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MARCH 2016

So far in 2016, investors
have encountered some of
the worst market turbulence in many years. The
key to weathering the
volatility is staying true to a
long-term investment plan.

STORM p. 2



monetary policy, as well as

his year, financial markets are grappling with a

long list of pressing questions. In January, China
said that the nations economy grew 6.9% in
2015, its slowest pace in 25 years, and concerns
abound about the prospects for its expansion
because of debt-laden state enterprises and
excessive spending on real estate and infrastructure. The collapse
of oil pricesBrent crude prices have fallen from more than $100
in mid-2014 to a $30-$35 range todayhas jolted the industrial
sector. Everyone from oil drillers to private equity and debt fund
managers to media pundits are spinning in all directions with
predictions of recovery or recession. The vast divergence of views
has prompted speculation about the pace of the Federal Reserves
plan to increase interest rates.
Will Chinas slowdown worsen? Will the U.S. expansion falter?
Will the price of oil fall and perpetuate the slow-motion implosion
in the energy industry? When will the Fed next raise interest rates?
Will an anomaly flash crash hit equity markets today?
The honest answer is, we dont know. We rarely, if ever, can
predict the short-term twists and turns in the economy. We do
know that reacting strongly to short-term fears about the unknown
is most often a mistake. We believe that investors are most
likely to reach their goals by focusing on the long term: relying
on fundamental research, allocating capital to truly exceptional
investments and staying true to a comprehensive plan.

momentous capital-market


Stock market volatility

has spiked in response to
immediate market concerns
about energy prices,
weakening economic growth
in China and changes to

shifts during the past 20

years. In times like these,
investors earn their stripes
by staying focused on their
long-term goals.

Successful investing requires some degree of humility. According

to Freakonomics partners Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt, I
dont know are, together, the three hardest words for most people
to say. In their 2014 book, Think Like A Freak, they talk about our
reluctance as a species to say these words. Academic research
suggests that the inhibition may be wired in at an early age. In a
variety of studies, from 60% to 75% of kids between 5 and 8 years
old give yes or no answers to yes/no questions even though
they dont know the correct response.
As investors, we strive to constantly remind ourselves about
this human tendency. The fact is that more often than not, we cannot answer questions that would help us predict the movement of


Head of Investments

the market. Being humble is essential to our long-term investing

mindset. Indeed, we know that many of an investors worst decisions result from convincing yourself that you know something
when you dont.
Given the breadth of the uncertainty currently weighing on the
market, it isnt surprising to see higher volatility. In January, the
Standard & Poors 500 Index traded up or down by more than a
percentage point during 13 out of 19 trading days, ending up with
a 5.1% decline for the month. During periods like thiswhen the
economy feels unpredictable, when you dont know exactly what
is coming next, when you are most tempted to deviate from longterm plansit is especially important to stick with those plans and
resist the temptation to overreact to short-term turbulence. As we
think about rising market volatility, we should first acknowledge
that the markets choppiness during the past year is not out of
whack with recent years. As shown by the chart on page 4, we are
really looking at a tale of two eras: one exhibiting a baseline of volatility from 1970 until 2000, and the other showing meaningfully
higher volatility from 2000 to the present.

So rather than ask why markets are especially volatile this year,
it would be more illuminating to look at why markets have been
more volatile during the past 20 years. We think about the
changes weve seen in recent decades in three broad categories:
informational, structural and regulatory.
Informational: When it comes to investment information, we
all suffer from an acute case of too much information. CNBC
shouts at us 24 hours a day, and the most miniscule events are
immediately reported in stories all over the Internet seconds
after they happen. The barrage disrupts an ability to weigh the
import of any individual piece of information. Equally important,
the advent of high-frequency trading (HFT) has completely
collapsed the relevant time horizon for 99.9% of the investment
transactions completed every day. HFT firms execute hundreds
of thousands of trades each second for a single customer, just
to jump on momentary price dips of a fraction of a penny. Last
year, the scientific journal Nature published Physics in Finance,
an article that reported on advanced laser and hollow core

technologies that are accelerating the transmission

of trade data by milliseconds. The new speed limit for
investment decisions is the speed of light. Against
that backdrop, we need to accept the idea that the
flash crashes of recent years may simply be a new,
permanent characteristic of market behavior.
Structural: High-frequency trading is evidence
of a structural shift in capital markets as much as
an informational shift. During most of the period
since World War II, the stock market responded
much more to the decisions of patient, long-termoriented decision-makers than it does today. The
people who influenced capital flows and advised or
influenced other investors were the likes of Warren
Buffett, Philip Fisher and Peter Lyncheach with
a differentiated approach but a common focus on
the long term and on fundamental research. Their
common strategy was simple: Buy good companies
and hold them for a long time.
Today, most investors do not see themselves
as patient owners of companies. Far more often,
investors simply buy the market via index mutual
funds or ETFs, meaning their every investment
decision involves hundreds of stocks, not just
one stock. Also, reduced barriers to trading have
drastically increased the number of people making
trades and the speed with which they trade. This
includes self-directed retail investors as well as
institutional, high-frequency traders. Moreover,
sovereign wealth funds, managing the assets of
countries such as Norway ($882 billion), United Arab
Emirates ($773 billion) and Kuwait ($592 billion),
roil markets with huge trades prompted by sudden
shifts in other markets. Stock market volatility this
year has been ascribed in part to selling by sovereign
wealth funds seeking to make up fiscal shortfalls
created by the collapse in oil export revenues.
Regulatory: Finally, regulation and central-bank
activity has heavily influenced markets since the


2008-2009 financial crisis. For years, central banks

around the world have supported their economies
and capital markets by cutting interest rates to
record lows and purchasing government bonds. As a
result, markets are now hypersensitive to any hints
of monetary policy changes and interest rate movement. Whats more, due to this already sustained
offensive, central banks have less ammunition today
to respond to further market downdrafts.
Another less widely discussed factor is the fear
that liquidity in certain marketsspecifically the
corporate bond marketis drying up. Traditionally,
banks have been the primary intermediary dealers
of corporate bonds, but because of various postcrisis regulatory shifts such as the Volcker Rule
and generally stricter capital requirements, bond
dealing is far less attractive for banks. They have
been reducing their market-making presence and
dealer inventories for years. The risk is clear: If
no one is there to buy when others are selling, the
markets movements will be more volatile. It is too
soon to say how powerful this trend will be over time.

These informational, structural and regulatory

changes intensify short-term volatility in prices
during a typical day or month. In our view, the best
response can only be to acknowledge increased
short-term uncertainty, and to redouble our focus
on long-term goals and market drivers. Even if we do
see bigger and more frequent market swings in the
coming years, the basic rules of patient and valueconscious investing have not changed. Companies
that can grow their earnings consistently over a
10-year period should still be worth more at the end
of those 10 years. Bonds with healthy credit profiles
will probably still provide investors with consistent
income and eventually return those investors
principal at the end of their term. And investors
who do an outstanding job of identifying great
investmentsin other words, situations when there
is an attractive spread between the price of a stock
or bond and the long-term value of the underlying
businessshould still have the potential to create
wealth over time.
In the current investment climate, we are certainly
not ignoring the risks and opportunities presented
by the markets volatility. During the past 12 months,
we have shifted to a slightly more defensive position
in client portfolios. We have reduced our weighting
in equities overall, and in U.S. equities in particular,
while adding to weightings in assets with lower risk

profiles than equities, such as high-yield bonds as well as some

private credit opportunities where appropriate for clients. We are
actively monitoring situations where we feel the pendulum may
have swung too far. High yield is a good example of a situation
where recent uncertaintyin this case over the price of oilhas
led to a major sell-off across the entire high-yield market, creating
potential opportunities among bonds whose prospects actually
have little to do with energy prices. We maintain allocations to
emerging markets during a period when they have struggled
mightily, but our managers have performed well on a relative basis
and we still see excellent long-term potential for growth in these
markets as their middle classes mature in coming years.
We always maintain a posture that balances upside potential,
downside protection and appropriate liquidity in client portfolios,
as dictated by each clients circumstances. We focus on a
three-bucket approachwhich customizes each clients mix
of short-term cash balances, core portfolio and opportunistic
investmentsto ensure a consistent framework for long-term
investing that works for clients practically and emotionally under
all market conditions. Any tactical allocation decisions are made
within the context of that overall long-term portfolio framework.
Why? Because we dont know what is going to happen in the
short term, so we always need to be prepared for a variety of
short-term positive and negative outcomes. Over the long haul,
however, if we stay true to our investment philosophymaintain
a long-term investment horizon, focus on fundamental research
and, above all, invest in what we know and understandwe are
confident that we can help our clients achieve the results they
seek over time.

Millennial Madness
Surges in volatility by the Standard & Poors 500 Index have become
more frequent since 1960. The higher figures since 2000 point to the
impact of long-term trends instead of a rise in investor skittishness
since the 2008-2009 financial crisis.


(1/1/1960 - 2/4/2016)

















% of days price moved more than 1%



A Lift Amid Headwinds:

The Appeal of Mortgage Bonds
With the Federal Reserve tightening for the first time
since 2006, investors may generate competitive returns
from the comparatively stable market for mortgagebacked securities.
Head of Fixed Income

In normal times, agency mortgage-backed
securities (MBS) generate more income than U.S.
Treasuries because borrowers compensate investors
for the risk that they will refinance their mortgage
and force prepayment of the securities at a loss of
the premium paid at purchase. But these are betterthan-normal times for MBS. These bonds are
especially appealing today as the Federal Reserve
embarks on a policy to nudge up benchmark interest
rates from record lows. Policymakers, including Fed
Chairwoman Janet Yellen, have said that the pace of
tightening will probably be slower than usual. With
interest rates flat or gradually rising, homeowners
are less likely to refinance but still must compensate
investors for the option to do so. That means we
should see fewer MBS prepayments and a solid
return for investors.
We seek to outperform by analyzing individual
MBS at a granular level and identifying bonds
with a comparatively low risk of prepayment. Such
bottom-up analysis differs from the approach of
most investors, who view MBS as homogenized
securities with limited differences in risk. We seek to
profit by buying MBS that we believe pose less risk
than the market perceives and pocketing the extra
yield offered for the higher estimated risk. When
scrutinizing MBS, we look for the following signs of
lower prepayment risk and higher potential return:
New mortgages. Homeowners who have recently
closed on a mortgage rarely plan to refinance

anytime soon. By purchasing MBS with a higher percentage of

fresh mortgages, we push back our estimated date of a prepayment.
Small loans. When interest rates decline, homeowners who
refinance small mortgages would likely reduce their monthly
payments less in dollar terms than borrowers with larger loans.
Ergo, they have less of an incentive to take advantage of lower rates
with a refinancing. Also, fixed fees for refinancing pose a bigger
disincentive to borrowers with smaller loans.
High loan-to-value ratios. Homeowners with minimal equity
in their properties have difficulty refinancing mortgages because
lower down payments in percentage terms usually prompt higher
borrowing rates.
Lower credit scores. Homeowners with low credit scores often
have difficultly accessing credit and will have to pay higher interest
rates than borrowers with better credit scores. Refinancing may not
be an option for them, and would become even harder to secure
when interest rates rise.
By poring over thousands of MBS in search of the attributes
listed above, we built a portfolio that outperformed the 1.51%
return of the Barclays Mortgage-backed Securities Index last
year. Much of the excess return stemmed from the slow rate of
refinancing in the MBS pools we own. In 2015, our portfolios
constant prepayment rate (CPR)an annualized percentage
of borrowers who terminate their loanswas 5.0% compared
with 14.6% for the universe of bonds with comparable coupons.
Mortgage borrowers pay MBS investors higher yields in order to
have the option to pay off the debt before its stated maturity. Each
incremental dollar not refinanced over a given period means fewer
prepayments of principal at face value. (The vast majority of MBS
trade above face value.)
At the core of our strategy is an awareness that MBS are not
bloodless blocks of bonds but pools of mortgages, each with a
living, breathing borrower behind it. Every borrower takes a
distinct approach to homeownership and personal finance. By
vetting each MBS from the bottom up, mindful of these nuances
and looking for clues to borrower behavior, we seek to achieve
attractive investor returns.


now your borrower!a lesson from

the subprime mortgage meltdown
last decadeis now the key to
achieving outperformance through
investing in the even-keeled market
for government-backed mortgage


Fixed Income Research Analyst

The Ultimate Mobile Device:

Redefining the Automobile


For more than a century, automakers have provided a way to find adventure and new possibilities just
beyond the horizon. Now the industry is also trying to satisfy consumers Web-focused wanderlust.

to the digital highwayare
now trying to hog its fast lane.
Industry behemoths ranging from
Volkswagen to Toyota to General
Motors are pouring money and
talent into boosting auto connectivity: building
self-driving cars, upgrading safety, investing in ridesharing services and creating electronic horizon
navigation that peers ahead to report on myriad
details, including weather, traffic congestion and the
contours of the road.
The car is and will remain the ultimate mobile
device, Herbert Diess, CEO of Volkswagens
passenger vehicle unit, said in January at the annual
Consumer Electronics Show. Autos will eventually
become the most important device on the Internet,
Diess predicted in Las Vegas while showcasing the
BUDD-e, an electric van that responds to voice
commands and links to a homes appliances, lights,
communications, heating, cooling and security
By redefining the car, the Old Economy auto
industry aims to ride consumer and investor

enthusiasm for Web-based innovation and beat back forays into

the sector by info-tech powerhouses such as Apple and Google.
We expect the advance into digital will do little in the foreseeable
future to overcome the industrys toughest challenges, including
overcapacity, tightening regulations and sputtering sales growth.
So rather than invest in highly-cyclical automakers, we are buying
shares in companies that provide the sector with the software and
hardware for its digital initiatives.
The race to develop the connected car is speeding up:
A consortium of Daimler, BMW and Volkswagens Audi unit
bought Nokias HERE mapping business in August for about
$2.8 billion. Combining cloud-based technology with highdefinition maps, HERE is a building block for driverless cars,
applicable also to smartphones and tablets.
GM announced in January it will invest $500 million in Lyft, a
privately owned ride-sharing service valued at about $5.5 billion
and backed by Alibaba, Andreessen Horowitz and Carl Icahn.
GM is downplaying horsepower and instead emphasizing the
integration of cars with infotainment apps such as Spotify.
Toyota, the worlds top automaker in sales, said in November it
plans to spend $1 billion on research into artificial intelligence
as part of its development of an autonomous car by 2020.
Ford, after announcing in December a $4.5 billion plan to
develop electric vehicles, said in January it will make its vehicles



(1/1/2011 9/30/2015, WITH ESTIMATES TO 12/31/2018)

Growth in worldwide sales

of automobiles has slowed
in part because of faltering demand in emerging
economies, incuding
Brazil, China
and Russia.













Equity Research Analyst

compatible with the automotive operating systems developed

by Apple and Google.
Tesla, while challenging automaker heavyweights with its
electric car, is advancing a self-driving system dubbed Autopilot,
which deploys radar, cameras, ultrasonic sensors and digital
data to steer, change lanes and alter speed in response to traffic.
The spread of digital technology is not the biggest immediate
threat to automaker profitability. Slowing economic growth in
emerging economies such as Brazil is slamming the brakes on
growth in global sales. (Please see table on page 6.) The whiplash
from decelerating growth was especially harsh last year in China,
the biggest market for new cars with more than 20 million in
annual sales. U.S. auto sales this year may not exceed the record in
2015 of 17.5 million.
Also, regulatory costs will probably rise. Volkswagen in January
started recalling nearly 11 million diesel-powered vehicles
worldwide in one of the biggest product recalls in the automotive
industrys history following a disclosure that it rigged engines to
cheat on emissions tests. The finding is prompting stiffer regulation
in Europe and beyond. Volkswagen has made a provision of $7.5
billion globally for the recalls and faces billions of dollars in
litigation and fines.
Although a threat to Old Guard automakers, the digitally
equipped car is a boon to consumers. When fully deployed,
autonomous cars could bring $5.6 trillion in worldwide annual
savings from several benefits, including reduced fuel consumption,
higher passenger productivity, and less accidents and traffic
congestion, according to Morgan Stanley. In the U.S. alone, the
savings could total $1.3 trillion.
We are finding opportunities in companies that are profiting
from the sectors plunge into digital technology by developing
the cars central nervous system. For example, Googlewhose
parent company is Alphabetbegan developing a driverless car
last decade based partly on its advances in Google maps and
artificial intelligence. Its cars have logged more than 1 million
miles on U.S. roads. In February, the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration issued a letter backing the companys view
that an autonomous car is as safe as a human-controlled vehicle.
We believe that Alphabets stock does not yet reflect the value

of its driverless car initiative. Improvements in

financial disclosure prompting transparency on such
moonshot projects could boost company shares as
investors recognize the potential of game-changing
markets like autonomous vehicles.
TE Connectivity, the top supplier of auto
connectors with a 40% market share, is gaining from
increased demand for auto safety and fuel efficiency.
Its products are at the core of several features,
including airbags, anti-lock brakes, parking-assist
cameras, collision alarms, lane-departure warnings,
stability control and head-up displays. TE last year
bought Measurement Specialties, a manufacturer of
sensors, doubling its potential market opportunity
to about $400 per car. Amphenol, which also focuses
on electronic sensors and connectors, derives 20% of
its sales from the auto industry, with annual growth
from the sector at close to 10%. The company is
known for shareholder-friendly use of capital.
Since it first rolled off an assembly line, the
automobile has been a cherished apparatus for
escape. Today, we are investing in companies that
help ensure drivers can go where they want in their
car while remaining right at home on the Web.


Present at the Creation:

Early-Stage Venture Capital


While headlines often focus on Uber, Airbnb and other private companies valued at more than $1 billion,
we are looking beyond the so-called unicorns to find opportunities for bigger returns in early-stage
venture capital.

n 2011, a Tel Aviv-based startup called

Cyvera began developing cybersecurity
software deploying the coding equivalents
of barriers and traps to thwart hackers
staging potentially devastating zero-day
attacks. In October 2012, a $1 million
investment was enough to buy 13% of Cyvera. Less
than two years later, Palo Alto Networks purchased
the company for $200 milliona more than 25-fold
surge in valuation.
In November 2015, Square, a San Francisco-based
creator of mobile payment technology, went public
at $9 per share and immediately rocketed 45% to
a valuation of more than $4 billion. Great news
for investors, right? Not necessarily. The prior year,
Square had raised venture financing that put its
value at $6 billion. Investors in that round suffered
meaningful paper losses on their investment.
The contrasting fortunes of Square and Cyvera
underscore our belief that investors today can find
more promising opportunities in early- rather than
later-stage venture capital. From 2010 until 2015, the
bull run in publicly traded equities led to a surge
in valuations across the venture capital industry.
Increasing amounts of capital were raised to take
advantage of the breakneck pace of innovation.
Hedge funds and mutual funds also seized on
venture capital opportunities like never before.
The flood of cash has centered primarily on latestage, venture-backed private companies. Indeed,
in 2013, the nickname unicorns was coined for
privately owned companies with a market value
exceeding $1 billion. Today, such companies are
not as rare as their name suggests: As of Feb. 23,
2016, there are 153 unicorns worldwide with an
aggregate value of $537 billion compared with just
eight such firms with a total value of $21 billion in
2010, according to CB Insights, a New York-based
research firm.

The term private IPO became ubiquitous last year, as entrepreneurs obtained private funding at points in their companies life
cycles that in previous decades would have necessitated an IPO.
Indeed, before the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, IPOs were considered financing rounds. In 1999-2000, companies staged an IPO
at an average age of 5. Today, many entrepreneurs view IPOs as a
liquidity event or an opportunity to exitthe final stage in company growth. The average age of a company executing an IPO has
jumped to 11, underscoring that companies going public are much
more seasoned than they were a decade ago.
Amid the boom of later-stage venture capital, early-stage
valuations have risen more modestly. Since 2010, later-stage
financing rounds, beginning from Series D and beyond, have
nearly tripled, from $64 million to $184 million. Meanwhile,
valuations across seed-stage financingsthe earliest entry point
for private investors into venture companieshave doubled from
$3 million to $6 million. Valuations across Series A rounds have
grown by 150%from $6 million to $15 million. (Please see table
on page 9.)

We believe that investment today in early-stage companies is

more likely to meet the baseline expectation among venture capital
investors for a fivefold to 10-fold gain over a five- to eight-year
period. Later-stage investors face a significant challenge to achieve
sufficient returns to justify taking on the level of risk: the valuations
are simply too high. Venture-backed technology companies
from 2010 until early 2015 exited in general at valuations from
about $100 million to $200 million, according to CB Insights,
highlighting our belief that investors should focus on seed and
Series A investments to achieve a requisite return.
Accessing the most promising opportunities in early-stage
venture capital has always been a challenge. At Brown Advisory,
we tap into a network that is rooted in our legacy with Alex.
Brown & Sons, the lead underwriter for iconic consumer and
technology companies such as AOL, Starbucks, Qualcomm, Sun,
Oracle and Microsoft. We are still close to many of the investment
bankers who helped finance those companies. They are dispersed

Co-Head of Private Equity

across Silicon Valley and other proving grounds for

entrepreneurship and give us what we hope to be a
sourcing advantage.
Clients can gain exposure to early-stage
investments through our Private Equity Partners
(PEP) vehicles. These are concentrated portfolios
of high-conviction ideas, incuding venture capital.
We invest in a few managers every year, leveraging
our firms research and contacts to make long-term
strategic allocations.

PEP I and PEP II are ranked in the top quartile

among peer portfolios. PEP III held its final closing in
2015, focusing on six managers geared to outperform
regardless of the market cycle. We recently launched
PEP IV and are lining up investments with what
we believe are some of the strongest venture capital
managers today. The portfolio will also focus on
buyout and growth equity investments, which we
believe will complement venture capital on a risk/
return basis.

Fledglings First
We believe early-stage investments
offer the best opportunity for value
generation as companies remain
private longer. During the past decade,
late-stage venture valuations have
skyrocketed while their early-stage
counterparts have remained steady.

Private Equity Venture Analyst

Through the PEP model, we have invested in several earlystage standouts. We partnered with Lux Ventures, which focuses
on hard sciences, nanotechnology, robotics and other areas off
the beaten path of venture capital. In August 2012, Lux backed
Auris Surgical, a nano-surgery company started by Fred Moll, the
founder of Intuitive Surgical and creator of the da Vinci robot.
Lux invested $4.6 million in Auris at a $7.5 million pre-money
valuation. In September 2015, Auris raised $150 million at a $472
million valuation, generating a 50-fold surge in the valuation in
just three years.
We hitched a ride on Cyveras ascent by partnering with Blumberg
Capital, an early-stage venture capital firm investing in emerging
companies in Europe and Israel. Cyveras beta tests backed up its
marketing pitch that its software was especially potent in averting
zero-day attacks, or hacking that occurs before the vendor makes
any attempt to fix a software vulnerability. Palo Alto Networks
snapped up the company to stay competitive in the increasingly
complex field of cybersecurity.
Other investors can chase unicorns. We believe there is more
money to be made riding early-stage opportunities like Cyvera.


IN $MILLIONS (1/1/2006-6/30/2015)


Series A
Series B
Series C
Series D+













Back in Fashion:
The Jackie Onassis Trust
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis structured her will with an approach toward charity
and her heirs that, given the outlook for interest rates, is back in style.


hrough her will, former first lady

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis left
behind a sizeable inheritance for
her children while incorporating
an innovative estate planning tool
aimed at meeting her philanthropic
goals. Mrs. Kennedys will included
a little known technique at the timecalled a
Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)to provide a longterm benefit to charity and her family, while
minimizing her estate tax liability. Best employed
while interest rates are low, the CLT is even more
attractive today than when Mrs. Kennedys plan was
A CLT is known as a split-interest trust because it
provides a stream of cash flow for one set of charitable
beneficiaries for a fixed term, with the remainder
going to a second set of beneficiaries, usually family
members. It can be established during ones lifetime
or at death, with a goal of minimizing gift or estate
tax. For example, a donor could establish a CLT

today for a 10-year term. During the period, the CLT would pay
an annual annuity to a charity. At the end of the 10 years, any
assets remaining in the trust would pass to the donors heirs.
Several wealthy families have used CLTs, including the heirs
of Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart. They have deployed the
structure to transfer more than $9 billion with minimum taxation.
The Waltons are not alone. U.S. families in 2012 held nearly $24
billion in CLTs, according to IRS data.
The CLT provides significant wealth transfer and charitable
benefits for someone whose wealth will probably exceed the gift
and estate tax exemption, set at $5.45 million for 2016. First, the
IRS determines the present value of a trust by adding together the
stream of scheduled payments to charity and the income from a
threshold interest rate set every month by the IRS and locked in
when the CLT is created. (The rate for March is 1.8%.) If the trusts
assets are invested for growth and appreciate beyond the threshold
rate, then there will be trust assets remaining at the end of the term
that will pass to family members without any transfer taxes. That
can result in meaningful savings. Today, after the gift and estate
tax exemption is exhausted, federal transfer tax rates are 40%.


Another benefit accrues based on the income tax efficiency of a

CLT. It is a taxable trust but, if structured as its own tax-paying
entity as a non-grantor trust, it receives a charitable income tax
deduction based on the annual payment to charity. This deduction
is not limited by the level of adjusted gross income, as it can be for
individuals. Instead, it is a dollar-for-dollar deduction that often
will allow the trust to operate with no tax liabilities. Without a tax
drag on the trust portfolio, the assets stay invested and grow for
the benefit of family beneficiaries. While an individual who makes
similarly sized gifts to charity over time will also benefit from the
tax deduction, the difference between an allocation for tax paid
compared with no tax paid can total as much as 0.5 percentage
point per year in after-tax annualized returns. Over time, that
difference can add meaningful value to the remainder gift.
The CLT is most effective when two factors are aligned: the IRS
threshold interest rate is low, and growth of the assets in the trust
is high. The IRS threshold growth rate generally correlates with

Strategic Advisor

A Charitable Lead Trust
can generate more for
both charity and heirs
than conventional annual
philanthropic giving.
This example is based
on the current 1.8%
appreciation rate set by
the IRS and an assumed
6% annual growth rate
for the underlying assets.

Total to Charity
Over 10 years
Total to Heirs



Strategic Advisor









Amount can be adjusted up or down

each year.

Leverages low interest rate to provide assets to heirs free of gift tax.

Donor can stop giving at

any time.

Growth in assets is allocated partly

to the charity, increasing the total
amount the charity receives.

Growth of assets not yet gifted

increases the value of the donors
estate, thereby increasing estate

Larger up-front commitment.

Risk that growth of assets does not
exceed the IRS baseline rate, so no
residual assets pass on to heirs.

No residual assets provided

to heirs.

yields on Treasury securities. So it is safe to assume that as interest

rates rise, the IRS will also raise its threshold rate. With Federal
Reserve policymakers forecasting as many as four increases in the
benchmark interest rate this year, the benefits of a CLT may begin
to wane over time. The current IRS rate, while nearly double the
1% level in 2012, is far below the 10% of the early 1990s. Delaying
establishment of a CLT may mean lost opportunity. While the
White House and some lawmakers have called for closing the
CLTs gift-tax loophole, such efforts have yet to gain traction in

In terms of investments, careful thought must go into the selection

of assets to transfer to the CLT. Naturally, a donor wants to invest
in assets that will grow at a rate higher than the IRS threshold. But
to maximize the gift tax benefit, the donor wants to dramatically
outperform the IRS rate. Thoughtful research and careful selection
of assets can therefore boost the trusts prospects for success.
Using a CLT has clear advantages compared with the usual
approach of annual charitable giving. Consider the above chart,
which compares making annual charitable gifts of $1 million

during a 10-year period with creating a $10 million

CLT terminating after 10 years with the current
1.8% threshold appreciation rate set by the IRS and
an assumed 6% annual growth in assets.
Mrs. Kennedys CLT was designed to begin at
her death and last for 24 years, with the amount
remaining at the termination of the trust passing on
to her family. She aimed to save her estate millions
of dollars in federal estate tax, boosting the amount
provided to charity and her family. However, she
gave her children the option to forgo the CLT and
its tax advantages and obtain their inheritance
outright, without delay. Unfortunately, they chose
that option, and Mrs. Kennedys thoughtfully
planned CLT never came into existence.
A CLT as envisioned by Mrs. Kennedy remains
a powerful tool for philanthropic giving and
for providing for heirs, especially with todays
historically low interest rates. Its potential benefits
show that innovative estate planning never goes out
of style.





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The views expressed are those of the authors and Brown Advisory as of the date referenced and are subject to change at any time based on market or
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or will be profitable. To the extent specific securities are mentioned, they have been selected by the author on an objective basis to illustrate views
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The S&P 500 Index represents the large-cap segment of the U.S. equity markets and consists of approximately 500 leading companies in leading
industries of the U.S. economy. Criteria evaluated include: market capitalization, financial viability, liquidity, public float, sector representation, and
corporate structure. An index constituent must also be considered a U.S. company.
The Barclays Mortgage-backed Securities Index is a market value-weighted index which covers the mortgage-backed securities component of the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. The index is composed of agency mortgage-backed passthrough securities of the Government National Mortgage
Association (Ginnie Mae), the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
with a minimum $150 million par amount outstanding and a weighted-average maturity of at least 1 year. The index includes reinvestment of income.
This communication and any accompanying documents are confidential and privileged. They are intended for the sole use of the addressee. Any
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