three words in total (12 bytes)
•  The TPtr class can be used for access to, and modification of, a
character string or binary data
•  All the modifiable and non-modifiable base-class operations of
TDes and TDesC may be performed on a TPtr

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 26


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

The class defines constructors

•  To allow objects of type TPtr to be constructed from pointer into an
address in memory
•  Setting the length and maximum length as appropriate

The compiler
•  Also generates implicit default and copy constructors
•  Since they are not explicitly declared protected or private in the

A TPtr object
•  May be copy-constructed from another modifiable pointer descriptor
•  For example by calling the Des() method on a non-modifiable buffer

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 27


Pointer Descriptors: TPtrC and TPtr

Examples of TPtr constructors

_LIT(KLiteralDes1, "abc ..");

TBufC<60> buf(KLiteralDes1);
TBufC is described later Copy construction - can TPtr ptr(buf.Des());

modify the data in buf Length=37 TInt length = ptr.Length();

charactersMaximum length=60 chars, as for buf
TInt maxLength = ptr.MaxLength();
Valid pointer into memory
TUint8* memoryLocation;

Length of data to be represented Maximum length to
TInt len = 12;
be representedConstruct a pointer descriptor from a
pointer into memory TInt maxLen = 32;

length=0, max=32 TPtr8 memPtr(memoryLocation, maxLen);

length=12, max=32 TPtr8 memPtr2(memoryLocation, len, maxLen);

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 28


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 12


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf

The stack-based buffer descriptors may be modifiable or

•  The string data forms part of the descriptor object
•  Located after the length word in a non-modifiable descriptor
•  Located after the maximum-length word in a modifiable buffer descriptor

These descriptors are useful for fixed-size relatively small

strings (i.e. stack-based)
•  They may be considered equivalent to char[] in C
•  But with the benefit of overflow checking

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 30


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf

TBufC is the non-modifiable buffer class

iLength iBuf “hello world”
4 bytes n*sizeof(char)

•  Used to hold constant string or binary data.

•  The class derives from TBufCBase (which derives from TDesC and
exists as an inheritance convenience rather than to be used
•  TBufC<n> is a thin template class which uses an integer value to
determine the size of the data area allocated for the buffer
descriptor object

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 31


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf

TBufC has several constructors

•  One to allow non-modifiable buffers to be constructed from a copy
of any other descriptor or from a zero-terminated string
•  TBufC can also be created empty and filled later

As the data is non-modifiable

•  The entire contents of the buffer is replaced by calling the
assignment operator defined by the class
•  The replacement data may be another non-modifiable descriptor or
a zero-terminated string

In each case
•  The new data length must not exceed the length specified in the
template parameter when the buffer was created.

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 32


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf

Examples of TBufC constructors

_LIT(KPalindrome, "aabbaa");
Constructed from literal descriptor TBufC<50> buf1(KPalindrome);
Constructed from buf1 TBufC<50> buf2(buf1);

Constructed from a NULL-terminated C string
TBufC<30> buf3((TText16*)"Never odd or even");
TBufC<50> buf4;
Constructed empty length = 0
Copy and replace

buf4 contains data copied from buf1, length modified buf4 = buf1;
buf1 contains data copied from buf3, length modified
buf1 = buf3;
Panic! Max length of buf3 is insufficient for buf2 data
buf3 = buf2;

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 33


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf

The TBuf<n> class for modifiable buffer data is a thin template class

iLength iMaxLength iBuf “hello world”
4 bytes 4 bytes n*sizeof(char)

•  The integer value determining the maximum allowed length of the

•  It derives from TBufBase which itself derives from TDes
•  Inherits the full range of non-modifiable and modifiable descriptor
operations in TDes and TDesC

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 34


Stack-Based Buffer Descriptors TBufC and TBuf

TBuf<n> defines a number of constructors and assignment operators
•  Similar to those offered by its non-modifiable counterpart TBufC<n>

_LIT(KPalindrome, "aabbaa");
Constructed from literal descriptor TBuf<40> buf1(KPalindrome);
Constructed from constant buffer descriptor TBuf<40> buf2(buf1);
Constructed from a NULL-terminated C string TBuf8<40> buf3((TText8*)"Do Geese see God?");
Constructed empty
length = 0 maximum length = 40
TBuf<40> buf4;

Copy and replace

buf2 copied into buf4, updating length and
buf4 = buf2;
max length
buf3 = (TText8*)"Murder for a jar of red rum";
updated from C string

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 35


Dynamic Descriptors: HBufC


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 36


Dynamic Descriptors: HBufC

The class layout is similar to TBufC

iLength iBuf “hello world”
4 bytes n*sizeof(char)

Heap-based descriptors can be used

•  for string data that cannot be placed on the stack because it is too big
or its size is not known at compile time
•  where malloc ’d data would be used in C

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 37


Dynamic Descriptors: HBufC

The HBufC8 and HBufC16 classes

•  Export a number of static NewL() factory functions to create
the descriptor on the heap
•  These methods follow the two-phase construction model and may
leave if there is insufficient memory available

There are no public constructors

•  All heap buffers must be constructed using one of these methods

TDesC::Alloc() or TDesC::AllocL()
•  May be used - these spawn an HBufC copy of any existing

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 38


Dynamic Descriptors: HBufC

These descriptors are not modifiable

•  In common with the stack-based non-modifiable buffer descriptors
the class provides a set of assignment operators
•  These replace the entire contents of the buffer
•  Objects of the class can also be modified at run-time by creating a
modifiable pointer descriptor TPtr using the Des() method

Heap descriptors
•  Can be created dynamically to the size required
•  But they are not automatically resized
•  The buffer must have sufficient memory available for the
modification operation to succeed or a panic will occur

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 39


Dynamic Descriptors: HBufC

HBufC Constructor example
•  Pay close attention to the
modifiable ptr from heapBuf- _LIT(KPalindrome, "Do Geese see God?");

>Des() TBufC<20> stackBuf(KPalindrome);

Allocates an empty heap descriptor of ...

max length 20 HBufC* heapBuf = HBufC::NewLC(20);

TInt length = heapBuf->Length();

Current length = 0 TPtr ptr(heapBuf->Des());

Modification of the heap descriptor ptr = stackBuf;

Copies stackBuf contents into heapBuf length = heapBuf->Length();

length = 17 HBufC* heapBuf2 = stackBuf.AllocLC();

From stack buffer length = heapBuf2->Length();

length = 17 _LIT(KPalindrome2, "Palindrome");

*heapBuf2 = KPalindrome2;

Copy and replace data in heapBuf2 length = heapBuf2->Length();

length = 10 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, heapBuf);

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 40


Dynamic Descriptors: RBuf


TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 41


Dynamic Descriptors: RBuf

Class RBuf behaves like HBufC

•  The maximum length required can be specified dynamically
•  On instantiation, an RBuf object can allocate its own buffer, take ownership
of pre-allocated memory or a pre-existing heap descriptor
•  RBuf descriptors are typically created on the stack
•  But maintain a pointer to memory on the heap

RBuf is derived from TDes

•  An RBuf object can easily be modified and can be passed to any function
where a TDesC or TDes parameter is specified
•  There is no need to create a TPtr around the data in order to modify it
•  This makes it preferable to HBufC when dynamically allocating a descriptor
which is later modified.

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 42


Dynamic Descriptors: RBuf

Internally RBuf behaves in one of two
ways: Heap

TDes Union of ...
TDesC TUint16* iEPtrType ‘H’ ‘E’ ‘L’ ‘L’ ‘O’
iLength iMaxLength HBufC16* iEBufCPtrType
4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes

‘H’ ‘E’ ‘L’ ‘L’ ‘O’

•  As a TPtr descriptor type which points to a buffer containing only descriptor

•  The RBuf object allocates or takes ownership of memory existing elsewhere

•  As a pointer to a heap descriptor HBufC*

•  TheRBuf object takes ownership of an existing heap descriptor thus the object pointed to
contains a complete descriptor object

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 43


Dynamic Descriptors: RBuf

The handling of the internal union representation is transparent

•  There is no need to know how a specific RBuf object is represented
•  The descriptor operations correspond to the usual base-class
methods of TDes and TDesC

The class is not named HBuf

•  As the objects are not directly created on the heap

It is an R class
•  As it manages a heap-based resource and is responsible for freeing
the memory at cleanup time

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 44


Descriptors: Part One

  Features of Symbian OS Descriptors

  The Symbian OS Descriptor Classes

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 45



Part Two

Fundamentals of Symbian C++



The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor Classes

•  Know the inheritance hierarchy of the descriptor classes
•  Understand the memory efficiency of the descriptor class
inheritance model and its implications

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 47


The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor



TPtrC TBufCBase TDes

TBufC<n> HBufC TPtr RBuf TBufBase


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 48


The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor


The TDesC and TDes base classes

•  Provide the descriptor manipulation methods
•  Must know the type of derived class they are operating on in order to
correctly locate the data area

Each subclass
•  Does not implement its own data access method using virtual function
• This would add an extra 4 bytes to each derived descriptor object for a virtual pointer
(vptr) to access the virtual function table

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 49


The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor


Descriptors were designed to be as efficient as possible

•  The size overhead to accommodate a C++ vptr was considered

To allow for the specialization of derived classes

•  The top 4 bits of the 4 bytes that store the length of the descriptor
object are used to indicate the class type of the descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 50


The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor


There are currently six derived descriptor classes: TPtrC,

TPtr, TBufC, TBuf, HBufC and RBuf
•  Each sets the identifying iType bits as appropriate upon
•  The use of 4 bits to identify the type limits the number of different
types of descriptor to 2^4 (= 16)
•  It seems unlikely that the range will need to be extended
significantly in the future

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 51


The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor


For all descriptors, access to the descriptor data goes through

the non-virtual Ptr() method of the base class TDesC
•  It uses a switch statement to check the 4 bits, identify the type of
descriptor and return the correct address for the beginning of its
•  This requires that the TDesC base class has knowledge of the
memory layout of its subclasses hard-coded into Ptr()

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 52



Using the Descriptor APIs

•  Understand that the descriptor base classes TDesC and TDes
cannot be instantiated
•  Understand the difference between Size(), Length() and
MaxLength() descriptor methods
•  Understand the difference between Copy() and Set() descriptor
methods and how to use assignment correctly

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 53


Using the Descriptor APIs

The TDesC and TDes descriptor base classes

•  Provide and implement the APIs for all descriptor operations
•  Typically the derived descriptors only implement specific methods for
construction and copy assignment.

Objects of type TDesC and TDes

•  Cannot be instantiated directly because their default constructors are
•  It is the derived descriptor types that are actually instantiated and used

The descriptor API methods

•  Are fully documented in the Symbian OS Library of each SDK and the
course examples
•  This lecture focuses on some of the trickier areas of descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 54


Using the Descriptor APIs

The difference between Length()and Size()

•  The Size() method returns the size of the descriptor in bytes
•  The Length() method returns the number of characters it
•  For 8-bit descriptors this is the same as the size i.e. the size of a
character is a byte

From Symbian OS v5u (version 5 unicode)

•  The native character is 16 bits wide i.e. each character occupies
two bytes
•  Size() always returns a value double that of Length() for
neutral and explicitly wide descriptors

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 55


MaxLength() and Length Modification Methods

The MaxLength() method

•  Of TDes returns the maximum length of a modifiable descriptor value
•  Like the Length() method of TDesC it is not overridden by the
derived classes

The SetMax() method

•  Sets the current length of the descriptor to the maximum length
•  It does not change the maximum length of the descriptor thereby
expanding or contracting the data area

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 56


MaxLength() and Length Modification Methods

The SetLength() method

•  Can be used to adjust the descriptor length to any value
between zero and its maximum length

The Zero() method

•  Sets the length to zero

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 57


Set() and the Assignment Operator

The pointer descriptor types

•  Provide Set() methods which update them to point at different string data

_LIT(KDes1, "Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag");

_LIT(KDes2, "Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex");

TPtrC alpha(KDes1);

TPtrC beta(KDes2);

alpha.Set(KDes2); // alpha points to the data in KDes2

beta.Set(KDes1); // beta points to the data in KDes1

Literal descriptors are described later

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 58


Set() and the Assignment Operator

TDes provides an assignment operator TDes::operator

•  Used copy data into the memory referenced by any modifiable
•  Provided the length of the data to be copied does not exceed the
maximum length of the descriptor which would cause a panic

It is easy to confuse Set() with TDes::operator =()

•  Set() resets a pointer descriptor to point at a new data area
•  Changes the length and maximum length members

•  TDes::operator =() merely copies data into an existing

•  Modifies the descriptor length but not its maximum length

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 59


Set() and operator =()

_LIT(KLiteralDes1, "Jackdaws love ...");

TBufC<60> buf(KLiteralDes1);

Points to the contents of buf TPtr ptr(buf.Des());

Valid pointer into memory TUint16* memoryLocation;

... ...

Maximum length to be represented max length=40 TInt maxLen = 40;

Copy and replace TPtr memPtr(memoryLocation, maxLen);

memPtr data is KLiteralDes1 (37 bytes), memPtr = ptr; // Assignment

max length=40 _LIT(KLiteralDes2, "The quick brown fox ...");

TBufC<100> buf2(KLiteralDes2);

Points to the data in buf2 TPtr ptr2(buf2.Des());

Replace what ptr points to
ptr points to contents of buf2, max length = 100
Attempt to update memPtr, which panics because the
contents of ptr2 (43 bytes) exceeds memPtr = ptr2;
max length of memPtr (40 bytes)

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 60


Modifying Data with Des()

The content of a non-modifiable buffer descriptor cannot be

altered directly other than by complete replacement of the data
•  The stack- and heap-based TBufC and HBufC descriptors provide
a method which returns a modifiable pointer descriptor to the data
represented by the buffer

But it is possible to change the data indirectly

•  by calling Des() and then operating on the data via the pointer

When the data is modified via the return value of Des()

•  The length members of both the pointer descriptor and the constant
buffer descriptor are updated

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 61


Modifying Data with Des()

Note: All descriptors are 8 bit

Constructed from literal descriptor _LIT8(KPalindrome, "Satan, oscillate...");

Data is the string in buf, max length = 40

TBufC8<40> buf(KPalindrome);

TPtr8 ptr(buf.Des());

Use ptr to replace contents of buf


ptr = (TText8*)"Do Geese see God?";


_LIT8(KPal2, "Are we not drawn onward...");

Panic! ptr = KPal2; // Assignment
KPal2 exceeds max length of buf (=40)

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 62



Descriptors as Function Parameters

•  Understand that the correct way to specify a descriptor as a
function parameter is to use a reference, for both constant data and
data that may be modified by the function in question.

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 63


Descriptors as Function Parameters

The TDesC and TDes descriptor base classes

•  Provide and implement the APIs for all descriptor operations
•  They can be used as function arguments and return types, allowing
descriptors to be passed around in code without forcing a dependency on a
particular type

An API client
•  Should not be constrained to using a TBuf because a particular function
requires it

Function providers
•  Should remain agnostic to the type of descriptor passed to them

Unless a function takes or returns ownership

•  It should not need to specify whether a descriptor is stack- or heap-based

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 64


Descriptors as Function Parameters

When defining functions

•  The TDesC and TDes base classes should always be used as
parameters or return values
•  For efficiency, descriptor parameters should be passed by
•  Either as const TDesC& for constant descriptors or TDes&
when modifiable

Except: When returning ownership of a heap-based

descriptor as a return value
•  It should be specified explicitly so that the caller can clean it up
appropriately and avoid a memory leak

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 65



Correct Use of the Dynamic Descriptor Classes

•  Identify the correct techniques and methods to instantiate an
HBufC heap buffer object
•  Recognize and demonstrate knowledge of how to use the new
descriptor class RBuf

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 66


Correct Use of the Dynamic Descriptor Classes

HBufC construction and usage

•  HBufC can be spawned from existing descriptors using the
Alloc() or AllocL() overloads implemented by TDesC
•  This example which shows how to replace inefficient code with use
of TDesC::AllocL()
void CSampleClass::UnnecessaryCodeL(const TDesC& aDes)
iHeapBuffer = HBufC::NewL(aDes.Length());
TPtr ptr(iHeapBuffer->Des());
Could be replaced by a single line
iHeapBuffer = aDes.AllocL();

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 67


HBufC Construction and Usage

An HBufC object
•  Can also be instantiated using the static NewL() factory methods
specified for the class
•  For HBufC16 the methods available are as follows:

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewL(TInt aMaxLength);

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewLC(TInt aMaxLength);

• Thesemethods create a new heap-based buffer descriptor with maximum

length as specified
• Leave if there is insufficient memory available for the allocation
• TheNewLC method leaves the successfully created descriptor object on the
cleanup stack

The heap descriptor is empty and its length is set to zero

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 68


HBufC Construction and Usage

An HBufC16 object
•  Can also be instantiated using the non leaving method static
New() factory:

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* New(TInt aMaxLength);

This method creates a new heap-based buffer descriptor with maximum length
as specified
It does not leave if there is no heap memory available to allocate the
The caller must compare the returned pointer against NULL to confirm that it
has succeeded before dereferencing it

The heap descriptor is empty and its length is set to zero

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 69


HBufC Construction and Usage

NewMax methods also set HBufC16’s length to the maximum

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewMax(TInt aMaxLength);

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewMaxL(TInt aMaxLength);

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewMaxLC(TInt aMaxLength);

• These methods create a new heap-based buffer descriptor with maximum

length as specified and set its length to the maximum value
•  No data is assigned to the descriptor

If insufficient memory is available for the allocation:

•  NewMax() return a NULL pointer ()
•  NewMaxL() and NewMaxLC() will leave

NewMaxLC() leaves the successfully allocated descriptor on the cleanup stack

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 70


HBufC Construction and Usage

Initializing an HBufC16 from the contains of a RReadStream

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewL(RReadStream& aStream, TInt aMaxLength);

static IMPORT_C HBufC16* NewLC(RReadStream& aStream, TInt aMaxLength);

• These methods allocate a heap-based buffer descriptor and initialize it from

the contents of a read stream
Reads from the stream up to the maximum length specified (or the
maximum length of the stream data - whichever is shortest) and allocates a
buffer to hold the contents
Typically used to reconstruct a descriptor that has previously been
externalized to a write stream using the stream operators

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 71


Descriptor Externalization and Internalization

An example of descriptor externalization and internalization using streams

Writes the contents of void CSampleClass::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const

iHeapBuffer to a writable stream {
Write the descriptor’s length aStream.WriteL(*iHeapBuffer, iHeapBuffer->Length());
Write the descriptor’s data
/** */
Instantiates iHeapBuffer by void CSomeClass::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
reading the contents of the stream {

Read the descriptor’s length TInt size = aStream.ReadUint32L();

Allocate iHeapBuffer iHeapBuffer = HBufC::NewL(size);

Create a modifiable descriptor

TPtr ptr(iHeapBuffer->Des());
over iHeapBuffer
Read the descriptor data into
iHeapBuffer via ptr

Fundamentals of Symbian C++

Descriptor Externalization and Internalization

The following code

•  Shows the use of the stream operators as a more efficient
•  The stream operators have been optimized to compress the
descriptor’s meta-data as much as possible for efficiency and
space conservation
void CSampleClass::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
{// Much more efficient, no wasted storage space
aStream << iHeapBuffer;

void CSampleClass::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)

{// KMaxLength indicates the maximum length of
// data to be read from the stream
iHeapBuffer = HBufC::NewL(aStream, KMaxLength);

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 73



While there is a non-modifiable heap descriptor class HBufC

•  There is no corresponding modifiable HBuf class
•  Whichmight have been expected in order to make heap buffers symmetrical
with TBuf stack buffers.

The RBuf class was first introduced in Symbian OS v8.0

•  But first documented in Symbian OS v8.1 and used most
extensively in software designed for phones based on Symbian OS
v9 and later

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 74


RBuf Construction and Usage

RBuf objects can be instantiated using
• Create(), CreateMax() or CreateL() to specify the maximum length of
descriptor data that can be stored
It is also possible to instantiate an RBuf to store a copy of the contents of another

RBuf myRBuf;
_LIT(KHelloRBuf, "Hello RBuf!");

•  Create() allocates a buffer for the RBuf to reference

•  If the RBuf previously owned a buffer, Create() will not clean it
up before assigning the new buffer reference
• Cleanup must be done explicitly by calling Close() first

An RBuf can alternatively take ownership of a pre-existing

section of memory using the Assign() method
•  Assign() will also orphan any data already owned
•  (Close() should be called first to avoid memory leaks)
Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 75

RBuf Construction and Usage

Using Assign() to take ownership

Taking ownership of HBufC HBufC* myHBufC = HBufC::NewL(20);

RBuf myRBuf.Assign(myHBufC);
Use and clean up ...

TInt maxSizeOfData = 20;

RBuf myRBuf;
Taking ownership of TUint16* pointer =

pre-allocated heap memory static_cast<TUint16*>(User::AllocL(maxSizeOfData*2));

myRBuf.Assign(pointer, maxSizeOfData);
Use and clean up ...

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 76


RBuf Construction and Usage

The RBuf class

•  Does not manage the size of the buffer and reallocate it if more
memory is required
•  If Append() is called on an RBuf object for which there is insufficient
memory available - a panic will occur
•  This should be clear from the fact that the base-class methods are non-
•  i.e. there is no scope for the reallocation to fail in the event of low

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 77


RBuf Construction and Usage

The memory for RBuf operations must be managed by the

•  The ReAllocL() method can be used as follows:

myRBuf is the buffer to be resized e.g. for an Append()


Push onto cleanup stack for leave-safety myRBuf.CleanupClosePushL();

Extend to newLength myRBuf.ReAllocL(newLength);
Remove from cleanup stack CleanupStack::Pop ();

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 78


RBuf Construction and Usage

Using an RBuf is preferable to using an HBufC in that:

•  If the ReAllocL()method is used on the HBufC and causes the
heap cell to move any associated HBufC* and TPtr variables
need to be updated
•  This update is not required for RBuf objects as the pointer is
maintained internally

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 79


RBuf Construction and Usage

The class is not named HBuf

•  Unlike HBufC objects of this type are not themselves directly created on
the heap

It is instead an R class
•  As it manages a heap-based resource and is responsible for freeing the
memory at cleanup time
•  As is usual for other R classes cleanup is performed by calling Close()

If the RBuf
•  Was pushed onto the cleanup stack by a call to CleanupClosePushL()
use CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 80


RBuf Construction and Usage

It is possible to create an RBuf from an existing HBufC

•  The RBuf class is both modifiable and dynamically allocated and thus is an
advantage over HBufC
•  Being able to create an RBuf from an HBufC object is a good migration
route from pre-Symbian OS v8.1

•  It would have been necessary to instantiate an HBufC and then use a
companion TPtr object - constructed by calling Des() on the heap

When to use RBuf or HBufC?

•  RBuf is recommended for use when a dynamically allocated buffer is
required to hold data that changes frequently
•  HBufC should be preferred when a dynamically allocated descriptor is
needed to hold data that rarely changes

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 81


HBufC vs RBuf

Using HBufC for modifiable data Using RBuf for modifiable data
HBufC* socketName = NULL; RBuf socketName;
// KMaxNameLength is defined elsewhere ...

if(!socketName) if(socketName.Compare(KNullDesC)==0)
{ {
socketName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxNameLength); socketName.CreateL(KMaxNameLength);
} }
// Create writable ’companion’ TPtr
TPtr socketNamePtr(socketName->Des());
message.ReadL(message.Ptr0(), socketNamePtr); message.ReadL(message.Ptr0(), socketName);

The code is simpler - It is easier to understand and maintain

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 82



Common Inefficiencies in Descriptor Usage

•  Know that TFileName objects should not be used indiscriminately,
because of the stack space each consumes
•  Understand when to dereference an HBufC object directly, and
when to call Des() to obtain a modifiable descriptor (TDes&)

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 83


Common Inefficiencies in Descriptor Usage

TFileName objects waste stack space

•  The TFileName type is typedef’d as a modifiable stack buffer with
maximum length 256 characters
•  It can be useful when calling various file system functions to parse filenames
into complete paths - since the exact length of a filename is not always known
at compile time
•  For example to print out a directory’s contents

However, since each character is of 16-bit width

•  Every time a TFileName object is declared on the stack it consumes 2 × 256
= 512 bytes
•  Plus the 12 bytes required for the descriptor object itself
•  That’s just over 0.5 KB!
•  The default stack size for an application is only 8 KB

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 84


TFileName Objects Waste Stack Space

On Symbian OS the stack space for each process is limited

•  By default it is just 8 KB
•  On the Windows emulator if more stack space is needed the stack will just
•  This is not the case on a phone - a panic will be raised when the stack overflow
•  This can be hard to track down since it will not be seen when testing on the
emulator so cannot be easily debugged

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 85


TFileName Objects Waste Stack Space

At 0.5 KB a single TFileName object

•  Can consume and potentially waste a significant proportion of the stack

It is good practice to use one of the dynamic heap descriptor types

•  Or limit the use of TFileName objects to members of C classes as these
types are always created on the heap

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 86


Referencing HBufC through TDesC

The HBufC class derives from TDesC

•  The HBufC* pointer can simply be dereferenced when a reference to a non-
modifiable descriptor TDesC& is required

A common mistake is to call the Des() method on the heap descriptor

•  This creates a separate TPtr referencing the descriptor data
•  This is not incorrect it returns a TDes&
•  But it is clearer and more efficient simply to return the HBufC object directly

const TDesC& CSampleClass::AccidentalComplexity()

return (iHeapBuffer->Des());

// could be replaced more efficiently with

return (*iHeapBuffer);

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 87



Literal Descriptors
•  Know how to manipulate literal descriptors and know that those
specified using _L are deprecated
•  Specify the difference between literal descriptors using _L and
those using _LIT and the disadvantages of using the former

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 88


Literal Descriptors

Literal descriptors are different from the other descriptor types

•  They are equivalent to static char[] in C and can be built into
program binaries in ROM (if the code is part of the system)
because they are constant
•  There is a set of macros defined in e32def.h which can be used
to define Symbian OS literals of two different types, _LIT and _L

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 89


Literal Descriptors

_LIT macro
•  The _LIT macro is preferred for Symbian OS literals since it is the
more efficient type
•  It has been used in the sample code throughout these lectures -
typically as follows:

_LIT(KFieldMarshalTait, "Field Marshal Tait");

• KFieldMarshalTait can then be used as a constant descriptor - for example

to write to a file or display to a user

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 90


The _LIT Macro

The _LIT macro

•  Builds a named object (KFieldMarshalTait) of type TLitC16 into the
program binary
•  Storing the appropriate string in this case "Field Marshal Tait"
•  The explicit macros _LIT8 and _LIT16 behave similarly except that
_LIT8 builds a narrow string of type TLitC8

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 91


The _LIT Macro

TLitC8 and TLitC16 do not derive from TDesC8 or

•  But they have the same binary layouts as TBufC8 or TBufC16
•  This allows objects of these types to be used wherever TDesC
is used
•  The string stored in the program binary has a NULL terminator
because the native compiler string is used to build it
•  The _LIT macro adjusts the length to the correct value for a
non-terminated descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 92


The _LIT Macro

Symbian OS also defines literals yo represent a blank string

•  There are three variants of the null descriptor, defined as follows:
•  Build independent:


•  8-bit for non-Unicode strings:


•  16-bit for Unicode strings:


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 93


_L Macro

Use of the _L macro

•  Is now deprecated in production code
•  It may still be used in test code (where memory use is less critical)
•  The advantage of using _L is that it can be used in place of a TPtrC
without having to declare it separately from where it is used:

User::Panic(_L("telephony.dll"), KErrNotSupported);

• For the example above, the string ("telephony.dll") is built into the program
binary as a basic, NULL-terminated string

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 94


_L Macro

Unlike the TLitC built for the _LIT macro

•  It has no initial length member
•  This means the layout of the stored literal is not like that of a
descriptor i.e. no length word

Thus when the code executes

•  Each instance of _L will result in construction of a temporary
•  With the pointer being set to the address of the first byte of the
literal as it is stored in ROM

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 95


_LIT and _L Memory Layouts

The difference memory layouts
•  In ROM for literals created using _LIT and _L macros

_LIT(KHello,”Hello World!”) TPtrC KHello(_L(”Hello World!”))

ROM Stack Temporary ROM

12 Hello World!\0 iLength 12 iPtr Hello World!\0

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 96



Descriptor Conversion
•  Know how to convert 8-bit descriptors into 16-bit descriptors and
vice versa using the descriptor Copy() method or the
CnvUtfConverter class
•  Recognize how to read data from file into an 8-bit descriptor and
then ‘translate’ the data to 16-bit without padding, and vice versa
•  Know how to use the TLex class to convert a descriptor to a
number, and TDes::Num() to convert a number to a descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 97


Descriptor Conversion

Conversion between narrow and wide descriptors

•  TDes implements an overloaded set of Copy() methods which allow
copying directly into descriptor data from:
•  Another descriptor
•  A NULL-terminated string
•  A pointer

The Copy()methods
•  Copy the data into the descriptor setting its length accordingly
•  The methods will panic if the maximum length of the receiving descriptor
is shorter than the incoming data

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 98


Descriptor Conversion

The Copy() method

•  Is overloaded to take either an 8- or 16-bit descriptor

It is possible
•  To copy a narrow-width descriptor onto a narrow-width
•  To copy a wide descriptor onto a wide descriptor

It is also possible
•  To copy between descriptor widths
•  i.e. carrying out an implicit conversion in the process

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 99


Wide to Narrow
The Copy() method implemented by TDes8
•  Is to copy an incoming wide descriptor into a narrow descriptor
•  It strips out alternate characters assuming them to be zeroes - the
data values do not exceed 255 (decimal).
•  The Copy() method which copies a narrow descriptor into the data
area is a straight data copy

TBuf8<3> cat(_L8("CAT"));
D \0 O \0 G \0
NULL characters stripped out in wide-to- TBuf16<3> dog(_L16("DOG"));
narrow descriptor copy


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 100


Narrow to Wide
For class TDes16
•  An incoming 16-bit descriptor can be copied directly onto the data
•  The Copy() method that takes an 8-bit descriptor pads each
character with a trailing zero as part of the copy operation

TBuf8<5> small(_L8("SMALL"));
L \0 A \0 R \0 G \0 E \0
 NULL characters used to pad narrow- TBuf16<5> large(_L16("LARGE"));
to-wide descriptor copy

S \0 M \0 A \0 L \0 L \0


Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 101


Copy() methods

The Copy() methods

•  Form a rudimentary means of copying and converting between 8- and
16-bit descriptors
•  When the character set is encoded by one byte per character
•  And the last byte of each wide character is simply a NULL character

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 102


The CnvUtfConverter Class

Is used to perform a proper conversion

•  In both directions between 16-bit Unicode (UCS-2) and 8-bit non-Unicode
character sets
•  Or between Unicode and the UTF-7 and UTF-8 transformation sets

The CnvUtfConverter class

•  Supplied by charconv.lib (see header file utf.h) is available
•  The class supplies a set of static methods such as
ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8() and

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 103


Converting Descriptors to Numbers

A descriptor can be converted to a number using the TLex class

•  This class provides general-purpose lexical analysis and performs
syntactical element parsing and string-to-number conversion
•  Using the locale-dependent functions of TChar to determine whether
each character is a digit, a letter or a symbol

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 104


Converting Descriptors to Numbers

TLex is the build-width neutral class

•  Implicitly TLex16
•  TLex8 and TLex16 can also be used explicitly
•  The neutral form should be preferred unless a particular variant is
•  TLex can be constructed with the data for constructed empty and later
assigned the data
•  Both construction and assignment can take:
•  Another TLex object
•  A non-modifiable descriptor
•  A TUint16* or TUint8* (for TLex16 or TLex8 respectively) pointer to string data

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 105


Converting Descriptors to Numbers

At the very simplest level

•  When the string contains just numerical data, the descriptor contents
can be converted to an integer using the Val() function of TLex

_LIT(KTestLex, "54321");
TLex lex(KTestLex());
TInt value = 0;
TInt err = lex.Val(value); // value == 54321 if no error occurred

The Val() function is overloaded for different signed integer types (TInt, TInt8,
TInt16, TInt32, TInt64) with or without limit checking
There are also Val() overloads for the unsigned integer types, passing in a radix
value (decimal, hexadecimal, binary or octal), and for TRealTLex provides a number
of other API methods for manipulation and parsing
These are documented in the Symbian OS Library in each SDK

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 106


Converting Numbers to Descriptors

The descriptor classes

•  Provide several ways to convert a number to a descriptor
•  The various overloads of AppendNum(),
AppendNumFixedWidth(),Num() and NumFixedWidth()
convert the specified numerical parameter to a character
•  Either completely replacing the contents of or appending the data to
the descriptor

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 107


Converting Numbers to Descriptors

Formatting with conversion directives

•  The Format(), AppendFormat(), FormatList() and
AppendFormatList() methods of TDes each take a format string
•  Containing literal text embedded with conversion directives
•  And a trailing list of arguments

Each formatting directive

•  Consumes one or more arguments from the trailing list
•  And can be used to convert numbers into descriptor data

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 108


Packaging Objects in Descriptors

Flat data objects

•  Can be stored within descriptors using the package buffer TPckgBuf and
package pointer TPckg and TPckgC classes
•  This is useful for inter-thread or inter-process data transfer when making
a client–server request

A T-class object
•  May be packaged whole into a descriptor (“descriptorized”) so it may be
passed in a type-safe manner between threads or processes

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 109


Packaging Objects in Descriptors

The TPckgBuf, TPckg and TPckgC classes

•  Are thin template classes
•  Derived from TBuf<n>, TPtr and TPtrC respectively (see e32std.h)
•  The classes are type-safe and are templated on the type to be packaged

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 110


Packaging Objects in Descriptors

There are two package pointer classes

•  Modifiable TPckg or non-modifiable TPckgC pointer descriptors which
refer to the existing instance of the template-packaged class
•  Functions may be called on the enclosed object (TSample theSample
next slides)
•  If it is enclosed in a TPckgC a constant reference to the packaged object is
returned from operator()

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 111


Packaging Objects in Descriptors

There is one package buffer class

•  The package buffer TPckgBuf creates and stores a new instance of the
type to be encapsulated in a descriptor
•  The copied object is owned by the package buffer (next slide)

It is modifiable
•  Functions may be called on it after calling operator() on the TPckgBuf
object to retrieve it
•  The package buffer contains a copy of the original object thus only the copy
is modified, the original is unchanged

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 112


Memory Layout of the TPckg, TPckgC and

TPckgBuf Classes

TPckg<TSample> TPtr
iLength iMaxLength iPtr

TSample theSample
TPckgC<TSample> TPtrC
iLength iPtr

TPckBuf<TSample> TBuf<n>
iLength iMaxLength copy of theSample

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 113


Packaging Objects in Descriptors

A simple T class encapsulated in each of the package types
TSample is the class to be
class TSample
packaged up inside the
descriptor packages
void SampleFunction();
Methods that maybe called on the (enclosed) object
void ConstantSampleFunction() const;
TInt iSampleData;
TSample theSample;

Modifiable package containing theSample TPckg<TSample> packagePtr(theSample);

TPckgC<TSample> packagePtrC(theSample);
Non-modifiable package containing theSample
TPckgBuf<TSample> packageBuf(theSample);
Modifiable package containing a copy of theSample packagePtr().SampleFunction();
Calling methods directly on the enclosed theSample object packagePtrC().SampleFunction();
Compile error! Non-const method
Fine a const method called
Modifying a copy of theSample
Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 114

Descriptors: Part Two

  The Inheritance Hierarchy of the Descriptor Classes

  Using the Descriptor APIs

  Descriptors as Function Parameters

  Correct Use of the Dynamic Descriptor Classes

  Common Inefficiencies in Descriptor Usage

  Literal Descriptors

  Descriptor Conversion

Fundamentals of Symbian C++ 115

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