Yaokasin V Customs Digest
Yaokasin V Customs Digest
Yaokasin V Customs Digest
Yes. CMO and Sec 12 of the Integrated Reorganization Plan is enforceable. The requirement of Art. 2 of
the Civil Code does not apply to CMO No. 20-87 since it is only an administrative order of the
Commissioner of Customs to his subordinates, namely the customs collectors. Also in the Commonwealth
Act No. 638, which enumerates what shall be published in the Official Gazette, states that administrative
orders and proclamations shall be published except when these have no general applicability. CMO No.
20-87 requiring collectors of customs to comply strictly with Section 12 of the Plan, is an issuance which
is addressed only to particular persons or a class of persons, hence no general applicability therefore
need not be published in the Official Gazette.
Whether or not administrative issuances are considered laws which require publication in the
Official Gazette for their effectivity.
It depends. Article 2 of the Civil Code, which requires laws to be published in the Official Gazette, does
not apply to CMO No. 20-87 which is only an administrative order of the Commissioner of Customs
addressed to his subordinates, the customs collectors.Commonwealth Act No. 638 (an Act to Provide for
the Uniform Publication and Distribution of the Official Gazette) enumerates what shall be published in the
Official Gazette besides legislative acts and resolutions of a public nature of the Congress of the
Philippines. Executive and administrative orders and proclamations, shall also be published in the Official
Gazette, except such as have no general applicability. CMO No. 20-87 requiring collectors of customs to
comply strictly with Section 12 of the Plan, is an issuance which is addressed only to particular persons or
a class of persons (the customs collectors). It need not be published, on the assumption that it has been
circularized to all concerned