AutoCAD 3D Module 25
AutoCAD 3D Module 25
AutoCAD 3D Module 25
AutoCAD 3D
Module 25
Creating 2D Drawings from Solid Models
Learning Outcomes:
When you have completed this module, you will be able to:
1. Describe and apply the SOLVIEW, SOLDRAW and SOLPROF commands to convert a
solid model into a 2D drawing complete with hidden lines and dimensions.
Important: Before you use the SOLVIEW command,
ensure that the shademode is in 2D Wireframe and that
the Hidden linetype is loaded into the drawing.
Module 25
25 - 2
Shortcut: none
Shortcut: none
Important: Before you use the SOLPROF
command, ensure that the shademode is in
2D Wireframe and that the Hidden linetype is
loaded into the drawing.
Module 25
25 - 3
Figure Step 6
...continued on page 25-4
Before you use either the SOLVIEW and the SOLPROF commands, ensure
that the shademode is in 2D Wireframe and that the Hidden linetype is
loaded into the current drawing.
Module 25
25 - 4
Figure Step 7
Figure Step 8
...continued on page 25-5
Module 25
25 - 5
Figure Step 9A
Figure Step 9B
Command: SOLVIEW
Enter an option [Ucs/Ortho/Auxiliary/Section]: O
Specify side of viewport to project: (mid)
Specify view center:
Specify view center <specify viewport>:
Specify first corner of viewport:
Specify opposite corner of viewport:
Enter view name: Right
Enter an option [Ucs/Ortho/Auxiliary/Section]:
...continued on page 25-6
Module 25
25 - 6
Step 11 Using what you learned in AutoCAD 2D, use the MVIEW command to create a
view in the top right corner of the drawing. Change the scale of the view to 1 and the
orientation to SE Isometric. Pan the view to center it. See Figure Step 11.
Figure Step 11
...continued on page 25-7
Module 25
25 - 7
Figure Step 12
Step 13 Enter the SOLDRAW command shown below to change the views to 2D. See
Figure Step 13A and 13B.
Command: SOLDRAW
Select viewports to draw..
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects: 1 found, 3 total
(select the three multiview viewports.)
Select objects:
One solid selected.
One solid selected.
One solid selected.
Module 25
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Module 25
25 - 9
Figure Step 14
Figure Step 15
Module 25
25 - 10
Text Style
Note: Color, Linetype, and Lineweight are all ByLayer unless otherwise instructed.
Layering Scheme
Objects on Layer
Construction objects
Solid Objects
1. Draw the object shown on page 25-12 as a solid model.
Module 25
25 - 11
Multiview Drawing
Module 25
25 - 12
2. On Module Template Layout D and using the command SOLVIEW, create the three multiviews as
shown in the drawing below. The scale of the view set to 1.5:1 and lock their display.
3. Use the SOLDRAW command to change the views to 2-dimensional.
4. Using the MVIEW command, create two views and set their view to SE Isometric. Scale the views to
1:1 and lock their display. Set one of the views to display shaded.
5. Change the color of the layers to Red for object lines and Blue for the hidden lines. (Hint: Page 25-9)
6. Use the SOLPROF command to create the hidden lines in the isometric view.
7. In paper space, add a few dimension as shown below.
8. Fill in the titleblock in paper space.
9. Turn layer VPORT off.
Module 25