FoodSmart Program PDF
FoodSmart Program PDF
FoodSmart Program PDF
2. 2
Business Summary:
Business name:
Name of your food safety supervisor:
Nature of your business:
Business Phone:
Date: 10/03/2016
3. 3
Questionnaire Responses:
Q.1Do you sell food?
Q.2Do you buy or receive food or ingredients?
Q.3Do you store dry, cold or frozen food?
Q.4Do you prepare food and store it to be used later that day or on another day?
Q.5Do you thaw frozen food?
Q.6Do you prepare food?
Q.7Do you cook food?
Q.8Do you cook food, then cool it and store it to be used later that day or on another
Q.9Do you reheat food that has already been cooked?
Q.10Do you serve hot or cold food?
Q.11Do you display prepared hot or cold food?
Q.12Can customers serve themselves? (For example, in a self-serve,
smorgasboard or salad bar.)
Q.13Do you transport or deliver food?
Q.14Do you wrap or package food for customers to take away? (For example, takeaway or home delivery.)
Q.15Do you provide food at festivals, street festivals, markets or food exhibitions?
Q.16Do you use water from a source other than a water authority for drinking or
food preparation?
Q.17Do you prepare or sell sushi? (For example, nori rolls and nigiri pieces.)
Q.18Do you prepare and sell Chinese-style chicken, roast duck or BBQ pork?
Q.20Does your business manufacture and package food?
4. 4
Practices to keep food safe
Purchasing and receiving food
Cooking Food
Support programs
Food allergens, intolerances and general information for customers
Pest control
Time control
Records introduction
5. 5
This template is one of a number of food safety program templates registered with the Department of Health.
Before using it, check with the department that the version you are reading is still current.
s part prepare food at a premises, such as a caf, and reheat and serve that food at another premises, such as
a portable stall, tent, marquee or van, or
s are a caterer who part prepares food at your main kitchen and serves it off-site at a variety of locations.
To check whether your activity is class 2, contact your council for advice or go to <
foodsafety>, look under Food business information and follow the links about classication.
This template applies, as set out above, to for-prot businesses, and also to community groups that sell food.
However, if you are a community group, and you sell food only from a
s stall
s vehicle
s building (such as a hall or other location) that you use occasionally
This template can be used if you operate retail or food service activities from a variety of sites. You can use this
template for all of these class 2 premises. For example, if you:
you may prefer to use a shorter template developed especially for community groups. To access this go to
This template must never be used for a food vending machine as it is not designed for this purpose. Go to
<> to nd out what types of programs can be used for these machines.
This template is especially suited to small or medium scale activities. If you are not sure whether this template
is suitable for your business (for example, large scale commercial catering, or complex manufacturing) or your
food handling activities are different to those outlined in this template, you might need to consider getting an
independent food safety program tailored for your business. If you do, the program will need to be audited
by an approved auditor. Alternatively, check the departments food safety website to see if there are other
registered food safety program templates that may be suitable for your business go to <
foodsafety>. You can also discuss your options with your registering council.
3 Compile records
s As you carried out steps 1 and 2 you will have identied the records you must keep under the program.
s Refer to the Food safety program template records section in this folder or at <
foodsafety> to choose or design the records you will use.
s Make copies of these records and complete them as required.
s Keep your completed records at your business to prove that you are processing and handling food
correctly. These records must be kept for two years. They should be available for review by your food safety
supervisor or on the request of a council environmental health ofcer.
s The records required in this program are the minimum that you must keep.
4 Review
s When you have completed your food safety program and are putting it into practice at your business,
remember to review and update it if your activities change.
s Check your practices and records regularly to identify any problems with equipment or staff knowledge
of food practices. If you identify any issues, take corrective action.
s If you change your food products or processes, make sure to update your food safety program with the
relevant sections from this Template, including the related Records. Review your menu or practices at
least once a year to make sure any changes are picked up and your food safety program is current.
s If it will assist you to monitor your premises, you also have the option of conducting other checks or keeping
any other records based on the food handling that you conduct. For example, it may help you demonstrate
the corrective action you took to x any problems that have arisen. Some documents can also be handy for
day-to-day use, such as a cleaning list or diary. It is your choice as to whether to keep extra records.
s You are also required to inform your council of any signicant changes to your food handling processes.
Allergens are foods known to cause reactions in allergic people due to an immune response. These can be
severe or even life threatening. Allergens in foods must be clearly communicated to customers.
As distinct to food allergies, some people experience intolerance to certain foods due to a chemical reaction.
Peoples reactions to food intolerances are usually less severe, but eating these foods can make them unwell.
The most common causes of food allergic reactions and food intolerances are:
s cereals containing gluten and their products (that is, wheat, rye, barley, oats and spelt and their hybridised
strains) as described in the national Food Standards Code. Go to Support program 1 on page 46, and
Practice 9 on page 38 for more information.
s shellsh, crustaceans and their products
s eggs and egg products
s sh and sh products
2 to 4 hours
Over 4 hours
Ok to use or refrigerate
at 5C or less
Throw away
The total time includes all the time the food has been at room temperature, for example during delivery,
display, preparation and transportation.
Adapted and reproduced with the kind permission of SA Health.
s For more information about food allergies and intolerances visit: <>
Allergen awareness and food businesses.
Pay attention to
the temperature
of high-risk food.
Pay attention to
the time high-risk
food spends in
the temperature
danger zone of
5C to 60C.
Pay attention
to crosscontamination.
Pay attention
to hygiene.
Pay attention
to allergens.
6. 6
Contamination of food
with bacteria, chemicals
or other things that
should not be in food
Reject products in
damaged packaging.
Reject pre-packaged
foods that dont have
the name and address
of the supplier, a batch
code or date code, and
an ingredient list on
the label.
Reject packaged
food if the supplier
cannot provide
accurate information
about ingredients and
Growth of bacteria in
food that spends too
long in the temperature
danger zone of 5C
to 60C
Use a probe
thermometer to
regularly measure the
temperature of food
deliveries from each
supplier of
high-risk food.
If food is delivered in
the temperature danger
zone of 5C to 60C,
ask the delivery person
to show you evidence of
the temperature of the
food for the previous
two hours.
Practices to keep food safe
You must keep the following information about food that you purchase or receive.
To check
How often
All my suppliers
Record 1: My food
Check food when you buy it. You need to know whether you are getting what you paid for.
Satisfy yourself that suppliers know that they are required by law to comply with the national Food Standards
Code Part 1.2.1 Application of labelling and other Information requirements, including the standard about
mandatory warning and advisory statements and declarations. All pre-packaged food must be labelled
according to the Code. For more information see <>.
Food you receive should be in good condition, with enough time to sell or use it before the best before
or use-by dates.
To nd out more about food allergens and intolerances and how you may help customers with questions see
For tips on using a probe thermometer to take food temperatures see page 63.
Goal: Ensure that stored food remains safe.
What can go wrong?
Measure core
temperatures of highrisk food stored in the
refrigerator using a
probe thermometer
regularly (at least
one check a day).
7. 7
If using remote
temperature monitoring
IT systems, refer
to the Department
of Health Guide to
remote monitoring of
temperatures in food
storage units for advice
on how to check and
monitor the operation of
your system. Access the
guide at <>.
Examine date codes
Follow the
instructions for storing
opened products.
Practices to keep food safe
Storage (continued)
What can go wrong?
Dispose of any
unlabelled food you
cannot identify, or
which you suspect has
become contaminated.
If non-allergenic food
may be contaminated
with an allergen, make
sure that it is not used in
the preparation of food
that is intended to be
allergen free.
If food may include
allergens, follow the
instructions on pages
47 and 48 about making
information available to
customers and staff.
Storage (continued)
What can go wrong?
Regularly check
premises and vehicles
for signs of pests.
Regularly check
that food, utensils,
equipment and
tableware are clean
and stored away from
Dispose of tableware
that is chipped,
broken or cracked.
Cold ready-to-eat
food can be crosscontaminated with food
poisoning bacteria
s in a separate part
of the refrigerator/
s in covered containers.
Practices to keep food safe
To check
How often
Temperature of foods in
cold storage
Store food in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
To nd out more about storing foods containing allergens and how you may help customers with questions,
see <>.
Dont crowd the storage area (including the cool room or freezer).
If you are concerned about pests, consider hiring a professional pest control service.
Store whole eggs in cool rooms or refrigerators wherever possible and make sure they are kept dry and clean.
Dont overload freezers or refrigerators.
Have refrigerators and cool rooms regularly checked and serviced by a qualied technician.
During a power failure, keep all cool room and refrigerator doors closed. Check the temperatures of all food
when the power is restored. Follow the advice on the departments website at <
Growth of food
poisoning bacteria
Do not refreeze
defrosted or partially
cooked food a second
time. Use it immediately
or date code and
refrigerate it.
8. 8
Practices to keep food safe
Food must be thoroughly defrosted before cooking, unless the manufacturers instructions tell you to cook
it from frozen (for example, ready-to-eat foods, such as frozen meals or individual quick-frozen foods).
Whatever method you use to defrost food, try to use the food as soon as it is defrosted.
If you defrost a lot of foods in your business, consider setting aside refrigerator space specically for
defrosting or using a special defrosting cabinet.
If food is thawed using cold running water, it should be placed in a clean container that does not retain water
(such as a colander), and the water should be of drinkable quality. (This method is not recommended as it
uses a lot of water.)
Food can be defrosted quickly in the microwave oven using the defrost setting. Foods defrosted in this
way should be cooked immediately, as the temperature of the outside of the food is usually different to the
temperature of the inside of the food. This allows food poisoning bacteria to grow rapidly. Throw away any
high-risk food thawed in a microwave and left to stand for more than two hours.
When its not possible to defrost food in the refrigerator or chiller, defrost it on a bench. Make sure the food
does not stay in the temperature danger zone of 5C to 60C for more than a total of four hours before it is
eaten. Place food in a covered dish or container to make sure it is does not get contaminated and does not
contaminate other foods.
Goal: Ensure food does not become contaminated during preparation
What can go wrong?
Growth of food
poisoning bacteria
in food
Cross-contamination of
ready-to-eat food with
food poisoning bacteria
from hands, utensils,
cloths, surfaces, foods
(for example, high-risk
foods such as meat,
seafood, poultry or
eggs, or raw vegetables)
or other items.
of non-allergenic foods
with allergens from
other foods, cooking
equipment and surfaces
that have been in
contact with allergens.
If non-allergenic food
may be contaminated
with an allergen, make
sure that it is not used in
the preparation of food
that is intended to be
allergen free.
9. 9
Inspect equipment,
utensils and cloths
regularly to make sure
they are clean.
Practices to keep food safe
Preparation (continued)
What can go wrong?
Review cleaning
schedules and practices.
If benches, chopping
boards and other
equipment are used
for raw and ready to
eat foods, you must
separate raw foods
and ready-to-eat-foods
by preparing them at
different times.
Wash thoroughly
or throw out.
Preparation (continued)
What can go wrong?
Spreading Salmonella
bacteria from raw egg
to ready-to-eat foods
through handling or the
use of contaminated
kitchen implements
(such as blenders)
Wash ready-to-eat fruit and vegetables on the day you intend to use them.
Make raw egg products daily in small batches rather than in large containers.
When breaking eggs, minimise contact between the shell and the contents of the egg.
To nd out more about allergens and food intolerances and how you may help customers with questions,
see <>.
10. 10
Cooking food
Goal: Ensure that food is properly cooked.
What can go wrong?
Use a probe
thermometer to measure
the temperature of the
thickest part or centre
of the food.
To ensure it is completely
cooked, grill or fry meat
(including chicken) that
has been cooked on
a kebab/spit on a hot
plate before serving it
to the customer. This is
to make sure it is fully
cooked and safe to eat.
Practices to keep food safe
Use a probe
thermometer to measure
the temperature of the
thickest part or centre of
the food.
Follow Practices 6
Cooling and freezing
food to keep the
food safe.
Follow the instructions
on packaging for
soaking and cooking.
To check
How often
Record 3: My cooking
temperature checks
Boiling soups, sauces, gravies and casseroles can reduce bacteria. However, some bacteria can survive this
and must be handled with care. If food is not handled safely before cooking, it may still be unsafe to eat even
after cooking.
Allergens can contaminate non-allergenic food via equipment, surfaces and hands.
Create recipe cards for staff with clear instructions on cooking times and temperatures and adjust
if necessary.
Preheat cooking equipment before use; otherwise food will take longer to cook and cooking times in recipes
or the manufacturers instructions may not be long enough to kill bacteria.
To check a pork joint or rolled meat joint, insert a skewer into the centre until juices run out. The juices
should not have any pink or red in them. Turn meat and poultry during cooking as this helps it to cook more
evenly. Check the core temperature of foods with a probe thermometer.
Avoid cold spots in liquid dishes by stirring frequently.
Before cooking mussels and clams, throw away any with open or damaged shells.
For more information on allergens and food intolerances see <>.
11. 11
Growth of food
poisoning bacteria
Remove cooked food from the heat source and allow it to stand until the temperature drops to
approximately 60C.
Spread food out to cool it faster or divide it into smaller batches in shallow containers (less than 10cm deep).
If you have access to a blast chiller, use it to chill hot foods quickly and safely.
Stir hot liquid while it is being chilled.
Place containers of hot food in cold water or an ice bath to cool the contents more quickly. Move hot food to
a cooler area where it will cool more quickly.
Do not put hot food straight from the oven or stove into the refrigerator, cool room or freezer because it can
raise the temperature of other food and allow bacteria to grow.
Label food that has been cooled and placed in covered containers, including the type of food and the time
and date, before placing it in the refrigerator, cool room or freezer.
To nd out more about storing food containing allergens and how you may help customers with questions,
see <>.
12. 12
Use a probe
thermometer to
regularly measure the
temperature of the
thickest part of the food.
Check that:
s reheated food is hot
(steaming) all the way
s liquids bubble rapidly
when stirred.
Reheat according to
the manufacturers
Only reheat food
once and discard
any left overs.
of food through poor
personal hygiene or from
raw food to reheated
food, or allergenic to
non-allergenic foods
Bacteria introduced after cooking may multiply if reheating is inadequate, making the food unsafe. Bacteria can
be transferred to food from unwashed equipment, utensils and hands.
Where possible, stir or mix food to make sure there are no cold spots and the food is evenly reheated.
Preheat equipment such as ovens and grills before use. If food takes longer to reheat than the
recommended reheating times in recipes or the manufacturers instructions it may not be long enough to
kill bacteria.
If you are reheating food in a microwave, follow the manufacturers instructions, including advice on standing
and stirring. Manufacturers have tested their instructions to make sure that foods will be properly reheated.
When food is microwaved, it can be very hot at the edges and still be cold in the centre. Regular stirring
helps to prevent this.
To nd out more about reheating food containing allergens and how you may help customers with
questions, see <>.
13. 13
Measure the
temperature regularly (at
least once a day).
s reheat it to 75C
or hotter, serve
immediately and
discard any leftovers,
s reheat it to 75C or
hotter, maintain at
60C or above during
service and discard any
leftovers, or
s cool it to 5C or colder
and refrigerate it.
Remember you should
only reheat food once.
If the temperature of the
food is less than 60C
for more than four hours,
discard it.
Adjust equipment if
necessary and discuss
with your staff.
Growth of food
poisoning bacteria in
ready-to-eat food if
cold holding units break
down, are not turned on
or are not at the correct
Measure the
temperature of food
in display units by
measuring its core or
surface temperatures.
Check your completed
food temperature
records (Record 2)
to ensure that safe
food temperatures are
If the temperature of
food is greater than
5C for:
s less than two
hours, use the food
immediately or return
to refrigerated storage
s more than two hours
and less than four
hours, use the food
s more than four hours,
discard the food.
Adjust equipment if
necessary and discuss
with your staff.
Inspect equipment,
utensils and cloths
regularly to make
sure they are clean
and sanitised.
If food is packaged,
make sure the
packaging is not
damaged or broken.
Check packaging.
Check labels
and garnishes.
Repair or replace
equipment that cannot
be properly cleaned.
Practices to keep food safe
Cross contamination of
food with food poisoning
Food is contaminated
by allergens, and a
person who is allergic
becomes sick
Train staff.
If non-allergenic food may
be contaminated with an
allergen, make sure that it
is not used in the
preparation of food that
is intended to be
allergen free.
If ready to eat food
served at the premises
may include allergens,
make sure that
information about the
allergens is displayed
with the food or is
available on request.
To check
How often
Record 2: My
temperature checks
of food in cold and
hot storage
s The mixing of new and old batches of food can spread food poisoning bacteria.
s Foreign objects that fall into, or come into contact with, uncovered food may contaminate the food.
s Poor food handling can contaminate food.
s Customers may contaminate food.
s Cross-contamination can occur if raw and ready-to-eat foods are stored in the same area.
s Cross-contamination can occur if utensils, surfaces or equipment come into contact with both allergenic
and non-allergenic foods.
s If hot food is not fully cooked before being placed in hot holding units, food poisoning bacteria will increase
in large numbers and may cause food poisoning.
s If hot food is held at lower than 60C, bacteria can multiply and cause food poisoning. Bain-maries or hot
holding units are designed to keep hot food hot, but must not be used for reheating food as they cannot
reach 75C within one hour. If a bain-marie tray is overloaded, the temperature of the food may not be
maintained at 60C or hotter.
s If high-risk cold food is stored near lights on the cold display unit it may become too warm, which may
cause food poisoning bacteria to multiply.
Displaying and serving food
Inform suppliers that they are required by law to comply with the Food Standards Code labelling and
other information requirements, including Mandatory warning and advisory statements and declarations.
All packaged food must be labelled according to the Code. For more information, check <www.>.
For more information about allergens, visit <>.
14. 14
Contamination of food
from inappropriate or
damaged containers
or packaging
Regularly check
that containers and
packaging are intact
and undamaged.
of food with food
poisoning bacteria
or foreign matter or
allergens in
the packaging area
or by equipment
Inspect premises
and vehicles to see
whether different
foods are stored
separately and
in food-grade
Repackage foods
Not meeting
requirements in
the national Food
Standards Code to
include important
information for
customers on labels
or when you display
food, or to make
information available
on request. Failure
can cause harm to
some customers and
may mislead others.
If non-allergenic food
may be contaminated
with an allergen,
make sure that it
is not used in the
preparation of food
that is intended to be
If food may include
allergens, follow the
instructions on pages
47 and 48 about
making information
available to staff
and customers.
Practices to keep food safe
Growth of food
poisoning bacteria
from food being
transported in the
temperature danger
zone of 5C to 60C
Measure the
temperature and
quality of food at
dispatch and delivery.
Improve vehicles,
equipment and
Store packaging materials, in their original containers if possible, in an area set aside for the purpose away
from chemicals, allergens and other possible contaminants.
If using remote IT monitoring equipment refer to the Department of Health Guide to remote monitoring of
temperatures in food storage units for advice on how to check and monitor the operation of this system.
Access the guide at <>.
15. 15
Support programs
Observe storage,
preparation and
display practices
to avoid the
risk of allergen
Not meeting
requirements in
the national Food
Standards Code to
include important
information for
customers about
Inspect labels of
ingredients for the
presence of allergens.
Revise information so
it is correct.
Review practices
and labels regularly,
especially for new
Support programs
Check ingredients
listed in items on
Make sure information
about allergens is
displayed or available
on request about
ready-to-eat food that
is served
to customers or is
on display.
Support programs
Check staff
knowledge and
understanding of
known allergens,
and what allergens
and ingredients are
present in the food
being served.
Support programs
Allergens are foods known to cause reactions in allergic people due to an immune response. This can be life
threatening. Allergens in foods must be clearly communicated to customers.
As distinct to food allergies, some people experience intolerance to certain foods or ingredients due to
a chemical reaction. Peoples reactions to food intolerances are commonly less severe, but eating these
foods can make them unwell.
The most common causes of food allergic reactions or food intolerances are:
s cereals containing gluten and their products, that is: wheat, rye, barley, oats and spelt and their hybridised
strains, other than where these substances are present in beer and spirits as described in the national
Food Standards Code
s shellsh, crustaceans and their products
s eggs and egg products
s sh and sh products
s milk and milk products
s peanuts and peanut products
s soybeans and soybean products
s sesame seeds and sesame seed products
s tree nuts and tree nut products (this does not include coconut)
s added sulphites in concentrations of 10 mg/kg or more (typically in dried nuts, soft drinks and sausages).
NOTE: The term products means foods that have this item in their ingredients.
The Food Standards Code requires that the presence of any of these products in a food must be declared
when present as:
s an ingredient
s an ingredient of a compound ingredient
s a food additive or component of a food additive
s a processing aid or component of a processing aid.
Support programs
To check for any future updates on these requirements go to the FSANZ website <>.
Support programs
If you handle foods in different ways to those described above, check the FSANZ website for more specic
requirements about labelling and the provision of information to customers. For example, if:
s you pre-package food at one place to sell at another
s you wholesale food
s you sell raw bamboo shoots or cassava (for customers to take away)
s you use substances such as lactitol or maltitol, or kava or royal jelly
s you formulate caffeinated beverages (this does not include making and serving tea or coffee or selling or
serving cans of drink)
s food is produced using gene technology
s you make nutrition, health or related claims
s you sell raw meat, offal or sh to customers
s you prepare food and supply it to someone else who offers it, or uses it to prepare food for immediate
consumption (such as a caterer, restaurant, canteen, school or hospital).
To understand the requirements in the Code about declaring allergens, refer to the information in the
table on page 47.
Set aside a time or work area that is used solely for the preparation of allergen-free foods and use separate
utensils for foods that are designated to be allergen-free.
If you are placing your own food business label on a pre-packaged item that is already labelled, make sure
you dont cover the existing label as it contains important information for consumers.
To nd out more about allergens and food intolerances and how you may help customers with questions
about them, visit <>.
To nd out more about information requirements and how you may help customers with questions,
see <>.
For more information on the current national standards on food labelling and allergens,
visit <>.
16. 16
Support programs
Food may be
contaminated if
premises, equipment,
vehicles, containers
and cleaning cloths
are not cleaned and
sanitised properly
Conrm cleaning
product details with
Review and/or
change cleaning
Conrm contents
and implementation
of cleaning
Review and
modify cleaning
Cleaning tips
Six steps for food contact surfaces and equipment
1. Pre-clean scrape, wipe or sweep away food scraps and rinse with water.
2. Wash use hot water and detergent to remove grease and dirt and soak, if needed.
3. Rinse rinse off any loose dirt or detergent foam.
4. Sanitise use a sanitiser to kill remaining germs.
5. Final rinse wash off sanitiser (read the instructions on the sanitiser container to see if you need to do this).
6. Dry allow to air dry.
Support programs
Other tips
Create a cleaning schedule to keep track of what must be cleaned and when. It should set out the cleaning
arrangements and tasks so that staff members know how often each job must be done, how it should be
done and who should do it, including:
the oors, walls and ceilings of all areas of the business, from the front door to the delivery area
all extractor fans, kitchen equipment, display units, refrigerators and storage areas
the cleaning equipment itself (broken equipment should be reported and replaced)
a timeframe that ensures there is no build-up of rubbish, recycling material, food waste or dirt and grease
on any of the equipment and any vehicles used to prepare, sell or transport food.
Operate a clean-as-you-go policy and clean all spillages immediately. Provide cleaning materials, equipment
and cleaning agents in order to clean effectively.
Use clean or disposable dishcloths. Wash cloths in hot water and detergent after every use and sanitise
dishcloths regularly. Replace cloths regularly during each shift. Single-use paper towels are safer than cloths.
Ensure staff members wash their hands after cleaning and change their gloves and protective clothing
before returning to prepare or handle food.
17. 17
Support programs
Check that
appropriate policies,
staff training and
operational systems
are in place.
Modify policies
and procedures,
staff training and
operational systems
as appropriate.
Improve staff
supervision and
Address noncompliant staff
Improve staff
supervision and
Support programs
Support programs
Other steps you can take to ensure staff members understand what may lead to food being unsafe,
and action they can take to avoid it, include:
informing new staff about your business food safety program
developing and implementing a training plan for staff. See dofoodsafely, the Department of Healths free
online learning program at <>.
Keep records of staff illness (for example, note in your business diary whether the staff member was
absent due to a gastro-related illness). Authorities may require this information after a food-related incident
or outbreak.
Check the Victorian Department of Healths Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Unit website
for more information: <>.
Keep up-to-date with food safety requirements by regularly checking the departments food safety website
at <>.
Put up posters near sink areas to remind staff to wash their hands.
Lead by example wash your hands frequently.
Improve staff
supervision and
Support programs
18. 18
Support programs
Inform staff:
Improve staff
supervision and
s to the toilet
s handling any food that may
potentially contaminate other
food products (including
raw ingredients and foods
containing allergens)
s eating or drinking
s smoking, licking ngers,
biting nails, touching pimples
or sores
s coughing, sneezing, using a
handkerchief or disposable
s disposing of or handling waste
s handling animals
s handling anything other than
food (for example, money,
cleaning cloths, cleaning
s away from the workplace
(starting a shift or returning
from a break).
Support programs
Four steps for effective hand washing
1. Use soap to work up a lather.
2. Wash palms, ngers, thumbs, nails and wrists. Use a clean nail brush if necessary.
3. Rinse off soap by washing hands under warm running water for at least 20 seconds.
4. Dry with paper towel then air dry. Never wipe wet hands on clothes, uniforms or aprons to dry them.
Ensure that all staff complete dofoodsafely, the departments free online learning program at
<>, or other training programs.
To nd out more about allergens and food intolerances and how you may help customers with questions,
see <>.
19. 19
Support programs
If equipment is not
operating effectively
it may be difcult to
clean. This can cause
food to become
contaminated or not
be prepared safely
Check equipment
Replace or adjust
equipment as
Thermometers may
contaminate food
if not cleaned and
sanitised properly
Conduct cold
Have faulty probe
temperature and/or hot thermometers
repaired or replaced.
temperature testing.
Have equipment
calibrated by the
manufacturer, supplier
or external contractor.
If using an automated
system ensure that
calibration is included in
any service agreements.
Inspect probe
thermometers to see
whether they have
been sanitised
and cleaned.
Thermometers must
be available and used
correctly to check that
food is kept at the
correct temperature
to prevent the growth
of food poisoning
Check that
thermometers are
being used correctly.
Check facilities,
including whether
soap and towels are
Make sure
handwashing facilities
are maintained and
restocked regularly.
Support programs
If adequate hand
washing facilities are
not available, food
may be contaminated
Support programs
To check
How often
Accuracy of equipment
Record 5: My probe
accuracy checks
Maintenance of equipment
Create a maintenance schedule to track when equipment has been serviced and note when the next service
is due. You may wish to note it in your business diary instead, or as well.
Use of equipment
Ensure that all of the equipment you use in your premises is operated in accordance with the manufacturers
instruction booklet or operating manual. This includes all equipment used in your business such as
cooking equipment, blenders, vitamisers and cutters. If you do not have the operating manual for a piece of
equipment you should obtain it. Manuals can typically be downloaded from the internet or obtained directly
from the manufacturer.
An example of where manuals are important is in the case of conveyor-belted ovens. These are commonly
used to cook pizzas. They can also be used to cook a wide variety of other foods. They are designed to put
food through the oven once, after the operator has made sure that the settings for the cooking time and the
temperature are appropriate for the type of food being cooked. These ovens have been incorrectly used in
the past, which has led to foods being cooked inadequately, or put through the oven more than once on the
wrong temperature. Outbreaks of illness resulted when the operating manual was not available on-site.
To ensure food is thoroughly cooked, it is critical that equipment is used in accordance with the
manufacturers specications at all times.
Support programs
Probe thermometers
Use a probe thermometer that is accurate to +/1C. This means that when the thermometer reads 5C, the
actual temperature of the food is between 4C and 6C. The accuracy of the thermometer will be stated in
the documents or packaging that came with it. If you dont have any documents, contact the thermometers
manufacturer and ask about its accuracy.
Purchase thermometers from companies that supply probe thermometers or electronic testing equipment.
See the Department of Health Guide to remote monitoring of temperatures in food storage units for more
advice. Access the guide at <>.
20. 20
Support programs
Pest control
Goal: Ensure that food is secure and protected from pests.
What can go wrong?
Contamination of
food by pests
Regularly inspect
premises, vehicles,
food storage areas
and rubbish storage
areas for signs of
activity by pests.
Check to make
sure prohibited
animals are
not allowed into
the premises.
Support programs
Safely position ultraviolet insect killers. These should not be located above food preparation benches.
Label bait stations with the date of service and secure them to the ground.
Use a diary or create a log sheet to record what bait was used and note any pest activity and areas that
need to be cleaned or repaired to keep the premises secure from pests.
Ensure regular pest inspections. Consider hiring a licensed pest controller to visit the premises regularly.
Licensed pest controllers must ensure their service complies with legislative requirements and best practice
guidelines for the use of pesticide. If you hire a licensed pest controller, ask them for an inspection report.
This report should give written results of each visit to the food business premises.
Protect food from possible contamination if chemicals are used for pest control.
21. 21
Support programs
Take corrective
Regularly inspect
waste storage areas.
Support programs
Food recalls
If you supply food to other businesses, obtain a copy of the FSANZ Food industry recall protocol.
Phone (02) 6271 2222 or visit the FSANZ website at <>.
Subscribe to FSANZ to receive information on food recalls from the Food Standards website
Keep invoices or delivery dockets that contain a prescribed name or description of the food, batch numbers,
date markers or other information, wherever possible.
When you receive a food recall notice, take immediate action to remove food from use or display in
your business.
Follow all other instructions given by the supplier or the local council.
Waste disposal
Place waste disposal bins conveniently around the food preparation area.
Clearly label waste disposal bins to make them clearly distinguishable from food storage containers.
Use plastic bin liners in waste disposal bins in food preparation areas.
Regularly empty rubbish bins in food preparation areas to avoid over-lling or spillages.
Tie all bin liners before placing them in waste disposal storage.
Clean waste disposal bins in preparation areas on a daily basis and leave overnight to air dry.
Clearly identify the waste disposal storage area, and regularly clean it.
Ensure regular collection of waste from your premises.
22. 22
Support programs
Time control
Goal: Ensure cooked and ready-to-eat food (high-risk food) does not remain at room temperature for long
enough to become unsafe.
What can go wrong?
Growth of food
poisoning bacteria
from food being in the
temperature danger
zone of 5C to 60C
Measure food
temperatures at
regular intervals during
food practices, such
as purchasing and
receiving, preparation,
displaying and serving.
Reject high-risk
foods that are
delivered at the
wrong temperature
or where evidence
of the temperature is
not provided.
Dispose of high-risk
food that has been at
room temperature for
more than four hours.
Support programs
After 20 minutes
After 40 minutes
After 3 hours
Even food which looks safe and has no off odour, smell or taste can be very unsafe to eat.
Best before and use-by dates on cooked, ready-to-eat and high-risk foods will be void if the food is not kept
at the recommended storage temperature.
If your business has not stored the food as directed, you will be legally at fault if the food becomes unsafe.
Support programs
2 to 4 hours
Over 4 hours
Ok to use or refrigerate
at 5C or less
Throw away
The total time includes all the time the food has been at room temperature, for example during delivery,
display, preparation and transportation.
Adapted and reproduced with the kind permission of SA Health.
Place a label on the food or the tray to record the time it spends at room temperature.
When preparing raw high-risk food for cooking, make sure that the time it is held at room temperature is
kept to a minimum. Return food to the refrigerator during delays.
23. 23
J. Smith Smallgoods
Business address
Trading name
This information must include current suppliers and also all your suppliers for the previous two years.
Keep it in your preferred place, such as in your food safety program, a folder, by the phone, or on your ofce computer.
9999 3000
9999 2000
You can keep this information in any way you like as long as your council environmental health ofcer can see it on request and your staff can access it in your absence.
Use this sheet if you do not already have this information in existing records.
24. 24
Business address
Note: Do not write on this master form. Make several photocopies to put in your records folder.
Trading name
This information must include current suppliers and also all your suppliers for the previous two years.
Keep it in your preferred place, such as in your food safety program, a folder, by the phone, or on your ofce computer.
You can keep this information in any way you like as long as your council environmental health ofcer can see it on request and your staff can access it in your absence.
Use this sheet if you do not already have this information in existing records.
Cool room
Unit name:
Week starting:
City Restaurant
Temperature adjusted
If you are using a remote monitoring system, you can use the records in that system.
If you are keeping the record for more than one location, make sure it is clear which premises, van, stall or off-site location it relates to.
You can choose the way you keep this information, such as in the record below, in your daily business diary, or somewhere that the information can be retrieved quickly,
if requested. Make sure you record the date, unit and food temperature, and any corrective action taken.
Record the result. If the temperature is wrong check other items and take corrective action. Try to vary the items checked over the course of the week.
At least once every day that your business operates at a premises, vehicle, stall or off-site location, for each site check and record the temperature of at least one high-risk
food in each unit in which you keep food frozen, cold or hold it hot.
High-risk food will become unsafe if it is kept in the temperature danger zone between 5C and 60C.
High-risk food must be kept at safe temperatures. Cold food must be kept at 5C or less, frozen food at -15C or colder, and hot food at 60C or hotter.
25. 25
Week starting:
Pie warmer
Unit name:
Stall or marquee
Week starting:
Unit name:
Pies microwaved and returned to the warmer. Core temperature is now 76oC.
Updated practice communicated to all staff.
Temperature adjusted
Fixed by technician
Week starting:
Soup turine
Unit name:
Note: Do not write on this master form. Make several photocopies to put in your records folder.
Week starting:
Unit name:
If you are using a remote monitoring system, you can use the records in that system.
If you are keeping the record for more than one location, make sure it is clear which premises, van, stall or off-site location it relates to.
You can choose the way you keep this information, such as in the record below, in your daily business diary, or somewhere that the information can be retrieved quickly,
if requested. Make sure you record the date, unit and food temperature, and any corrective action taken.
Record the result. If the temperature is wrong check other items and take corrective action. Try to vary the items checked over the course of the week.
At least once every day that your business operates at a premises, vehicle, stall or off-site location, for each site check and record the temperature of at least one high-risk
food in each unit in which you keep food frozen, cold or hold it hot.
High-risk food will become unsafe if it is kept in the temperature danger zone between 5C and 60C.
High-risk food must be kept at safe temperatures. Cold food must be kept at 5C or less, frozen food at -15C or colder, and hot food at 60C or hotter.
Note: Do not write on this master form. Make several photocopies to put in your records folder.
Week starting:
Unit name:
Week starting:
Unit name:
Chicken casserole
If all of the food you cook is fried, you do not need to conduct this check or complete the record.
If you are keeping the record for more than one location, make sure it is clear which premises, van, stall or off site location it relates to.
Whole cuts of sh or steak can be cooked to preference and do not need to reach a core temperature of 75oC.
You can choose the way you keep this information, such as in the record below, in your daily business diary, or somewhere that the information can be retrieved quickly,
if requested. Make sure you record all the required information.
Try to vary the items checked over the course of the year.
Make sure you record the date, food item and temperature and, if needed, any action taken to ensure food reaches more than 75oC.
At least once a month that your business operates at a premises, vehicle, stall or off-site location, for each site check and record the results of whether the cooking
temperature of one menu item of food reaches 75oC or above.
26. 26
Note: Do not write on this master form. Make several photocopies to put in your records folder.
If all of the food you cook is fried, you do not need to conduct this check or complete the record.
Whole cuts of sh or steak can be cooked to preference and do not need to reach a core temperature of 75oC.
If you are keeping the record for more than one location, make sure it is clear which premises, van, stall or off site location it relates to.
You can choose the way you keep this information, such as in the record below, in your daily business diary, or somewhere that the information can be retrieved quickly,
if requested. Make sure you record all the required information.
Try to vary the items checked over the course of the year.
Make sure you record the date, food item and temperature and, if needed, any action taken to ensure food reaches more than 75oC.
At least once a month that your business operates at a premises, vehicle, stall or off-site location, for each site check and record the results of whether the cooking
temperature of one menu item of food reaches 75oC or above.
27. 27
2 to 4 hours
Over 4 hours
Ok to use or refrigerate
at 5C of less
Throw away
The total time includes all the time the food has been at room temperature, for example during delivery,
display, preparation and transportation.
Adapted and reproduced with the kind permission of SA Health.
If you keep high-risk food on display in the temperature danger zone of 5C to 60C write down your usual practice
for using the 2 hour/4 hour rule, and make sure you and your staff understand it. See the examples below.
If you are keeping this record for more than one location, make sure it is clear which premises, van, stall or
off-site location it relates to.
Example practice 1:
Premises: (Example) Bean and Gone Caf
1. Sandwiches are prepared daily between 10.30 and 11.30am.
2. They are put on display until 2.30pm total time out of refrigeration is four hours.
3. At 2.30pm all left over sandwiches are thrown out.
Example practice 2:
Premises: (Example) Big Belly Buffet Restaurant
Monday to Saturday
1. Freshly cooked food is transferred to the bain-marie daily at 11.50am for lunch service food is held at 50C.
2. All food is brought back to the kitchen at 2.30pm.
3. As the food has been in the temperature danger zone of 5C to 60C for longer than two hours, it is either
used immediately (some staff eat it for lunch before the four-hour mark is reached) or it is thrown out.
1. Freshly cooked food is transferred to the bain-marie daily at 11.50am for lunch service food is held at 50C.
2. Leftover food is brought back into the kitchen after lunch service at 1.30pm where it cooled rapidly in
shallow containers in the refrigerator for use the next day.
Note: In example 2, the 1 hour and 40 minutes that the food is held in the bain-marie on Sunday is part of
the total amount of time the food can be held in the temperature danger zone the next day. That is, on
Monday, after reheating to over 75C, the food can be displayed for 2 hours and 20 minutes before being
thrown out. The total time in which the food is kept in the temperature danger zone is 4 hours.
You must be able to demonstrate how you manage food safety in your business to the council environmental
health ofcer.
28. 28
Thermometer ID
If you have more
than one, name
it, e.g. T1, T2, T3,
and label it
T2 (used in
food van)
Step 1
Temperature C
ice water
Temperature C
boiling water
Corrective action
(if temperature wrong)
Temperature that
the thermometer
Temperature that
the thermometer
New thermometer
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Thermometer ID
If you have more
than one, name
it, e.g. T1, T2, T3,
and label it
Temperature C
ice water
Temperature C
boiling water
Corrective action
(if temperature wrong)
Temperature that
the thermometer
Temperature that
the thermometer
Note: Do not write on this master form. Make several photocopies to put in your records folder.